Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1928, p. 11

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`Jalv5HU YURI` UV W I VQIUV; Invonuvuuuuu whate'er You note of vtalseneu hi you.a.ny- 'uykAvIn _ XUU HULU UL I-Elvuwlu on gvu ---,, `where. Defend not one detect that theme: your eye- , Just stand aside and watch your- nnlf an Ah dull Ilutuu uaauv auu VVIIII-Von fru- self 39 ~by._ And then. with eyes unveiled to what..- you loathe-2 `To sins with that sweet charity . you'd clothe- Back to your self-walled tenemont you'll go. ' With tolerance for all who dwell 3-ualnuy Vvun Luusrnuuu uu um. vvoov ....-.. below. The faults 0! others then will dwar! nnr` ahvvlnlz ,` `118 utuua U: Uuuuau unau u on up" y.-- and shrink. v` r Love's chain grow stronger by one vnln-htu Hn|I_. MOVES Gnluu sruw anguugvc -1; Von- mlghty link-- _ Whetn y`9Iv.xtw1th "he" as substitute or II - Have stood aside arid watchedvyours self go by. * `Bu 5nInb`I:I\I` m Ham 0: Co;nforI M AA Laitguid Body '3 -' y Strickland Gillian. IGUTHHII VVVIVIGIV w unw - . .. _ . _ The regular monthly meeting ot the* Guthrie Womenfe `lnntitute will be held at the home 0! MM`. Anedell `Thursday etternoon. Jan. 132. Mrs. Hall will give a paper. "Woman on a. school .'1`rue_teo_.' Do We Need Her?" `Roll call. bring your earliest photo. A. paper on "Gladiolus". deal- ing with varieties to plant. culti- vation. eto.. will be given by Mrs. Stoddart. . Dear Mr. Editor:--`Will you kind- y allow me through The Examiner, to thank all those who have allow- ed me free space during the past year. (or the ublio display or God : glorious. un ailing word. A man from Chicago. during the summer entered a barber's shop where one of these cards is kept on display. and expressed his delight at finding such a message lnsuch a. place. At`.- ter being served he went away but soon returned for the purpose of jieavins a contribution for the work. This humble ministry continues to `bear fruit and more space has been offered during the year. vn\.....IyInnr' unn MY`, Editor. and WIINIUIIVU Vvvlvu-sv w n. The Minesing` Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. A. Orchard for the December meeting. Roll call was -answered !b__y A Christmas Suggestion. Reports of the conven- tion held in Toronto were given by Mrs. Livingston and Mrs. Irvin Johnston. '1`.hg January meeting will take the form oi s fowl supper to be held at the home of Mrs. Geo.sG. Johnston on Thursday. Jan. 12. All members and their husbands are Avnnnf -tn ttad, members anu Luau` expected -to attend. GOLDEN WEDDING OF ' ALLANDALE CDUPLE .tory. Thornhlll, by the late on Dec. 28. a very pleasant event took place at the home 0! Mr. and Mrs`. Geo. -I-I. Stunden. '56 Main 'St., when they celebrated the tlttleth an- nlveraary or their marriage which was celebrated at the Anglican ec- ev. -~-~-L-.. _...L .\l &InAIII rnnv-1-Ind 50 DE. `ntuusuu. The greater part 0! their married life has been spent In the vicinity of Allandale. where they have made many trtende. rm... nnldan wedding celebration triends. - The golden wedding took the form of a. banquet for re- latives and family and about 45 sat down to a. sumptuous repast. A re- ception was also held from 3 to 8 o'clock tor friends and members of L.0.B.A. No. 551. `L.0.'L. No. 4'82 and 'R.`B.P. No. 601. `afternoon tea. be- ing served. -m..~m-ma of tiftv years received served. 'I`he~br1de 01 titty years received In a becoming black satin dress with cream lace jabot. L.0.B.A; No. 551. of which the bride is an honor- -ary member. presented her with a sheat of golden wheat and La small. gold basket In which were two gold coins and an address. The presen- tation was made by I.P.M. sister Doyle and the address read -by W. M. Sister Hurst. `An honored guest at the golden wedding wa.Mrs. Wm. Richards of Toronto. who was her sister's `bridesmaid fifty years ago. . , ;-_.n-. .......