Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1928, p. 4

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, . . at-.w~ +7` |nn\ n':|.4|a;| I I I-4F|l\\Ji"l'\JllIII LJICIIU, Eaxicy.quality, (1:10, ,2 size tin tin 2 cv _l|tIA ALAIAA _---`3-l-- hpltll \IllI-lh4\/Id rich flavor . . . HbRNE's PUDDINGS Direct from Ocean to Your Table CHICKEN HADDIE Special- CHEESE uvcwruelltl : Write or veire in to} exclusive tof- tltory. First home, first served. we employ no canvassers other than those ADVERTISED in your 1008! papers. Buy CANADIAN Magazines FIVE ROSES In addressing the Orillia Agricultural So- ciety s directors last week, Stewart L. Page made a novel suggestion when he recommend- ed that the society send out trucks to bring in the farmers stock. There is not much likelihood ` of such a suggestion being accepted, as the fin- ances of the societies would not permit it. ._ _---w----rt 01% IV $1.50 per year "In advance any- where ip Canada; $1.75 to the Stat- en. Remit by money order or yous! note and be sure or your copy which is now ready for mailing. ' utV-___.I2__n `I In I ` Canadian - l'r<.>`<'>I:.-..-W` iii. Freirw` I uuululliil U KTIU FCI`; DOIOPOHII. Ontario. The Magazine of Quality and Var- lety for 100 -Per Cent. Canadian. El YDQINIIIIIIS Ivan`: rm; -a`n swfei~ wm be. found an `miss by .W11f, VH; Bir'd-,' Victor tMcQuuIc-tn. Frankfmiezl -'and` `many other: in eax_-ly numbers or Canada`: Fin: All-Flctiorg .-Popula.r Monthly- - .___. 3 1-- -.__ - AQGC I 8' `.H STORIES m1'\T"7u"\ BV.'I 7A -- 1 .1 - :`-iT EDITED BY` ARRY M. MOORE Published by the Post, Dow-onto. Ontario. av IIUVV Luau; 'LUl` Iyllln u 15.1`- --_ . Cam ' N_eyvs-l`Jea_len LILY BRAND Whatever may be said for or against the pro- posal to establish a much-needed community hall in Barrie all will agree on one point, that there are plenty of alternative propositions for Council to wrestle with. One of the chief ob- stacles to be overcome will be for all to agree on one plan. * ~ uvu L. lill 'uE:i3m: Now Large TIN 18c 1 Aubvluvnn Ll LIV Thursday, February 23,` 1928. nun;-vvr uzu -J 2 2'3; Like Costly Imported Soaps CI PAIIEG. (III SOAP TOILET LUX The local cynic who turned in a false alarm from Allandale while the firemen_ s banquet was in progress surely had a peculiar-sense of hum- or. He probably thought it should be included 1 as one of the regular courses, for what is a* fireman s function without a fire? The weatherman is performing true to form. Just when the ice cutters get orders` to speed up and thus head off a pending thaw the mercury dips duxvn below zero and stays there for five days. ' ~ ' `The recent upset over nmrilc in +m.m.~ ...1.- 1...; u- A continued story has been running `for 12 years in a Japanese newspaper. That pretty nearly equals the story of the law s course a- gainst a wealthy law-breaker across the line. ` Some experts on eyesight say that Jack Dempse_y s vision is improving rather than get- ting worse. He can now see the handwriting on the wall. . i A So far the pirblic does not seem nearly so much excited over those stray ballots as the Provincial Liberal Leader appears to be. A Quebec w"om anr routed .a burglar by ting him with a can of tomatoes. A case -of be- lng literally canned. ` _ V &&&&&*%$$&&%&&&& *~ % >x< . EDITORIAL COMMENT. % >x< w . ,% w %$w$w*&$*&*%&*$ww$ Juli 6110 he) at I_ tell] Page Fbur -qualifications of 13:9! nlnl-3A.... 3.. l\- 'K'iiivgnis Magalzivn-_e--:l`he Goldeii. Rule is the Em ,ofth`ei-*"men on the *`u-p.and. up', , shows that the V .