Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Nov 1927, p. 1

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um %27,'71o`27. wunc_u. C! ate School , ' 1 - us uzcu. 'eld, $1.050, too high. -Conrmed. Clara L. Wright, 38, 39, 40, N.` Blake, $1,050, too high. Conrmed. Stewart Page, N.- pt. 95-S. Wors- ly. $&000, too high. Reduced $300 on building. I Mrs. Guilfoyle, pt.]12-13 E. Bay- J. 0. Scythes, W. i 9, E. Bayeld,' $3,800,` too high. Conrmed. I n H ' ' 5.4-.-....'- Ellen S. Buron, 6-N. Owe I200, too high. Conrmed. Emma Drury, 21-S. Gowan too high. `Conrmed. _ `Caroline Stephens. 88-W. $1.200, too high. $200 reduct building. Johanna Masdorp, 33-34 Blaeke, $1.800, too high. Gone 1 . B. ME.'Lean, pt. 14, 15-W $950, too high. 11; --- - K Reduced $ 1 00 . .-1. o. burton, juonsald, . $3,500, .ment confirmed. ! Ian....- G , _._ ,....-.... nu we records. It {was moved by Deputy Reeve Mc- I-Cuaig and seconded by Ald. Knight. The list of appeals dealt with fol- lows: ' UUHIU years. This yeIar_ s assessment is appar- ently quitesatisfactory to the Court of Revision, for a resolution of a - nreciation of the work of Assessor. E. Whitebread was passed. This is {said to be the rst time in the history of Barrie that a resolution of this natureuwas placed in the re-cords. It ' `was . I-Cuaig Knight. ., ....u acquired me property from R. }W. Trulax, has of late years showed in commendable enterprise in build- ing up the town, the board allowed a $1,400 reduction of an assessment of $5,900. The property is located at t-he corner of Bayeld and Ross streets, and has notwbeen in use for some years. TL :5 vv-|- -- ~' lllii COMIN Io per wo_: The 1927 Court of Revision, with a comparatively -small list in front of it, completed its work of the year ' last Friday morning. Twenty-one ap- peals were heard, eighteen of which were made on the ground of the as- `` sessment being too high. Of these twelve were confirmed and Eix low- rered. I fl1L-1 .1 u.|a1'_y . of thei M.P. ' memor Vance, e These made `t S Beverle d n_g, 1 ad ie .Incid will a]: rt by W. st _ years as choir, rs 0 age of busy li: parti-cu] faced w ering th greatly posely ment in complete e e . 1 servlce. ' 1 L liillillt t _ l Court of Revision Reduces `Assessment on Old Foun- dry by $1,400. .._, n. ouys, lV1.1 ., of fty ,years service in the church which he joined at the nine. Throughout a life he h-as many times, particularly of late years, been with the necessity of sev- this connection, which he greatly cherishes,Vbut has pur- postponed his retire- iir order that he might complete a half century of service; ...uc, u. n. n.= restau age from Public to `S. supporter. Refused. v ity Church, Barrie, will be the scene of. an interesting cere- monyiwhen `His Lordship, Bi- shop Sweeneywill officiate at dedication services marking the I g Next Sunday morning Trin- '[ installation of two beautiful I Mary Frances Morgan, the gift their son, W. A. Boys, K.C., The other window is in memory of the late Judge 1| the gift of his widow. I announcements were `by the rector, Rev. A. R. Beverley, last .Sunday. I I i V git ........u a urcneucra,`1'eIreSnmentS.T44p Young `People's Society, Allandale Presbyterian Church bazaar, Dec. 2. Keep that date free for `Christmas ts. ~ _ _ 44p nnnnnn -..'l- -1 I,,,.- u.Lr.IJUaH, pt. 14, ].5 W. $100. M9 `nu A '~ " " "- Completes 50 Years as Member of Choir - .- V- an VJ. :xaa\:b'5UI'i read he No. _ -,,J.,, `mun. U1 Illty erv1ce hich 3 ha ha: man... a.:---- too I lens. 88-W. High, reduction on tnbllc was b'VIU.enC- of F. Llvingston, Dyment Foundry, er and nae Ii'.m..:.... ....g--p-, uwvunuuy .l~l.aUL'1lUUH, NOV. 0. D Dance-'--mixed dancing in the`. 