ID TROPDIG. -. The choir of St. John : United Church fwore entertained at the home 0! Mr. and Mrs. W111 Clement on `Friday evenlnx last. At Rwlnvhton on Thurndav. Doc. VUTH VSFBUHIIBIQ Ul 'Dl`lCU- Rev. E. Thomas conducted anni- versary servioes in Penetang on Sunday and Rev. Mr. Heaslip oo- oupied the pulpit in the Presbyter- ian church here and at Crossland. ` Aeroplane -Wrecked on Tuesday morning about 11.30 the -oitlsens ot -Elmvale were sur- prised to hear aeroplanes flying over the village. One plane. piloted by Aviator Johnson of Camp Bor- den. on his way from Oriilia. via Midland to Camp._1ost his bearings and atter scouting for a suitable spot to land, alighted in Fred Hou- lahan's tield Just west or the rail- way tracke. On -finding out where he was and attempting to take ott, the airman failed to clear a wire tenee. upsetting the plane and com- pletelywrecking it. Fortunately Mr. Johnson escaped with nothing worse than a bad shaking up. Need- less to say. the spot was visited by numerous people during the after- noon. Elmvale-Flos Horticultural Society HVLA l.|__& . _ _ . .;.1 .......A.l__ .1 LI...` '.l.'BI'.DUSI1. A. Connor of Hilton Is visiting his sister, Mrs. A. '1`. Arnold. `\KIna 1' Q u`I'.np-am nf `Tnrnnfn in ms sxster, Mrs. A. 1`. Arnuxu. I `Mrs. J . S. 'Legge of Toronto is visiting Mrs. W. J. Gauley. 1 MI... nnnnnhnv-a nf Mn. `Dra.ahvfm~ian' vlsumg Mrs. W. J. `uuuney. I The members of the Presbyterian choir were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Walkinshaw on Monday evening. Jan. 9. A very joily time was had by all. 'i`;;e provincial road surveyor: are stntioned la` town now and are busy layng out the now provincigg high- wa . ` ' . AN EXCELLENT QUALITY BOOT--as smart as it is practical, of a nely ribbed Jersey with rubber soles and genuine Goodrich Zipper fastening, in black, opal, and beige. The colored come in the low-hi style, two pairs overshoes in one-turn.- them down for the milder weather. Also Women's Buckle Overshoes, values were up to $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 a pair. All sizes clearing this week at $2.95 a pair. Other models at $4.50 and $5.00. bAREY.HURLBURT SHOE COMPANY giii%mw&&&&&&: `ml mm lzgamunin oo----3 We Invite you o Worlhip with urn. A ` J .Elmva|a Tie: Czlllngwood _ n.r__..1-_- 1--.. HOCKEY NEWS `.`99_ buymg norses new on 'J.'ueaua.y. ; The roads are nearly impassable for the rural mal-1 man to -travel on. g The concession lines and side roads are good slelghlng and on the high- ;' way good wheellng the snow plow 1 having cleared all the snow oft. r Farmers having logs to bring out 3 are up against it for they can only put on a small load. _ Jan. 9-Geo. Johnston `apent a_ couple or days 1n`Toronto last week. J. Young is on the sick list. Hampton Frallck. who has been I111. is ab`-e to be out again. 1:..- 1xr.:u..q..... on:-I Mn an:-I NH-a I co-4.... ~.. - . -.-v.., . --- --..... .. - _ V , I I111. Mrs. Wf.-~Smy and Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith and children have moved to Port Colborne. A 1......