Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1928, p. 14

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BLFGUL. - i Leon Fraser, formerly secretary of `the Ontario `Tourist Assocm, has been made general manager or the; Musko-ka Beach Co. A 1 7.0 n lqpinan nnnhl (am-A is \l\I|) Oha CDUPCH, LVBWIHIIFKGI. The Argus reports that the unem-' ployment situation has been bad in - .\I1dla.nd the last few months. * Dan `E1 ` ll Qmifk nQ1Xfn+nn has lpastor UI FBHUEEHS UHICCQ cnurun. Cold-water is to raise $20,000 to. add to the $18,000 granted by the county council to pave its ma:1n.' street. ` ! 7 Ann `Emu gnu Inannav-1-up ca:-ncnlin-us! l.UE1\U'd IJVCIUU. \.aUo . 1 If a horse could write a book the Shelburne Economist wagers the` horse would devote at `least one good long chapter to snowdrifte. | |`\:fv\u '1'-In`IA '.mir1n\v nf `K71-n M T1919 ' SOUQ IUHSV Clll1pl.Ul' LU 3HUWUl`1LlBu lMrs.`Ha1e, -widpw of Wm. M. Ha1e,! one of the founders of the Orillla. Packe,t, died on Feb. 13, after being an invalid 22 years. from rheum | atism. , ` mun Xi'an-)9:-nvn Tvnnnna unnnun OHQO 8513111. ' A'1`he Meaford Express reports that .three . cows, belonging to three neighbors `in that town, each had twin calves within the last few weeks. `Tun;-K-.!nuh'un.\ In nunousnl-AA in Minn `Incendiarism is suspected in the case of a $450 re in the garage of Burns & Jarddne, Collingwood. It is thought the fire was started in two `places, 011-soaked eushiona being used. T` Ilnn A 17` f1n.gd8. A 0nno..qA_1.- `lflnn UH. ' Mrs. A. E. Ca~r1is1e,t formerly Miss Etta Banker of Collingwood, has been appointed deputy-zsheriff of Peace River, Alta-She is said} to be `the first Canadian -woman to oc- cupy such a. position. A Rrnfnr (H-{dun whiln mnminn! Uupy uuuu u. puuiuun. A Bradford citizen while coming up -from Toronto on the train one day last week was so deeply inter- ested in working out a cross-word puzzle that he missed `his station and came on to Gilford. -One of Gil- ford s good citizens drove him home: but allowed no more cross-word! puzzles totake up the attention to- Bradford. PIVLA [N153 a... ..-.......A....1 .......a-. A... gists everywhere with money bac 1J8OIln8.I'(1l'.'8 J.'1.l.`JLVJ. -11v U'1'1J. J. s. Leonhardt, -M.cD., a specialistl set at work some years ago to find a real internal remedy for piles. I-Ie succeeded. He named this prescrip- tion '1-I'EM-ROID, and tried dt in 1000 cases before he was satisfied. Now HEM-ROID is sold by drug- guarantee. It is easy to take, and Douglas Drug `Store will gladly re- fund the -purdhase price to any dis- satisfied customer. 4 02 CC'aIW?' 1 C-V-'--77. ./f(aI5Lu(`ePrIc . MADE IN cA:g_q. - N0 ALUM .W. GILLETT C0. IJD. fonoma, cm. (Blen.heinT-News-Tribune) i John tcrookshank has been in Blenheim fifty years today, Feb. 8.3 having come here from Barrie, his birthplace, on February 8th, .1878. During that time he has been en-, gaged in the drug business here. Ina 188`3 `a partnership was -formed be- tween him and his brother, James S., which has since continued, both being graduates of the Ontario Col- lege of Pharmacy. Jas. Crookshank preceded his brother to Blenheim by four years. Both are very active and well known meruin the com- munity and we wish for them many: more years act.-ivit-y in the good -bus- ' [mess they already enjoy from both ! town and country patrons. W More Piles] Messrs. John and James Crook- shank are sons of the ~Iate Dr. Crookshank who lived on Ross 'St._ and built Crodkshank Row on that street. uesire. ' Popular itinerary is to- California; via. C{h'ic'ago and `back -by way of Vancouver and Victoria, or vice, versa. In this way` you cover more territory and see more varied sights. Ann gaunt nf lnnninn Nafinnai -rnv CALIFORNIA 1':-us wIN1-En} muwr Juunwy UL u. LUW uuura.