,/ .. -.A.z ,.~v<. ....x.: ._.`9$'Vf,J..` The Greatest mule SALE E_ve1_'He_ld in; Bglyrjc We hevnbeen forced to vacate bi our landlord. `Our leasehuneuly and tlie Cfo released over our heads. Our huge stock, "consisting mostly of breakables, is not easily mov- ed, `therefore, we are prepared to give you the Wonderful Values listed below. ad.` W, CIIVIVIUIE, VVV GIG I 5913 q.$"i.;"_';t'&i-Hay. January 14 _ g... -._- --nun:-an : u QQI1 nnJ\I!l! Tl'\ I\I 1'` `mi ' *~'--V vrv-- ------- ---- u v -__ . commons TILL FEBRUARY. nu. WE MOVE T7) OUR NEW LocAT15N; F ERLY occuplan BY BARR AND 1'w1ss~, HARDWARE-Wellington Hotel Building FREE! Hot Water Bottles, reg. $1.75 . . . . . .. $1.19 Hot Water Bottles, reg. $1.50 . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Combination syringe fittings .....- OEA an IV Uuyan bu auvluunpa .2, a V5: $2.00 . . . . . . . . . . $1.29 Revolving spray syringe, reg. $2.50 . . . . . .. $1.79 Infant rectal syringe, reg. 25c . . . . . ., . . . . . . . 19c Infant rectal syringe, large, reg Soc . . . . . . . . . , 33c Ear and ulcer syringe,areg. 25c . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ear and ulcer syringe, large, `an Eln \4UHlUlUd.|lUll DJIIIISV II n reg. 85c Enema syringes, reg. $1. 69 Nonpareil atomizers, reg. :34 An $1 an I-out uuu \4 Va uJ-...v, reg. soc" . . . . . . . . .'." 3 Baby pants, reg. 25c . . 19 Baby pants (heavy), reg. 50c . . . . . . . . . . .. 37 `(DU LUIIVLSLJ v_A wua nu..- .._ -.--. __-V. is. A successful year was reported at the annual meetini of the Essa St. Presbyterian -churc , held last even-' ins. Mrs. W. D. Little, Gravenhurst, spent a. few days this week with her parents, M13 and Mrs. J. .. rm... '1.m1.m1 District Royal Scariet Nat_io:1a1, reg. ioc 3 for 21 Old Dutch, reg. 15 ` Q `nun `:4: White Cross, reg. RUBBER GOODS (Stevens English Hos- . pita!) 10-year life 9|... ll") Ell TOILET PAlfE_`.R_ { w'1'rH 1 PT. OF IZAL T White or Veterinary SASHENA SANITARY TOWELS (1 dos. pkg.) HOT WATER BOTTLES__ REG. 15c 3 for 25 BATH SOAP Bruntr.-n. T . The Innlsl District Royal Scarlet Chapter will hold its monthly me t- in: in the Orange I-Iali, Sraturd y`. Jan. 14. at 7 p.m. A Jno. Gibbons has removed his tam-` ily to the home which he recently purchased on Essa Road, forxnerly owned by the W. -Brigley estate. Mrs. Geov'ge Smith of Hamilton and Mrs. MacNlcol of Toronto are spending a few days with the lat- ter s mother, Mrs. George Poucher; an 1:`. vnnhlq Tupldnv. Ja. 17. 1 lb. 1'i:{o_ 12.1 Dusti_x_1_ Powder (augrainjced) tr`! . . _ _ . _ 1 . A A\ Keg`. `$J3_.0 39c 90 J5 for 35 3.59 [ X ufor 39 MILI:I`ARY BRUSHES-- Reg. $2.00 . . . . . . $1.39 Reg. $2.50 . . . . . . $1.89 Reg. $3.25 . . . . . . $2.29 Reg. $3.50 . . . . . . $2.47 Sets, reg. $3.75 . . . . $2.-69 Reg. $10.00 $6.75 Reg. $13.25 $9.25 Reg. $5.75 . . . . . . $3.75 Men s Dressing Combs, reg. 35c . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c 5Men s Dressing Combs, reg. 25C . . . . . . . . . . .. 15c Men s Pocket Combs, reg. 35C . . . . ..5 . . . . .. 25 Men s Pocket Combs, reg. 25C . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19c ter's mother, Mrs. ueorge roucmars S.O.E. meets Tue-day, Ja._17, at 8 p.m. in the Tra1n~meri's Hal]. D.D.G,.-P. Barrett of Cpllinzgwood will install. the officers for 1928. "A good attendance of members is re- quested. Refreshments. , A service of interest to` local Shaving` i3rushes, reg. $1.50 . . . . . . . . . . $1.09 Shaving Brushes, reg. ` $1.25 . . . . . . . . . .. 89 Shaving Brushes, reg. SLOO . . . . . . . . .. 69 Corson s Shaving Cream, reg. 35c . . . . . . . .. 25 Corson s Shaving Lotion, reg. 75c . . . . . . . . . . 49 After Shave Talc, reg. 25c . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 MI-'.N S BRUSHES AND COMBS SMOKERS SUPPLIES 1 Pipe, reg 50c and 1 Tobac- nn DI'\IIf`k 1-an` :r\I` 1 I 1}), nus uuu uuu I . V-.4... co Pouch, reg. 50c . . 69 Royal De Luxe Pipe $1.00 1 pkg. Tobacco and 1 pkg. Pipe Cleaner FREE! IMPORTED . NOVELTIFS SYRUP, WHITE PINE Alli`! ','I`lB TOOTHBRUSHES Reg. 50 - (D<`).'u.g1as Brand) Quickest relief for Sore Throat and Coughs Reg. 35c WASHCLOTHS _SHA_VlNC'. News N-67Ho:-?5Ncazn ITORS 25% OFF 8-oz.-Reg. $1.75 (Nickel Silver) FLASKS (2 for 51) (2 for 26) Reg. 25 29c Ts 23 Duo Twolwio Small t{ibe'skin Balm and small tin of Talcum neg; gdf/or neg. .p1.a MENNEN S S2.:z;*:, 99 45 Horehound Twist I5. Humbugs .... ._ 25 I5`. Mints-Sc0tch, English, Af- L-.. I\!....An- ti `la `O4 JV|llll.Dj\JLU|.\.II, L..u5u ter-Dinner, 1/3 lb. Hard Boiled Mixture Planters Peanuts l/_; Pecans-A1;nonds-- Assort- ed Nuts, 2 025. 15 Chocolate Bars, Lites:1vers,_ Fruit Drops. Cum 6 for 25 Nei1son s Creamy Toffee, 10c boxes 3 for 25:: Medicine Glasses-- Reg. 25c . . . . ..... 19 Reg. 15 . . . . 11c Eye Cupc reg. 15C .... 11 Clinical Thermometers, reg. $1, English, guaranteed 69 quested. Kerresnmems. A service church people took piace at St. Al- ba.n s Cathedral, Toronto. on Tues- day evening. when Mr. Ernest War- dle, who was Lay Reader at St`. George's Church. was one of the candidates to receive a license. and new testament from the Lord Bishop. The preac-her was Dr. Sea- ger, Bishop of Ontario, and the Rev. A. R. Holden acted as his chaplain. Bishop Lucas was also present and assisted with the pray- ers. Repeat Performance Much Enjoyed 1/".\u-snf-nvuf nnrnnan xrvnnfn thn D1 - saphi ;)-_I-1:s_=;:t "150-{Jar Reg. 15c . . . . . . .. Reg. 25c . . . . . . . . HOT WATER BOTTLES NEILSON S Buug cHQ_(:o_g_A'rES CANDY _ NElLSON S FANCY BOXED cHocouma`s REDUCED TO CLEAR MEDICINE CABINET }`{EEDS HOREHOQND EPSOM SALTS SWEET N ITRE I'\UyUh rwluvu nun--we Ivivvwuw -..,,_,-.. Constant applause greeted the ef- fort of the members of St. George's Sunday School when they repeated their Christmas entertamment on Thursday last in the Memorial Hall,- Allandale. The large