'I`emp,le, Friday, Nov. 4. Hunter : orchestra; refreshments.44p Young IPgnnIa a` Qnnial-up A'1l.....i;I_ \_Juuvu'ule(]. If 15-W. Essa, ed $1nn Aucu - Gowan, $750, . a Ixlinnn .....`lI Owen, $1,- A . 5. V C LVl.U' U uuuliy, Engine unn-at- . Fowl supervand conoveirtv, church, '1` ornton, Wed., Nov. 16. 44b Trinity Mission Circle" sale of bak- ing and afternoon tea, church base- ment, Saturday afternoon, Nov. 5. b nnnnn; Ilvlloivnrl :3---3-4- , oaau uruwn Attorney Evans. 1 _Seven days for this offence is an- _ now, said Magistrate Jeffs. No leniency is being shown nor can any be expected. However, by your very frank attitude` you have `saved the Crown a lot of expense. The magistrate at rst made it 10 ,'days and" $ 16,50 ne, -but on second thought reduced it to 7 d ' ' drive was cancelled for _t7wo months. onment, owing to a ne also having` been assessed. Stokes permit to _ _l_ ,,c___..`,.. uxul auu _pl(:Kd HIITI Up. ' Friday `morning accused was very ;_ 'good natured about the whole affair. ,_ When t-he Provincial Police asked for a remand to bring constables and L witnesses some distance Stokes offera L ed.to plead guilty and thus avoid con- siderable expense. His strategy was re-warded. by a seven, instead of a fifteen or thirty-day term in jail. In _ addition he must `pay a ne of $16.50. Frankly, Stokes didn t remember _-much about the accident. His mind was veryrhazy on the subject. All he _ {emembered was that `after viewing his car minus a wheel and other ; parts he proceeded forthwith to Essa Station,_close by, and caught a train north. He didn't remember that he had run into the back of an, oil truck. It happened just about train time. He wants to get into -trouble and get out of it just as soon as he can, said ~'{`.y"-am`... Au.......--_ vs V ,f_,___ .. .vuncAuAlJCl.` CH3` ne an, said ~Cr'own Attorney Evans. days an- cient historv m mm -4 .---- -- - ant, wnen a warrant was is ' arrest on a charge of dri a car while intoxicated. ` `Since that date the long arm of law has been stretching out hundreds of miles in all_ directi It was a case of that has no ash can Essa township, in F police court. The had been looking f last, when yo I-n'.n ......--J it s a long lane` for Jack Stokes, rlday morm'ng"s' provmcial police` or Jack since Sept. issued Drunken Driver Pleads Guilty -Gets Seven Days-Not a I ~ Precedent a many uni 0 I - uJ1I\IJ Ha]lowe en izations, dancing to -vmusi ter s Orchestra h to .suit the most In ners for the best unter was oor tumes were Hugh White. I uvu: que and origin while th 3 DANCE e program of mixed c supplied by Hun- ad variety enough exacting. Walter manager. The win- hard times cos- Mrs. S. Kilgour and ... we nouszenold Science Compe- } tition, prize to the high girl, Fifty 7 dollars, to be spent in a trip to the ' Boys and Girls Congress at Chicago, ' went to Miss Marian Cerswel] of Bond Head and the prize to second high girl was taken by _Miss Edna Connell of Newton Rob- St. oMary's.C;h1xrc;z;.Bazagr, Nov.. 9 42rl:fb Trinity Parish Aid sale-,~, Friday, November 25. 41tfb ' St. George's Church, Allandale, Jnnual bazaar, Tuesday, Dec. 6. 44b su par and concert, St-.*Jude s _o_zjnt_on, ------------- Buy Advertised Fair are as follows: Dewitt Chantler, Maurice Hoey, Stanley Cairns, Del- mos Somerville, Lloyd Connell, Er- win Atkinson, `Stanley Cameron, Mel Taylor, Harry Beecroft and Joseph Cassin. Winners in the open competition were: Horses; 1, Jas. Leach, 2, Lloyd Connell. Beef Cattle, l,Milton.Ritchie, 2, C. M judging competi- : cion for South-west Simcoe, held ' ' of F. J. Webster, entative, at Allis- Oct. 28, attracted an number of entries, slxty youths participatin_2'. The ' .Agricu1tural Repres ton on Friday, the most coveted prize of $50.00 to be spent in a trip to th Girls _`Congress held ' ....... ., .