the holiday With mew patents. x Mr. and `Mrs. Alkin of Petrolea. Mrs. `Albert `Moore's parents, spent overl Christmas with A. T. and Mrs. Moore. M... a....m... nf Tvv snent cm-1stmas| witt. of Craignurst. Miss Mabel Partridge of Dunnvilie is spending her holidays with Roy and Mrs. Partridge. Miss `M. Malcom of Toronto is at home -with her mother for the holiday week. Mr. Kenny. school teacher. is spend- ing the holiday season with his par- nf c I lug uuv aaaa -mu, ..w.._--- ..,._- ,, , _ | ents. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Luck of Hills- dale are spending a few days with Mrs." Luck's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jan. McG111. ` mt... ,'l'nu 'Pm:viA'_ father from 01:11- McGii1. yMrs. Jos. Reevie'& father from Oril- lia istvisiting her. A Quite a nice time was enjoyed at the United Christmas tree and supper on Tuesday of last week. After the sup-' per. Mr. Kenny and the day school scholars gave a very nice program. Rev. C. R. Spencer acted as chairman.i The tree was -well laden with good" things for the many scholars and after. theprogram was over Santa Claus ap- peared with his old fashioned, good nature and soon satisfied the little tots with the good things they were anxiously waiting for. ` , Lovely ice on the `bay for the num- erous skaters. We will soon be enjoying some white fish as a shanty went out on Monday last. _ . - rm... aha}! la nnf v-Andv vet but work on it is progressing. I Next Sunday the regular minister, Rev. R. V. Ferguson. who has been ab-` sent for two weeks on account of dis- ability. will resume his usual duties on this appointment of the United (`kin-ah, I uneven. -4 iiev. R?S'p-enoer` acted` c'haiz"man. _ after . mg was the lagt two years, during nature num- We be Ifll-I IVVV I` $0 I have had the privilege of serv-i which time I trust I have been of use. I feel that in the future there will be more ways that I can help and I am 3 therefore asking you to re-elect me` next Monday. I think there should, some be women on the Board of Educa. The rink is not ready yet but work it is progressing. ~ the ` Ferguson, ab- children is a most important thing, Surely the education of the` tion. ` to us -mothers, and a woman's point of view is of use to the Board. PI be- lieve that in the future more wo- ' ' _.;1lgn31eth;:ea?ees{ Eimggeitliat Church. 1 __ we can do for our children is to see , ieson in Toronto. Mrs. Jamieson. was that they -are tted with useful formerly an old r ident of I-Iillsdale but had resided in th Hamilton. returni g to I-Iillsdale about five years ago. _ Jamieson. died about eight A months ago. Mrs. Jamieson has been failing in health since that time. She went to reside- with her daughter in Toronto about `six months ago and was unable to return to her home here. She leaves one daughterand three sons to mourn her loss: Mrs. F. Johnston of Toronto, knowledge to guide them through West, Toronto and life. - I have given much time and 91` husband W9-R91 thought to the matter during the past two years, and should you do me the honor of re-electing me, I will promise to serve to the -best of my abilities. Yours truly, (MRSJ MURIEL ORD. NOPWN1 1'W11P8 Clifford it 39' ` gins. and James in. Toronto. Mrs. Campbell and Frank Greenlaw of this `village are sister and brother of de- ceased. The funeral is to take place Thursday afternoon to the Union cem- etery. take To the Electors of Barrie: Not having sufficient time to makel a thorough canvass of all electors, I this opportunity of soliciting and `nan.-nnnn `AF #11:: ou-l-A ! . on the Board of Education for `j "I0l0I0I0I0II I101! IH|iI0lI|I0I0I| Herman Mageei of, Batavia, N.Y., is visiting his mother, Mrs. iGeo. A. Mooije, on the Fifth Line. Held ()v1_ _Till Neagt Week SHAT fan }"* v"L2 THORNTON {I-II mun: uxaumun , tor unu-stmas. ~ , - Mr. Boldt or Huntsville came `to 3 spend Christmas with his brother. 3. ; Boldt, Mary St. ' . - ` Mrs. G. ouver Cameron tell on Mul- ' IIOP6. - ` Mr. and Mrs.` Frank Moberloy wer_e Iwlth their daughters In Toronto tor Christmas. . Mr. and Mrs. '1`. D. McMillan 0! . Brldgeburg were with Barrio relative: j over Sunday. I M ... and V: Dnhawfnnn AC `Fm-nnfn nor granaparonu tor a. raw uayu. _ | Mr. and Mrs. -Win. Game enjoyed Chrintmag in Toronto with their soul. Harry Barley or Wyandotto. Mich.. in spending tho holidays with friends ` hm-A. over aunuay. - 1 ] Mr. and Mrs. Robertson. of Toronto ;were with Mrs. Booth. Bayrleld -St. tor Christmas. vur. 1:.-.1a+ nf Izrnnnvma mama `to ' jli$iiiiill&iIA 3. PERSONAL $m&%i&immmi&wxm* 1\Eta.u1V-loo MaoLa.ron' is viomnb trlonda : In Mlmlco. V ' Mm Elsie Colo .1: In Toronto with her grandparents for a. few days. _ I `Mr- and Mrs. vWm. Gallic anjoyed here. \ \'II gaoxd-t, Mary at. , Mrs. G. Oliver Cameron Mu!-` `caster St., last Saturday and broke `her right wrist. . . M. and Mr: Qfnwnrf Mnndnnald of TY E ffice. E110 "DIP adios, J. G . 521! nor rxgu-r wrzst. