Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1928, p. 9

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1a3 sail me clty. - Mrs. Wm. Farquhar and son, Thos. Farquhar, M.P.P., of Sault Ste. Marie, spent the week-end with the for-mer s brother, John Niaion, Bradford =St. . . 1'....+ ewvinir mmnimr Misses Nixon, nrauxoru sou. Last Friday evening Misses Elva Davidson, Reta Jacobs, Eve- lyn West, Winnifred and Lillian Clark attended ,a party at the home of Miss Norine Knowles, New Lowell. _ m1.- ...........u-n 1'5 nnvuninnn AF New Lowell. ; The `marriage is announced of Chas. ~ M. ~`Cu1ross, Toronto, only `son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Culross, Allandale, and Miss Marion C. Wilson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. . Wilson, , Collingwood, The marriage took place in Hon- olulu, Hawaii, on February 7. %&&ww&&&&&&&w& 3: LOCAL NEWS E ;wmm&%&&ww&mwgwm i Lengthening days remind us lvthat Spring is on the way. u...........~h.s. I-`ha Prnvnr Sm-vice mat: bprlng 13 on one way. A Remember the Prayer Service in the Baptist S, `S. rooms, Friday, Feb. 17, at 3 p._m. ' VVN...-. `1Ul'Ib `Dvnrinnnra Ai~|1~n1a] r'ea. 1'1, an 0 p._m. v `The `Milk Producers Annual banquet has been xed for Feb- ruary 27. . - mvnt` `Annnna` `TI 1. F. ruary '41. - --Mixed `dancing in I. 02,0. F. Temple building, Friday,; Feb. 17. Hunter's orchestra. Refreshments. r-17..I..... `D..-u4-u Qknhnh xv-H1 1'1l1l'|TJel"S orcnestru. np1.1'u_axuI_wuuu. -LaVelmp. Beauty Shoppe will be closed from Feb.. 27 to `March 2, owing to the Hairdressers Con- vention. *3 7-81: 1' ..-.L I T` In-us 'v\a1~i-{Q1 `UV venuon. _ . -Lent ! If you are `partial know. I will get it for you. Jar- "-vis. Phone 65. . '7b ` ---Don t forget the comedy- . drama, Daddy Longlegs by Jean Webster, Monday and Tuesday nights, March 5 and 6. 7b ` Dr. Robt. Johnston of St. Gath- River District in St.` Andrew's Church, Thursday, March 8; `Rev. J. S. sshortt, G. 0. Cambr- on and W. `H...CK.e_nnedy will skip -local -rinks at the Toronto `Bon- -spiel, scheduled " for next week. _-_D.+m- R `K\mA s smashimr to. ' any special variety_'.`o'$-`sh let me ' I arines will lecture on the Peace. 7'b JVUQ W} o. 21: was- x: not Fleur}! anntnt bumr 3 01193 nuv AA! spiel, scheduled for next weex. E , . .-+-Peter B. Kyne s smashing `novel of love, thrills and fight 1 A Store. 7:: 1 hills and the clash of fighting men in the Timber country-starring Milton `Sills with Doris Kenyon. Capitol `Theatre now. 7: .--Farmers, attention! Car of , granulatedsu at to arrive. Place . your order.,_ ripe very attractive at the People's Co-operative -Towering redwoods, majestic `in a setting of rare grand`eur--- Milton -Sills in The Valley of the- Giants! Capitol now. ' 7:: -Postponed Band Carnival will be held fMonday,. Feb. 20. Eighteen skating numbers, two .lucky spots" and` several Leap Year `bands. Admission 25.