Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1928, p. 10

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accounts. ` 1 A by-law was int`-ro`dL'1ce`d and passe Vfixing Stroud as place for mmlmatior.` of candidates for reve. deputy re`ev'a and councillors for the` year 1928, a-n`c' appointing depixty-r(tu1:ninst, officer: and p011 clerks should there be an e1`-I ection. ; Council adjou1'n`ed sine die. W. B. SLOA.\', Clerk; Eeak the Grip of that Cold! `Rank Has: ohm: --BY WINNER Thursday, ~Janunry 3, Buy Advertised Things. .Rub the chest and throat with [R M? I `1c per word each insertion, ` with minimum charge of 25.` Six` insertions for price of four. (10c per insertion extra when charged) Examiner Classied Ads` [ OBTAIN THE RESULTS Pfahe 222 Everybody Reads Examiner Clgssied Adlets Every wise business man will include a liberal slloysncs CIIV VV Illuuvw for advertising in his year : ` appropria- tions. The Barrie business man willpf c_o}me W III Us vvuuuw place his advertising in The Examiner Covers Barrie and district like a blanket A='?"*9?! current year. uuvvv V- rates"re' much lowest per 1000 of circulation. Phone 222 or 223. x |-out lnorgy In Golf ? shuburne Economist-A chap with J, manta. tor figure: eutimatea energy used on the sol! courae pvery utter- naonwould furnish poweronough to mow 70,000 lawn, beat 60.000 ms: and wash 18, 72~B dunes. Now 1! he will invent some menus or -lling golfer; with the desire wmow lawnn. been run and wash dlahes. he will deserve to rank an a. real sonlust .. CLASSIFIED ADv_ERT1sxNa RATES T Stay.ner intermediates have four-` teen players signed up and have had! several workouts; Manager Wood is counting on capping the ouip championshi , but has warne 11 s piayers aga nst the over-condence which has prevailed in former years.` Bradford -Curling um-n nus Ueuu reorganized at a meeting at which there was a good attendanca of curlers full of enthusiasm. Follow- ing` are the officers elected: Presi- dent Rev. W H. Bradford -1st vice- presfdent, Jae. Nolan; 2:1 vice-pre- sident, S. R. Lee; secretary-treasuiw -.. n \1.1.... nm avnnntive commit- Chfistma; Donation: To R. V. Hospital Staff ident, S. R. Lee; secretary-u-eusuu er, D. Nolan, the executive commit- tee to act as an ice committee. Before Christmas the staff of the Royal Victoria Hospital were re membered -by much appreciated donations from the following: Camp Borden Church Fund, Wo- men's Hospital Auxiliary, Brown & Co.. John Saso, H. A. Lennox, H. A. Jarvis, R. J. Woifendenj Otton Hardware Parson's Fair, . Bren- nan, -Go ey Hardware, P. Kearns, M. Refvnolds, Fisher Flour Mills, Mrs. A ec Brown, Barr. & Twiss, R. J. Bothwell. L. P. Singer, Frank Goodwin Thomas Rogers, N. W. Malff, `bouglas Dru Store, Rev. E. . Brennan, Drs. ittle 62 Little, Bryson Bros., H. G....R.obertson, . McCullough, Barrie Examiner, . E.`Har1ey, "Mrs. Thos. Kissock Bar- rie Creamery, J. D. Wisdom & .Co., People's Co-operative, A. Moifatt, Dr. Lewis, W. J. Harris, P. J. Mor- an, Christmas Cheer Club, Keenan's Book Store, R._ Jay, F. Dutcher, James N. Cheeseman, Dr. and Mrs. Turnbuil, F. Ra ner, R. H. Hepp1e- stone. 0. C. 'Hin` s, Ontario Bakeries, Mrs. Geo. D. Shannon, Mrs. A. B. Cook, Robinson's Hardware, Urry Bros., Barrie-Allandale Dairy, Lowe Bros. and -Hubbard's Hardware. Bradford Curling Club has been ....