$1.00 ALL REPAIRS GUARANTEED PROMPTNESS or SERVICE ASSURED IRONING CENTERPIECES fhn Vllilhrlrw nu... ._4:n ., - F012 I Ulll V85- How George does wish he could 1'0` his health back quicker so that hf can look after his boy! It has beer? a. long fight, but he believes he wil . wln-and so do the kindly nurses In ' doctors who are helping him. , Wouldn't you like to help in thitf kind or work through your subscript tion to the Hospital? Contributions may be sent to Rom. W. A. Charlton. President, 228 COHOIC Street, Toronto 2. Ontari . ~ waun _u1 wxucn vegetables are U0ll_U.' it will preserve the most valuable mm erals in the vegetables, also the Vlmrv mines. ' W I511 George is at it-.he is an inmate of the Toronto Hospital for Consump , three at Weston--ha.s been there to! three years now. For a chap whc used to lead an active outdoor lit! ` this is hard. A few months ago. hit wife and her mother died leaving` hit`. little ve-year-old son to the cure of `relatives. "ll! flan-._.. .1--, - - - ' -1v|1Ir\&&I- \l%9l' If ve_getabl_e soup is made from the iwater_m whxch vegetables holler?! it will nramzn-un Hm: rnncf .m1...u..1.. u...'nr wllT&ll& I II`\' Tr}L_usin.`; a funnel when crochet=' ing. It prevents the won] from l4_1n1(=' ing. The funnel can be hung` on 67: convenient nail. wuu nuu Mr. anu Mrs. uurrord mick` or Barrie a-pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Mc~Dermott. ' ___ __ Tl I uuu I wish. Have you ever played a. game called Pa.tience"? It whiles away an idle! hour very _plea.sa.ntly and, of course` you can throw down the cards am} There is a. place, however, wher' ` they play'a.nothe_r kind of "Patlence.'- n-.A A.I.,__ - quu. any ume you please. wherg` playanother "Patlence,' and they can't leave off when the! wlgh. ....---`ya luv: I Ilv If there is not sufficient batter KG` ll all the pans, when making mufr? ns, ll the empty ones with water ti? prevent `burning. Muffins will aim?` bake more evenly. MEAT AND Fnt-I Meat and fish shodld be removecg from paper as soon as possible arm placed in an earthenware vessel 0!?` ice, or in a. very cool place. \ A Real Game of Patience (EXCEPT CHIME on HALL CLOCKS) ANY WATCH ANY CLOCK MAINSPRING LOOK!!! vEGE'rABL'souP ._L_'L u---- 1 Misses Bessie and Edna Brevckinor Richmond Hill are enjoying a couple trait! Weeks at the home of Mrs. Alvin say. `II . .__I It.,__' in u . -a. . - - __ _ nu . ....... vb , ~41`; an .a.J.cu.L,yu MAKING MUFFINS $1.00 CROCHETING H..- gu-uncx` BU (HEX. HQ ;er his h'ocr1` . you like tn hnln In our FOR W1;1:'and Mrs. Robt. Elrick or. o1. well and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Plck Barrie a-nent Sundav with M ant` "isii Lillian McAu1ey` spent a; few days recently with her parents, Mr. p.nd\__Mr;l. John McAuley. `Ian: `D G IK'nl"1....-L.. ...._1 L__- `_I_:1_a ylraoj, _pu-o [Io vvuu u.urLuuU_y. I Mrs. R. S. Mccombe and two `child- ten or Orrville spent Thanksgiving` with her mother, .Mrs. I-Iealy. T. J "`s11I\- `D.......l.. .....,a 171.1- v'\, , 1 u - and Mrs. Frank Mo`lr or Broad-I bent spent the week-end with Mrs. Healy. `IIIA... T1111-.. `f..A._I_ . - A -Mrs. Sparks week-end with drew. .., ... 5 ,. - -...-...-.; -v.w.a..~.uu aavaan - M1;sT `J..\Ea't)e"l Terry. is enjoying a. tow weeks with friends at Lambton` M1115. I cu -.-3 -..- v.---V. `cu .... u: E fss Muriel Donnelly of Phelpston is the guest of Miss Margaret Kerr. 11']... 11.1..` nI_.._,__ 3,, _,,J__, --g -cw --. 7 -ap -luv Mrs. S. Kerr: lsavlaitin mend: at; Allsa. Craig and other no nts. `Ill..- `II....l-I 'l\........I1..- .4! 151, _1...,:_, _. 1 Clara Kerby of Aliiston spent Sun- day at Alvin I-Iisey s. Q ` `ll..- 77-..- 1.. _.1__1;1____ 1,4," ,1" _;. Fm$&$&$wm*m&mmmE grroxc-xcgxoxoxdxoxc ELMVALE NEWS Houu` Destroyed by Fire snug; nuunnpul 1..