Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1928, p. 8

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`iron SALE 1',h'DUlluAUan, Luz` aunt. V. C p ` 4",, n In R,` Toroorgtg u ;pI..;,Dl ' I . I , 5..-1o`p. for sale, in `good 7 9 .Ma_1"y ,_Ba!1u 8.180 I01` UBHVBPY In way. All tenders to b'e'sea1ed'a.nd ad- ` dressed to H. H. CRESIWIICKE, Chairman of County Property -'-Committee. Barrie, Qht. " ' 6-.7b . Tenders are invited for the1)ur- chase of Debentures or the Town or Barrie, amounting to $15,000. which are guaranteedby the County 0: Simcoe. The toliowingbare the pa.rticu1ars:- ' 315,000--Ten years at five per cent, gated Februarylst.-1928. under the* uthqrity of By-law No. 1209. to urdltase the plant and equipment of the Barrie Gas Company, Li'_mit,- _ ed. The debentures are payable on `the instalment plan in ten equal . annual instalments otprincipal and. interest during theecurrenoy or same. i from date of "issue. .._. . - : _-cu`-cg-uuun. ,,. 1, , n_` / LOS 1`-- dog, answers toname of "Pal". Phone 679 or return to Unnuvnn in `G1- ,_f1`_enders will be received by -the undersigned up till Saturday. Feb- ruary 25. 1928. for supplies for the -Gaol and coal for the County Bulld- ings for the period of twelve month: -from Apriilst. 192-8, to March 31st, 1929. Supplies for gaol consisting of V meat, vegetables and groceries. Any information -and tender forms may .be. obtained at the County Treasur- .er'.s office at the Court House. , Also for supply of coal to be de- "lfivered at the. Court House, Gaol. Registry Office, and .-Children's 5.She'iter. estimated as follows: Court -House about 100 tons `of soft coal, best quality; Gaol, about 70 tons of stove coal and 10 tons of nut .coal; Registry Office. egg and nut. ..such quantities as will be required from time to time; Children's shel- ter, about 15 tons of furnace and stove coal as required. Tbnvnrv 419 Anna`! in ha mn.rln at fhn HIEUVU UUMI EB ruqucreu. ' "Delivery or coal to be made at the `request of the Chairman of the evqounty Property and tenders for the "cba.l` for Gaol and Cou`rt-House to be given for-theldelivevy on sleigh: and also for delivery `in May. A" 1-Annr: tn h'A'an1n:I'nntI n_ Tenders will be received by the undersigned up -to and including Friday, February the 24th. 1928, for the position of caretaker and man- %er of. the new Township Hall. at idhurst. `Particulars as to the gduties. and forms for tendering may be obtained from the clerk. at his .-office, 9 Owen `St.. Barrie. or will- b_e_torwarded on request. By order ' `of the Council. A B. -COUTTS. Clerk, 6.='7b Box 158, Barrie. an Una: uwvv vs on-1-vu SEALED TENDERS must be in` the hands of the undersigned Treas- urer -on or before 4 pan. of the 20th day of -February. 1928. Ll__I.__A. . _ . _ -- 1.__.1_.. ..AA. cu v w--w- NOTICE is hereby given that Amy --Simmons, of the Town of Barrie. in the County of Simcoe, and Province of. Ontario. married woman, will apply to the Parliament or Canada. atthe next session thereof. for a. Bill of Divorce tram her husband. Towniot Barrie. in the.Provinee of Qnztzirio; aforesaid, Furrier, on the ground;-`of adultery and desertion. " `- Dated at B.8i-.Ifl`.1... Province of On- :ta.rio~, the 7th,;la}r,..ot February. 1928. ' `S'1`EWA1Rf1`* & STEWiA.`R'1`. ` ` 19 'Owen~`St.. `Barrie, Ont. 6-_10b Solicitors for the Applicant 'George. R." Simmons. or the said . .""1:.11e1.;igVl1-es.t"'c)-r8:t`;$r -t'e-that not necessarily accepted.` _DA.'I`ED February 9th, 1928. A. W. SMITH. 6*`-7b Treasurer, Town 6: Barrie I1&IIV- VI Ivliuivv `I An important meeting of the Gow- ganda-Duggan Silver Mines. Ltd., will. be held at 89 'Worsley St.. Bar- rie; on Monday.` `Feb. 20. at 8 pm. " z_ARC`I-HE FYEE. I Uh ' 1: T7InA_.'D.vInu-1tInn O- ..- Tenders will be received by the I undersigned up to and including Friday. the 24th day of February. 1928, for the sale of the following property: 1, Thu Hnvhnr nn -I-ha nlrl Tnwnahln yrupulwy; 1. The timber on the old Township Hall property at Mldhurst. said -t1m- ber to be removed from the premis- es within three monphs from the date of sale. V 0 MA hunt` IIl\wv|i\n.a'r\nn `Jan :51 UGLU UL -.LUn 2 The land comprising the ol hall site at M'ldh\:u-st (about 1% acres). possession after the timber and shed have been removed. 0 Thu `and on)` I-Ivnknn Invliln -gnu, UL rat I I"! Toronto `S-t. uuu SHUU IRIVU UUUII rexuuveu. 3. The land and timber "(with per- mission `to remove theshed) of the f,'ol'd township` hall site (about 1% acres) at Midhurst. `being part of the west `hair of lot 12, in `the 4th concession of Vespra. 4 'l`nrmn 0-nah . .1-Tia-hAa+ mu an inn. UUHUUBHIUII UL Vlylfa Terms cash. `Highest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. '; By order or the Vespra. Council. A. B. COUTTS. |Clerk, '6-7b ' ` Box 158, Barrie, Ont. ;I=oR`eAoLv suPPI.~I AND com. . FOR COUNTY auu.omes -NOTICE IS -I-I~EREBY GWEN that Kathleen Powell, trading` as Powell & Company of Barrie, On- tario, was adjudged bankrupt and a. Receiving Order . made on the 7th day of February, 1928. and that William J. Reilley. Assistant Master S.=C.O.. has -appointed me to be Cus- ~_todian. of the estate of the Debtor until t`he first meeting of the Cred- ` 'itors. 'KY.l'\!IV'(V13 JG !`I'YI3.'I"L'I'!i`,D I'S.T'(H1H\T `HUD!!