-.nlitI&I`IlI1 (If n Yting at TUBBY-- Fei"ti1i'z`er"" Produce Widelfvarid % I . Resu1ts. J ` Although -the use of fertilizer infer a ween connection, with the growing ` of po-'i'1`.he charge v tetoes. has doubled in Eimcoe County: awident in during the past season. it is quite gured the ` apparent from experiments-conducted drvin n rth last summer by the Department of 1 3 k _ Agriculture _that a_ great. deal of res Newgnar eti` search work will be necessar . extends on his true . ing over a considerable perio ofyears, , 51 standing 13 before its general.'and successful use-.Meat co_ 8; is established. _'1`he two experiments with ..,Chvr` conducted produced widely varied rec . suits. one increasing the `yield from..4.5.Dav`d B153`?! to 70 bags per acre at a cos,t_ of $1 an ` under gave acre forfertiiizer. w-hlle~t_he-__seco ex-_ Blanchard aa eriment. gave no indication that the 31-d, who:-ca, ertililer was of any value.One con"-qsee about tj ciusion definitely reached. however. is: which were. ' fertilizer to `be used without a certain that there lea tendency on the part of d h. . the grower to put on too light an an: n t 9,3151 ! plication. Another is that with every and asking farm differing in soil and croprotation He immediat it is im'possible;to decide on the besticjusion that . . . . him a' ctiti amount of experiment. with close ob- , i ' serva-tion; on the farm concerned. "$1 '3-at This season in North -simcoe the de- V'evr W` at same ay., partment, under 8. L. Page, found th . tests made on the farm of Arthur The mag: `Walt. Midhurst, bore out the findings blame on t] ` nitrogen content to a complete fer- of others. A series of seven different he had atte; fertilizers, ranging from those of no mg`. truck V tilizer fairly high in nitrogen gave an H H C increase of from 45 to 70 bags er ' - 1" acre..a,bove the unfertilized plots.- he M'ld61`- mixed fertilizer "2-12-6" gave the best . - 'resul.ts..It was appliedat the rate of >IOXOIOI 800 pounds per acre. costing $12. The plots yielded 185 bags per acre of sale- * . able potatoes. this being 70 bags above ,3 the average for thatvfield. . It has therefore been found that fer- ::***" tilizaction of potato plots is profitable * ' under certain circumstances and on The on}; most lands. The experiment on'the on Februar. Midhurst farm` was of particular in- T G M`; terest because sweet clover had been ha3"be'en e? in previous crop rotation`-twice in four gmm . ` years. About 12 tons of manure per sixteen U acre had .been applied, but it was found Meaford C} that the complete fertilizer containing was paid 0 ` nitrogen gave the best results. Twice Oshawa! in four `years, about 12 tons of manure pow per acre had been ap lied. A complete gas ggaftog fertilizer containin n trogen gave best; Consump results. This may e explained in part! 9,-gv in Me through land being of a light sandy incfease an at"' 4 load carrier --- ----...: .......-imnnt was conduct- with 287 ix nature. ` The second experiment was conduct- ed on the farm of Eison Bishop. Gren- 'fel. No resuits were obtained, the un- fertilized plots `doing fully as well as the fertilized. No noticeable difference was observed during the growing per-` iod. At Grenfel the soil was of e. heav- ier nature and with dry. weather pre-` vailing during the past season the ter- tllizer was apparently not dissolved or made use -or by the crap. 1 sun... .......4...o n! nhrngnn tn use in a. mauve use us. u; e..- V-. -,. The amount or nitrogen to use in 9. ! fertilizer is a. most difficult question ` to solve, department officials have! found. An excess of nitrogen will cause 3 too great a growth of top with cor-,,* responding lack of growth in the tubers. ` Acid phosphate and potash may sen- i orally be used profitably u: to 16 per % cent. acid phosphates and 0 per cent.. potash. 