-- II- ..;n,_ 4- . we Every toat,Dress, Suit ancl Ha} `grill 'bg_jr1cluc_J_ in _ A _ % 0 _ ___ ,____ _,.,a...........,.. ... .....-. uxcal. ua1c:_, 3.180 a recluctlon or A ' ' yof Dress Silks. Take advantage of thls opportunlty to save. e shall offer foxj ater.1 da's, $20,000 worthbf High-Class Merchandise at quick-selling price of London spent the! her mother, Mrs. An- mud. D211) Elmvale. ' y School B211) ugh: ` uuuw.v'u'.Um me wesrlast week. Mr. and Mrs. John Paterson and son and Mrs. John McQueen or Notta.wa- {:51 upon; Sunday with Lachlan Mc- . `Mr... u-:..a-..; ...'.n _.V. .----- - - uuaaurwnus In 'J.'0I'OntO. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Grant and son. Jimmie. and Altred Mitchener arrived home: from the W,est`la.st week. Ml`. nd Mrs. Jnhn pnfn-Hana no.3 ..-.. I-~' Nov. 12~-M;s. 1;t:JbVtTG11.'ren is i mng-friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mr: Alan r1vm..4. -...1 rt d K! n 3 3 I I L I 7 l /Master called. She was fifteen [service 0: winning souls tor Christ. Mrs. Staff-Captain Sparks, a sister of Major Andrew, in a few well. chos- en words thanked the congregation on behalf of the family for erecting a tablet to her sister's memory.` I. Colonel '1`ay-lor s. Remarks ' I appreciate the opportunity of re- presenting the Army on this occa- sion, said Col~.- Taylor. and the Army appreciate _what has been done by his congregation in honoring one or itsofficere. We are not here to mourn but rather to : raise God for a vic- ,torious life. er earlier -days were .passed in this community. May the example of her life live on. She saw the open door of service through the . Army twenty-eight years ago. Condi- tions inthe Army in those days were very different from what they_ are today but our hearts stirred with the great desire to serve others. Major Andrew was ready to go wherever the years in Canada serving part of the time in the Klondike. later going to India. The Army has a very extensive work in India including a great number of a native workers. Major Andrew rose a to the position of Divisional Comman- der which meant that she led a very strenuous life. We are also here with the hope of strengthening our` `own hearts and may there be a lesson for us` in. the value of the Sunday school and the other May the useful life lived by our departed com- rade be a source of inspiration to the Ileaders of -the young people. activities of the church` on the lives of the young.` wvuawul nl I. IIIUXIIDEI OI `U118 church I welcome you all to this service. We regard the late Maggie. Andrew as a, part or this congregation. I` recall the mother as one of the three -pioneer members or thiseongregation still~-liv- ing. Major Andrew, when -home on. furlough three years ago. addressed a ser,vice here which will long be re- - membered. As a layman` speaking to l laymen may I say. Do we not miss a - great deal? Do we a` Christian people i enjoy God as we should or do we I 9 l stumble over it? or Major Andrew may I say that she knew how to en- joy God. It is natural for us to love la. hero. and is it not a heroic ac-[, ,tion when a young man or woman ; I leaves all, giving up even their lives. ; going out into the world with a sym- J pathetic word to help the weak. and I. fallen? This tablet will remain on the . wall as long as the walls or this `church shall stand and` many will 1, learn` or her noble lite and it may be the inspiration to lead others to the service or winning souls for Christ. MM. Qnnv-bu a mint... puuru. `western India. Maior Maggie Andrew (Sena spent her earlier years at Elm where she attended Sunday 84 5"N"1%":*`..`?.`_`."'5'*5 -.