` -1-'4n_uA unnna nannh: to r'0l`t L'OiD_0X`nB. About sixty-tive young peoplel from Edenvale. Minesing. Anten Mi`ls and Midhurst spent a very` enjoyable social evening last Wed- nesday in the `Orange Hall under. the auspices of the United church. During the course of the evening a unanimous vote was given in favor of organizing a Young People` So- ciety for the whole circuit. Rev. A. M. Pope had a very successful so- ciety on his former charge at C0- boconk and no doubt a good live organization will `be formed here very shortly. ' 'l`kn 9nHnurIna- rmnnva wan: Alnnf. very snoruy. The following officers were elect- ed: Hon. -Pres" Rev. A. M. Pope. Minesing. -Hon. Vice-Presidents, Robt. Coutts. Midhurst; B. W. Plowright. Minesing; A. H. `Wilson. Anten Mills; Geo. Beeton. Edenvale. President, G. `R. Lane. Mldhurst. Vice-`Presidents. Lawrence Scott. Anten Mills: Walter `Cook, Mines- ing Station: Hunter Russell Mid- hurst; Ernest `Stokes, Minesing: George Culham, Edenvale. Secre- tary. W. A. Kennedy, Midhurst. Treasurer, D. McNab*b, Edenvaie. Organist, Miss`*M. NcNabb, Eden- vale. Conveners of Committees- Look-out, Miss Luella Wilson, An- 'ten `Mills; Literature. Music and Art, Miss W . Elborn, Mineslng; Cit- izenship, `Mrs. G. 3. `Lane, Midhurst; `Christian Knowledge. Miss C. Grant, I Mineslng; Recreation, Chas. Grant. Minesing: Worship. Mrs. Walter Cook, Mlnesing Station; Commun- ity Singing, Andrew Orchard, Min- esing. 1 Jan. 10-Dr. Mccallum of Toronto i spent Thursday in the village. T-Tnurnrd Allan ls: asrain in the TTICC? SPECIAL N-O"1'IC=E The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Tuesday. Jan. 17. at 8 pm. . I spent Inursuay In U19 Vluuge. Howard Allan is again in the shipping business. He loaded a. car \ on Tuesday. rm... nmvn. 7.1. anhnn wan nlnand Tuesuay. * The Fifth Line school was closed a. couple of days last week owing 5 to the illness of the teacher. \ A.k.ur-`I'mv Han hnv-an hnvnr was CEO tne Illness U1; cue umuuur. l A-bey"E1ey, the horse buyer, was buying horses here on Tuesday. mrm v-nnn mm nnnrlv lmnansable Genuine Zipper Overshoes for the Slushy Weather i-I"U.R'ii1II. MINESING MISSES' `STORM RUBBERS of an extra good, long-wearing` quality, well made and reinforced at toes and heels, all sizes 11-2 in e. full-tting last, reduced from $1.00 a pair, for. this week at . . . . . 85s a. pair. WOMEN'S BROWN CALF BOOTS with low heels and medium toes, a nice house hoot, sizes 3 to 6, values were up to $6.50 0. pair; for quick clearance this week |c0IIIllIOlIOleeooose I. who MEN'S Finest Quality Light Rubbers with light rolled soles, will fit seven different shapes of shoes; all sizes reduced from $1.50 8 pair to . . . . . . . . . . $1.25 I. pair. { 4' --pm pvv-,-wu--w :7 MA7v7's1fan'r. nAn IuI 1 onmm 0-F `Mmmmas: Lord`: Dav 3ro_ak1n,8Ag"33' 11 mm; 5 day chool and Bible Road- ;,,`};"s pm). 3 Tim. 3-16. am: 17-11 Gospel Meeting 7 pm. . `Romans 1-16. M1 peat: free. No oplledtiona `LI; WELCOME Prayer Meeiigg _V (f_i1r?sday 8 n-r>n.T Citizens on Dunlop St., from Mulcastcr St. to Bayfield St., and on Elizabeth St., from Bayfield St. to Toronto St., also on Owen, Clapperton and Bayfield Sts., from Dun- lop St. to Collier St., are hereby notified that these streets now come within the snow cleaning by-law. After every fall of snow the sidewalks in front of their properties must be cleared by nine o clock in the forenoon, or prosecution will follow. A. STEWART, Chief of Police. 0PENlNG\ HAfiN s NEW BILLIARD PARLOE IN THE (OPPOSITE NORTHERN ADVANCE) BRIGHT, ROOMY QUARTERS ALL NEW EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS TREATMENT Full. Stock of Tobaccos, Cigars, Pipes and Smokers Sundries carried. ALF. HAMLIN. NEW TUCK BLOCK ANNOUNCING NOTICE 33-35 Dunlap St., Barrie. Page mac Rev. J. 13. Min Ellen `Elam Anal" Sabbath, Jan. 15. 