- `. To .entitle you to vote_thereat. proof of your claim mustbe lodged with me before the meeting is held. . _.Proxi_es -to -be used at the meeting . mu,s_t be lodged with me uprior . ",'."'An:I u:-fhnr 1-ulna notion -hhnf ni trx:5'tutther take notice that at 'I`m311..m'_'eetlng the creditors wt-11 elect _ ;tme`, per`ma.nent Trustee. . .. Ar`|.`fIn~thA1- fnlna nnflnn that If &V'\J'.L'L\.a.l`J W9 -L"LJ\uJ.l.'l.l`Jl.`|v KS1-V'J:J`LV -that the first meeting of creditors in the above Estate will be held at the Court House at Barrie. Ontario, `on the 24th day or February. 1928, `at half past 11 o'clock la the fore- `noon. VIVA AII.'?`A an-nu n -"A61: Gknnnnli ,p!3rma.nunt 'L'l'|lHIUUo v 8 T Andvlurther take notice that it -you have any claim against the `Debtor tor which you are entitled to rank. proof of such claim must be filed with me. or with the Trustee when appointed. within thirty days tromthe detect this not_ice. `other- wise. the proceeds of the -Debtor's estate will be distributed among the part-ies entitled -thereto without re- gard to your claim. - !\.AIlIIlII\ -1. nI-..__L- LI.l_. 414:. j_,_ 5.-.- -v 'v-- Omrmn at 7133;J{:eo, this 11th day `or February. 1928. A ` V E. G. CLAERKSON. Custodian | c/o E. R.-C. Clarkaon &`Sons. .16 `Wellington St., =W.. . -`lb _ TORONTO 2 LOST--In vicinity of Ba:rrie-Allanr dale Dairy. Soph1a.St.. gold brooch, set with ~petu'1s, single ametlhyst In centre. Reward If -returned to dairy. 7p In IND EIIIYO 01' KATH LEEN POW ELIL . `TRADING A'S POWELL & CO. AT- 'BA1RlRI'E. 0NTABI'O *'-A-allll I31 I-Ul'Bo NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN Lab `Ln Olunt nnnnblum AI nun-ulln-an ."'rHE BANKRUPTCY ACT" NOTICE or Kb? E l\I\l TOWN OF BARRIE Debentures For Sale NOTICE OF MEETING . I?-. In the Estate of LTIJI EERI Bl'\\AlEI ? TENDERS JV$1'JJ 1J.lJL`4 ' l`$\J .l'4lJ ` VV `LI`oVl`I$-$V W ll L5 work. practical nu-rslnvg or house- work by day or week. Best refer- ences. Reasonable rates. Mrs. M. Martin, 44 Penetang St.. Barrie. 7-8p TENDERS rauouciocag \rA1 on "BFNKRUPT J.` l.I."I1Ag `Vice-President OBITUARY >X<>I<>I0I0I0X<>X<>X0I0I I0I0I1 __.svLvt=.s'r':R co|'.:a` w '1- FI4 *3 `X4 >11" VI` '3 Death came very unexpectedly to ' `Sylvester Cole on Saturday. Feb. 11. He was in an Elizabeth St. store at 11.30 and half an hour later died `suddenly at his home -in Florence St., heart failure taking` him - oft. Deceased was born at Beverley. 0nt.. 78 years ago. For a. number of years he farmed at Anten Mills be- fore coming to reside here in 1905. I Mr: !".n1n (Hm! 4-in-an mnnkhn nan 801.13` 8.1111 noneut. When three. years or as-e\Lou1s Va.1r came to Toronto rrom Scotland with his parents on a. sailing ves- sel. A year later they moved to Bar- rie and decea.sed's father. William Vair, started a greenhouse in the east end of the town. As a young man Louis Vaiir himself started in the flower business. selling out to E. A. Harris in 1914 and then enter- ed the contectionery and restaurant business which he conducted from 1914 -to 1926, first in the store oc- cupied by Harry Twlss and later where Dominion Stores are now located. In 1888 he married Carrie E. Fox and there is one son, Louis. T-wo brothers, John of Barrie, and James oi! Toronto. also survive, as does a halt-brother, Alexander Vair, of La.Salle.~ Mich. ' Vhn funny-Q1 rah Jvnltl nnnv 'IO!'B CUIINIIK ID P631116 ll8l'0 in 1.1100: Mrs. Cole died three mon`ths ago. . The following family survive: Harry and Benj., Toronto: Fred. Minesinz: Wm.. in British Columbia; .. Arthur and Ward. Barrie: Mrs. Jenkins. Kettleby: Mrs. E. Lessor, Anten Milis. Of his father's tamily of thir- teen the tol`owing are living: John Midland; Albert; Orilli-3.; Wm., Tor- nnfn CORDWOOD WANTED. Any quan- Hhy nf nnrrlxvnnd srlnhu nr hnnln ul uueuuuuu'u RICE!` 011116 50 1111113. 11. they being among the pioneer: to locate in that township. Mr. and Mrs. Mccon-key farmed on the 5th line of Innistil until coming` to Bar- rie about 40 years ago. T-Tar hnuhnn nnarlnnnnnn have In mu: auuul. -av years also. Her husband predeceased her in 1904. or a. ramlly of six, two sur- vive, viz., W. Agar and George S. at Barrie. A son `and a. daughter died at an early age trom diphtheria. Ed- ward, who was captain of the S.S. Regina, -perished in the great storm of 1913 and Dalton died in `the flu epidemic or 1918. A sister of Mrs. Mcconkey, Mrs. Somersall. resides in Goderich. mhn Indus `IA .-n `ll .-RIVA-`In--. --- AD - OI ua.ua1Ie.`1\a.amu. `The funeral was held Sunday from his residence, Vespra. apart- ments, where service was conducted by Rev. J. S. Shortt. interment be- ing made at Barrie Union cemetery. Kerr Lodge. A.F. & AM. or which Mr. V`a_:i~r was a member for nearly forty years, also partici-pated in the services at the house and cemetery. It was a very large tuneral. UIILU. Burial was made in the Union Cemetery on -Monday afternoon. Rev. E. J. WTh`an' took the services. assisted by Rev. A. E. Baker. Those acting as pallbearers were: Zeeman Rupert, N. Llscumb, F. Wusema Robt. C-oulson, Wm. I-Iarker an J. D. Knapp. ` ' lVIl'lu W: U: IVIGUUIVREI ~ Following 9. very short illness of three days with quinsy, Mrs. Katie Ha-ugwhton, relict of the late W. D. Mcconukey, passed away early Fri- day morning ot last week at her home on Bayfield St., and was but- ied on Sunday afternoon from the home of her son. George S. MolCon- key, 121 Toronto St.. Rev. J . S. Shortt of `St. Andrew's. assisted by Rev. J. J. Black or Coliier St. Un- ited. officiating. Interment vwa.e made in Barrie Union Cemetery. 