Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1928, p. 8

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375i: QUICK srznvrcm DELIVERY `phone 979M. Walter Mclndless, 88 Vic- Qtoria St. Orders left at Singer Grocery [Store will be attended to. We handle Jrunka. baggage, light ' turnlture. ,_otc. 48-53p VJ. JIIIU VAGJIHJIBI This year there will be in ad- dition to other things a large ex- hi-bt of the now very popular Chinchilla rabbits. There will al- so be some unusual attractions for those who attend in the even- ings`. There will;be orrexhibition some -dressed poultry and eggs that will be raffled off and the proceeds given to the Children ; Shelter, also the usual draw for a bird that every purchaser of a. ticket is entitled to; about a doz- en birds to be giveniaway. This promises to be the ibiggest and best show ever put on in Barrie. CUNNINGJ-IAM-On Dec. 81. 1927, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Nelson N. Brinstin. Port Hope, Albert Edward Cunning- ha in his 66th year. PEA SON-At Ivy. on Thursday, Tun K 1099 `Mm: Rinhnrd `Paar. -DYER--I_rZ1Tlov1:71g Zmemoury of otir .`dear husband and father. Alfred "A. Dyer. who entered into test Jan. 9, 1925. Then why 'do our tears run'down And our hearts be` sorely riven For another gem In the Saviour : '(`m~nxrn J."U1` u.uuuu=r gun: Lu uu: `Crown Another star in heaven. on. .11-- .. KEELEY--In loving memory '0! Alice Ann Keeley, beloved wife of Alfred A. Keeley, who departed this life December 30, 1928. 0neYo the best whom God could ` There is on display this week in Hubbard's hardware store win- dow, a shield, `bronze: medal and many cups which will be compet- ed for at the Barrie Poultry Show which will be _held this year in the Armouries on Tuesday, Wednes- day and Tursday, Jan. 10, -11, 12. and it is interesting to note that in addition to the regular cash `prizes that go along with the cups, medals, shields, etc.. there is ap additional $48.00 in cash and $72.75 in goods given by. the business men of Barrie and others interested in poultry. 'LI:- 8-`L`- gig-LL`: -unique` Ant HIARGREAVES--At the RSV Hos- pital, Barrie, Sunday. Jan. 1. 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hargreaves, 22 Wellington St.. a daughtey. I-IU'BBERT--At the R.V.V Hospital. Barrie, Sunday. Jan. 1, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I-Iubbert, 140 Dlobn G1 a ann ` Lu SUUIIUU EMU ULl.ULVl-I, All ynunvanvv she bore. |TI1I God called her home to suffer an vvlnhn Uk'1"1U14D 1'1.unuVur uuu. uutu uruuuuug. All orders given prompt attention. S. F. Martin. 10 Owen St.. Barrie. 48-53p Ill IIUI VBUVU III !IVHIU5 J I This is" the eighth annual show for the Barrie Poultry Associa- tion and its members deserve great credit "for the excellent dis- play of poultry and pet stock that is always to be seen. Citizens of Barrie should support this or- ganization by their attendance. The public will be agreeably sur-' prised at thelnumber and quality of the exhibits. ` lIlI-_Q_ ______ A.I_-__- __.lI1 L- 1.. -1 Jean Lauder wlshgs it-hanlc her friends who assisted her In winning fourth \prize at V1~ckers .Doll coin}; test; s ' BO0'I`tI-I--WEBSTER---At St. Dav- 1d s.,Ch'urch, Toronto, on Nov. 5, 1927. by Rev. H. A. Bracken, Dor- is Edith. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Webster of Thornton, to Lorne Howard Booth, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Booth of Keady CAVANA3-*BUR'TC'-H--At Barrie, on Wednesday. Dec. 28, 1927,- by the `Rev. J. S. Shortt. M.A.. Lyme. Helen Burtch of Barrie. to John -Campbell Cavana of Ottawa. MUI`R-POR'1`-E_R-At Barrie on `Thursday. Jan. 5. 192-8. by the Rev. J. S. Ishortt, M.A., Mary Eli- zabeth Porter. to Alexander Muir, both of Elmvale. SMI"1`H-KFJENA`N-At Barrie on Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1928, by the Rev. J. S. Shortt, M.A., Gladys Isabel Keenan. to Joseph Earl `Smith, both of Barrie. . vuauww u---- --w--.