~';v_Go,lden Rule isnot an ideal of musty theology hilt jg perfectly working business plan which in the long luhaulis actually protable. ~ ' T mon denominator of civilization." Association with- The Choir : Example {Chatham News--It -majr be argued that achoir % in order to be efficient has to be faithful in _atten- ` dance .at rehearsals and church services,` but, on ; the other hand, can a church "be fully efficient with- out the regular and faithful attendance of the members-at `church services 1 It is worth think- ing over -in connection with all religious denomina- tions in this and other cities. What a dilet-ence __it would make to religious meetings if the rank and le of themembership took lesson from"`the choirs, as faryas faithfulness in attendance in concerned! ____. - _------.-vi -v-u-vs: `vC-UEC Milvertdoinm=Sun-Canada s educational achieue-' ments are notable but, like the advances in litera- \ tu_re'and art, music and sculpture, science and socie ; _:_a1-conditions, etc., they cannot be summed up in a j -`sentence. It is interesting to note, however, that ` the percentage of illiteracy of the populationhas` been reduced from 20 per cent. at Confederation to '5 per_ cent., despite the problem created by the inrush of foreigneborn. ._ V . . ' Whitby Ga;;ie'tvrt"e'r>-_C`}hr('>rricle;-7'll`here_ are mm} miho `criticise the aChris_tiem~ Church and sdy that its day of usefulness is past, `but `w venture to say th'ait~'~ were "these critics asked'to vote to abolish churches` in their community they would shrink from the task. 'Mez.for(i<(1\rIi1"r9r-u-The senmentalvvalue of tinf- .~in`g the Meaford Town `Bell, which has been rung fox-fty yea-r`s,_ would seem to be more than thgi economic saving of perhaps $300 a year made `by not ringing it. ~ -- ---- - 61 & W. The Robb btidget, broughtdow; in the House at Ottawa last Thursday, fully lived up to ad- vance notices. Rightly or wrongly, the Robb` principle of getting bigger revenue on a lower tariff because of bigger business has been strict- ly adhered to. That principle would seem to have_already justified itself in the `prosperity which Canada -is now enjoying. Increased im- ports and exports, also `increased production in the factories of the country, as shown b . of- ficial statistics just issued are concrete-evi ence that Hon. James Robb has been and is still on the right track. The fact stands out that Cana- dians, irrespective `of political-affiliations , or whatever they may think of the government and its leader, have the utmost respect for and confidence in the Minister of Finance. Year. af- i ter year they justly feel a deeper sense of se- curity in this the most important of government departments. Much has beenpublished about this remarkable man in the past week.-Apart from the hidebound party press it has all been complimentary. Even some of the Conservative ` papers have'been very mild in their criticism. As a matter of fact there doesn't appear much to find fault with. Mr. Robb himself says that work and-thrift are the only `sure roads to suc- cess. He ought to know- He has in this terse. sentence written a biography of his own life in its shortest possible form. In discussing the present system of paying hospital accounts for indigents through the county. councils, the Acton Free Press says: ``It is impossible to keep a close check on theseaccounts-and in that way many unwor- thy cases are paid for out of public funds. There is a possibility that it might occur that council- lors, in order to be good fellows with local peo- ple, would pay accounts at the county council that would not be sanctioned in the local coun- cil, where each case is known by the ratepay- ers. In this, the Free Press is quite astray. No- tice of the indigent being admitted is sent by the hospital to the county clerk who then notifies the municipality concerned. Thirty days is al- lowed the municipality to look into the account , and disclaim liability if it so desires. If the muni- b cipality does not disclaim responsibility the bill is paid and half charged to the municipality. It will thus be seen that the municipal councillors have every opportunity to protest any account which they consider improperly charged and the full responsibility rests on their shoulders. Followers of the sporting pages were -sur-I prised to read a Boston de`s patch-inlast Friday s dailies stating that a hockeyteam of Indians` from_ Barrie had been defeated by an over- whelming score in the Classic city. The des- patch probably referred to theteam of Tem- agami lndians which played here early in the season. We cannot conceive of any reason.why the Boston.scribes should pick on Barrie, un- less it is because Barrie is the best known out- ` post on the fringe of northern civilization and therefore best fitted the "average American s conception of Canadian geography. The marvel of it all is not to be found in the despatch, how- ever, but rather in the fact Toronto newspapers employ editors who would pass it for publica- tion. in this connection it mightbe said that a good many readers: of Toronto s press have long since ceased to marvel. ` * knitted wear, bought at ajvery low rate` on "the- dollar ? was successfullyprosecuted byjthe` Re- .tail`Merchants Association& for false advertis- ing. Evidence which was adduced showed that `the goods thus offered -for sale were not the _-products of manufacturers in bankruptcy and that their value, instead of being $75,000, was not more than $7,000. No merchant who ex-' l pects to continue to do business can afford to misrepresent things in his advertising. Honesty is the best policy in publicity as in everything else. Unfortunately some people have not learned this lesson _and the result of the prose- cution in this case should have a salutary effect on all such. ` ANOTHER GOOD ROBB` Bl_}D.(_iE'_l'A Canada`: illiteracy Much Reducdcl May crat:.;s._e, _But,S ti_l`l vain, 1: `OPINIONS or omens Town Bell : Sntiuiontnl Value _The curacy izune qi IIIU W_UUUIII' &VVlUBI `VIII IV-`V . UyGIU crowd. We- haven't seen A1-lisa since; neither` have go 9:311:03 Mix, but he's still doing busirfess at G 0 I I1 0 ` ' ' ; _ The Provincial Government is"going_-;t-o dot); something to- regulate parking by yo__ungjf cou-1 pies, and old ones too, in dark out-o_f=.the-_wa_y places during summer months. *P.remie_r.,F`erg'u'- -l son and Hon. 0. 8- Henry, Minister" Of. High-l ways, say that something must bezdone about` it. Why not a courting permit, now thatthe permit system is so popular? lt..sh0uld_ be easily worked. It would, of course,~bar married men and quite properly so. A qualified "`sp arl would simply need to go to the proper author- ity, indicate the young lady whom he wishes to take out that evening, get official sanction and re_nder himself immune from being troubled by the police. The one drawback seems to be that by the time Romeo digs through hispockets for his driver s and courting. permits, everybody generally would be` upset and it would be time to go home. i. ` `Is the Dance Doomed l . Burks Falls Arrow--Is the day of the dance doom- ed 1 For the past half-a-dozen years the young people of this generation have been-accused of be- % lng dance crazy and the charge appeared to be bas- 1 ed on a foundation of very evident facts for no i social events ` appeared to be complete nor aord any pleasure to the rising generation unless there -`:31-itish F'ilIna:f."'