Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1927, p. 12

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h I I W G A n A n 4.- _EOST-A `black wallet contain bout forty .dollars. Would finder return . an`d" receive reward. 922F or inquire at W. Bradley's -I Shop. ' I M -..--.. DOST--Essex .comblna-tlon stop and tail light. between Orlllla and Cooks- town. Fin 1- please leave at Bryson Garage. R ard. 47b - --r STRAYED-1nto my pasture, white hei-. fer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. J. W. Ferris. Cundles. A-1 .m.. I yxupurby ana DE Cundles. ........ u.L.:.u-a..l.'J:4.I.l to ma bayrleld Street.` Owner may have same by proving pro- perty and- paying for this advt. 47p mucus . --1_ . --r . DOG STRAY-ED to 103 Bayeld Street. s_am_e_1;y pro- vscuslwp (`Int J - - --! GOLD BROOCH set wit 'Tuesdav Pvnninxr ma.-.,:.... 1-: f'G-`OLD with pearl-: *Tuesday evening. Finder kindly : to -Examiner Office. - - ___._______._______..._.__. FARM FOR SA'LE--Lot 1,, con. 4, In- nisl, 100 acres good clay `loam. Bank barn, good stabling, water piped In from well. with new windmill; imple- 'ment house and hog pen; orchard: good frame house; on main road be-; tween Cookstown and Barrie, two miles south of Thornton: church and scho'o.l convenient. Price right for immediate` 343.1% ikpply to A. J. Mason, Thornton R. . .- - _45-50;)` ` ____-__ .. wuxca wut-:'cLL, 6- acres alfalfaand 8 `acres alsike. Ploughing done. Easy terms. AApp1y to Sylvester Reynoadsj Thornton R. R. `1. 45-50p IAr\xr -\.. ----/ HUNDRED ACRE `FA-RM fo sale at` lot; 6, con.. 9, Innisl, good. uildings. 35 acres wheat, 8. acres alfalfaand Plouzhing nnn ~mm--- FARM FOR SALE at 101 O.S., Flos, 100 acres first good buildings, plenty of to school and church. Applg x9nings, -Box 52, Phelpstor .. ......u 2 un43AuI'4'--1UU acres in sp1en- [ dldvcondition, two miles from village of Cookstown. Would sell as going concern or separate. Apply F. Clark-_` son. Cookstown. ' .28tbl run`.-- __ ;.--4-;.u.Lu run uA14:1.`_--1-Ialf a. mile \ of Ivy, good buildings, never fa.-i we'll. Apply to Mrs. W. J. McLean, and Thornton Telephone. 47- `> Il`l$-I.` did v A! t F`.A'RM FOR SALE_--Ha1f goo(_i lggildings, fa 'IPl'\C`l A -- -~ ` M _' `V . sAIJE-100 n, mile from villa:-A ARM FOR dl_d av-1IU FOR SALE IN BARRIE eight acres of market garden. house, barn and out- buildings. Poultx-yman's~ opportunity. Apply to Box E," Examiner. 45-47b ___________, .r\.'U'UJ.V1 `DU LET to schqol ladies, reasonable rate for. all conveniences. Apply '98 ( or write Box 671, `Barrie. Piiflclnnukin ..... \. ruurc comrortable rooms e for housekeep1ng. Ap-' ply to 59 Park St. or ph I ..__..5____-__.. I one 963J. 47p - REASONABLE BOARD given to lady return for company in evenings. Phone 1455. - 47p -- l THREE OR FOUR comfortable rgoms to let, suitable Ap-' hlu fn :0 'r3-`-`- "" ;.u...uu-1.-.---uolne to 52 McDonald St. for plain` and fancy -hosiery. match your. hockey outt, etc. / We refoot your old ones. A good stock of yarns to choose j from. All sizes socks and stockings` -in stock. .1. Platt Rose. ' 45-50p` 1 . HOSIERY--Come to 52 main` and fnhnv .1..m.I.... GET JARVIS SPECIAL--6 orangesiorl 3 grapefruit, 5 `lb; beets or carrots. 1 cabbage or 2 -t_urnips, 1_celery, 1 bas-`I! ket of cooking apples, 5 lbs. onions. -the lot for` one dollar. H. A. JarvIs.g open until 11 Vp.m. 47b ` _______________,, - QET JARVIS ` D`l"nV\nPn1u6- E .r:..l.\.1.`.l.tJ1J1!4'D' 1"U.l`C' SALE, Q with Water front, kitchen chen table, gas water. hl baby carriage, white baby in good condition. Apply or telehone 1011J. r _' -Iv V. . BLA-CKSM`I'T`H SHOP and house in the village of Ivy, good farming` local- ity; no opposition. Mrs. \V. J. McLean. Ivy. _ . _.._______...___.______....___ LARGE GARDEN FOR SALE with raspberries and strawberries, centrally loczited. Apply 37 Grove St., or phone 148 . _ . 43-47b .47-49xp * ARTICLES FOR with Wafnr .......+ v I . -' v-v FOR SALE-4 square pianos, `I-Ieintz-.l man & 00., Decker Bros., Vose & Co. I A v-.---..._ _.-. WOOD FOR SALE-12 and 16 inch Hardwood, $10.00` a load. Softwood slabs. 2 cords $12.00. Hardwood. 4 ft. long, $9.00 a cord. Pgone 257W. W. H. atton & Sons. ` stock. Phone 11680 . ' V 47-529 ` I , _ | . PLAYER PIANO FOR SAIJE, Walnut 3 case. stool and about 11 rolls. Sacrice A for quick sale. Terms it desired. 