1928 - 11 a.m.--God`s Anxiety `Children : Talk: What is ......-u Earl-3avnn9" \JnIlul'UlI B `nuns: ..(--..- your Pedigree?" . ` '7 pan.--The Gospel Accord-; ' ing to You. Morning Anthem: Just For Today.' (Ambrose) ~ . Evening Anthem: The King? of Love" (Shelley) " J United Church of Canada `CENTRAL CHURCH .uu - ; _ . u -51. uonnno-\ COLLIER STREET United Church of Canada wmluy. Janianiv 18. {on DU BU` 'The Regular Baptist Church % an`: A ruv-\1'r\rnt\\! Q71`! III Min Collier Street Regular Baptist Church 5-WW"? F}|v#`I'l~Il4-'84!` Sunday `School at 3 pm. ST ANDRIWS Prebbytorian Church v -1-; Presbyterian Churh _ _ --L -_.-..-.. Illnlnf Toosruuau xA$\l 113121 LA! Tit Vb----- V J. B. Thomsonihiinlster. mien Dobson. Cholrleaderl Anah ;Ba.1ley, Organist. Miss Bessie King and Miss Bessie =Huxtab1e of North Bay N-ormal have returned after spending the holidays with their parents. Mr and Mn: W` A rlmavu Latin LUV ULISSUS I\UUCl.'|45Ullu Mr. and Mrs. `C. E. Love and Master Jack. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hind and Mrs. Harrison and Miss Doris, of Toronto. have` returned home after spending the Christ- mas and New Year holidays with Mrs. John Ness, at Bellevue. CSLAPPERTO-N ST. Rev. E. J. Whan, Pastor. Mrs. Edith Rowe, Organist; Miss M. Sinclair, Cholrleader. Sunday. Jan. 15. 1928 11 a.m.---Second in series on the Lord's Prayer--Hal-1 lowed Be Thy Name. I p,m,-B1'b!e `School. 7 .---Second in `series on atriarchs of the Old Testa- mentp--Jacob. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, Jan. 18, at 8 p.m. ivf~'."na Mrs. T. A. Grant have returned to their home in the S00 after spending their holidays with the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Go I 1'\.. `I7 A Y _...S. 1' 3-..J. B--. Us Go 1} ID- Dr. W. A. Lewis, Lieut-. Gov- ernor, and Albert Bryson, District Trustee, attended the Kiwanis District Trustees meeting in Kingston on Monday. . ~ Mrs. B. T. Bateman of Lefroy, a speaker at Central United Church convention on Tuesday, was the guest of Mrs. Angus Mc- Nahb, Wors1eK.St.. while in town.` D i manna an-`nu _'unnn LVGUU, YV ULVEIU I393; WIIIIU Ill VUWlIa A. W. Ra inson, Secy.-Treas. of the Western Casket Co., Win- nipeg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moffatt this week and also his father-in-Iaw,_ Joseph Leighton, at Cookstown. II}..- Il'--..LI- D-L---L..-._ -l `I -..- \JUUl\BbUWlIo Miss Myrtle Robertson of Kem- nenfeldt spent New Year's with Mrs. Norman A-pplegate at Allis- ton. Miss Ida Applegate returned and will spend several weeks with the Misses Robertson I II . _....I `II ... I`! 1.` 1'-.-- Anna: auauu, DIUUIIHIIEUOII, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carson returned this week after spend- ing two weeks with their son, Dr. R. A. Carson, Cleveland. `Al..- `I7 1': 15119,. 1 n on: In , ,_ - wuwouavcny urnvvvlulllao Mrs. W. F. Elliott of Big Bay `Point is in Toronto at present and expects to have two serious oper- ations during the coming week. `Al... 1.43.... vu'.n.__n___ __ .1. wu-:__ vvwvvv-U-1 Iliiiciila V I O W V U I I|IIIa VVVWRI Mrs. Jeffrey McCarthy and` Miss Vera McCarthy-deft this week for Toronto where they will remain for the remainder of the winter. ---_ -vs-Ivucouvnwn ya vcov In "Miss Grace Aldred of Tr, : S., and Miss `Margaret Miles Toronto were week-end guests lgirs. Margaret Smith, 9 Bradfo ti II!