. S; " -'--:-A g'Simco'e Reformer--Until the Hon. J. Monlteithi` can raise the average /movie .fan s*.appreciati'en of. rst-rate histrionic ability his plea for the support. and encouragement of British and -Canadian-made `lms is likely to fall upon deaf. ears. ~ We'remem- her a year or two ago seeing George Arliss lin \ Disraeli,"V at which there was just'__ov"er half ` a i house. A night or so later we saw Tom Mix in one of his western features. Tom drew a capacity nrnuu` W. `aninnv anon Hauling alumnus guknm Lgnn Acton Free Press--The timejs coming, `and soon,-~ when the Province is going to meetian" i;isiteri?t"de4 mand from the municipalities for a share d`"thA' r_e-A venue mm motor cars. Every" -.t.own,-,, _city`.f_,`a1id * countyxin' Ontarighas had to assumea tremendous", debenture burden {to make the streetssyand ;ro".da.` fit for motor car traffic, and the ratepayers of these; municipalities; facing as well large`, exp'e`ri'dituresw; for other improvements, are in I1_e`dff9;lre1i'ef-" ; Municipalities Should Shaxie .1. A. .V_,_:_ :: t*.,. --1-'` .` r . _V- 7.:-.;'.'tt*` A ` . _ .'I ` I I i `\ . ' . 3: . .4: ' - ~ :1 ```'`*-`-`7` ~* ` H ` . J: ` " 3 ~ 5,,- .-.._ L .V X I, ' ' " 1 . `. ' `)1 > -17 -'. '4 : ,._ ;. _ nu, . _J _ . 1 ' ' .-..- 4 4 . , V _ 7? `:'_-t \ - ' \ I` . I ` \ v u.', ` " - ` . . .. \ ,1 . I Kfl T"`5I$|JU 9l$T X9 6\I\J\O K the best . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 cake: 9: JlFF-Soap flakes, suds in a jiffy . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . large pkg. 21 LUX--Won t shrink woollens pkg. 8c CHARM--C_leans everything . plug. 8: LIFEBUOY--Hea1th soa. 2 cake: 15c WHEEN S SOAP--De1ig `tful, cushion, nnokniin .0 4-`.-- IE- V I I fll Th- $II6IINIK 'ca"rS6iiE 7 . . . . . . . . . . .2 2 .i21"'1"s"': -BULK SOAP FLAKES--Fineit` uality, so'1~i ' A'M'x'.'_'da'1e 'o}' 'pEv'dr,".'.'a&" scratched yet . . . . . pkg. 121/gc 1 0 lbs. I-mt ezc ASPARAGUS `TIPS--Fancy, Califor- nia,- Llbby s or Delmonte brand, pic- nic size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tin 21 CORN--Aylmer brand, choice quality, 15-oz. tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tin 11 PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES---For every `household washing purpose large pkg. 219 size, as good as _ +hA k` 9 Qnlpnn Q A well,-deserved body blow was given to dis- honest advertising recently when an Ottawa merchant who had advertised a manufactur- ers bankrupt sale of $75,000 stock `high-grade --vv~~-v v v---rvvvvw - v I I I-I 1.6 7; ' 13 _ S o o o o o o o u o o o u . o o o o o o o FLORIDA SHRlMPS--Fin_est quality, wet pack . . . . . . . . . .. tin 21 SARDINES---Skipper brand, dainty and delicious . . . . . . . . . . 2 tin: 31 KIPPER SNACKS---King's Plate brand, really delicious . . . . . . . . 2 tin: 13 ' LOBS'[ER--Positive1y the finest lob- ster packed on the North Shore of N.S.-halves (6-oz.) . . . . tin 39 SALMON - Sovereign brand - The Pick of the Catch-Finest quality, Sockeye, halves . . . . . . .. an 22 SALMON-Walrus brand, fancy qual- ity, Cohoe, halves, . . . . .. tin 17 BEETS---Rosebud, Aylmer brand, fancy quality, No. 2 size tin . . . . tin 22 CARROTS-Baby size, small and ten- der, Nature's best, No. 2 size tin 16 PEAS--Aylmer brand, choice quality, No. 4 sieve, No. 2 tin .. 2 tin: 27 1-H: I-Aahu-: _:xAMmz_n 2---- ---:u-- ...`._`3; `.; HERRINGS _lN _TOMATO SAUCE- KIPPERED HERRING-Maconochie s Ma conoch1e s1mported 1 s . . 21c imported, 1'5 . . . . . . . . . . _ , , , 23 % I , . FLORIDA SHRlMP.Q_...Finnc+ mmlih; A S . ' ' ' ' ' '. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 14 I FRY'S BREAKFAST Qn:; A Special- influ db 1 k 't'h dla 'th rd youneedtohurrynnd 14-16 DUN].-OP STREET furthixneoreirufzrt avinwayjlsosufe :1; gfttineg thialowest possible prices. Specials Are On Sale At These Prices From Feb. 24th To Mar. ls! J LK FLAKES--Finest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 25 %K' AIII 3-` _ ._ ______ `_-_._IL i%i}`ii1~. ORANGE 237 0A'l'S $13. 