1111- 1` ply W. H. Taylor, Shanty Bay. 47-.48p. ' - I _'_ TIVt\t\U\ -A- `- saie; size 38; would make good driv- ing coat; in good condition. Apply at Examiner Office. . 47b` T FOR 08.88. stool and nhnn.o- 11` . nypty Arcme ME 2, phone 606r31. c `load. $8.00 a load, also 4 ft. hardwood. Apply Archie MacDougall, Barrie RR. 4`~`"` sun wu.us--Lady's sand colored sult.V size 36. also grey Vfox fur; will sell gheap for $10.00. Apply 51 -Sanfgrd t_ - | . 7p :2 6-R~0*O1\;ED COTTAGE for sale. Ap- ply 26 Caroline St., AIla.nd'ale. 43-47b __________________________ v-gv . .-.....-..._ __- .L'u1`\. an-um-une hand, T. Eaton cut- ` ting box, neariy new, will sell for half" price. Apply 60 Penetang St. 4 7D : ffvvixv A ;u-- ----'- aI I UlJ HARDWOOD FOR SALE 17$ either,-1 ft. lengths or box-load cut. Jas. Mc-. ,Fadden, phone 1340. L M- uuu run SAL and cordwood; 4-f `Geo. Gzfagey, phon ..v-- In wuss ulrDo lLU'l ' Faddezi, pnozig 1346. up WOOD FOR SALE---`Hardwood slabs cordwood: 4-ft or our nnxy .:.,....n. A PI-ANO FOR SALE, In` excellent com` ditlon. Apply 5 Cumberland St., or 'phone 53oF. . M '-iltfb ____ ___,,, ' ' " IDELIVERY WAGON AND HORSE for sale; also light sleighs; pride rea- sonable. Phgne 164. 47-4813 __________ SALE, ditlon_ Annhi K nn.....I.. `.2-------2-1 BRIVC-K 'H.`~OUSE for John Saso. Lost and F oh; Rooms and Board Farms For Sale -- -vs- ucxulr-11dl'uWO0Q Slabs 4-ft or cut any `length, Gzfacey, phone 544. V 47b. .., -...v..uu,.s;, .|.LAuauu1e.' '. 1, 1927, one red and teer. Owner can have property and paying > 46-47b I _ containing a- 5. Would findnr rnnuo ~------ ) IALE lot 49-, con. 2,; class land,` Dlentv Of Vrnfnn oh-\..).] vvauut. uuntaxmng` Would please Ive reward D?-mm Lures nrs; class Ian ,iL plenty water, cl'ose= urch. Apply Wm. Cum-I Phelpston, R.R. No. ~ A0,,A_ .... -. 3.. my U1. 3 for. company, Collier St. 1, , '47-48p` ___._______._.. FARM .FOR RENT-200 V Township, Lot 10, Con. 4, ent house, furnace, bank ` water, good stock farm. Hindle, RR. 1. Cookstown Davidson, 420 Federal B1 Ontario. _ _ ' .. cnum, uueoec range, At, cabinet. kit- ; heater, Lloyd.` white babv slnigh An! u.l.~a.y puuets. -----_j_:____Z_Z__j ' ' SALE. Quebec range "ph" " 739J- . , kitchen cahinaf his-_' """"'--- ner. heater, Lloyd.` ; sleigh. All 4 .ppIyT 9 Dalton St. . 47-48p '*` ________._ . `pearl-s, 'lost `in (1117 rnfnan _---------u-----:- T McDonald ]`V. 7719 fh vvruuu. d, T. Eaton" cut-` will an]! n- `\nlC< '1' please Phone : Barber 47p. a. W. 47-49D nu, |U'Io return 47p _ -.. .. FOR RENT-Fr0nt and rear office space, steam heated. suitable for busi- ness or profession; good dry.stora.ge alsxo available. Central location. King Block. P. 0. Square. Apply H. E. Jory, Barrie. _ ' 44-49b .u.. .LV U. 42-47p 4 -.___-u I ' failing FURS ALTERED and repair: Shoe Store. Miss .. :u1u.i=uI'I: l'Ul1iTlMbBER ' '. y V W_"' ~---I .....:... `Te ders w . e rece ved y the un- dersigned [up to and Including Satur- THE NEW POLICY day, Dec.~t3, 1927, tor all timber suit-" A revelation in Life Insurance, able for manufacture ott lumber and 1;}; hi gle on north east` quarter of I t e industrial Earning Power pol- s n S - . O I I I I O - '22. `concession 9, township of Flos. :33," 13 5gn1s:wle:blnd1Pes:1ri1:3n m:,1rr Highest or any other tender not nec- d A 25 24p A kl e essarlly accepted. Signed S.~ D. Cotton, q 9 3 '. wee V f_1' John Kidd, Executors of late Jno.Ki`dd $1000- L0nd0n Life Insurance Co: estate. ' , 47;-_18Fb 47;}; l, .59 155-13- 45-50p -:-uj I v- anaw Hans. for` Day, Evening, or Home Study ` Courses _ is` easy and effective. Individual instruction is the key note to good results. Enter any time. W. R. Shaw, Registrar, .Bay and Charles, Toronto. . i l. V15. ' uunur au_1a.u' men nave notice. [ Dated at Allis'ton this 8th day of November, 1927. ' I NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, LTD., ' _20 King St. East, Toronto, Ontario, . Administrator. By BELL &--McLEAN, Alliston, 0nt.. 45-47b. Their Solicitors herein. A '_SCH_00L %`;::t`. .......u. 1.1.. A. da.l`V1E i open tintiiil-1 p.m. ' 471 1 --------h-------------------- _____._____.___.__.._.