` 4 Canadian Naglonal operates con-' 'venient day and.,n'ight service to Chicago, the gateway to California.` Various optional routes to suit your; desire. Dno\II`nIn lOnnvunn\v in n f`o1{fnIIrIa'd EBI`l'1t.0I`y anu ace inure vzzneu msuua. Any agent of `Canadian National Railways will be glad to help you plan your itinerary, furnish you with costs and give you any other information you desire. 8-9x ' Thousands.Bless Dr.` Leonhardt, the Specialist Who Discovered This Common Sense Remedy It you think `that the surgeon : knife is the only method of escape from the misery of p'iles, it's be- cause you haven't '-heard of the in- ternal treatment known as Dr. Leorihax-dt s HEM-R'O`I'D. 1 .`l .nnnknnAF .`|\/l "`| o annnl-1::1|{If Ball Pluhih Mill Co. Ltd. 3 A BBII3 1_'I-It Mam; uxmmn IIII wt-I-II wuss`: u- v wru-----. Hereeare Reasons 'V`Vhy'it is to Pop- ular for the Winter Vacation `Right now Californ-ians are en-_ joying a. summer climate. There; are 5000 miles of motor roads. You: are always near the beaches. You! can visit dozens of Hot Springs. See: the old Missions of the Spanish; Padres. See Mexico in a train or motor journey of a. few hours.` . nanndinn National nnprntns ann- )l'l1ULUI'Uu `The C.P.R. is reported ready to: J 5 1 .' V B 3 I 3 i I I Bull Iulll UL GOV. Martin-Peacock-'l`ha.t the Col- lector e time be extended to March 1 1st, 1928, with full authority to take gany action he deems necessary to ,have any or all overdue taxes col- lected before that time. ' On motion of Webb and Martin !the report oi. the auditors, Walter S. Reive and R. W. Redfern, for 1927, was accepted. '01: motion or Peacock and Henry, the Reeve and Clerk were author- ized to sign an agreement with B. . T. Bateman on behalf or the Coun- oil for the purchase of right-of-way |over part of north half of lot 25, 'con_. 6, Innieril. v1I____- -Ivn__..__._ cu. _ ._lIf:NSl'-`ll, council. I Ir;nV!st1l\'r wns.h1p Coumxcil met in Letroy on Feb. 6, with all members present. ' ` A nnrnhnr nf nnvnwunnlnninnu ind pruacns. ` A, number or communications and accounze were read and referred to their respective committees. - I nfhh -- T-Inhru __ Thu} Dnhne-I `incur rciyuuuvu \:UnuIuL(.':eB. I ebb Henry -- That Robert `Va ghan be a.ppo1nted._School At- 3tenda.nce.Otticer in place or John II-Iurst. resigned; I `DAnnnnlz_\.l'nv-Hn- __ Mhoo `r. `rm, 1 nurat. rnusueu. ` Peacock--Martin" - That L. El- ldridge be paid $19.20 in full or his ' account. , ` Webb-Pea.cock-'I`hat $10.00 be , Eranted to the Sick Children's Hos- IOQY . EU nae DICK Ull1lQ!'6'B 1105' - 8. I ` Ma1't1n--Webb--'I`hat a. grant or $15.00 each be made to Stroud Wo- .men's Institute and Letroy Public ' Library. I nnm-u_1xr.1~.h _ rm nun.-.+m... ux urury. I-Iem'y-Webb That _Cookstown Agnlcultural society be granted the {usual sum of 850. M : 1-Hn_I-3AA nnnb-_"l`h a 9 1-`ha l'1n. I ._ - -----v .y u wont, --uv- The followlngtratepayer were ap- pointed: Fence Viewers and Sheep Valuators for "1928: Wm. Sutherland, commence construction work on its line to Midland and had arranged for one hundred men and forty teams to commence work on the Port McNicoll end of the line. It is hoped to be able to form a. connec- tion with the Canadian National lines at a. point near Tay Junction in about two months. M Examiner adleta are great sales- men. and they work for little pay. STAN DHQARD BA NK I-1: an nun: 12:7 -u7::`-.