rrou HOTEL. .a5u, Juan ween. `Misses Helen and Lelia ~.',Douga'1l of ` Toronto. visited at the parental `home here iast week. - - ',Tnnb .rv......-.. 1.-- A-1---A - Iuwv WU Mrs. u`.rank Soulsby of ' Toronto was the guest of Mrs. J; T. Gavan- iaglkrlast week. lI -I-._ -.._l 1- ,1: v\ -- .S; Devlin .- and daughter Vof Uptergrove. were visiting in town `last week. RI..- 'ln..___I, rd 1 I` - - uawmg U1 DrantI0l`(l.__ Mrs. E. J. Hogan of Detroit was visiting friends in town recently. , Mrs. A. B. Carley spent the week- end in Elmvale at John McGinnis . Mrs. John Roe "of Minesing was with her uncle, Donald Jafcobs, over `Sunday. Mun G n--.1:.. -..: J -- - Gong:-atulations to Mr. Chantler f`4\nnnun&.-`1n&l...... -.._ I Mr. _and Mrs. Bakogeorge are visiting in Brantford. ; M`: `,1 1- u____ -1 n . ;99$?5'- &&wwwiww&&$&m&5 5 1010101 II0I-II0I0I0I0I0I0l ! . ~ .1 Ladies? Night ai L.O.VL. l' 001 L_I_`I _ ept pm ring Oct- ne births vere ve returns 0 e in Nov. 14, erthlotte ev. Dean 1 1_>gRsoNAL UUIIUUULIIIS SCI. VlUCu I-` . The late Mr.*DesJardins was born in *3 Brentwood 37 years ago`. the son of 'i the late Marshall ADes-j-ardins and llvtarcelline Labelle. He was educated at Brentwood public school and work- ed on his father s farm until 19 years of age- In 1911 he married Josephine [F01-sie, who with four young children. I` I I I St. Mary's Church, the Holy Name Society.. Knights of Columbus and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. In 1917 "he secured his engineer's pa- pers on the C.N.R. and had always worked on this division. - Cnulna his 'v|II\`r P.-scan -.!_L_.... _`_.1 I survives. Deceased was a member of` --- we-aw:-unsurllll Q! The successful candidates for `the Hay" `Scholarship in mathematics at Barrie Collegiate Institute are George Robert McMillan, Upper School, and `Kathleen McLeish, Middle School. -_ANDREW HAY SCHOLARSHIPS WUFILUU Ull LIIIB ulVllUllo Besides his family, four sisters and five brothers survive. John and Felix live at 'Brentwood,,Jo`seph in Edmon- ton, Alta., Frank in Montana, Peter `in Det_roit,( Mrs. Will. Honer and Miss Augustine in Detroit, Mrs. (Dr.) Cos- grove, Jersey City, N.J., and Mrs. Jos. Foisie in Michigan. 1 53:; _,_ HENRY DESJARDINS The funeral of Henry Desjardins, _the C.N.R. engineer killed at Colwll Junction on Thanksgiving Day, was held- last Thursday morning, service being held at St. Mary's Church, with Dean Sweeney "in charge. The pall- bearers, for the most part, were bro- ther tra-inmen of -deceased. They were .Thomas John-ston, Harold McNab. George Daugherty, ndrew Manson, John ARogers nd .=C a,rle_s` Chapman. Interment wa` made in the-R.C. ceme- tery. Rev.- Fr.\'Br`ennan was in charge at the graveside, the B. of L. E. also nnn nnn II n .Ar'v3nn Cpl: LII`: 5I.'a,vc:uuU, LIIU J `conducting a service. Tho Info MIN *1'\nuiu|~r` 'ut:I`_L or Auanaale, ponald and Minnie of Toronto. Marjorie of ;Woods-tock and Raymond of Peterborough. Surviving brothers are D. Kelcey, G. Kelcey and C. Kelcey of Barrie, W. of Cleveland and a sister, Mr-s. Pellow of Toronto. `Three brothers, 8. brother-in-law. a son-in-law and a nephew acted `as pallbearers at the funeral here on Monday. The floral offering-s included those from Wickett & Craig. Park- dale Masons, City Ticket Office, C.N. R., and Bell Telephone girls, Toronto: the L'.O.B.A. and the Presbytenian Y. P.S., A-llandale: Underhill Shoe Fac-, tory. Barrie and the Women`-s Conser- vative Club, Toronto. uey, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pellow, Mr. and Mrs. W. VValker,. Harold Stinson, Miss M.