___ NOTICE TO CREDITORS- -3 In the Estate of I-lenry Duncan Jamie- '7~ROOMED HOUSE FOR `Solid brick; all conveniences condition: also new garage; kitchen. Apply telephone 500. " ` V _ __ ____ _ V "l`la`JllUD uynerian Iunurch of that town, Henry Jamie- Ratepayers of Barrie may at the I so", Deceased forthcoming e1e'Cti0nS, ` `I All persons having claims against `Vte 0 3- bylaw 130 Purchase the 35- " the estate of Henry Duncan Jamieson, Sets Of the Barrie Gas C0-"f01` $15- ' late of (Barrie, deceased, who died on 000. The officials of the .company ` or about .the 29th day of September. from Toronto are in town today and tlii7'u:her}i:gh' Ii 33 `Vila meet the Finance Committee 17` 1 1: art tn` 1: J , '3 t ' igzgfefuilepartliriars dffy tgeir %'i:3ii.' A,summnS Sent from Trnt to Immediately" after said fteenth day of Barrie to be served for a breach of January, 1928, the assets of the testa.- `the Highway Traffic Act has disclos- `tor W111 be distributed amongst the ed the fact that the markers belong. trator shall then have notice. i Dated at Anidfnn +-1.1.. on- -1--- ~- - ! moderate, r t _Shopoff, 48 Louisa St., phone 4 eduction for two. ' ~ 95W. 51p g\.u..|.u.LD1.`V11-lb" r-ru1;s1a`NTS. Make them at `home. Classes arranged in basket- .; r,v, town or country; 8 lessons for $12. Vi H.`A. Jarvis,_ open until 11 p.m. 47b; ' _ ' are good. "So is Egg-O, the mash which A works magic with hens. Ask those who . ave `tried it. Prepared by Jarvis, The Pou1tryman s Friend. _H. A. Jarvis. until ;11 ` e 47b ? h V , .__ --- V I. - FARM'ERS who wish salt or mole 3 by the barrel, let me know; as I II to get car of each. H. A. Jarvis, : -_ until 11 p.m. _ :_ BLATCHFORD`S EGG MASH, .0-Pen and nt'hnr- .mw...m....:-. Dance, Banc/guets, Card Parties , and Conventions. Kitchen and First-Class Con- veniences. Piano and Tables. un.-__ 1%?-- . CHEISTMAS PRESENTS. `fjln rDI`VIl)'\npt\$I ~ TO R'EN'I`--Suite of keeping rooms. all vailable December 1. Inez` Office. __ ;_.,.| , repaired. Overi ,I-Iurlburt s Store. Mina M an I ' CIRCULAR SAW for `Fadden, phone 1340. ~ $5.000"TO LET on auh-A J` 1:. *r.m.a... Ia collie, one year old, {also brand new do; .254 or phone 1395. : I FOR SA'LE--F1rst(1 nalf a4 13......:. L; ;.- \JJ.\: at-l.'J.1.lJ-`.'J."xIl( I I pox] RENT --- TENDERS FOR TIMBER nders will hn rnrlnivn 1... LL. : 'Z11 `FOR SALE-Two Scotch Short} bull calves and four Shropshire `: lanqbs; choice stuff. Pure bred Ba] Rock cockerels, price $1.50. N. Clarke, Thornton. ` A 46- :Z SMA-LL FURNISI-IE-D` HOUSE rent. 6 rooms. hot wmpv 1~..mn..,.. .. 3' Hr FOR SALE--Number of bred-to-lay,| ; one year old Rock pullets and a few _ May puvllets. Harry Ottaway, Peel St... _'/phone 739J. ' 49-4%` a.uuuI. on uos.; also some bred-to-lay [white Wyandotte pul-lets. For quick `sale. Apply to Elwood Bone, Tho:-nto-n -or_ Ivy. telephone. . . 47b, -j* -_-:- 1. I 3! ' I DU'R`I-IAM cow. freshen Dec. Robt. Wilson, phone 420. . '*:'. . `SIX PIGS, about 125 lbs.; seven pigs; about 65 lbs.; also _VV}1ite nul-lets. For rmir-1 Odd" eow; .- I!-_ I 2-L- . _.,l I t ' REGTSTERE SH~R'0PS-I-HRE RAM. . , two years 0 d, for sale `or exchange. _ itpply S. Mcsherry, Thornton R,R. No.` . 4.6-47D `\J UJ.'.l.J.lJ 1S'11.I9U-1'0-LAY WT11't8 _ dotte roosters; also some geese. ' Caldwel-l, Shanty Bay, or. tel 325. '0rn. uauuweu, 325, '0ro. .,...n-uu nu:s.\'=1:s1-113-1) HOUSE -to rooms, hot water heating`, cen~ trally -located, rent reasonable. Apply to Box B, Examiner Office. 47h weight about 115 -lbs. Wm. M. Camp-. bell, Shanty Bay, nhone 910 nm uni wuxsul. auout 115 Shanty Bay, I --11-.--.-.------- ;utLtE1`J DUN .SA'LE, 8 driver. Apply to R. Idale, or phone 634r5. - ` V " `v I TWO `WELL `BR-ED COCKERELS for. sale. one Barred Rock and one White Rock. Phone 997_J. - 47p` Z'._.'...`..`:'."`("'-"""-"""""-'_"' _----_.----T MARE FOR . SALE driver. Annhr 4.. B PIGS FOR SALE, two months~.old. A; ` 1 Eight ixew ply J. McKee, carner of Duckwor-th ing gunpplfd and Steele Sts. _ 47p Dominion G . V Goon. YOUNG HORSE FQR SALE:| Jebbv the `will exchange for fresh cows; Apply J. t0 DUDIOP 5` Ijawthorne, 3r13. j 47b_tel, Barrie.` ....n.;;uu-.1o neaa or year] `year-old cattle for sale. V; .Edgar. ' PIGS months~old. Y H._J. McKee. nnrnnr n9 n....1--- , V `YOUNG sow` for sale, due Apply Mel. Hastings, Guthrie. ` __.__________.____ ____________ . CATTLE-'15 - head `veamnm r-;.++1.. 4:-.. - uuuy xuuuteu, rent Office. . ..._.._._.-.-..--.-.---..----- vvvuoaul uA1-slow-ner by man, wiube sold by auctio r1dge`s. paint shop, Dec 2, $76.50 `against car.VW. A. Auctioneer. ,q..u-e xarger one pig John Saso. WOLSELY CAR owner man. Will hn amid 1-. nu- .._____._____.__._.__._._'... I "SA.