25 In Business for Hixselr ITH' ve years of research a d I ' ' . fbrmance, the Rogers Batteryilesse;`speti.11c:l1.`se;1atn331cli! 1 .ilvc:li2;trtiIer:d3i :r nlnacnrn Hag. ...a.:..:..-4.:-.. 41.- ., `I would kr;ow Our allotment of this new 1928 Model for the Christmas season is strictly limited. Call or phone us for a free home demonstrat_ion`now. Price, complete, $420.00. Terms maybe arranged to suit your convenience. ~INSU RANGE COMPANY .__.._.v' vuoobialldll -Bank of Toronto area. aim-i., Ont. unutlvo F. G. MAR8HALL-DistI-ict Manager. Elmvalo. . E. Oulham. Agent. Staynr. 'more about Life Insurance as a reserve to my business. Kindl Y `. forward your booklet "Bridging the Gap)` '1"wo men were carried half a. mile and escaped unhurt, when their auto- in [freshman was ned $25 fbr speeding, `he gave the Judge $10 cash and thelf car. Address. . TORONTO. CANADA B-__:_ A_A lst Symphony Console 200A-Priced at $420 a?i3.Z:;:":;'i,{$an/ sfa meek orIe.o:r. to operate} -----5 ......~..:unu nuauua uum you]- never havmg wires to attach ox nnv H111n_4-I-mm. M... ...._-.__--,_ __, with three years of prove per- I electric radin: (MADE IN CANADA) imobile was struck by a train, near Christie, Ia. About 80 per cent. of the smoke in Pittsburgh, Pa., has been eliminated since 1914. gs. 25 , Cor. Bayeld and Collier Sts.--Phone 82 fesults from your mirpe I-n OIGGAAL ._ Fan 6% -1 '.v-'-'..` 4' LOW It arevtfhe M ;;;t;est days "of\ all yea; oring. For his ys or cou Aroadsfthe HSSEX. mws Mwajlgge '1sner. l I` Third Class Honours:~--Jack Doran. Sydney Patterson, Clara Perkins, Vic- Agox-la. Barnard. Jack Butler, -Oswald Mcclelland. Edward Tordiff. 1E First: Class I-Ionours:-Catherlne Brown, Phyllis Smith, Dorothy, But- gon, Ruth `Brother, Gladys Luck, Elsie ';{-`Ian-ls. Helen McBride. Esther How. Leo Prlddle, Gladys Brown. _ E %Second Class Honours:--Madellne ',Rlohaz'dson. Mary Thompson, Patrldla Myers, Violet King, Hazel aMltchell, .G1adys Pearson, _E1_ma Henson. '1`!-uh-A .(.]a.s.ez I-1'nnnnrs::--Mar2-aret ---Patricia .. tin 22 es 1ig`hte1` uxauya . Third Jones. E Muriel J First Class I-Ionours:-Ruth Mac- \m1`tin. Eileen Holden, Dorothy Doyle. Lenore Simpson, Harriet Hart, Nellie -`Pickering. Second Class Honours:--Lorna Mc- ;`Ftd8`ei1. Jean Brock. Betty Robson, A E Glorious Days of Autinnn are the bleasaritest davs"af BIO; Aluux. `Kat ADI, JJuLU|.uy Lxwvauoun Second -Class I-Ionours:+Agnes .C3ameron, -Charlie Jacobs, Jean eSrig- lay. Marjorie Doherty, Howard Mor-_ rlson. Eileen Armstrong, Bertha Hog- gm, -Earl Profit, Frances Berthelotte, bonald Mcclean, George Trask, Lola. Fisher. Third Class Honours:---Jack Doran. |.A|46V-V Ivv"`t"' ""' ` "" "' *" ' '1 113; `First CIas_s Honours:---Louis Vair. mma McKeown, -St1r11ng'=MacC1ellon, Ellen Bowles, J ack Craig, Harry John- gton, Altha. -Parker, Dorothy Keenan. Rnnond Class Honours:-Agnes Dlup vvouw v--vv--v 10 A F,1rst`Class Honours:-~Frar{c1s Firth, Leila, -Carr. ISObe'l' McQua.y, Viola Partridge, Crompton Lewis, Janet ussell. Velma `Chapman, `Jack Clarke, Betty Johnston,_ Maurice ,. Davison. goyce Dunbar, Clarence Graham, Ethel McMa.steI`. George Potts, Morton Knox. Jack Smith, Wm. Glrdworod, Jim `Webb- ~ . Second Class Honours:-Emory Nel- on, Delbert Bannerman, George Urry, E . ,1\lIav1';:'aret lB1g:gar, - `Gordon Jamieson, Marjorie Patterson, Cletus Hinds, L uth _Cr1_.xmb,v Bruce Johnson, Ernie