` Ke-lcey, D. Kelcey. Mr. and Mrs. `. ed lived in Barrie for forty years. He `also resided two years in North Bay, - six in Collingwood and -`six in Toronto. He was atanner by trade, but was employed at the Queen's Hotel here ffor 24 years and was particularly well known to the travelling public. In his arly years he was a. good lacrosse player. Eight children besides a wid- w Do-nald Kelcey, all of Toronto. Deceas-I ow. survive. They are Mrs. A. E. Hoop- ers, Mrs. C. Bowen,cNorman and Al- bert of Allandale, Donald Toronto. Marinriib nt .\7Vnm=la.+nn1, nvurl Zidditlonal obituaries on page 7. Pva Instruc- mu uuuul occurred at his home at 30 Metcalfe St., Toron'to.`on Nov. 10, last, of William James Kelcey, of heart trouble. The funeral was held on Monday last, interment being made in the Union cemetery. Rev. J. B. Thom- ,son, of the--Presbyterian church, Al- =1andale. had charge of the services. Relatives and friends attending from . a distance were Mr. and Mrs. G.` Kel- icey, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pellow, `MRS. VVa]kt=.r_ T-Tm-nm .QHn..-m n/r:...- WILLIAM JAMES KELCEY " Born September 23, 1873, in>Bar-rie, `the death occurred at` his home Metcalfe Rt 'l`m~.~m~+n ~.... M..-- ....-- uuu-nun. 9 I EV EIVOUIV Taken suddenly ill on Sunday, Miss .' Grace Stevenson passed away at the ' family residence, 16 Sampson St., on I Tuesday evening. Grace Darling Stev- I enson was the third daughter of the [ late J. McL. Stevenson of Barrie. She was born in Bradford but had spent practically all -her life in this town. coming here as a small child. For I years impaired health had pre- vented her from participating in ac- tivities outside her home but her suf- L feringxs were" borne in a cheerful spirit ; . and her disposition was such as to win, , the very warm regard of all within` the circle of her friendship. Surviving her are her mother, four sisters and! two brothers: M-rs. VV. Davidson of Moosejaw, Sask., Miss Kate Steven- .son of Barrie, Mrs. F. N. Lloyd of Sault Ste. Marie, Mrs. D. S. Wallbridge of Vancouver, Fred of Chicago and Gordon of Barrie. All except Mrs. Dav- idson and Mrs. Wallbridge were pm: sent a-t the funeral which took place this afternoon to the Union cemetery. Rev. J. S. Shortt of St. Andrew's church had charge of the services and the pallbearers were W. A. Boys. E. A. Little, Donald Ross, D. H. MacLaren.g J. A. MacLaren and David Lloyd of: Toronto. In addition to those mention- ed in the foregoing, thefollo-wing from out of town were present at the fun- eral: James Stevenson, M-`i-ss Gray, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. S.gBoddy. Ham- ilton: Mr. and Mrs, wnI.+nn unam- 4 vuu Lug LV11`. 1 ilton: Mr. Brantford; vi veil`:-I lI1l"| I . Arthur James Rlnehart, who passed away in the R. V. Hospital on Monday, Oct. 31. at the age of 46, was born in the township of 0ro,"`and was a suc- cessful farmer on the second conces- _ sion of Oro, for the greater part of his` life. He was well liked by all who knew him. as a neighbor or friend.. Four years ago he an-d his mther = moved to 248 Blake St., Barrie, and since that time he had been in failing health much` of 'the time. Death came suddenly at last from a complication of diseases. He leaves to mourn his loss besides his mother, four sisters and three brothers: Wm. on the home- stead, Jos. of Weyburn. Sask., and Frank of Guelph; Mrs. Jesse Aus- man of 1019 Logan Ave., Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Anderson of 2nd concession of Oro. Mrs. `George Johnston of Stroud and