-LE--.'1`horoughbred Scotch ` one year o-Id. gnnd rm em... ....-. Miscellaneous Live Stock For Sale ' LET farm property. En-E Irwin, 78 Dunlop St., Bar- A9_Al'I.\ |.cuna`A1V, Aulston, Solicitors herein `work under the Show Plans. for .. 1.1.... as.- TO L`E'I`-7-noomed bnck house, 205 Bradford St. All conveniences includ- ing gas. Immediate possession. Phone 29. mu, gooa IO!` farm use; I dog kenne_1. Apply box 395. ' 47b r ` uuA.vAu.ud.l. J.`erm Madame t., 495W. 51p _..-_----.-.-.___-_- _ I molasses k.nnw. an `r n.x...1. ms. wm. M. Camp. .1 phone 910 Oro. 47p] .________ run`... __ _____, -C - As --. .. v. assuzuanc Enow; Wish open 47b ! _ ---------s B. 8 years old, good Grinaton; Allan- n5- \ A'Iuu under ' Plans. ne I Enter uiy Regiatrar, 1 to. - i_""""`_..._... - _----:--:-j-----n of yearling arid 2- sale. V`, D Qlnaann 5 for `Dale cu vvuuueu unaerwear 101` T` men, at Stephens 47b N . 25. Jebb the watchmake h rs. Guthrie. (W 47h to Dun,lnn R1-. any-.-.:+..r}\....E-E-id . V SIX-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE for rent. all conveniences, newly decor- ated, reasonable rent. Phone `174F. 47b :'_'I"'_"':""'-""""`-""""""" nun. u_y \Jn neuu-` auction at Part-V-; Dan 9 '91- 1n 4...... ; in Ho =11 ;-`L ::j1--2-j by 0. Read-- U `finn of `Do nt- cu. U_VUl' I M. Mc- 36tf-c. 5 M11115 auu -'1 . if. R. Slessor. 47b l vault GI. ru`l.- ' `at 10 am! L. McCo nl:e7y; .LV. JJ. 46-51p _ BRICK BU'N"GALOW at St., for rent or sale. Pho .. um w. `u. 1'. Inompson, Pene- tang St., is manager, came first in the group of stores doing the same [business in the contest put on to mark the opening of the 500th, _` Dominion =Store.`~ The Cobourg store` 3 showed the greatest increase of `busi- \ ness for the week.` , - The breaking into of Barrie Bowl- . ing Club clubhouse on Oct. 31 . (Hallowe en) last, when four dozen teaspoons, several pair of canvas shoes and other articles were stolen, was cleaned up last night by the ap- prehension of four. local boys, aged ten to. fourteen. The loot was found in the homes. The boys will appear lin` juvenile co rt next week. . ~/ L V15 4715 . _ r_-......... \.;uuca WU{.'e WOH by iVernon Hook, men s rst; Ernie Munroe, men s second; Mrs. Andrew Corbett, ladies rst and Miss Reta O'Connor, ladies second. John Mackay won the consolation. ` j The Cobourg Branch-of the Dom- ginion Store_s of vghighjames Thoma- , ua.u.`1e to be served for - the Traffi fed markers ' ed to a -car burned to its chassis last ' July at the gravel pit on Burton . Avenue, near the C. N. R. Hamilton ' tracks. The markers were apparent- ly removed and sold. ' The Loyal True Blues held a very successful euchre in the Orange Hall, Monday evening. About 130 ;were present. \ Prizes were won by first; An - (`.m-I-mi-+ lam..- 4..-; -- - "- D u 1.. 1. groups will go to Orillia on 3 Friday, along with representatives ;, from every part of Simcoe County, xfor the interdenominational confer- ' fence which is -being held in the Pres- byterian `Church fl`? `Romans;-:1` .4.-- , n .1 . ,. ---vv. u. uunter of Hunter's rt-Clothing -Store was in Toronto this ' week looking up bargains `for- *_';Hunter s Bargain Carnival and he 3 got them. Come and see. 471) . \--Another shipment of that large npea So1vay Coke just received, vlsame price, only $11.00 ton. Nut 'L`and Egg `Solvay $13.00 ton. More heat and. least ashes with Solvay. Sold only `by the Sarjeant Co. 47b ; .`.Ceci1 R. Livingston has been ap- -pointed local agent for the cele'brat- I ed De Forest !Crosley radio. Show- - room at Livingston s.Garage. Phone ` 291. He will :be glad to explain the merits of these radios. See his advt. in this issue. About fty members of Barrie C. G. I. T. groups will t Friday. alomr mm. .. ..... ....J.-1_3,, I` glwas in Barrie on Monday,-advising ;_ with the Hunter Clothing Store p about their Bargain `Carnival, which has literally taken the _country by h storm. (advt.) - _ 47b _| -Still a great number of used De ; ForestJCrosley sets coming in which :, we have replaced by C. G. E. 1 Bjatteryless sets. A real bargain a- .waits you. See Barrie Radio & Elec- `trio Co. before buying. 47'b _ . B. C. I. `basketball teams broke ..even at Orillia last .Qn+u...a.... n.- '4a*I`f$` fit-Z- FOR RENT--5-room cottage at C dles, half acre ground, garage.-App]: 94 Clapperto-n St. Phone 778. 