- A nvonnnf ufh Drldeamalu `uuy yluun nave `The family were all present with the exception of the eldest son who was unable to attend . `They are: Walter of Hamilton. (absent) .Mrs Thos. Hill of St. Thomas. Albert 0! Aurora. Mrs. C. H. Burger of Allan- dale. Alex. and Altred or Allandaie. eorge of Mimico and Charles or Bdgeburg. There are 80 grand- children and one great-grandch'ld Four generations worn represented at this pleasant affair. --I.. |.._aJ.. n.-ul awnnrn mmnived Ir. and Mn. Guru: J-I. Stundonl Golobnto Fiftloth Anniversary of Their Mam-Iago surrounded by Rolatlvn and F`:-Iondo. .O!I8I'Ou DLIVIUS Luv Jwu-cu Thanking" you. Mr. Editor. and M1 those to whom I am greatly In- debted. Yours gratefully, MINIBING WOMEN'S INST. , nan--- .._` `IYt\vIAAI|`I Tnlfitll aY;Qkl' luncheon llu U-uurwuruu listened to 31!! 9-PP"3'1 entertain- the elves and an address on "Bird Life in our country. by Major Mark Robinson. a well known au- thority on this subiect of which he has ample oi>D1'W1'|1ty to study as the otricial -in charse `at the north- ern portion 0! Algonquin Park. Mxjor Robinson in his address reisved quite a number 0! interest- ing and amusing enoedotes to illus- trate the various points he-sought to make, but the meat 0! -his talk was to stress the value or bird life to the torests; to agriculture and to horticuiturmiwithout the` birds, he said, the spruce of our province would not last two years it left to the mercy of the pine weevii,`on which many birds depended for their food. This was only one instance. a...,..u.... M-msidered birds one o! t_l'_ie men` provided by the Rosebuds" 4 s - carrying Only 0118 mstanuc. Speaker considered the greatest assets of the country. He defended the English Sparrow as a big aid tovsanltary inspectors. Al- though this bird was looked upon as an outrage and an outcast it wa on a great work in the prevention of disease in the gather- ing up of the larva of the housey and other insects. There was much _ credit comi Sparrow which we do not give him. -In like fashion Major Robinson defended the song sparrow, the w-h-lte-throated spar- row. the white-crown sparrow, the snow bird. thrushes, roblns. nut- hotches. woodpeckers. blue-jays. - whiskey jacks. wrens, warblers, etc.. pointing out how the good qualities of each overshadowed their bad ones and how they helped to main- tain the balance of nature. in the ants. grasshoppers. destruction of the enemies cocoons. beetles. etc.. . of plant and forest life. some birds. he said. ate their own weight in in. .3.-.1-a nvorv dav. [19 E10. RIG Lucu sects every 533'- Dnf nnnrt fro day. . But apart from all this, Major Robinson said. the study of wild life. of the birds. made for better men and women. Those who were not interested in the study or plants and -birds were `indeed missing much. rm... musical nrogram included ` much. The musical program vocal swlos by Misses Mildred Walls and Vona Ness. a duet by Misses Muriel and Mary Thompson, an `in- strumental number by Miss Mabel Sprott and selections, by the "Uke Club" composed of Misses Sprott. McKnight. McMartin. Price and Carter. Klwanian J. R. Dier was chair- man of the day and the boosters were Kiwmians George Mdconkey and Dr. Simpson. The prize win- ners werw Morley Livingston and \l'Iaa Mildred McKnight. MOPIPY ulvu Miss Mildred McKnight. caown i-nu. "nu-onu. in-.. u_3d~MrI._ wm. VI`? 9-Orv-cw: - ..boo, 87-_uiu Florence Emma at Toronto |b6n`1'.~' Chtlltuiu with her Emmi. Mr. ma Mrs. Gentle er mo- -tored trouimoronto onguo day and visited Mil.` Ba;xtr'| -par nu, Mr. and Mn. Wm. Barnqa. ~ a.....a... m-mam` returned from` VV V1: J 114 Muicnster St., Barrie. Wm. '3,`-"9'.' ~` T . Gordon G1-ahamv_returned from Toronto. on Wednesday. .