Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1928, p. 12

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HTIIIV N~EW-On Tuesday, Feb. -21. 1928, to `Mr. and Mrs. Thos. New, Bar- rie. a. son. . ' . WEB"B-10n Monday. Feb. 20, 1928. to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Webb, Big Bay Point, :3. son. G*ATES--On Wednesday, Feb. 15. 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. `Gates. 137 Bradford St., a. son. G=I'FF\EN-At R.V. Hospital, on Feb. 19,1928. to Mr. and Mrs. Newman R. Giffen. a. daughter. McMAS"1`E'R--At the RV. Hospital. Barrie, Thursday, Feb. 23, to Mr. and `Mrs. Lorne McMaster, Cum- berland St.. Aiiandale, 8. son. PROFI'1`-At -R.V. Hosnital. Barrie; on February 19. 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. `Elmer Oswald Profit. a. son. MAR".I`IIN--At R.V. Hospital, `Barrie. on Feb. 18. 1928. -to Mr. amt Mrs. Georg Al-Ian 'Mar.tin, Township of Innis 1, a. son (stillborn). TOWN LEAGUE & RACE Nmows `Professional Meri Have Op- portunity to Get_in 5 * T Playos QUCEIVG OI 501118 guuu uuuncy. '. t ., For the first two, periods in the opening game last evening C.N.R. and Tanners failed to score, but with nothing at stake Tanners chose to use an ineligible player ing the railwaymen the only point they have scqired this season. The: (Professional Men-Y.M.Ct. and thus defaulted the game, giv-_ n red I01` me rrolessiuuuia, .'vv_uv won 2-1. *The Y team all work- ed hard to pull the game out of the re. Kashner in goal played a ne game for the Triangle team, -but in the last period was called on to stop only one or two chances to Longman s ten. After a lengthy _argument over our old friend F1at" Walsh, who again slipped back into the game from a new" angle, the Merchants trimmed the Bankers 5-1. In this game Trib-ble, for the Bankers, was in the lime lights `wearing a groove in the ice to the` penalty box till he-nally wore out Re- feree Doyle's patience who ban- ished him from the game. IFIE III-niv I viuw Last week the writer had his first ride in the new Ford and it certainly perform-ed up to advance rtotioes for speed, r'oading qualities, smooth- ness of operation and brake con- trol. 55 miles an hour .didn t bother it a bit and at that `there was prac- tically no side motion. It made 41 miles in second gea.r.a.nd the way it went around the curves on -rather slippery roads without chains was enough to -make a fellow reel a..de- sire to be within reach or the brakes. It's a. real pertormer, all right. Mrs. W. D. Scott and sisters wish to thank, all their friends for kind- ness and sympathy shown in their recent bereavement in the death of their mother, Mrs. Robt. Campbell, also -for floral tributes. 8p Mrs. J. Dunn and family of Holly wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness and assistance shown in their re-- cent bereaxvement, also for the kind- ness of the Ladies Aid. 8p `The family of the late Mrs. F. D. Quantz wish to express their sin- cere appreciation of the kindness and sympathy shown in connection with the death of their mother. 8b J.uuuvL`a Will U? I-`VIJUIVUU. uy I-LIB undersigned up to the 15th day of March. 1928, for -the purchase of that part of Lot `Number Twelve (12) in the thirteenth (13) conces- sion of the Township of Innisfii owned by the late F. D. Qu-antz, as p_articuia.rly described in Register- ed Instrument Number 14275 for Innisfil. rm... ..1........ 1.. .. .:...':....I..1- ;--x.:-_ HUI. 7llUUUBHH.l'll uuuvptuu. . ' "For further teams and `particu- _1ars apply to $EV'ERLY QUANTZ. . h R. `ER. 1., Allandale. ` III` " &&&&m$$w&&&%& in II; ADLET COLUMN 3; gmwawwmjxggagww -1. __._'-.. /LEAGUE STANDING Team Played Won Lost Tied P'ts~.l S. Factory .. 5 4:` 0 1 9 Merchants 6 3 1 2 8 \ Y.M.`C.A. 6 2 1 3 7 \ Prof. Men .. 5 3 1 1 7 ` Bankers '6 1' 3 2 4 l . 