Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1928, p. 12

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ELDERS ELECTED Announcement of the election - of elders was made Sunday-morm ing at Collier St. United church. A. J. Sarjeant, Thos. Sinclair, W. J. Walker, A. W. Smith and Geo.` Urry were re-elected. for fear- yeer terrhs, and W. E. Partridge, '1'. '0. Fisher, W. G. How and L. 8. Clarke were elected to ll the ` gear vecenciu on the .seuion`. ed in -si;e11v..w.` DRIED FRUITS PRUNES-Yie1d more energy than I most food`s;v1-gedin-rr 1. vsizewifivbs. 19 DATES-Fresh, Golden Hallowi n. PEANUTS--Jack and Jill, fresh roast- shell . . . . . . . . 8-oz. bag 1% Mixed or Chow Chow 35-02 far 36 Christie Biscuit for every taste - SPECIAL III II'\If NO. 2 -CHOICE QUALITY AYLMER BRAND 2-rm TOMATOES 2 for 19 10!` the Dillklnve U]. Luv Wulyws. I Maurice Trevelyan has returned. to Trinity College, Toronto, after holidaying with his mother, Mrs. '1`. Edge. Burton Ave. and his aunt, Mrs. Melville Blaney of Coldwater. New Year : Traffic Heavy 'C.. .R. officials report. New'Year s traffic as slightly heavier than a year ago, but taken with Christmas business a large increase is shown. A heavy storm last Suliday, the jneaviest of the winter, tied up traf- fic on the T. & N. O. and as a re- sult No. 2. duesat 5 am. from the north, did not reach here until noon. This was the only train late. local timetables being maintained by the use or five snowplows, which were out again yesterday. The fur- ther south the more moderate the storm on both New Year's Day and yesterday, there being no snow of any kind below Aurora. Iseven special trains wer used 30 aconvey this huge consignment. This is a. further ind'ic`at10n of the great trade passizfg through the ` port_ of Vancouver. Thursday, January 6, W20: 11..` 21 23: `Passsv-rsnmu cu-noun HOLD CHRISTMAS TREE The Essa St. Presbyterian choir `held their annual Christmas tree in the club rooms of Y.M.C.A. on Fri- day evening, Dec. 30 and itwas much enjoyed by all present. Dur- ing the evening the following of- cers were elected for 19:28: Pres., Mrs. J. Clark; Vice-Pres Mr. Ken- nedy; Sec y.. Miss Fiorence Baer: '1`reas., Miss Rachael Hagan; Li- brarians. Misses E. Thomson. K. Irwin. I. Hedger. Lookout Commit- tee. Mrs. C. Cobourn, Miss A. Gil- christ, Miss `C. Merry: Social Com- mittee. Mrs. White. Mrs. Cobourn. Miss Reynolds; Gown Committee. Miss E. Dobson. Mrs. J. Clark. film`- -1-nulupa Ann-null]: :4` ALA 1.49;... guu. nus vvucn. Miss Mabe! Robioson of Toronto spentthe honday underthe parental xoo Mr and `Mrs, T3 `\vf. (`nmaw-m and MP8. Wuaux1':.'ux'u . | John Marshall, M . and Mrs. 1\ :-- man Marshall and `family of A1I..n- ' dale. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marslm, ` of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W111. Mar- i shall at Orillla and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marshall of Belle Ewart spent New Year : with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson. 1:. am: up: hnc. Nnnlv ma grccuuxsa. Miss Jean Perry of Toronto spent New Year's with her parents. -It? iullnutnn A 'I`1-usnnon {an unaou-I- H15 uuuu: uxuu nun 1. .u. uyuug. Miss Eva Spring returned to Tor- onto this `week after spending a week with Mrs. I. M. Spring. 