-xuan uorngan. Household Science In the Household Science tion, to Fifty olla_rs, to spent a Win M "M HARD TIMES DANCE RFD annrl Li`... 1/ ` vvv-gauuusn usu acunu. After the letter, written by Georg- 1'unn!'s solicitors, Radenhurst and gmmond, had been read, Acting`- (Conunued annexe 4) , --------- ----24- siss Marian Cerswell, Bond Head, Also Goes to the Chicago Congress - _-r.`....\.u u_y .11 UH` chestra had the Walter vas times cos; Vere Mrs` ..Q `| I.'l.....---- M uxlaul, \/VHS Issued driving `cated_ Vyu. uu, aLLl'n'tlCtea we Competition also .. .u1'ame_V. Swine, 2, Allan Corrigan. 1 q,.:,.....- SECTION 1 PAGES 1 T0 8 unis [He Royal Winter :\vH- ("Inn-v-A1 --- of tjae ., wuu use us_ uesu-ous 01 moving his 3'}: oline pumps. This request w refused at the last regular coun- cil meeting. At the same meetin John 'Saso, Georg'ianni s landlor , was granted a license to carry on in Georgiannfs old stand. I fine! I-`kn I,..6-4...... --..._-LL-_-, 1, I- uunuuuguu My ruu. 1V.l.0lf8X'i, UIBTK A. V W. Smith read .a .letter from Sam Georgianni -asking that he be granted _e license to remove his `gasoline pumps from his former place ofe'busi- `nees, 54 Elizabeth St., to the next door remiees. Georgianni has a civic lcense for No. 54 which does not expire until-the end of the year, but his lease of t e Toronto Garage, located on that si 'e, expired on Nov. 1, and he is_ desirous of moving his `HEOHHG numnn- Thin van--A-i -..- _-- u-..va ysov uuwwl/I155 WEB culled. "Following a discussion on the pro- priety of the meeting, which was challenged"-by Ald. Moran, Clerk A. W. Smith wand n l.++..-... a.....;...a-..- vu\qu.u yuauuny uuwiuuigiy. .I.ne ' alderman had been `called together in special session to correct an alleg- ed grievous wrong `which had been done a citizen at the previou regular meeting, `but those alderman sponsor- ing the meeting--`those who had ask- ed for it-4-did not turn up and Coun- cil adjourned peremptorily without even discussing the merits of the is- sue for which the meeting-was called. . as .J.3._--__.. . -- no pay worn; rmmmum Boo. ` Flli$ii%%%%!i%li iiIwawg&w$aimu , COMINQ EVENTS E Monday was Hallowe en and in- nocent `pranks were in order, but one probably not on the. program was played on the Town -Council, al- though possibly unwittingly. The` Motion to Adjourn Comes` Before. Question atolssue .Is,Taken Up. 3!` hose Who Pressed Mayor ' to Call it Fail to ' - Show up._ MAYOR 1s INDIGNANT word: minimum soc. Inlnlm .1.-~.v. .v. .v..-..-..... HIIU bali L) U Y-"'19-W I ...... . . . u . nun maul: ` 9 _ ~ Restitution having been made, the`, , charge of issuing a worthless che ue , ate `Barrie hotel. last Au st wh ch I has .'been penillng against award A. ,._lMarlce, a Toronto youth, has been ` withdrawn. Marks issued three ` 7 worthless. or N. S. F." cheques in \ Barrie, the total of which was 182. In a view of- the fact that he ad 1 can account with only a smell balance 1 and that hethad spentsome time in jail, the charge was `dropped. .. g unuauu W19 1 Livingston { Jlnnnnndnn similar honors at the teddfod in 1926. T-:---Zj Phone your news 1 Examiner, 222 or 223. received the shock of their young _ .iiVeS at Coilingwood last Saturday at afternoon when the were forced to re accept defeat at t e hands of the 0- Collegians of that