'I\he pallbearers were Crarkson Spring, A. E. Lowe, A. W. Smith, Chas. I-Iauvghton of Toronto, Jas. Gardiner or Thornbury and Hugh Graham of Shanty Bay. Dnnnnnn no-an A dnnprhfnr nf Han. uu.'a.ua1u U1. Dxuuuy Day. Deceasedwas a. daughter of the, late `Edward Haughtlond and- waI born '1h.1-852 at Churchill, where her father was a. prominent lum-barman in the early days. Her parents orig- inally came from Ireland. settled in Quebecean-d later came to Innis- ?" than hnhma an-rnna Oihn nlnnuaeon Ill \.'.l'UuU*l.'lUllu The late Mrs. Mcconkey was of a. reserved. but thoughtful disposition and a fine -type of womanhood. She was intensely 1oyal`to her tam- lly and very fond of her grand- children. She was a. lite-long mem- ber of the Presbyterian church. --vwuw --u-uu-cuuv :11-I A native of city of Fife, Scotland. where he was born 63 years ago last Sunday. and a resident of Barrie for 59 years. Louis Ireland Valr. re- tired rnerchant, passed away on Feb. 9 following a nine-months illness. Few men were better known in Bar- -rie than the"ia;te Louis Vail`. For thirty-nlve years -he was in business, first as a florist and later in the confectionery and restaurant busi- ness. The nature ot l1-is vocation kept him in constant contact with the publicand he earned a reputa- tion for being most obliginc, court- eoustand honest. 1"l7'.Innn Ghana conning AC nan \T.A|II- Inuit! Iutrzuuu ?TvIvIJ:Z::: - '1`h "death loccurredlion `Mend-ayg. ` February 13. of Jane Pl-antt, wife `of the late Robert Campbell, at the home `of her son-lnwlaw, W. D. Scott, 91 Essa. Road. in her 83-d -year. Deceased had always enjoy- ed good health up until a, year ago. when she was forced to take to her bed and has only been around on very few occasions since. The__end was not unexpected. ' Fmm Info Mr: nmnhall was hm-n \JJ~\uI-I VV'\l'LJJJ VV -t$'$V L JllLJu {Lily quan- \J' tlty of cordwood. slabs or bundled edglnlga. Trent Valley Lumber Com- gany. Limited, 95 King Street east, uronto. Phone Elgdn 5754 or Elgin 7972. 7-9b` was nut. uuexpeuwu. The late Mrs. Campbell was born in Longford County, Ireland, and came to Canada with her parent as axgirl in a sailing vessel which took 17 weeks to cross. The family settled at`Clover' Hill. near Cooks- town and were among -the-early settlers. Sixty-`three years ago she "married Robert Campbell, a wagon maker, at Clover Hill and came to ` llandlale nearly half a century ago nd resided there ever sinc. De- ceased was a life-long Methodist, Mr. !Cam~pbel1 being a `Sunday School .Supt. and choirleader, while Mrs. Campbell was always an ac- tive church worker. `She was or a very cheerful disposition, had scarcely known a day's sickness and never tired in doing o800d for others. Since her husband died thirty years ago she has lived with her son-in- -law. W. D. Scott. so that deceased and her daughter, `Sadie (Mrs. Scott) have never lived apart. Child- ren surviving are three daughters, namely, Margaret, (Mrs. R. Scan- lan, Toronto). Lavina (Mrs. Luke Spearn. Allandale). and Sadie (Mrs. W. D. ._. csoott). Another daughter. Eliza (Mrs. Galbraith) died twenty years ago. Two rjbrothers and two sisters. survive. also 18 grandchild- ren and 8' great;-.-`grandchildren. `Pkg fnnannl urn`: nnhl fnnnndav IGI sun 0 l`UlIvIu."5l.'lall\l!JlIlU\Il'Ullo The tunenal was held Wednesday, service being held at the house by Rev. G.` E. Coulter and interment at Union` _cemetery.- The pall bearers were 0. Scott, S-. Spearn, N. Scan- Ian. G. Mitchell;-A. Henderson and S. Kilgour. (\IIO_nC`_'nnn1n Jrlnll-nun IIPA.I\A_ `Inn 5. xugour. `. Out-of-`town; visitors -we Mrs. Jos. Quinia.n,~ Hamilton; ~ obert Plantt. !Eugen,ia- .F`a.lls: `Mrs. N. Adams, Mrs. S.--Brown, Miss Bessie Scanlan. Mr. and ;Mrs. R. Scanlan. Norman Seaman, Chas. Campbell. Mrs. L. 'La.nie._,_-M-rs. Thos. Camp- bell. Mr. and Mrs. C. .Mitchell and Clark Scott, all of `I301-onto: Mrs. Ge_o. Nixon and Mrs.AArno1d, I\1$.- ROBERT `AMpaELL ',1--_LI_ .____...__.s. ._ -Il-_.I.a ' THE BARRIE axmmza. MRS. W. D. McCONKEY .11nnv!un A -can-cu -Inmnnl Inn- LOUIS IRELAND. VAIR ($533-I43]. IVVJILV \.l""1ll IU V lllg IIIUKIIUI" ' of our dear Emily who died Fog. 15. 1916. We cannot forget you, our loved one, so dear. Your memory grows sweeter year after year, You "cannot return, so our tea.rs.a.re dn vain. But 1 heaven we'~re hoping to meet. MW ` again. 7_b_ -aFa.ther, Mother, Brother: g*ww&&&%&%www& ;g INNEMONMM. g m&xa&&$awmwm&a$ _ARMs'r1=.oNG-in loving memory of my dear sister, Emily, who died Feb. 15. 1916. The golden shades of love so true. Time : eeting cannot sever. And memory sweet of by-gone days And year: we spent. together. 7b V _ -sister. I-"J11-VlV.l. VV\lV 11141) LU IIVXMIV J, _WlLlI stock andrimplements. Apply S. A. Battersby. Cundles. Ont. 5-7p mcsmmec,-.;&;. `l7)*i;xZ;Z7fixZ1em<>`i-5:,*~ nf nnr tlnnr Emliv nrhn 1-Hna Wnh lMrs. Collett Wishes to thank the nursing staff of Royal Victoria Hospital, also Drs. Turnbull and Graham, for their kindness and help shown to her during her recent ac- cident. ` 7p "Bk: fan-nu nf thn Int-n Mr: Mn- GIIBB0N`S--In `loving -memory or our dear parents, John Gibbons, who died on February 18. 1927, and Elizabeth Gibbons, who died December `Z4. 