- ww- The annual meeting of the share- holders of the Strqud Telephone Co. Limited. will be held in the Orange I-I-11`. St:~uu:1. on Wednesd-av. Jun. 18. 1928. at 2 o'clock to: the purpose of electing directors and other bus!- 11655. Ed. Guest. W. Lennox Black. Dnnuh-Innf ' 1 -9): Qnnraxtnrv Tuesday, Jan. 17--Mark Men/taster. at lot 27. con. 6. Essa, tarin stock and lmplemexfts. Sale at 1 pm.`-W. A. Mcconkey, -Auot. 1: IRI-:ADWHAT'm|s gs] YOU CAN EARN 810 to $25 a. week in your spare time at home writing how cards. No canvassing or sol- iciting. We instruct you and supply you with `work. Write today. The Menhenltt Co. Ltd..- 45 Dominion 13--llallna `nnAnI-A- . 1Mfh NLQHHOHILE WU. Building. Toronigt Your money back or good results. by using Mrs. sybilla Spam-'3 '1`on;- sums. for ore Throata. Cough, Bronchitis. W-hooplng-Cough, .Cat- arrh. Head Colds. and Tonsil D1- -nnnnn pnnnlnndh Dru: store. 1-2h 8.l`!`h. 1-Lean coma. anu Iuuuu ul- season. Crosslanws Drug store. 1-2b - KEAISTS TAXI SERVICE--- Day or night. Barrie. Local calls 250, out-o- town rates on application. Phone 239. Marshall A. Keast, successor to W. J. -Shannon. 52-5p J. ANDREW WIGGINS `BANDMNSTER Barrio citizen: and school Band: `Private tuition on all hand Instru- I .......w. 11-. n-mnint-mant_ nhana 1448. ' PNVBJO tuluon on an Dunn unstru- I manta. For 9. pointment. phone 1446.` Residence. 1 8 Baytleld St.. Barrie. 'EJAnBU&V.-(LL J.Vy._ uu ;uuL'aua._y, Jan. 5. 1928. Mrs. `Richard Pear- son. in her 70th year. The funeral will take place Sunday. Jan. 8. at 2 p.m-. tor Interment in Presbyter- ian cemetery, Ivy. VLl.`a GNU LVLIIBI I'LL |-I Blake St., a. son.` AU: \ Ul"B&I President STROUD TELEPHON E 00. __,_-u.... -1 ;.|.- ..|.-.. A \.aIvv. uunnv no mpre. CARDS OAF_Tl-lAN_l nq1scau.ANous CREDIT SALE V 'u!'p0ue anurtuunx UUWH tutu lay-uur rent breeding and show bull, White (era. by Browndale Hero, and a. randson of the famous Browndale; .130 :1 few helferev-in calf and calves at oot. Our hull was Grand Champion Lt Barrie and Alliston Fairs in 1926 sud 1927. Chas . W. Henry, Thornton. Ivy-Thornton Telephone. 50ttb IN MEMORIAN % mggnnn BORN -JSad1y missed by Husband and Family DIED VVu I 1-2b Qowvw v .-SadI;'m1ssed by Wife and Family LIU IL -IJI-\Ul\g Secretary III!!! III 1Mttb THLI IARIII ixAMINli -1i ._.__.__._........_..____...._____...:. ` SEED PEAS--I am now taking orders for canning peas for seed, price $1.80 it bushel. Would like all contracts in by January 15th next. Geo. Arnold, Padnaxvick. Phone 19r2, Stroud._ 52-1b ~-.. .-...-.-..--an nu.-... g1-..-9;;-.;y or dance ca .the Blue Tax! ufrvice, carofuf drivers and `quick "service. 15 :-Ladies fur coats at Prices that are a good investment. Sim- mons I: co...-the Coat. store. lb Ihuu. '.I_I._ .1 Dana}: lirinnn I lajiawim&&& |% %UOCNLNEWS . ;iii$%iii&&wg&ma Four `rinks ht Barrie Curle 8"` 80in: tb Churchill tomorrow` (Friday) to ~.pa.rtlclpato in a ho!!- splel. B-4.4.__n ,, A u, ,____.I --In in -Old-Time dance to be held in Allandale Orange Hall on Friday, Jan. 20, under auspices of Orange Young Britons, No. 360. Good Music. Gentlemen 75c, ladies 25c, tax included. , L . 1-8b -Special features of the music in St. Andrew's last Sunday were selections by two visiting soloists, Wishart Campbell and Harry Shannon. The former sang Crossing the Bar and the latter, The Promise of Life. _-_.__ 51.--`- .._ .1--_!.... --1- In IIU I Kuuuav UL I-JILUQ January Stock-reducing sale. Coats, hats, half-price; dresses, sports and afternoon wear, $6.95; afternoon and evening wear, all sizes to 46, $15.00 ach: hosiery broken lines. 50c and 79 c pair andother reductions. Don't miss these great values. Miss I. Col- lins, Allandale. 1'--I....a .1- - ..4...A.....