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Macdonald of Hamilton we;-e holiday visitors at Mr. l Cotter-'5, Owen St. lls: llnh-In 'Rnv1`fnn nf fh 1"`-`l`n:n1t:`11 Uottera, uwon 5:. .. . ; Miss Guida Burton of the Hospitall tor sick Children. spent Christmas with I Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bunton. ` 11-..... 1X7o1H\r{Ra-A M vnnnmnmr. B. MI`. and M'PS. A. S. BUNCH. - C.. is spending New Year : with his grandmother. Mrs. J. MoL. Stevenson. M and Mn. 1`. W. Horn and son Henry Wallbridse at Vancouver. 3.` igrandmother. J. MoL. Stevenson.` Mr. and Mrs. '1`. W. Horn and ,were holiday visitors at the home or` ' Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Cooper. Sanford St. I M. and M. Martin and children, M1`. and Mrs. Jae. cooper. aanzuru at.` Mr. and Mrs. Martin and children: _and Mrs. Stephens and children ot~ Toronto were with Mrs. J.` D. Laid- law for Christmas. I Illa: nnnfhiy Qnvhhnl `I visftlnr law tor Cnnstmas. I Miss Dorothy Scytshes la vtsttingl with Dr. and Mrs. Ktlbom In Toronto for Christmas week. _ I Mr nna \:frn Dnv T.nvn Qfanlnv Love tor Christmas weex. | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Love. Stanley Love and Miss McKay were Yuletide zueats `of Mr. and Mrs. P. Love. 1-. 1\'Av-AI! -1 -`find: nf ngznnde I-Ia-ll. of Mr. and Mrs. P. Love. L. D'Arcy -Hinds of Osgoode Hall. roronto. Mrs. Hinds and their son. Paul, spent Christmas with Mrs. Bern- ard Hinds. Mulcaster St. .M'.. nv-IR Mwa _T ('1, Sinclair of CO1- Sinclair. `Mr. and Mrs. A. Aldgate ot Hamilton I Ispent the Chr1stmas.hollda.ys at the ome of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooper, 3 antord St. . Miss Olive Lount of Toronto spent Christmas In Barrie with her sister, .Haze1, who is a. patient in Royal Vic- ltoria Hospital. ntna W (1 nmu*and two sons. toma nospm.-u. I Mrs. W. G. Ross " and two sons. ~ Leighton and Jack, of Stayner are hol- I ldaying with the former : parents, Mr. land Mrs. W. J. Craven. Mn... (`wanna urn: H1 f`.1"YlWOOd On *c'y-:l'ruI. ard Hinds. Mulcasmer at. -Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Sinclair of col.` ullngwodd spent the holiday with the |!ormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. i Sinclair. M. an:-1 M.-. A Man-am of Hamilton I passed away on `1`nuI.`auu.,y man. | Leighton G. McCarthy, K.C., accom-l lpanled by his son, John. was in town, `today and paid a visit to the nurses `home, now nearing completion. um. w n Harbor nf `Preston. after home, nearing compxetxon. Rev. F. C. Harper of Preston, after] attending the funeral of his brother, 1W. F. Harper. at Cookstown on Sun-! 1 day. paid a short visit to Donald Ross. Mr. and" Mrs. C. Robertson and daughter, Margaret. of Toronto, are spending two weeks with the for-mer's father, Chas. Robertson, at Kempen- 5 feldt. " = Dr. L. G.` Kilborn. wife and family were w1tl~ Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Scythes,- Bayfleld St., for Christmas. Dr. K11- 'born addressed the Collier S.S. on `Ch1na", Sunday afternoon. M. O!!!` Mr: A1hArf Paddison anent `and Mrs. W. J. Craven. Mrs. Craven was in Collingwood on `Monday attending the funeral of her mister-in-law, Mrs. Geo. Gibb. who 1 passed away on Thursday last. I ' l'.nhrhtnn G. McCarthy. K.C.. accom-_ E McBride, who prepared them. ; | Mr. and Mrs. Beelby or Barrie and . Miss Orma Scythes of Toronto spent ; the holiday at W. D. Soythes ; Miss .Ruby and Elsie` Carson of Toronto at _' L. Carson's; R. M. Carson, Barrie, with _Arela.t1ves here. . Mrs. Alexander and son, Albert. spent i Monday at R. Cook's. _ (`lav-nnnn nnrnnn arrived home last ""Ch1na", Sunday arternuon. ` Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paddison spent` Christmas at Alliston with the la:tter si .parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shephard,` `who celebrated their 59th wedding an-i Iniversary on Chrlstmrs Day. M. A 1.1 1'-`I . rnnwlcke. her dauzh-l nlversary Unrxstmrs uay. | Mrs. A. E. H. Creswlcke. her daugh-1 ters, Misses Edith and Betty, and son," Hal. spent Christmas with Mrs. Fol- insbee and Mrs. -Strother, Mrs. Cres-- 'w1cke s daughters, In Toronto. ru-41..., annnmtna nnsmt Ch:-is~tma.s at 'wicke's daughters, in '.L'oz'0nt.u. The following spent Christmas at` the home of Mrs. L. E. Ball. Bradford St.: Misses Edna Bali and Marjorie Moriarty of Toronto. Byne Ball of Bradford and Harry Bali and Herman Armstrong of Timmins. | Miss Laura Asaph or Brampton spent Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Asaph. Miss Edna 'Asaph accompanied her sister to Brampton. where she intends spend- ing New Year s with friends. mu Ts:-qhei Archibald` of Seaforth. ` New Year's wltn rrxenas. 1 Miss Isabel Archibald` of Miss Elspeth Heath of Stirling and Miss Jean Harris. nurses-in-training at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, spent Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, Elizabeth St. I Dec. 27-The school children gave an excellent program last Thursday ; afternoon to their parents and friends. Much credit is due the teacher. Miss prepared them. . -M. nn Mrs, Rm-slbv of Barrie guuu unu- I good. 1' `.;i:`.'