11.. .....A 1]`... `Damon lanbcnn A0 WECK Will] HAVE. 1. Lu: Dpxulao Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarkson. of Barrie and Mrs. canon of Allan-` dale spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson `Fort: . Mxjs. '.l`n0mpa0n. A Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Neely and Lulu attended the funeral of, Mr. Neely : brother, Robert, who pau- od away in Toronto last week. 1 at cunning and `Rnhnrt Thomn. 00 away In Luxuuuu IGDL I. M. Spring and Robert"';'ch`3mp- Jon called on friends at Bond Head last Friday. T w"C"$"3 an - -- _ ._ ,,, Mu. J. B. Davidson of lmico -apen; Christmas` with her mother. `Mu. Collins. Cumberland 8:. A _ -rm. V_M1!.A. boys nhycal IVIJHB -C49 IJUUBUIM &VllBa U1 \4lul'l\n Two pleasing events of the even- ing were the presentation of gifts from members of the choir to Miss Ellen Dobson. choirleader and Miss Anah Bailey, organist. in behalf of the members. C. Co-bourn made the presentations and the addresses of appreciation were read by N. Mar- shall. ' W`!-- knlnn-an an hump` an A1-unu--an _way, our appreciation of your ser- annu- The balance on hand, as shown- by the treasurer s report and the spirit of good W111 which exists. shows a very prosperous and en- couraging year . Address to Miss Dobson Dear Miss Dobson: We take this opportunity oi? showing in a small vices as conductor of the Presby- terian church choir. _Under your leadership the choir has grown in number, increased in efficiency, and there is today a spirit of en- thusiasm which promises well for the future. This little token express- es our love and loyalty to you as leader, and also the hope that you may continue as conductor of th ' choir. enjoying as you do today the best wishes of its members and the esteem of the congregation. Please accept this as it expresses more than can be put on paper. THIGH. fO`j' QIVIVIXD I Jan. a--Memne Martin and :15- ter. Lila. spent the New Year holi- day with friends in "Toronto. Ilka `nk TIM-\1 AI 1*7nIh:nn n `aa Ully VVILII 311911! Ill LULUIII-U0 Mrs. Bob. King of Walter's Falls visited her sister, Mrs. 13`. C. Robin- son. this week. II}..- lf..Lp.I 1!.s1.l......... AI PlI-......a.- } Uun. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cameron and two sons vlsted friends at Aurora East week. Ifu and/-1 `Ina `mn`A\| Tn:-Inn nun CQHL \VCCl\o M2`. and Mrs. Wvalter J-ones are vmting with friends in Toronto.. `Vnnr nnwvnnnnnnnf ntfnna fn "I'XL`lI V\ [ll Ll ICIILIU III J. U5 U1} FU| ' Your correspondent extends to the staff of The Examiner, corres- pondents and readers,_New Year's greetings. xuu Inna D.-.n~ro nf 'T`nv-nhfn unnnf AVt'\`V 1 C11 5 H but ucx ya: Uuuan W. Fuflerton at Toronto is spend- ing some time with I. Spring. flan mm, unwlna runny-and fn l`nv-. - gliiiiiiiiiaitg M": UUIDDBYIEHH 3|: The Y.M.C.A. `,= boys phycal tralnlngclau will relumo tn_tho Collegiate" gymnasium noxt Monday ovenin. _ 4 nan-dnu 'I`nu1nr has returned to. EIGHTH LINE. INNISFIL Ian. D. `HR;-.11oII1:. `In.-tin and Al. oN mm PURCHASE mung Ratepayers Used Excellent Judgment on Bylaw \' Lin: `'1 have nothing `to say except that naturally I eomider the people used excellent judgment, aid E. A. Hills, manager of the Barrie Gas Co., when asked about the result of Monday : vote on the 1gylaw.- We know that the town can operate the plant cheap-'- __ J.1__.. .u.u umuahs mmmnnv- Andi tO\Vn can Operate U118 pwuw IiuUGy'| er than any private company, and; -right here I want to spike the: rumor that our mains arenot in good condition. They are in ex- .ce11e'nt condition and there is no, immediate expenditure in sight outside of ordinary maintenance. We haven't stinted anything just: HM-ausetthere was a chance of the town buying the piant." _- __ -1. ....