-..... ...1.:1 IIIl, FIIIGIILISIIVQ -Locl in a stateroom while her erstwhile ancee perpares to marry another woman. Laura climbs to the transom and with her garter attached to a curling iron and with her imitation pearls for ammunition she breaks up the ceremony. Don't fail .to see Laura LaPlant at the C pitol next Mon- day, Tuesday an Wednesday. 1:: Tnnm nnnon has nn~l+ +1-In uay, A ucuuny uuu vv cuuw-:uu_y u --Jackie Coogan has quit the screen. The kid has been so busy making `pictures, his education has been neglected, and now he's through. Never again will you see this child wonder of the screen-- at least not until he grows up. Buttons, his last screen offer- ing, is showing at Dreamland, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. 1:: Buses running between Barrie and Toronto have been ghting the Storm King all week, although there have been oneor more buses get through every day. The bus due at 11 o'clock this morning reached` here at 4.30 this after- noon. The heaviestdrifts are be- tween Barrie` and Bradford. The road is being kept open with diff- iculty. . 1\-..-3L- Lkn ab:-quasi uIIAn"`\A _. --Batteries " charged, only 50 cents. Rental `supplied if desired. The Barrieadio & El0ct1`i C0- We can give you service. s1'b ___Tnn- -.....I..-.l umvm gnsrmur Ill &'LCll\}lI uuu Slllslllle -See Louise Fazenda and Clyde Cook. The funniest comedy team in the movies in the funni- est comedy of the year. Capitol Theatre, Thurs., Fri., Sat. 1:: ---Facial treatments cleanse impurities from the skin, invigor- ating and toning to sagging mus- cles. Treatments 50c. Phone 8413.1 for appointments. 1b R. R. _Gribble of New Hamburg has taken an interest in the Bar- rie Radio & Electric Co. and will act as sales manager. He will move his family here about April 5 _ . AI! Il\I,,,_ I-____ A. 1., 1,_I,1 1-- vvv \-nu `IVE you EULVIVUO u ow --Just arrived some snappy Ifew styles in felt hats for young men. Biltmore and Brooks. Sim- mons '& Co., men's hatt0!`3- 15 XE:-no-..A. Ins-.. - numnonu ORA FARM FOR SALE--200 acres, lot 22 on concession 6 and 23 on concession 5; 180 under cultivation. balance bush and pasture, 30 acres wheat, 8 alsike. 14 sweet clover, plowing .an'1 done. buildings in -first class condition. Thos. A Sawyer, Lefroy, Ont. 48-58p suvuu Ila U0. (Hana ucu-vvv~-u -Sweet, juicy "oranges, 25c dozen up. Bargains in nuts. Pe- waukee and Spy apples. Jarvis, phone 65. 1b -Boys' woollen toques and hockey caps, regular 75c and 90c. On" sale 49. ~S_immons & Co., the Coat Store. - ` lb --Balance of ladies , misses and children's cloth coats at be- low wholesale price. Real bar- gains. -Sim-mons & Co-. the C08`: Store." 11: The Ojibway Indian hockey team, of Temagami, which is touring Ontario and the -States in a motor bu, will play the Colts in Barrie next Tuesday evening. B-..._.I'. n__-_s___L__-_- ....lI1 ..;.-J. 1.. nu you ; Av ueaua Luuaun; vvvuluao Barrie Presbytery will meet in St. Andrew : church next Mon- day, Jan. 9. An address by Rev. D. T. McKerroll of Toronto will be a feature. V A._..__-| -I-___9_._ .._1- -1 -11 uc an a.vuuu.L`u. --A'nnual clearing sale of all winter goods. Furs, coats, hats, children's woollen toques and mitts. Simmons & Co., the Coat Store. 15 T `I AI , -,_`-_ I.-- L_.I - J. W. Chapman, who has had a watch repair busirfess on Eliza- beth St., is leaving Barrie, having bought out an optician in London, his home city. 1\lI :..... D-on-4 13-11 `:55 InAv\`nnAA UVOIMIIIIIE Ill &&G8lIlIUVll0 Miss Nina H. Stewart, B.A, of Toronto, is the new teacher at B. C. I., the sta having been in- creased by one; She is a specialist in French and "English. G... T Au`- `II\.........l.-. nous IIVAIIV VII! 0 Miss Byne Ball has replaced Miss S. M. Hickling, resigned, on the staff of the Prince of Wales School. Miss Hickling is now teaching in Hamilton. M':... n.-_. 13 m.-...