-- . --cwvui Inna v u rnuus. van I Is it not a good time for us to take . stock and see it-we have made any! ` contribution to the world's welfare ` not only as a town and church but as a township and community? asked W. J. McGuire in opening his ad- dress. We can "look over the town-. `ship and see the material -prosperity we are enjoying. Then we look to the boys and girls and see the calllngs they are following. We have sent out boys who are doctors. lawyers, dentists. Ro- man Catholic priests, Anglican, Meth- odist and Presbyterian clergymeml girls as nurses. teachers, `Sisters of Charity and Salvation Army officers. We have eight churches in the town- ship. Does this not indicate that we ` have had I. share in promoting world welfare? As a. member or this church 5 I welcome; mm an on nu. ......a.... In... 4.5; uapuuuza nun`; an EGGPGSS by W. J. VMcGuire representing village and council; selection by Midland Salvation Army `Band; short address by Mrs. Staff-Captain Sparks of Lon- don: address by Colonel Levi Taylor, .(Field Secretary): unveiling of tab- let by Col. _Taylor and Mrs. Staff-, Captain Sparks; closing hymn, Jesusl Shall Reign"; benediction, Lt. Colonel: D.` McAmmond. `and became a` member or .the 15res- byterian church. Converted at the age or twenty,. she later -answered the` lean to life service -as an officer in `the Salvation Army, laboring success- fully in various parts of Canada for fifteen years. many souls `being won for God through her faithful ministry; `Then followed. nine years of fruitful` `service in India where, as a mission- lary officer, she labored until the call came to higher service. At the time of her death the Major held _the[ im- portant - position of Divisional Com - :mander for the Panch Mahals District in Gujarat. e - . ' \ ` Rev. E. Thomas. pastor of the church. `presided. Service opened with hymn From GreenlAa nd's Icy Mountains" fol- lowed by prayer by Lt.-Colonel-D. ` McAmmond; selection by the choir, ' The Captain's Call; an address by Wj McGuire renresentinsr vn1.m.. --1'\Z|I-1"-.m1\4c;'Gulrve's Address ._-A. - __, vis- _.-_ _ .- - --1-V --quannv UV \J\-I Sills` \ yvood, where some 'vocationaletrain- T Thornton lost a good citizen on mg 18 given when the data was a-` ' Table a specia-1 meeting. of the Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1 th ` f'va] . Richam Charles Cur;min:,h$;s ;v}? _Board should be called, he suggest- succumbed after a week s illness witglef} In T9913] t0 trustee M1'5- Ords Dr- pneumonia. Born- on July` 1, 1860, Mr. [Simpson-said that the Board was not Cunningham spent his Whole life inftied to any particular_ architect. this vicinity, following the vocation I don't see how we can carry on of agriculture until he retired four < -_ years ag.0_ He was nOt.a man who another year under present condl sought public posmom but served as tions,. said Principal Girdwood, who a school trustee some` years ago. By asked that another teacher be engag- all who knew him he was deservedly ed to take up duties after -Christmas lDeath of R. C. Cunningham esteemed` _ - lholidavs. At the nresnnf. fiimn 2: Gun-.uI......... 1.:.._-, - - -- uuwvuvu, D. L. I. St. Jude : Anniversary ' St._ Jude's . Church held 'I`hanks- (`Continued from page 1) giving and Anniversary services on many of the country pupils `who Sunday, Nov. 13. In the morning a.-would attend-B. C_ L duet Nearer My God to Thee" (D. ` _ Protheroe) was-sung by Miss R. Mi1- Get Data Re Extension Iigan and Neville Jamieson; the choir ~Nothing has yet been done toward sang Bless the Lr`d (Caleb Simpen securing data as to `cost, etc., of the In the evening the anthem. Hol_v . . . 1:-a.the,.Chee,.0u,.way, (Bert Coupe proposed addition to the Collegiate. was given and the male quartette sangjTI`11Stee D1`. L. J. SimpS011a W110 heads Rock of'Ages" (Hubert.