town by:_a score of 8 to 5. The -defeat` was unexpect- al ed. inasmuch as the Georgian Bay _ re boys had been taken into camp rather handily ,by the locals when they visited here a month ago B c.1.s dvtib 'i_'f' E a -badalhltfglqi` ofo oveeriloriifidlegiceliom ` ( The juniors did much better, t winning by a score of 20-7. The * girls softball team, which has yet to win a game this season, again last, but by the very close score of 10-8. . Quite a number of fans accompanied is But 7% Cent Dr. *McCullo1 the students to the northern town, {V the` day `being ideal. , . I `/ ` 92 Seniors. Below Form r _. CANADA S SA d` t` th C11 di - W . ,.;s..l.l..,n .' is'25.s2 ct.:. : ..ii`..`~` r?..a`2`?. TWO Full-Time M- C , , nem. err or or on V _ agoutmthigee xiiinutes of? the entirg _ P'?fmbl to 3c game, and this in the final quarter, Time, as at Pre when they scored a touch. `_ . The last quarter opened with play An ap eal for bette in the centre` of -the aeld and then tion--des gned to bring for the .-first time during the game improvment of ublic ha they entered Collingwood territory. Hons in.-Simcoe olmty _W They made good use of the chance Dr W. . McCullough, 1 however, and pushed the play tiii,Pr5Vihi_8l_ Iiealthi Depa that! rnnnhazl n mniub .l..---- '--`|----- "-*A ' Our Expenditure ll vuuy enuerea luoumgwood territory. tions in Simcoe Cfounty was made by Dr. W._S- McCull_ou3`h, head of the however, tilProvinc1_al Health` Departmeiit of they reached a point from where Ontario before the Kiwanis Club they kicked, on of the 3313-jg .1gy. laet Friday. His address on Food ere who had been onside raced own land Ph sic was so full of convincing the field and grabbed the`ball behind the locals touch-line. It was not converted. V _ . , county as Simcoe, with its enlighten- ed population it was mad. -.I..: .. 4.1.-.. logic t at even in so old a settled ; T -The B. C. I.',_senior rugby zeam received th -Coilinzwoad lam-. _ `car EVEN BREAK AT c9_g._L_1_Nawoon , .u-u.~ met. me brother, Douglas, _ about eleven years of age, was the only witness of the accident. He [ immediately gave the alarm to neigh- bors who hurried to the scene of the accident and who" worked with all speed to rescue the :boy.' Mr. Black- ley, who was makinf his -bread` de- livery in the neighborhood, was one of thefirst to commence the search, but oneccount of the earth` slide i covering at distance of about fifteen ; feet, the exact spotwhere the boy . was Aburiedcould notvbe given 'by~his ,1 ' I ....my UL .-mandate, had his life smo- thered out last Friday afternoon ` while at` play with his brother. in a l sand it on his father's property near t e Town Park,` Gravenhurst. The accident occurred at 1.80 o'- clock, when Harold and his brother Douglas left their home to play in the pit. The-boys were in the act of burrowing holes in the side.o the pit when a large clod of earth and sand slid down the bank, probably undermined, and buried the unfor- 1 tunate lad` to a depth of three or . four feet. `His brother, Douglas about eleven years of um, um +1-- l. -Starr,` of Orllliu, fhu th tf` vhIII`I\AIl AC TIA- Ith A Harbld Brunton, Mr. and merly of Allandale, ered aged` 14, Mrs. A-lfred B runton, for- had his life smo- out last IMA.-.. n-U nun - -1. [. C. 1. Senior. _Rugbyists'Ar` Given Unexpected Trim`- Tming--Juniors Win. nzsrnufion MAD: |..u...A.:-.. 1.---1._.. 