.2I '10 THE aLac'roRs or ' fr:-1: TOWN or manna: ,,'__E`-_._ R. COOK'S. Clarence Carson arrived home last: the Saturday evening, from where ha has spent almost two__ year. Vnvln nnm-ngnnndant Wishes ha has spent almost two year. \ Your correspondent wishes the staff L of The Barrie Examiner and all read- ers ot your paper, a. bright. and prob- perous New Year.e - w w--v ---"-v_- Not your vote and inuence for the Board of Education for` 1928. Respectfully yours, ' `St -(1-}\RSlDAl-2, 3 V 120!` a. nappy anu prusperuus no.-.-w 16611"- The annual meetlng of the W..VI.S. l was held at the Home -of Mrs. Will Gib- son on Tuesday. Dec. 20. A report of the t, year's Work was given by the secretary 5' and was very encouraging. The allot-I -` ment of one hundred dollars for this |. ' branch hed been raised. The new offlc-.| lers for the year are as follows: Pres", '!"Mrs. Robt. McMurray. 1st Vice-Pres.,t - . Mrs. Th"s. Rlsebrough; 2nd Vice-Pi-es., ' Mrs. W111. Gibson: Sec y., Mrs. J. C. ' ` Bul-e; Treas., Mrs. T. F. `Burrows; Or- |g`a.n1st. Mrs. H. J. Schellz Sec'y.. for t Glad Tidings, Mrs. John Forgle: Home 1 Helper. Mrs. J. A. Moir; Welcome and :1 Welfare, Mrs. John Buie. {N1-no-lutnnaa vlalfnra urnrcu N/fl`, Rd. I Deo..27--Ix-chie `l\;o;1;1t-h or Thorn- ton visited Mldhurst friends last week. Ernest Spence of Hamilton 1sspend- ,ng some holidays at his home here. Mr and \If|-a Inca: Tvnnumnvb n? Is. cloud top, with is a late od candle _ng BUIIIC llUlluU.,Y5 bid. [US 1101116 IIUFU. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Weaymark of ,1-Iavelock were week-end visitors I at Jan. McCracken's. II ... D. 1.0 `In-Ania nnlh-ui an \llA_ nuuuaya. I ' Miss Winnie Monteith has returned . to Toronto after being home for Christ- ` 1113.5. \lI'-n- 1 .`l ov-AIR TKYA;-ulna AP Tnrnnfn In ;` Welrare, Mrs. Jonn nuxe. - Christmas visitors were: Mr. and " Mrs. Carmen Pickering and son, Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Culham, with t George Culham and family; Misses Gladys. Schell. Georgetown and Ethel Schell. Elmvale, with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schell: Miss Ottelyn Spicher, Hamilton. `with Mr. and --1VL'rs. Jos. 1 Spicher: Norman Schell, Dundalk, with i Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schell; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pickering and family, Tor- 3 onto. with Mr. land`)/Irs. Milton Young; g Louis Blake. Toronto, with Mr. and . Mrs. Herb Culham. Tn: Dotnvcnn anon? Han hnlidav \\'H` I I ) . l ` at `Jun. J.VJ.ULJl.'H.L`lI'.'ll 3. Mrs. Bell of Toronto called on Mid- Ihurst trlendslast week. .VIrs. Lorne `Poole accompanied her home for the holidays. | Mica Wlnnin `.\/fnnvnhh ha: rnhlvnarl 1115.3. Mrs. Harold Woods of Toronto is visiting with Mrs. Wm. Andross. ' Mun-Thnu Qnnnm: whn has hnnv-7 An I Vlsltlng Wun Mrs. Wm. Auuross. Mrs.-Thos. Spence. who has beeri on the sick list, is able-to be around again. Miss Olive Mccracken of Peterboro I is holidaying at home. * 'l`!-an Ml-can nvan. nf (`rnnmnrn annnfl I IS nUllu?lyllI5 lu llUlIlU- ' ` The Misses Ovens of Creemore spent| the week-end with their sister, Mrs. J . A. Wattie. I \.I'-. sun! `In. \.l'n1uHIn T.U'od-Ola nnrl J. A. VVH.Ll'.lt`. I Mr. and Mrs. Melvilla Wattle and` baby of Toronto `spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wattle. bnrrrvln Y'\uv\n AF Tnnnnfn In a Irinifnvl U11`. H.110 ALPS. I.'SUUUl'L \`VL't|'.l.1!':. Reggie Dunn of Toronto is a. visitor at his home. `If... and \A nn Y TX? Ifnakna and ann 3-C HIS l1UllIU- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. I-Iughesand son. Jack, of London called on Midhurst |fr-lends this week. VA`!!! nnnnnnnnnnni IIVCQ`-tau Tho I`v_ `J1 my tgood mo- C KER` Ll`-IEXIQS uuu WEEK. Your correspondent wishes The Ex-I aminer start and readers a very happy and prosperous New Year. Jam Wrnnlrnnm has he-*-an hnsv fnrl ram. - On Vvednesday evening the school children -of this village gave an excel- lent concert. with Mr. Greenlaw as chairman. W. P. Gill, chairman of the school board, gave a shout address congratulating the children. their; teacher and those who assisted in the , success of the entertainment. He also , suggested the desirability of the young people of the community making use of their new municipal hail by organ- izing a literary society. Santa Claus l was also there and later refreshments . were served after which the large 1 number present returned to the homes. EHO PFOSDEPUUS LVCW 16211`. I James Frankcom has been busy for the last week drawing up Wood. M and Mr: Rmnrqnn (`nnlr and tne last. Ween urawung up wuuu. Mr. and 1vJ_I}~s. Emerson Cook and family have returned after visiting Penetang friends over the holiday. \Il'na TXT'vn TK,'HHcn-nu nf Rrannhvlan rent-.