-..:. D A" -a lcuwy. Despite the stormy weather fair-sized congregations are this week attending the annual Week of Prayer services. On Tuesday night in Central United Rev. `J. S. Shortt was the speaker, Wed- nesday night in St. Andi-,ew. s `Rev. J. J. Black cave the address and tonight -(Thursday) at salvation Army Citadel Rev. J. B. Thomson will conduct the service. sIn__,.'_ __.-..- 11 L.I..LL_'.l.. --_ Wu! uvuuuuu new uuxvsuuu There were 153 births` in Bar- rie dur_ing{1927 as `compared with 170 in 1926. Marriages for the same periods respectively. were 64 and..5'l and deaths 130 and 127, the net natural increase in - population for the year -being 23. Figures for December last are 9 deaths, 9 births and 4 marriages. For the same month last year figures were 12, 12 and 2, 32-:- TWO YOUNG DURHAM COWS for sale. due to freshen by Jan. 5; also driver. chestnut. D. J. Miller. Utopia, Ont. ' ' 51-1p TA` BARGAIN surname mi onasscoons A. stock taking clear-since in dresssoods begins. on Friday morning and 33' pieces: of waollen. fabrics for costs and dresses such 3! ierssy cloths, sunels, sergss, armures in various edlorings pric- l` `IAQII`;n`uo nu L- .1 All -Q-A AD. --uuuuv {ll VQIILUHI EUIUI-`l8|`D_yFlIE' ed regularly up to $4.00 are-o' ered pt 98 eta. the yard. This offering in exceptional. We advise an early` choice. A . - " lb i` `also. vtcxums 'L'1`D.Al Master George King, boy sop- rano, sang a solo in the Allandale Presbyterian church, on Sunday, Dec. 18 and also Trinity church, Barrie, on Christmas night. A quiet wedding was soiemnised at'2'58 Beech Ave.. foronto. Monday evening. Jan. 2, at seven o'clock by Rev. H. E. Wellwood, when Miss Celia M. Sloan. daughter or Mr. and 7 Mrs. P. J. Sloan of Ottawa. became the bride ot Mr. F. Henry V. Ball of Timmins. 0!!!! Ion of Mrs. F. H. Ball and the late F. H. Ball ct Bar- rie. The bride was attractive in poudre blue satin crepe with silver shoes and hose and carried a shower bouquet of Sweetheart roses and my 0! the valley. Miss Byne Ball. sister of the groom. attended the bride and was in a track or pink georget with sequins. `Mr. I-Iemon Armstrong was best man. After the ceremony a. weddinz luncheon was [served at the King Edward Hotel and later the happy couple iett tor a short trip. the bride tra- velling in navy blue imported frock. small French hat with shoes to match and Hudson seal coat. Mr. and Mrs. Ball will later take up residence in Atlanta, Georgia. gal U `3"9 . U CICUUVRWCEVACUO Referee. W. Campbell. Jan. 9-Shanty Bay at Oro. Referee, N. Stoddart. Jan. 11-Guthx-ie at East Oro. Rer- eree. J. Hubbert. Jan. 18-Oro at Hawkostone. Re- -feree, W. Tudlfope. Jan. 17-I-Iavvkestone at Shanty Bay.' `Referee. N. Stoddart. . Jan.20-East Oro at Guthrie, S. Leigh. Referee. Jan. 23-0110 at East Oro, C. Besse, Referee. I 1'-.. 0.! 1I_.~..4.-. E-.. -L 'l _fnuouhn-us, ISGILETUU, do l'I.UUUUl'|u I Feb. 20-01-o at Guthrie. Referee.. W. Tudhope. 15-1. 00 I`oat t'\nn o kdn17 `Dav A meeting of the Executivepf the Oro Hockey League was held on Tuesday. Dec. 27, at which the fol- lowlng schedule wan arranged. Jan. 6-East .0ro at Hawkestone. 1\-l-..__ TI K-..`_I._II urn L, \ULl cc. Jan. 31--Shanty Bay at East Oro, Referee. S. Leigh. 21-1. cg-1..u....m no guano nan W ru-.'Le1'uc'. B. 14:15-u. Feb. 3-Guthrie at Shanty Bay. W. Campbell, Referee. 13.-.1-. l!_._.'L`l anvbA6r\nn ai Own n- Levee, -J . 1.1. u uucru. 3 Feb. 14-Shanty Bay at Guthrie.` Referee. S. Leigh. i II..I_ CU 'I'_f----I-4-.-I-noun at Eaab (`Inn :- KENS FOR SALE--Thlrty bred-to-lay `Dun-nzl Dnnlzn nun unnr nlrl and A1! nereree. U. D6336. Feb. 24-I-Iawkestone at Guthrien Referee. W. Campbelh. 13.1. no A..- no aka.-Mu aw Dn-. Ieree, LV. at.uuuu.rI.. 1 Any team not on the ice at 8.15 sharp. to:-fe1ts`one goal. LUHE. VVo \aI-Illpuuu, ncacavcu Jan. 27-Guthrie at Oro, J. Hub- bert, Referee. 1'... Q1__.Gkan4-u `Dan ab oat rn Utuupucu, RCLUL EC: Feb. 6--Hawkestone at 02-0. 119-! teree, N. Stoddart. 111.1. 0 ,-Ilutla-In ab Ifanvlrnafnnn LUI EU, AV. Duuuucu In Feb. 8.