Mrs. A. L. Hubber.t, 140 Blake St., Barrie. The funeral service _was conducted by Rev. C. R. Spencer of Shanty Bay in St. Jame Church, Crown Hill and interment ade in Crown Hill cemetery. T'he pallbearers were his `two brothers and four bro- thers-in-law. ' ' SAMUEL `wseaen `Following an illness extending over some years'Samuel Webber, 74, died at his home on Penetang St., last Monday evening. He `was a native of Devonshire, England. At `the age of 21 . he came to Canada and settled near Minesing. where he was a. successful- farmer until retiring to Barrie seven" years ago. Of a quiet, but cheerful na- ture deceased bore his years of suf- ` fering from asthma with great forti- tude. He ls survived. by hisiwife, one son, George W., on the homestead. and Miss ; Annie of Barrie. A service will be - held on Friday after- noon at one o'clock at the familyvwhome in Barrie, the cortege proceeding to Minesing, where a church service will be held, followed by interment in the Union cemetery. - Deceased was a member of the United church. Rev. J. J. Black of Barrie and -Rev. Mr. Pope A of Minesing will have charge of the services. CBITUARY ' v ,1` ig$w$&&w&mmmmm% IPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I101! IIUIUIUIUIOI: nniwwtnnv _ .1. MISS GRACE STEVENSON nlrnn nu,1.l.....I-. :11 -., I- I goo and Mrs. J. S.Boddy. and Mrs. Walter Boddy, A. J. RINEHART ~r____._ v\1 , 1 THE amm: :x4Mu)nz.n \ --- ---~-- -------~ [manager or t The Young People's Society of Bur-1 of those who ton Ave. United church met for -the bership. first time this season on Monday ev-.l A Junior B ening last. The meeting was in charge ed at the Y of t`heoRev. G. Coulter, who gavean. vied on this encouraging talk. The following of-I than in the -left hand on Thursday last when he Allan I:Ie`d-gson, son `of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hodgson, Gowan St., had themis-I. fortune to break a. small bone in his feol off a bicycle which `he was riding down the Sanitarium hill. He is carry-` ing his arm in a. s.1i_ng. UL U1.l.l.UUl'B LU1` Lll!':VUUlllLll5' JUU-l". ' `The Essa. Road `Presbyterian church choir was at run strength on Sun-. day evening and their isinglng was` greatly appreciated by the congrega- tion. ~ QDBU. 1.\.ua.u, UVUL LL15 WCUP'UIlLln Regular meeting of B. of R.T., day, Nov. 21, at 8 p.m. a. fun a ance is requested, this being e] of officers for thevcoming year. "Fhn mung Pnnil .`Drnuhvfnv-or. :- LX151!` LUl 1ll!'.7l IIUIILU Ull. 11133314 DLI 3 Mr. and Mrs. C. Mosley and child-. ren of Toronto `visited at the home of Mrs. Mos1ey's father, Marvin Brown. Essa Road, over the weekend. ` i Regular meeting` R.T.. Mon-. Clglllal ULCULIUII UL ULLl\}ClG I W. J. Gracey and mast amily have re- moved to Orillia, This week they! shipped their household effectsfrom' their former home on~Essa. St. ' ` `film and `linen I" `Kt\ru`4\-- n...l ALSIJ |+..... D UUlUUl\o ! A meeting of the 'O.R.C. will be held; in '1`ra1nmen s Hall, Allandale, Sunday.| Nov. 20, at 2.30 p.m. General business; and election of officers. I `I1 ? `I IV-.4-.5.-- \u-A1` I-.:.-& .-......81.. L .... .... .l. U.l'Ull LU. The Service Bible Class of Burton Avenue United Church is now holding meetings on Sunday afternoons at 3 o'clock. A ........o:...... I\ 41.... vnn n ...:n 1..- 1-..1.:* Dash. ` Mrs. J. Henderson and daughter have returned after spending two weeks with the former s sister, Mrs. Mitchell, Toronto. mu... c<.....'.:.... 13:1.1.. run-.. -4: n.....,.... Vvuuxncrauay jaau. Maurice Moncrieff and Douglas Hedger have returned from Toronto, where they spent a week s_ holiday. 