6 1 4 1 3 I Tanners `Mrs. Wm. -iarght and ar'n1i;wis's1~1` .to -gra.tefu1ly acknowledge kindness. `sympathy and floral tributes from friends and neighbors in their re- cent bereavement. : 8b I Residntin|`P:;;e:ty "at" the Vilelagol i _of Painswick `\ Tenders will belrcived by the] mnv-signed Inn in than 15th av nf. EARDS or mmxs THE NEW r-`om: IN Mwomm .P9___". '1.vI ;}12i'"n~'a}};'i: :F`A'RM FOR SALE-ldg:cres In splendid condition. two miles from vlllag of Cookstown. Would sell as going concern or separate. Would take house and lot in Barrie as part ayment. Apply F. Clarkson, Cooks- own. 28tfb UIIUFUII Ulla UVUIID W55 IIIGIRUU U the Distribution of the Ashes at the 7.30 a.m. -Mass and again at the evening service. The usual Wednesday and Friday evening devotions will be continued throughout the` period. At Trin- ity Church Holy 'Communion ser- vice was held at 8 o'clock yester- day morning and a Lenten service in the evening. Modern methods of power farming are to be demonstrated by the International Harvester Co. free at New Dreamland Thea- tre, Tuesday, February 28, at 1 p_.m. Addresses and picture lms. See advt. on page 5. 8x -Week-end A specials. One car of -Sunkist oranges at Cancllla's {wit "Store; regular $1.00 doz. or 60c doz.; good sized oranges, Sunkist, 25c doz; grapefruit, re- gular 3 for 25, week-end special, 4 for 25 or 9 for 50c. 8p It is expected that George 0'- Neil, .. the Tottenham man who at tempted suicide in a municipal police cell here some time ago, will be discharged from hospital in ten `days or two weeks. He is out of danger, doctors state. A constant police guard will -be maintained and when O'Neil is released he will be charged with attempting to take his own life, irrespective of what action is taken in the Robert- son re case. O'Neil has engaged H. H. `Creswicke to defend him. The forty-d9'.y~ Lenten season preceding Easter, observed by Anglican and Roman -Catholic bodies, commenced yesterday (Ash Wednesday). At "St. Mary's t'I1......-I.. J-1:- nun-nut unis vvuaadrari Ru uuwklvva-saws. The criminal case is that of W. Stanczyk, a Port "McNicoll for- eigner. granted a retrial following an appeal taken from the judg- ment of Magistrate 'Cook of Mid- land. Stanczyk was sentenced to two years less -one day for the theft of $520 in cash from Peter Flannigan, but the sentence was set` aside by the Appellate Court `on thezround that competent in- terpreters were not used and that accused did not understand full I the nature of -his-offence. . 7 Statements;/vpresented at the thir- ty-elghth annual meeting of -the Ex- celsior Life ` Insurgnce Company [showed excellent progress in 1027. \llI.A-I I..-_l..-.... -_. .-...A.-.I A. 013 wnnvvv \- vuuvvocvany lg-ya;-ow-nu gnu av-so Total business amounted to 816,- 718.47-2.00. Insurance; in force now amounts to 878,386;829.70. The rate or interest earned increased to 8.04% Assets total ;&1~3.3'2';,;52.95 and sur- plus funds. exclusive of special rs- serve funds. `now amount to $1,- 815,408.97. Poiicyxhoiderl ha.dj.re- ceived in profits 30% more than in 1926. , ` . $&&$&&&$&$&&& `LOCAL NEWS L -In .-.-See. -Hubbard's wixidows for specials this` week. - 8b -Smoke and Water `Sale at Cowie v & `Co. s. Goods at half price. - . ~ 8b -Chief of Police Stewart return- ed to duty Monday ;,morning fully recovered from hisrecent opera- tion; ` I"-17..1...- `l)-_.-4... GL...._- ....HI. -Smoke and water sale at Cowie & Co.'s this week. `Slightly damaged wool, children's coats, lunch sets, etc., at half price. 8b UUUIU UUIIIIIIUIIUUI-I JUBUULUGJ Wednesdsay). Church the event was marked by A-`I... `l\8.6-uI`l-nut-{nun 1.0 I-Ln Aakna ol- PIGEONS--`Fifteen pairs _,of Car- neau Pigeons, real squab raisers, cheap. Owner leaving tow-n. Phone 137-5J. - - ` 8p - ONE CRIMINAL AE on spams ASSIZE oocxr.-':r There is only one criminal and no civil cases on the docket for the Spring Jury Sessions of the Supreme Court for the County of Simcoe which open at the Court House Monday afternoon with His Lordship Mr. Justice Raney pre- siding. It is one of the dightest dockets on record and in direct h contrast to the heavy list` which came before the Fall Assizes. Grand and petit juries have been subpoenaed. \ ,,g___g___1 _-__ ;_ J_I__L -j 1!! Unlv uwvu-V V on van`:-uvwu % M. B. Tufope of Orillia has been apgointed Crown Prosecutor for the seizes. . W:-Lavelma Beauty Shoppe wili be closed from Feb. 27 ,to March 2, owing to the. Hairdressers` Con- vention. 7-8b ' W. R. Devenish, general man-. ager of the northern region C. N. R., waea business visitor in Bar- rie lgst week-end. . ' -- '"-;;eai1'7o{'?;egetab1ss at":-. D. 'Canci_11a s--ceIery hearts 4_fo1_' 25c; head lettuce, 2, for 25, rhu- barb, 3 bunches for~25c_. 