aldwln. Ruth Johnston, Maurice yark, Norma Poucher, Kathleen Reed. Third Class I-Ionours:--Charlie Luno. BRYSON }'MoRLE J %*When me A harvest days are over Wtfey. ! -eaJth+ pkg. 27 1' ll -vb -First Class Honour:--Jean Mac-I jjonald, Jack Birchard, [Ruby Hep- burne. Ross Thompson, Annie Clarke. arold Garrett, Frank Hargreaves. tn. Marks, Charlie Hepburne, James glue:-, Claude Sylvester, Marlon Me. can. John Ord, Charlie-.Isaac,',` `Mary cnougall, John Rogers, Bert (Cook. second Class Honours:--Jean Webb, Kenneth Banting. Jack Coleman, Al- fred `Tompkins, Norah. Hepplestone, porothy Jolfnson, John Lang, Mary 1-Iaikett. V , Third Class ,Honours:--Rex Ansdell, lorence Sea.don.' Gladys Marriott, ,.iary Desjardlne. R0? Kightleyu. Helen. i Nixon. Joan Webb. l e - _ - V 1B -First Class- Honours:--Jack Beattie. Madeline `Osborne, Elliott Reynolds, 1-Iarold Meredith, Jim Cameron, Mary Jordan, Charles Donnelly, Bertha. goynton, Violet Ord, Ilene Fell, `Rita gpog31;md, Herbert `Smith, Clara. ;jampbe'l1. Harold Bingham, Wilda- iflarr. Jean Lay. Donald Griffen. Bertha aurslde. Beryl Jones, Jack Mccann.` ieorgina Spearn, Morris Stransman. second Class I-,Ionours---Eva Barnard. gelen Hedger, Orton Cook. Enid Mac- Clellon. Jack Cochrane, George Ken- nedy, Florence Plant, Mary Johnston, `Victor Goring. Ida. `Handy, Jos. Hip-. gin, Jean Howcroft, Hazel Story. Third Class Honours:--Or_val Arn- old. Verna Green. 1n L'UCLl.'bUll, >, J.lll_l.ll1a Llulllllln 1 -Class Honours:--Margaret Sarah .Levit, Laura Martin, Felt. ' T . 2A. I-IonoursV:-Ruth Mac- , Nellie} n K!` ' l'hursday_, Noygmbor-A17, 19.27., HONOUR STANDING AT$THE B.c.1. Scinticall ackagei , few; if unsatis-r` use Reef Alumi-6' er any damp-t nest of bright; ntainel sh an it was` ' uaugnun wIth *a brooch. , '_ 'L [The usual socl__a,l half-`hour was `spent before yseparating. The Decem VV III: I` 11011. Before the close of th reeting Mrs. Wm. Kennedy prgasentea Baby Mc_- Laughlin witlva. brooch.- _ L .'l"hA unnnl unnlol 1...w.t....-.. __-, a.uu nuts. .1. uoox.<'1'ne Judges"were Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Miss Dwcanning, and Mis_s..~V. 'Wice. ,1: was a difficult problem for thejudges, _their decision being in favour of `the affirmative who won by two points..A. very .a.p- propriate reading was given by Mrs. Wm. Nixon. ~ - - Dnfnnn 6-1}... .1... -1 LL- W, , --' -- vw aw-\ vvvlvll-IV 0 ll`Oln ` On `Thursday, Nov. 10, the Pains- wlck Branch of the Women's Institute held their monthly meeting at the `home of Mrs. Albert Wlce with an attendance. of 35,.` Considerable busi- ness was dealt with including a re- port from v the flower committee: a letter from Mr. Putnam re a. two- weeks short course in any one of the follow-lng:-I-Iome Nursing- and First Aid. Cooking, Millinery or `Sewing. -and awrepont` of the Get-together meeting of all the Institutes in` VS. Slmcoe` held at Bradford on Friday, Nov. 4. A * _ ; Mrs. W.` Kennedy and Miss M. Yeates favoured with a solo, An ex- cellent debate _`.`Resolved that it is More Advantageous to Shop in Your own -Home Town than in the Larger Centres. Attlrmative. Mrs. King and Mrs. -Patterson; negative, Mrs." Harker and Mrs. J. Cook.` The Judges`*were Mrs..Wm. Mitchell, Mina n r-......z..... ucursu vvuruxe. __ . Third Class Honours: -Margaret Blackstobk. Aikins Wiggins, Marjorie Byrns. Etta Brownrldge. 