__ II _ _,A,! . ID)" ,, _ __ I "1 [O UGBIOIL ' Born to `Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Harris on January 9, 1928. 9. on. Mina mlannnvu T-Tnnnnn .n1' T-Tnmlltnn I`1a!`!'lS OX1 Jllllutlfy U, 1336, (1 U11. Miss Eleanor Hopper -of Hamilton has been visiting at her home here. John Flynn of Stayner called on his son. J. R. Flynn. here this week. hind nu Mnnav Inn 9 199R In- DIVINE SERVICE aunday, Junuary'15. 1928 11 A.'M.v-THE MINISTER Anthem: Onward. Christian soldiers" (sch ecker) go1o....."comeUnto e" (uCoenan\ Mus `Mabel Cheesman 1118 Sun. d. n. rtyuu. uure uua wuun. Died. on Monday. Jan. 9. 1928. in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Harris. Tnnb Tlfllann has nnflnnnn hnvnn tune OI WFILUIL`. la uuuug. uwuxy. Samuel Gordon of Thornton has movnd into the house recently va- cated by Roy Taylor and purchased from E. Lewis. 1|/I'.. and Rlfuu TX? ID 1Ul'n("nhn have un uwblllll GNU. IJUVFUIUI Mr. S: Stransmsn and daugh- ter Jean have. -been spending 3 con ie of weeks with friendsini Roe ester `and Detroit. I Mrs. C. E. Wright, wife of the M.P.P. for "Centre Simcoe, fell on a slippery sidewalk last week and brokeone of her arms. Mun 11--.... |ll........ lI'I_..-..L- tu- u|`Ul\U' URI! 01. net arms. ' Mrs. Harry `Myers. Toronto St., has .been in Detroit for a few weeks -with _`h6`l` daughter, Mrs. Lines, who has been 111. M1... AH-.. n..La....-.. 11 u..--.1 uuuua, wuu lull USE IN. Miss Alice Robinson, 11 Brad- ford St.. left on Friday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Rob- inson, Bioomington, 111. MW III!` MI: Ahl`l|1iv nusnu Sam. Ngvs has mov`e`d- his family to Beeton. `Dan... in `fn Anni `Kn: gnu-|ta\`I\h I'1tl!`l`lSu Jack Wilson has returned home after an extended visit with friends in Windsor. ~ . Roy Taylor and family have mov- ed into the house recently vacated by Geo. Carr. Born. to Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Draper, on `Wednesday, Jan. 11, 1928. a daughter. Miss `Mary Inghnm left on Monday for Whlby to resume her studies at the ladies college there. Itxfm hnnnnllur l-ma hnnn nnnflnn --we we-viva OVOIH! UVIIII hVUIGI rs. Vernon Plummerfuid two daughters returned home this week after sjmnding the holidays in Sarnin an n.+m.z+ Ill Darllll I `Mrs. I ' II..- B at tne 15111188" CUUEEB LIIBFG. `Wm. Donnelly has been confined to his bed with a severe cold-but at time of writlne `is doing nlceiy. .Qnu-nun! (Ina-Ann nP Thnrnfnn ha: Y.-P.8.--Monday -at 8 p.m. Annual Congregational Meet- ing, Wed., Jan. 18, at 8 pm. I U301 LU. 14t'\'v'lS. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCabe have moved from their farm In Innlsfil to the Queen's Hotel here for the winter months. ' V I'\n'..n A T '1Xfwi.u-hf tuna fnbnn in VVIIHJEI` munuxs. ' `Mrs. A. J . Wright was taken to the R.V. Hospital. Barrie. on Tues- day afternoon to undergo an oper- ation for appendicitis. Tnhn Paula nf fhn Qnnfnh n`H'1A- U18 CUWII Hue uuruu UL vpuunauuwu. `Miss Violet Lewis was given a miscellaneous shower on Tuesday evening of this week by the young 1ad'es of the town. The bride-elect received many beautiful presents. _ I-T nnar Wm nnnnr, A. M.\R'am;ia.v `of Ingersbll has oined S. W. Mvox-e`s staff and _ as moved, his -family to town; Mrs. A. .R. Spoor; of Hamilton. is spending the win,ter in Barrie with her sister, Mrs. `John Nun. ` II..- I!-_._ _,_ anon I0!