44- : I V ---Have you tried our Black K Beauty Cannel? It s the best yet! 1 We have fuel for every re--coal > or wood. [Phone us or call-at our `yard, The Sarjeant Co. 47b { -B. W. Hunter of Newmarket I Was on Mnm1m,_ ...:..:_.e__ 3 `aauslllby DIIUIJIJB. ...,.. wwuszup nau, Midhurst, Dec. 9. ' --Xr_nas Gifts-Hosiery, lingerie. Phone 349 and we will call_ with samples, Nu-bone made-to-measure corsets and accessories. Marie's -Beauty Shoppe. 471) 3 for everv r-n_.m--1 uuu. vvm. r`1n1ays `the speakers at th new township hall, I __ TYIon I`|:.L';._ .uecemDer 1, 2, and 3. '`47b I -Eightv-one students and ex-stud- ents will receive graduation diplom- `as at the B. C. I. on Friday, Dec. 2. 1 Dozens of pretty Christmas Gifts boxed ready for mailing at Trinity Parish Aid Sale on Friday, Novem- ber 25. 46-47b. I -Batteries charged, 50 cents, 'rental sunnlind Wn n#m- ----'-'- -Men s Mackinaws, feather-lined ';coats at `Stephens ` 471) E` --Meet your friends at. Central . United Bazaar, Friday, December 2 -~ 47-48b l --Red woollen underwear T for -men. at .q+....~........o u-L . <'v"jV"" . ! ; 8c per word; minimum 500 i "W"-'9 we watcnmaker, has moved D`m10_P 513-. opposite Queen's Ho- L Barne. Ac An- , -- uu ocl. U1. 1V eWmarKet 'r1e argain rim-m'm.1 ...1.:-a. u-uuu.v.l.l141J uuusb: on Bradfo to let. All conveniences. Apply Bradford St. or phone 420. } :..LuuI.t:1' uxotnmg Store V taken H19 nnn-ah... .L-- u.yoU.|l W111 'De CWO Of the opening of the :1], Miqhurst, Pee. _9. .--I-Tnalnrtr 1.-..-.- ..u. u, cun. z, aunnidale-'-fa"rm st _ and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. A, Mcconkey, Auct. 1 Friday, Dec. 9-Mrs. John Muir. 19, con. 12, Vespra-farm stock , implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. Mcconkey, Auct. '~" ............,, unuv. zo-- Auction sale of ye Bar-r & Twiss hardware stock; 8 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, auctioneer. Monday, Nov. 28--Wm. H. Hall, at lot 14, con. 4, Inni-sfi1-farm stock, im- plements and household furniture. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. Tuesday, Nov. 29-Mrs. `James Maw. at south yglot 18, con. 1, Flos-farm stock and implements. Sale at I p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, auctioneer. Wednesday, Nov. 30--Mrs. Cyrus Smith , at lot 6, con. 4, Innisl-fa.rm stock 1 and implements. Sale at 1 pm W A. 'McConkey, auctioneer. Thursday, Dec. 1st--H. J. Marquis, a south 15 lot 14, con. 6, Innisfil (7th line)-Auction sale of standing tim- ber. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, . Auct. ` _ v - Friday, Dec! 2-Mrs. W. J. McLean. at lot 21, con. 8, `Essa--farm property, tarm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. A. Mcconkey, Auct. ' Monday,__ Dec. 5-Jas. Brumby, at lot Conkey, Auct.. ' ' Tuesday, Dec. 6--H. M. Parr, at. West 1A, lot 37, con. 1, Vespra-fa.rm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. Wednesday, Dec. 7-Chas. north 15 lot 10, on. 4, Innisfi1--farm stock and imple nts. Sale at I p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. Thursday, Dec. 8--Felix/ Desjardine. Jot 17, con. 2, Sunnidale-- fa1'rm stock and Sale at 1 nm r -1`:-v I IUIV OI Saturday, Nov. 26, stock at Martin's yards. 1 p. Conkey, auctioneer. Saturday, Nov. 26- Au Barr .9, 'l`mI..- I-A--1--~4 , , . . _ :5 sicmness. 4713 `Mrs. S. Webber and family wish to extend their thanks to the many * 47p The family of the Ia-te Archibald, Liv- ingstone, El-mvale, wish to express ' theirnthanks and deep appreciation to their many friends -for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement, also for ora} -tributes. n 47:: menet. Mr. and Mrs. Lo thank their friends kindness shown dur ,] un G T`l"r-.LL- ` mpa- helr recent sad bereave- ' 47p rne Handy wish to and neighbors tor v- -QC` We Wish to thank all those ` dered sympathy `and help in 01 bereavement:-`Wife and famil late Alexander Speirs. Mr. and Mre r U 1'-1---- Lay thou thy head upon thy Saviour : breast, We `loved. thee much, you best. Goodnight, until the day breaks and shadows flee away. 47b -Sadly missed by Family _. but Jesus loved - - .~.no . 777 `v. `I McD`O*NAG?H---In fond and loving memory of our dear mother. Ellen Burton McDonagh, who passed away Nov. 22, 1924, also our dear father, who passed aw April 7, 1911. Sleep on, dear parehtsftake your need- V ' ed rest, R 47cb -u.|.uJ.ut-LB 1'.l`J11.