8p During the` past week almost a arload of Toronto _mail order house catalogues have been un- loaded at Barrie Postoffice. -..-_`-_ -vvv-., vuvv, -. ----_ I _ - v - . v-w --Farmers, attention! Car of `granulated: sugar to arrive. Place your order. Price very attractive at `the People's Co-operative Store. e_ V 8:: ' Word has been received. in Bar- irie. of the death in Duluth, Minn., of Joseph Gearns, a former well known resident of Oro Township living near Dalston. L -_, , 1- 1,1, -, , . During the past week three false alarms have been turned in- to. the Fire Hall, two on Wednes- day within an hour of one another gram box 45, half way to Allan- G eo ' `n h 11.1 __.. ..-..-_.A... LL-L rm._ Iaxcmsxon Lu-13 DID A L $16,718,472 usrvmn. D. D. McLean reports that The Examiner has been read in his family ever since the paper was first issued. His father, the late James McLean of Jarrett, was one of the initial subscribers. On `Monday, February 13, C01- lier St. Y. P. -S. had a Valentine Social at which there were several contests, carrying out the Valen- tine idea,v as did also the eats. About 25 were present. -"' 11-.- _ 41.-.! ,1 -._ .1 _ A. -1, , ,1 `Y, .__.._ _\_,1_ HOUSE FOR SALE high-class spe- cial built new seven-roamed house figured gumwood, selected trim. oak oors throughout; Immediate possession. See R. E. Tuck, builder Box 1078. Phone 650.1. 4-9 u-::- C` -v cuv w-v I lgracebritige eZI}i' Newmrk- et Intermediates 2-1 at Brace- bridge last night in the first of home-and-home games, in the O. H.A. race. Local fans do not con- 'sider the one-goal lead sufficient and look for Newmarket to win, "Advertise In The Examiner .1 !-l_l sum: ' axmmzn _._ --_..-.._ -., _.._-- It was a different story in the second and third periods, however. The Airmen, recovered from their lethargy to start the second frame, assumed the initiative` and main- tained it to the end. They didn t have much system to their play but their tactics were effective. They shot at every opportunity and followed in fast, dug into the corners and kept Bracebridge bot- tled in their own end the greater part of the time. Their attack was of the hit-and-miss variety and it threw the Bracebridge attack all tops?-turvy. Th vnvlnainnn-' `Av 17.... `71:nJ- c;o1nA AlRM'ENFAl.LBY THE WAYSIDE UV1l5"UILV]o . It remained for Van Vliet, who had been playing a great game all through, to put Camp Borden on the score, sheet. He wormed his way down centre ice and let y from the blue line with a low shot that completely baffled Greer. He got a great cheer for his effort and the bugle band more._than whoop- ed it up. Van had to signal for soft pedal so that the referee's bell could be heard. The second period ended 2-1 for Bracebridge. Greer was struck in the eye with the puck but continued after repairs. T..___.. -... __L-4___ uunu In uuuulgwuuu, 1-`estuary 6 and 9. was made by the delegate, Mrs. Harry White. `She gave an outline of -the-year's work of the Society and her report of the address of Mrs. Langey. a. returned missionary from China, was most inspiring. One could not fail to catch her enthus- -iasm in the work and her desire to inspire the young people oi the church in mibn work. Camp Borden Bowlcd Out _ of O. H. A. Race By _ ` ~ Bracebridge ` ` GENERAL STORE for sae at Mit- chell Square. To be s`ld to wind up Gilbert Love Estate. For particulars apply to Duncan F. Mccualg. Bar- rie. solicitor for -the estate, or to Ernest B. Love, Shanty Bay. 7-9p bugle band at the east end of the yang. It was expected that Camp Bor- den might have given Bracebridge a stiff battle on the small ice sur- face of the Bracebridge rink. It was particularly adapted to their style of play, but the homesters have nottbeen cavorting on their own` rink these many years for nothing. They started to score early and were never headed, landing three in the first, two in the second and three in _the third, while Camp Borden [scored a lone tally in each period. Quite a num- ber of supporters accompanied the team to Bracebridge. The Game in Barrie Bracebridge looked much the better team in the first` game here Thursday night, particularly in the initial period, when they led 2-0, but Camp Borden, famous as strong nishers, did not disappoint their supporters and -before th nal gong sounded had the `count knotted up. The contest was wit- nessed by a large crowd, the third bumper house to patronize the.1oc- al arena in a week. Two hundred came by special train from Camp Borden, while seventy-ve follow- ed the `boys from -Muskoka. It was a ame of hard_ bumps and close c ecking, with enough thrills to suit the most exacting fan. Brace- bridge displayed the more nished hockey, but the Camp Borden spir- it, kept at high pitch by the Camp I i rink, spurred the Flyers on to al- most superhuman efforts. Ql-,,I-3_ 9, `la _,,I,,!I-,, Early in the game Bracebridge displayed the prettiest passing at- tack seen on the local rink this year. while the veteran Kensey- Walker defence stood out like a stone wall. After their centre man, Gerald Dunn, had notched two goals the big crowd was about ready to concede the northerners victory. They appeared able to skate away from the Camp Borden players at will, swooping down three abreast on Harding and Van Vliet. Arbic, at left wing, was particularly fast. 1'; -____ - I!1r_,,.__L ,1 ,__ 9,, :1. `.-.--_ W..- vv--- - ---. ..._....... -yru-au- Insofar as L-sizots on goal and territorial play Camp Borden had a big` edge in the nal frame. Every man on the team worked his head o and pandemonium broke lose when MdManus scored the equalizer from a scramble in front of the net. LVUUIILBUIIQ Camp 'Borden---Goal, O Dono- hue; deferjgce, Van-Vliet and Hard- ing; centre, St._ Jean; right wing, Wheeler; left wing, Jamieson; subs, McManus, Hughes. 'l-p-__.'- \v,_,, on gun. `Crepe was hanging at the port- als of Camp -Borden Tuesday morning The Airmen s hockey team was beaten at Bracebridge theevening previous by the rather decisive scoreof 8-3 and 10-5\on the round. The result was not un- expected by students of the game who witnessed the first clash here last Friday when the northerners showed a marked superiority in speed and inside hockey. _`.--- -.--- ------.., --vv-_.v. ' The result means that nis has been written on the local season insofar as the 0. H. A. brand is" concerned.` The junior schedule was the tamest in years but the in- termediates provided some snappy entertainment while it lasted. This was particularly true of the Elm- vale-Camp Borden series. The Airmen drew a bye in the group and were handicapped by lack of practice and this showed up in the play-off games. They had the mat- erial, however, were game to the core and had they played in the group schedule would have devel- oped the very necessary team- play. 13- van nuv\nn5-AA -`ant (`nun-\ Dam, The ice was a "bit heavy and both teams were tired out at the nish. . Bracebridge-Goal, Greer; de- fence, `Kinsey, Walker; centre,` Dunn; right wing, Arbic; left wing, Ryan;_ subs, McKay and Robinson. ' ` ,I'I_..._ nI'|-__j,_, A u A.-` --w u -u - vv Iuviuril A"meet'ing of Hue W.M.A. of Cen- tral United Church was held on Wednesday, -Feb. 15. An interest- Atng program was given and the re- port ot the -Presbyterlal meeting held in Colllngwood, February 8 and 9. wan madn hv rfhn Helga-nlrn "RB A.dvertise" J The Examiner, thel -oaper wifh the circulation. ,- __ v_._.._. -.., go -3 unnu- Rfere'e--Norm. `Cook, Orillia. FARM FOR SALE--100 acres more or less, lot 24. con. 11, north half, in-. mam, good clay soil and good build- ings. Farm stock and implements and some seed grain. Apply to own- or or Jos. Third, Stroud. 3-14p CENTRAI:-`VV.M.A. -41.... -4 ----.. . of- Monday, Feb. 27-Robert Tracey. at north hair lot 8. con. 8, Innistii- farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, auc- . tioneer. 7-8x Tuesday, Feb. 28-'I`hos. Metcalf, at lot 7, con. 1, 0-1-0 (Penetang road) -1'arm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. M~c'Conkey, auc- tioneer. . ` 7-8x Thursday, March 1--Chas.' Neely, at east 56. lot 21, con. 8, Innisf1i-- farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, auc- _ tioneer. - 8:: Tuesday, March 6-J. A. Patton, at lot 1, Con. 7, Innisfil (half mile from Thornton station), will hold an extensive auction sale of Reg- istered Hereford Cattle, farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, auct. 7-9b Wednesday, March 7-1Robert Mont- gomery, at lot 20, con. 11, Innis- fil--farm stock an-d implements. , Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, auctioneer. 