1913. Dear is the spot where our parents are laid, Sweet are the memories that never will fade. Fond hopes shall we cherish that nnv-HA Ilnv urn'H man? GU11 uupvu 311:3!-ll WC` U11U1'1311 L11! _ some day we'll meet Kneeling toge'ther=at Jesus teety bn-.1.1_- ..;.r___--3 L__ -s__,_.< UHIBH In The tamily of the late Mrs. Me`: -Conkey wish to thaink all their friends for kindness and sympathy shown -in their recent bereavement. also for oral tributes. 7p Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Patterson wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness and as- sistance and many expressions of sympathy shown in `their recent be- reavement, also tor beautiful oral tributes. 7p . ..- u 4 v..- . III `U I I I .559 V The late Mr. Otton and his wife were returning from a New Year's visit to their son, Fred, here. when the unfortunate accident which ended in hi death befell him. Up to that time he had been enjoying re- markable health tor a. man oi. his years, having almost recovered from an illness which threatened -his life seven years previous. `nnnanuul um: hunt lznnwn an a. KEAS'I.`-IIn loving ggmembrance of Leslie Ellsworth east, who fell asleep in Jesus "Feb. 9,.192`2. One by one earth's ties are broken, One by one they are linked above. some `day there will be sweet re- nnlnn Iitivunu tutu: V: -w - Failing to recover from the ef- te`cts of an accident sutarined five weeks previous. when struck by an automobile as he stepped from the curb to board a street car in Tor- onto, Henry Holt Otton. pioneer Barrie merchant, passed away in the General Hospital. Toronto, on Wednesday. Feb. 8. Interment took place In the family plot at Napanee, where deceased lived as a. boy and young man before coming to -Barrie in 1877. He was in his 79th year. L;__ .__1 L1. :1`- seven years pravxuua. Deceased was best known as a. hardware merchant, having rounded the business on Duniop St. which bears his name and which is con- ducted by his son. He was born- near Kingston in 1851, the son of John Robert and Emma Otton. His parents originally came from Eng- land. After receiving -his early edu- cation he was apprenticed to a tin- smithing firm, Boyle & Wright, later `W. H. Boyle & Son. and learn- e_d'his trade in Naipanee. In 1871 he married Elizabeth Boyle. daughter of h'is'.'empioyer and in 1877 they move'd to Barrie. AC nnnnnf Iynnnu .H1A lnfa Mr nf-fnn ------v--..g -vu-vuuw. - _. v... 7:) -Sadly m-xisi S} imimy WA=N'IVED-CaVstiiway sap buckets; -.must be cheap: r,1.ojobject'lon to hol- es or rust. Wanted for another pur- pose. Apply to '1`. W. H., Box 1016, Barrie. Phone 961W. 7.1) DUIIIQ uuy HLULVU Will. UV \VI'4`Ulu KG` union Once again with `those we love, --`Ever -remembered by Father. 7b Mother, Sister and Brothers Cookstown: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell and Mrs. Thos Campbell of Holly. HIOVGU to burns. V 0! recent years the late Mr. Otton and his wife have been living with their daughter, Mrs. Fred `Stevens, 18 -Scarboro Road. _Toronto, where fune1alg_`erv1ces were held by Rev. S. M. Beach. formerly of Allandale, prior to interment being made at Napanee. Deceased was a. lite-long member of the Methodist. now Un- iteil, Church. "man can now} mnnfh nffnn itea, Unurcn. - A year ago next month Otton Hardware observed the anniversary of fifty years in -Barrie, w-hen the_ late Mr. Otton gave The Examiner an account oi. his history, contrast- img conditions here when he first came to Barrie with those of today. With his brother. Joseph, they took`- over the business of William Ross and they followed the trade or .t1n'-` smithing andsold stoves for years. Gradually the business grew` and hardware lines were added. Five years ago Henry Otton retired and the splendid business of today was taken over by his son, Fred. Minn Infn T1 T1 I'M-nn nnrnn in `Raw- IEKBH. DVEI` Dy 1115 auu, rrvu. The late H. H. Otton came to Bar- rie in answer to an advertisement rom the late Wm. Ross for a tin- smith and -later purchased the busi- ness. Conditiohsfwere naturally very primitive and the_bu'ild1ng up or a business entailed much hard labor, most or it outdoors and in all sorts of weather. a'a`nx,_ neon- Inna o. 1.nk1- Is an... 0]. VV`%.L`llUl`. If Mr. Otton had a hobby it was his busines. To improve it he work- ed zealously. How well he. succeed- ed is now obvious. During his years In Barrie he never aspired to muni- clrpal honors. beineg content to allow his son. Fred, to represent the am- ily in such endeavors. He w _ a. members of the Collrier St. church and for many years was a member ot the Trustee, Joint and Quarterly Boards. Mr. Otton was a. member or Corinthian Lodge. A.F. & A.M. A _,_____ u._____ ____._L 1.. ;u._'u_.'_ ____ _, saw`-n-u---u-on a-ww-av. ---_- uw o----u A very happy event in the-history of the family was celebrated in 1921 on the occasion ot'Mr. and Mrs. Otton's golden wedding anniversary. The celebration was held at their home which was then on. Owen St. `and their three children, (Fred or Barrie. ~Mrs. F. Stevens -,o`'1`;o_-onto -1 and Mrs. J. A. Mac'Cuilol._1g_h Q01 Do`; ` trait, were present. an_1;.W.7.194; Witt!` Mrs. Orton, survive. ' . ? . Feb. lit;-Z`i\l!i(sea1C;z"4;.ce `Anderson and Doris Kendall of Torontd were home for the week-end. ` Miss Agnes. Laurie ot "1`o`1-onto is visiting -her sister. Mrs. Fred Leigh." Mr: 'l`!nmnrnn and any: nf (Iv-Ila. ULILU LG-lllll Ill! Illa-UU 'Ul'Uo _ ~. , Sympathy is extended to Mrs; Wm. O'Brien, \Sr., 9. 