--`Guthrie at Hawkestone. Referee. W. Tudhope. 111...`... -In '|:.Vm.u nun no nan `DA- .I1t,'.Lt:l`I:c', VVa L uuuuywo Feb. 10---East Oro at Oro. Re- teree, J. Hubbert. 13-1.. 1A,,AQknnO-u `Dov bf flnfhvlni I`3l.t'l'UU. Do |JUl5o \ Feb. 17.--I-Iawkestone at East Oro. Referee, J. Hubbert. 13.1. on rx... no tint!-mu; Dnnnnn W . xuunupu. ` Feb. 22-East Ora at Shanty Bay. Refere. C. Besse. I ~n-. mu 1:1-.....I.-....\.-..-. n liuivluudni nuxerev.-. VV. La.uApuvu.- Feb. 28-Oro at Shanty Bay. Re-I feree, N. Stoddart. . `AI\Ub\ ant Av! {-115 Inn of Q15. A..- RULCA CE: Jan. 245-Shanty Bay at Hawkes- tone. W. Campbell, Referee. 1'-.. my rgun-..... 1|` nm. 1' trnh- HJSNB 1"vU.l1 D5141:--1lu1'Ly 'u1'eu-Lu-any Barred Rocks one year old and six cockerels. 109 Fasa SL. A1landa,le.50-3p oao Hjock:"\:ZeAeuz BALI.`-8I.OI \N' M \ 'r_o nzcrons 6! Mania: 4 ------ L-.. IV -VUTIIT wt v-vv------ `I desire to thank very heartily .811 than who In any waypelpedvme during the xeoent election. - I- _`u (S. A B rhla`. TO ILEOTOR8 OF `WARD IV: It $C$v- w--V `- -I deidro` to` express my Iincero thank: tor the auppox-t given me at | the recon_t_ election. ` . `:~7:`~f' '4: ' V c- 3- TOOTH: lb VITIII: -vs -----.-. crigmnna Lows vmzes to thank` the electors of Ward IV. for electing _ him >3: alderman tor 1928. lbi To THE ELEOTOR8 or TWARD FIVE IN BARBIE: 'vI(-III: u -v- -uv u-q----_. I wish to thank the electors of Ward Five for the condence they have placed In me by electing me an -A1dex-man -for the year 1928. I wish you -all a. happy and proeperoue New Year. 19 --"W. J. CRAVEN. -_-_ 1900 ELECTRIC WASHING MACH- INE, Hoover {vacuum sweeper. Coleman lamp. Aladdin lamp, all as goodas new. to be sold at any pvlce. Call and make offer at Tuck's Store. 1p :._:.---- lb TO THE ELEOTOR8 OF ESSA: Ladies and Gentlemen: I wish to express my sincere thanks for the continued condence shown in_r'e- electing me to the township council and trust the year 1928 may be _a. happy and prosperous one for otlr township. 1b . ` --W. J.-C. BOAKE. Accept my sincere appreciation of the condence you placed in me by electing me Deputy-Reeve. May the year 1928 be a Happy and Prosper- ous ona to all. 1;: ' --A'LERED L. WEBB 1'0 THE ELECTORS or: VESPRA TOWNSHIP: VESPRA ELECTIONS I wish to thank the Electors of the Township of Vespra for the .splnd1d support given me in Mon- `day's election. It will be my con !stant aim to serve all the people. i i 1p --J.A.-MES DoRAN.i TO ELECTORS OF INNISFIL: VESPRA ELECTIONS WALTER DOWNEY wishes to ex-` press his sincere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen of Vespra. by whose votes he was elected coun- cillor. He will endeavor `to serve the best interests of the whole township. 1c I take this opportunity of extei1d- my sincere thanks for your loyal support at the polls on Monday last.` DAV \Y `u'T(l (T.T`\Y(1 Ladies and gentlemen:- I wish to! lthank you for the honour conferred` `by electing me Deputy-Reeve of Veapra and I will look after your interests to the best of my ability} at both municipal and county coun-` happy and prosperous New Year. oils. Wishing you one and all 9.. 1b A-LBERT R. FORD.I j SHORTI-IORNS won SALE--Two 'oung bulls fit for service, dams Dual 'urpoee Shorthorn cows and by.our won? ht-nndlng and Rho! hi)". White 7v-w - --.---o.o~~. ...-..-0....` ..~.