8-9:: Friday, March 9--Lorne Handy, at lot 26, con. 1, Oro (Dalston)-- farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. M_cConkey, auc- -tioneer. ` 8-9x Wednesday, March, 14-Thos. Cai- -der, at south hair lot 12, con. 12, Innisfil-arm stock and imple- _ ments. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. lMc- Conkey, auctioneer. 8-10x - CZ uvuon-`ll V` ` the following Pair matched Clyde mares, 8 yrs. old; `brown Clyde horse, 7 yrs. 15 Registered Hereford cattle. (Full list. next week). 4 heifer and 3 bull calves, Here- ford, registered. i8lhead of Grade cattle, 2 -brood sows, 4 store hogs, 3 geese and a number of Rock `hens, also farm implements and many other articles. , Usual terms. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. 8!) W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. Half-mile from Thornton Station to sell by Public Auction on The undersigned has received in- . structions from , s_ii.'a'.'{.}'.3 'f:I.7EI.'5 "<':'.I}':1..' Fagm Stock and Implements ! +o:"sis;9:"s;iaEa LL - l..I`I A_.._ .. ."3.1`*=r~9i=2 auction Sale. HOUSE FOR SALE in one of best locations in Barrie, eight-roamed brick house, double parlor. kitchen, dinlngroom, four bed rooms, 3-piece bath. furnace and fruit `cellar; double garage; large lot. Apply Henry & Cowan Btfx KEN MAYNARD CLUB ; ' woman LUNCH sars AND SEVERAL OTHER ARTICLES, SLIGHT- LY, DAMAGED BY SMOKE, WILL BE`. sou) AT HALF PRICE AT W. L. BRENNAN a Pledged to thealdeah of American Manhood DEAR FELLOW MEMBERS: . I have always wanted to make a real circus picture, one that would give the inside story-the love, tears and laughter--of the sawdust ring._And now in The Wagon Sphow,\which you` will be able to see at the Capitol Theatre `this week, I have satisfied my ambition at last. You all know that before I started my screen,work l was star stunt-rider for the big tops. In my new picture I have tried to give you a true picture of circus life, particu- larly as `it was lived in the early days of the West when the small, one-ring, horse-drawn outfit was the only diversion afforded the ranchers and cowboys. T-he Wagon Show is really two shows in one-a circus "picture and an excit- ing Western drama! Write and tell me how you like it! ' . Fraternally. ' First National Studxos, P.S.-Watch Tarzan. He does some stricks that require f human intelligence. COWIE & CO. S (From The Billboard, Feb- 18, 1928) Ken Maynard, $2.20 Top, When Wagon Show Open: NEW YORK, Feb. 13-Ken Maynard, the Western star, is to open in New York at $2.20 top in his new circus pic- ture, The Wagon Show; First National has closed with N. Brewster Morse for a run of the picture at the Green- wich Village Theatre, starting March 11. SMOKE and WATER SALE WQOL, CHlLDR.EI\] S WINTER COATS, CC.3jC T CCCCLCC XXTK ATWATER-KENT RADIOS COW FUR -SA1LE-~Pure bred Ayn`-.1 shim: S vm nld nnlf nf fnnf Annlu .I.'X.'i5X1`i`6N Lot 1, Con. 7, Innisl I2 _.2I- ___.. 'I'I____L-_ a.,,. AUCTION sA1;|-:s $168.06 Complete without Loud Speaker $213.00` Complete with Loud Speaker Radiola 17, $254, Complete with Speaker Marconi Batteryless Console $325.00 Complete Phone for a demonstration or call and see them BATTERY SETS FROM $135.00 UP BATTERYLFSS SIX TUBES PLAYING AT THE CAPITOL * BE!-`ORE_NEW* YORK CITY 31 Elizabeth Street, Barrie nu uuuuua Ll'UlIl HAS. NEEL S.E. %'Lot 21, Con. 8, Inniul Tn HA1` H1! nnklln _.._Al..._ -- , --..'- -wrung |VlrIl\\rII III I ` ".1"he following: ~S'I`50.0K--Grey Percheron horn. 8 yrs. old: bay `horse, 7 yrs. old. P 9.1-! Finder; bay mare, 12 yrs. old: urham cow, 8 yrs. old, due in Ma}; Durham _cow, 4 yrs. old, milking and in calf; 2 young sows, in pig; 6 store pigs. ` TIME`! 151:1-nnv-can -. - - - . plgun IMPLEMEN'rS--Deering binder. Deering mower. Deering seed-drill. stiff-tooth cultivator (nearly neNV)c disc barrow (nearly new). set steel wheel trucks. set sloop slei ho (nearly new), set drag barrows, il- kinson plpw No. 7, Verity guns gigwi sulky rake, hay rack, Chathun set single, harness. quantity of turn- ips, also forks, chains. shovels and many other articles. ` All will be soldgwithout reserve. Terms or sale+-All sums of 810 and under, cash. over -that amount 8 months credit will be -given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums. Sale at 1 13,111. `W1 A, `M'n(`(\\Y-`I'!1:I1r ...