11- family in the deat-h of her hlusban Wm. O'Brien. S1-., aged 77 years. A vxuuug uvr anuuar. nus. x-Lvu uuL5u._ Mrs. `Cameron and son of Orlllla. spent the week-end with her father. 8 Mr. Hall. Mr. Parker of `Standard Baxi is on his vacation, Mr. -Sharpe of Tor- onto taking his place there . Qvmnnfhv Fla as-hann +nV1ur .-.1 one cent a word, cash..each.lnser- tlon. (minimum charge, 25(3): six lnsertions for the price of tour. 10c extra when cha2`ge_d; also .109 extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office. CARD OF THANKS I-I-EN RY HOLT OTTON HAWK!-`STONE `lets --s1stex-.1 Miss Ruby Dunn and David Dunn of Orillia announce they have enter- ed a champion Charleston Contest in London. This couple are noted for their dancing, having 5'2 complete steps. including the Rock Bottom. '1`hey`wlll compete double. The con- test begins April 3, a-t the London Palace, London, -Ont. Miss Dunn was one ot the prize _winners at the Charleston contest held recently by Miss Arlie Marks. 7b The undersigned has received in-I structlons from nu nun - |I ZARIQIIAI The following: HO`RSES-Blaok mare, 6 yrs. old. G.P.; bay horse, 7 yrs. old, G.P.; bay horse, 9 ym, old, G.P.; black. horse. driver 8 yrs. old. (NA|'l|'l11'."l7`_ nun nnw _v-iainr 4 1.rr._ Dreu. IMPLLEMENTS. vE'I\C.--Fz-ost & Wood binder, 8-ft. cut; Massey- Harris seed d-rill; Cloverleaf manure spreader; Cockshutt riding plow; In- ternational spring`-tooth cultivator; 9 .'KTn '91 -Wlanlrv walking nlnwns 1'.erna.uuna.1 B}J1.'lll5`LUUl.u \:u1uvu.Lv-r, 2 `No. '21 Flevury walking plows: beam and wheels for No. 21 Fleury plow: set plow harness; Frost & Wood gang plow, 2-furrow; set iron hanrows, 12-ft.; set iron ha:-rows. 9- ft.: scuffler; wagon; flat bottom boat; set sloop sleighs, nearly new; rubber-tired buggy: cutter; demo- crat: hay rack: -wheelbarrpw; gra- vel box; steel-framed sawing ma- nlnlnn 9 source cal aino-`In hnrnnaul liyvvnli I Box Social, -St. Paul's Church, 8 p.m.. Feb. 20. Come and bring your friends. Good program. To EXPERIENCED COOK GENERAL wanted by March 10: age 25 to 30; good wages. Apply 55 Peel tS't. 7-9b I\rIl\-|a\rnInJ - There will be service in St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday, Feb. 19, at 8 pm. I'll 195 11 bwnuu :, an to sell by public auction at 1 p.m-. on an II|IlII\ A I! rsrsnnl I A I3`! 051 norse. unver, 6 yrs. um. CA'I"M.4E-Roa.n cow, -rising 4 yrs., "due August 20; steer, rising 1 yr. old. nfnm A.\T.`n .`I.'l'I2`.L`13_Q at-nrn nia-u PIGS AND S-I-IEEP-8 store pigs. 2 months old; 4 Shropshire ewes` bred. 1-1urnrr.1:\1uI'1:11\Y.m: .`li`.'l'V` __.`I3`y-new .8. 0111. 1 VUI UU8j BLUUl'Ll.'l.ll.|Cu sawuxs HAG` chine, 2 saws; set single harness; set . double harness, rheel chains; number collars; quantity oats; 5 tons or more good Timothy hay; 10 tons or more good mixed hay; 500 bus. turnips; iron sugfr kettle: Daisy churn; Renfrew cream separ- ator; extenslon-ladder, 36-ft.; cook stove, New Empress: 2 sheet-iron "heaters: -our -bin: also forks,` chains. -dou,b_le`tre$ and many other art1cles;_ ` . ` ` ' "'l`Aiv|na. (\`C dA..`A;A`I nnuv-as AG Q10 U111, `HUGVJ; uuy lllalft, 31501.1, ueavy. 0A'I`1TLE--Red cow, 8 yrs. old, milking; red cow, 3 yrs. old, milk- ing; redcow. 7 yrs. old, due -in Apr.: red `cow, 6 yrs. old. due in March; red cow. 7 yrs. old. due in April; black cow, 6 yrs. old. due in May; red cow, 6 yrs. old, due in March; red`--cow, 6 yrs. old, due in May; Jersey cow, 7 yrs., supposed in calf; -,3 Durh-am heifers, 2 yrs. old; Dur- gh9,m.h.e11.'er, rising 3 yrs old; 8 cat- !" 7.1 . Id. cfnrn ulna a.rt1c1es._' " _ Terms- ot..S:1e-A11 sums of $10 and under, cash:over that amount 9 months credit will be,given to parties furnishing `approved jointl notes. 6% per annum_ off for cash on credit sums. `A11-will be sold without reserve as proprietor `lxas sold `his farm. `W. A. Mo'Conkey, Auctioneer. The undersigned has received,in- A etructions from an` 1"` two vn-I Q, 31-3-5-taunt t_d sell by public auction at 1 p.m. on IIIXKQIKER A If FF} Q The following: H*0RSES--Brown horse, 8 y-rs. oldpheavy; bay mare, aged, heavy.` ('1A'I'VI`T.T4`_.'Dna-I nnnt V9 IYFU A13 N vv 1:-w_-u-c--,--, - --to -- T YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 aweek In your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or 301- lclting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenltt Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion Iiullh-nor I"nnn'nfn l'I'1'f`h l.l UU auu unuuy IJLJIUI.` al.'I.lUlU`5. .Terms of Isale--All sums of $10.00 and under. cash: over that amount 9 months credit will `be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on` credit sums. All will be sold without reserve. W. A. Mc'Conk'y, guctloneer. l.LV.I.-l."lJL`JLV.I.'.WLV`.l.B, \l`4.I.'\J. "' nuuler, F;roet,& Wood; seed drill; steel land puller`; sulky ~ra'ke; stiff-tooth cul- tivator; disc hart-ow, Cockshutt; set iron jharrows: tanning mill; single plow , Fleury No. 13; Coekshutt vid- `ing plow, 1-furrow; 2-furrow plow, Cockshutt: set double uharness; cut- ting box: also forks, chains. double trees and many other articles. "I"AII-nu nf unln-__.A II nun-um A0 Q11! All &nI `roux: FARR;-;1';C-I2 G. IMPLEM ENT8 LU 31:11 `DJ `JHUEAU Guy: ll TUESDAY, raaumv 21 Vhn Fnllnnn cr - can a. yuan. vn Q-cnji Ian-inc FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS gggguj `;{;_ti:_;;.