-.... RADIO completely equipped. includ- ing speaker, tubes. batteries, aerial, em. in good conditlnu. for sale cheap. `'63 High St. or phone 225W 51tc --<: I wish to extend to the ratepay- ers of our townshipmy cordial ap- preciation tor re-electing` me move by acclamation, and I trust that 1928 may be a. happy and success- ful one for-\the people or Innisnl. It in II AvIA\V iii 11-0 THE aLEcTo'Rs or-' VESPRA: The 1927 Board of Education! will hold its nal meeting on' Monday evening next and the 1928 Board its inaugural session on Wednesday, Feb. 1. mmxs T0 amorous INNISPIL ELECTIONS - WARD IV. sauna; yULL' Ull .vLUuu&~J AI-has : ROY N. HICKLING: 'c.ULLzL1x. '-:.WGAnsIDE ! - WANTED-Power skate sharpener complete. State price. -Wilson : Garage. Illnmzlnz- 53-11) a Phone your news itenms to The Examiner. nl`I`&I_j Iiliilbi for the Barrie Union cexietery ` Notice is hereby given that the ; annual general meeting of the share- lhoiders of the Barrie Union Ceme- tery will be held in Police Court Chambers. Collier St.. Barrie. on g Monday. January 18, 1928, at 8 p.m., . for the purpose of receiving the en- ; nual reports for the election of dir- .ectors and such other business as -may come before the meeting, in- cluding revision of the by-1;-1w.~1. A1) owners of lots are shareholders. TI-I05. NASH. President 3 1~2b J. W. NESS. Secretary. Guaranteed to contain the nec- essary proportion Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil Meal for successful Winter Feeding. Phone 1220. Cor. Maple-Sophia G:-:.Zd>uTa*t; of Madame Hudson Schools of Beauty Culture IIIII I l\l\ l_lAllI\ll'I"l`I\ll" [Phonic for appointments,` 8501.! Owing to the change In affairs of the Barrie Gas Co.. it will be necessary to sell the following property at a sacrifice: A new. modern [six-roomed square plan House, hardwood throughout. brick fireplace. French doors, large cupboards, 3 bedrooms, bathroom has special fixtures. pedestal basin. etc. Laundry tubs and toilet in basement. Has very large garden, approximately 300 ft. x 75 tt.: smali fruits: large metal garage. Apply E. A. Hills, 172 Owen St.. phone 1109. ltfb. ,j_J TO. `THE wzcrons or BARRIE: I wish to `thank you for the splendid support given mo in electing me as Second Deputy-'tReeve. Wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year. - w1I{.;" `tngak tin Elcb ors for their condoncb and trust in her. g- FARM FOR SALE-150 acres, lot 22. con. 8. Innlatil. good clay soil; good `brick house. 2 barns 40x60. Appiy `Wilson Forbes, Stroud. 49-2p BUIIUVIU VI Civilian, `cunn- WILL no HAIRCUTTII`-IE`. AND MARCELLING m You own now: AT REASONABLE PRICES. TRY WATSON S POULTRY FEED gvuss DORIS TUCK nnalungfn A` MQt'1Q HIIIIIH `?' ?` U`V w-u-r 5'4 f Eslussr _ A1~g_Nugu._ 1yl_E.ETING NR5: 1.2: mi Thursday. January 5, 1928. :: 1703 SALE V. E. KNIGHT. FARM FOR SALE-100 acres in aplen- dld condition. two miles trom village of Cookstown. Would sell as going concern or separate. Would take house and lot in Barrie as part payment. Ap- piy F. Clarkson, Cookstown. 28ttb .[\U V : Mum M13 Prayl Rev. Sund ing :3 Un Rex`. pa:/J Thu NEWCOLDBE PIANO, upright. Ma.- hogany case. in excellent condition. also Sohoraphonograph, good as new. Apply 39 Mary St.. over Doris Corn- well's millinery store. 51t ;#-1--j - 0-` JAI ." M r. 9&1 Th Rev. \I'|nu 37 All .\1`.d| Hit the `ARM FOR RENT--200 acrel. Innis!!! Sownehlp. Lot l0."Con. 4. (south) cem- In house. furnace, bank barn, runnlnc tater. good stock farm. Apply Chas. Kindle. R.R. 1. Cookatown, or Lorne L; Davidson. 420 Federal Bldg" Toronto. l\nOnI-In. gggfb o% BUSH LOT FOR SALE-s12%I.cres hardwood -bush. beech and maple, 1 miles from Edgar. Geo. A. Caldwe . hnnfu RAD DB1 . 49.21) ' 1"A'RM FOR SALE or will exchange 1'01` town property. Apply to The Ex- aminer. 51-4p NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate 0! tunes Ellis, late or the Township 0! as... 1.. nm nmmnrnf slmcoe. farmer. colnpuaw. a Mlneslnz. Ullvsu uu Ontario. DRY H.A.riDwooD for sale, body wood or limbs: reasonable prices. Apply D. "W. Dobson, phone 612r41. 52-5p ONE DUPLEX HOUSE, also` cottage for sale, or would exchange for farm property. Apply to Box 847 or phone 295. 52-41: c-uu Inueu Lruxu uuszu. Shanty Bay. Ont. OR SALE---One 7 h.p. Toronto gas mglne. magneto equipment. in first- rlass shape. Also 1 Bosch magneto. Wilson's Garage, Mlneslng. Telephone :08. W11! sen cheap. _ 52-1p :-.--.-.. .. --............a.-.