--1'11 l0Vil`lg' memory Of Mrs. `W. T. McMaster, who -passed away Nov. `29, 1926. No earthly clinging-';'no lingering gaze; No strife at parting; no sore amaze; But sweetly, gently she passed away From the world's dim twilight to end- less day. 47011 -Y----4*-i` ` '- iZZ?Z-;V -McMAS'1`ER-In loving Mclfastnr, Ivhn _nn=-A .... __- v.4 -avan:uI.AnAL15 LU 1'ClllClllUeI'. He bade no one a last farewell, He said goodbye to none, - The pearly gates were opened wide, And a. loving voice said Come. _ &__n;I1.- -.!.....-.1 I__, vs... - ..__.__.________..._...___.____ K-NAPP-In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Wm. J. Knapp, who was taken away Nov. 27, 1918. He did not fail to do his best, His heart was true and .tender, His earnest thoughtsfor those he left, Is surely something to remember. `II; had. .. --- - -~71 - -- GRAHAM--In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Barbara Graham. who died November 27, 1926. Deep in our hear-ts lives a picture, Of our dear mother laid to rest, As we loved her so we miss her, In our memory she is ever dear. T A-.ol._..`I_- _.-.-4 _" I - _-_ -...- .........,._, ouc no cvul. ucar. --Lovlngly remembered by her Family. `-.-:,--'-----------'--- __--.. .. .vv.-5 vuauc acuu. \/Ullle." x-Sad1y missed by_Wife and Children DON'ALDSON-In sad and loving memory of Mrs. Jane Donaldson who departed-this life Dec. 21, 1919.? All is sad within my memory, Lonely is my heart today, For my mother, blessed mother, "Has forever passed away.` As... .. -- 47P HOUSE TO RENT, 16 ply at 42 Burton Ave. ._._____.________ ' CA.RSON--In loving remembrance of` our dear mother, Susan Carson, who passed away November 23, 1926. This day brings back sad memories, Of our mother gone -to rest, And those who think of her today Are those whoeloved her best. AH..- !r _ ,, . a on .. Eipc CAIRSON--In ti; Royal `Victoria Hos- pital, Barrie, on Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1927, Anne Jane Carson, wife of Fred r_ J. Carson, `aged 59 years. Funeral will be held on Saturday, Nov. 26. at 1.30 -p.m.,A from, the family resi- dence,` lot 17, con. 6, Vespra, to Bar- rie Union cemetery. I-IAN*DY-At Minesing, Thursday, Nov. V 17. 1927, Florence June Handy, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Handy, aged one year, seven months. NESBITT--`In Lefroy. on Thursday. Nov. 17, Sophia-Lukes, widow oi, the late Henry R. Nesbitt, in her 85th 4 YGEI`. SP'EIRS-At lot 25. con. 3, F105, on ; Nov. 14, 1927, Alexander Speirs, in ~ his 73rd year. - __ CARDS or THANKS Tn mini. 4.. u. SNEATH--IB'A I`ES--0n Tuesday, Nov. lat. at St. -Paul's Anglican Church, Vancouver, B.C., by the Rev. Harold G. King, Rector, Alma E., youngest daughter of Mrs. Bates and the late Arthur `Bates, to George H. Sneath, son of Mrs. Sneath, Regina, and the late Geo. E. Sneath,' of Midhurst, Ont. HARVEY--on Friday, -Nov: 18, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Harvey (nee Olive V. Lee) or Woodstock, Ont., a. son ' ('W1`l11a.m~ Lee). TMcPHERSON-At Western 7 Hospital, Toronto. to Mr. and Mrs. Stan-ley McPherson (nee Ida G. Canning), 1362 Davenport Rd., a daughter- IN MEMORIAM - `JTI stockers and ards. `in m `V A ---------_.-------- ' APARTMENT FOR RENT, and bath. Apply 39. Mary ._____,______________ ---v LAKE SHOR'E`PROPERTY between Orillia and Barrie, a. short distance in block. AHa,s water frontage of one half-mile and a depth of three hundred yards. Bea.ut1t_. u1 sandy_beach and ex- cellent clean grounds. A chance - to double your "money41t taken up 131. med1ately.`ApD1Y to Geo. E. B. Grn- yerp ` ,-vv vv gnu DCII` helja our recent Vife family of the. Sneirs. '"-* _- . -.- ---- wvuuu -Husband and Family `up me neighbors lng their recent be- o in Mr. Hand `s .4 '.' Auction Ivan: _qtnn1.-- 9 - - `Inserted by Family ____________, , _.- _ rah!!! VV leer. E standing . . -farm ments. ey, irumby, ' arm stock and p.m. W. A. Mc- at 'a-fa.rm LS. Alleyne, at I It. 1/ _Desjard1ne. e--fa1rm 1. W. ) rhn lot rm and . W. A._ --I`)'zA1ughter Mary who ten- '11! I`!l\r|r\nnL ewes mr .. :ura_1 47p PART OF HOUSE to rent. Tiffin St. 1925 Star Special Sedan, bal- loon `tires; this car is in good in good condition, balloon tires. `1923 Chevrolet Superior Tour- ing, in good condition. 1923 Star Sedan, 4 brand new tires; this car ' chanically and looks good Studebaker Special Six Tour! shape. 1920 Chevrolet T for cash. Ford Half-ton Truck, ready to drive away, $20.00. McLaughlin Six Special Tail!