-......J- uvvvu vugu-3 nu. , .... -. The Gas. Company at present! was a $1,500 stock _of stoves andf other equipment on hand. This; was not included in the. purchase orice of $15,000, but the town is, `not obliged` to -take it over. `Mr. Hills, however, thinks the mun- icipality would be well advised to do so and to maintain show .~_~orm1s. If the town doesn't, no- body else is. likely to and revenue will eventually suffer, he says. --- _--.. ---2J.`|. YVIIL WVWIIVDAIOIOJ nu---V-, ..' _-., V. _ A Mr. Hills was eight years wit the Consumers Gas, Co. `of Tor- onto before coming to Barrie in 1923. He knows something about gas and is very optimistic about its future. As gas people we claim electricity. has its limita- tions. It is wonderful for lighting and power, but cannot-` and never will compete with gas for heat- ing purposes. Gas has also a wonderful future in industry. Gas plants are thriving all over the country. The proof can be found in the price the stock of the various companies now com- mands. Gas is recognized everv- where as a sound investment.` Its use has shown wonderful growth in all large cities, he said, enum-` erating the many uses it is put to and stressing its increasing use for domestic and commercial heating. V ' -o.u.. .. . A .1. . '__0..--:__._;_ uuuvugeo = Mr. Hills passed the "signicant remark that the Barrie plant would need sympathetic and en- ergetic management to be? the success which it deserved. He 9.- zreed that it was difficult to see how the Hydro could put its heart to the work of building up a gas business. . .u U nnnnnnn -H He said he would -be in town two or three months yet ancl was prepared to give the town every assistance during and immediate- ly following the transfer. He was sorry to leave Barrie, for he had made valued friends. However, he must go where he could get employment. Mr. Hills will in uture be with the buildings de- partment of the Canada Life Asa suranc_ Co. on valuations.. The Town council on Monday evening` next is gexpected to give the bylaw sanctioning the pur- chase and providing for the issue of debentures their third reading. Itzis said that a gas committee" is to `be appointed. Among the valuable assets to be taken over with the plant is A. W. Fraser, working foreman, who has been 18 years with the plant and his services are nigh indispensable, Mr. H1115 states. V ` evening. Stanley Taylor has returnedxo. Trinity College attei yibdndlng` the" Christmas `holidays with his parfi onto an Essa St. _ _ 7....l.Ill nine:-mt Rmml Scarlet -uuu uvw--o w--u-.- ..-----'V-.,, Before her marriage she was Marla Calvert and was born in Oro township in 1862 but had lived prac- tically all her life in Innlstll. Her husband px-edeceas :3 her ten years. she leaves to mou 11 her loss, four- daughters and one son, vlz., Mrs. Chalmer Pratt, Bertha and W111, at home: Mrs. F. M. Thomson. Toron- to: Vinnie, Palnswick. A niece, Miss Pearl Wreggltt. whom sheralsed. is now training for a nurseln New York. There is also one grand- daughter: one sister in Toronto. and two brothers. one in Barrie and one in Sault Ste. Marie. Both brothers attended the funeral. ' 7-: -__..._ The Late Em. E. rfaylor The sudden death of Mrs. Elias Taylor. 6th con., Innisl, came as a shock to the Whole community on Thursday night, Dec. 8. The de- ceased had been ailing for years but death came unexpectediy. savswuscuu anus. --...v- VCCI Mrs. Tay? or` wasa loving mother and was kind to everyone. she will be sadly missed by all._who knew her. - 0011.