` appenuluzua. John Farls of the scotch Settle- ment has moved to his farm recent- lv purchased from Ernest Gilroy on the town line no`rth of Cookstown. mung Xrinlnt `I'.nw1u was givan H. recelveu many ucuuuuun pn-.-au:xu.a. Messrs. H." Coper. Wm. Cooper." Jos. Cooper. Clarence Cooper. Miss Gevtrude Cooper and Mrs. W. J . McMaster attended the funeral of the late B. J. Boake in Weston on Jan. 10. \n'...mlm1 nn Wadnnsdnv Jan 11. ;v'e;'fc"a :`er 3'3?f&ix'ai ti in Sarnia an .Detroit. `Minn Q! EL ----- -- - . .lU. Married on Wednesday, Jan. 11. at Cookstown. Miss Violet, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lewis of Cookstown. to Mr. E. Mitchell Riley, son of `Mr. and Mrs. Arthur . Riley, also of Cookstown. Sutherland-McCullough At Rogers Presbyterian Church. Wolverleigh Ave.. on Jan. 4. a quiet wedding was soilemnized by the Rev. L. MacLean, uniting Miss M. Gladys McCullough. a- graduate nurse of the Western Hospital. Tor- onto. to Mr. R. S. Sutherland. son of Mr. and Mrs John Sutherland. Cookstown. The bride and-bride- groom. who were` unattended. left on a honeymoon trip to Buffalo and New York. On -their return they will reside in Cookstown where they will be at home after the first of February. The bride wore a `be- coming costume 'in pastel shades and a handsome pearl necklace. the. gift of the bridegroom. Cookstown extends heartiest congratulations to the happy couple. Public Installation |.0.0.F. - For the second the life of Qokstown Oddfellowshin a public installa-tion of officers was `given on Monday. Jan. 9. by special permis- sion of the Grand Master. The work was elilv exemplified by D.-D.G.M.. Bro. Paddison. his Grand Marshal. Bro. Pugh. and installingofficers of Barrie. ` 4 `The following officers Will be in charge of Cookstown -lodge for 1928: N.G., Lorne Arnold; V.G., E. gwig&%&iiia&li E %%PEmnuL % ix&%$w&iIiiii COOKS !-`OWN Nevlfs moved hi Rev.J.Johnst,one Black. B.A., B.D. Minister Horace Wilson. AJR.C.O. Organist anq_ Cholrleader. 5' HIV i` 0 Miles of west: of Bradford BUUUIUIII Places of interest recalled in his tour of early Barrie were the Green Bush Hotel, the old g1%m- mar school, the residence of Mr. Gore, first principal of the first crrammar school. Mr. Holt. a broker. Mrs. Hunter, Miss Joys, John Dickenson. Alex.'Graham s Tannery, beside the present shoe factory, the woollen mill. operat- ed by Dount & Graham. where the brewery now stands. the private school of Mr. Irwin, the shoe store and -factory -of Andrew Graham and.his tannery across the road, Dave Vanevery s livery stable, who ran the daily stage to Pene-AV tang. Other buildings marked were the Commercial Hotel. run hv Thrift Meldrum and later by Henry Fraser and others. AL AL. '-_._..-.. -1 lf..I-A-L-.. Anal !. HUUKU I050 He took his audience on what he called an afternoon stroll." Starting at Kempen-feldt Hill, at the home -of the late `W. B. Mc- Vittie. then Clerk of the Peace, Mr. Bennett proceeded west along the Hill to Blake street, down Louisa to Dunlop. The entire town, north and south of Dunlop, was described. All that section from Bayeld to `Mulcaster. north of Collier to McDonald St., had only one houe. It was low land and was ooded in the fall and in winter provided facilities for curl- ing and skating, enjoyed by hund- reds of citizens, many of whom are still living. In the spring the water disappeared and this ter- ritory was used as a cow pasture and frequently accommodated a "circus. Two `contractors, Walker and Thomas, built up most of this section. 