-- -an: BO L'E'I'-7-roomed brick house. 205 Bradford St. All conveniences includ- ing gas. Immediate possession. Phone , Mtfb Ipmes Ellis, late 0: we 'l.'UVVlIlluy ua. bee. in the County or Simcoe, farmer, leeeased, who died`on or about the lbth day` of December, 1927, are re- guested to send particulars of their naims to the undersigned on or before she 21st day of January. 1928, atter which date the executors will distri- bute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto. havlns rezard only to the claims or which they shall then have notice, and that they -will not-he responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been received. ' ALEXANDER COWAN. y I \ Executors Solicitor. 58-zb .. ' Barrie. Ontario. 'ri61?CE'ro casnrrons ggwxwwwmwwwxawwg 3 `ADLETCOLUMN L F or Wuru cuuu; llllullllllul -um ply Lop !'I0I0I0I0X0I0I< 1c per woi ca-uh: mlxilmum 230. M `.I.&&&&&& &&&&&E&\ Page Eight "FOR SALE-Cur1lng stones for `draw- ing . 50 lbs`. 23 Owen St. 52-1p _--_.. Liv; Stock F or Sale For Sale Finns Fog Sale Miscellaneous Wuited_ rum! V! I 52-19} xuwvu. -I9-2p rruuw. -~---_.. UPRIGI-IT PIANO for sale. in excel- lent condition. $150 cash. Apply 5 Cumberland St.. or phone 530F~: 41t!_. b 1-c-qua C W FOR SA`LE--Well `bred Jer- se , 3 years old. due to freshen this week. This will make an extra good cow as she is from good stock. Ap- 206 Bradford St.. Barrie. Phone 4.. . . 1p `PIGS, six weeks old. for sale. Ap- ply J. E. Robson, -Shanty Bay. 1}) SOW and 8 pigs six weeks old, for sale. Apply to Mel Hastings, Guth- rie. phone Ioro 17r21. 1p FOR SA'LE--400 cedar rails: also quantity of old lumber suitable for summer wood. Phone 92, Minesing, Ont. 1-2p| FBTID TOURING. 19.26 .n-nn.-1 lvlunci nhnlna uhnnlr 1UI$U L"_Uunu.V'u. J.iI'6D xuuuvx, 0 good th-es. chains, shock absorbers. good condition. $250.00, 189 Brad- ford t.. phone 227. 48-531) C-OLUNLBIA GRAPI.-IONOLA. with 90 records, good as new. Apply 13'? Collier St.. `or `phone 1296. lb Dlu J."l`LISLVl. L"LI'l.'$ DALJIEA. U110 UL. Luv best In County of Slmcoe; nears) all c1eared; barn 4'8x100. 22 ft. posts; brick -house. 19 rooms; water in house-and barn: for further pair- tlculars app'.y- to Egerton H. John- stpn, 26 Mary St., Barrie, real estate agent. phone 942.1 . ` 1-db ` FRESH HOLSTEI-N COW for sale.` Phone 895M. ' lb DRY PDNE RAI-L`S for sale: out In four ft.; $5 a. cord delivered. Ap- ply 22 `Sampson St.. Barrie, 2 blocko east of market. M 1p ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. in first class condition. Will sell reasonable for cash. Apply phone 910J. , 1b REPAFRING, cleaning and pressing. rain coats repaired, alterations. coats shortened. flare taken out. Get your work done now In the quiet time. Over Blmmons' Stone. 62-5p -o- . BOY. a.g'ea,15. would like work` In "store for Saturday. phone 784_5M.T1p u RELIABIJE WIDOW `would take care of children afternoon and ov- ening. Apply 116 Dunlap `St. ' 1-8p FURN~11S'I-IED ROOM and board on Worsley .St. Students preferred. Phone 85v5J.. V I . 19 BOARDER W-AN'l`ED. comfortable nnnnn n11 nnnunnlnnhna of 901 `mH1R_ BEAGDE H-OUND strayed onto the premiseg of Thos. Fleetham, Bar- rie. RR. 2. Owner phone 98t6r11. 1b TENDERS WAlV'1`.I'Ju - `runners will be received by the undersigned up until Jan. 16. 1928. for 10 cords of 4 ft. body wood. maple and beech, to be delivered to the school house, school section No. 12. Innistil. not v later than April 1. 1928. Also one cord` or dry kindling wood tobe delivered to the above address not later than Jan. `21. 1928. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept-e ed. Signed--R. W. Redfern, Allan- dale RR. 2. A 1-2!) - STORE PROPERTY FORSALE. in good locality. A bargain. Apply Box `,`1\/Iff. Barrie Examiner. 1p BRICK I-IOUS-E for sale or. ran; at corner of Maple Ave. and Sophia St. Apply Mrs. Atkins. 92 Worsley St., Barrie. 