- ...._...I.._ ......... 1.14! 5`. -ago in I181`. The remains were laid to rest in the Sixth Line cemetery on Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. -Brown or sstrou-d was in charge of the services at house and grave and preached from Icor-.15: 54'-55. - q vv.u,- nu -- ! There were many oral tributes from friends. The pallbearers were: ,Bev~t Marquis.`-Vvalter Allan. Alex. Constable, Harvey Lon3`h_ur*st..W1l- trod Stewart and Gi\!mox-e Relve. aaLul`uu,\r' VVKIFU \.aUlVp ULAVVL A-V5 no G. Scott & Co., was `kicked in th stomach by the animal and sustain- ed serious internal inux-lee. He was kicked aboutalx o'clock in the even- ing and did not raga-in consciousness until next morning, his -head striking a stall partition from the force ot the blow. He was found by tellow workmen and taken -home and later to the R. V. I-Iolpital after! Dr. Gra- ham had been called. ' ' necsvves ssmous maumss I WHEN Kuckto av A HORSEI W11i1`e taking tfie ha ess of! 3; horse following the d`ay's work last Saturday Ward -Cole. driver for J. /1 nI\O- A. IVA nnau `hinlrn in tha Ab 96 per bent o!_~al1T2-u~a1 mail carrier: in the United Etatos now use motor vehtclu. B%l'-`: 15888. El. ` Innis!!! District Royal Scarlet Chapter will hold its monthly meet- ing on Saturday. Jan. 14, at 8 pm. in the Orange Hall. . KC: and \frn_ H. McPhail left .g*iiii&i$&ii: g THONNHMW } www%&%w$i&&%w& St. Jude ; 'W.A. meeting is post- pened till Tuesday. Jan. .10. "The meeting is to be held at Mrs. Alex. Stewart`: at 2.80. l V ' Thoughts for the New Year We. greet the` _ New Year. On New Year's day the world looks torward on what is to come and backward upon- what has been gone through. the onward gaze is full -`ox hopetulnessrome people do not like to face a new year. ,Why they should be timid about it is hard to say. Some look upon "the opening or the new year with a `great feeling of solemnity. We do ; not know what the days hold for us, :some at us may have a faint idea. It is a great thing not to face the hard days all alone. There is some ,one with you. Take delight in this `assurance, your husband is_ with you of your wife is with you, your children have their parentsto guide and protect them. `The m;1e'tam11y iclrcleis unbroken. Such was. the case with many people as the old lyear passed out. Am that; thousands or Canadians dawning of a bright . year paeseu uut. ` who left`Ontar1o-to better their lot 3 across the line anticipating a happy - and prosperous New Year? We hope ; so. Many here receive greetings Are those thousands of T 'across the miles from loved ones who have made that country their * 'h.:me, and at this time of the year especialiy,- friends and kindred in Cariada are not forgotten. 1`K.'.-u~.+ Blah vhnnnn urn hurl Inst uanaua. are 1101. Lurauuvu. What high hopes we had last ' year: Yet so little has come to pass or all that then seemed so likely, ' so easy, so necessary to our welfare. But the New Year is here and it is . a new chance to go on and do what "we have failed to do in the past. Looking back we s e where we have gone off the trac ; looking ahe~.x_u . we see the clean track waiting for us, and we come to the point where a man braces himself for a new start. The people who think at all must see that it is not in a life of luxury of idleness that happiness and progress are to be found. anu| it will prove a happy year for the` people of Canada when they have the desire to work cheerfully and practice economy a little more. We am beginning a new vear. ]Jl'u.UI.H.'U vuuuuxuy `xx ll|-'c'1U IIIUL co We are beginning a. new year. Are we ready? .L.o.