-Main). The special sermons were preached by the rector. Rev. F. V. Abbott. Rev. A. E. Lunau read the scripture lessons at - - ' the evening sewica The chair was and would interview the Department assisted; by Mm N_ Thompson, M,.s_[of Education. Meantime the archi- Mel. Cunningham, W. D. Henry, cgtects who designed the_'Col1egiate W. Henry and W. Smith. The church` building` are to be called Into consul- stated on `Monday evening that he Wash filled` at. Nth 591`V_1e3- ltation and a visit made to Calling`- a special committee for this purpose, . expected to be in_ `Toronto shortly: gas5||VElU vvvusuua Luutllte WEI Held at the home of Mrs. W.. C. '8tubbs on Thursday. Nov. 10, president Mrs. R. M. Black in the chair. Thirty-one members were present. The program; consisted of a. demonstration or main in: I. ohiid's dress by Mrs. Jae. Lam- orssu; reading, Mrs. Jos. Adams: reading on the use of apples, Mrs. Carnahan; solo. Mrs. E. Thomas. A dainty lunch was served by four mem- bers which brought to an end a very, interestins meeting. , -Unveiling of Memorial Tablet A memorial service` was held in the Eimvaie Presbyterian church on. Sun- day afternoon at 8.30, Nov, 13, in memory or the late Major Maggie An- drew oi the salvation Army who pass- .ed to her reward in August 1926, at Batara. Western India. M810!` Mural: An.-|..a.ua In-I_- 0- -~ 3 .I.uu|`uLUI1. . 1' Sunday visitors-Mr. and Mrs. T. G. 1 Scythes. Irving Robertson and Miss . Margaret. Robertson, Stroud, Mr. and , Mrs. '1`. King. Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Lennox and Miss Gertrude, Ivy. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. King. Lefroy, Rev.- F. .V. Abbott, at James A. Jamieson s: . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Cunningham and Miss T. Wonch at Harry Lynn's; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Todd, Churchi-l-l, Miss Muriel Thompson. Barrie, -at ` W. J. C. 'Boake s; Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Arnold and Misses Lorna. Jennett and Helen Davis of Ivy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mil- ler of Utopia, and Miss Esther Down- or of Egbert. xcuayca. *` _ `V Ti`inity-W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Wigle last week. Owing to the. 'bad roads "the attendance was not as !good as usual- The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. H. M. Thognpson; the devotional leaflet by Mrs. Mason and the first chapter of the new study ' book by Miss Doane and Mrs. J. R. IJamieson. Miss McDougall of Barrie` has been secured for W.M_.S. Sunday on Dec. 11. Mrs. W. A. Jamieson, Mrs. J. A. Jamies-on and Neville Jamieson, re- .presenting St. Jude s Sunday School, and Rev. A. E. Lunau, Mrs. A. Hal- bert, Mrs. A. McKenzie, Mrs. Mason and Addison McKenzie, representing Trinity United Church, attended the County Sunday "School Convention held at Cookstown on Thursday, Nov. i10. On account of, the very bad roads theat-tendanc-e was: not; as good. as usual at this annual meeting. Next autumn the county convention will be held in . Thornton. Qnnnuo -.I`..lL...._ `nu, - -- -_ a.uu. al. 1:45lJUl.'L Ill `L116 tLLeI`I10OH. Trinity mission band` will meet in the basement of the church on Sat- urday afternoon, Nov. 19,,,at 2.30. A full attendance -is requested to practise for W.M.S. Sunday. ' ' Thornton Senior Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Halbert on We!- nesday afternoon, Nov. 23. The dele- gates to the comvention -in Toronto will give their report. Members are re- minded of "the shower for the Child- ren s Shelter..Ro11 call will be answer- ed by an -exchangeof Christmas `cake recipes. ` ` 'I`I"`V\.'1IJ7`/T Q .~...L -1. 4.1.