-cunyz Lrxcuus uvcr uu: uuuuay. I Mrs. Wm. Vvilliams of Bracebridge is visiting her daughter; Mrs. H. Bert- ram. n... 1'!.'p.An.auAov nsvgnhnav th- anhnnl :-uj:---- ` The Thank-offering meeting and bazaar. which the Edgar Auxiliary held on Tuesday, December 13th. was a ideclded success. Mrs. Halbert took `charge of the meeting. The program `consisted of the following: A paper,` Christian Stewardship, by Miss Jean McLean; a paper, Our Canadian -Vvotrk. by Miss Lena Patterson; an address by Mrs.` Spence: a sketch by Misses Netta Lees and Hilda Emma: - a. solo by Glenn Slessor and a duet by Mrs. -Blough and Miss Jean Mc-.1 Lean. I v1~.\.., nnvlr mnnnncr of Wm Axnriliarv ' t t E \ --u v- --.:_ Your correspondent wishes the editor! and hisstaff also all readers of The Barrie Examiner, our very best wishes- i for a. happy and prosperous New Year. Th`: av-mnnl mnnfing nf that W.NT.Q. Mrs. 1-Lero uumam. - . Jas. Paterson spent the holiday with` his sister. Mrs. Carl Smith, Toronto. Miss Shute is spending the holidays` with her parents at `I-Iolland Centre. Mr. and Mrs. `-Isaac Carruthers and sons, Lorne and Charlie, spent Christ-| mas with Mr. and Mrs. `Vvalter Car- rutheis. Cundles. ! I M- mm `\lfv~a ahmunn Qr-nu and snrn-LL rutners, Uuntues. ; Mr. and `Mrs. Glenson Scott and son._g Jack. and Arnold McQuay v1s1ted_ friends at Alliston. Th next meeting of the Auxiliary` I is to be held at the home of .VI1ss Lena | Patterson. V . --__..___ 1 >N's E Mr: ad Mrs. Baker are spending! `holidays with friends in Toronto. Be-' fore returning to Springfield for an` >1nde1'in_lte time. I pnhm-+ and R :-nnn+h nmornn arel lnuenmne tune. , Robert and Kenneth Cameron are: ` home for the holidays from Toronto. 1 Q6-nu-.11: Rkollzln nf alimh and EU f. L home 10!` me nouuays [rum .I.U1'uuLu. ; [ Stanley Malkln of Guelph and Ray of Toronto, are spending the holidays at home. :5... ha hnu nykn I-nnlr fhn enrvinol nome. v Rev. Dr. Dodds, who took the servic-I es at Port Elgln on Sunday, returned home yesterday. . `M : and Mr: Garvin nf `Rm-.hester.! ` nome yesteruuy. - l Mr. and Mrs. Garvin of Rochester,! who spent Christmas at Cundles, re,-I ' turned home today. I | \.fn Qfnv-nu and fnrnnv unnnf Mnnnvl ` turneu nome tuuuy. . Mr. Storey and family spent Monday `with friends at Elmvale. Gal-.14.`! Alp.-AA how-A nu 'I`l-nnnarlnv N|'!ua Wltn zrxencls at Jmmvaue. l - School ciosed here on Thursday. Miss ~ E. Elliott, teacher. has gone to her; home near Peterborough for the holl- day. I vvvv-vv-_ --v v-C'1'v- -v- you`; 4111-. Qvcv V; not-Vain-noun vvvv on I realize the responsibility ofythe office, and it is my inten- tion to fulll to the beat of my ability the trust which you have conferred upon me. I will endeavor during the coming year to die- eoherze my duties to the -best interest `of the citizens of the Town. . 9 I In A AI_- T l__._, wvu - __v - SR. IV-`PhylI1s Barr 79%. JR. IV--Norman Moore 77, Patricia. Dunn 82. Dorcas Burnfield 64, Delmore Burneld 5'1. 3 _ .SR. 1'II--Jean Miller 59; JR. III--`Bernice Flanagan 61, Genrtze Moore 60, Boyd Brown 49, Armos Bon- i mean 47. . YD 1"l'__.Ah-ska T.nunv-nnnn `Vfarv T.n,- L neau `ll. - JR. II--Alpha Lesprance, Mary Les- prance. Mary Frawley. Kathleen Mur- phy. `Joseph Fra,-wley. - QR `l'--.M'ir-.hnn] M nrnhv_ John E.I rm Tou- iru: run! DY. `JOSEPH rrazwxey. 1 SR. I-M1chae1 Murphy, John E. Murphy. Justine Lesprance. T i SR. PR.--Jean Todd, Florence Moore. ` JR. . PR.--Marv Barr. Evan Mil1er,| Mao Frawley. ' -wv v< us anvxo-nu-.1-xv L___1..... V .. I wish to thank the citizens, and particularly thc `elect-org, of \ the: Town of Barrie for the condence they have placed in me by 6100131118 me Mayo!` for the your 1928 by acclamation. LL- ...__.._.__.!LJI_ _ _ -,..I u 1- ..___ :..L-.. _SUNNlDAl_.E % C_O`Rl\_l.l:'.R_S To THE auzcrons or mt: Town OFABARRIE: v---gv --g --v--o-- vv -us -rvuv on-I-vow-nu vc vuv vavnuvenw Va uuu -w-~-- Ihave every condence that I shall have the support of th 1928 Councii, and I bespeak the active co-operation, of the citizens :ithTth9 Council in their endeavor to promote the best interests of on own. . 8.8. NO. 2 MEDONTE __ ._ -A-4 I wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. EILEEN B. GRIBBIN, teacher` %E'?._AR lllg ROW LL]- u-ouvv-ujnuwj Mr. Hall spent Christmas Day with ;h1s daughter, Mrs. Fred Cameron. in ` Orlllia. Mina Par-annu 1-nnnhnr (Q cnandihf Miss. Parsons. teacher. 1s.spend1n8 W the holidays at her home in Thornton. Nfru Mnndnnnl nf Afhnv-`lav 101` l LHC uuuuuy: EL XIEF KIUIH Mrs. Macdonald of with her parents. Mr. Leigh, for the holiday. Tnrnntn viclfnra 4: no - 1481311, 10!` E118 DONOR) . Toronto visitors are: Misses Grace and May Clarke. Doris and Georgia Kendall. Chelsea. Fellows. Mrs. Allison, Jack Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wrigc ley. Allan Priddle, Mr. and Mrs. Muckleston and son. mu... 1: n.......1.-...1a -4 1\..a..An- nu.-I .\1ucK1eston and Miss B. Barnherdt or Detroit. and Lyn Fellows of the same city were in town for the holiday, as were Miss Myra Reid of New Toronto. Miss Mar- jorie Graham of Normal School. Torn onto. Mrs. Oliver of Toronto, who visited her sister, Mrs. Fletcher: Mr. and Mrs. Ego and Gordon of Peterboro, who were the guests of Mrs. Robt. Reid: .VIiss Ruby Ruse of Guelph, Mr. and .