Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1927, p. 6

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Lqaves Chicago every morning, via Am/, arillo. Carries Standard -,...A '1`.----1-1' ,-::7tCCfa Leaves Chicago every night,via Amarloof Carries Standard and Tourist sleep-5,` and chair cars; also Pullman via Grand?` Canyon. No extra fare. Stops at Fred` Harvey station dining rooms for mealll V- - V1: Only 68 hours Chicago to Los Angeles-"f Leaves Chicago every attcrncon. going via La Junta. Carries standard I'ulln:.1ns. bservation car and chair cars. N 0 extra` fare. Stops at Fred Harvey station dining rooms for meals. . _. .....--- vo 53,556 nlalwal 533$! "' Two or more sections daiiy Famous for years. Leaves Chicacgo`-ever`,/ evenin , going via La Junta. Alwmxs ex? clusive y rst-class. A'fast train with nu extra fate. Carries thru Pullman vi?` Grand Canyon and to Phoenix. Santa. Fe train de-Luxe--Leave` Chicago every even.ing-Extr2t; ne, Extra fast, Extra {area-only two Business days on the ways` Unparalleled in the trans portatio world. Extra fare $10 from Chlr cago-$8 from Kansas City. Thursday, November 10, 19: u-any-out Phone your new: Item; to ~'.l.`hi llnminor. Harry Barron bet:::`tlI`:1 'eu::'r. :c?':Itlt)end to all your qvantmin the line` of ' FIS BROWN & C0." GIVE US A CALL Phone 180 PLUMBING AND HEATING Try All and T lull and Ildconnondod I1 I87! IIOIIII. A Banking Seryice YouWillApprec1ate All these features ensure a banking service ea:-nethe high appreciation of our custqmerl.` Our Branch near youewm `M: 3;`.- steady growth - - uf ---oovwu rn IQICIVIT almost .nT cantury cl " is1'_ABs1-1En '13:;-5% Capital 310,000,000 1 Reset-v A. Amplereeamveafu-1`oe:5parpoees'hnde4eaIlneu7 depoeltoryfory_onrfunde- - - ` ` . . Careand prompvtneesin looking through` our 300 branehes- V L` 2. Courteoue and agreeeble service from our eu-- ` The same eotind, coast:-uctive business principles" ; `IQIIQ E81131 Lk:- D-_I_ .`I.__.. _.g A 000,000 . Reset-vs $l9,500.000 Resources. $245,000. 000 V 0,_ V Phone your `news items to The Examiner, 222 or 223.2 ' nn\cIal-ll\ I /The that taste of winter was felt hero on the holiday. The snow that tell on fourteen inches deep A number who were away with motor care found diffi- culty in getting home. . .7 Mr. H.111` M Mnnni Al I-----`--- .. Sunday and Sunday night measured unity in gttlng home. J ` M Mr. and Mrs. Mount or Aurora.-spent the holiday with the latter : mother. Mrs. J. Terry. Miss Hazel Clute spent the holiday with Miss Hazel Eakiey or Wyevaie. -----------------u - wuss nossxe `Par .}1r1enda_ in `Toronto. Nov. 8.-Recent visitors in the com- munity were H. Carsoadden of Brad- ford and Milford Bertram of Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bertram; Mr. and Mrs. Cassidy` of Hamilton, Howard Beath of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs Minesing with Mr. and Mrs. _O. D. Par.- tridge; Rev. C. Gordo_n Armour and daughter of vorangeville with Miss Mc-s Kay: Dr. J. T. and Mrs. Thomas and daughter of Caledon with J. N. `Winning; Percy Healey of Orillia and a party of Toronto friends with Mr. a.ndMrs. Geo. Healey. .' - Miss Rossie -Partridge is _ visiting Jriends ` The anniversary services in connec- tion with the Guthrie United Ghurch held on Oct. 30 were such as to. be re- membered by those present. The Wee.- ther was all that could be desired. Rev. , Dr. Dow, M.A., D.D., of Toronto Univer- sity, delivered excellent sermons, morn- - ing and evening and the church-was filled to4,,capacity at .both. services. /On Nov. 1"a hot fowl supper was served to a crowd numbering up in the hump dreds. After supper the chair wai taken by D. F. Mccuaig of Barrie by` whom a few well chosen remarks were made. The programme was given by the Stayner orchestra. and others. The . orchestra gave some ne selections V which were well received. Mr. Mc- ` Bride rendered two selections on the guitar which held the close attention of the audience. Harry -Hawkins. `lead- er ot the orchestra. gave a number or humorous solos. Mr. Crawtlord and T Miss Sheliswelvi of ore with their vio- lins, accompanied by Truman eWi11- iams or Barrie, gave a few sweetselec- 3 tions. Readings were given by Miss ` Young and Miss Baldwin, of Barrie. All had evidence or the appreciation of ' the audience through encores. Every- one enjoyed theevening. Total receipts amounted to about 8250.00. ._'3'.'