-- U . Bahnc:!orward. February 1st. 1927 .................................................. .......................................................... .. Prot: for the year ending January 31st. 1928. after dcductin expenses. interest. accrued on deposits. rebate for interest on untnatured bills. Provincial and Iunicipal taxes and making provision for bad and doubtful debts ...................................................................................................................... .. ulvmena N0. 140. pm: May 1815. 1927 at rate or 12% per annum ..... .. Dividend No. 147. paid Aug. 1st. 1927 at rate of 12% per annum ..... .. Dividend No. 148. paid Nov. 1st, 1927 at rate or 12% per annum ..... .. Dividend No. 149.6)a.ya.ble Feb. 1st, 1928 at rate of 12% per annum . War Tax on Note .11-culation .................. .. Reserved for Dominion Income Tax.. Contributed to Ofcers` Pension Fun Written of! Bank Premises ............... .. Balance carried forward ................. .. DR. Dividend No. 146. paid May 1st. 1927 at rate of 12% per annum.. Dividend No. 147. naid Amt. 1st. 1927 at rate 12% Der a.nnum.. BAKING POWDER We have examined the books and accounts of The Standard Bank of Canada at its Head Omce, for th 3:-nr rm d January 818%. 1928 and have been furnished with certied returns from the branches. We have obtained 8.1 me ia1faz'rs\- ation al1::1vgxge1:.na`3i)tn':nwt;1 le1:;V("re:.qgu(g`<;tll1.ea1l31gnfkn.our opinion all transactions or the Bank which have come under our rmm mun`. investment: and cash on hand at its chief omce and certain of its principal branches. wnm rm-if`brI hv v:.av uuuuu-1;, Avuu LIABILITIES - Notes of the Bank In circulation ................................................................................. .. Deposits bearing interest (including interest to date) ............................................. .. Deposits not bearing interest ............................................... .1 .................................... .. Defmsits made by other Banks in Canada ........................... .f.. .................................. .. Ba. ancea due to other Banks in Canada ................................................................. .. Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than in Canad ..I `M-*m'= 0' Credit mltsmndlne ....................................................................................... .. txuuua I. u Current coin held b the Bank ................................................................ .. Dominion Notes he d ...................................... ......................................... .` Deposits in the Central Gold Reserves ........ ......................................... .. Deposit with the Minister for the purposes of the Circulation Fund.. Notes of other Banks ...................................... .. . United States and other foreign currencies hnnunn nn nthnr `RanLvn,_,__________ \rI-nnhv\. ~-: -w -u... ..__ ....T._ _..._.W, , Cheques on other Ban .................... ........... ....................................................... - Balances due by Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than in Canada... all bad and doubtful debts ........................ .. Non-Current Loans estimated loss rovided to Mo ages on Real Estate sold by t e Bank ..... .. Real state other than Bank Premises ................... .._. .............. .. Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit as per contr . . Bank Premises. at not more than cost. less amounts written o.. nthnr Ansmtn not. included in the forenzoimz ......... ... ...... ..................... OM10!` Uurrent Loans anu (usoounts m uauaua rcuuuu us mu notice have been wltmn the powers or the Bank. _ The Bunk`: investment: and hand chief principal branches. were %'orif`.