-..-__-.. rn\a\a I l\J1V IJNJD imam STOCK _& IMPLEMENTS %The undersigned has received 111* L structlons from HEREFORD BU-LL for sale, pure bred. or servlcea. le age; good qual- ity. Apply to H. . Wright, Thorn- ton. 6-11p III`! .. -uvuuu Billllo Dd-19 at 1 13,111. Wt A. MccoN-KEY, Auctioneer. jv com. on. J: E1'.'iE'17alc we--- rut vs QQXAUVIIIIC Have Automatic Turning Trays, in all sizes; least trouble to handle, and give G:-test I-Inching Efficiency --.. _..u van wunlllua _ 't'ibYAi and SOL-HO Poultry and Chick Supplies BARRED ROCK _(BABY) White LEC-HORN (CHIX) -Also WHITE ROCK EGGS arnuiairlll-ll`!-I Both coal and oil burning f\\PAI _., I (IA: Inna-on To Sell by public aucon on THURSDAY, MARCH lat lh.-. o..n.....x.__. AVOVIII - _ - -8` -No:-til Street Phone 387.} 3 BA =- `/4 Lot 21, Con. 8, It sell public auction \ I`Lll!IIal\Acr n-.--.. 11-Z FU'RN'IS`I-IED ROOM TO LET. AD- nlv K7 l`\\/fnvv Qf R-Dn Thursday, February. 23, 19255 __.gg :_IF(jAT5 AUCTION I` QTBII A III _B!:.0!_I3I::.1:s? Bayeld St. I` I IIIIIFI BARRIE YOUNG `PER?C:I-IERON MARE, 5 `wanna A111 Pnu anln Dknnn nnono .l.LllJbVlJ .rL`J1\`La ears old. for ldhurst. bu vv nun. 'DJ`\.lLJl`4`J."Ul't! ureu Jtyl". shire. 5 yns. old. calf at toot. Apply 206 Bradford .St. Phone 420. `8p \VORK WAN'TED by the year oh farm. by experle ed man. Apply to Box 76, Allanda. . 5-10p L` U 1J.V'1DL'1lIJ1J IT ply 57 Mary St.` ;!?W0 ROOMS for rent over the Standard Bank. Modern conven- iences. ttb ___,_ ,, 1'---'?' One cent a.- word, cash. each inser- tion. (minimum charge,.25c); six Insertions for `the `price of tour. 10c extra when charged: also 109 extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office. GIRL VVANTED for housdkeeplngxi Apply 44 Worsley or -phone 513. 81) , EXPERIEN-CED COOK GENERAL wanted by March 10; age 25 to 30: good wages. Apply 55 Peel IS`t. 7-9b | MAN WANTED for farm work: by the month or year; able to drive team and help milk. -W. B. Quantz. Palnswick. , 8p ~. N gm `:p,`.x `*\\*~s,; p- CA'PA'BLE H`OUS'EK-EEPER re- quired to take entire cha.r'ge of home and` 3 children. Apply S. I-Iurrnl Iinnnnnhnvuf 83 ,___._...__.__..____....__.......__...._ YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a week in your spare time at home writing ahow cords. Vo canvassing or so!- iciting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The .\1enhonH.t Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion Ilnrllnnr 'I"nrnnfn 1Mff`h . \|BllXlt'Hl|L \4U. J-JU- Building. Toronto. p-------- PIANO \VAN"I`.ED--~G1ood second- hand upright piano. Quote lowest c-15.11 price. Apply Examiner Of- fice. 8b MHDDLE-AGED WOMAN wants work. practical nurslnvg or house- work by day or week. Best refer- onces. Rensonable rates. Mrs. M. Martin, 44 Pmetang St.. Barrie. 7-8p CORDWO-OD WANTED. Any quan- tfty of cordwodcl, slab; or bundled eclgingrs. Trent Va.`1ey Lumber Com- pany. L`.m1ted, 95 King Street east, Toronto. Phone Elgn 5754 or Elgin 7972. 7-9b LOST last `Friday night, balloon tire chain. IReward. :H. Robinson, -97 Bradford St. . 8p unu 0 uuuut Gravenhurst. :----?:- BR'IGH'I` YOUNG GIRL wanted as mother's help, willing to go to Tor- onto in a week's -time: must `be fond of children. Phone 401. 8b ._..._._._......__...__..___.._.__: SALES MANAGER wants two men to assist in covering ter-rltory, mak- ing demonstrations and booking fu- tumo business. Apply Box B, Ex- aminer. 8b --.:--:- COCKEREIJS - 0.A.C. bred-to-lay Barred Rock cockerew for sale. also White Blossomlng sweet clover seed. Apply Herman Osborne, Bar- rie, R.R. 1. Phone .903r38. 6-11b ~-.-:: ~ REPRESENTATIVE VVANTED for the Wutuwl Life of Canada. To se- cure thh position you must be ww- ing to work and anxious to increase your income. Apply to Box 878, Or- llliu. Ont. 6tfb Page Twelve LIVE STOCK F63 :Al.Z.l-3 PROPERTY FOR sAu-: ROOMS AND pomp LOST AND FOUND FARMS FOR SALE yum WANTED wwtg `-LLLHJVLJAV LV1l11\vL`J, U sale. Phone _603r2. . Sp W1Y5.:S"'1`-URE FARM FOR SALE- `South east half of lot 12. con. 10. '57 Park St., Barrie Vespra; about 35 acres cleared and` 15 acres bush: running creek through pasture fields. For further particulars apply. Marshall Igezigt, - D llllll lUll 1Mtb } UIPHO'LST;ER'INIG---Have your up- holstering done early. `Slip covers a. specialty. Phone 61f1z'13. 