- 1--., n llbllls ill .l.U1'UH'LUc Rev. N. E. Bowleg, B.A.,B.D., of Tor- onto will `-preach in Trinity [church next Sunday morning and evening and at Egbert in the afternoon. 'I`v\nH-17 nniauinn I-.nu-`A. -"HI ........L 2.- Mr. and Mrs. John Ptton are vis- litlng in Toronto. DAV `NT. 13`. 'Rnu71aa 13 A `!3`l'\ I\` VIVA... :lli&$&&&&&&&l Fim&&m&mmm%x&| v 17 1 win` THORNTON E` this Great Sale, Atrnhfsan at 4;. ugmuer 0: contests tor the children ` nd prizes given to those who won.'~ he next meeting will be held in Knox. 1 tphurch baement on Dec. 8. - 1 C Elmvalo Women : Institute ` . The regular monthly meeting or ` zllmvale Women s Institute was held f Thunday. Nov. 10. nmnldnnt `M .. 1: `-'vAcu nu any yurucu1a.r_ arcmtect. 1 don t how 5 condi- 3 ; another engag- r lholidays. At the present time a {large majority of pupils of the rst `Fnnme flu: Y\`l`;`D'Il'I`-IY\o1 an::l `I...-.J' .. Iv; uuuuauuu. uleulllle `CH8 arcn1- itects who the `Collegiate: *building are into tation made to Golng- w_ood, ing is given. a- ivaifable Board ghnnm 1... Mn.,.: 1... .......---L \\J\rAAIullJIAUlA LLUIII page 1) -lmany the_ `whoi "would attend B. fTrustee Ia , `Toronto shortly and Would intervinw fhn nnnovwnnnnt - 'vocA'noNALL A mA1_N_I_N_a, B. c. 1.; ocu1`eu1,1`y, Coleman. _,.., V . v-...-5 vv uad well attended. Many prizes were a.- warded for best costumes. ` Russell Allison purchased a. house at Fennel s Corners and his neighbors very ably assisted him in moving it to his farm where they will rebuild it. Master Sinclair Wm+am urn: In-n--am = _. _.. ..... B .... u suycnlcly. . I Mr. and Mrs. C. Harper spent Fri- day of last week in Angus `with the latter s mother, who is in'ill health. I Henry Couse, who went hunting with` Streetsville Hunt Club this year, re- Turned home last week with a. deer. Irv on.-1 ll...` 1': t1;,_.,- - - wu.u a, une aeer each. The masquerade dance held in dance hall last Friday evening V Rmannll Anium. ........1.........- - 1.-- ,,._ ..-. ........\. Aunt. vvccn WILL! 21. ueer. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stewart of Schom-| berg visited the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watson. on Sunday. Considerable excitement wsm on--=- - ....--.o5u sag; Jnoohes by others. The Inatitutei rqlented the *echool_w1th a First Aid It and treated the children to or- Anres, candy and lunch. There were. tn. number or contests for the children and urine: given tn Hanna mm ........ I W GA`) UUIIU. Wm. T Hounsome and Jack Baker went hunting this year with a Toronto club. They `returned home this week [with a fine deer each. THO fnnunnnnnpin A....__ \_,ou . .. auu nus. unas. watson, Sunday. I excitement was caus-_ ed on Tuesday morning when a team` ran away from the mill. No damage was done. TIT.-an `Ll ------- - - ` ` ` ..--.. -....-4. .n.-. \;'UAUlll(lll. Miss May Cunningham of Sault Ste. _Marie was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cunningham recently. i `Min .-.....:I 1ur..... IV `-1- - -- v... -uux-n.Au.AL\.la ' and Mrs. W. Biard Brown of Brampton spent the Week -end with [Mr. and Mrs. F.VCo1eman. 7\,I':..... 1 Ir. ,, .Lu1n. vv. .:. acuu returned home last} week after an extended visit in Eng- land and Scotland. xr, wuu um` sxster aurlng the past week.i Dr. VV. -A. Dinwoody of Torolntoi was a guest at his home here on Sun-, day. ` j l 1\/rm. 117 1'` c..-_a.L .1 - - - 4v1AD u. u. nuss last We`K. ' A. Couse` .of Toronto spent the` week-end at `his home here. { Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gal-' laugher -on Nov. 12, 1927, a son. ' Miss" M. Drennan of Alliston visited; with her sister during the week: T. ' A. Dinvvnnv nf l`.nr-nann ! Miss E. J. Ross visited friends if: Toronto last week. Mrs. Rayson of Toronto visited with.` Miss E. J. Ross last week. A_ (`.nn=a' nF 'l`nn..,. ....