=(l by III In at January 81st 1928. We certify that. in our opinion. the above general statement of Liabilities and Assets at January 31st. nus, dig. close:thetru.econditionortheBa.nk.andisinacoordenwwiththebooksofthe Bank. 13 TMHIV R11 .-sl"`|'.``T`I A\Y`l\ Inn A Bank. `hnminlnn Nata: he (1 ................ .. Umteu SUEVES arm 013118!` I on Ba.nks.. Balances due by Banks 8.] Dominion and Provincial Government Securities. not exceeding market value. Canadian Municipal Securities and British, foreign and colonial public securities othci than Canadian. not exceedinsz market value ................ ............................................ .. ` `1`1 a'i`.` i`x`i`.`1 .` 3- .;a? "":`f%'2f3`?.`. f'.`. .`.?T.?`. .`.??T?.`.`.`.`.f .TTT??T?.?? ?T?f?T.Tf ?.TTfT'T Railway and other bonds. debentur and stocks. not exceeding market value ....... .. :::$?.%:2::::;w&;=o&%3&L`:::::::2:?:;:2 2.?:*;`,%:.:%iEEt3.ts%.f.%t. at 3 Time- ltfo So Simple! By getting that re-oor- lng job done piecemeal, you'll hardly feel the expense. But oh, . . . how vastljy It will improve the appelu-ajnce%of your Loans to Cities} Towns. Municipalities and School Districts ....................................................... .. ":f"h`{f..`3....2a`e`.?1`i,i`1 u`,`} .`1`3,15. :.;`. . .`f7 ..i.`T..9??T7.`f.$7 fff??f?.?{?37f5?7.7.?f7?5.TT??.f?f$37... Bank Premises. at not man cost. less Other Assets not included in the foregoing.. Toronto. February 14th. 1928. Balances due to Banks and bamang uorresponuents Letters of Credit outstanding ....................................... .. Liabilities not included. in the foregoing ..................... .. Dividend No. 149. payable 1st February. 1928 ....... .. Former Dividends unclaimed ................................ .. Capital stock paid in ............................... .... ........... .. Reserve Fund. .............................................................. .. Balance of Prot and Lose Account carried forward.. '}I2"v:ewers, Etc. I-1I-.__1._.. ___A__..-__-..`_ _. . WHITE. ` Pnxidcnt A_P.'TR5 . REPORT T0. T5: $:+A.REH9LDERs THE YEAR ENDING 318T JANUARY, 1928 OF CANADA ` FIFTY-THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR % 1 :t`he work it will_ pave ypur womenfolkl .. weu,'mA*r wAs/xh VERY N\CE - I'M , S\)RPR\$ED `in AT amass MOTHER WOULD _ PERM\'\ ~|T- mom `mar PAY AN `ATTENTION TO YOU AT ALL PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT GENERAL STA'|:EMENT Charles Hindle, Peter Greensides David Allen, Thomas King, Hart Thomas, Frank Beatty, Audus King,` Robt. Black, R. A. Sutherland, John. Soules, W. G. Kennedy, Chas. W'ice,, Clarence Srigley, Timothy Connell,! Addison McKenzie, David King and John Kelly. - Pound Keepers: George Parks, Chas. Hindle, John Boyes, Carlyle. McCullough, Geo`.!3Reid, Sr., F. W.l 20: J. Boyes, $12.50; T. Sinclair, Allan, Wm. Webb, Robt. (`I n v-nnnn Qt-I olnv `Rogers, Russell T. '\K7rn Tr-urin dered paid: D. Jones, $299 W- Brewster, $62.50: T- Emefick. "333 W. Lamb, $60.25; G. Richardson. $21; J. Ferguson $38; R. Lamb 836: J. Clarke, $18; `D. `Jones. SP9-V81: $66; J. Broome, $25; J. Kennedy.- raking stone, $1.25; Chas. Knee- shaw, $12.35; G. Allan, cement, $3; Albert Radney, $13; `H. Rallston, $15.-v 75; C. Cooper, $4; L. Eldridge, $3; 1 By-law No. 628 providing for road at . Black, John Cook,` expenditure for 1928 was passed. Tnhn (`nnnr-il ninnrnpd tn meet IJUIIII LX611]. | W.l "T. Cook, Clarence Srigley, Wm. Irwin, John! Cowan, Orville Todd and James Brown. VH1..- .-.11 ...-3....-_ .............L.. .-....... l\nn Fl UVV II: The following accounts were or-! NORMAN M. MARSHALL 31st January," 1928 'I` `I A `III ? TVIVYIPG Delicious 0y sfer Stew ASSETS THE vn vuv 110-111` u D. McK. MCOLELLAND. F.C.A`. of Price, Wnterhouse 8; Co. A: B. SHEPHERD. C.A.. of Heat. Marwick. Mitchell & Co. N. L. McLEOD. R...nI HA With more than 120,000 Whlypea in the hands of enthusiastic owners, the Whippet is still a year ahead 6f the Indus-' rs, - un_:_..