|.. No. 16, omara Installed On Dec. 9, L.0.L. No. 16, Thorn- ton, held their annual election of officers at a well attended meeting. Several visitors were present. The election resulted as follows: I.P..VI., Jas. A. Stewart; VV.i\I., Neville G. Jamieson: D.M.. Chris. VV. Burns; Chap., `Ivan Maw; Rec. Sec y., Bow- man Ailens (Fin. Se'cy., Elmer Hun- ter; 'I`reas._. John A. Corbett, P.M.; Marshal, Chas. Spencer; Lecturer, Herman Thompson, Jas. Neil; `Com- mittee. J. Ar hur Haibert, P.M., Arthur iorroc , P.M., Robert Or- rock. Thomas Elson, Thomas May- es; I.*'I`.. Fred Maiei; Sent., Jas. Creighton. 'I`hn Alnnnn and lnuhannn nf ureuyutuu. The election and installation of officers was conducted by District Master -Samuel Reynolds, assisted by -W. 'Bro. Jas.A. Jamieson, P.M. Bro. Jamieson had the unique dis- tinction ot installing his son in the Worshipful Master's chair. -W. Bro. John A. Corbett LP. M., the esteem- ed and honoured` treasurer, gave his usual pleasing and careful account of his stewardship and. in conjunc- tion with the Worshiptul Master, expressed his confidence in the pos- sibilities or, the proposed improve- ments in the lodge building. XIV Ran Ian A Si-nurnr-r Han VIA- `JXJBBVUIXI The -Forestry takes on Minesiug on 'I`hursdaAy night. The teams- Forestry--Goal. R. Tracey; de- fence. I-I. McLean. and S. McLean: wings, N. Scandlen and J. Kissocrk: centre, W. McLean: sub}. J. `Craw- ford and A. McKee. 1`l-....I.. c--1 199 II-I1.__1_..A.'.. J- Ul. l'All8\ Ill SHE UUUIILJH I The play was fast and clean in the first and third periods. Score by periods. 1'st pe:~1od---Barrie, Tomlin- son and Barnes: F`ores`try, S. Mc- Lean. 3rd period--`Barrie, McDon- ough and Tomllnson: Forestry, J. ~K1ssock. NIL- v-..-..4..__- A-.1--.. _.. ~|Dn._-_.L,_ LUFLI GNU ll: IVLUZXUUO Barrie--Goal, W. Theakston, de- fence, D. Kit-kup and R; Corbett: wings, C. McDonough and 0. Barn- es: centre, B. Tomnnsan: subs., H. Burdette, K. La-mbie, H. Crane and B. Crane. f!.\A-._-.. Q _..I.-AA.'. -1 1\-....l.. HundredEouple:.;_ttend 5 Annual Military Dance The annual New Year's dance; snonsored by the oicers of A" l. Co., Simcoe Foresters, held in the 2 armories last Monday evening,` marked the social highsoot of the, holidays in Barrie. This event,` always looked forward to with" keen interest. was once again a decidedly 'sr_nart and successful affair, being attended `by nearly ione hundred couples. Among the ,out-of-town visitors were Major and Mrs. -C. K. -S. Macdonnell of Chatham, Ont., and quite a num-` ber of officers from\CampyBorden. The armouries were beautifully decorated with yellow and blue `streamers, the colors of the regi- ment and the music provided by Ken Walls Red. Jackets orchestra could not have `been improved up- 'lIL_.._ 2.. -L-_4u- Au naunnlun, in '1'O!'OnI.0 H181 Vvcuucuunya | Victor Collins has returned to Trinity College. Toronto University, after spending his Yuletide holidays with his mother in Cumberland St. `I -- 1~v\`Or\ AP :lY!`nIrn\y nyggther uruxg HIUBLUI`, H5511] EKPFUBBUU III! are reciation or the honour confer- re on him by the brethren, and of their assistance during the year. Bro. istewart also spoke on behalf of the Loyal True Blue Association and the L.'1`.'