1\Il'ru Xlfnn Tllnv-`I-yarn has rnf rn-nn \ V'llUl'U LllCy DPCIIL G. VVCCA B_ uuuuay. Mrs. Wm. Bloxham has. returned home after a pleasant_three months visit with her brother in Waldeck. Sask. Mr..- -r 1r....A............ (\V\f` .a.......1..o.... 1..;...- J.`Ul'UllLU. A Mr. and `Mrs. J. McBride of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. J._ D. Wisdom on Wednesday last. `.\/fouuinino 1\l| nnnv-inf ? and 'nn~ncr'|.-xu V LDKLU` days. `.\/I'r uays. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Nichols spent the week-end with the lat-te_r s moths: in Toronto. \/I ... nail lzfun T T|.Tn`DnRn n? 'I"nnnn4-A Wlul Lrxeuus In Lluuuula. Mrs. J. Bebb spent a few days this week with her daughter in Brampton. Del. Hastings, Sanford St., was a visitor in Toronto this week for at few days. J. R. Roger spent the week-end with friends in Timmlns. `l\'un T `Dnkk annn a Fan! A-1917a fhia HIV` uri ndi { ALLANDALE | lIIIIII0I0I0I0I<>I<>I0_I0I<>I0I0I0I0I` ALEX. MILNE & SONS Y.P.S. Elects Officer : Boys Suits with one or two Bloomers or Bloomer and Breech-- Every suit to clear at Manufac_turer s Cost~sizes 7 years to 18 years. These suits are just the thing for School wear, being made from the best English Tweeds and Fox'B1ue Serge. Men s and Boys Clothing and Furnishings Suffers Broken Hand 77. 3-.--.. pecial Clearing Sale of Boys Suits fabrivc: We have an army of Overcoats, cut the way you ,want--and from the best blue, oxford gray and fancy weave fabrics. J. I{e'v'v'. aim, ield 3 Two Things to Loo): For in Choosing an Overcoat: First-See that it is corregtly cut. Sec0nd-See that you get a good 'Ff'I1\1A:r\ They :-e here awaiting your choice % A wonderful new assortment by 1 .mf"TTC Ki 1 Qnj ` Armies of 0vercoats% Mon- uc w cup-cuu. ' I 9 attend- election` nnrnihar van-an I socu-":rYL BRAND The membership campaign of the 'Y.M.C.A. now in progress, is commg aiong nicely. The old members are` graduay renewing and some new ones have joined up. A.,,E. Warren, general, manager of the Central Region, is one I who have taken out a. mem- _ Boys Club has been start- Y". This work will be car- 1 `vied `winter more extensively ` nt, Rnfh 'ri$|vvaInn-:1 o---J ` The Examiner this morning asked ,several merchants and other citizens .if Allandale was behind its newly- Iformed band and in every case re- .ceived an'affirmative answer. Allan I Watt and Owen Peters, of the commit- ltee, were around this week passing ,the hat and received good support, it is stated. The canvass is not yet com- `plete. It was pointed out that ` there were quite a number of instru- ments on hand [from the old band, `while several members have either purchased or already own their own. aThe disposition is that if there are , bandsmen who want to give A-llandale a. band by all means let them do it. land give them reasonable support. Sixth `Ward citizens say Barrie Band Ihas been decidedly stingy with its `music in Allandale, every appearance 1 here being made with greatly reduced ` numbers. 