266 %-lb. Tin .. -.. ..p-... u uu. uuvcnuucul. were [0 USC Sp3.C8 `in all the papers of Ontario after every session advising the people of the most important changes nmde in legislation. A t ROBIN HOOD Porridge. "(T0?56A' Special- McLAREN S or 01.1) TYME PEANUT BUTTER TOY PAIL 24 V-El;;k'v;'.;ll s % PURE MALT % I Cr9_s_se_ anc!_ An increase 0? thirty-five per cent. in the tourist trade is expected for Ontario this year. T It is the common thing for cities and towns to cater to this trade as a rich source of revenue, but the Farmer s Sun points out that the farm- ers have a very decided interest in the tourist industry. It says :-Hotelkeepers report un- precedented reservation of accommodation. The farmer who is alive to the situation will be- gin now to prepare live stock that will be most in demand, such as choice spring lambs, choice baby beeves, choice butchers steers and heifers, 1 choice veal calves and choice bacon hogs. There is every reason to believe that the market will be attractive for choice quality. This also a`p_-` plies in dairy products, poultry and po'ultry,__ products, fruits and vege,ta.b_1e.s. Now is the_time?' to get ready to cater to this business. - . v` Eottle FOR. I-Ess==r= v__ ___. - _- .-.-- - nan` - gganabcoyvl 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ti;`l4c `PEACI-i'ES-Aylm-er brand, fancy qual- LOBLAW S ivfyythe taste is the.test, No. 2 size . ~ .m ' .-;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ORAN _ .- P.EA'RS_-:-Rea`1 good quality, No. 2 size 0nce`Yo_u Tfilt _ tin'~"._;--_. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .%-2 tini 25. Yu will Alwaytguy It ._`_ _. ,.;"BAR F;LET PEARS--Aylmer Brand, . Fafxr hnofu Mn 4 B:-In 4-3.. 12.. dd... . av-auvtl vaucuy u; J5A_u1uc1p.a/1` ponucs at the expense yo ! thosewho are so unfortunate `as to reside in a ` 1 town with cheap municipal politicians. 1 Pretty Cheap Tactics - - ' Petrolia `Advertiser-Topic-The Town ' Clerk of Wallaceburg has been instructed by. the Council to ; ` have the namesof all ind-igents receiving help from` i the Corporation published in the local paper each month. This will probably'save` Wallaceburg a tidy sum in a year, but it is more likely to be the cause of `unnecessary suffering among families whose pride won't let them apply for `relief under the cir- cumstances. At this distance it looks the cheapest garden variety of Jpunicipal politics at the expense `of those who are an nnfm-+m..+.. .... 4... ......:.a.. :_ *- I ~u"~.Ti'mes, s.=l'-Iigh River, Alberta, (Conservative_)- ` "'I_Ibn`. Ea-'C.~Drury_, former-`Premier of Ontario, un-- "d"r the?` Farmer `Government, delighted his hearers y_n.rh`e;r,1i i_ii, _'Calgary.~ recently, with his broad - outlook in4_i`eg;iifdV; to_`Canadianism. He said thatuif '~Cana`da i5.to.,8ttain_,t1ie nationhood worthy of her resources andh_er..p_eople~, she must achieve deeper `unity bas- 'ed on justice, sympathy and tolerance amongst all `parts of her varying population. It was impossible to build""a" nation if various sections mistrusted each other; if labor was pitted against capital, or town \ ; against country. _ l `Was {dance in`-connectiE')\r__:.A\v:vi.th ii. Now,_ ;ou`r obser- vgtion 7I_'a_d's";u`s to believe.-`the pendulumf is swing- ing"b.a_ck;5,n'_cl _the youths aiiid maids of. oizr. commun- _ity;_are_.b'ginning to realize` that there are other :sourcg_s"of"..r'eal enjoyment as Well as the dancing- . 