-. 3V_':":!`.'T _CLOWES GUTHRIE Read Th: the news of 1 _.--. ...... ....s. u. u. neu, tor a. few days. Among those home for Thanksgiving were: Misses Mary Mc'Eaohern, C. McLeod. Swallow. B. Wiggins,` O. Rbss. H. Buchanan, E. 'Jackman. L. McKay, I. Sullivan; Messrs. H. Hol- linghead, C. McEachern, F. Giffln, Joe. Hood, 0. McArthur, J. Glffin. wuun-enu at Ben. Wheeler's. `NV "N Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wiggins and Jas. McMurray of Beeton spent Sunday with Mrs. M. Wiggins. - Mrs. 14`. vnnrm... a- mu"- . ---.. u... ;. cuulul` OI Hamilton gave two excellent addresses. Miss Maud Turner of Toronto spent the holiday with Miss Bessie M'cDonald. .Mr. and Mrs. John Forgie or Sunni- da.-le spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blakely. C. Parrington of Hamilton spent the week-end at Ben. Mrs. .Tnn 1x71...--t-- -~ - - 1.0 U0 ddcman. ' Mrs. Blanchard `of Richmond Hill spent last week with Mrs. D. Mc- E Mr. and Mr. T. `J. Bowman are spending .a..1ew days .at Mitchell with the,.iat'ter s sister. Mrs. H. McLaggan. Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodward and wont Angus of Thamesvilie spent Thanks- givigg with Mr. and Mrs. M. Wood- war . *Mr. and Mrs. C. Tebly of Midland spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B. `Robinson, Ontario St. \ Mr. and Mrs. John Cuthbertson of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. Cuthbertson -s, mother. Annivv Mi! agency! on - -~- ---rnllVL'ulI\ Nov. 8.--M1ss Mabel Ross of Bramp- ton 'was visiting friends in:town last week. ' Mr. `and Mrs. H. Mattiers and son Hamid `of Aurora spent the week-end with the latter's arents, Mr. and Mrs. '1`. J. Jackman. Mm 'I:n..m-I.--- ' -- -- ' Mr. and Mrs. spent Thanksgiv D. J._M1l1er. P, and 1Ur..... -I-___, .. . __ ..-.u Mrpand Mrs. William Flegg of Tor- onto spent over Sunday week-end with Mr; and Mrs, Chas. Mills. `The many Utopia f1'ienq_s of Mrs. David Jennett will tion in a. Toronto hospital and quite restored to health. Mrs. Geo. Smithis visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. Ross, Sprucedale. ' , The `-Women s Auxiliary of St. George's `Church met at the home of Mrs. Beckerton on October 25 with ` dJU'_1`h Miss Ethel McMaster spent ~ Week-end in Clookstown. rgand A/Tm: 117.1114"... nv-~- ..... .,.u.,y an uu1uU_ W T B "Mrs. hank ell. 'IIl l.... Jas. Dawson of sgiving day with `!A.1_ _ . uur uepnew, W. J. Jones- Mr. and Mrs. B. Cook of Go: on Utopia friends last week. Ralppj Bell of Chatham : hogday at home,with his par "Mnu T4... h- --- - -- _~.~-cu vvuuulpb, l.'UI'n[0nc - Mrs. Beckerton spent the Thanksgiv- ing -ho-llday with her cousins in Orlllia. Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen of Camp -Bor- den spent Sunday last at Clarence Ar- nold's. e p Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown spent "Sunday with Elmgrove friends. Mrs. Joh_n Dobson spent a few days last week with Toronto friends. . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tiffin intertain- ed about twenty-ve friends to a Hallowe en party on Monday night. Miss Sarah Wald has -returned to Galt after two weeks at the home of her nephew, W. J. Jones. Gorrie called on_U_top`la last week, ngton spent Mrs. Joseph | In IILKDQ Edward. DeniT`y and sister, Miss Gladys, spent Sunday last at the home of Isaac Jennett, Thornton. Mru `Dnnb.....4.... _..- uuuu - " Miss Jean Higginson of Orilljp. spexgt s over the week-end with her par-`en lhere. . _ ~" 11.. __,-. -- - - 11 ' Nov. 8.--M1ss Bralley spent Thanks- izliflhg holiday with her parents in Or- a. I... `f...._ 1'-vs, - * The Eicarttiher and get Barrie and district. STYNER gh is with her parents. 9. G. Bell, for few Mc'Eanhm-n n __U'!'OPlA ih'a:tIi'a`;;1mspent the th `parents. n Weston spent Mrb. M. M. "l'l-IE.-_B ARl'-IIEA EXAMINER 0V6!