-.. Agslud Ina. hams nrnvn` wmppet ls sun as ycuu uuwu \II ...- __... try. For Whippet design he`: been pi-ow ed by millions of miles of driving. Get a demonstration of the car : roman-kr able qualities - auhing acceleration; great power on hills, high spud, any tiding and parking. E I !dered `W. $60.25; . I loan. 1' `D.-nnumn COR 1. gravel, 1:nnnedv.- {expencuture I01` 1:126 was puaacu. 1 Council adjourned to meet at Stroud, Thursday, March 1st, M! 10.30 a.m. W. B. -SLOAN. 'C1erkS miij when you use /ICLFIUU. General vlanagtr Thur-Cday, I`-'e`Bruu`y 23, 1021: 862.534.683.71 19.594.554.12 10,266,465. 10 3,751,483.47 3101.404. a...__:__ .~j'...._r.- 313.077.319.133 '_-x.._*___'_.,'.. _ 349.639.671.312 f.`.3S3.787. I'.7 _.__d..______;-u 31.235.395.19 Bein doubly creamy, St. harles Milk so enriches an oyster stew that it is irre- sistible. `Try it. mien: noon: 8 317,736.77 86.135.505.00 s2.120.237..:-`a 1,017,041.10 1-10.0m..>:1 3.190.416.71 411,515.14 6,335.95; 144502.00 1.30150 4,923,400.00 2.900.000.0(l 41 u -2::-.1 m 45,1o1.159.n4 3r- mo.1-12..m 333,010.54 11 1,515.14 3,870,604.55 1o3.::1b.7s 17-30-5.222.: 13.357.I30.-3. l _\.._~____'_-r_. $144,702.00 144.7o2.oo 144,702.00 144.7o2.oo 4_,s.2:a4.oo 50.00000 4n.oon.on 100.000.0n 41S.31'23.16 431,923.63 8.227.887.00 l;500.000(00 250,000.01) 552.91*`.4.00 534134.01 8357.94-1.46 70. -l,446.(l?2 9l7658.39 ._;...__.__:_.;-u :.'.-uu, }U.UU 4 1 5.3 5'3 ll) one Rooiz:% -------- .-v v__ .iVrz`te The Borden Co. Limited, Montreal. 0'!-,1- IIIDB Iv -III BARRIE 3127 (Too late !or.1a.at week) , Feb. 14-Copeland : team: are hauling loss `tram Mr. Hall : bush this week. Mr. and Mrs. shot-tread are via- ltigg friends in Toronto. . m hnvnnnhf, n-_. has gone to mn xrxenua In `roruxuv. m. Davenport, Sn, haa gone to Toronto where he expects to remain for some time. ; 4... 1-..-ma 01-am ma vmmn took Camp Borden. . . . Miss M. Kent. Goldwater. is vise itlrl Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Kent. ` ` M es Esther Howe, Toronto. spent 1 the week-end at her home here. Suooeeeful School "Play The entertainment and two-act play put on by the senior room of the I-Iillsdale school on Friday, Feb. A 10, waste. decided success. A large crowd was in attendance and by their applause seemed to be quite delighted with the program. Mr. * Freestone directed the pupils him- self and is to be congratulated on the way they were able to take their . several -parts. At the opening the * pupils gave the AI-Iillsdale cheer fol- lowed, by two choruses; then -a. dialogue by !Ilene tschortreed and Jack Tyrer. followed by a. duet by Ruth Ritchie and `Toni. Morrison. Next was a hobo drill by eight boys and it was such a. treat they were cheered back to go through it the second time. A dialoguewwas. next given by -Orville "Hill and Alvin Drennan followed a chorus by the girls. a reading by Mary Corbett and an instrumental by Mr. `Free- stone. The "last half of the program was taken up with a. two-act play entitled. "Rescued by Ladio" by the senior classes in the room. Those taking part were. Etta Salisbury. Eva Rumble. Vera Rumble, Velma `Thompson. Irene L'Brown, Ma-ry gor- bett. `Hugh |MoLeod. Bill `McLeod Lloyd `Elliott, Donald Elliott anti` Ted "rrer. Misses Vera Bumble and rown played a duet between Irene acts. 10!