~ . Mined Beta. and Ruth B63310? Jth their aroma. 93: a1')a`;iel' Benelevyi Miss spent Chrutmu mm Inna` ya;-anus. Mr. and` Mrs; Daniel` Beasley; Miss Rota `Beasley returned to Toronto on ~1`uesday, mu Ruth will npend the vacation at home. _ :1. ant! Mn- w. Packard. who vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. `W. Packard, were married in Toronto on Wed- nesday. -Dec. 81. spent Christmas with the bride : parents. `Mr. and Mrs. Bhoiowell. .o.t Oro. Station. -r--..- _..- .. knllnv annnf -Mr`: I|U|U"Ullp -55 vs V. Ia---v-v-y Evans Moore was a holiday `uent at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Moore. v... 1I__\Kr, and My-:.~channel or Geo. Moore. Jan. &--Mr. and Mrs. `channel Toronto motored trorn Toronto on Saturday to spend New Year's. the] lueato ot Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crawtord. . Frank Bell left on Manda even- ing for Sault iste. Marie w ere he will attend oohool during the com- ing term. Minn lnrn. Graham 0! H8.Wk0`[ in: term. - Miss morn Graham of Hawke- atono wan a. guest In the village on Monday. 'l`hnf annual nnhnol meeting`. hld Monday. The; annual school meetlnz. held last Wednesday evening. was well attended. Archie Mom-thur was the newly elected trustee, S. V. Jones retiring this term. 'l`hn hmw nf worshin for the en- 1`OU!'1n8` mun term. ` The hour 0! worship for the suing year at Oro United church will be 11 am. with Guthrie -United` church service at 8 pm. Golden Wedding. To honor the occasion of their golden wedding on Jan. 9. 1928, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crawford of Oro Station will hold a reception at their home. Afternoon. 2 to 5; evening. 7 to 10. GOSPEL CARD DISPLAY Dee. 27--Muoh sympathy is ex- tended to Mrs. Geo. Binnie upon the loss of her mother. Mrs. Geo. M11- ea. who died In Toronto and was buried In Barrie. . (\nH-A . number attended the Barrie. Quite a. number attended Christmas Tree and concert held in the Union Church. Dec. 20. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson. Miss Lu- ella. and Oliver spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Johnston 0! Painswick. L. L. Scott visited with friends in Painswick for Christmas. Among those w-ho spent Christ- mas here were Mrs. R. W. Dickey - 9139 smnoxii :|-..;_ -- K1 mm MILLS _ i and daughter. Jean. of Toronto, V Professor Le Royecarr Barrett of [with Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Muir. Sn: Trinity College, Hartford. Conn., Miss Margaret Binnie ot'1`oronto, at has spent 25 years preparing old me; M1" I`` c3h ` 13 I-Iiindu book gtor translation and 3$ia%2o? 2:'.,`:.~g::%;,,$9:::*: is v, ' ' While coasting in Steuben Ha, I Eli dRub C ,tthi me? Ma1:g L901) ; 1%:-`Z: 3: 3:; Ohio. 5-year-old John Osborne was rie. with her mother. Mrs. B. Hayes. killed by street car. Ihome: Miss Leona 1-Lays: I with _..--_-==-..__..-'---._______---------~___.;.____.,_..___.__, 8AI.ADA" sealed In alr-tlght metal Is tho mold urn toa-dust-lroo-puro-trash-dollclous. xloll will rocorAs,%15c to $1.05 per lb. Bulk ha, wltlli u _ weighed In, I: a roll: ol the old days--no\v. IlI`IIIOd!`,||IVO dlsplacotl It; % . . % . "i'I}iIEs'r SODAS , (fig 1`\`:l{'i'st 1 1' A~l\'I'\`l T _M9 CORMI_CI_CS` ..a ._-| Yours gratefully, WM. HARKER H... t Dnvnvln Uunnvuc yvunwu. wuu. nun. g-.. ... r the eye- Just sta,nd"a.o1do and watch your- self so by. V Interpret all` your motlvol jult to thouh ' You looked on one when was you tlltl nnf bunny. IOLI Iuwwu un uuu vvuv-u pun. ,.... did not know. Let undlszuued contempt Iuru through` you when - You aee;you shlrk. 0 oommonut o! "1031. ' Deapise your cowardice: condemn mhntn'Ar -

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