1- - V I Harold Brunias Instantly - Ki1l"edat%Gravenhurst `- % Last Friday. NECK AND BACK BROKEN Was Playing with Broxther .; When Sand Pit Caved Iamtlnuod oh ns: 10) -___ _---....,, ..e......,. n paraue Wlll form at Dyment s Gpre at 10.30, composed of school children, firemen, gSimcoe For- esters and Great War veterans, -who will march to the scene of the service, led by Barrie -Citizens Band, which will furn- ish music diiring the program, A `chair will lead the singing`. `V of -Rev. -C. R. zspencer, of Shanty Bay. 1 _ A ,,_ ..- nu--vu vuv LGIIIUIUH aocllment Was signed on November 11, 1918. _The service will be in charge A V at the Soldiers - Club Tuesday evening. A parade will form Dyment s firemen, War veterans. -whn mm ........_a. 1- A T `The tenth annivezfeary of the signing of, the armistice awhich ended` t-he'?Great War will be `observed in Barrie with a public memorial service before the soldiers Memorial at the Post Office -Square. ""l`he service is `scheduled to start sharp at 1-1 a.m., the hour at which the famous document `The annivozfsary he. m1dnrI- +.I..r:..-..4. \'IY-- --1" ' M, I . gylgect Some Tendencies in Post? .0 . ` V nesdey evening. Nqvem~be_r\ 16, at ' no: children : shft3r.' """"' "'i4":'fa'~. Women's Canadian diub`, Saturday, November 12, at 8 van. Public Lib- srsry Hall. speaker: Miss . I. Wookey, A., University College, Toronto, sy." Afternoon tea served. We ` l.15..spui':er, H. E- Spencer, M. ., of Battle River, Alta." -Subject, A- Western Point of View." ' 44b AdditicndiVC0nj1nz .Evencs Em p'm,c Is; 8 .0 1' n I?;:}df%;;fdtIj L b_\], a gen-'2: Oreggk, toms The 345?. "urn .m.wuu1l0llg'll Knew whereof he I broke be having been born and`prac- t sed his profession in Alliston before ; his gradual rise to his -present re-' , sponslble position.` 1 Better organization for public health will come - from the Govern- ment just as soon as the "public de- mands i,",said the `speaker, referr- ing to the fact that 85,000 babies l died annually in Canada before they : had reached the age of one year,_and ' 84 Ear `cent. before they were one` I .wee old. A ` ` wumy as mmcoe, with its ed population it was made plain that all was not `being done which might be done in the matter of `health con- servation. - . " In, his refereno to Slmcoe County; `Dr. Mdcullough knew whereof :UDOk9. he hnvino Hana ,1...-n ---I`----~ CANADA'S AVERAGE $2.50 Full-Time O.` H. s Are Preferable to 30 Part- Prese_nt? A Our [Per Capita is 7 `I6 Cents, Says Dr.`-McCullough. ` medal for bestl3o3;.'sor;'irva;1oact onto Exhibition this fall. He won the"rst place with medal at Broadview Boys Fair this year, similar honors Hamilton _eleven year old h ST. ANDREW S CONCERT Master Edward Murch, who will assist at the concert to be given `by St. Andrew's Choir on Tuesday, November` 15, `is a boy soprano of exceptional ability. Although only e won the gold for best" boy soprano at Tor- nni-n 'lI`.uI...1I..u.:-.. un - -- - _- vInQV\I I _ t_ . um, me two new dire ` K. engineer, Trenton, and a nephew A- Bqys and A. 1 ' of John dS., James and Charles Brun- With MaJor Wadswo ' t _ on an Mrs. Holmes, Allandalepmer and H. J. Gras ' The dead `boy's mother is a niece of Board. The retiring ' Mrs. H. Young, Allandale. M. Stewart and H. : The funeral was held on Monday president and set _ afternoon to Lakeviewe -cemetery,` will `be named at the Gravenhurst,- and was attended by th e new directorate. many friends of the family, includ- ing a number fr m All d l . Th service was condfzcted barn lgefr. A.WE.3 NO Fuss IN RE Beecroft. `Harold was a mem-ber of HICKLAND AP the United `Sunday -School and Ang- ` lican Y.P.