lay, October 20, 192:7.` .. E. WHITBY Do you want good fabric `.' Tip Top Tail- ors buy from the world s leading mi11s-ne all-wool cloths from England, Scotland and Ireland. Do you want smart style 2 `Tip Top Tailors? designers are in constant touch with the leading style centres of the continent, and interpret the latest decrees of Fashion to suit the tastes of Canadians from coast to coast. Do you want wide selection? We offer you here now, hundreds of new shades and pat- terns to choose from in all the latest weaves and designs for F.a11,wear--all at one standard price. Do you want clothes tailored to your individual measure? Of course you do! Tailored-to-measure clothes t better, give greater satisf:-%_1ction---and Tip Top Tailors one "standard price is even": less than you d pay for ready-mades. BECAUSE- THAT ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE OF SATISFACHON OR MONEY REF UNDED ng station. THE WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS HAVE BEEN PROVEN TO BE THE SAME AS MUCH HIGHER PRICED CLOTHES PURCHASED ELSEWHERE. 29 ELIZABETH STREET Phone 441 :" BARRIE 29 Elizabeth Street BARRIE Pawn Naetoon ts so that selves by rtment of complete e assured amps are r driver s ' aE1 e ;%e". ed or tail in perfect you wish thers. o \-\I aha --giighway. eprived of t`I'O'I` I 9! Trade: lent of car service at ontrea! in the same Farnham, Que., in 10 Bmvxnville, N.B., uperintemient of the :11 superintenrlent at red general superin- rceeding Mr. Neal, Ir. Humphrey is an parative youth, and has been stationed. rth Bay bv Andrew w, Sask pMr. Ha!- em Canada in 1897 as a brakeman at 5 a pointments on t enora in 1915. intments. He has pagt two years 0' xatxons. Oct. 17--M; gm; Mrs-.'171alphV Connell and daughter, Miss Erma, have been; vis'it1p:.: friends and relatives around 1 . here recently. I u.. 011!` \n-T n. w. Mnnuaiz of Bar- here recenuy. Mr. and 1\Irs..D. F. Mccuaig of Bar- rie visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Love last Sunday. ~ mam Xla Ivnllznv nf 'I`nmnto Nor- o take up his duties IRSI sunauy. ` Miss Vllda Walker of Toronto Nor- mal School spent the week-end at her home hGl`0. ' - I 4 '|"hn enn urhnnf this season is making here. The fall wheat this season is making` wonderful gmwthj` some measuring eight inches in_ length. . nr;.n,m-4r~n1mup11 and Charlie Scott eight inches in. length. Walker Caidweii and Charlie have started building on the lot puz- chnsed from J. A. Campbell. `The work on the new `m'an~se is start- ec. - ` The young people had a corn roast -on 'I.`hu1`sday evening at the h`orr_1e~of- the Misses Walker. Everyone had :1 good time around the fire. The W.I. held a weiner roast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hall on Friday evening with the usual jolly _ . . vmm mmmu meetintr of the United 'I`he annual meetinqvdf Sunday School was held and re-organ- izecl for the coming year's work. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Besse and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair spent Sunday "with relatives at New Lowell. . Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Connell and -daughtter, Erma, of Keswiek were re- cent visitors with former friends here. ` Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Caldwell anti children of Minette, Muskoka. spent the week-end with their pmrents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Caldwell. . l 1.4.... mmmc hm: bou;-:ht Neil Currie's fdnu AV! 1`.-9. uum John Emms M `farm. ` '\I'u(~ am-Hn `fr HI) IA --slowly. \ In .\i.- and Mrs Pezlrsnll, Toronto, 'vi.~m I! at .\it:~:. Mitchell's rccentlv. 'lm.~ annual thankoffering of the W. '1\I.S. of Guthrie United church` was `held last Tuesd:t_v afternoon at the ~ohn.rch. Miss M'acDougall. who is home on furlough from China, told of her work among the Chinese. Her talk was very interesting` and greatl,\' appreciat- -ed by all present. The C`..G.I.T. group also took part in the meeting. the wor- ship service being conducted by` Miss 1\Iary Gilchrist. The offering for the -day amounted to over seventy dollars. Mr. Ferguson, in charge of the service of the United church, has -commenced duty here. He has preached two excellent sermons during the past two Sundays. Mr. Ferguson was a- student `in one of the large colleges in `Scotland and is now graduating in the :s1)ring at Knox College. Toronto. The Institute held a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. liatii