audience were treated to a full ev 3ning s enjoy- ment without any break as the SS. orchestra gave some choice selec- tlons while the stage performers were being prepared for the many dialogues, sketches and recltations. The young people entered so thor- oughly into their various parts and rendered them so cred-ltably that it would not be fair to specially men- tion any item separately . The rector, Rev. A. R. Holden, had an easy position as chairman and proposed votes of thanks to all concerned. VARIED SPECIM; (FOR STOCK) (Douglas Brand) AT|Im~ilay; imam 12. `I030 . BOXED ` STATIONERY (Big Assortment) Reg. 25 25clb. _ ----w o -nail!!! foouapute 35 h wnm Toothbtugh 50 5 115;. for 25; HUMBUGS : '3;-C -11): "ize."o2 HE" %&&&&&&&w&wa&&&} .1. 34 ` Reg. 35c lb. 25 lb. 1 T.`3' M213 SULPHUR 4 ozs. 8 ozs. 49c B-' 19 50 smoun X0X0X0I0X<%>X4%>X<>X0I0X<>X0X0X - IUD i>'5c lb. lb. 25` llc ..l7c C3! THI \_{lAl the Uou. This with {SUI : . '|n_i`I-xsux--I-1-in-1--xcux-yxc-aux: `XL: Mo mai Bar ed ah` H e W: ('10 Ch) i{\' to Jan ostiz tho; sari tho been said` Ln hm moe men that hold be mitt (in `he a HUI`. to work. . Miss Bessie Northgraves is vis- iting at her home. Mr: 1' M, Sm-ins: ls! visitinsz with the :1x'v lmx` d1`i\ Ont ilfhi Sick \. H13! in 2 of tee) hm Ll)\r unkr an} t01~ 934 (11.19 men '1` \ ill the lung at her nome. Mrs. I. M. Spring is visiting friends in Bond Head. Miss Isabella Goodfellow is spend- ing a few days at her home. Mrs. Donald Banting is visiting her sister. Mrs. Jeffrey, at Midland. Miss Mary Duncan of Detroit is visiting her sister, Mrs. A'1ex. Con-' rVnnmnrn1nHnna in Mr. and Mrs. m it '1' stanza. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brewster on the arrival of a young son. 11 J. Robertson motored to 01*- Lloyd Forbes has gone to Toronto to work. {{na `Ranch: T\Tnv1'hg'rnv9. in vis- son. E. J. Robertson illla on Sunday evening to call on his sister and other friends. rmm I.-minfn rinmm held its first his sister and otner trxenua._ The Innlsfil Council held its first meeting in the New. Year, Monday, Jan. 9, in-the Orange Hall, at Stroud. :4-..m.A nm41ma want tn (`.h1n-nhill SIPOUG. Stroud cuvlers went to Churchill to take part in a honspiel. Owing to the mild weather the we was very unsatisfactory, and the` same was not finished. 7 `M. and Mru. Jnhn `R-annisater I 4 :lli$&$w$&w&ima .ol_ 1.1.: Let Ion In I-Iamuton. I b I 1-! eye! 'I`oront 33. :3 3:9 11:31:: or F. W. 13 Was not umaucu. Mr. and Mrs. John Bannister from Toronto, `Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Drury and A. `S. Gardener and fa-ma ily were Sunday visitors at -the icirme of Wilson Forbes. Eighth ne. nmlmy fn Han nnnv anndlfinn di 52-2b Line. owing to the poor condition of the roads the moccasin dance was not very well attended. `The young` eople will be hoping for more avorable weather conditions for the next one. Its: ant? \rh-a no11H}`IIH`u ffh next