1 . vv usuu. I , "Second Class I-Ionours:-Elwin Smy- the, Lorine-.parter, Jim 'Mizeri, Ruth. Morrison, Mabel Sprott, Claire Quin- lgn, oMa_rgaret How, Rosanna Lucas. George Wardle. mm...-1 run... 1;: .... ...:;. u___-_;. First Class `Honours: -Margaret _MacMart1n., Jack Taylor, Myrtle "Hunt. Constance Hinds, Mary Coles, Arthur Girdwood, Wm. Hlpkin, Harry` Brother, . a.` V5110 0 Lewis Merrick, George Pearce, Elsie } Wilson. > -.-..-.'.....a nu--- 11-___--_,,__ -.. . -.. iw'.`l"hird Class Honours-Don. Billings- 'ley,[ He-rbett Maw, Nan Ord, Douglas Smith. Harold Bryson, Edgar LeGear, `David Markle. `II`ruau.a. E 4 IIICLIII Second Class Hbnours:-Eve1yn Murphy,\A*nnie Johnston, Neil Mc- _Kenz1e, Kathleen Webb, `Don. Gamer: nn, .u ran. `t quality, . pkg. 24: ,' Luy xuawaru.` ` Third Class Honours:--Vera Lyons. Theresa Holden, Lewis Or-d. Ernest -Rivard, Gldys Wa1lwln,.'Betty Cole. Mildred McKnight. Muriel Thompson, Isg_b.e_1N_Carr, Ethel Hines, {Evelyn Tuck. . 4B . First` Class. Holnours;--Rowland I-Iammondp Velma, Orok, Constance In-_Iardy,. Philip Beattle, .Fr_ed B_Lugh- \ man. `awn. JJUl.'ULlly BUyLll(-33. . Third Class Honours: -- Gordon Johns. Arthur Quinlan, George Tomlin- son. Edna. 0 -Brien, Viola. Stone. Frank Daley; Frank Mclnnis, Allan Percy. 4A First Class Honours: -Catherine Hardy, Leon a MacDonald, Vance Rin- toul, Doris Kearns. ` Qnnnn rnnm. T_`l'n..-H-uu....~.. .\1'._..._-_,, r\- LUUI, uUl'1.=l xuaurus. Second Class Honours:-Norman Os- borne. Frances Hprlburt, Helen Gar- rett ; Vona. Ness; Esther Thompson, Lena `Knapp. Muriel Murphy, Ross Campbell, Margaret MacArthur, Doro- I thy Edward.- I T lw (`Inga Hnnnlumns 17...... 'r-.-_.__. uxaucx u1`ul'y, uunureu 'Wa.HS. Second Class Honours;-Am11e Story. Edith Hubbard, John Lay, Melrose Par- tridge, Dorothy Teasdale, Mona Beatty, Mlnpie Partridge, Lillian Robertson, Annie Leigh.` Edith. Jeimieson, Jean Marshall, Jack Donnelly, Isob'e1>Rus- `sell. Dorothy Scythes. (`Inga trnhnnruso ,1, I`-v--1n- u"`15`i'3r::iu.Class .Honours: --Willa. Jebb. Boyd Arnold. Cameron Clute, Goldie Coulter,` Ward -Smith, Thos. Spencer. 30 First Class'Honours:-Esther Leigh. T Gladys Wilson, zParker.McMillin, Stella. Clute, Clarence Davlson, Georgina Blair, Vernon Markle. Jack Moore, Mabel Drury, Mildred Walls. Qnmnn fnuu T.`l nnnnm A.......:.. cum... ucuu, 'DULLy JAIUIIBS. ' Third Class I-Ionours:--Loretta. Luck, Ha,ze1- Appleby, Victor Hart, Jim Terry, Ruth Houghton, Ethelwynne Arnold, Gladys Corbett. T 3B.` First Class -Honours.:--Aileen ~Mc- Conkey. Second -Class Honours:- Charles .Birchard. ' ` m1.:...: r~u........ 'r'r.__.. ____ __ ....... _ -- B |uUllu econd Class =I-Ionours:"-- Muriel MacArthur, Ruby Hounsome, Marion Carr, Maud Ford, `Dorothy Litt1e,,I1n- nifred Appleby, Ila Sisler. Elsie W- croft, Phyllis `McLean, Bernice Jen- `nett, Betty Nelles. Thiv (`Iona Iinnnnnn. 'r ....-A.4.- 1- ..-I ,..-... .8A j First Class _I;Ionou.rs:--Verna `John- ston. Q...-.......I r~n-..__ vi ' -- uuu ruweu, wm. Knox. * V " W Second" Class Honou_rs:-- Wm. Dy-3 ment. Wm. Bray, Gordon Sylvester, Norine Rowcllffe, Vincent Moran. `John Gibson, Lena. Knapp, Mary Patton, Audrey Foster, George Jamieson, Lloyd Partridge, Erial Wat-terworth. Third Class I-Ionours.:-Margaret Coady, George Hook, Melville Robert- "son, Margaret '1`wiss,. `Stanley Walt, Au_stin McKnight, Rita Moore, Patricia , Martin. . n; y, November 17, 19%` A. PAINSWICK WOMEN'S ms1'. n -'l'II..........:I..