\Irs. W . J. .\IcMillan from Lefroy. Vvalker Joslin of Hamilton. who visited his parents and Erven Leigh of Lit- tle Current. who also visited at his * nome. ` Included in those who went out of town were Messrs. Parker and Geliatv tey. of the Standard Bank staff. to Penetang and King: Mr. and Mrs. Joslin to Barrie to spend the day with their daughter, Mrs. Fullerton; Mr. and Mrs. Atkins to Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Art. Crawford to Cannington: Rev. and Mrs. Cruse to Mimico to be with Wrs. Cruse`s mother. Mrs. Jarratt: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leigh to Oro Sta- tion, to visit their daughter, Hrs. Geo. S-hellsweil. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. .\IcMi11an of Or- illia spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc.\'Iil1-an. Sr. Mrs. Mccuaigt and son of Oro, were `guests of Mrs. .\IcCuaig's daughter, ]Mrs. Graham, for Christmas. 1H5 13 \'l51L. A1155 11111113 .|.JH.IIlUlIL. Those home for Christmas included Misses Beatrice Vvigglns, Mary Mc- Eachern. Carrie McLeod, Olive Ross, Nlargaret Swallow, Lena Synott. Lula. VVoodward. Eva Jackman and Jean Small; Messrs. `Wilford Dickey, C. Mc- Arthur, Campbell .\IcEachern. Herb eHollinghead. Gerald .\IcRae and Wm. Cauthers. `\,`l'..... \'f.........\.. am.` But]. Al "`r\nf\o\`A i Dec. 27-.\I1ss_Edna`:I-1ies of Mlneso ing is visiting Miss Annie Lamont. Thnen hnrnn Pnr !hv-lufrnnc innlnnr` \..1Ul.t'l'S. Mrs. Murray and Ruth of Toronto spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. Allen. Sr. {Wan Anuv `nab rcvnor \/fun TIn:s`nvr `Dnan AVLIIS. ILILCH. 51'. One day last week Mrs. VVes1ey Rose fell on her door step and broke one V hip. She was taken to Collingwood ` ixospltal, where she is Improving slow- . y. I `VI v- and Nfv-n `I "I" Tonbn-non anon! P399 D07 nun nuinn the neces- milk and successful NG. "WM:-. and Mrs. J. T. Jackman spent gzhrlstmas at Midland with their son. ` rwln. I \;r.... nr n 13...... .....1 'r....I- ........ .........I. l.l'WlIl Mrs. W. G. Ross and Jack are spend- ing a few days in Barrie with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Craven. ll -o nut: \/l'.- 13 1'1.'HnAn nun annnlnm `V1.13. VV- 0- \4LG-VUH Mr. and Mrs. E. the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W . Tn- \l .-f`_1n_.n.. LYLE: GINA `'11. 3 114: `V AIHUII EU i the latter s G. Bell. Jas. Mccoleman is visiting land. I III ... ._.l \.I ..... 1'_7a.A.I_... -o-n... Luuu. Mr. and .VIrs. Hadden was vale for Christmas. I r"1u\nv\`Aa !W.x1Ihnn no.4 `I nL IVGJU LU!` L.ll1'lBLUldS~ Charles Collins and John E. Mat- thews attended the funeral on Tuesday of the late Mrs. Stoutenburg of Cole llngwood. Tnhn Wrnnlanvr AP Ana-no ennui I"kr{af.- uuswuuu. John Woolsey of Angus spent Christ- lmas at Mrs. See1er's. _-__:__-_-.- S.S. No. 4, Oro, Fall Term Report Senior Room V CLASS-Norma `White 77%: Gladys Volllck 78. i Q12 TX/`_1".1vc.-n Pilamnvn RQ- `Duncan k: lZ1(.I_VS V UIUCK (0. SR. IV-Eva Ellsmere 68: Russell Addison 66; Annie Mc.VIaster 63; Hol- Ilis Readman 62: Isabel Coward 48. K 1"D T17 ,Dn`v\k T_Tnr1n-nun I! u `CH1.-snn `I15 I\-!'.."d.|.llll'clll U. -, LSEIUCI \.,UVVKlLLl `I J-R. IV-Ralph Hodgson 65: heen Vo11`ck 60: Allan Amos 47; Elizabeth lMcM111an -1-*6. ' ! C113 YT-Y BIA...`-I... I\I\.Ql\ cA Oh. \fnuu9IvA`I [r_a_ Pa:-tin \_/'.C l 29. $\1UV.llll':l `E0. ` SR. II`I-B1anche Cooper _80: Maxwell `Craig 79; Jack Moran 62: VVill Coward 1 9 ' 0 37. JR. III--Pat Caston 62; Irene Os- trander 60: Ernest Bell 45; Grace Oades, Wilbert Foetier absent. A. EAGLESON, teacher. Tn:-ulna Dnnnn 1. 1'4lt\1'I.J.l`4D\JaV, LUGUIICLI Junior Room (Possible Mark 550) II--Frances Dunn 469; Grace Mow- forth 445; Harvey Bell 421; Melville 'Amos 394; Iona Mccracken 382; Geo. McNutt, 375. T \In~n- `hfn...-`n. `Lflldn \Ifn\R-ant;-us LVLULV ULL, O I U. I--Mary Moran, Hilda MeMaster, Ruth McIntosh. Ernest Mowforth, Tommy Coward, Harvey Oades, Lloyd Amos. ` G13 1513 \fII;I..A.I T'\.._- T .-u...4- GA...` , I 'tlHU5. SR. PR.-.VII1dred Dunn, Lorne Som- Imers, Herb Mowforth. ` JR. PR.-Jean . Vvatkins. Sterling McCau'1ey. John .\Ic.\*utt, Joy Bell, Grace Coward. . A Dana `$|1.._....u..n Tn- f_l l.-n-inn. An, \Xld.l.'\'." LUV\"1l.`l.l. A-Ross Ellsmere, Joe Higgins. Dor- othy Brant. \/I' f`_`Dl`|G`|T. fnonkn I _'_"' ' ' ' V " ` S.S. No. 19, Oro Schocl Report for I December - g Pupils absent for one or more exam- : inations`. SR. IV-Fred Tuck 68%. | JR. Iv-G1ad:.-s Aconley 83, Joe `Pratt 76, J. D. Birnie 67. CD TYY \.I .-sacs Di...-xln '71 All... I...1A.I. L`..L'\. J.V*"I`lE'Ll zuun U070- Pratt I SR. III-Mary Blrnie 71, Olive Smith 77. Melville Smith 63. Melville Tuck 6-2, lclarence Aconley 60, Ethel Thacker [Clifford Sturgesst 1 T13 T17 `Dnk `| .I 3n1;Il-an an 1\-II.-..A `I \4l1LLUl'U DLUI 5C53 '- I JR. III-Ruth I-Iickllng 60. Delbert !Hlck1ing 37. ED TT_.T.nnr!u Anrign-an A1 `lB..