-S. large q"uantity of beautiful flowers .were se nt `by -Afuss or publicity wh` friends and relatives, indicating the de - Church, on Thursday, Nov. 10. Pro- gram: Margaret Sutherland, e'locu- tionist, of Stroud; the Misses Glass, soloists, accompanied by Helen Suth- erland, of Cooketown. - 48'-44:b !'he lradiea Lawn Bowling Club are holding axvictory Bridge on Fri- day afternoon, Nov. 11, at 2.80, 1 at the Eastern Star rooms, Owen St. ' Phone for table reservations to Mre. A. Wolfenden(778), or,Mrs. N. S. Jones (1842). 48-44b ,1 United Church, Crown!-Iill, are i holdin their annual hot fowl supper, e Thurs ay, Nov. 10. Miss Mar aret t Bo le at Toronto. will be one o the t on ertainers. Orchestra will be in attendance with two soloists. Ad- missionvso and 25c.. ' 1 Mb Hurrah! Nantyr boys will hold Old-time Dance in Hall, Churchill, Nov. 11. Beatty orchestra of Cools- `I town. * Good music and good time t guaranteed`. Admission: cents 95c: and tax: ladies free. Proceeds nfaid 9i`lIildren's `S-halter.` ` Mp` nmnnh. ....-.u-.. r4 I--I- - - IIGJ of 1 _ _-_--. ---w anVu'll'C1', Hua ar- rived home from a Visit in Allandale when her son came running to the house with news of the accident. he deceased was -born in Allan- dale, his parents having resided in this town until three years ago when j 1'. Brunt WA: vn:-un...l 4.- A, .... ....=w 18 utue doubt but that he was `instantly killed. Harold was a bright, manly little fellow and will be greatly missed. His death "was a terri-ble shock to his parents. His mother had just visit ca-me_ _r_unning l nun; u..'J.1. ..--- lbarother. . Roy Ptzrdy and Gordon- the rise in PtP]at he 'y:'gs_~i_nstantly (killed ,-`_-,-.. -,u,uuu uu UUUFSB ` The players, however, attribute i y of the game! oan arrived], early and decided to h"3btS t0 the greatly im'P"9d dig closeto the edge` of the pit" and dit.i9" f the greens ml which in alshort while uncovered `the body a,PP1' mate1Y $3-000 W3? Spent in about three. or four feet of wet smce last season. The Improvedl sand; "Medical aid was summoned, course. has attracted more players but the spark of life had fled. .It and W1" continue to do so as 1,m.- was later discovered that the boy's P""eme"tS are added: `they P01 neck and back had been broken by t- V - the heavy weight of sand falling on Nearly T.W Hundred Members him. There is little doubt but The club. now has a} m_em;bership 1 . falling -hn-.+ 4.1.--- -. _ 5 simco County Lags in, ork of Health Conservation} , Ibility. he :6 at on also alace at the ys year, and | at the T-Tnms"l+.-u. IN- v 'ucuu:l' organiza- Vo bring, about an public health condi- :1'l?I<+lY urns vu-- -'- 1--` better drganizae vhrin nknuu -- Ann. -_.;L 1-- uuu year, and Els- .-_- vv we .... .u.u_.IuIe.l'1'0l'(l, me driver of th and was able toreturn home. When an automobile crashed into " the rear -of a rig in charge of George ' Hart, Vespra townshijg farmer, near the Agricultural 'Fair Grounds on 1 Elizabeth St., Tuesday evening ' about 5.30, Hart s~horses took fright and ran away, throwing the driver violently to the ground. He sus- tained several abrasions of the face and jaw and minor .cuts on his hands and legs, .in addition to a severe shaking up. He was taken to Dr._ '1`urn'bull s.eby _a man by the. name of Rutherford, the drivertof the c_ar,A 1 George Hurt, Veg mar, Hes Nan- ing_ Reel--end Beth Street. pre Township Far- ow Escape Follow- Collision en Eliza- HORSES RUN AWAY M WHEN AUTO Hns RIC: ....u uau. toy me central For instance, there local Boards _of Healt] av----, yin J.