one. Mr. and Mrs. Scantlebury from Esterhazy, Sask.. and their little son. Eldon, are visiting the latter's sister. Mrs. Jos. Booth. They` were pleased to find her mother, Mrs. Wice, improving from a long. severe illness. IIKI I`? I Prospects for Hydro Good Local canvassing committees re- port a. keen interest in the proposed Hydro service for this district and additional contracts are being sign- ed to such an extent as to practical- ly assure success or the scheme. annnnnn of the co-onerative na- I) assure success 01 U16 acnexnu. Because of the co-operative na- ture of the proposal the greater number of contracts secured, the cheapenthe service will be to each customer. Consequentiiy those who have already signed contract: should use their inuence to secure others. Mr, Gin-nan and Mr. Purcell Of their inuence to secure omors. Mr. Gurnett and Mr. Purceii of the Hydro start at Toronto will `be in the district on Jan, I8 and 17 and will address a meeting in Giltord hall on `Monday and a. meeting `in Lstrcy continuation school on Tues- day cveninf. Everyone interests is cordially nvited to attend.` ' not B11011 uwvv ...---- ____V___ ALEXANDER covvA'N. . Executorw solicitor, `T Barrie. Ontario. -4 7 .'%-E.`_"T"9.`C, - - - - - - - __.._.. V d Boxg, Reg. 25:: . . . . . . 19 Chc_i1en Sg Boxgd Statlonergr, . Kauuuauu 9 uvnwu up-u-uvuv. , Reg, 15c..`. . . . . . ..c Boxed Stationery, fancy, reg. ` $1.00 .. . . . . . . . .. 796 some ned enveiopcsr Boxed Stationery, colored. (lined envelopes), reg. $1.50 .. . . . . . . .. $1.19 Boxed Stat` nary, v ry ` B `IanA.n.1a_,__ if trA`n11A ENSANP PEN9" QB. Ilvu: mall not AT.I DU CU D|.'a|.lUu9I.y, VUIJ heavy-a-lined enveio es. reg. $1.75 . . . . .. 1.29 Correspondence Cards (Lea- ther paper), reg. $1.25 89 f.a-c-1_i-e:s -'I5e~:;c_ir1s, reg. $1.00, lf`1a1-u.1nL1A\ Ra uaulcn I Guvuo, Juan 3 o o > (keioadable) Men _s Pencils, `reg, (rzeioadable) Ladies Pens, reg. (Dinkie-Model) . Mews Pen-s, reg. $2 guaranteed) fJaa3iE"".`f?2 Carter : In a, reg. KPIWEIEI 1 yard square, reg 25. 19: 5 yards by 36 lns.,7reg.. 69 1 _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _v g GA (`III nvoiif cams 1oo..hZZ: W513; M. (large size") 1 FOUNTAIN PEN F`IT.N'i1't'9oiViY> 2_5 .|- or!` .._.u. u .1. nncnna REGBCAR i'lCES yafi U, JV HID-IE5 `niooooonoofsgc NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons ning claims against the Estate of ashes Ellis. late of the Township of us, in the County or Simcoe. farmer, deceased. who died oneor about the jam day or December.-1927, are re- guested to send particulars of their giaims to the undersigned on or. before chezlst day of January, 1928, after which date the executors will distri- bute the assets at the estate among those entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims or which they shall ' than have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person tor the assets of said estate whose claims then have been received. I .