_. V. V0 OVBP , I .OD,OO.--:ov-on-u. I SANTAFBRI City and State ._..._. _..._.. vvwgvu v *""XV;E`E;X`""""' """ ` ' 'Ir nmpomuon ma... Detroit. met... Phone Main can c:%:a:ma:;m3::,:'2"::m$.m.m" "*"? W `W ,_ __.._ V ea -`Dv vico-supreme in the transportation world. r Five daily trains, including the Gill-IF-extra East`, extra tine, extra fare-only two Business days on the way. t ~ ` sureL:-Snnta F; through a sunny our 3 51338 llICC' all the way-v scenic wonder 1351;?!) -1 .Q_ Modest inns, great resort hotels, or rent a rote-garden bungalow; `rlnere are excellent schools where ax;-o I---I4- - `Bmoked and en }ogQc[ Qom 03 C039} 10 /`lllankic 96-aboard by every age and every C/855` Thursday, November 17, 1927! I": Besu GILL $521 Mar.':(:l Owen Thursci I! THE -~--v u-'Uv ms am; TELEPHONE` co. or CANADA A , ` .....l-as: Why is it, after ~ 9. I ve` placed my call that an operator some- times comes in on the line and asks me what 2 number I'm calling? This may seem like in- efficiency, or even `--a ` carelessness or indif- _ /N ference._ _ Yet the Special Operator; who does this, is there only to be of-`personal service to you. She is there to help you get the ' person you want when there has been a change of number or when through misunderstandlngtor tech- nical fault the call has gone wrong. She has at hand the sort of records which make this possible--records which to be effective must be con-. centrated before her. Again, she : there to be of penanal service, to help in situations where ` you can't. help yourself-to restore service order promptly and effi- a ` ` . - personal, ad]. OM ! own. individual. ' % private. an to wit` Ma` panama! conven- ience," " um it personal to myull"; em -The Oxford Dictionary ' AA. A. smm, Perhaps no question is so often asked ofmus .....`u1In -. I uzuru years or nappmess. ' ' M1ss~Ellen Gilchrist of Barrie spent a day with her, sitar, Mrs. F. Craw- ford. uvru Lruul Gllltalli DOIIIII 81103535: A number of the friends and neigh- bors or Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Currie spent an evening at their home to cel-A ebrate the fteenth anniversary of their wedding. A. very enjoyable time was spent in sinsins. danein: and best or. all was the elaborate luncheon served at the close or the evening.` Their many friends wish them many more years of happiness. I Mias~El1en -G-ilnhwint AI 3.-...- -_-_. LHBHLULU GOHVQHTIOIL m '.l`O2'0nt0. The ennlveuary services. held `at St. Andrew : Church last `Sunday were a. great success and a number of via- itors from distant points attended. A number at the frlnnrla gm: ..-a...u. `'31? 3 I I`. I186` Mrs, J. W. Walker and Mrs. A. A.` Bell are delegate: to-`the Women s `Institute convention. in '1`oron'to. The annlvm-mu-Ir lnnvlnnn sum '.4. Mana; I ..i51?3 as me name of Rev. J. A. Ross. M. I-Ioran of Aiiiston is visiting his daughter. Mrs. Eldon Latimer. Wm. Turner and Mir." Schram or Barrie and worth. of Victoria Harbor visited Mrs. Stephen Duckwprth onsunday . Among` those who attended the _funeral` of Mrs. Julius Scott were: TUBBY uaugnte!` on Nov. 10. Miss Marjory Ross and Steele or Gilford spent the at the home of Rev. Horan of Allin!-nn 4.. ..a u.u'u uempste!"S on Su Congratulations to Everard -West on th daughter Nov. Miss Ms` wlnru `Dam- auu. AVJ stead. use ueepest sympathy goes out to the family of four daughters and one son who are left to mourn the loss of a. father: Mrs. Horace "Partridge, Mrs. Melvin Caldwell, Mrs. Arthur Bonney and Miss Mlnnle at home. The one son. Milton, will reside on the home- ' _.. __~....u. u. suuv. -1- J. l$laCK,l 01' Barrie. and the Rev. Geo. E. Couit- er `of Ai'iandaie.- `D. F. Mccuaig, of Barrie. in his inimitable way ably - performed the duties or chairman. The Late J. M . Hickling . `On Sunday afternoon the remains, at Joseph Matthias` I-Iickling were laid to rest in God's acre here. Mr. I-tickling had been a patient sufferer for nearly a year and his death was not unexpected. The services at the cemetery and church were iargely_at- 1 tended and were in charge of Rev.]. Mr. Siingeriand of Holland Landing`.