` 71: -'1`hree_-day sale, `lfeb. 17, 18 I681` `Danna. Ixuuuamuu an. In --'I`htee-day Feb. 1 and 20 only-of 100 dresses valu- ed to $25.00, sizes from 14 to 50. "Sale price $7.95 each. Miss I. `Collins, 2'7 Essa `St. 7b The _Kiwanis -Club held a busi- ness meeting in connection with its weekly luncheon last Friday. j 3A "number of important sugges- tions-from the Public Affairs Com- k.:++'.. IITAPA discussed . $l,Q!l'Il'0m Una ruuuc n: hiittee were dxscussed; Hunnluabs or "sHa1'xs"`|N' PARAMouN'r's BEAU G1-:s'u-:" The rst featured screen appear- ance oi the Touaregs, colorful` mounted, nomadic bandit sheiks -0 Ah-path: nn flit! `QsGrt. mounted, nomadic -oanmt "oneness of Algeria on the Sahard\`esert, is made in _ Beau Geste, which arrives -at ? Dreamland Theatre, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. tr....kmu-6 Rn:-rnnn- whn transfer- Tuesday anu weqnesuuy. Herbert Bernon, who transfer- red'P. C. 'Wren s thrilling mystery novel to the screen for,Pa amount, spent three months with 000 men on the desert in Arizona lming the `-Saraha scenes- First time shown at regular prices. 7b &m&&&&a&&&&&&& m - _* THORNTON "3: Mrs. Denham "-rs visiting her mother in Novar. _ MrsPriest of Minesing is visit- ing Mrs. P. Banting. s Mrs. N. S. Grose has returned af- ter visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. W. J. C. Boake is visiting her father in Stroud this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Aliiston spent the week-end_ with Mrs. Grey. Mr and Mrs, C-has. Blackstock are visiting their son. Dr. Roy Black- ginnb M? Ennis. Ell CID ' credit nmun-u annum M! will LGJIIVVI I lecture.` lecture. Trinity W. M. S. Trinity W. met at Mrs. H. M. Thompson's on Wednesday, Some time was spent considering ways and means of meeting this year's allocation also how to help -the prayer life of the auxiliary. A short time was spent with the last issue of the Missionary Monthly which proved very- helpful. The Scripture lesson was taken by Mrs. Ingham, I .Miss Doane gave the devotional leaf- 1'-o 1-Inn nhdnfnr in the studv. bO0k W33 .M1ss Doane gave me uevuuuucu ma..- 1,'et,;._the chapter In the study. book ?taken,by_M_rs. West. The chapter was very interesting and showed that urn mnaf work with the foreigners .VeI`y Interesting uuu uuuwcu Until. we must work with the foreigners and not for them. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Miss Lillian. THE anal: EXAMINER St. Jude : W. A. Feb. 11-'Dhe monthly meeting of St. Jude's W.A. was held at Mrs. 1- A Tarnlnunn 6 nn 'l"m-`edav. Feb. 7. Jude's W.A. was new an inn. J. A. Jamieson s on Tueday, Feb. 7, with a good attendance. A special prayer for the upbui-iding of the parish was offered .by.Mrs. Marrow. Mrs. Milligan took the Bible read- ing. Mrs. Reid read short reports of Mission work in Kutien, China, and in Fort Churchill, Keewatin Diocese. Mrs. Sproule had an interesting ac- count from Egypt...A short sketch from Bishop Lucas work was also given. `Miss Bowman's address on Japan was reviewed for the benefit of those who were not present the `night it was given. Valentine place cards and other decorations gave the lunch a. Valentine touch and nmni-. rnnrnhnv v-nmaived 9. favor. the luncn B. Vu1euI.un: LULIUII each member received a favor. I'\ V luunluw wavy-uu This week's meeting of St. Jude's A.Y.P.A. took the form of a. Valen- tine social at the home of Mrs. A. J-amieson, on Monday night. Near- 1.. an um mnmhnm: were nresent. good onthl 5 old: child!