1-2b : ~ HOUSE FOR SALE -- 7-roamed frame house. warm, well built. on stone foundation: furnished or un- furnished; large lot. -flowing well; suitable for fowl and small fruits and vegetables; situated` on main` road between Lefroy and Belle Ewart. Must be sold to wind up estate. Apply Jas. H. Milne, Letroy. Out. 7 1 -3p FOR SALE IN BARBIE-Brick house. nearly new, 6 rooms and bath) (3 piece) sun room, balcony, two veraxxdahs garage. garden, drive on both sides of house. well fenced. value -$3,000. Good reduction for- cash. Would exchange for house or land for part value in .village or country. All conveniences and cen- tral. Call or.write Examiner Of- fice. 1-6p ..._............._..............__.._......._.__._... SLEIGHS FOR SALE--'1`hree sets `of new heavy sleighs, blue oak runners, 2%-Inch spring steel shoeing. Apply W. D. Cochrane, R.R.No.2, Allandale. )nt. 49-=2p ITO RENT--Steam heated bed ext- ting room with private bath; two windows facing Dunlop St.; -ha.rd- wood, floors: rug brick electric fireplace with mantel; hot and cold running water. May be used for light housekeeping. S. W. Moore. 1b FURNISHED R00 to rent, board If desired. Apply 139` ollier St. 1;) EUAIWLIIHI` VV'l\JV 1`UJlJ, UUIXILUFI-U-UIU room, all conveniences. at 201 Eliza- beth St. Phone 1148J 1b 1 BIG FARM FOR `SALE. one at] the` hack In (`Anni-u nl Qlnnnngv nndvvxi T,W-0 ADULTS want board and room with private family for win- ter mont-hs. Apply Box B". Exam- .1ner Office. . - 11) I . - ROOM WANTED In private home kn I-nuainnna ah-I Ilfh `1ht.hOu.BI RUUJ/1 WA.N'1`1'Ju In puvuw uvuua by business gir1,,mth, 11g`t;t_,h_ouu__- keeping bprivlleges. ;;Ap'ply_ t9 Ex- aminer Office, Box~."V . T--.';`nv` 319 _ - TENDERIS WANTED '- Tenders call! I... nnnnivn luv {HA IIl`Al``l'lBd : GIR. WANTFED to take charg of baby several afternoons a week; preferably a girl in the east end of the town. Box 795 or phone. 1451. lb LOST--one female Beagle and one. Beagle pup. colours black, white and tan. with collars. Phone 89 or 974. Reward. _ . 1b j-xx-:- FURS A-LTERED and repaired. Over Hut-lburt s Shoe Store. Miss M. Mc- Arthur. 881210. QUALIFIED TEACHER wahted tor S.S. -No. 19. oro. to supply. Apply to Britten Dunsmore. Sec'y.-Trees. Phone 901r3. R13. 1. Barrie. 1b` POLICE BATON LOST on `Eliza-V beth St.. Saturday night. Dec. 81. Finder kindly leave at Police Of- fice. Reward. . lb REWARD, $5.00 for Intonnatlon of party who broke the windows on lots 23 and 24..W.. I-1.. con. 8 Vespra. Trespassers will be prosecuted. S. E. Turner. Barrie, 48-58p sr.nr5PEARL BEADS-~-toundl cc` Post ' Office steps on "Batu!-dq'y.' Owner may have same bypaylng for this advertisement and applying to `W. E. Partridge. Poyntz St. 1!) LOS'1`--On T-huraday. Dec.;-29 last. ahnvvf nnnlzlqnn nf ' nnnlnnnnn \J~Bl.""Llll 4.'uu1'auu.y. IJUUo_'U Illg a . short necklace of opalescent beads. wh-llst walking on Maple Ave.. Ross St.. or `Toronto St. Fin- der will be reasonably rewarded at Examiner Office. . 1b L0's'1`--.Saturday, Dec. 31. between Sunnldwle Corners and -Stayner, by lothv line. `brown suitcase contain-' lug children's clothing. Suitable re.-` ward it returned to Will Young,` `sunnldale Corners. 1p LIVE s'roc< FOILSALE PROPEIETY 1-`on saua ROOMS AllQ:fBOARD --c-.--.-.. -1 FOR SA.LE--0n1ons, turnips, carrots. mangolds, potatoes by bag or less. Mangolds and turnips by ton. Also 21/, hp. Gray gasoline engine. Box 561. or phone 895M. Barrie. _ 52-.11) jpfnoranrv TO LET LOST gvn% FOUND` 1-`on SALE HELP WANTED for: SALE model, 5 ohanwknnu POULTRY sndw IS % A H on HI-:1ua_JAN. 10.12`; I Ld L116 UL WLIUILI GUM UUULH en . A faithful mother, true to the end. In silence she suffered, In patience aka hnnn Many Aftrulivo `frogihiu ll!!!` Prisons` Dluplny Promises to .50 Ono,of Bout Ever 5003 I; L Bu-I-io. : `UPI-IOLSTERING and auto trimming. All nnrlnma crhrnn nvnmnf at-fnnflnn, .

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