-- xv--- qn UB4 First Class `Ho'nours:--Cora., Sykes. Bob Powell, Wm. Knox. Sar!nnd'.r`_1nu `r.rn........... R1-r...` -n, msner, Muriel Smlth._ Third Class Honour-s:--Ag'nes Grose,' Earl Ma.rsha.ll~, Lillie Smith, Ruth Smith, Alma Tyrer, Da.vid`Jamieson, Lorraine McKever, Jean Coutts, `A110 Ferris,` Marlon Webb, Viola. Bush, Nqrma Cubitt-Nichols, Dorothy"Shut- ,er, Marjorie Smith, Jack Clemmens. Dora. Rowe. ` ' G3 UlUu Second Class Honour-s:-Eric Mur- phy, Verna Turton, Chas. Hinds,iJack Rumble, Chrissie Scott, Olive O'Con- nor. Tom Hayes, Kenneth Miller, Jean McKenzie, Isobel Carr, Helen Fisher, Muriel Smith- nia TJ'nnnunu- A---~ ` . D. - First Class Honours:-Maurice Ma.cLaren, Edna Tuck, Eileen Duck- grorth. Maurice Pearce, Nelson Rum- le. . - uaun meexe, Audrey Hook, He ott, Garry Pattersop, Marion CV15 Dougall. Ross Turnbull, Jack Osborne. Jack `Steele, Audrey Hook, Helen Arn- Patterson. Mar-inn unaar.-~ Form 5 unuu Arn- Wisdom. jar 37c Meal -m tin 21: d Eng- tin.22: ood . uvuy UUDIINU GAP- A rubber bathing cap is excellent to use while ' duteing. It protects the hair much better than a cloth cap. It is particularly valuable when working with kerosene, gasoline, or anything that might` leave an odor ,on the hair when the hands toych `it. _ ~ VVEAQIUUI I u|VIII:IJ Ul'lUl1Ul'l -. Readers of this pa-per who are ac- quainted with the -Rev. W. A. West- oott, B.A.. will be` interested to learn that he has accepted a unanimous call to_ Deloraine, `Man., and that he will enter upon his new chargevat the New Year. {During the two years he- has spent at Conn, `near Mount Forest. a new church has been erected and paid for. The. building is -pronounced by competent `judges to be one of the- finest village churches in Ontario. A skilful architect drew the plans and the structure is an evidence of his ability and {good `taste. A navepwith side aisles and chancel. lighted with lancet windowsylled with cathedral glass. -forms the general design. Two Celtic. crosses, * copied from the St. Martin's Cross at Iona, adorn the ex- terior, where a marble tablet, placed by the congregation, carries the legend '_Westcott'U'nited Church." The base- `A ment is roomy and lofty and the whole fitted with electric -light. Conn` is away. from `the hydro zone, but the young people of the church installed an electric hlflf mhinh I`AIaAlI .1sI-\`A-u yuuus pt.-up'e OI U19 cnurcn mstalled an electric plant which renders`sp1en- `did serice. . ` ` ~ 7 A ber meeting will be heid at the home ,of Mrs. Dalton Lennox. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Adam. There she . made her home. Nash, Orillia: John .Wiggins. Guthrie; -Leigh and J. R. Leigh,_of Hawkestone. s cu. J..|.cLvvru-:aLuuc:. .L WU years were spent in Barrie and .ten years in Calgary, Al- berta. Six years ago they returned to Orillia to be near Mrs. Kissock s mother, the late Mrs. James Adam, of Barrie, in her declining years. Mr. Kissock`s death occurred on August 15, and Mrs. Kissock had very recently returned` to ~Hawkestone, where she rented a home next door to the only two remaining members of her family, her sister. Miss Annie Adam, and niece, Mrs. Irwin McMahon. The late Mrs. Kissock was born on Bayeld Farm. Oro\Sta`tion~, fifty-nine years ago, the youngest of four children of the late spent her girlhood until her marriage to