- Six close friends and neighbors car-' ' ried the body to its last resting place. a They were: Henry Dunsmore. John Pratt, Lorenzo Robinson, Henry Smith. Jas. Birnie and Frank Perkins. The deepest zlends here for the h Nov. 7.---Mrs.~ A. W. Partrld little son of St. .Cath-:-wrlnes were of Mrs. .R`. lF. Caldwell and olldays. Elmer Partridge of Niagara. - a few days at his home here; ..Mr. and Mrs. Williams of '1 were holiday guests of Mr an Drury; ' `fur-Ian -`l\----- -- I III 1.u`u,V_Ql`. Thosewho spent the holiday in the village were: '_M1ss May Jamieson. Brantford. at D. Jamies0n s; Reg Cole and son Bert of Toronto, at S. Cole's; E. '1`. Tyrer, Barrie, with his son Dr. R. Tyrer: Mrs. E. `Martin and Ed.. Jack and Charlie of Toronto; at their . residence in the village; Mr. and Mrs. Holmes. B1'a_dford, with W. J. Holmes; Mr. and Mrs. D. Hasket and Miss Lily at E. R. Scott's; Mr. and Mrs. C. Lang`, Toronto. at M. Howarth`s.~ . 5AM'S L053 15 'I'UBBY S cu. Lu. :1. .:ecotL's; Mr. M Howarth' us uz cculure. A few_ from the village took in the t concert and `bazaar at Cralghurst, Monday night. . . -School room, - Wedlnesday, afternoon, Nov. 2. A large crowd attended with visitors from Cralghurst; Moonstone and Elmvale. After the usual busi- ness meeting Mrs. Rice and Mr. Mer- rywea-ther. returned missionaries. from `South Africa, spoke-very briefly on their work in the `foreign elds. Mr. < Stock of Colllngwood also. spoke a ` short time on the work canned on in 4 the Cowan mission school :-1: C'nlling- `J Wood. The meeting was closed by Mrs. Copeland, also of Coliingwoocl, leading.` in prayer. - - ` f | Thnun uvhn .-.....a. 4.1.. v- H- uu: vauuge Mi`? staff s Cre Patterson of the St: pent the week-end emore. A fan: Inn... 4.1.. ._!n GUI]: Mrs. W. AMil11gan of Orillia has turned home after a week : stay the village. V ` W pn+QinA\u\ .~ LL- P-in ` ` - VVVV ton. `Eu anus. The Ladies Guild of St. Andre{v`s Churchare holding their bazaar this week. Mrs. Thos. Daivves. Jr., is spending. two weeks with her parents at Allis- ' , uuuau wno attended the Mrs. Wm. Milne and sons of Tr. and Mrs. Reginald Arnold NH `-4.- I CROWN HILL .---Mrs.~ Partridge and guests other: tere the hnlinvu Cleaner, Presser en: Dyer :BARRIE, 8 Pho IIe22I - if (Too `late for last week). , R_D:ny In rlu........_ _. -. ..e_N sauna. vi. S. of `St. Andrewfs Church :hank offering 1n`the Sunday )m, om Cl`al2`hnr.qf- Kfnr-unn-- Hmvm Fowl Supper . ul fowl supper was ed -Church here on` L. `After the large bountlfully served all the trlmmin s" was `given. Miss ) D18-8.995 nun-un.-.A ! Miss IK. week-end '. in uicdtl-.-.. I-1- `$0410 nu, 4u.UUuu'5l.UllU yr Rice :e-very foreign wc 7" re- week in I I the Standard Bank, k-end atvhis home j uuuutl _VS. spent me hnrnf fl-{E IARRII lXAlNlI : tinued disagreeable diets, patent foods V a-pproach of meal -time because they `Most people who suffer, either occa- sionally or chronically from gas, sour- ness and indigestion, have now discon- and the use of harmful drugs, stomach tonics, medicines and artical dige` tants, and instead, following the advice so often given in these columns take a. teaspoonful or four tablets of Bisurat- ed Magnesia in a little water after meals with the result that their stom- ach no longer troubles them, they are able to eat as they p`ease and they en- joy much better health. Those who use Bisurated Magnesia never -dread the know this wonderful anti-acid and food corrective, which can be obtained from any good drug store, will instantly neutralize the stomach acidity, sweeten the stomach, prevent food fermenta- tion, and make digestion easy. Try this plan yourself, but be certain to get Bisurated Magnesia especially prepar- ed ror stomach use. p Relieves I_{_heur_na_tism :Mag'n`esia Best for % % Your Indigestion` -2j-: nammon Herald. The modern girl much over her nose her mother used to I having croup.--Saul-t nu xuse net-am. _ usual: mreauy--Brantford Exposit75r.v An optimist is a man who wakes up when the speaker says One more word and I'm through.--`Halifax Herald. It all that is being said is true in re- gard to avaition we shall be very much up in the air next year.