` A. J'&n'll8SOI`i, 011 luuuuay luau. Aivua - 1y all t-he members were present. Being a Leap .Year Party the boys were waited upon by the girls throughout the evening. For the choice oi? p_artne_rst;h_e boys had to do a. pantomime. a well-known statue. a public speaker giving an address; the girls guessing what th pantomime -represented. Aheart- shooting contest came next. -hearts of different sizes being strung on a. cord across an archway; and in an- other game, tiny red hearts were us- ed as forfeits. There were also con- tests on authors and\owers. Elab- orate and amorous proposals 0! marriage written by t'he girls were distributed among the boys, w-ho in turn /read them aloud. A Valentine lunch w-as served, then there was an exchange of .valentines and the prizes won during the evening were `presented. The prize awarded to the lucky girl was a pair of lustre china. salt and pepper shakers and to the boy a miniature three-storey wed- ding cake, surmounted -by a .pair of red can-dy cuplds. The groom cut ' the bottom storey of the cake and l divided it among the guests. >I0I<%W>X0X<>I1>I<>X<>I<>X<>X<> >x< g ELMVALE NEWS mw&amaa&wmm%w&m `Chas. Lillie spent a. few days in Toronto this week. Roy I-Ioughton enjoyed Saturday at his home in Barrie. Mrs. Ro_t_>t. Storey was with her son ,a_t Cundies over Sunday. ' -- ~Miss- Mea`ry Craig passed the Weke` ffd .`With' friends in Midland. ' Watson Copeland of Toronto s'pent the week-end with his parents. Miss Stevens of Toronto is the guest of Miss Ethel Drysdale. `Min: F}-sther I-Iowe of Toronto guest 0! MISS mule: uL`yaua.xc. `Miss Esther Howe spent the week-end at her home. .1VI I.u.u Blanche Andrew of 2nd line. Flos, was home for the weeK-enu Mrs. Wm. An-drew was a. Sunday visitor with -her son in St. Cathar- ines. `lJ'n1n:nn1r (!.nn.hnm nf Toronto was spent the weex-enu at uer uumu. `Miss Blanche Andrew for the week-end mt... 1X7nn Andy-Aw was: :1 Sundav Satunday. \ Miss Vera Scott of Creemore was the guest of Mrs. Clarence Ritchie for a few days. run... Innnrlv-A Hnlmts were sold rln for few days. Two hundrd tickets were sold AElmva.le for the hockey special to Barrie last Friday. -.`I:Io.-nlil Tmurenn whn hag 133911 in assays mow- nearly atria; eader: A .cu1tl- n har- w, In- t No. It last Friday. "Harold Lawson, who -has been Toronto for arfew months, returned home on Saturday. mm. Vnrnnn TT9.-`her returned home Saturday. Miss Verona Usher returned home on Monday after a. week with her sister in Barrie. `Al-Ian TBAIIA Tawnnn .o:nen't 8. fGW her sister In uarrxe. Miss Irene Lawson spent a. few_ days in Toronto recently. , VI`!-no ehndents of the Fourth Room days In Toronto recenuy. The students of the Fourth or the public school enjoyed a. skat- ing party on Thursday last. Mm, Jan- Ellsmere of Craighurst mg party 'l.