0.0l~`o" Z,` . : Special- Special- V Ivvbllt LIPDCI. UVCF ...councils in towns who had their elections in De- ..cember is held by the.Renfrew Mercury to be due to lack of knowledge of changes in the `Municipal Act. put through at last session, cova ..ering this point. It is the opinion of the Mercury l :that the public should be advised of changes in `legislation through the medium of the local press. The Mercury is right. lt would be money well spent if the Government were to use `in. a_ll_the papers every SPECIALLY PUT UP IN HANDY CARTONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE We want every customer to try one carton, but no more than two cartons will be sold at this ridiculously low price. A Delicious and Mcist Econ- omical Dessert Enjoyed by the Whole Family ` FINEST DESSICATED I . ; ~-v:` -. Q, N0 5 t. .. 25. 1/2.15. 43 95, PLUM-S'-.-.-4Green,_ Gage, s':,cL quangf " NO. 2 size tin _ . _ _ , , 2 Ham 9. A COCOANUT ".``<`s" lb. 16 SINGAPORE sucap PINEAPLEE McLAREN'S JELLY * { Pownms GROCETERIAS co. LIMITED` ';-1=RsoNAL SHOPPING-- A reader of the Farmer's Sun having suggest- ed the need of a dictionarywhen reading its edi- torials, the editor made this reply: Editorially, The Sun has never felt the need of writing down to a low level of intelligence as obviouslyis the necessity of journals circulating chiefly in urban centres. Rural folk. as a rule, are discriminating and demand a higher standard of literature than the average city dweller. The Sun editor evi- dently reads the Toronto evening newspapers. INVINCIBLE Personal shoppirigvis ;do;; m:re__th:n_half a million thrifty housewives of Ontario who shop at l..oblaw s each week--the have learned that our experts have shown every care in selecting ram a. vast number of brands and grades of food only` those foods which are the very best of their kind. At Loblaw s you shop without being influenced by clerks, with no delay, neither do you need to hurry and furthermore you are always sure of getting thelowest A Braj _Outl;ok ` 17c RADIO PEAS - Large, tender and. sweet, No. 2 size tin . . . . . . tin 16 TOMATOES-Aylmer brand, choice quality, No. 2 size tin . . 2 tin: 21 APPLE SAUCE-Aylmer brand, choice quality, No. 2 size tin . . 2 tins 29 GRAPE FRUIT-Finest quality, each tin contains 5 servings, Poms or Oke brand,'No. 2 size tin . . . . . . tin 26 SLICED -PINEAPPLE-_--Singapore 12.`. `I A- CA'1\iAbiAN' 'c:'r'11'a1'sia".'_' iv{i1'd,"%n'{e's't' quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 26 LOAF CHEESE - Ing erso1l--A true I-43\J \JAlA.4A-4\J&4 550905 I usullu W}c`n/ . . . . . . . . .. 1/, lb: 31;. 21c CANADIAN CHEESE - Prime old . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` . ."._`.Jlb;_3_23 f\A\`lAI\IA\Y f`I'l`I"(`I" ROQUE-FORT CHEESE - Fancy, French imported . . . . . . . . lb. 48 GRUEYRE CHEESE---Swiss, imported solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pkg. 33 GRUEYRE CHEESE-Swiss, imported solids, 6 portions . . . . . . . . pkg. 37 INGERSOLL CREAM AND PIMENTO CHEESE-Spreads like butter- medium size pkg. . . . . 2 pkgu. 25 CHATEAU CHEESE-Ide1 for sand- I 1 Pkg. makes * 3 Pts. Dessert #239` 19c my Avl\.J*`T .-\.ll uwu, @056` No. 2 size tin` . .. Two days after St. Valentine s Day a con- temporary published a column of recipes on how to make Valentine Cookies. One thing about it, the recipes are in plenty of time for next year and then againwe suppose Valen- tine Cookies" will taste just as good on any other day, so that no great harm has been done. The Barrie Poultry Association, which enjoys a civic grant, has submitted a detailed state- `ment otits receipts and disbursements, duly audited, to the Town Council. Mayor McCuaig commented on this action as praiseworthy and one which other organizations might well fol- low. His Worship s fellow members on the Council agreed. The Poultry Association seems to: be fairly well assured of a continuance of its grant.

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