__.__ . _-no-nun fIl\1'I7A\T Efnonmy Au. PIECES or _._ -.--n gnn nn1-I `LADY MYONNE commcrs L . `$1.00 coarse, 1/ ' Reg. 50: 29c 1. .9.".'_-." 1950 p Lovv, . . 69 reg. $1.50, ....$$11.509 8 . . 0, l):.2. SH)? . ` U 1.33 go 00000 :. 10 . for 18 ne UGLAS DRUG STORE PHONE 75 ~ % BARRIE % 36 DUNLOP ST. m: 1-ms: ADVERTISE MENT--THIS LIST WILL APPEAR BUT ONCE, L Mu. Wilnn in at px-span: visumg her In Hamilton. Min Isabel Honey" o_YI`o_1;9ngo J: Minty sWAstringent Lotion, reg. $1.00 . . . . . 69 Pinaud s Jastia Soap, reg. $1.00 . . . . . . . . . .. 69 Bobbed Hair Combs, reg `Soc . . . . . . .3 Bobbed -Hair "Combs, reg. 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Blaclc Dressing Combs, gag. PERFUME Aromxzens Reg. $5.75 $3.7. ` Reg. $3.75 $2.2. Reg. $3.25 $2.0 Reg. $4.25 . . . . . . $2.7. Reg. $2.75 . . . . . . $1.7 TOILET GOODS SETS ` ` GREATLY REDUCED ABSORBENT A canons % 1-oz. size, reg. 15c 11, 2-oz. size, reg. 25c . . 17 4-oz. size, reg.40c . .. 29 12 lb. Size, reg. 65c . .. 49 ;1k dun 1-Mr K1 , __ _' 69 IL]. Qlvg lube v up u q `/2 V 1 lb. size, reg. $1 . . .. 1 lb. hospital size, `mg. 85c 'f'P1_1_3Nr: 75 DUNLOI SAVE nus Anvaansz MENT--THIS APPEAR ONCE. 75`c ".17 SALTPETRE yon. Bert Walker of Collingwaod went `Wednesday with his mother on Es- . Road. V V Mn. '1`. Goddan has returned to lanai: after spending the holiday: with her mother. V Ear! Fraser of owmanviils is visiting at the home of his father, A Wm. Fraser. Essa Road. Mrs. R. J. Nichols is hdme a ter spending Nevv.Year's holidays ith her sister in Hamilton. _ A . On Jan. 8. the Hons of En` and resented the Boy Scouts 0 A1. Indaie with a Union Jack. Ila:-I-I! 11`. who EDQHC. $2;3_ '2 lbs. for` 35 PERFUME `Reg . 25 11?. u dxlms. (Fancy Vial) (3 Golf 41:) 25 "$3.75 $2.25 $2.00 $2.75 $1.15 In liamllton. Min Isabel Honey` of Tor a nut at the home or W In)`. `'39 69c 59c Tl-ll Baum: Ixmmnin PROPRIETARY MEDICINES Dreco Tonic, reg. $1.25 69c Rega Purgative Water, reg. 4: . - 15: `"336 .'."."I'.`~.'. .' 151: Syrup of Hy ophosphites, reg: $1.00 . . . . . . .. 69 Linseed Oil Soap, for wood- work, reg. 35c .. .. 27 Silver Plate Polish (cleans and plates), reg. Soc 33 Hands Magic Cleaner (for cloth), reg. 60c . . . . 39 Bunny Cleaner (for cloth), reg. Soc . . . . . . . . . . 35 Snag, r:~.g-.-;oVcz 2'. . . . 17 D. . Kleanup Soap, reg. AKA ing s Healing Oil --VVITH-- any purchase of Fleming's Veterinary Products (Genuine) (Douglas Brand Sure Remedy for on- stipation Re`: 75 1 6 , 0230 HAND SCRUBS HAIR BRUSHES Reg. $2.00 89 You. Ean t` wear them out. RQ_SIAI:l_ `Q11. Reg~25c llc (2 for 19) 59c A Chocolate Bar To EVERY CUSTOMER MAKING PURCHASE 01-` 25c on oven hndalo Union Jack. . Harry I-If1l.>who span; the non- days here with his parengs, has re- turned to his home in Flint. Mich. Mr; and Mrs. Cha. Lewas were in Brampton on Friday attending flue tuneral o_f an aunt of Mr. Lew`-