`n1ll'Su8.y mac. Mrs. Jas. Ellsmere Craighurst is spending a. couple or weeks at the home of her uncle. David Beardsall. M... 1XTnIfn1- '1~nmu- is smendinz -t-he. home or her uncle. uavm nev.maa.u. Mrs. Walter Telfex-`is spending the week in Toronto and Montreal. rs 1.1 'nu+nhm- annnt Mondav in nes. I-Iavelock Graham of Toronto was Lt his home -here for a couple of lacuna week in Toronto and momrem. C. E. Dutcher spent Monday in Toronto. 1 - as 1-..1....-.. Tfnifn nhnir will ure- ' Toronto. St. John's United choir will pre- sent their play in -Parish Hall. March 14. Fuller particulars later; - - V (a.dv.) .Women e Institute \dr\lVo] : The regul.r"-"meet'1ng of the E1m- ' vale branch of the Women's 111- 1 Mrs. `,C.j;_-*E.- Du-tcher on Thursday. Feb. -9'. `wl_th" Mrs. R. M. Black, presid`e'rit, in `the chair and thirty- nlne members and five visitors pre- sent. _;*A donation of $25.00 was voted to the school` to help pay for the new pl no.~`It was decided to \have' an Indsn entertainer. The March meeting~-wl1l' be held at the home 0! Mrs. W. J. McGuire. After the busi- stltute was held at the home` of!` . 01:! are. old. (run A Valentine Social ____ -a CV4. I I5: LEI} (a.dv.) - \ ANNUAL at Sarjant 6: King s Commencing Next Saturday, February 18th ` "W" ?T--------. 40 and 42-inch Strong Circular Pillow Co -White Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,{_:__- 42-inch Circular Pillow Cotton in mill ends, 1 to 5 yards, of No. 1 q.ua1ity of Wabasso Cot- ton, equal to our regular `Good Night 55c on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 -2: Fine White Cotton, 36-in. wide, good value at . 2oc-on sale ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 . Special purchase of Fine 36-in. Nainsook, 35c`gnd 40c, at White Sale T IN GKLAI VHKIIEI I9 I'll-II-I I-0 ---_V- . SALE PRICES all linen,al1.white or bltfe or red check, extra value at Sale . . 24 pa. .. l 18'-in. Linen Roller Towe1ling_,- striped extra. heavy, only . . . . . . . .. . . , 36-in. Embroidery Linen, during `sale- ..$_`1.oovalue for . . . . $1.50 value for . . . . $2.o0va1uefor........>l . . . . .. . % 50x50 All Lin`e;-S-t;13`c-l `Bdrder-4 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' -- ` Fine L L62-inch wide at half price . . . . . . .. Here's a very great bargah1.:._58-in. Pure Linen Tabling, half bleached, at half price $1733 V 5 _ _ ROYAL CROWN DUCHES_$- SATIN-'-36. in-. ches wide, beaqtiful quality, our special lead-A er, during Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.29 \sarieam _igg,LiIIgg ; acted-as toastmaster. ' to "Canada" to which Leizihton Mc- ' and Garfield of Penetanz. respond- . proposed a. toast to the Bachelors." - ness and program a dainty tea was served by four members. . ` Banquet at Greenland V The bachelors of Knox Church. Crossland. were entertained to a banquet by the pastor, Rev. Thomas, on Monday evening. Feb. 13. Forty-six sat down to the boun- tiful spread and were served by the ladies ater which Oliver Andrew Jos. Robertson proposed the toast G-inni and Emmerson , '-McEl'wain.- : made suitable rep1ies.,W*i_il_ie_ : iace introduced a toast to ff'1`ho"V|s_- itors" and Ross Usher.` EImvs.ie.