-.g1`1,. 1'Lau1?do yrs Ulug 0 can- ,t) ng.._ ,_yr. 0. . `good store pigs. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. `Binder. `li`.nnaf Ar 'TnnA- nnn ammo ohm! Inna 3: At Lot 20, Con. 1, Sunnidale L}. ....n v... ....L1.a.. ......n.-... .-.4. 1 .. .. ... IN` CHARLESTON CONTEST us 1-\___.lA 1\.-_. -|-I. uvbnvnno 1.; v n % WION I-'ORI'-3 At Lot 22, Con. 8, lnnisfil ....II I... _uI..1.h\ nunlnn of 1 n no. A :3?-: WOMAIN WANTS WORK by the day, capable of any kind of duties. Phone 1149. 7p WHAT IS IT? uavnn -.r_y yuuogu uouuunvnn any 4. .1-nun. u WED ESDAY FEB. 22 VERA O:-`I11; -can HOW CAN YOUGET om-:2 WHAT Boss 11* CONTAIN? WHY MYSTERY BAG? NEW LOCATION-Welling'ton Hotel Black Five Points : T Phone 75 : BARR] DOUGLAS~DRUG_SIORE JAUCTION SALl:I~ I Q1AI1 A nun-In -n - h_AUCTIO_N SA1.Ei - -1A|: Inn!!! FIIF and Hairdressing Parlors WORK WANTED by the year on vtax-m,v by experienced man. Apply to '.Box..~7'B.=Allanda1e. 5-10p _It `is _the Duglur New Drug Store Grand Opening` Special for `Friday and Saturday, February 17 and 18. '~ To Every Customer Purchasing 50 worth any Merchandise in our Store we W1 give: Seve:al"ltr;al Sizes of Face Powder, Creams, Brilliantines, `Soaps, Ointments, Tablets, etc. (At least 50 worth of merchandise). `. ?.`I{5`X`f?,'F . The undersigned has rcelved In- structions from -nu 1 mi 323$ The following: HOR1SES-Sox-rel" horse, 9 ya. 1600 lbs.; bay horse. 9 Yl'8.; 1800 lbs.: brown horse. 10 1-3., 1400 1125.; bay mare. 7 yrs., 14001 3.; set brass- mounted heavy team ~harness. (`A"l"'F~T.I`._.._`DIonLv an.-I nyhlfn nn XIIUUIILUU IICGVJ LCGIII Lld)lll.UDo CATTLE--Black and white 001?, 9 yrs.. `real call at foot, bred A - gain; roan cow. 10 yrs. old, veal cal! at foot, bred again; red cow. 5 yrs. old, cal: at root, bred again; roan cow, 4 yrs., milking. bred again: red heifer, rising 3 yrs., due June 25; Hereford heifer, rising 3 yrs;. due July 1: red heifer, rising 2 years; roan heifer, rising two yz-5.; white heifer, rising 1 yin: 8 steers, rising 1 yr. old; black and white cow, 10 yrs. old, milking: rod cow. 10 yrs. old, due April 1; rod heifer, 2 yrs. old; reg. Shorthox-n bull, 13 months old. .Q`| .`l"E11:D _ 1n .-.-.....A.. ahunnnslon FARM W,AN`TED TO IRENT, ,Wlth afnnlz nndrimnlnmnnfn Annl'v Q, A. l"5\Jl|\IAV Hanan`.- ; HORSES. OATTL'E,;Pl.-:8 a SHEEP I -urn av, tvuow v, - -- | to :91] by publ-lc auction at 1 13.11:. on I on-nuns:-nnl\A1r I-It-Ilulilrnlhll no SW93, 1 yrs. OUJ. PIGS AND HENS -- Registered Yorkshire sow, due Feb. 26; York- shire sow. due Feb. 28; Yorkshire sow. bred `Feb. 1: Yorkshire sow. bred -Feb. 1; 7 young Yorkshire sows, eligible for registration, due April, May: 3 young Yorkshire sows, eligible for registration. I months old; 10 store pigs, average 130 lbs. each; 5 store pigs, average 140 lbs. each: 4 store pigs, average 120 lbs. each; 25 Barred Roclphens. Terms or Sa1e~Fowl, cash. Nine months'_ credit on approved Joint notes, 8% `per annum off for cash. W. A; Mcconkey, Auctioneer. Dull, 16 IIIUIIIKIS om. -SHEEP - 10 grade sh:-o.psh1ro ewes. 2 yrs. old. DTIIH AT\T`h `l'-`l"li`.\YQ __ Dan-lnfna-ad ` _g_ The undersigned;hasvrsecelved tn. structlons ` from -- uuu iv. 1., :\rn-C nnnnnillu to sell by public auction at 1 pm. on KHIK LC FIUREIII K`! QA I The following: HORSES--Bay horse. 12 yrs. old: bay mare. 12 yrs. old: bay mate, 9 yrs. old; brown mare, 9 yrs. old. OAT-TLE--Durham cow. 3 yrs.. CATTLE--Durha.m cow, 3 yrs., calf at fofrt: Durham cow, 3_yrs., tnoalt; Durham cow, 3 yrs., calf at foot; Durham cow, 5 yrs., calf at toot: Du-rham cow, 7 yrs.. calf at 100:; Dunham cow, 6 yrs., cal: at 200:; Jersey cow, 8 yrs., calf at foot; 2 Durham heifers, 2 yrs. old; 2 Dur- ham heifers, 1 yr. old. 'PTC`.. A\`.\Tv`| \ 1`Df\xTT T.'1`DV'_.Q onn uaul utuu-:1`:I, 1 yr. 010. | Pres A'N'D `P0UfLTRY-3 good brood sows; 18 store pigs, 5 months ,old; 10 store pigs, 4 months old; 140 Barred Rock -pullets; 40 Barred Rock hens. IMPLEMEINTAS, ETC. -- Ma.sseyA Harris binder, 6-ft. cut, new: mow- er, Massey-I-Ianris. 5-ft. cut, nearly new; disc `harrow, Massey-Harris; seed drill; manure spreader; Peter Hamilton spring-tooth. culti- vator, nearly new; 3 sets iron har- rows; sulky rake; single plow, In- ternational; single plow, Fleury No. 13; single plow, Wilk-inson, No. 4; single plow, Peter Hamilton IND. 21: 2-furrow plow. Cockshutt; 2 was- ons; 2 hay racks; feed box: set sleighs; stock rack; pig .-box; Fleury cutting box: set scales; fanning mill; root pulper; hay fork; buggy; cutter; gravel box; grindstone; 4 doz. grain balgs; quantity hay; not heavy breeching harness, nearly new; set singleharness; -set heavy back-band harness, nearly new: quantity grain; DeLaval cream sep- arator, No. 16, new: Daisy churn. `No. 3, new; parlor heater; quantity lumber; number cedar posts; 2 bbls. salt; number tile, 3 in. -and 4 in.: also forks, chains, doubletirees and many other articles. 'T`nI-I-nu l\' -Quin .l`1_.-1.. `-3 -11 LU SUI! U] IJUUNAU GUULAUIA an. L `hula vu THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Flnn Cnllnnvlnal Luauy U uuur RM.