13. M. Sylvester, for leader of 1 the Allandale Band, is being paid` $5.00 a. practice. He has started an Iupholstering business here. 1 A score or more of Allandale nim- rods, who left at the first of the month for their annual hunt in the northern woods, have returned to their hom- es. Almost without_ exception they secured their quota of deer, all report :1 wonderful time and all with a won- derful fund of tales to relate, tales that should stand the Hot Stove Le:1- gue well during the winter months. They" report the weather quite warm for hunting and almost an entire ab- sence of snow in the bush. Some of those who are back are Athol Marsh- all, Will Robinson, R. J. McBriu-2,, Harry Goodwin, Luke Spearin, Georg: Spearn, W. B. Webb, A. E. Patterson. -A. E. Fleetham, John Spearn and W. E. Weegar. ` ficers were elected: Pres., F. Spearinz 1st Vice--Pres., A. Pugh (Devotional Dept.); 2nd Vice-Pres., Miss B. Spearin (Missionary): 3rd_ Vice-Pres.. Miss E. Garside (-Citizenship): 4t'h Vice-Pres., Miss E. Clemmens (Social Dept.); Sec y., Lloyd Morrison; Treas, Miss Lorna Park; Pianists, Miss M. Patton and Miss C. Parker. H unters Return Home r, Aucti6;I;Of. Y.M.C.A. Notu Want a Band W-.u.ur more extensweny lgtlel past, Both `physical and terson. ._ . -- 1-'.aas`a_u-na\L4l\|~J Thisvis avspecial purchase of traveller's samples, all in first- class shape." Sold regularlv at Boys Hatchway Underwear No buttons to come off-no but- tons to sewton-just jump into them-and they fit perfectly; sizes 24 to 34. Q: jg 4- ._.# ,.~---v TTCQT Warm, stylish and serviceable; sizes 26 to 34- $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 BOYS MACKINAW COATS -.-vy - %'$2.5o,' $2.35" and $3.00 suit. BQYS WINl_)lREAlERS 9"umiture shape.` S51d regu1ar1y " $3.50 to $4.50 each. T ON SALE` sizes 26 to 34 AT $2.75 Lam. 3-. _uu-s. may Inomas, of Lindsay, I,V1ce-president of the _ Rebekah As- > sembly, with Mrs. Minetta Patter- ' son, Deputy President of Colling-T _ wood District, Visited Alliston and _.Stayner lodges, accompanied by Mrs. ' Kightleyy Mr. Thomas and Mr. Pat- Lterson. A ` uua W (:6 vention. 5a.uuu WHICH WZIS ( The services of will be held next ` L owing to the aniv Oro Brick church. Mi Wlncnin l`1n-- Nov. 16-The fall Work on the is about finished. Plowing and g ering of roots is almost complet- FTILA uu outurazly attex-noon in the from 3 to -1 o'clock, and every boy in the community over 12 years of age is urged to attend. The meetings are being held in conjunction with the world-wide Y.M.C.A. prayer week. Last Sunday those assisting Ensign Langford were 0. Shank and G. R. Burns, who with F. W. Dobsogi and C. J. Seitz, the -new Y secretary, led ill singing hymns and patriotic songs, Ed. Hagen was the pianist. The radio was another feature of the program. - ._. ... Aux uuuci. Lcuuzi. The Y" is planmn_;-; to enter 9. team in the Barrie Town League. There will be,a meeting called shortly for organi- zatmr. purposes. Mr. nr-d Mrs. C. J. Seitz have taken up residence at 130 Bradford 8:. A series of boys meetings are be- ing held in the churches this Week and the Y.M.C.A. Building, one each day. The first. held on Sunday, Nov. 13, ad- dressed by Ensign Lzmgford of the Salvation Army, was a. rousing good meeting with about fifty in attendance. The last of these meetings is being held on Saturday afternoon in Y n'r-.lnr-1: nn cuuznnu :..-... social work BOYS FALL SUITS with Knickers and Long Trous- ers or two pairs of longs. $12.00 to $20.00 PERSONAL TAILORING QUTHRE is to be undertaken. ,_ ..`l.\..4-- not. .l.U l'8.l0 farm I2` and crack- ' Paco Thll-tool u unu mrm gath- nY`HI\1nnI` heceived 10V. 19 FNLY lictiouur. `on on 115 credit aproved as 0 V epairlng inishing pecialty Ollfl rum gal? maunvll VII _a_ov. 23 man) u u L UUIIFUUW . IO; Bughf ran pboard. k t- H b. 17; Good ` Market u and new me- u: an L pan: Auctdonoor aiafil OF OF t reserve. ale at 1 pan. . Allntllnnnnu `H V I35` Cb`? ' 1 0 9 I 0 I 1 0 Junior Qua!