last Friday evening. The evenim: was -spent in games and a program by Miss Rayner of Allandale. Mr. Freestone of Hillsdale. Messrs. Hall and Armst.ronr.r. and others. . Last Saturday morning about six o'clock on the highway, the other side of -the rink. two cars collided, making a `total wreck of one. Fortunately no one was hurt. Gasoline and liquor -do not seem to mix. The anniversary services "will be held in the United church. here Jn `Sunday, October .30, at 11 a.m. and 7 13.111. Dr. John Dow. ;\I.A., D..D.. Pro- fessor of New Testament in the Union `Theological Seminary, Toronto, hav- ing recently come from St. Andrew's University, Scotland, will be the speak- Thu:-aday,`< On Friday night, Oct. I4, about one hundred friends and neighbors gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hir- am I. Bzlrnhart, Hillside Farm", Mit- chell Square. to bid them farewell be- fore their departure for their new home in Barrie. The fore part of the even- ing was spent in ganles and social chat after which a program consisting of planoforte selections, speeches, solos, 1'm1dln;.:s and commun'it'~singing was ::;iven. At the close of the programtan address was read and the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Barnhart was made. consisting of a` very handsome pair of wivker chairs and a china tea. sat. Mr. Bnrnhart. in very appropriate manner. ma sincere and hearty thanks appropriate lnulluun expressed his sincere thanks to the many guests and extended a hearty welcome to each and all-to visit them in their new home in Barrie. The remainder of the evening, after the lunch was served. was spent in danc- ing and social chat and all left biddinz Mr. and Mrs. Barnhart farewell and wishing them "many years of prosperity, health and happiness. The following address was read:-- To Mr. and Mrs. Hiram I . Barnhart: It is with feelings of regret we, your friends and neighbors. gathered here t0ll'l;.'.'ht. learned of your intended de- p:u`ture from our midst. To each one of us the news came with a sense of very distinct personal loss. You have been ll. member of the `community all your life and by your genial disposi- 'tion. h:1ve.won the love and esteem of your fellow citizens of this community. We will now ask you tdreceive these presents as a small token of remem- brance of your friends in OI'0..We hope that you and your` loved ones may lmw; be spared to each other. and be nssuretl that you will always halve a. warm place in our hearts and a glad welomne at any time you may be able to visit your old friends here. Sit-qned by '1`. J, Luck, Colin Campbell. Alex. .VIcArthur, Committee. ' resident vacated by 1. J. Humphrey who of the Algoma Divi- Mr. Humphrey is tives who has come rrpany in 1902. at later appointed chief placed in charge of xtrhevuan with head- .\I l nu` he ._- 1,._ Oct. 17--Jas. after a trip -to du.V with friends at '1`n0l`ruuu. Miss Muriel Loblaw of Toronto Nor- mal spent the week-end at her home` A. number froth here attended rcookstown Fair on Friday; M iss Ett'ieoHo1t and George, Roy and `Clarence Holt of Egbert about Sund_:.w ..4. 1:1 !"nnnn , 'i`l1Lt'l' kl L1`! LU hilt ) vv \vv~vvI M1`. andpM1~s. '1`. Stafford and visited friends at Rosemont ,0 -day. , ` Mr. and Mrs. H. Connell SD9- \du. v friends at Thornton. -mg. \/rmmn Lnhlaw Town `day friends at '1`n01'uLuu. ' 1 `horn 'L`liY`er1Ce nun u; uauuu. ..,.....- ....-V, , at iH. Connell s. - _ V The Mission Band-met last Saturdav afternoon with a good Dorothy Jackson. the vice-president. "took charge of the meeting. A splendid i paper on Barbara I-Ieck".wa:_3 givgn `by Miss Gladys Horner. A. number from here`attended the -young people's rally in Barrie last `Friday. Burns young people, au'pporv.- `mg the League of Nations, were the `winners of the debate. They are-_to be -congratulated on their orgtorioai ab!!- -un. mmmn voumr neonle also debated` -congratulated their orgtorwau um.- ` zy, Newton young people well. their material being almost equal go that of the winners. \ MWCHELL. SQUARE % NEWTON ROBINSON '\ \ October 20, 1927. 6, and was educated ;ols there. He was , of Renfrew. GUTHRIE I. xturday k. reek vu 0-n rniv 0. Calaweu. ' s has bought Cut'_r1e's VI` -w-__._ ..- . Lenhox is homelagaln the West. ;. and family I _on Sun- I. 'H. spen t Sun- J- at 'I`hn\\r\fn P O<':t. 17-Mr. McMa.nn of Vasey.-whoE ! was on the Grand Juny at Barr-1:2. spent a day with his sister. Mrs. J. T.