8-10b `CUSTOM _ HAT-GI-I"NG: - Barred Rnvk and Leghorn c lcks hatching eggs. Send for circular. Harry Mor- ren. 8 North 'St., Barrie, telephone 887J. ' 8-10b WASHING AND `IRJONAING done at home, reasonable prices. Apply Mrs. A. L. Tracey, 89 McDonald St. 81) tRWIN'S BLUE TAXI SERV`-ICE. local and long distance. night and day. 26 cent service. Phone 198. 6'tfb MRS. MARGUERTDE TURNER- Graduate In massage. facial and scalp treatment a. specialty. 18 years experience. 14 Small St., Bar- rle.- < 5-10p uuu Vvllullly UL nuncqe. . There is said to be erected on said lands a two `story trame house con- taining seven rooms. misc` a'.. barn 86 ft. by 60 tt. and a stable 24 ft. by 50 ft. The entire farm or one hun- dred acres is said to be under cul- tivation. and is conveniently situ- ated about one mile from Glencairn. The nrnnnrhr will In; hffnnn 0.... FARM FOR SALE--100 acres. more or less. in Flag on Provincial High- `way in Elmvale: splendid buildings, bank barn. 8-roamed house. stone foundation: good soil; 17 acres tall wheat. 18 acres of alsike. For price and further pnrtioulnvq nnnlv to owner on premises or write W. Rob- bins, Box 28, \Elmva1e. 8-9bi awu uuuub une mus tron! uxencaxrn. The property will be offered for sale subject `to ' a; reserved bid. For further tGl`h`II flll hnilflnlulnnu PRACTICAL NURSING done. Ap- ply Mrs. H. Grant, Thornton Post Office. ` 5-10p FURS ALTERED and repaired. Over Hurlburt s Shoe `Store. Miss M. 'McArthur. _ 86ttb CUSTOM I-IATTCI-I`I-NG $5.00 per hundred eggs. We will hatch every hatchable egg. Get your chicks out early. Phone 255 or write Donald `Jamieson, Barrie. _ 8p UNDER and by virtue of the` power of sale contained in a. certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale. there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Queen's Hotel. in the Town or Barrie, `on Saturday, the 17th day of March, 1928, at 12 o'clock noon. by W. A. Mcconkey, auctioneer. the following property, namely. the east hall. of Lot Nurn'ber.thir-ty-one (31) in the second (2) concession of the Township of Tossorontio, in the County of slmcoe. Thaw-A In nah! `n Inn A-and-.5 .-...'....a.: anus auwuur. ID a. reserved ma. I For further terms and particulars apply to S"1`EW`A'R'1` & STEWART, ~ Ban-in, _Onfn rln INVES'1`llVIENT--Wholesale confec- tionery in Toronto, is `selling seven thousand dollars, shares for one hundred dollars each, one share of common given with each five shares of -preferred. This company is manu- facturing a. line of chocolate bars a,nd is starting a chain of candy stores: has no liabilities. Thi's com- pany will stand strictest investiga- tion. Apply to Mervyn Metcalfe, 14 Grimthorpe_Ave., Toronto, Ont. 8p uuu::u.V.vaa's3 'Un r.l.`lU'1"1.'JBF51`L).l.V'.A.LI MAN -- Desirable steam heated, ground floor space to let, available April 1st,, facing C.N. Station and Post `Office square. Premises now occupied by Canadian National Telegraphs. Apply H. E. Jory, King Block. Barrie. ` 7-12b NOTICE OF.` APPLICATION FOR `DIVORCE, . NOTICE is hereby given that Amy Simmons. or the `Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, and Province of Ontario. married` woman. will apply to the Parliament of Canada.- at the present session thereof, for a. Bill of Divorce from her husband, George R.. Simmons, of the `said Town of `Barrie, In the Province of Ontario, .toresa'id, Furrier, on the ground of adultery` and desertlon. `Dated 111* Ram-in DI-nvlnnn nf nu- `Of Valuablg _F;r;1 Property in the Township -of Tosoorontio BAY GELDING FOR SALE - Weighs 1500 lbs.. in good condition. Apply to A. E. Bone, Thornton or Ivy phone. 4- -- 8b ua.aavv~n.&\L on Dl..lHVV.l`l.l.?1', BEVERLY Barrie,.Ontar_lo, ` Allandale. ` Mortgagees' Solicitors. ;1` 'ART 1-ST . ART Dated the nu; da A t F b , S W EV` - 2 1993, ,. y 3-191, . ~ Solicitors, Barrie. /Io DESK FOR SALE, withorgan case. roll top. Apply Mrs. Giles, "254 Blake St; Phone .1389. s 8b YAR-N--52\McDonal'd St. stocks all kinds yarn. We undersell other deal- ers if made up here. Lost or mlslald articles matched. Socks and stock- ings footed, made good as new. Your own yarn used if desired. J. Platt `Rose. , 5-10p rats, $10. Get the repeatingklive ani- mal trap. I-t catches five at a. time. all alive, with or without bait; built especially for spring trapping. They can't escape this -`trap. LPrice 3'5. Re- peating Live Animal Trap ICo., box 208. Allandale. Phone 634r1'8. 