31---- -3 .l..l.-..-..J. ..---II-.I 8.. I-awning Q suave. wuu vv-cu--an At the "corner of Mulcaster and Dunlop was 'I`revelyan s fancy good store. Maundrell's slwughter house (this was permitted in those days). the old fire hall where the public library now stands. Alex. sibbald was the pooh-bah ot the town then. doing everything from ringing the town bell to looking after the tire brlg."de's requirements. although George Plaxton was chief. Mr. Ben- nett recalled several amusing inci- dents ot the right surrounding the purchase of a steam tire engine in Barrie at one time and each had its boosters ready to demonstrate. Professional men took a deep inter- est in fire protection or rather fire fighting in those dayg and they needed to. for Barrie was a veritable tire trap of frame buildings. nun- s.._._ \...I 4...... LI... 14.... can I-ICU UlUl.l Va gnu-unnuw wuqnvnu The town had two big tires. 1870 and 1878, Mr. Bennett recalled. In both large areas at the business section. starting from the water front, were laid waste. __ ___.__ L_.- to wean; u wont ovvuun u my...- Fifty years "ago there were two newspapers in Barrie. the same as there are today. The Advance was edited by D. `Crew, father of the town's postmaster. and he was fol- lowed my Sam. Wesiey. The Exam- iner was conducted by W. M. Nich- olson aeross from the Clarkson House. The Advance was o e door east. The papers were bitte parti- sans, no quarter being asked and none given. Before that however. there had been The Spirit of the Age"! owned by Thos. Fox Davis and The Herald.` 1 ,o,1,, ., DIG-I`-u-- :-_-__ (Elizabeth .StreetV)' REV. A. E. BAKER, Minister 11 a..m.-The Minister. Subject: "Mnkin-xx wnd Forsaking Idols." 9Childi`en's Subject: The story of a rich man who helped his poor relations. p.m.---`The Minister. Subject: The Religion of `the Nomad." (`third in series). After Service continuing the ser- mon aerial, Fishing in Strange Places." At 6.46 p.m. The Crusaders Club will lead in singing: Whose- ever I-Ieareth and Jesus shall Reign." MINISTRY OF PRAISE Miss Jessie Bryson. Choiriender Mrs. E. Richardson, Organist. a.m.---Anthem: Come Unto` me" (~Bowles). Solo (Select-i ed). `Miss Vera Charles. 7 p.m.--Anthem: VVh8.t of the Night?" (Thompson). Solo: "In Prayer to Thee" (Wooier) Mrs. H. E. McCullough. - licontinusdrtrom eased) _ 7 waged between `Tollendal. Kem- penleidt (Fisherman's Point) and- Barriee for the townsite. , There was great rivalry. A military station had been built at Pene- tang and inasmuch asiboat ship- ments were "landed at Kempen-` feldt and a road built to the mil- itary de ot. it was argued that Kempsn eldt was the natural lo- cation. `Edmund Lally was a large propertf owner at Tollendal and natural y pressed for that loca- tion. Boosters for Barrie. were men such as Paton. Edgar, Kear- ney and others. However, Barrie, located at the head of` the Bay. the same beautiful location which the town traces today, won out; This, of` course,'has all been duly recorded in history and placed in the archives, speaker said, pass- ing on to the main theme of his address. Mr. Bennett covered the entire town from Bayiield Street east, cutting short his talk with a s-nansvsdnn Ln nnuvnee bbag nsnudu ads -Anna ulna anew Qvo I-Oval Over two hundred pictures were shown on the screen, Mr. Bennett explaining each and telling some- thing of the people and scenes shown. A fuller account `oi. his ad- dress will be given in next week's Examiner. -- luau-um`) \fA\\Au1cu `\Av|vn In Dan-MA In I.