` some E13119. A few boys tram the village took V in the hockey same at Barrie. Mon- day nlzht` between Elmva-le and Camp Boren. Min: M. ram. Goldwater. is BUTTUUIIQIXIS ]J|l.U5n lM1ss -Maud Traacy ht Sun ldgle visited `her home here over the eek. (`To:vla;; -01`? freak) Feb. 15- rs. Wilfred Pairr and son, Ja-ck. s ant a. few days with friends in the city last week. "Fnrn 'M nunv`\ M` nulznfnnn A-nnnf Inenus In line Clly R1235 Wlo Tom. Mason of Saskatoon spent a few days with his water. Mrs. Degmitroff. . ("Ala Anna` (1 `All! Anna `I1 URKVIIIG U131 . -WEEK: John Craw of -Baxter has moved his family to this neighborhood. favnhna `n-In nu? ("H-n'in'31IIrvl+ Anna! THISE :.<'rxua.y. A number from here` took in ue hockey game in Bar:-1e,.Monda_y ev- eninf. 3M _ss Viola Ra_cher_ot Toronto is enjoyable evening was spent. . Bert `Smith is able to -be out again after his recent `illness. Some of the nnha Ara huhv Arum- SEWIDIII. . On` Friday evening. Feb. 10, about thirty peopie gathered at the home of` James iorok in reeponse\to invi- tations sent. by James torok and Frank Rice. to participate in an oy- ster supper. After the upper had been -done arnpde justice to, a plea.- sant evening` was spent in euchre, games `and dancing. _ . CHIIDIIUI OI nay lull W655: . A number or young people at-' tended the meeting of the Road Builders which was held at Eden- vale by the curl: people of the eurroundlng paces. . lM|nn .`MnuA Trnnv nf nnnmnln UGHIIEPOII. Henry Cole spent a.-few days in Oakville last week. Tglnu P`-nnvun 1.9-D.n\ICI1;n Klan OUIAHIAA H13 1u.m'uy EU CHIS IlUlD|,Jl'l1UUuo Clarence Cole of Craighurst spent the week-end at his home `here. Tomb TIIAA n 6uannnn`akn n O`|vI_ E116 ween-enu RE 1118 1101116 nere. Jack Jyde, a trap ershot a tim- ber wolf about a m 19 from here at the edge of the big veepra. swamp `last Friday`. A nnrn1-mp fr-nm haw-A` fnnb In -Mu: 6!`. ' Albert Wallwin entertained a number of young people last Friday at his home in honor of his ap- proaching b1z`tJhd Feb. 18. A very enjoyable evening `Hart ..dm11-1a I: 121-113 tn -1-m nnf van-aha utter ma recent Ilmess. ` some of the people are bu`: draw- ing logs these days to R. ytton'a sawmill. f\-. U1.-lainnu A-canal.-_ `IN.-1. III -I.-..L 61111! `M? Racher of Toroto visiting for a. few days -with `her parents `here. Mr, and Mrn, 1Xfn1fAv- Mania and pa.I'6Ill}S_ nere. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Muir an tamily have moved to Utopia. All wish them every success in their new home. Tlfon Lfnnnn 1G`. .0 Ila... --laid.-A HEW IIOHIB. Wm. Mason, Sr... of Mac visited his daughter, -Mrs. Demitrott, this wefk. . usuunknu A` Ghana` n-A -lung-on wexgmnumber of teams are "busy drawing Wood from the swamp. 'l`hn mm: av-A v-nnrrlnnr fhmm v1-an- Ul'U.VV-I115 WUUU `LFUIII LHU HWH-lpn The cars are running -here} be- tween the Icamp and Barrie as usual again. ' `Than: nun ah:-\n+ :-nunv-Mmr._~M-A .:VI.vsw ?1rctt.Ir1S|Vdev::o'z:rn~5`4n.-a:M.,=a` ` - aw. *-2 . ` . %:"Yf _ x (Toofi-is -tor 1a;t v-week) Feb. 14---M1ss Gladys Monteit-h is visiting her `sister, Mrs. John Cam- eron, at Mimico Beach. Mun Mnnln In`? Ifinnmninv ash -8. IBW clays 8.12 1118 1101118 Il6I'Ea R. -Lytton, who `had the contract of movlnggthe township hall sheds uf) to the new hall, has them com- p eted all but putting them togeth-' A1`. ` T (r'i`oZ<;n1;a1;e -tor last week) Feb. 16-J`Lorne Handy loaded two cailoads of hay last week. um!-mp A! vnnnu nnnnln :9. usuxu. `There are about seventy-five teams drawing gravel from the Parr and Holmes pit-s. Looks like a. good road in `the near future from Al- landale to sunnidale Corners. GPOII, RI lV.|.lI!1'1C0 4588.00. . Mrs. Martin or Kindensley, sank. who has been visrting her brother, John Cameron. at Mimrco Beach`. has returned to Midhurst and is `xyrlsitlng her -sister. Mrs. Jail. Pierce, 1-. Innan Lvunnlng AP Pnnnlnu Juan` Ernest Spen'ce or `Ham-Hton spent .a few days at his -home here. `Q .T.u1'+nn nnhn `had l-kn Anni-ant TUBBY Mmasmg srangm ESSA srmon % ; I:oL'rIaIc 3% O D3.'l'l-IOMAI" C : W ?" ."5_"' . vwuvuvw vvu----- _.