- ed. Rev. John Gibson at Hilisdale Rev. Mr`: Gibson and Mr. Cotton en- tertained with songs. The National ......... hr-nucht to a close a nice: tertalned with longs. um ........ Anthem brought to `enjoyable evening. ~ l TIEIIC vw.v._ Will absolutely and promptly rellev stomach, liver, bowel and kidney, disorders. Unequalled for gas pains. headache. constipation. `etc. Ask_ Wm. Crossland, drugglst. Barrie. about this wonderful -herbal reglxg AR" Bll `Will fproprlgn rut. Mo- Mll. LER'8 CANADIAN I-IE 3UU|l` edy. ine Linen Damask Clo7chs,' $3.50 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext 'Z$13? fi3{:'g`$, D'rs fiinihiangs bbons for soc. $2-00 Children` W001 Coats 4...`...-+mnn+ nf Hm < mre- * striped or plain, ly ._ . . . . . 15 AN ._ . HERB` .;un__c.: _ ;u.. _..Il4.vn\ Every thrifty Housekeeper in the com- munity is attracted by this interesting and money-saving event. To the very many enquiries about this Sale we are glad to say that large purchases have been made and preparations will be completed to start the sale SATURDAY MORNING, AT 9 Every woman wants more Linens and Cottons, more Table Napery and Bed- ding, more Nainsooks, Cambrics, Prints, ' Gingh`aLI_ns, Underwear and Dress Materi- !- V-I-'-- __.'-- `..:nu`n-;u I-=-can 4 {Ian a1;:l5:Il;1`i.sw,isyti1.`:>;;1~)"..le?s.1;;-rcv 'ti'x}Ie"3?'Ii{e year to sew and the best time to purchase your needs `at much lower than regular prices, so expect- GREAT BARGAINS REMEMBER THE DATES ! TELL YOURTRIENDS ! DON'T MISS IT - AND SAVE MONEY GREAT SALE And you will not be disappointed. er-'---;1;e~.cia1 - . $1.29 70x70; regular ` $1.98 I`d.lF"""' 75 $1-00 $1.25 sook, worth . . . . . 29 ow Cotton . 32 U Luuxuuuu u _u vvn vv-.- department of the store. Advertlse in The Examiner -38 Dunlop St., -AT THIS ' ` ~I-You'\XriIl see there Saturday morning: 36.in. Dress c, Dress Trimmings Sc, Men's Good Gloves and Mitts dren s_ V_Vp_ol Coats 95c, and Great Bargains in every 8-4 Good Heavy Bleached Sheeting, worth 65c --at White Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 WABASSO Sheetings in all our regular qualities in 63, 72 and 81-in. width, will be on sad: at Reduced Prices. 7-4 Unbleached Sheeting, good heavy weave-~ White Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 59 36-inch Factory Cotton, good value at 20c, at White Sale only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Cotton Bath Towels, large size, at very attrac- tive prices. An Extra Special in large size, 1 during Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 Cheesecloth, wrapped in seal packages, 2 qual- ities`- 5 yards for 40, 5 yards for 50 g I call roan am; June gym. :2 2 36..in Mercerized Cotton Broadcloths in 10 shades-White Sale price . . . . . . . . . . 42 Striped English Pyjama Cloths, 3 6-111. wide. 100 Xards only, good colors, worth 45 on r-r|`n ni- 33 35 pieces Steel-clad Galateas, the best house dress material, regular 35c and 45c. quality, on Sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 500 YARDS OF 29-IN. PURE s1LK'FuGiTin 20 of the newest shades, *orL.sa1e Saturday morning at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 69 10 PER CENT. REDUCTION off all prices of LACE CURTAINS and PANELS. See the pretty panels in window, only, each . . 