`AK'HllUl'o - `Frank Moberly. born in Barrie in 1845. two years after incorporation, moved the vote of thanks. It was seconded by Miss Emma King. who was a member of the Central school teaching staff for forty years and whose father. Robert King. was one of the early settlers. vssuu `vs -vs`; w-u, vu-.-w~-..--u- Latest news regarding the condi- tion of H. H. Otton. injured in Tor- onto _last week when struck by an auto. is encouraging and recovery is looked for, despite the. patient s advanced years. Mr. and Mrs. Otton had just al-ighted at Parkdale. re- turning from a visit to their son. Fred, in Barrie. and were waiting _. for a street car at the Queen St. subway to take them to their home. As the street car. approached they left the curb but an auto came along before the street car came to a halt and sought to pass. Mrs. Otton ran to the centre of therroad. but there was not enough room between her and her husband for the auto to pass. Mr. Otton stood still. The fen- der of the auto struck his club has and -threw him violently .to the pavement. -breakinghis left hip bone in two places. He is not yet out of danger. but his condition is consid- ered very satisfactory. No blame was attached to the driver. Had he swerved to his left to avoid hitting Mr. Otton he would undoubtedly have struck Mrs. Otton. Sincere- turning from a visit to his.far.her in Toronto. Fred Otton has been . conrined to hisbed with la zrippe. 1-`ems; `Rec.-`sao'y..` A. H. mad; J.<"ln.-ec'y.. D. D. Hopper; '1`rea.. `I-I. Cooper. V . `I'\lnfv-inf `Dnnutv Grand Prelldent R. o'r'roI\1, sn., nacovanma 'P-A.-_L ..-..._ _--nnnll-nan `kn AA1`L CPU! U Luv Vvvsn vs vuv Qvvy ...... -. An oyster supper was served tol- lowedioy a. toast `list to which re.- sponse was made by guests and brothers ot the Order. Enjoyable music was given by Mr. and Mrs. `Theo. McMillan and Lorne Arnold. The annual report shows the `order to be in a. ourishing. condition. `Ho COOp8l'. District Deputy Grand Prelldenf Siter Paddison gave a. short ad- dress on the work of the Rebekahs. A ~--~A---- ----_-.. --A-n -Ancun .A`_ \ill|u|ll|ls' HQIUFII HIS lulllt Wllvll C romise to cover the west at some uture date. 1!. L_-I- Ll- ....IJ...._ .. _.L_L Rev.'J: 5.1 `Siwrtt. M.A7..i\dEl-r_11Iter 5 Edmund Hardy; Mus. Baa. P. I`.CM. Oranlst and Cholrmaster q Sunday, Jan. 18, F928 (1; (MM. A-ND_7`P.M. THE MIN-I3'1`ER On Monday. Jan. 9, the local l hockey team met the Coliingwood sextette and held them \o a 4-4 tie. The game was interesting through- out. Weather conditions made the ice soft and wet but both teams put up .9. good showing notwithstanding. The game went the fun 20 minutes overtime. Lou Vair of -Barrie was referee. DmI1YCnn ve1n1!|na vans Him`-ulavrn Iewwv\-u u1-vvU Stayner vs. Elmvale In a game with Stayner on Jan. 6. at Stayner, Elmvale held the Stayner puck chasers to a 2-2 tie. Unfortunately Elmvale was short two of their team owing to acci- dents. This weakened them consid- erably having to work their subs overtime as it were. Elmvale 5, Meaford 4 On Jan. 4 -Elmvale hockey team took the opening game of group 16. Intermediate 0.H.A.. from the fast skating `Meaford sextette. The sec- ond period closed 4-2 in their favor. The third period ended with a score of 4-4. The game went the full 30 minutes overtime. Adams for Elm- vale` managed to slip one in near the end oi. the last overtime period. Meaford fought hard` but Elmvaie played a good defensive game and the score ended with the 5-4 score. The match was played on the local rink. 7 El....._I- T14- B-lIl ..... --.l l`Ul.!'