J. J. `Kissock, -forty years ago. For a few years they farmed near 'Oro Station before moving to Hawkestone. Mrs. Kissock was very bright. and cheerful, and had a wide ci_rcle of friends in each place where she had She was a. member of the `Presbyterian church and a most faithful church worker. At the time of her death she was a member of the Orillia Presbyterian church, and the funeral service which was held at the home of her niece. Mrs. Irwin Mc- Mahon,-was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Mason. assisted by the Rev. Neil Campbell, of Barrie and the Rev. G. A. Cruse. of Hawkestone. The pallbear- ers were:- John McArthur and Norman William Rusk. Allandale. and G. O. The` funeral was very largely attended by friends _from Orillia, Barrie, Allan- dale. Coldwater, Port Carling and Tor- onto. The oral tributes were many and beautiful and included some from Calgary, and `Plttsburg. Besides her sister, Miss Adam, and her niece, Mrs. McMahon. `she is survived by an adopt- ed, sister, Mrs. Sinkinson. of Pittsburg, who had returned from visiting Mrs. K-issock only six weeks ago, and an adopted son, A. E. Kissock, of Burns Lake, ~B.C., who was -prevented by dis- tance from being home for the funeral. `Interment took-`-place in.Guthrie ceme- V tery. ' _ `MRS. J. J. KISSOCK The death of Ellen Birdie Adam. widow of the late John J. Kissock. oc- curred at Orillia. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nash, where she had been visiting, on Tuesday, November 1. in her sixtieth year. Mrs. Klssock had been .ill for ve weeks, having taken sick just a week after her`re- turn to" Hawkestone following the death of her husband.. The la-te Mr. Kissock was representative for the In- ternational Correspondence Schools and for twelve years they made their home at Hawkestone. `Two years were spent in Pnrrin and fan vnaru in (`QIGQFII Al; I.-Cl`. nun tuvurcx, U11 .l."eD. 1, H501. Evidence of the esteem in which he was held was seen in the large at- tendance at the funeral on Sunday at- ternoon to Crown `Hill United church and Union cemetery. The services were taken by Rev. Leonard S1inger- land of Holt and the pallbearers were Henry =Dunsmor_e, W. E. Partridge, John` Pratt. L. Robinson, J. Birnie and Frank Perkins. wEs'rco1"r UNITED CHURCH PDQHAFE n? fhh-.1 noxunn nvlnn nun .-. lJll.'l.'lUu ' ' Mrs. Cole was born at Beverley, 0nt., 3- 76 years ago. For 20 years she lived at Anten Mills `where her husband '- farmed-until coming to Barrie twelve years ago. Her husband survives, to- gether with the following family: Mrs. L. Jenkins. Kettleby; Mrs. E. Lessor, Anten Mills: Henry and Benj., Toron- to; William, living in British Colum- . bia; -Fre`d., Minesing; Ward and Ar- ; thur, Barrie. One son, Louis, served overseas with the 198th Battalion and was killed at the pattle of Vimy Ridge. J. M. HICKLING Joseph Matthias Hickling, Pene- tang Road, `Barrie, died `on Nov. 10, after a. protracted `illness. He was born May 2v3,H1859, on the farm where he died and where he spent his whole life. In religion he was a faith- ful me ber of the Free Methodist church. Surviving him are four daughters. 