` H0188. V Terms of `Sale - Grain and all sums of `$10.00 and under, cash; over -that amount 9 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% -per annum on! for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve as proprie- tor has sold -his farm. W. A. Ko- Conkey, Auctioneer. DRESS-ED PO-UiUI."RY. chickens and hens wanted. at Barrie market next -Saturday, also Feb. 25. Thos. Blain. phone 1037F. . V71) Remedy, Mrs; Sybille. -Spa-hr : Ton- sliltis nearly 99% success treating Sore Throats, -Head Colds, Bron- chial Asthma, Cough, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and Tonsil `Diseases. Re- su_lt good, or money back. Crosaland Drug Store. 7-8b FARM -s"rocK 3. Imhggnisfs S. H. Lot 21, Con. 5, lnninl in nA`1 kn v-111$-`LIA nuntlnuu n5 1 an can A` u... uuuav.-2 .s v I c_:BwAN 31:63. At Lot 10, Con. 9, Innis -\ -A11 Lu nuuk1.In ntunlrlnn of 1 '1!!! A ' nun; VJ FR1nr", i=1:BRuAnY 24 VH1-n Gall.-.v--1-... I \.l.\A\4Iul-\Jll can L P-Illa V Thursday. February 16, 1928 we FOUND nus Auc11oN SALE AUCTION SALE n-- AA:-:1 5- QIAQ A an MIDDLE-AGED "WOMAN wants I-Ivnnlr nnnnfinoi nitvlnlvuzy nu I\nIIuA_ ' TWO ROOMS for rent over the Standard Bank. Modern convene lences. Vatgh : ROOMS \VAlN'l`~ED, Barrie or Al- landale, by lady alone most of time. - 2 completely furnished rooms for light housekeeping over store or` quiet home. In replying please state terms to -Box 376. Barrie. 7p MAID WANT-ED for afternoons. Apply evenings over Royal Bank. 7b GIRL WANTED for general work. one who will go to Toronto. Wages $15 a month. Phone 184-2. 7b TRAVEL WITH MANAGER. make real money selling natlonally known product. Advertised in leading pub- lications. Apply Box "*0." Examiner. ` 4 MEN TO TRAVEL ONTARIO. Must be able to give`:-eferences, have neat appearance and co-oper- ate with manager. Apply Box "A." Examiner. 7b _________.__._....___________ SALES MANAGER wants two men. to assist in covering tervritory. mak-' ing demonstrations and booking fu- ture business. Apply Box B, Ex- aminer. .7b 7-:-:- REPRESENTATIVE WANTED tor the Mutual Life of Canada. To se- cure this position you must be will- ing to work and anxious to inoyegtsg, . your income. Apply to Box 878,'Or- ' lllla. Ont. `tb LVIUUIIUIIII-I. LJU. -I-JH. Building. Toronto. HOUSE FOR SALE high-clas spe- cial built new seven-roomed house figured gumwood; selected trim`. oak oors throughout: immediate possession. See R. E. Tuck, builder. Box 1078. Phone 650.}. 4-91: ` GENERAL STORE for sale at IMH- chell Square. To be sold to wind up Gilbert Love Estate. For particulars amply to Duncan F. Mccuaig. Bar- x'le..sol!c1tor for -the estate, or to. Ernest B. Love. Shanty Bay. 7-Sp - 11-on SA-LE--2% acres an Dalton St. overlooking the bay. $2,200: also one acre, comer of Dalton and Mary Sta. with./small house and double garage. $1800. Apply 26 Mnlcanter St.. or phone 286. Wesley Blahop. Barrie. - 5-7b - HOUSE won SALE in one as bait" locations in Barrie, Aplght-roomed brick house, double parlor. kitchen, dlnlngroom, tour bed rooms. 8-piece bath, furnace and fruit cellar: double -garage; large lot. `Apply Henry 8: Cowan - T Sttx FOR SALE IN BARR-`I. at a. real bargain, that lovely property form- erly owned by T. R. I-Iuxtable: large lot. good location. lovely.houa`e. his garage; ideal private home or eum- ` met tourist proposition. Easy terms to responsible peraon.- Box 475. Tele-.. phone 1159. Barrie. . `6-7'): ~ --'ro IJ_E'1`--Splendid steam heated of- -fice; overlooking Post Office Square, _!mmedla.te possession.` Apply H. E. Jory. King Block. Barrie. 5-10b mw-IN-s ,`BLU-E "r'-Ax: 'sER'v35, local and long distance. hlght and day. 26 cent serv!ce..PhonQ 198. Sub Page Eight W ROOMS AND BOARD PROPERTY FOR SALE 1.051` AND rouun PROPERTV{'i1'i0 u-:1` `HELP WANTED WANT!-=3 `HUI! lull I 1Mtf'b V > "MODERN' APARTMENT to let. va- -cant about March 1st; hot water heatlng. sun room. breakfast alcove. -etc. Apply to A. E. Whitby. '29 El!- zabeth St. Phone 441, Res. 922J. 7p `PAS/1`URE FARM FOR SALE-.|. .34-uni-M 11113. ha]? -AC `AF 19 Ann HT VV5[Jl'i IUUUL 0U GoUl`UB UIUGFUH `III! 4 15 acres bush; running croqk through pasture fields. For further particulars apply, Marshall Keat. 57 Park St.. Barriep . . 5-1_0p TURKEY GOBBLER ,W&.r'!'t`d at once. Phone` 905r3. . 479 FARM FOR .SALLE-`1o0 a. reag,,i_n splendid condition. `two"m!l s from village of Cookstown. 'W.0.ul'd eel!-,a.a I going concern or separate. Would take house and lot in Barrie as part payment. Apply F. Cl`8.!`k8d1i,`l_C'O0k9.'f. town. 28t!b South east half or lot 12.,__c _n.__10. Vespra: about 35 acres bled: 4 d.i:'d raw 1 U nu 1.`u1n.J.V.I. run. njumfl, 1 E n (urn: hush v manning nrnnlr CLOVER Hm: "for sale. A. .W.| Warnica. phone 19r12, Stroll-d. `'11) ------------------------n +: INIC-U`BA'TO'RS and broodevs and poultry equipment. `I can save-A-yo money on your supplies, incubators in operation at Kelly's I-Ia.tc-h.ea:y...18. McDonald -St., phone 1184.` 71) SAFE. medium -size. goo'd'a.s pew:' two showcases, Auto Kn-ltter.,,mot,or ewing machine, A1add1n. .1a.mp. set.- nnrnnnflncr canning vnnnf ha nnlrl U135 EIBU ltlyUl'B WILII H1511 rl_'PUU These are high producers ,a'nd make excellent breeders; burning R-oyal Brooders. Appwo er Poultry Farm, Shanty Bay.` yi tow `coal llv- 1 6-379 `-FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE to let, -with woodsrhed and large garden. Apply W. Cole, 103 Bayfleld St. (pl MUSK'R=A"1` muurs s=s: uve musk- rat. $10. Get the repeating Jive ant-`T mal trap. It catches flveva:t.'a.,time, all alive. with or `w1thout;'ba,1t;,bui_lt " especially tor spring `trapping . They- can't escape this -trap. tPr_lc1 Q5-...Rer ' peatlng `Live Animal Trap `CO- . box 208, Allandale. Phone`834r1'8. 