79 :_:- TABLE OF ALLOVER APRONS AND HOUSE DRESSES, in all sizes, on sale at _. . . . 98 :: ._____.__`.__.___ 1000 YARDS OF 32-IN. FINE GINGHAM, all new patterns, during white Sale only . . 20: SHEETINGS iss Advertise In The Examiner U13, wunun 14 u-. 33 Page Mm E: A erhurSgay.'+=cbruuy 1a, 192:. _ "533 t-~- - _~ RoV.J.JohnstoneB1aok, B.A.,B.D. ` . Minister Horace Wllaon. AJR.C.0;. 4} Orzamat --and Cholrleader. `- .___ Sunday. Fdiluuy 19. 1928 z.nucA'noNAL SUNDAY : *W**:E:;;a:.:f [1 an M312 gl\ an an! A -.---v,-`_` Mo:-n1ig Agtgtz Whoa9'iA1B,i3hty 1 -S.o.1o.t`(s'e'l;ect `S. Moore Evening Anthem:The Da : Pgused and Over" (Mar s) 8010 (seiected). 4 M. s P.M.--SUNDA.Y SCHOOL in all Departments. W2 B8linn{g'at 5.30 p.m. ` .oont1nubus programme of mus- ical and vocal numbers. Ad- miusion 50c. `Children 250. EVERYBODY WEIJCOME Tho a..u1.`n.;.`.".;.. c|....d. GLAPBERTON _sfr_.A_` ADVANCESPRING MILLINERYA cman smwr a United Church of Canada . `E. . . Mrs? Edith. Rowe, orgaxiiut. Mill M. Sinclair. Gholrleader. '{:H- Sunday February 19, 1923 11 %u.m.=-.=-F,i_th in series on the Lord's Prayer. Give us this day our tially bread. and for- . give us our trespasses." 7 p.m-Sixth in series on the Putricwetasmf _the Old '1`esta- ; * mont. =Samue1." ' ` Prayer Meeting, Wednesday. ` Iyllrqu I-; - . ' valung 0! Bread -11 Mn. #018 30v` lu`ndi_y:`8hool and lbfe Read- ing ;'p,xx_}.f_?a=T1;n. 3-1' . Acts 17-11 "($083533 M98!-'18 7 D-my .: , Rumans 1-16. as. No collections 1 M1 `beats tr ___A_____ .{..'--_--, " tree.Z~N'o `collection! Q-LL 'W'EI-99014 -'E Dgvgygr Meting Wednesday 8 pm. Acts 16-13. = IIVII:-(I-r-vr" ' nov, .1. '8: hortt. M-AID a Hardy. Mu!- ETVGM` Qmanxat. and Cholrm -----u- Sunday. February 19 an A If ANYD 7 Po "M " F.'1`.GM.. . Cholrmaster 19, 1928'. 11 A.M. AND 7 1=.M. THE MIN-ISTER 1- `A Sunday. chool at 3 mm. T Armlvqrury Services, Feb. 26,` to be oonductod by Rev. Dr. Inkater, Knox Church, Toronto. ...__... Y.P.S.--Monda.y at 8 pm. Meeting for Prayer and Praise Wednesday at 8 p.m._ d j----. {cosPELuHALL $7 MARY STREET; 3-Mm: . `.:-:'q u-1-j . 1.` , Lord's` Bay`-7. vealunz 0: " Ants I ay; 00: nearly how? new: In lep- Ohllfo uantltv , 2 bbll. A nu EXCLUSIVE HATS, de- $ signed tolook smart, made to` stay smart, and are not factory-made. / ta 9 the servihes on Sunday _A ut.11 sun. and .97 pm. _ MISSION mm: at 6.45 E S MEETING YOUNG PEOPL at 8 p.m., BAND . % p.m., Friday Friday --1% Sabbath. Ilobiluuy 19.1923 11 mm. -- Subject: Desirable _ Habitations." Childa:en _s "Talk. Upside Down." 7 p.m.---Swbject: "The Bruised Reed and the Smoking Flax." Anthems by-_t'ne `Choir. P.M. OERVIOE 127 Bunkap St... BARRIE Opp. Li`\'z1ngston s Garage; ST- XNDnaw'sL Presbyterian Clllltch 3 PIIVII wru- Ieoua nnobytonliif ; I UUIIO 4 ind eel and and all again! Aiit A1B} Leiect .-l-p.L hem: 0, Father, ghty Power (Hands!) \ W. Moore. Is s). ii: M. ..A\ d) """sU]N'lJJ_Ll. Dp:.:.