7 Mrs. Horace "Partridge, Mrs. `Arthur Bonney, Mrs. `Melvin Caldwell and Minnie (at home), and one son, Milton M. Hickling, of -Crown `Hill; two ghalf-brothers, Morrison Hill of Orillia and George Hill of Bar- rie, and one half-sister, Mrs. Thos. Luck, Hillsdale. His Wife, Elizabeth Jane Dunsmore, -predeceased him on Feb. `17, .1921, as also did one daugh- ter, Ada 'A1vina, on Feb. 7, 1907. mvlnhnn nf fhn nufnorn In nylnink kn B. nuv. A. :5. banter and Rev. E. J. Whan. The -pall-bearers were members of the Adult Bible Class of Central Church where Mrs. Cole had been a. faithful member ever since coming to Barrie. `ll ..- n_1- _'.__ 1,- . 1' - - "sunny: :5 u -v If`: I EI1 IJVII-E -Mrs. Susanna Peacock Cole,` wife of Sylvesterjcele, Florence St., died on Saturday, Nov. 12, having been in failing health for a. year. Hersbody was laid to rest in the Union Cemetery `on.-Tuesday afternoon. Services. at the house and grave were taken by Rev. A. E. Baker and Rev. E. J. Whan. The -nalhhnnrnru nrnv-A mm-uh--- ..a ....;=.s xuulcx mauue _r-mnnemore, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James"Phinnemore, 104 Oakwood avenue, Toronto. The _funeral took place in the Queen City last Friday. Mrs. Dales had quite a number of friends in Barrie who were greatly shocked to hear of her untimely death. One child and her husband survive. . '1' V . *`*'.'-"' ` * it-II!gII>1'0}I4_>I< E014 >I0I0I0I0I0I0I4; ` MRS. Roezrrr DALES News has _,.reached Barrie of the death in London, Ont., on November 8_ of Mrs. Robert Dales, a `resident while her 'hus_bai1d was _stationed in Barrie as a highway tz-attic officer two years ago. Mrs. Dales was in her 2151; year and was before her marriage, Miss Ethel Maude Phlnnemore, daugh- MI`. and Mrs: .Tnrnna"`D'hinnorr'Inv'A Goon nusrme. cAi= `hhnr Hnfhincr non 8.. .-.......1; !:amiai$a&&iimIg MRS. SYLVESTER COLE _ $.---_---- ~ THE name xAMmn_ On this continent women smokey more than half a. million miles of` cigarettes a. year. Well, how many miles to the ga1?--Brandon Sun. `TTn.........u._.a , A --- "13; Shirri"91 , btl. 23 TEA~-- __-- - ...... 5 ..~<;.ua.uuuu pun. University` of Minnesota HEAD OFFICE '1 BRANCH OF'FlcE-Bank Toronto .wALKER. Special Representative M c. E. DUTCHER, Aiint, Elmvalo. A. cu U ..-- -- -av wuvuuu U0 ucI.a\.u--U1 ueing aoie to "just plug in--then tune in ' ` The new 1928 Symphony Console is equipped with single-dial control, the famous Rogers A/C tubes (including power tube), a. completely-shielded audio amplication unit, and illuminated dial showing wave lengths. The superb Rogers Symphony Speaker with its exclusive tone-lter system is enelosed in 9. beautiful cabinet of genuine walnut. See and hear this5Iatest~..Rogers Console Model --the ideal radio for the better-class home. _ , _,,- _----- ............;u.aa as was uuuuuiu U1 an CICCHIC I'3.(1l( The pleasure, the satisfaction, the certainty of always getting maximum radlo--of never havmg run down battenes to replace--of v detach-of being able to j ' can enjoy only if you own a Rogers Batteryless Radio. "IV... -...... than a,,,,,,, Remember, Life Insurance is an asset which in case of death can immediately and automatically be Ebnverted into cash`-or_1e hundred cents on the dollar! .. G. SMITH & CO. REPAREDNESS forestalls , disaster. In time of diculty `Life Insurance can be made to help -in many ways. Your policy strengthens your capital resources during life and main tains those same resources should you be suddenly taken away; In times of nancial stress- sbould adversity swoop down from an apparently clear sky your policy will act as a shock a absorber.