-I-... l1`.l.lL'R\uIl5 01. SR. II--Lewis Anderson 61, Evelyn Hlckling 54. TD TT_'F`.:-Ina Annvnu on `DA..- 11--.; L'.I.lL`l\llH5 U`!- ! JR. II-Edna Aconley 80, Ross Grey .78. Eldon Tuck 69. SR. I--R'1y Heaslip 82. JR. I-Ada Hlckling` Fay Hickllng. "l`13GG`I'E'0,\t-`I' fnnxv L_- _u, - . Dl-JNCAN F. M:CUAlG j..- --., - java CV5 -. ' Ge_o.-J_a::ob`s. who has been in Barrie 1 hospital for some time with a. broken `leg. has improved enough to so to Tor. ` on'to. ' `U5; Ll 11.. U11 LU. Mr. and`Mrs. Harry Reynolds passed Christmas at the ltt ' Midland. a "3 h"3 II ... An: 1!... 1-nu. _ .. . _ _, _ xu.1unu.uu. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Caldwell and family were at Shanty Bay for Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Barrett and Mr. and Mrs; W. Leclare spent Christmas `at P. Murphy's. - ~Fred Carson. Edna and Ewart spent Christmas with Mr. and Mn. ma Inn. .I>sTH_uNEFEs2Re L --L L _`iAW1.'-STONE . CMIGHPBST We QRQWP` .`.'-': _':YN'i3B __. ........ --g o -~ aaavnulla I TESSIE MCLEKN, teacher. ll. Wilson are spending 1-ho In Hum-'3 nnv-nnfu, M. GRO SE, teacher 118 In .l'lIUl'll LUHO Atherley was and. Mrs. Len. at Elm- at Mid- uyvnnunnna parents. Fan Truck IIU W DVD!` this in a the price new bal- _..._- IlA.LI_ nent uuuu RS Motors V 11271`; only con- * 1* Girls` Quartette by request, . Muuc FROM '1`!-IEMEESSIAH . I. Pastora1e-,-Organ Handel. II. Recitatlve-'-Soloist: Miss M. Cheeaman. (a) There Were Shepherds. (b)- And the Angels. (c) And `Suddenly. ` III-Glory to God. ' ORDER OF MEETINGS: 1 Lord : Day ' Breaking of Bnead 11 mm. Acts 20-7. Sunday School and Bible new Gospel Meeting 7 pm. Romans 1-10. All seats tree. No collections ALL WELCOME Pr M tl W d da. 5 .m. "" ,.'.:'.*.1.e1.'.t" ' $II Tblijniiv ` Presbyterian Church Rev. J. S. Shortt. M.A., Mlniathr Idmund Hardy. Muu..Ba.o.. l`.'1`.O.ll.. Organist and cholrmutor ' Con- d Tabla. A cordial invitation is T extend- ed to allcitizens to unite in these _ services. N - -- 4 Service: Sunday, 11 am. and 7 pm. ` Re-v. J. Thor!-Ilsorxvgwl/iinlislter. Miss Ellen Dobson, C-hoirleader. . Minn Anal: Bailey; Organist. Slbbdth, Jun. 1, 1928 V NEW YEAR'S SERVICES 11 a.m.---Gains and Losses. Children's Talk: A Good Day. The anthem :---Only Waiting" (Williams). `I p.m.--A New Year's Message. Anthem:--There is a Blessed ' Home." (Marks). ' -Z1: I-VJ-'4 vv saunas-vuw ca. 11 a.m.--Watchman, What of V the Night? A `brief survey of conditions prevailing in the re- ligiousworld today. \ 7 f.m.---A Message for the New 1 _ear." T A - - 3 Sunday School at 8 p.m. Y.P.S.--`Monday at 8 ma. Wednesday, 8 p.-m. Mid-week Service for Prayer. 'gouier St. United` cnimh` ,, v 1'-L._..L-..- 131..-]. D A 1211 WHIVI ECO Illiv V nu-In vu- RIV. J: BoAn'BoDo ` Minister. Horace Wilson`, A.R.C.O. Organist and. Choirleader. Dlvlno Services Will be conducted zen Sunday. Jan. 1st, 1928 - 11 A.M.-7 P.M. THE MINISTER SPECIAL MUSIC MORNING Anthem Selected. 8o'lo---"'mng- Out. Wild Bells" Mrs. H. Wilson ` (Gounod) EVENING V - V ` Anthem--"Ring out, Wild Bells" . . M (Fletcher) ` request 111'! 111 \`l3(\`|\:I VFYLTIE .{ UNITED cuuncu or camnln` 4:1: -jj A I E. II "'55! ' VIdIVn|\rnu-u w-cw V-.. (Elizabeth Street-)- REV. A. E, BAKER. Minister 3-jj wA'rcHfN 1aH'r SERVICE - Saturdaync. 81, at 11 pm. .A: :--,~._C,ho!r Number-T At _1.t_1}`_' Name of Jesus"-Daruton i _Nuw,JYu'r'u 1D:y19%o8rvicu ` anuazty s, 11 a.m;r'-Elixili-n?1lster's dsusbtjectt: .` as es,an ar 5" 7A p.m.-6--Minister's subject: =9.` Timely Question" MI ISTRY 0F',PRA~ISE.~ L Min Jessie Bryaon. Cholrleader. Mrs. E. Richardson, Orunlat E11 a.m.--Ant-hema: vRet'urn. O Blessed V's1on." Shepherds the Starlit-3Pla1n." 7 p.m.--Anthems: ; "Rejoice We.'.' Onward. Christian soldiers". (Bchnecker). \ -_.......|-..\l'I-- Q1, n_m_ \BUnuu\:nw. 1. A ` Saturday,` Dec. 31`. 8 pm. Cantata. entitled `The Royal Playmate," will be repeated in the church hall. Toronto at. Admission: silver collection. ` Tuesday, Jan. 3:-d,oat 8 pm. _ In connection with the Observance of the `Week of Prayer. all citizens are invited to the meeting in en- tral church. 'Speake_r: Rev; . V S. Shortt. M.A. n-...o..n1 invites everyone to be- lamina. Waving. curlu M.A. Central invites everyone gin the year by attending the ser- vices or their respectivechurches.-` Ce-ntra'1 wishes everyone A HAPPY NEW YEAR -- 7, N ~_...u u:.":a.