1-:---:----:- Minerva Officer: on Tuesday, Dec. 6, Minerva Lodge F. .& AM. No. 304. Strand. elected eh` officers for 1928. The officers are: .. R. '1`. Webb: .W.M., Geo. A. n: B.-W., Wm. A. Warnlcaz J. 0. R. Black: Chap., Rev. A. D. sins; '.t`reas., J. C. Neeiande: 8ec 5., W. Hewuon: 3.13., Alt. Webb: J. ., . G. Gollop; I.G., Edson Wice; Stew- rds. W. 8. Young Lyall Guest: D. of` N. Jatnleson: Tyler, J. A. Todd. - I" I . 505! NW9 I; IIVIVIVTI-I ` Christmas report of 8.8. No. 7. In- nisfll. Names are arranged in order at merit. .. BR; IV-`--Clarence Stewart (I-I). Mar-. hall (11).! garet Canning (H), John Mars JR. IV--Doz'othy Allan (H). Philip Jessie Pratt. Lovlck, Jim Stephens (.5:b.). nu nw..'.nvrn Bnence. Jim Stephens (.40.). SR. In--'Cyr11 Spence, Pratt.` Marion Hod son. , JR. III--Ciftord Spence. Alma. Al- derson (Ab.). , . BR. II-Elma Avery, Mildred Alder-. son Jack I-Ian. Mac Constable. rrh. 1......nmn I-Iubbert (H). Jean Irv- won Jack `Hall. Mac consume. T. Jh. I---Jean I-Iubbert (H). ing. Eleanor Stephens. T SR. P`R.--Florence Alderson (1-I). Evely RV `stable, Verrol Stewart. xv 171 1.t.nu\1mn, teacher *1 Aba)I _ J PR.--a y 19. Pratt. Ralph Con-| Luv \I&IIAQI-lav navy--nu vv The Helping Hand glfestgiegterigsye ret;i1`rne!cl";f3o'f'r1'i?.`ed'i;Elte > X 1` Organizations and welfare work- Aoparonoy h: M`, ,2 M2,`; ",;';';w `e,g ers have become so zealous of late of the northern mining` area. Hie for. W that mwm= they so rretwl l`3`2.% ?.L :%.f:. i2 a:`::::::;n: twii or Whether the world is actually set- ting better or unspeakably worse, A Dilemma seems to be a debatable question Toronto v1~o1ogrom_1oo,oo,e of a still; -but one thing is` certain, the muuoo and o 1,311 oouoro in cus. W0r1d WES never S0 `anxious 3nd`toms revenue on cigarettes is 1-3.. never so well organized as now toiporood from ootowo, some people give the fellow who has fallen biqdee-ply interested in their country's the Wayside '3 helping ha: ndwelfare do not know whether. they ~ 39 *7 hi` W33 3931 with fd -should congratulate the Government ' and *'3lmt- `on a more rigorous enforcement of s m we r as . P3 To OUSEWWES `tliqtaen ctzlecxglozinlg thg icrsea:ecl`es: Enameled were can bereadl1yscour- sumptin of tobacco in its most ed by rubbing with a. paste of, coarse salt and vinegar. ` |9dt-'9 'frm' IIFC Iv nvvvu-n..._- ' be readily scour- I ,},_ I _ V I I I I. 11-. .s.s. NO. 7. |NNI8_l-HI. ,_-._....; ..a aq A `smopn VUWQL II W7. F. nonxmn, teacher; fertilizer `in? mmmlnn of 130.; I Many a prudgxit housewife, has found M % protable to call upon The Examiperaclassied Adlets to effect a Household Clearance Sale. I "1; an-nnn u 1 A . `I L, So Uabridu Mlil luuodv Wt|'!`.83`| -Tiinliir it 'FiIiIio\u' Nam-.-"- . L ` . Mate :-e e'efdoq_t._. e_ - . M1257 . In \ Ydr_k j'Cp'un'ty"; Police ,C0\11`* `ed on December` 21, `Maurice Alex- ; \ '- under, ;~ Junk dealer, Tim St.. Barrie, was convicted of reckless 1 driving. Judgment was remanded user in for a week by Magistrate Bruntom. wot chursewas the outgrowth of an| C0\mtV accident which .Alexand_r hadi IU LUDAID 3'5 ls nmn TREETHER5 `accident in wmcn nalexanuu . '``'`'l 5.11. 18, ..1 d '.' . , thevweek revzous. H9 W: 3400; 4, Egncaifx? naafi? 15.` "1 a'$'1"r` d!'iVi1|8 n1'th 9 01188 Sta 9`-`tn Ofi overseer. `$200; 5, S.R. 3. and 4 from Newmarket with aerate of chickenS`:G1,enc`a1rn Road to. con. 2, E. Mo:-by on his truclc. He turned out to pass-overseer, 3200-, 6, S.R. 9 and 10 con. I ' ` ` . a `es 5 and 6, Geo. Gilpln overseer. $200; 7, "` truck f "9 D W `_coy1e Road `from 3.12. 