.B. and Orange Home. At the close of the meeting a lunch, was provided and addresses heard; from the visitors and members of the lodge. Several of these especial- ly dealt with the very important problems of bilingualism and im- lmigration. `W `Rm-L In: A Ifnnslaunn `D\/f nugruuun. ' W. Bro. Jas. A. Jamieson, P.M., gave a very Interesting outline of the life and apiary work or one of the oldest and most highly esteem- ed members, -W; Bro. John West, P. M.. who has twice won world a- wards for the excellent quality of his -honey production. SHOE FACTORY WINS, 4-2, FROM FORESTRY TEAM The crack hockey team at the Forestry Reoreation Club lost to the Barrie Shoe Factory team or the town` league. in 9. Well `played game by the score or 4-2. The ggme was played on good ice on the open air rink at the Provincial Foret S'ta.- tion at Midhurst which is the larg-` est rink in the county. "Wan M15" than (556 an` nlaucn 1.. Alan IIIUHLH III LIIU lUU5U uuuuuxg. W. Bro. Jas. A. Stewart, the re- `tiring master, again expressed his annwnninflnn 11! 9h: knnnnr nnnfn- UUHIIA IIUII IIGVU IIUWII clllyavvvva vi`: on. Those incharge or arrange- ments were -Major C. R. Kendall, Lieutenants Rodney Wadsworth, Campbell 'R`aikes and Eugene `Doyle. \ Ia LII HUI Referee---S. Corbettof Barrie. `mu iguana :`xAMiutn in the orange nan. Mr. and Mrs. H. McPha!l last week for Detroit to spend New Year : with their children and will later proceed to Canto:-nia. u. and Mn. Levi Henson. Bur- for evwry man `wom H 7 7 I ic Railway 8.! Vancouver 111 ' an and child 1" amber, and were rushed th: cia-ad r 9' tom` ` "3000 1939 the prairie provinces and to th- o\ this in-agrant unit were landed at Canada for the Christmas - Rather more than four orangesl PORRIDGE TOATS--Rapid Cooking, Robinhood--For an ideal breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Small pkg. 12 , CLUBHOUSE COFFEE -- Thermo Kept Process-Sea1ed under va- cuum, keeps this fine coffee always fresh . . . . . . . . . . . . .. lb. tin 63:: 1/2 lb. tin 33c OXO-F1uid Beef . . 2 oz. bouie 39 BAAKING POWDER-Cook s Friend, Ad: l\lAV\J (\avv `for befter satis;a_c`t`ion `RUSKS---The Original Holland Rusk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. pkg. 21c LOBSTER--Fancy quality, packed on Q the north shore of NS. under Gov- ernment approved conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-oiz. tin 43 CRAB MEAT--Fancy quality, Japan- ese halves . . . . . . . . . . .. tin 39c TODDY--The Health Drink 1 lb. 54 - 1A; lb. tin 33 KELLOGG _S PEP-It Peps you up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 pkgs. 25 CH_l_SF S SAUCE--Ideai tor Meats and -n A; \Jnun-in Ia nan-hwy.-- ---..- -- Fish .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..'. iiolii 54 LIMA BEANS Finest California lb. 11.: Zweiback. _ Biscuits-Nationa1 brand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. pkg. 19 KIPPER SNACKS-Patrico brand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tin: 13 CRABAPPLE JELLY--Ay1mer brand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-oz. jar 18 CHA'RM--Cleans everything. pkg. 8c` PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES-For ev- ery household washing purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Large Pkg. 21 POLIFLOQR' WAX-Antiseptic and preserving` . . . . . . . . Large Tin 53 SALMON--Sovereign brand, finest quality, sockeye, pick of the catch, ha1ves..... . . . . . . . . . ..tin22c SPECIAL FRESH and cmsp A%BlSCUlTS Zlbs. for 25 later DPOCBGO E0 \JH.llI.Ul'lll-v Mr. and Mrs. Levi Henson. Bur-I ton Ave., attended the funeral 0! their brother-in-Iaw. Robert Neely, in Toronto last Wednesday. `Vlnrnr nnlllnn has to, at Pier B-C" of the Canadian Pac- .ic Railway at Vancouver in Dec- through provinces the east . -. n......q.. fmv the Christmas -trade. JAPANESE omcts ma THE CANADIAN MARKET . v\u_-a.........;-nk nhnnra fhn rit Of 1:11.651 PEACHES-Fancy quality, Aylmer brand--"Try a tin of these for a real treat, No. 2 size tin . . . . . . tin 27c PLUMS--Green. Gage, choice quality. N0. 