--.. v The following recently passed rm; al examinations in the Business Educators Aaeoclation of Canada: Cstharlne CulroaI., Mu:-lel `Luck. Stella. Pa.rtr1d:e,.Mabe1 Harrington; Hazel Pain. Helen Dunlap. ` v mu- Qnllnnylnlr rnnnnrlv Am-jantnd llet rum. newt; Uuxlluya p 1 The tollowlnz recently accepted polltlone: Grace Anderson , Allxe Spencer. Helen Dunlap.` Toronto; Mabel Ovens, Court House; Eldon Beecrqtt. Camp Borden (tempor- ary): Catherine Moore. Hammond`: 'La.w.0t!1ce; Ethel Campbell, Chev-. rolet Bales: Beatrice McMastez:. MlAckle Dyment Ottlce. V A Evnlm mnnaxrar of the Bell Mickie Hyman: Uuwu. `A. A. Smith, manager or the Bell Telephone. delighted the students and teachers with an interesting and instructive talk.ewith pictures; on modern telephone use. inventions. etc.,e including tele-photography an tele-vision. - , ~ n..-n-Ann f.gv!onA_ n fnrmar nhlnnt teie-vuioni Gordon Lavicne. a. former student. now working `in :1 Detroit otnce, paid our office a. pleasant` visit while on his way to visit his parents in Midland. T (Too late tor last week) " V Feb. 15-The stork visited this vicinity again last Saturday and presented Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rich- ardson ~with,a. young daughter. Con- gratulations. . I 'Mvn. :Law.non or Elmvaled called ' gratulaclona. `Mrs. Lawson or Elm~va1eL called on Mrs. A..L. Moran recently. V A nnnmhnvn fnnnn `HAVE nttnndnd fh `MP8. A...La. xuorun recuuuy. A number from here attended the Elmvale-Camp Borden hockey match in Barrie. _ . H... mm unlnr in visiting r . .- Mrs. `Wm. `Snider is visiting friends on the townline. lfllunnnhn t".n1-nnn- in visiting` in. onto. M Mr. and Mrs. J. Cummingenten .tained a few friends, at a. euchre party last Friday evening. Miss Margaret Cameron and John John- son/ won tirst prizes. ' rrienas on one townunu. I Iclarence Oaraoxr is visiting in Toronto this -week. `Ila: `Ix? n Qnu-Hum: `hm: wahn-nad 'J.`O!'0nt0 tms -ween. I Mrs. `W. D. Scythes has returned after spending some holidays in` '1`oronto._ Ma. ant` Mv-I, .1, `('*.nm.'rnlmr Ianter. jfl $&Vwn: The regular meeting of Essa ,oounc11 was held at Thornton on I Feb. 18 with an members present. mu- Onnnny-Ina nnnnnntu urm-A nv- F80. L5 Will! an IHGIIIUUI-`B ].u`ua\:uI.. The following accounts were ord- j ered-paid: W. H. Kirby, bonus :k'i11- ing dog worrying sheep, $10; Ad- t Vance, printing. $26; Municipal World, supplies, $48.34: Geo Davis, Sr., gravel, 7`t'h line. $8.30; Joe. E. Jennett, gravel`... - 7th line, $*.6`3_.75; Wm. Pearce, gravel, 30 s.r. 4, and 5 line. $90; F. Addie. work 3rd line. $7.25; N. Kerr, work 8rd line, $7.70; Elmer Denney, removing Baxter bridge, $11.25; Arthur Adams, $5.68; Dave Ga.-uley, $5.63; Lawrenc haw, $5.68; John `McKnight. $1.3 ; Robt. Arnold, draggingcon. 7, $4.50; `Wm. Galloway, trimming trees, con. 10, $2.25: 0. W. Va.n'CDoran, grading 10 s.r. and 9th line, $15.50; Geo. Davis, Sr., fence viewer, $4.00; John Dob- son, $2; David Mccann, $2; ac- counts of these three fence viewers to be assessed against Cecil Gibson; R. F. Lowrie, pre-paring inancial statement $15; Alvlan Johnston, wire fence, $20; Mrs. Stewart, rent of room of auditors, $8; W. H. I-Iatton; auditor, $15; stamps for treasurer, $2; Dr. West, account re B. of H., _$-81.25; '1`. W. Willers, EBa.rrie, audit-' ins township books, $82.60. 