3_east, 1:. Thom- i'M.at co" and" in `doing 5 collided. as overseer, $200: '8, con. 6 and 7. east .--Chevrolet cou e driven Y , 5 m1 3 3 W_E_ R. _ `David Blanchagd of , xbtid 6- Alex e:'ggler,`;g30;a9?c'o?1?6 and 7 w:e`n1r?J`1::1 `his -correct a dress to Sunnldale Road, John Black overseer,` `Blanchard as Tiffin St., but Blanch- $200; 10,-con. 12 and 13 from Sunni- - V - t to: dale Road.to Flos, S. D. Donor over- 1:2 3)}: %ta'tIEee. gang:-gs`rge- }1s_eI;ar,| 2'ieer,1$ig%0I\g%intenance or roads $1,000. Hwhichoiwere` considerable, failed to! 15_ Smnjh-'M.O_H_. `reported Mam-I nd the street after driving '3'`md conditions in the `township exception- several` people he S8id- ally S006- : immediately jumped to the con- School Grants Ficlysion thgf Alexander had 8iVen, . Inspector E. Longmah wrote stat- ' h1m a ctzt1ous- address. and caused: in; the following grants were payable. ', wangant to be issued_ Akgxander [on equipment and "accommodation: S. `4 ------ I--A van ua1AngAA n SIS. 2 s.s. 3' $21..g A 0111 1L`: I: 291392 S.S.; I clusion that and, asking seve1;al' people ne auxu--um avvuo _ ` Grants . . .` Alexander Longmah h1m'af payablse. .a Alexander, I on and"accommodat1on`= . wee eeleeeee en eel we e,*~s..*.:%-94%-1%1-s%- a%;,:9z: 35:62; *%~s-_: :: mom ER. 8. $22.12: S.S. 9, $17.-46;| nnmnn Jaw |l1U\YeVcL', waa Lcavnws;u- vu ~~~- day. , V magistrate put.the onus of` the Barrieman. He sand hehad attempted to pass the tand- ing truck, `with. a -car cqming In Elbe opposite dxrectgon, at has own nsk. H. H. Creswxcke defended Alex- `-1-.. eeeeeeeeeeaeeee` _r $ * DISTRICT-NEWS W .* . %%%%%&&%%%&%%%$ Oritario Legislature will meet February 9. 'I`,. G. eMcNab, former Creemore boy,` 5 been elected an alderman of Re- nan plant and to operate 1:. i Consumption of Hydro Electric en-it iergy Meatord showed a 30 per cent.: increase during 1927. The biggest peak? carried was 351 h.p. as compareti` in 1926. R. P. Dey. fire chief of Pembroke, has been appointed to the same posi- l tion atoehawa at a salary of $2800. I He was selected from thirty appli- ~ cants. Mr. Dey is a former Collingwood - man. Meaford Curling iclub recently` - commemorated the 50th anniversary .' of its founding. Several who were pre- ]eent at the. organization meeting 50 ,1 years ago were at the anniversary and , exchanged reminiscences. . mm... nnnrrlates turned out for the In many homes there are stored away dis- used articles of household equipment, sewing machines, baby carriages, go-carts, ,artic1eso,f clothing, furniture andgpersonal belongings, all of which may be quicmy turned into ready H115 UUUU czcwuvu an In. ........ -- - ` Sixteen tons of poultry were sold atl Christimas Fa_1r. Over $10.000l out. nuhnwn in aakimz the Hydro Electricj . Oshawa is asking the Hydro Electric; Power Commission to take over its plant and to operate it. I mmsmmntion of Hydro ene, [ exchanged reminiscences. ,1 Fifteen candidates turned , first practice of Ori11ia's Junior O.I-I.A. , team, this year grouped with Barrie. .' The News-`Letter says they showed Jspeed and cleverness. but V_1_ack exper- _. ience, which is a. common complaint . with juniors. . ' The hind legs of one of a team of horses broke through the flooring of .. 1.1.4 Plnrnn while beinz driven over `rt-II` IAhIiI Agx mun .