-.. :.....,...,| PASTOR A. F. AWHETCOMBE 8 13.131. Service Stroud Presbyterian Church. ' ` dallier Regular Baptist Church "Prayer service on" . Tuesday and Friday at 8 pm. A nArr.I. nun `ac... Stranger: `and Visitors Expected @ I7 Miivvfivf. aAhaII- ' ALl.ANDALE_ _PI'ecbytorian Church 9 on I- , Il1._S_L- _s'I:. AN.D`RIaW's . tment NEW YEAR'S DAY Bibla scholol} 8 pm. (Continued trom pan 1) tions and homes; all windows being raised. but at the `County Jail the young ladies were invited in by Gov- ernor and Mrs. Banting. The cor- ridor doors were swung open and the Christmas airs allowed `to waft through the `quarters of the prison- ers who. however, remained in their cells during the visit. Several of the prisoners joined in the singing and one sent outa request that "God. Save the King" he suns. in which all joined heartily. The inmates exoressed their gratitude to the young ladies through the At The Children's Shelter All the children at Simcoe County Children's Shelter had a haony day. Everything that would Irladden the heart of a child was available-toys. cnndv. etc. There are twenty-one at the Shelter at present and for them. Santa was most considerate. He came. early, arriving about 10 o'clock Saturdav morning. A tree had been erected in the Board Room and when the matron. Mrs. Averill, welcomed the old gentleman at the door there were screams of do1ieht- from` the children. Santa made the distributions personally. - - - - - x A-L AAven`l`A%I!+ Governor. ` Christmas ` mumps _ Emom) IN FULL % av mam FOLKS mane VIII`! \llBVl.lUuuevuu 3 ....... .-.,- The nublic were most considerate. Everything was volunteered. There was no organized effort to collect the presents and there were plenty. . The Women s Institutes of the Coun- tv. alwavs good to the Shelter. main- tained their record. `So did the Ki- Wanis club and the staff of the Bell Telephone. Besides these were many individual donations. A full list will be published early next month; To Buy New Instrument; During the. Christmas season the Salvation Army has been playing and singing Christmas carols throughout certain sections of the town; A collection has been taken up for new instruments for the new Salvation Army Band that is being organized. Ensign and Mrs. Lang- ford desire to thank all wh-o have entertai__ned and assisted the musi- cians in their effort. Ensign`Lang- ford v-isitedthe Royal Victoria Hos- pital and gave copies of the Christ- mas War Cry to the patients. Day at Hospital Brightened Christmas was necessarily quiet- lyspent at Royal Victoria Hospital, although the many gifts and greet- ings sent by the public helped to brighten the day for those conned to their beds through illness. Most of the patients had their relatives with themfor the day, some_coming from a distance. The hospital was- appropriately decorated and the- patients trays luespokeethe `festive season insofar_ as doctors would per- mit. On Friday last the nurses held ?.their annual Christmas Tree in the |Board Room, when gifts were ex- changed among the nurses and med- ical fraternity and a jolly time spent. A list of those making dona- tions will be given next week. ` Mr. Phillip of the Standard Bank . staff spent the holiday at his home In iGoder1ch. M... Mnv .1'n.mieson. ` teacher at 'Goder1ch. Miss May Jamieson. . !Brantford. is spending .the holidays "at her home here. M and Mrn. John Faraghar have here. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Faraghar gone to Midland to spend the_ winter Iwithstheir daughter. Mrs. Phil Jory. I Born to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sails- `bury, Dec. 25, a. son. _ ` E. Freetone. teacher, is spending vacation at his home in Meatord. Murray Mlilanitormerly on the Stan- dard Bank start here. now at Picker- . ing, spent Monday `in the village. The Sunday School children ot .the United -c-hurch held their Christmas 3 Tree last Wednesday night which was i much enjoyed by those present. vs m-..4.;. ....1.-.n.AnA n nan} finntnr wishes at he 1 l I BUJUXUU uy |4H\_-luv pnwwvn E..R. Scott unloaded a. new tractor off the cm`. Thursday. -Those who spent over the Yuletide `in the village were: Verie Rumble of Sunderland. at his home; Mrs. Rutland . Elrick; Elmvaie. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Jamieson; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and children of Preston. with Mr. and Mrs. M. Howarth: Mr. and Mrs. Jae. -Davenport of Toronto and Mr. Shaunessy-of Milton, at Wm. Davenport's; Mr. and Mrs. Tyrer and Miss Alma. at.Dr.'Tyrer's: Miss Annie Tudhope, Toronto, at J. Morrison's. ur... a .r1-`I.. noun` `M'm: `D 'Dnrnh1g grg ".|.'uLU1Upl:, Lutuuuu, me u. .v.~......--- F Mrs. S. `Cole and Mrs. R. Rumble are on the sick list. ' ' ' ' The Penetang road is still passable for cars which were very much in evi- dence d_u1*1ng the past `week, traffic lbelng quite heav . um... `nmamnn .111}: of st. Andrew's being quite new ` The Dramatic lub `of St. Church -held their annual supper and ' play Monday night. It was largely at- ltended. Elliott's Hall being filled to capacity. The. play. entitled Cyclone Sally" was very much enjoyed judg- 'ixig by `the applause given by the crowd. It was directed by Jack Mur- phy. Those -taking part were Mrs. E, .J. McDonald. Miss E. Reid, Miss L. Chaptman,lMrs. E. R. Scott. Mrs. E. J. Mcciung. E. J.` Mcclung. E. Turner. `G. Reid and Thos. Dawea, Jr. ---M- ......4.A.-. t`Ih.nhsrrnn- uyg-[g U : I`e1u tlllu Luua. uuvvvu; us: A very pretty Christmas wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and ;Mrs. D. Jamieson, at noon, Monday. _Dec. 26, when Miss Alice Jamieson. their youngest daughter. was united in v marriage to Mr._ Delbert Beacock. eld- est son or Mr. and Mrs. Beaoook of 3 Port Perry. Ont.