- inglri I-16,3; good tires; `rune , -,,we . "1919 Ford Sedan, starter and _ good tires; bargain. Body` for Chevrolet Superior Touring,'- lmost like new, complete top, side curtains, / cushions and windshield; bargain at $40.0 . Your present car as part pay- ment; we can arrange term to `suit on balance. - curing; snap 15 Acres of Standing Timber Birch, Poplar and Cedar, in half- acre lots. Purchasers will have un- .til April 1st. 1929, to take off their `bush. Also Ten Cords of Dry Stove Wood. " _ ..ru.uu, ruplal` and CE usha T_en . sauna `I5 ELIZABETH s'r., sum: v... n.------ - ,-_._._ ---u u an Al I cg Van Patter : Ga:-ago Next to Capitol That:-0. USED CARS The undersigned has structions to sell by P1 I _ -__-_- AGENTS--Are you making $25.00 to $50.00 weekly? Some of our salesmen make more selling our hardy acclimat- ed t`~r-uit and ornamentanl trees and plants. We -pay cash weekly. Outfit free. Write today. E. D. Smith & Sons. Limited, Winona, Ont. 46-49`Pb j ` NEXT , nueculons tor the Ontario .Ol Boys Parliament will take place Barrie next Saturday. Arthur Lean, from St. Andrew's, is the o `-1.1: The undersigned has re instructions from AUCTION SALE 0? STANDING TIMBER vin, Audrey Partridge, Bert Fel ry Young, `Bob Parr, Chas. Ran] ford Ralney, Walter Rank, Urry, George`K1ght1ey, Mervyn 1 George Urry. After splendid program of concert n! was given by the following:--C _.-u- - YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a. week in your spare time at home writing show- cards. No canvassing or soliciting. We Instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenitt Co. Ltd.. 66 Dominion Building, 'l`oronto.'9Mtfc o Miss Mary Johnston; Pedi 8-1`. Roy .Kightley; .Mdnistrel, Ray Bishop; Goatherd. John Lavery; Maids of H or, Misses Dorothy Bryson, Phymg Smith and Eileen Armstrong: Pages, Kenneth Chantler, Seymour Johnston, Kenneth Houghton. Appropriate cos` tumes were worn. Those taking par: in the chorus were: Misses Bimba Simmons,` Betty Kightley, June Me Innis, Mildred Kashner, Phyllis Shun: ' lo ton, Ruth Scott, Charlotte Scott, Helen Urry, Ilene Fell, Chrissie Scott, Mar. garet Martin, Velma Chapman, Jean Bebb, Marie McNiven, Dorothy John. son, Stella Caldwell, Yvonne De Ruth Houghon Alice Tuck, Isabel --vvl SUI] very a.uu`a.C1'.lVe music, was well re: dered by the different soloists and t] chorxs. The principal parts we splendidly taken by. the following:- Princess, Miss Jean Webb; Prince, H. ward Guest; King, Wm. a , Gipsy, Miss Jean Lowe; S-heph Pedlar, R: . Kightley; .M'inisvtrel B13110] Hg B Phy Mc Shan -nan. Phvllin Mnmcm... s--1 - , - _ -, `rvnu U, lIIIllIl (SEVENTH LINE) to sell by Public Auction on j C 1-` ..._____ Elections for the OVR, p9rl{onnnM` --5" an A very successful cantata The al Playmate, and concert unde; direction. of Miss Bryson, was , in the Central United .church on 2 day `evening, proceeds in aid of Ce Sunday School. The platform beautifully decorated b A in charge of Miss Audrey Party The cantata, which contained --__- nauvvn. III Izulwlfe V. McCONKEY, Auctioneer. - PHONE 27-8 J:uxr4.r\.`1I! ed, wage Cundres. To WELLINGTON HOTEL, I'D I l\l\iI- , no: J-`lo JJGISUF, `HI ; duets by Mrs. McCullough and Lola Coulson, Miss Margaret [1 and_ 1\_Iast_er Mervyn Mm-H... m, vrolet Tour- . condition. 4' his CRT` I. nruul ~- (,,_-- ...-. unusc, IPEHC Gfo ey Fell, Hap Rank, Cm. ney, Robert rge Kightley, Martin, Irry. the cantata I program numbers 1 to1lowlng:--0rches- bets by Miss Lola Fisher. lck, H. Lennox, Arthur Gird- Robinson and Miss B ' ,` Miss Mary Johnston, Mt-I. `E. Baker, Mrs. -H. McCul- ats by MCCulln12oh .-A gned received in- Public Auction m`. ----- .......u. vuuug nst teen age eligible R , Auctioneer. ._... .-, rurtrldge, some :, ren- : the ma] parts wov- received Tuc , rdson, Mildred eman, Evelyn ge, Irena Gar- zert Fen un- un Man- Central zf u ul W8!'9 nga__, `50? L Ho. Hun-. :Solo by C. /_a Harp. (`>1 . Mr. Knox MAIDW WA-N'I ED'. Mrs. Royal Bank Bldg. Sunday, De ary Day Church. Ii Secretary ( will be the "Collier 1 h Rev. J. Jo In the (`i lion of tho- lter will 4 19.1, "Fishin troducing t The am -,-mv Thos. C.'r0.-s` illustrzm-.1 `LYna.AnA In IUUULI (lLl'1l Headed In Strange-r. 4%, , Solo---" (JIM i EV'('nt>` Look in on \\ t`( k ings frvm UNITED CEN Mrsf 7 Kins Ma YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES SITUA- TION in good home, willing to learn cooking. no washing. Apply Box K, Barrie Examiner. _ . 