` all ' ---.. ...uu ul. I-IIU WUUK. Visitors in this community during the week-end at Thanks mumy or Toronto, at J. Chantlef EH5 Wm. Pulford s; Mr. and Mrs. J. Holt of Bethesda, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Holt of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. W. Con- R. Chantlr; Mrs. Dlckenso of Mlaa-' uuucu cnurcn, Sunday. Winter is coming early. has certainly a fine white `the first of the Week. 17inM...... 1.. AL - LEI! The Y. P. social evening last VVedAn e 55\:U LA`USS S. held a very enjoyable sday. There was a splendid e program and a. fair attendance. gt the close of the meeting lunch was served; Mrs. L. Ca Toronto duri Mr. and Mr ve visited with friends in ng the week-end. .5, _1' 1:1 r4..1u......1._- I uuuu was St-l"l`VeCl'. Cave during and Mrs. J. F. Cullingham and family spent Sunday and Monday with friends at Oakville and Hamilton. _ A number from here attended S. S. Anniversary services at Bond Head United church, Sunday. ' coming nan" mu- ---A-V Nov. 7-The W. M.\s. m J. W. Halbert s last Vvedne: first chapter of the mw stud: given by Miss Edna Connell, `by several members with M as leader." Misses Estella H Edna Connell sang a duet Rugged Cross. rphn V 13 Q 1_,un -aux 1.1119: LU HIUSE OI US. Miss Dorothy Forrester of` Toronto visited Mrs. Mot Trombley over the holiday. uuou UVt2l' nunclay, Finding three 01` four . on getting up, Sundayn surprise to most of us. Miaq T\nnn1-L... 1:1`-`--- ~ _Ii/fr.-`;{nd`li4i:sf`f.}:Lines Carson visited. his sister, Mrs. E. Ferrier, over the holidays. ` Wm. Robertson of Newmarket spent the week-end with his family. ,, Mrs. H. Vvhan returned home on Saturday after having spent a couple of weeks visiting friends in Buffalo. W. Hillan of Toronto was a visitor at W. Ruffe t s over Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Reddick spent the_holi- " days with friends in Toronto. Mr. Heegan was with friends in Tor- onto over Sunday. ' ` fhvna nu` Fnuun 3---1-A-- " uuuu LU!` Le winter. Mr. and Mrs. Jan E `Una `D.-.k....;.._.. -A , ,_ ----.. vvlqiltllo Alonzo and Mark Whan, with a. party of friends from `Toronto, spent the holi- days at their cottage. ... Mrs. Spence and son David of Tor- onto visited at Mrs. Lazenby s over the holiday. \ I Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan and children of Toronto visited at A. Trembley s. K '1-Iiirrv hsmnnnn 5...: .-.--n-- --~ = - "` __ --..,..... ...:..cu at. A. xremmey I . `Harry Chappelle and famiuly and A11 . Davis and family are moving to Tor- onto for the winter. Mr. and `.\/rug r.......... 1-.__._- . .. _ ,_ _-_ r..- ........;,> 41L&u auu .l..1'. I Mark Toronto, sp Spence and sun 13; `their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Whan. xunuuy at men` cottage. ' ` _ ` Mrs. Ralph of'Bu1`fa:lo, Erie Whanpt Fort Er1e,_ Mrs. H. Shepparjd, Harold Sheppard, B. W. Hulsh and Mrs. Huxl- sh of Toronto spent the holidays with Alnnnn and Mon`: 1171...... __snr _. .-__-... I Nov. 7.--'l`he Baptist 3 church was tastefully decorated with fruits, veg- etables and owers on Sunday evening. the work b_e};_1g done by the B. Y. P. U. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson _spent the tho]-iday at their cottage. Mrs. Ralnh nfl'RnPPn'1n 1:\..:.. rrn_-1. _n NEw'13N ROBINSON , JOV. M'.\. mm 9+ 1\r...~ BELL].-E EWARZ1` ` ,, -___. ... vv p\.u\|_V UUUIK VVHS Kiss the second Mrs. Loblaw "Misses Halbert and nell sans: 2. nnf "min nu ..u._y 1 se of inches of snow Sundaymorning, was a st us. UVLI ;4-JLCIlit n.auDeI`1'. and sang The Old enjoyable VVedn esdmr rr1..\.... . met, at `Mrs. Lst Vvednesday. The e study book was a Conmatn fhn Bnnnvxj ago The earth mantle for ou aroma w4sir'- iv` Fred Harvey service on? the Santa Fe - is the best in the World of Travel Ann nQDu.pQnc ---- -- 404 F. T. Hendry, Gen. Agent, Santa Fe By. 404 Transportation Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Phone: Randolph 87-18 me _Sco|1t,- The Missieuaryw I nnnn an (`LSnn~- ---A ~ ' ' The Navac.-- f'\.. l__ in `I l'I The California Limited-' T\II no: 9...`... ---`:___ 4 - . l..C__aVeS unicago Carries Standard and Tourist sleepers, also chair cars. No extra fare! Stops at station dining rooms for meals!

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