___.jI horees broke through me uuurula U; an old Hume while being driven it at Newmarket recently. It took a i dozen men three hours to rescue the * animal, a derrick having to be built around it and a block and tackle used. The `horse was very patient, `but com- pletely exhausted. After a. rest it was able to walk home. A. The Atherley road is to be taken over by the Highways Department. It extends from the end of the pavement and forms the connecting link between i the highway `beginning at Atherley and east to Sunderland. A deputation com- posed of Warden Cunningham. Mayor Sinclair. -Reeve -Brown and Aid. Doyle of Orillia were in Toronto recently to interview I-Ion. G. S. Henry. and were assured that the road would be -taken nil in Orillia east to the Narrows bridge` Ts ',i A TALES FROM THE NORTH (Gravenhurst Banner) Joe LaLonde of Gravenhurst. a min- ins rospecvor at note for many years ~ in . orthern Ontarro. we understand. .has sold his claims for the snug sum -.of $800,000.00 It is said Joe offered `local parties an interest in his claims _ . um months no. nrovldimr they 1008.1 p8.!'t1E! an Internet In use uuzuua a few months ago. providing they would finance him in his work. Had , they accepted his offer. a few of our friends would be nursing 9. $50,003.00 - Christmas Box today. One never can |tell what will happen sometimes. but ,0 just watch those boys leap for the `next tip. Mr. LaLonde is stopping at I the Gilmore House while in town, hav- ing recently returned from Red Lake District where his fortune was made. ' he has a wide knowledge 3 yl tune coming after years of toll and, no 1 doubt, hardships. that would make material for-an interesting story the '~ north. - nu ue us \ OV62`. wt cash. u , ' At theptatutory meeting of the sun ` nidale Council held at New Lowell on ; Dec. 15 the Colonization Road By-law ` for 1928 was given its second reading ` asking for the following grants for _ l 1928:` Road 1, con. 2 and 8, E. 01 Brent-. \ wood, Wm. Redpath overseer, $400; 1 Road 2, con. 2 and 8, W. of Brentwood. ["}i:s.18Brown iaverzeeg, 200;A1l2&'>ad 3. *2 3406- 4' ;`i`;m%? Rosa, '3?` E. n1 = E1 5`*G1.enc`a1rn 3`-overseer, [._Coyle `x-om B_.R. ? ??o3`"%a?1io'af x`r'. %.%i$a5E ~'; erser. $200: 9, con. 6 west from 3; overseer, -: ;;5 : ..,.... 4nn- Maintenance 5N `ROAD GRANTS m TSNUNNIDAIE. `Council Ada `$3500 for This Work in 1928. M..'O. H. Reports Health . of Township Good. 28; S.S. 4.} $21.16; 5.5. a. uuaa; a.c.n- .6. $16.90; s.s. 8, $22.12; $17.46; s.s. 10. $30.62; s.s. 11, $18.04; s.s. 12, 520.12; s.s. 13, $13.22.. The following amounts were or-' dered paid to schools for "balance of levy and grants: S.S. 1, $307.44; S.S.; 2. $312.48; 8.8. 3, $401.28; S.S. 4, $823.- 66; S.S. 5, $386.62; S.S.'6, $141.90: S.S. 7. $200; S.S. 8. $1067.12; S.S. 9, $692.96: SS. 10," $534.62; S.S. 11, $165.54; S.S. 12.` .%.`(2)0.62; S.S. 13. $530.80; S.S. Veapra, A number of other accounts were passed for payment. . 1 present. . tl Communications and accounts were 1 ~read from the following: Dept. of Pub- lllc Highways, F. H. Gooch, Alex. Cow- :' an re Jns. Barry, Ros: Sheppard, Mrs.; 5' Wm. Brewster re roadway con. 6, Wal- ter Fox, Wm. Shannon, George Fennell -,and VV. 0. Hubbert re sheep killed, :.t County Clerk, J. E. I-Iodgson. J. W.' K! Jack , The Municipal VVor1d, Lloyd Eld-' d rldge,Dr. Spencely account of Geo. Me-` ' Kay. W . A. Boys for legal services.