`1, .l.v)'VV. 1 in bringing in questionable immi $950 high Red l ' . . ._ . W. . , . . . - . grants? llhe men who made this $,2150Htga}"ggL Rgguc3e8dVg5()ma' country and.the1r descendants can I ` ' produce better citizens than those on J- H- A1`m5t1`ng _ 10-N. Henry, whomwe are spending so much tol$1-_65,0 t hl8'h- Reduced $150 071 come to `Canada. Certainly nothing building- will bring g'reaterA.credit.to you than F- Livingston: 1-2 W- B3 the conserving of the health of the Isessed f1` $3300 and 2-3 E- M3018 cun.try_ assessed t.0Q h. l " By better organization for the ldUCed$1.400 on `buildings- conservation of health .Dr. `McCul-l M1`S- M- 311 chanan, 21, 22, 23, S.' lough said he meant the consolida-- Wellington, $1,500, t00 1 high. Con- ton- of. small into larger units better rmed-i ' o`- nancially to do the,work. He L _38, N-]` urged a system much -as is in vogue Blake, $1,050, too hurl: (`.nv.G-.....---1 c in Gran! D-~34---'- ---~ ` " ' _ yeld, as-' 5 szuuvul OJ Sale of kluinnaungn J in D"rn'r|+a'7' 'm-- Without ostentation or any of the fuss which marked the departure and escort of Joe McDer-I mott to Kingston penitentiary a few afte;-they had signed the usual; waivers of` appeal. They were in charge of Deputy Sheriff Ben Smith, who accompanied McDermott, and ` Fred Wood, the entire_ trip being made by motor. The party left here H early Friday morning. The prisT)`nersi< signed a statement commenting fav-I orably on their treatment in Sim-,3 coe County Jail and that accorded f them on. their way to the penitenti- I ary. This was later handed to the press. ` -F ls`; ,-_..- `at u v \.LA|uIUla-, were thirty, Health in Simcoe (Continued on page 5) .u.uLu p0`.iO.UU In 1926 130 $ this year. These gures tel a story of the greatly increased number of players using thecourse, particularly among members of the summer col- ony of the district and tourists. Spent $3,000 on Course ' Thu In vv....- `- ' ` ' " Club Now Has Membership of ` * 200--Greens Fees Are Doubled `The ancient game of golf made wonderful strides in Barrie during the season just closing. This fact is, reected in the statement presented at the annual meeting of the Barrie Golf Club held in the Police Court Chambers on Monday evening. Most striking` is_the increase in green fees from $643.00 in 1926 to ,1,347.40 Veal`. ThQn a"I11nnc '5-A1 - -L--W` 5 1/ ! 1 ;BARRlE%G0 REPORT BEST YEAR %} `Ancient Ga-n1e-I-Viade Great 1 Strides in Season e 5 ' Just Closing ; ANNUAL MEETING Ham; Mann!` mus, raauuraay, Nov. 1 101 Dunlap St. Dont fail to treat of homemade baking. Remember Minninn nan! 1-- .... ......u.-.uuns on ms hands p. by 'ord, driver of car, t0 return homo '3`?-n V Jail and +`k.:.+ ..... -J- `A ----. .. vuvooallulllg Ior a 'Ba_rrie s size. These are di- : follows: Men, resident, 50; rlen_t, 19;~ladies, 70; non res- l; Junior. members -27, social II 10. reCQiI'|i', 'PI\l\VvI uu-A-4- an only U1. bile` McDer- ntiary I Nevils and ] `..+...1 D-L -- uuprovea rre players im_- thev Innini-. separated from the wagon, which is a total wreck. It is stated the far-` mer had no light on the rear of his vehicle as required by a new section of the Highway Traffic Act /effective October 1. . -. - ' xu one nlgn October _' 9, S. Charlotte, ch ...umc ocepnens, assessed on W. pt. anged to E. pt. D.- W. pt. E. N. McDonald, owner and P. `S. supporter. F. M. T ' yrrell, assessed on E. pt. .D W E N . . . . McDqna`ld, changed "to tenant on W. pt. 9, :S. Charlotte, and S. S. supporter. .. J. D. Warde, C. N. R.= restaurant, asked change (Puhli t .M_ I 9 t_'Separ-3 a Q ,_ ' An --I-------- * u.-can ux nomemaae baking. 44b Remember Mission Circle bazaar, Sat. Nov. 19, at 3 Ap.in., in Sunday School of -Collier St. United Church. 3819 of fancvwmvla ..1....--\...-...:..-

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