\ all Deparggnents. '* -T= ` --C-DC - E church I wpv erase hens. Nine joint can. HERE THEY ARE, the new ;? straws. Attractive"'gShapes, with the narrow and large brims, Smartlyi trimmed, colorful and attractively de- signed. A selection of all head V sizes. Variety styles, colors and trimmings. `Seventeen Days Old Timel L. - --3: -:jjj-QC 31 Coramoncfng Saturday, Feb. 18- continuing till Monday, Mar. 5. Services every week night at 7.45 and Sundag meetings at 11 a.m., 2. 0 and ? p.m.` The Citadel is being `decorated "with eveggreens. The log cabin and re "etc., will lendfa very real camp appearance. wd A "l\`I'Y`D`\ A V bunny Inga`: vvvvvvv -- `SATURDAY 7.30 - A MEMORIAL MARCH through the main streets" of the town. 8 p.m.--A Memorial Ser- vice in Citadel. Ensign Langford .in charge throughout the `day. `SUNDAY _ 4 o 7 a.m.----`Sunrise Prayer Meeting. 11 a.m.-Subject:l-lighway Safety, 2.30---Sunday School and Bible` . -Classes. A 7 p.m.-Rope!Ropo!' More Rope}! Monday, 7.45 - Lt.-Col. McAm- mond, _ from Hamilton, will conduct the meeting.~ _ . ,. ; Tuesday, '7.45-Ensign_ Langford. -Subject: A Salvation Snowstorm. ` Wednesday, 7.45 --` Subject: Menage for Tired Follgu. '_ Thursday, 7.45--Half Done." Friday, 7.45-`-A Message for Hot`- ticulturists and Gardeners. Song Books provided. All seats: free. Buil'ding well lighted, -warm and clean. Music and `Singing by talented artists. ` o All citiz-ens are requested to at- tend this special series of inspir- ing services. _ , OUR AIM: ZWBETTER -BARRIE. \ Divisional rCommander ; A1-VAT!QN 31`? V Til '3 >TII\I Barrie Cit} St; Ensign and Mn. Luigford` Officer: in Charge . "W Burton Ave. United Church. ,ALLAN DALE Pastor: Rev. Geo. E. Coulter Cholrm-aster: F. J. D; Norman __ 'Kiiii5 11 A.M. Subj:et: _ ` _ THE DEFENSE OF LOVE 3 -p.m.--Sunday School-, all Dep`ts. 7 p.m.---Spec-18.1 Young People's Service. led by Yeugng People's League. Bright singing. short talks and lesson by League Members. `Pastm"s Subject: The Cheurcljrf E and -Its Relationship _v toklts 17nun.n Dnnrnin `um- L!" I troatml - 5, Brou- .-onchltll. `mes. RO- Brouland `I-Cb -IX;-s`Lirid"aiy, Feb. 19, 1923 BI-ll` I I`:-Inn up--w---__ (Ellzabeth street) V _ REV, A. `E, BAKER,` Mm1_st9xF ` \.. 11 a.m.~--`Subject: A Perennial; Sin. Oh11dren s Subject: The story of a servant who told a. lie and in consequence lost his position and was visited with ` leprosy. A ` 7 p.m._--Subject: Society's Sor- did B|emiIh"--a consideration A: um gmmnth. Commandment. MI1N'I STRY OF PRAI-SE Miss Jessie Bryson.'Cho1rleader _ Mrs. E. Richardson. Organist. 11 a.m.--Anthem: Tho Ninety ` and Nine (Wheeler). Solo: The Touch of His Hand" (Mo:-ton)-Mlss Cora Brown. 7 p.m.--A.-n`t~hem:` Great and Marvellous ('1`urner)- `Solo: Beside -Stdll -Waters '(I-Iam- M bler)--Miss Audrey Cl1tton._ T snacm. NOTICES sAsoN or .um~:~r - -1 ` -~-& nnann an i , - The film f`Jesae James" hag been "binned in Ontario. Bnitislrcolumbla. was taken a... similar stand. A com- p_a,_nI_,Qn picture. Undei`wor-Id". has also been togbidden in Ontario. United chunici; `6f_ T(3unid"' `CENTRAL CHURC :1-nu....\.-H.. GO-nan!