'l"hn Ilnu-I: man lnnh`~nn1-Ad tn wrifn When John A. Benson of London. ' asked to have `ms sentence of we years for bigamy reduced the Cr1m- Ina! Appeal Court, increased it to three.yea.rs. V .v_ ` PBQUEBCIHS aeuuuxueut. ~Reeve- Denney and Councillor Morrlon, on motion of Bell and -Coxworth, were appointed delegates] to .Good.Roa.d_s Convention -1n,'I`or-I onto. I n ov\nOCnn Ru an. ant` nnvnrnnlk GI VVUFIU. auppuuu, $913.30: _. Tran-Langman -- Ordered that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the petltlo for the statutory grant on"the road expenditure. 'I`oner--Tra.1n-0rdered that leave H18 townaurp Uuunu. vovmuv. The Clerk was Instructed to write Toasorontio township regarding work done an `I927 on west townllne requesting settlement. - nnvn. hnnnnu and .(".nnnnH`lnr URL. ,The following accounts were passed for payment: Thos. O'Neill, repairing road, Townline F105 and Vespra. 37.50:` -Clerk for registra-' tions B.D.M., $25.25; Copeland `Mill'- ing Co., `for posts, material tor cement forms. $21.67: for wood de-~ llvered to Miss Gray, $9.50; Dr. Kearns, medical attendance, A` Lamont and Higgins, $25.25; Vin. Kenney, rent oi! roadway to gravel pit, 1927, $5; A. '1`. Cooper. Parish. Kala. for nominations, $5; Elmvale Public Library, grant, $50; Municip- al World. supplies, $43.90. '|"rn1n._T.nn:rwmn ._ (xv-Anus.-I +6.54- grunt. DIlLIl6 roan expenulture. that leave be granted to introduce by-law No. 1008 to -provide for expenditure on roads. By-law read thrge times and passed. (`.nnnnH.ntHnn1~nA:l +n vnngi In 131-... puueu. _ Council adjourned to meet in Elm- va~1e'. March 17. at 10 a.m._ ` `C. S. BURTON. Clerk 01150. On motion by Bell and Coxworth, the Clerk was instructed to have solicitor prepare by-law for issuing debentures in school section, sec- tions 6 Essa. and 16 Innisril, `to be pflesented at next meeting of Coun- c . n vnnlnn has \KnnnCnl;an anti aw- UH . On motion by Morrison and Cox- worth it was ordered that no drag- ging on township roads be paid for unless ordered. done by road super- visor or member or council. mI'.nmA 3-....r'1.u..um..n.. ......a 13.11 J.-1...; - Z lidi Flos Council met at Phelpston, Febt. 11, with all the members pre- sen . `k~n Jnllacunlunnu ngnnd-mi- -.-..- V1301` UK` K116111061 UL UUUIIUH. ` Moved by -Coxworth and Bell that township treasurer pay to county treasurer balance of county levy, $6,830.70: also Vespra. Telephone System, $89.94. . `M'nHnn hu `R nn Fknnlrn thal- nyancm, vomu-1. I Motion by `Bell and Boake that auditors report` be accepted and: treaaur,er author1zed to have 100` copies pnlnted. . (.nnnn11nr'Hnurnmi in man} an ' UULIIUH pl`!!! LU!-In Council adjourned to meet at Thorntbn on `March 6 at 10 am.- W. M. D1`:N'W-O5OsDY, Clerk. ausmaaa coI.Laa NEWS - 4_u-_n_._ ..---_a--1- ..........I Ch SUCCESS ISYOURS F._9HNS"-_V FI-os c.Ur9.<=I.a_ 1"!`-nu...-I1 ug- % Well He Wasn't Ignorgil` Entrey. :$&w&m$w&&&w%g g DISTRICT News % 5; &mwm&&&wm$*&wwa V I-I..R. J. Holmes if president or? the Qrillia Agricuitura-l Society. A beer warehouse was opened aft 4- Gravenhurst last week. 9 It-us `lawman nlnn urhinnr A9 (`no-1 uravennurat Ha: ween. 1 Mrs. Ja.mesV Quinn. widow bf Or-4| ill1`11a s first reeve, is now. 93 years` 0 . . Rev. G. 3.. L10 d of '1-Iespeler has? accepted the cal to Midland Pres- byterian church. Ame-I-nn +1-mm nnnnnn will smnnal Dytenan cnurcn. ~ ; Alliston town council will appeal. the award against the town in the* Home Bank case. . - DA`! n `I\ lnfnl-an-A Had hnnh -T101118 DRIIK (R138: Rev. Dr. D. McIntyre has beer-1' called to `St. Andrew : Presbyterian` church, Newmarket. 'l`Isn Anon: rant-fa fhnf -QHA nnm-n- .\11u1a.nu (H9 1218! . [CW 1Ulll'.!n Rev. E. F. M. Smith of Weston has` accepted an invitation to become: pastor at Penetang United church. ; l'`.n1.\xrn.fnr in `In raise 20.00!) to

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