47p 11;e R4 11 2 (3rd. ru.'\:u1 hart. Rev. IJu Edm '1 n . T116511 '0 im` I`! Sl`\'lL'+-I no-.- Off Ann-at DIV Conduc 11 u. .1; Ann .1: - Mrs. It I Home Organi; _ UD(`X'i flI'[n)v [ I)hH(h`v and fa and :1 lift` rr Xleipl.-,. Ih0l`t All . Sui.) Anthc Batu; an 7 p.m. ., child}- Anthe 11 'T HoUsiiKEEPER's T .A SIRED bv rnfinnd 1;:P:1?ysI9:1a`o.I.`.:. 1>AstE| Sundl Rex Miss Mis Strnl `Rev? Vhu Sunl . HIGH SCHOOL BOYS OR GIRLS Wanted with or without board. Apply to 76 Small St. or phone 707. I I A CORNER LOT centrally situated between Bagige and Allandale. .(_wl-th water and 11 t a chased onveasy terms it des1red.Lo- ,cation, 9. short distance from high- way. Apply at once to G. E. B. Grin- yeix 13 Elizabeth St. ' `47b - .----_ ~__-__( Jzuutxuo 1. LU W UHK W perlenced young girl. 9.mi~ner Office. . - DOMESTIC WORK WANTED by ex- perienced young girl. Annlv `gr mv- MIDDLE-AGED MAN wants position as caretaker. Box VK, Examiner Ot- tlce. _ ~ . 47-48:11 ' QUEBEC HEATER WA-NTED,, good condition. Annlv 9.1 mwm: WAN'ZI`ED4-Tu`nipsT and mangels the ton. /H. A. Jarvis. . - ` vucuavu. luau LUC extra wnen l'8D1188 Ire directed `to The Examiner Otricew (minimum charge. 25c); six insertions for the price of tour. 10c extra. when charged; also 10c extra when replies `to The Examlnnr nm... One cent a word, cash, each insertion, .. ywl vvulu uuuu; nummum znc. * &mmamw%%ww&$&&] FOR SALE IN BARRIE, house, square p1an,Afou oak floors throughout, gu up-_to-date in every Way. cated. Apply to R. E. '. box. 1078, owner and, bu 650.1 . 1c per word cash; m1nlmumA2 5c. M M E NA 3?; .v. AC4 .C. .C} .1. .1 .1? _C_ .1. v. .......,...u.., suuu u1'yAStOI`ag'e ilable. Apply V 44-49b : . NO. 5 Dalton Phone 310. 47b_ ____________________ -- - -' '3` 'Q- v.` v`: V r.` 7`: 7 w jADLET COLUMNfw Property To Le: unuxzdu UHUKE MA'N want- $25 a month. Wallace Brown. 47b. , _.., \J\JlII 1, uzuuul) C611`!-V nace, barn, running stock Apply Chas. , Cookstown, or Lorne L. BIdg., Toronto, Rkffls u 5.1 _yu11.ll S` Opportuni` E," 45-4 > )R SALE---76 acres tear Lake Slmcoe. )r immediate sale. A` I. Grinyer, 13 Ellzabfu` Help Wanted . _ 4... .. FOR 8. square nlnn enm- 1 HCW garage; Surnrnel` 42-47b __...____...___.._.___..__ --vuaecn DI", I rooms bath, large cellar. ;ire house; electric `cooking all_ year ' e. good garden. See Phone 139:: A'-LA- -luau 1: U11. 111511` conveniences; in 119, pg`-Q (ya! nu -T--"j'*3`-'1--:-c 1`*200 acres. Innisfil Con. 4. rnm-In ......... - *"" CF55. ,1Yll'llSIll bank hnrn nu):n..e{!:!...' IIE, new brick four bedrooms. . gumwgod trim, ray. centrally 10- E. Tuck, Barzie. builder. Phone] A14-OI. Wanted _______.____.... , Burton Ave A - '44ttb _ -_- out-441 .:.`- entences; good mm: am A`), An. - sale. Enquire 45tfb' ~ FOR SALE--105 Mulcaster St., and attic. 8 piece Jarg furnace Vheats entire range used` for a five good house- conveniences. a- . Apply at Exam- "AH... .611 ,1 B. G rin- 47b `four rooms St. 44tfb _ s 5rl.l'uB. 569 1326. 43-481! .-g-2-:----- vvnn Ll:4.lJ_ uy EX` -1. Apply at Ex- 47p .a-nuuuc. All Ap- Elizabeth A01` -:------------- Bradford st, A hhhr in one John Walker. 47b ' rooms nnn L IIUUW 41t1'b REM`: - ha ........1 L nun- `; Xpply to l 44`-48b] Apply 73 ' 47b Cun- A I'\V\'1v 4... UUIJII 47b ll. UHLU, 36tfb nuuy. -47b1 U]. in wt; 27% 47b ---------.:-.- FOR SALE IN Enm-I In n .+n.....L. MT f.-- -'-Car of Solvay -coke." also one of nut coal on track in a. few days and a good supply of stove coal always on hand. Order soon. Chris. Grose, Le- fI`OY. _ - WILFRED E. SMITH o;A.A. REGISTERED "ARCHITECT E Midland, onmn... E muy 47b '11::-:1` uxnce OI` DOU rM. C. A., Midl_a=nd.. -22 .cuu ' 47p LOSA'.l`-Between Elmvale and Barrie on Miil Road a brown club bag. con- taming man's clothing and .valuable pa-pers. Finder please leave at Exam- iner Office notify J. W. Smith, Y. M. An I. AnL- ~ A _._ STRAYED to premises of undersign- ed, lot 55, con. 1, Medonte, Hillsdale. on or about; Nov. white yearling steeruowner same by proving expenses, Dunnpn wa.rd.`~ V L'OST-0-n Sunday, small black change purse containing sum, of mbney, on Bradford St. or 1n.AlIandale._ Finder please phqne 420 and receive re- 471) 2:---------*----- . nu;-xun..I.'1 EUR 5 wooded land near good locality, for im ply to Geo. E. B. Gri St.

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