-tette . . "The Perfect Prayer" Denaon ? -'~ Harold Bryson, Stewart Bryson Frank Craig, ` Doug~l/as smith. ,; Sunday, Dec. 4-,-Ani1iversary Ser- vices. Speaker: Dr. '1`. Albert Moore. Secretary of . General Ogunoll. United Church at can- ai . Sunday. Dec. ~11-Sacra.m_ent of the Lord's Supper. ' >- F3: 3 MUn1J:u1se" Harris as & P118 0 1'3 . "" - "A Prayer" Handel Largo Sun or My Soul" Turner EVENING v....1-.. n......o.:.4.o.. nlanl-AA 'go11a.r St.L _Ur3`it_ed Chutch U v.n_I_,_ __ I -1- I) A 13" Vvlalvl no II- 3 uunovuu wu-uu vu- Rev. J. J dhhstone Black, B.A.,B.D. Minister. . Horace Wilson, A.R.C.O. Organist and Choirleader. sunday, Noxoinbor 20.1927 11 A.M.--'-The Mln1ater_ -7 P.M.-The Minister. \ ' 9 P.M,--'1`oac`her Training Class.` 8 P.M.-Su_nday.'Schoo1 in all departments. qnwuvtrw up uvv vu -- A chorus of over fifty voices will V present the Royal 1??-la.ymate." m1- 1 der the leadership of Miss`Jess1e Bryeon, in aid of the Sabbath. School, " "\ u uuuw; I The Minister will commence the Sermon Serial, Fishing in Strange Waters." Thisewill be preceded. by beautiful colored sdes of the call of Thai. Crosby. -pioneer mission- My among` the Flat-Head Indians. --.--. Popular Sunday` Evening After Meetings will be held in the Church Hall. Toronto St., commencing Sunday. Nov. 20. - nu.- \n'c...I..a-.... .111 nnvmnnnnnn 41.n'i ses, Cattle ,ments anti advertised ill be sold erms. nkey, Auct. .vo.--.-_,_-.-- _ ___.. Miss Jessie Brysog, (_31-1;3lrle;der. Mrs. E. Richardson, -Organist 11 a.m.-Cho1x'. Anthem! God is Love" (Nevin). Solo-_~-"It Was A`lone"--W1n. Ballantyne. 7 p?.m.--Chol-r-Sun of`My Soul" (Turner). So1o-God is a_. Spirit? --Mrs. H. E. McCullough. SPECIAL NOTICE ' 261331335 VS-t;<;1:)`v_ REV. A. E. BAKER,` Minister Sunday, November 20, 1927 11 a.m.-The Minister. Subject: "Danger Currents in Industry. I Cor. 3:'13. A service for em-M players and employees." `I p.m.--The`Minister. 1st in New Series on Religious L1fe-.'1`he Religion of the Religious. 'UNl'I;Dm;l`lVJRCH or CANADA` CENIMF; QHUFCH Sunday. November 20, 1927 x 11 a.m.-'1`he Lord s Supper. ` ' (Second in eerie) 8 p.m.-Bib1e School. 7 p.m.-`"1`he Tran-sflguratiori." (Third in -serdes on Crowning Events in the Life of Christ." A Week of Speeial Gospel Preach- Ing. December 4 to_ 11. ._.._.\._ NO'1'E--Bu'nday School Entertain- glp Gnristmas Tree, Dec. 20. ~----j?---,~ rTlIe Regular Baptist Church GLAPPERTON ST. Rev. E. J. Whan, Pastor. Mrs. Edith Rowe. 0:-gan1st._ Iu Margaret Sinclair. Choirloador 7 P.1'S`I`.`-:7- '(1`7 MINISTER. - Sunday School at 3 p.m. ...._-. u-u---awn`; bur Assistant" 'S<;c`r;`et'a:ry' 91? - Board of ` Missions, Sunday, November 20. 1927 11 a.m.-W.M.S. Thank-offering. REV. W. A. CAMERON, B.A. A.....l...d.n...J- m.........a....-. -5 'l'____.-I , ST. ANDREW S Presbyterian Church Rev. J. S. Shortt, M.A.. Minister Edmund Hardy. Mun. Bac.. F.'1`.C.M. Organist and Cholrmaster gun-vnv I-tvanvva at U Paulo Prayer a/nd Praise Services on Tumadnv and Wridnu ck 9 nvvu u have un- , zI"1'{i':'. o their rray DI` Tuesda;"na% Friday at\& p.m. rraxue aervwes on We invite you to worship with us". % Y.P.S..~--'Monday `at .8 p.m-. Wednesday, 8 p.m. ' Mideweek Service for Prayer. on Sunday at [11 am. and 7 p.m. REV. W. 8. Wl_-IITOOMBE LE X!,,,| Collier Street Regular Baptist Church PASTOR: A. C. WHITCOMBE. J$l LII HI 0 My 3 I811 ululu, $VLl'p "9 Da 0! Best and Gladness" (Shel. Jay :' soloists: Mrs. White, Mrs.. Kennedy. Mr. D. Wh'lte.' E VENING--Ant-hem -,- Now the Day is Over", (Marks); Soloist: Mrs. W. Kennedy. 'ASo1o-".Prayer Perfect" (Stenson). _Duet--Tw1- ugh-t", (Nevin). Miss Elzlen Dob- uon and Mr. Norman 0 iver. An- them.