` Rev. John Gibson per- * formed the ceremony. After 9. sumptu- ous dinner the happy couple left on the afternoon train for Toronto and other -points.7'They will reside at Port Dnvvrv ` U IJIUI. Perry.` , Q'I` UV IIIFII vruuuvu vu--uuwv Word was received Monday agor- noon of.'.the death of Mrs". Walter Jam- The Regular Bnptist_Church ` at 5:; nnmnmnm 'l` I I\I?.&I$I Orin -cw. -.w--._ CUAPPERTON ST. Rev. .E. J. Whan. Pastor. Mu. Edith Rowe. Organist. . Ina Margaret Sinclair. Chou-loulor Sunday, Jnntuuryvl, 1928. NEW YEAR MESSAGES 11 a.m.-How Time is Beck-` oned. . . -' 0 -ma D3-Ida Qnd-Inn` Death of Mn. Walter Jamluon --A-_ __-_.l-.-: IRA:-an) n' pi}? liie ion. dIIy bli- is in good ut. men." . 3 p.m.-Bib1e School. p.m.--A "Safe Beginning. `STRANGERS WELCOME '4 "*`U5DAi+E- W.` R.i Reerian. ` I the holiday with their parents, Mr.` Miss Hazel Tuck and" Cecil sperit `. and Mrs. A. J. Tuck. . _ Robert Fricker and two children of Swallwell, Alta., were Yuletide guests at W. A. Lowe : `C I I ( Mn `and M1`: Ween!` .nr*Inian n? I and `Mrs. Waite of Winnipeg! are visiting friends in town. i '_AunA hnnlak .R`IhI {gin hi.` I20 Vlllnt xrwnua un uuwu. Lo:-no Stranaghan, Blake St., hll cone to Palermo for the winter. Min Mnvvv nsnv nf 'l"m-nntn snant. nuuse at. - ; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stephens of- Toronto were at R. A. Stephens `for Chriatmee. L ` ~ 1:... T 1'... u..-:-... -3 us-.. 1xrm:.....` 3118353 Ia); vv. :1. uuwua, . 1 Mr. `and Mrs. Fred Sarjeant of Chatham. 0nt., were Christmas vis-i itors with their parents. V` . Mu. I` (insane: `nan uni-Hung!` II)\1\`\ 1. 5 PERSONAL` E Blake St. ` uurxsumaa I6 1161' uumu an nuns av. H. Campbell. of Huntsville is via-, iting A his cousin, Mrs. Strangham; ulldlnc Emu I'll A UIl1'WFlIIHBo Mrs; Jos. Manion of Fort William} has been visiting here sister, Mrs.| W. E0 - ' ' Frederick Jackson and daughter, of Toronto. are visitors at the home of W. R. Keenan, .- `'I__ B...` mung`: -en`- (`A4i:` -nn IUUTB W10 EH61!` pGl"lI|vo V Mrs. C. Gracey has returned from} `'Toronto` after spending a few weeks with "her niece, yrs. H. Pyburn. c `Ila -_A IA`-m 'IIn1',qnuu\n1-In nnA' "`i`&r.";a3`& . i':`.`T1'uc`'au`g i.i a`.na familyof Hillsdals `agent Christmas- I` tide with the formers mother. Mrs. ` Walter Clarke. .C. McLaughlin of 1 Antenv Mills was also a- visitor there. Tnnludnd in Christmas visitors to ` f . . PLIIHUIF &VI.lIl3 W53 I331 G VIDIUUI IIIIULVO Included in" Christmas visitors to their homes here: Reg. Blackstock from Guelph, Harry and Percy Hob-I ley from Detroit, Geo. Powell from Montreal, Miss Margaret Wallace, North Bay; Miss Marjorie Creswicke, Miss Vivienne Jeffs, Miss Ruth Sar- jeant, Miss Wanda and Ralph Bow- man, Miss Stella McBride, Harry, Shannon, Francis Moran. Donaldl MacLaren, Miss Tanis MacLaren, Russell Raine.v. Harold Smith, Miss` Helen Ross, Miss Jean Cowan, Ross` Cowan. Kenneth Walls. Harvey Mer-. rick. Harold Sprott, B. .Devlin, all` of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Milbee, Owen. St., are away on an extended visit. They ate their Christmas dinner with their three children at the home ofi I- _-.. 1-s.. ..'L.|. -; a..n:....... nu- B IO ruuuuv Luz` uuu vuuuvu ' 1133 Mary Daley of Toronto spent Chgiatmaa at her home in Ross 51:. . __..sL-1I AC Eunstnn 3: vl_ IUIIUIIC DIIIUU UHIIULUII Clo VIII: IIUILIC VI.` A son. Dr. Robt, at Sullivan, Wis. Dr. Hans Milbee and a married daughter came from Chicago for the happy occasion. Despite their ad- vanced age,-'both being in the neigh- borhood of 80. Mr. and Mrs. Milbeel started on their long journey in high = spirits and with every intention of enjoying their holiday to the `full. Stons were made with relatives at, Walkerville and Chicago en route; to Sullivan, which is near Milwaukee. I Junions LOSE TWO | Although the mild weather has put , a crimp in oractices. Barrie Coltsi `already have two names under their belts which-. should serve them in. road stead `for the junior 0. H. A." opener here with Parry Sound on January 9. They were beaten both game. but the 10-1 more at New~. market in Bradford last Friday is` not representative of the play. ow- ing to the locals weakness in goal, while +hev did well to snow ve goals against the experienced Stayner in- termediates seven counters, but the` wbelakness in goal was again notice- a e. | uuuwuvu 7 . __ .____. _ A considerable amot of corres-- pondence which was somewhat late in arriving is unavoidably held over . till -ntt week, Dec. 28--I-Iovey Adams of Toronto. and Miss Gertie or Orlllla spent over the holiday with their parents. M. an!` `Mr: Aikin nf Pet:-olea. Christmas 'w1m A. 1'. arm ;v.u'a. mu-..~=.~ Mrs. Spence of Ivy spent Christmas Day with her mother, Mrs. A. Palk. Mr. Turner and family spent Monday with Mr. Turner's daughter, Mrs. 'He- of Craighurst. -um... Mnhnl Dari-ridm`-I. at Dunnville }2;:;.._."