--.L A-V 1- """""` E! imm&mmm&mmmm&ama] `UUl' A'I.'I u-wuuuw wvuu vyvu ll] I`Il`I A. house owned by Martin Beard- sell, just north or -the village. was de- stroysd by fire between 7.30 and 8.00 `o'clock Wednesday evening. The house was occupied by M. -P. Draper and tamily who were all packed up ready to move to the house recently occupied ,b Robt. Caallendar. They were in the V less at the time and very little of the contents -were saved. There was 6800 insurance on the house. Grassland Women's Institute The Crossland branch `of the Wo- nIen'I Institute met at Excelsior school. -on Thursday, Nov. 10. with 21 mem- .pers end 20 visitors present. Roll call -was answered by telling ways of mak- ing inexpensive Christmas gifts. At- ter the usual business part, the -mem- bers enjoyed a good program provid-` ed by the scholars, also readings and, lneches 1 Dl`OlB!Ited the `school with n `till.-as AIA. . :&%wmwmw%$&i&i&g} I J. : Mrs. VV. J. Scott returned home last! reek after an mmanama mun e.. mm. s co 1 L' '2` 'L` "` 'A` 'L.` T` T . _I www; uI:= uauue nela In the was vlanv nrizne morn o-` at quick-selling prices.` Don'~tL Miss Your Chane ...-....-u vs I r.-.rirII:UI:b' I While the pieces are still wet, spread sthem smoothly on a large piece of `zinc and place them in a hot sun to ldry. If a gloss is desired press with `'3. hot iron when almost dry, but with- out this they will be perfectly smooth iand round.\ vvn - -vows-vs, Manna \.JllDJ .lVJ.lllUl.'o U Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dutcher. Mr. and 1 Mrs. F. 0. Bishop and Jas. Patterson la.ttended the funeral of the late R. C. Cunningham in Thornton on Fri- day last. ` I _..-.\ R-_1_.._.-_.l `L C` uuauuuall w. vu. walls presided] and those present were: Trustees Mrs. Ord. Geo. F, Smith, A. J. Sar- jeant, Dr, L. J. Simpson, F. G. Fost- er and `C. C. Hinds. _ -_-_- -.-..b auy \-l\JII\ru As for a commercial course. over` "forty First Form pupils had already signied a desire to take it` up if available. There would be no .trou- Ible whatever in lling such a class, the principal said. These pupils would not require a 3-year course, but would graduate much earlier {than at present and thus help great- ly to relieve congestion. Mr, Girdwood suggested that he !and Women's Institutes with a view to calling a meeting and was delegat- Ied to draft and despatch letters. The r-nmmi++m. l'\`l\ .1.....-1.a:.... _-- get in touch with the U.F.O. clubs ` quuuug uwu VOCaCl0IlaltI`all'liI1g`. Salaries amounting to $7,244.60 and accounts to $1,024 were passed. `Chairman W. `C. Walls presided th0Se nrnsumf Tlinrna 'l".......L..-.. lcu DU umu. anu aespatcn _1etters. I The committee on -building was also given the added duties of in-' quiring into vocational training. Salarxes amnllnfino +n en on an ENGRAVING A SPECIALTY ._ _ _-- vyunv wvaunlvvo T 7 ZA - Change `Coming , Invthe very near future there will "be a change in our system of educa- _tion and I would like to see so-me istart made in technical education `in Barrie, Mr. Girdwood said. As lfor the proposed agricultural class, lit excited far more interest at Sat- lurday s meeting than I `had hoped lfor. I do not want to impose my 9views upon you, -but I do wish to !leave the suggestion withthe Board {that something be done. (EXCEP-`I CHIME on HALL CLOCKS) jrthe abstract subjects such as algebra, zgeometry, etc. The care and proper pfeeding of children was another pro- ta'ble course suggested, in connec- `tion with domestic science. A ANY WATCH ANY CLOCK LOOK!!! p--- -- vvuuv ovcvnava aaavvul Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Osborough of Midland returned home on Monday utter spending a week with the lat- . -tor : luster, Mrs. Chas. Miller. Iln. 1...: 11.... 4-4 1-21 --~-,. 4