-\ M `aatanasoo ` The season of `Le;1-t`og$1p on Ash Wednesday. Feb. 22. ` is will. be: ' a. season -of Self,-Denl a.la `:Prei- ` paration for t'heir;il'ix.1.9'f=X`` 'tiPam slon Week anq. ;`tY|e fgumlns 5` EVANGEILISTIO s: nvI.cEs to be conducted by REV. JOHN E. B Ex-Policeman of New York -`city from `April 11th.t_o April 29ur =' In Central church.- Mr.. Brown is an evangelist of lntema.tIo'na1~z-eg '.`.nc-n `Plaasa keen .t~h_eae` dates, arm `LLB Isuxauv Young People." In wvu T pute. 09811. open. A ` ` __ Stnngon and Visitors `E_xpq_:tnd_,` BJISQNEI. 0; III sv [Please keep {$3.33 an: HA )!'!ta.uomu wur .t-heao: dates , gmnron Ash .139: |*..|!`...H: Qua-`- "0 \ * *3 ;Pl_-ZRSONAL _ 3 new at. . _ Charles Wilson of Toronto vis- ited his sister, Mrs. D. Jacobs, V. 1jat,week. . -~~Donald Minty "left on Tuesday for British Columbia and will reg- ' ao -Hanan S%*;*******a*&a Migs Irene I.:ax_vson. Oshawa, 18 visiting Miss Lxlhan Hines, E1128- beth St. . rn__..1.... 117:1--- mi 'l`m-niutn v-In. |'?5g: `side - there. f Donald. Jacobs ret'ur'r'x.ed on Monday after a'_visit at Mineng and Anten `Mills. "an... :11 .... .. M `Duh; nf nah- and Anten mms. Miss Florence M. Pyle of Osh- awe was the week-end guest of Miss Marjorie West, Worsley St. M... A1-.. wilann nf Antan LVLISS i.V18.I`]0l'lB W835, VV u.I.`au:,y um Mrs. Alex. Wilson pf Anten Mills is spending a few days with Mrs. Donald Jacobs; Bayfield St. 'u..\ ....a an..- 1:! M rinmimnn ml Mrs. uonam dacons, Duyucuu nu. Mr`. and Mrs. E. M. Goodman of New. Liskeard are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blair, 97 Toronto Ell 611.459: V1: V0 -no-u--, V. _-_-_V, St. . Mr. and Mrs. Weston Hambly motored from Brantford and spent Monday with Miss Almeida Lewis. ` . It--- D..- ....A Mk: T4-In Pg`: newts. ` ~ .Mrs. Pae and Miss Ida Pae leave next, Monday for Dundas, Ont., to'spe_nd.;three months with relatives 1:he1te.. '-- A T Kfannnn ant` M-pg, (L the late 11. '11. union. . Mrs. J. J. Heels and Mrs. D. Moore of Victoria Harbour were recent guests at the home of "Grant Heels, Brock :St." ` 1-r xv .5.-1..1....1A van in l-nunl nvnr relatives Mrs. A. J. Wallace and Mrs. C. H. Beelby .were in Toronto last week-end attending the funeral of the late H. Otton. `M..- 1 u....1. am! Mrs. `D- urant neels, nruun -um H. N. =S1bbald was In town over the week-end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. '1`. Sibbald, 91 Henry St., who-. are on the sick list. F. E.tRichens, local acting map-A` ~ager of the Canadian National Telegraph office, spent the week- end -with friends in Windermere. IE}...-. nfhunnnnl-n 1\:nI1A\! A9 end With II'le!l(1S In W u1uu.I.`uu:xc. Miss 'Carmeta Srigley of Holly has gone to New York to take a post graduate course in nursing in one of the largest hospitals there. 11.- 'l'.un.#I- nf 01 me largest; uuapuuxa uuuua. Ike 'Marrit, formerly. of Mid- hurst Forestry Station,-.was an in- terested spectator at `the Borden- Elmvale hockey matchj,` Monday ..:...LL IHIIII Val mgnt. _ Mrs. Wallwin of Toronto has returned home after spending the past week with `Mrs. Nat`.-Dyment. Miss Graham accompanied= her to the city. :2: Ma. Him `Pow-n11`hnv and arm. Nu d in-

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