8-8p FOR SALE OR EX:CH-A'N`G E-100- acre farm, clay loam. splendid. buildings. near -Barr1e.,App,ly Box G", Exa.mlner., . ` " 6'-'79 zvnnm. run at-tum--1.uU...u:ul'.l..lll9l'U . or less. lot24. con. 11, northVha.1,!, .111,- nlstll, good ole. soil and goqglibulld-.' Inga. Farm 5 oak and implements - and some _seed grain. Apply to_.own,- er or Joe. Third, St:-oud`."" `>8-.14j;,j DRIWNG I-I'ORS.'E.' for `sale; B. -B. Warnlca, Allandae. phone Strou.d,... Ont. . - 3-7p_ .1 :1 - - : GOOD CIOW torsale due Mach 3. A nu-In Tau ~TJ'nu-an .-cnnnln nhnhn I-I EI'NTZ.VIAN & co. PIANO for; sale. Phone 1167.. _ . `lb WOOD -FOB 'SALE-50 cords mixgld dry wood. Phonf199r1`8. Mldhur _. Ont. 2t_tb c DAVENPORT. -Solid oak, for sale. r1I\t'\r` on now nhnnn, A1ml.v..in mnrn. JJJ`\.Vl`4&VL \I&iJ-g '5: good as new. chog lugs to 87 Toron c FOR SALE---About 20 tons 01 13.11 - alfa hay. also good table turnips.- J. F. Nelles. phone 725W. ` 7p -: IMALL FURNISHED HOUSE to -let. all modern conveniences, at 48 Louisa St. Phone 171402` Write box ~ 755, Barrie. ` 5-9p --1:2- GREEN MIXED `HARDWOOD for sale, prices reasonable. Apply "Fred Pratt. 7th line Vespra. phone 812:` 11: . - _ ELECTRIC INCUIBATOR sixty-iflve egg capa.c1ty.'~ condition. E. B. Reynolds, Q6 mhnnn 1 D79. _F0R,__S.A;LE-4120-eg*g Chatham In.-` oubatbr: " 10 rods chicken lfence wire; also one pig, 120 lbs. A'pply`_a.t_ Examiner Office ` " ~`7.p -J BUCKEYE IiISToCtB.A"1`0`1?..""10'- -Egg -` size. in excellunt-{..0!.1(1i_t.ion-;only used a short time. $25.00 `F Madlgan, `A mile. from Leslvla's.But;- cher `Shop, Allandale. 7`-12p 1'aYi1i' SBWUIE Illt1UlllllU, tuauuul.--Inlay. IULJ computing scales. must be sold this week at Tuck's Ba.rr1_e..1a1a1:j. .79 YARN-52 McDonald St. stocks all kinds yarn. We undersell other deal- ers If made up here. Lost o2"YIi1 sla.id articles matched. Socks` and"stock- ings footed. made good-.Aas.. now. Your own yarn used If desired. .1 . Platt Rose. ~ 5-10p u--ju.- won SALE--Top buggy; utter; L single comb White Leghorn cooker- els; also layers with high ,.1;.eco_x:. . .and;-W 1'1 wnnlnn nvnollnni knnnnuuu Cains-`Ann! FARM FOR SALE--100...a,cr.el..mQ0 nr lean. In!` 24 non 11 any-H1 half In- LTUUIJ U1`-I VV LU!` ` H1116 _E1`ut1 ,$!l.da_\)l_l ` Do Anp-ly Jas. Hogan, Barrie, p_l_1_9_ne 608r4. ,. _ 7b` `AsNCvONA `COCIKEREL. . wgmbrgdf, for - sale. Apply F. _. Lon`g'hurst. 1202' Bradford St. ' .79 %&%$%%%%%%%%$ $ W E ADLET COLUMN >x< % %%$$$%%$%%$%%% -1. _--.. GANDER tor';sia'1Es`_,`c$i~" x?i.o.'xiI`oT`"c3':e`- change for a g'o__o`se.'-'L!oyd`.Johvnstdyg5 phone 611-`Minqs}{1g._:;j;..;.,,_ 7.1:. - SEED BARLEY for sale-O.A.C. No. 21. grown from registered seed. C. D. Jtaikes. Barrie P.0. _,) _7-8_p WOOD F-OR SALE--4-toqtlong In the bush. $4 a. cord, and also cedar .posts for sale. Apply 'M'r.` .West. Churchill. . ; mob I FOR SAL'E--130-egg incubator; al- so`Plymouth Rock eggs for*ha,tc'h- mg. 500 a. setting, He.-_rry\Qttaway, nhnnn 79.9.1, 7.121; 1115'. UUU H. 5' | phone 73-9J. : BELT FOR S~A'LE---One eighty-foot endless, six-inch cherry canvas belt. Just nicely stretched. "1`hos.~F. Swin- dle, Lefroy. _ ` ' 7p_ -j-- CUHUILIUH. 13: `D4 t,, -phone 1072. FOR ?SALE-Y6unrg Plymouth Rqck rooster .fr.o_m. .best bredgto-_lay stock. _~pr1g_g, $93.00. Phone 657.1," `BIrfI.`T'W ' 11011`. HEREFORD BU-LL car 5419, mire rbred. of serviceable a.i:e:'"good`q'ual-` lty. Apply to H. L. Wrlgh=t',='1`horn- - 6-11p EOR SALE-Two Yorkshi-re sows,` one with 8 pigs and one with 10 pigs. Price $40 and $45, also 1 san- der. Apply to A. E. Bone, Thorn- ton. - 7b I4A'DY S WRI~ST WATVCH FOUND around dhrlstmxls time. Apply at Examiner Offdce. 7p COCKERELS -- 0.A.C. bred-to-lay Barred Rock cockerels for. sale. also White Blossomlng sweet clover seed. Apply Herman Osborne, Bar- rie, RR. 1. Phone 903r33. . ._..Q_2..1j._,1-b_.'. GOOD DRIVTFNG M-ARE or~a1e. - 5 years old or woulo tirade 1'or"a._ good general purpose horse -'a.bout. 1200 lbs. Apply to Arthur Young R.R. 1, Allandale. or phone, rS'troud- 2~1!``3. " V ` 7-_9_]) MRS. M-Aneumwrm runxbsl `Graduate in massage, taclaI._: _a.ndI scalp treatment a specrart:r.'._.t 18 years experience, 14 8mal1;Bt;;,;B.ar'-` 2-la; . _' W. ..l '..'5-'10D- Us CI-I-IGKS -. Quality -Barred Rock. chicks every week after` March 7th. Order in advance: `also custom hatching set every we_ek_.-3`-Jhas. Kel- Vly, phone 1184, 18 MDbtia'.'ld_ St. '71} FOR` SA.~LE-Young sow with =.nAlx1e'.-.` pigs one week old-i-Bibne ; cow. 6 years o_1:`dua to Feb. 20. and Dtmxam ~;eow.;: .-um-s old. fresh. Applg. ,3, W. {Jennetta E Barrie. RR. 1. .,' ~:. `In PRACTICAL -Nvnsme ;lnoi_ "M-": ply Mrs. Grant, `rug:-nt'on' `Post- Office. S-10p VFURS` '- AUPERJED and repaired. Over Hurlhm-t : Slim tdl-A5` -M !-I If tsp `.'I.l.ll.`l!llVl1ll um jropalreu. Over I-Iur1_burt'l Shoe 8to__ro.'~'. Mill M..'McArthur. . : _-_;8Qt1fb FARMS FOR SALE 1 BUSINESS OR 'P'R0'FESSDO'N'AL MAN -- Desirable steam heated. ground floor space to let. available April 1st., facing C.N. Station and Post Office squ'-we. Premises now occupied by Canadian National Telegraphs. Apply H. E. Jory, King Block. Barrie. .. 7-12b

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