---"Pralse the Lot` _ 0 Jeru- salem" (Maunderj): soloist. Miss Annie, Davis. $7! UV! IVIl'\Ul"l&&I'\I" 3:?! l of Collingwood. atT11 a.m. a.nd7 p.m. I MINISTRY o-E PRAISE run, _x,_I-_ JI fhunday. November 17. 1927. Rev. J. TVhornsTor_1.,'Vi`rxister. Miss `Ellen Dobson, Choirleader. . Miss `Anal: Bailey, Organist. - SPECIAL MUSIC HQ ING-O Worship the King" \ ( aunder)- 8010.. I Cling -to Thee, My Saviour, (Groger). Mr, Arthur Jay. Anthem. "O an 4:! Pan? and fllnnnua ! (Gian! Eelved 1nnu-uo- " AN N IVERSARY SUPPER Mohduy, Nov. 21-6 to, 8 pm. Good Programme ' Iylckets: 50c and 250 SF i='a..;2' '..i.':n' 'c'u'{.'.3.-E will preach MONEAY, NOV. 21 --...I . spasm. MUSIC Monnme 5.. .. AG `Dun InA"_ Anniversary Services ' Sabbath, Nov. 20 1927. REV. w. MACMILLAN, 3.0. r'!nHing-wnnd at 11 n m and '1 I11 Bible School at 3 p.m. .... ..../....1 n...:_ n..,__ - , zAm"-__LLA1vuAI_E Presbyterian - us --u VOOIIVIO f\u1nuI-A0-O11 .... _-.._. noun`: V . u V qowuzynlslo ! J.'B'."1`homson, in his pleasixi`g' way, gave a splendid address fitting in many witty sayings and clever stories. 11:..- *r1'-I-.. n._;.1_-..1`.._,-n _ ____,__v _..., "-5- vun\Q `adv v Us nova. Avo- Miss-`I-`ievlven Sutherfand of Cookstown ! and Mr. Wilson of -Barrie, accompanied the [musical numbers. good al now; th upholltcr. round parlor plctllrdl. 0* ! 81031 'tCb1Cp e-seatod din- sota, uwin; hel. curtsmt, eaerved butt. walnut ohm nut bedroom _ mm: no- V _._-.......... ............ ...u.uuu uauu. u:. uu; ouxua. .1 Miss Margaret Sutherland surprised her audience in fifteen numbers ;of elo- cution. giving quite as much variety` as a professional. For her open}ng num ber she was dressed as Miss Can- "ada "and rousingly gave Canadian Born." Her costume and impersona- tionrof A Poor Old Maid provided many a hearty laugh. Then in a beau-, tiful Indiam robe and costume she presented three of Pauline Johnson's Indian selections which touched the hearts of those who Ilike more serious entertainment. Quick-ly she changed her attire `and attitude and gave three clever impersonations of an imp of a.= boy. The remaining numbers were just as interesting containing stories. re-z `quiring various impersonations. 13.... 1- ~n.'nu. .... -.. 1.- u_., ,, -\ 1A Fine Concert `Despite rain, fog and bad roads, :1 large crowd attended the concert in the Presbyterian church on Thursday last. The entire program was conduct- ed by Mlss Marga.ret'Sutherland, the `Misses Gelass and `Miss--Helen Suther- land of Cookst-own. Miss `Helen Glass, with her unusually deep contralto, highly delighted the audience in two splendid numbers, The Florwl Dance and Call'er'Herrln .. M-iss Margaret Glass.` with her powerful voice. show- ing the ease with which she sings high and low notes alike, rendered Il Bac- cio" and A Fairy Went a-Marketlng."_ The enjoyment of the three d_uets by Misses Glass rivalled that of the solos. `ll'.l..... 'IA'_.-,i_.A_L l--4 or mv s+.I-.Ee+; Sienna B ommn on MEETINGS: Lord : Day Breaking of Bread 11. a..m.. Acts 20-7. ` Sunday School and Bible Readinc \ .8 pm. 2 Timothy 8-16. Acts 17-11. M ' Gospel Meeting 7 pan. ' B` .. B _ Romans -10. - ; All I seats free. No -qolieditlonsi .g ` . ALL WELCOME *. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 pan. . - Acts 1o_-1a.-A T A . evening. ,_, nu-us; vs. ovxcuuuua. 7 Bro. John Reynolds movedva hearty vote of thanks to all who had .. -...