` 5, John Kelly. `W. Copeland, F. JobblttT - and Wm. Irwin. T ` I ` `lzfnblnnu Den\".Ll1'S ELI: aulu. vu...v-. Accounts Paid The standing committee on Finance recommended payment of the follow- ng:- Thos. Reynolds, rent of hall, $2.00; C. M. Sr! ley, sheep valuator, $2: John Soules, s eep valuator, $2.00: W. 0. `I-Iubbert, sheep killed by dogs, $20; Geo. Fennel], sheep killed and wound- ed by dogs, $160.00: -W. Copeland, Cookstown, caretaking lockup, $6; Bo s & Boys, account, $71.86; John Kely. work and team at park. $16: George Richardson, Stroud, $6.00; Art. Richardson, work and team. park. 524; Geo. Richardson, ditto, $10; George Green, .1 . Mason and Scott Sharpe, refund dog tax, each 32; Thos. Reid, refund. error in collector's roll. $2.80; G. C. Allan, Dr. H. Wright, '1`. A. `Saw- INNISFIL councn. - Zfaking advantage of.. The Examiner ClassietlAd1ets a. readjz market "can be devel- opegl for all used articles that may have any instnsic value. a A Rg_n)o\_res _ MADE BY E.\N.6lLl.I`|"|` Cleaning the Cook Stgve .`;\/Iotions n-1 Do what you may, grease will spatter up the stove-whether it be a gas or electric range or a coal stove. To clean it quickly and easily, sprinkle a little Gillex on a wet cloth and rub lightly over the stove. Then rinse. Presto! all the grease spots have gone and your stove is clean and bright. That : the function of Gi1lex-helping the housewife to keep every- thing clean and sweet with less work. Use it for all clean- ing and in the laundry on washday. You'll never want to be without Gillex. meeting, each $4: G. 0. Allan, S. culvent. Reynolds, A. L. Webb, F. V . Peacock,! Lennox, C. W. Henry, half year's salary, each` on \m $56; W. L. Black. Treas., quarter year`s Reeve R salary. $81.25; Dr. AWrigl1t, .VI.O.H., O1-ized ti salary $40, inspection of schools, $160.-` accounts 50, $200.50; Alvin Webb, sanitary in- by_] spector, $31: N-oah Grose, sanitary` fixing S inspector, $40; W . B. Sloan, clerk, Candg quarter year's salary. $150; postage and can and telephone, $7; Municipal World, appoint, 91c; W. R. Allen, on collector's salary, and p01; | $200; .G. C. Allan and W. L.vB`.ack. pre- ecmgn tparlng financial statement, each, $5;i Comm `G. C. Allan. S. H. Reynolds. A. L. '\Vebb, C. VV. Henry, F. W.__ Peacock, commission work. each $20. The standing committee on Incligents! NC - recommended payment of the follow-| A to :' lng: J. W. Jack, expenses re Mrs. H.,[ t H.` ,' Carrol, $10; J. E. Hodgson. supplies 0 3 11 .' to Mrs. VV. Grose, $85.17: County Clerk, Ban-jg account R. V. Hospital for Mary Cron- as CD a ;'1n,s91.5o. . _ in _ -_ .. Ian ag Road ' Supt. Sinclair recommended 1 payment of the following road ac- , counts:- ; . i - . vv,1I__ ____ ...11:.-.~ uufilq Q In} On ` Household Clearance Sale conducted through Examiner Classied Adlets has been the means of ridding many a household` of dis carded articles. ` ' ` ._. ', ` 11 CUUHI-5." V C I John Kelly, gravelling road 8. lot 20, `la-ke, $114.25: Jno. Kelly, g1'avei,$=l3.- 40; construction road 19, con. 8-Geo. Martin. $22.50, Herb. Wallace, $12.50, Alex. Black, $45, W. Nightingale, $21.- 25. Hiilis `Tribble, $21.25: F. .\I. Kemp, gravelling road 14. lots 1-5, $51.50; -G_. Miller, gravel, $20; Ont-.-trio Bridge Co., reinforcing iron, road 4, $104.75; Thos. Bowman, grading, general, $10; Oscar Bowman, ditto. $30; Wellington ;VVebb, installing culvert, con. 7. $19: Jas. Booth, cutting weeds, road 12-13, $4; Pedlar People, culverts, road 12-13, ,$58.90; -R. J. Eldridge, repairing cul- vert, road 4, lots 6-10, $7.50; R. J. .\Ic- Afee, plank, road 8. lots 16-20, $22.28; C. G. Spragge, construction road 10, `lots 25-26. $6; 'VVm. Brewster. con- struction account, $547; Wm. Brewster, fill in road 19, con. 7. $46.20; T. Con- nell, dragging road 8, lots 6-10, $8, tak- ing down fence, $2, $10; Geo. James, ~ dragging road 4, lot 20, lake, $14: Silas Smith, grading road 13, lot 16-20, 35; S. C. Carr, grading. ditto, $5; D.