-Leth- bridge Herald. ` I1 Ylinffnlnn A. -`L vva u- A noted psychologist predicts the production of living artical beings," ang_ I g_n through.--`Halifax I-In-mm nu uu-:11 are 0 [many of them i card. A u-np.L-:I .. ..uu_y vvu.u HIS DFOIHEI` `No service in the U: here next 'Sunday..as 'Oro are having their anniver: I , ...c.. uuve returned to their home 11 John Brooks of Toronto spent S nday with his brother George. 0 the TTni+m1 .... ` , _..... was uuuu?l_V VVIUI Mrs. Mc Lel1an s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. VV. `Palk. ' "Mrs. Max Hewitt of Craighurst vis- ited Mr. and Miss Turner over Sunday. Fred` Sanderson, Victor Hart and ave been away for theannual deer hunt. James Pemberton and family, who have been at Allandale for the sum- mer. have returned here. _ John Tornnfn cum-4 .-......_ uaus11l.b'l`, Mrs. vanNorm Mr.` and Mrs. Harold Toronto spent over the `Mng `M... n-.._.--- - -A xuaua` LU!` motor traff Xvalter Palk and ;Thanksgiving Day a` daughter, Mrs. VanN | Mr- urn-1 `I\,r..... `rv- uut. Vt'l'y V`/e. " There were not many Thanksgiving visitors from the city. John Grant came to the '0'-Brien cottage on the lshore but soon returned south ag:1;`n as the Snow was nearly blocking the roads for motor traffic. Walter p-.m.- om: L-~ L- Mrs. Ab;1eriB'sVt_llwUi.s visiting her` daughter, Mrs. Spence of Ivy, who is not very well. have \IYz\nA .-.-.1 ._-- '-' , Nov.'14---Mr. and Mrs. V .and Mrs. James Hart were last Friday to attend the of Miss Gertie Adams as : Orillia Hospital. Many fr extend congratulations. 1 .Ml`S. Ahnnr `Dr-1` -'~ -V` All men are ' nnv nP tl..._. -..-..., . uv'lllllU By W. I. 1 Twenty-two members'and two vis- itors were present at the monthly ; meeting of Cookstown Women's Insti- 3 tute. held at the home of Mrs. R. Pot- ter on Nov. 8. with Mrs. J. R. Couse presiding. After various items of bus- iness were disposed of, a pleasing programme was presented by the com- . n';ittee to whom this part had been v entrusted. Mrs. L. C. Monkman con- tributed a request solo, In the Garden M of My Heart." An amusing Irish read- , ing, Mrs. Casey's New Telephone by Mrs. C. Long was greatly enjoyed. A Feel and Find Out contest was won by Mrs. D. Evans. Mrs. D. Hop- per s paper on the origin and ideas for entertaining on this oc- casion, wasreplete with information and practical suggestions. A delight- ful surprise feature was Ye Olde 'Tyme, Cookstown Quartette, which ,-ap-peaked in quaint costumes and sang 3 appropriate numbers. At the close- of the meeting fruit, candies and nuts l were served. . - of Hallowe en ' .";'..."::. '.;;' `:2'"`-".?.,.",,= u m . daily feed a dose or 8 In - J `Ken: Nevils; outside, Job- Wm. Newell, Truma ; Au n Flatt. Pleasing Programme By W. TWPnfv-fnyn .~.......1......_' _ H Cl/over Hill_L.O.l;. On Monday. Nov. 7, the "brethren of Clover Hill L.O.L. No. 89 held their annual election of officers. The fol- lowing were chosen to direct the at- fairs of the lodge for the ensuing year: -W.M., Chas. Bassingthwaighte; I. P. M., Earl Solomon: D.M.,Wm. Nevils;- Chaplain, Wm. Newell; Rec.-SAecy.,V D. Ross; Fin.-Secy., Kenneth Solo- mon: Treas., Thos. -Anderson; Mar- shal. Truman Flatt; Lecturers. Thos. Fraser. Edgar Nevils; `Committee, R. C016. Wm. Fragnr 1xr..n..... n--- - - -....u-. uucu LU OVBP Star. ( cooK_.sfrowN W born free and equal, but n marry--Kitchener `Re- ......,y., n.cuueu'l SO10-' 1.,"'1`hos. nan lgar "Fraser, Walter Cole, John 't..Nev1ls: Tvlm-sr `lhuin rs `not the! on returned mun. n--n-'-- ("girl can worry as being shiny as ed over the baby Saul-t Star. u s.nu1I.1U. . his father spent at Stroud with his VanNorman.{ 's. McLe-Han of the `hnlirlou unu- `Ill Pout-ecu. ... .;x.u1UlLl .\ .lCLJ`U3.I'l Of holiday with parents. Mr nn *.\,r-m . dress woman de- la-titude, but is sat- Y Inna-H-nah. ...u.ucr ueurge. ' 1 United -church has Brick `Church anniversary at Oro. nembers'an'd Vtwo sent :stown .vith ' various Horns: no In-~ .....uu. uy uu: C0111- s .. o, lusting Trick Mn Yrs. Wm. Adams were at Orillia gradtiation : a nurse at 1y friends here _vUAc, JUIHI` s,` inside, C. Auditors,