- in! nu in any way helped to make the occa-A sion a success. This` was` heartily re- sponded to and God Save the King brought to a. close a very enjoyable `/ --nu-vu Ivigllln ll: hI\IIEu I L.O.L. 234 held a `very enjoyable `. Ladies Night in their hall on Tues-`! day, about 150 being present. After the usual chicken supper a splendid `pro-V gram was rendered special features of which were: readings by Miss Mar- garet Sutherland, addresses by Rev. J. B. Thomson of Aliandale and Rev.; J-as. Brown of Ctroud. Thos. Maiel s4 orchestra, Thornton, enlivened the oc-' casion with a number of selections. `X7 `.\If Dunn T-\-n 7` ~ - - ` ` ` vv--' . u - u nu-uvnc bu Iuru UIIHUIIIUI` Congratulations are in order to Chas. `Chantler, ..who celebrated his 85th birthday anniversary on Thurs- day. Nov. 10. Mr. Chantler has been a resident of Stroud for 75 years, set- tling here with his parents in.18'52. He with his brother,-George Chantler, con- tinued on the postoffice and .gener- a1 store business of their father, the :late John Chantler, the name Chant- ler Bros." holding a reputation second to none in this community. Mr. Chant- ler received many congratulatory birthday messages from friends and relatives being also kindly remember- ed by -a beautiful bouquet of roses "from Minerva Lodge,A.'F. & A.M. of` he IS 4). (`.hQ.!`I'Ar rnnrnhnn rrom Minerva Lodge,/A.'F. A lwhich he Isa charter member. iuupraw 5 on aunqay. ` Miss Meta Hunter and Miss Agnes Marquis are attending the Institute convention in Toronto this week. ; uuuuuu, U11 aunuay. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Sutherland and xfamlsly of Cookstown called at Mrs. iMcCraw's on Sunday. Minn Mam T-Tunhan ona 'Ml'h~..-. .a.....-.. vu`a. vv ul. VV I`15'Ill'.. _ Mr. andMrs. Thos. Scythes were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jamieson, `Thornton, on Sunday. MP. and Mra, 1'-J'nn'fnn Qnnnnul.-.n.:a ......: % `recived I in- hrblic Auction 3 ..--.. .--.v.....; can .sua.uu\.U Lula WUURS. Mrs. P. Louk s of Wwlkervllle is the `guest of her -parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright. Mr nnr1.1\/1':-u Vhnu `Q.-...n.. A _ _ . . ..- .u.- Lung l.l'lBIl(lS `In '.L'0I`OntO. Mrs. Ida Mathers spent a. few days with friends in Toronto this week. mm D `l"ou.I-p.... -1 1-I-v_n_,,,_, N-ov. 16--Mrs. Wm. Johnston is vis- iting friends "in Toronto. My-.4: Tn 1\/rn-Hnmm -.......`o. .. 1.... :---~ vvuczc oucy are E0 1783108. Wm. Jacobs of Toronto spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Donald Jacobs, Bayeld St. lDona-ld Jacobs, Jr.` is staying with ,them for a. couple of weeks. i&w&&$w&wim%&w$] !mwi&&wwm$w&mma ;j STROUD . gj Ib an mmmmmm. 4v.u.'. auu LUIS. IV. M01133`. A Mr. and Mrs. S. J. U. Irwin Jof Timmins are visiting with the lat- ter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill, Sanford St., enroute to Oshawa, where they are to reside. Wyn -Ionnlku Al 'I`....-..4-- ----L 1` V vvuctu Lucy W111 spend the Winter. Mrs. D. Fisher went to New- market this week to spend the win- ter at the home of her son, Ross iFisher. \ , 0 -Mr. and Mrs. `J. T. -Dougalle are visiting their daughters in Toronto "this week and attending the Royal Winter Fair. " ' Misses -Margaret" and Violet Nix- 'on' and-. Miss Edith Trask spent the I week-end in Toronto, the guests of Mriand Mrs. -R. Moff;att'.' on.` can 0 1,, 0` A a.ul.'na or. cons, Montreal. 7 ' ` Finn Martin, wife - and baby, of Flint, -Michigan, are visiting-Mrs. M. Martin, 44 Penetang St. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Murchison left `on Tuesday fgr Lakeland, Flgrida, uvulc uure `RISE WEEK. ' . "Jack -Cooper has taken a position with the big jewelry firm of Henry 'Birks & Sons, Montreal. Firm .`|M n-:.. ...:A.-.. ....1 1.-1.-- ER Vespra ion on