` Clarke, dragging road 7, lots 1-5, $6. 75; E. Ferrier. Belle Ewart, road 19, $46: Geo. Richardson, dragging road 18. con. 8-9, $28.50: W. Atkinson, re- pairing culvert and ditching road 3. $26.30; J. Hunter, dragging road 10, lots 16-20, $18.50; Geo. Reid, dragging road 5, $15; A. B. Little. dragging road 13,` $32.50; King Houston, general work, road 19, .$13.60; S. Reynolds, gravelling and dragging road 18, con. 11-12, $61.75; W. J. Leonard, gravel, $8; Brock Rear, gravel, $1.60; Wm. Ir- win. gravelling and dragging road 13, $21.75; Wm. Irwin, gravel, $1.60; W. S. Young. dragging road 18. con. 10-11, $12; E. A. Guest, dragging road 14,: lot 25. lake, $104.60; E. Carr, gravel, road 14, $16: S. Warnica, ditto, $9.60: Geo. Leslie, ditto, $1.80; S. Vvarnica, e ii '- grading and gravelling road 19, con. 13, $87.30;} Cl. Hlndle, clearing out ditch. road 4, lot 8, $4; Chas.` Pickett, cutting weeds, road 19, $10; F. Sinclair, salary. $64; A. R. Boyes. ditching roadn '8. lots 11-15, $9.50: C. M. Srigley, gen- eral repairs, road 20. $12.50; Jas. Reid, Jr., grading, general repairs, $10: W. J. Copeland, ditching 34 `rods on rcad` 5, $93.50; B. Forbes, team, culvert, road- 19, con. 5, $14; Geo. Martin. dragging road 10. $10: Geo. Nelson. dragging road 8, $3.50: N. VanNorman, dragging road 10, $5.00; VVm. Brooks. cleaning ditch, townline, road 20, $5; A. B.; yer, `W. B. Sloan, Board of Health`; Coutts, Innisfil share. Innisfil-V'espra' townline, $34; Canaa`.-a Ingot Iron Co. ___:___-._--,,___.; Red Rose Orange` Pke _i_s V ~ _ the best tea you can Buy" " - V In clean, bright Aluminum _ #._m.._. CO. LTD.` MAKERS OF MAGIC BAKING POWDER ' 2...` `..a'L.` ._.'....' T...` ` Road Expenditures Llsgood teal road 19, con. 6'. $54.03: I821`: Lennox,cutmg weds,road $1 \motion Coun. Webb. Dep u`tsV Reynolds. the Reve was a'Lfth`4 ,orized to sign p`ay vouchers for. above 1 A \v.u,1an- nvon` inf'.1~n`RI'1tb`!1 nh 13l'E'a t NOT FAIR To BARRIE t total of 213 buirld-i-ng` permiite, ; totalling $86,130, were issued it: . for 13 m`ont1l1s' o1? 1-92-7., '._as compared with 224 permits for [an aggregate of $121,000 in it 1926. But under the present sysa .,tem of issuing building permits ;these gures mean little. They by _v no means truly represent the value ,_ of construction undertaken in this- . town this year. Looking over the? ,',app_1ication forms we tind that'- : good garages were supposedlux 3? built for S10 and two-storey brici`.- -'; and steel business blocks for f? 83,500. There seems to be are` 3`_ hallucination abroad that Assess it or Whitebread takes his assess-v .2 ment tigures of im`provements'- R: from the building permits ant? 0' therefore there may be a desire to` 5!`, keep the tigures downto a miniv mum. The Examiner is not argm rs, ing that improvements should be` as taxed to the extent they are in` D`_ some towns and cities, but_ we give` 3--the assessor credit for being com-r ad petent to judge values irrespective; e- of the permits. There is a lot of valuable advertising to_ be had ng from the publication of healthy 90 building gures. They are the: as, barometer of a town s physicai >n- condition. To minimize the'r tru [,_ worth is not fair to Barrie. Examiner Classied Ad1ets_ bfing buyer and seller together; Use them--the cost is small and the servjce big. *

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