.'l'U- . Brilliant playing was displayed` by Joe Bell in goal for Elmvaie. The game was attended by a. record' crowd which shows an increasing interest in the local team by the fans of this district. It is to be hop- ed this does not diminish. Parish Hall. The report tor the first. _ 1 v- --v. --vv-.-vu vii w-w-V. V `Eirst .nnua1 meeting of the Elmvale-Flos Horticultural Society was held on Monday evening `In the year was very favorable and a. bal- ance of one hundred dollars on hand to start 1928. many nnvnnnll-fan Inn Lanna I-an, Cllylll LIIU HI-U.ElUXl grounus. Officers for 1928 were elected as follows: President. Dr. D. -Corcoran: 1st Vice-Pres" Mrs. R. M. Black: 2nd Vice-Pres" Silas L. Anderson: Directors for two years. 1928-1929. Miss Gladys Guest, Mrs. Stubbs. Mrs. Malcolm. Mrs. Copeland. Mrs. Jae. McGInn1s; for one year, R. M. Black. W. J. McGuire. John`Drys- dwle. Wm. Clement. Mrs. `F. Steph- enson: Sec'y.-'I`reas., `Rev. W. G. Stubbs. Jan. 9-D. F1t:1;:7:;ck or sasku-' toon. Sask.. spent a. week with his` imother, Mrs. P. Fitzpatrick. I Mfna an `I'.nHv-nnr urnnf fn Thr- OHIO 18.812 WEEK. i Raymond Muir went to London last week. 1UI ..a rm (`av-unn `ha: 1-Ahnrnn uauu LU IUIFL .1960. I , A new oommitteg for town im- provemayt was appointed, v1z., Dr. Harvle and `R. M. Black. They were lntructed to Interview Supt. Wee- gar of the C.N.R. In regard to beau- tifying the station grounds. vfflnawu Onn 1&9! `noun nlnnivnrl an `K110121161 , .\!u`:. 1'. r1I.'aya.u.`u.:n. Mrs. Geo. Latlmer went to Tor- onto last Week. , Du`-wanna `M nIn nrnnr 1-n Tmsnnn. 1&5! WBBK. I Mrs. Wm. Carson has returned home after spending a. couple of weeks in Hamilton. 1:: ttnvh-um.-l...k.. cup` 1'! t"|nn`..nnn PASTOR: A. F. WI-IITCOMBEV WSBKS In l`.I.l`LIIU.l. LUII. R. .W11lough*by and D. Coulson have gone to Oshawa. \}I v- am-I IM'ru T-Tnvv-v 'RnnrnA and nave gone to Usnawa. I ._ Mr. and `Mrs. Harry Bourne and baby. June, have moved to Camp Borden. `KTAH `K/l'nDhnnann laden a-Ann fn ch- not-uen. Nell McPherson has gone to Osh- awa where he has secured a. pas!- tlon. lkhsa Mnndnvcln Dam: AP r3.Hfru'|. apcuu. here. 1Xn NEWS igggg%:&&&w&w on `rnuay OVUKIIDU Hilt- At Brighton on Thursday. Dec. 29. Mr. Orville Archer or Klrklaml Lake. son or 'Mr.- and Mrs. Albert Archer otvF1o.e. was married to Miss Vera Greenfield of Brighton. bnu II Thnvnnn nnvuinnfn anal- uon. Miss Marjorie Ross of Gilforil spent the week-end at her homel `h nun here. 1 Wm. Foster of Toronto visited: last week with his sister, Mrs. H. Li TarBush. A IV;\-nu-\r\u Al 1'.I'iH-nn Ia 17Ia1-inc! Y (}v`t`:.D1oklo of Edmonton; Alta 1 `pending o. tow weeks with trlenda ore. Mk; nnnuhunln! I-mul mnvvnvnrn at-A way. - * Work -hem: completed `one the water tower. 1113 men lettthis week. some coin: to Oz-lllia. and the rest to Tho:-old. um... ..y...1.. no no J]-`um-. tvnmm MR. WILLIAM FRASER Assistant to Dr. T. T. Shields of Jarvis St. Church, Toronto. will preach on Sunday at\11 am. and 7 p.m. Bible School at 3 p.m.