8`-8p "MUsKRA'r mauve $3`: live musk- UP-TO -DATE STIORE E) let. Tele- nhnnn 19!} Av mnnhr T4` (Vonnllln SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE to let, aIl.modern conveniences. at 48 Louisa St. Phone 171 or write box I 755, Barrie. 5-9p TO IJET-.-Splendid steam heated or- tlce, overlooklng_Poat Office Square, Immediate possession. Apply H. E. Jory, King Block, Barrie. 5-{Ob 5L'uuuu UL uuuuury unu GBSBPEIOII. Dated at Barrie, Province of On- tario, the 7th day of February, 1928. STEWART & STEW-ART. 19 Owen S-t., Barrie, Ont. 6-10b Solicitors for -the Applicant --:j FOR SA"LE---`Happy Tnougt range. App.y 53 Coll1erASt. . ',_ 8b : .FOR S'A=LE-`-'-130-egg incubator. Hy. Ottawa) . phone 739J. I -7-12b BULL EOR SALE - Registered Shorthorn `bull, 13 months old, dark roan. A!ex.lMcLe1sh, RR. 1, Stay- ner. Ont. 21rI4. - Rn BOX CUTTER and set of `single `harness for `sale. Apply to Roy Fer- guson. 89 Toronto St. 8): |'SEED BARLEY for aa1e-o.A.c. No. 21. grown from registbred seed. C. D. Ralkes, B,1rr1e_ P.0. 7-8p GREEN MIXED I-IAJR-DWOOD tor sale. prices reasonable. Apply Fred Pratt, 7th line Vespra.,,phone 6122- 11. v ` 8e8b WOOD FOR SALE-4-toot long in the bush, $4, a cord. and also cedar posts for sale. Apply Mr. West, Churchill. - 5-10b `BUCKEYE I-NCU'IBA'1`~OR, 210 688 size, in excellent condition, only `used `a short time. $25.00 Frank "Madlgan, 95 mile from Leslie : But- cher Shop, Allandale. 7-1`2p SAFE. medium size, od as new: twoshowcases, Auto_ ltter, motor sewing machine, Aladdin lamp, set computing scales. must be sold this week at Tuck's Barrie Fair. 8p: FO=_R SALE---Bb oornet, Artist mod- el, `-brass finish, only used short time. wil-1 be sold for quarter of ori- ginal cost: is in perfect condition, with leather case. Apply to Mr. Wiggins, phone 1446 or atibandroom between 4 and 6 any afternoon. 8b U`l.".l\J -L11-L'J.'1!J DUUISPJ E0 1812. Tele- ph ne 130 or apply F. D. Cancilla, 23 Elizabeth` St. 8p :2: ` BUSINES-S -OR PROFESISIONIAL nbuivnhin afnnv-n knot.-ul PROPERTY TO LET ruuu. JLIUJS. ILVLUI. nor. Ont. 21rI4. ?9.T_AF 5* 7 MIscIaLLNEoysT A 1=oasAu: % l.`I`Ulll IIICLIIULJB ya.5G Luuc uauuvq. blot - Three little words, "Forget him nm. -rvvnn- -__.: 1n.-_-lI-- In the last xheduled games;of the.Town Ho ey League season last `night at Mammoth t Rink the Professional` Men sprang still an- other surprise by defeating Y.M. C. A., 2-1. Byreason of their vic- tory.-they -put themselves in the playoffs and will meet the Shoe Factory next week in a postponed game. Should they win it will be these two teams for the cham- pionship. Otherwise it will `be Merchants and Shoe Fac ory. The latter now have nine `poi ts, Mer- chants eight and Profe ional Men seven, `but the Merc ants have played their full six games and the other two teams only ve. The schedule has -been closely contest-e ed all through and has been pro- ductive'of some good hockey. - `EM... J-`Ln Anna` I-urn nnvinn {VI PRIEST---In loving remembrance of Albert Priest. bloved husband of Elizabeth Priest, who died Feb. 25, 1927. . - Sunshine passes, shadows tall; Love's remembrance outlasts all. From memory s page tl'me cannot hlnf . Lllllllllu The above is a. desirable residen- tial property situate on the Pro- vincial Highway gat `Painswick. There is erectedvthereon a. one and one-hall! - story. concrete residence. containing seven rooms: _and also 9. frame stebie 20 ft. by.30 ft. The property contains about one and one-quarter. acres no! ground; "I"hA hlb-haul numnnxr n-nan fnvulnw UllU'qU'l!`LBl`- ECFGB `UL QTUIIXIIIL The highest oreany other tender not necessarily accepted. ` "1c`hr fnrfhnr foam: and mar!-'!1un.. they nave scqyea mus apuauu. The Professional A. ame was a tidy, clean contest, onl _. three penalties being -handed out; Holland and Longman star- red for the Professionals, .who -_.-.. n 1 rm... uvn 4-navy! an um-sale- GOOD DRIVING MARIE for sale. 5 years old or would -tirade for .3`. good general purpose horse about 1200 lbs. Apply to Arthur Yoimg RR. 1, Allandale. -or phone -Stroud ans. 7 -99 1 I

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