2 size tin . . . . . . . . 2 tins 25 PEARS--Fancy Bartlett, Aylmer brand No. 2 size tin . . . . . . . . . . tin 24c STRAWBERRIES - Aylmer brand, fancy quality, really delicious tin 36c PlNEAPPLE-Tit-Bits, fancy quality, Aylmer brand, No. 2 size . tin 21c Rich in vitamines, taken from the fields, cleaned, prepared and packed while in perfect condition. ASPARAGUS TIPS -'- Lincoln brand, fancy quality, No. 2 size tin. tin 39 ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS - Good quality, fresh and tender . . . tin 24 ,BEANS-Cxo1den Wax, Aylmer brand, choice quality, No. 2 size tin tin 21 BEANS--Sma11, green (Haricot Verts) French imported .. . . . . . .. tin 21 BEETS--Rosebud, Aylmer brand, fan- cy quality, No. 2 size tin . . tin 22 CARROTS-Baby size, small and ten- der, Nature s Best, No. 2 size, tin 16 'DICED CARROTS-Ay1mer brand, choice quality, No. 2 size, 2 tins 21 TOMATOES-Linco1n brand, fancy -quality, hand packed, No 2% size tin . . .V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tin 131/2c CORN-Fancy Golden Bantam, Ay1- mer brand, No. 2 size tin . . tin 16 SPlNACH--Booth s, real nice quality, No. 2 size tin . . . . . . . . . tin 131/ac PEAS--Ay1mer brand, choice quality, No. 4 sieve, No. 2 size . 2 tins 27c SPECIAL 1 JACKSON BRAND Cntn RASPBERRY m%i7'iEF3%IaLY 34 CANNED VEGETABLES iCANNED rnurrs `With 1118 momer In uuluucuauu tau In spite of stormy weather the Allandale Citizens Band marched: through Allandale and played the Old Year out and the New Year in. l`u-emy members attended. u... rum.` Ii`. nrdnn of North UV CEBU Photograph shows the first of these! C.P.R. trains across Canada leav-I mg the pier on its rush east. Three more trains followed it at short in- tervals` trom the pier, and in all` JAM - 4-wu \/I V--vv. .-.... `I ..... ..... ..f"loz. far43c QUALITY BRAND PICKLES_-Sot1r MACARONI - Shell and Ready Cut (Served with our Canmiizm Cheese) This is good . . . . . . . . .. lb. 9c FRY'S COCOA-Fan1,ous thmug`1mut the world . . . . . . . . . 1/2 lb. tin 24 CHICKEN HADDIE---Li1y brand From the ocean to your table" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Large Tin 21c CH RISTIE S GRAHAM WAFERS--- ROMAN MEAL--Nz1tL1re's NutVBm\\'n Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pkg. 29 RED RIVER CEREAL-The Natural Food for young and old. pkg. 27 RlNSO-S0aks clothes whiter, small size . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 pkgi. 15` BRANSTON PICKLE --- Crosse & Blackwell . . . . . . . . .. Bottle 29 ORANGE MARMALADE, Sherriff s-- Large family size jar . .- . . . . . . 47 GRAPE JUICE-We1Ch S, The Nation- al Drink, . . . . . . Large Bottle 63c TAPIOCA AND SAGO-Finest qua1~ ity, Java, milk white . . . . 2 lbs. 17:: TABLE SYRUP-L_\'1e s imported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-lb. tin 26 1`wenty members aneuuuu. Mrs. Chas.` E. Gordon of North Bay, who has been. visiting Mrs. Isaac Boone for the past six weeks, has left for the `Southern States for the balanne of the winter. \t......c.m '1`naun`lunn has rnturned.

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