` iJennett.T before he retusned home. -` 13.... 11-.....-........ .-.0 'I'IIvv-sham- JUIIHULL. IJULLHC uv 4.\.uuu- . . V u . . _ . . . _. ` Mr. and Mrs. Hawman of Kimber- ley visited their daughter, Mrs. Bates.$ last week.. A ` - _ v H W. H. Ha-tton is again on the sick st. ' . ' Bert'McQuay:1s used up with blood? poisoning in his foot. T | Mrs. T. Banting is visiting Toronto! friends. ` . | xxx... min. Qnnm-g teacher in Port. Inenus. Miss Elsie Speers, McN1coI1, called on Sunday. rm-m I-mun ntfnndn t Sunday. . - The band attended the fair at Cooks-I town last Friday aternoon. as did 3.!` large number of people of the com.-I friends here last WEEK. T ` -Thomas Gaines -has purchased a. [Ford car and is building a garage. I __12 _ _ _ _ . ._.. kunuv 1-1vr\n1;l`v\Vr in re supposed to are d the t1'aft. lc cop 13 st those who won't ttawa Journal. `munity. _ , : Mr. McFar1ane ofA Detroit vislte-d` friends here last week. .nw.nw..-.3 llcnnc .hns: nnrnfhnsed 8.. '1"0i`Cl Cu!` tulu 15 UULIUAU5 cl. Eg(.&b(|.a\-vi . The Anglicans are busy working to get the rectory finished and ready for| their new minister. ` An nncrla IIVDCJ ha? 910%!` laSt their minister. Au eagle was shottfaear Holly last! week which measured 6 feet, 9 inches from one wing tip to the other. It is about the largest that has been seen 1.-.... ` here. i George Gallagher is confined to be}? with a bad at-tack . of inflammatory `rheumatism. Mrs. R. H. Amoia is visiting friends, in 'I.`oi'onto and other places. I Qnnxn .-.++onr1m1 Hun` nlnilghinrr match. In Toronto and Omar pmc-ea. l Some attended the` ploughing match ` at` the prison farm near Toronto last ` Week. The remains of Mrs. Rankin of Bar- rie were laid to rest in the Presbyter- lan cemeterylast Thursday afternonn bewide her first husband. John Arnold. and her daughter. Mrs. Chas. Coleman. Mrs. Rankin spent many years in this community and was well known. As Carl Jennett was driving the horses and wagon down to thefarm last week. he gave the oldest son" of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wlnyrute n ride on his way from school. The horses took fright and ran awn'_v. upsetting the. wagon in the ditch. Carl got off with a shaking: up but the Wlngate boy sustained a broken arm and a bad shaking up. The wonder was t-hey were not both badly hurt as there was a big plow in the wagon. ` Big 1;m_v 1`'O1I1t. : rv Joseph Corby received word on Mon- day of the death of his brother-in- law, Mr. Patrick, of I-Ioneywood. Mr. Patrick, who has been a thresher. In that neighborhood for a number of years, had Just finished oiling the sen- arator and was about to come down off the machine, when he straightened up and fell to the floor, dead. It was just -one and a half "hours from the -Hvnn has 14-`aft his home until the word, Oct. 17-Potato and apple picking is in full swing among the farmers in this vicinnlty. r1.-wmmohulnnna fn Wa.1ter Jones WhO vicinnlty. Congratulations to Walter Jones was married last Week in Toronto`. Miss Madeline Beatty of Lefroy spent a few days with her uncle, Percy Thompson. last week. Alrnnrv Mnmnin snent the week-end last week. Almer McClain spent with his 'mother on the sixth line. Ma Thuirnn 1-A-nnhev. attended the DD war of Highways Mom! League`; ue : mother me sxxm uuu. Miss Dunlop, teacher, attended teachers convention in Barrie last week, also spent the week-end with her parents in Stayner. Mm: (.hr1sx~sie Richardson. eldest in stayner. Miss Chrissie daughter of George Richardson and the late M'x~s. Richardson, was united in marriage last week to M1`. Rex Guest. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Guest. Big Bay Point. Tnunnh nnvhv received and halt `nours u'uu1 Luu -time he left his word came back to his wife and daughter of his death. He leaves a wife. one son, and a da-ug-hter to mourn his loss. 7... _`, Oct. 17-Miss Edith Andrews, Tor- onto. has been spending the past two weeks at her parental home. Mrs. F. Stanley of Sutton, a returned missionary from Africa, spent last week with Miss M. Bannerman and addressed the of t-he United church on Thursday afternoon. Misses Irma Broderick and J. Mc- Leod attended the teachers convention In Barrie. ' A number from here took in the de-`- bavte in Collier St. church, Barrie. last Friday evening. e , Mrs. Billings, Sr.. has returned to the home of `her son. Frank. after a. stay of several monfs with relatives` at Aylmer and Port Golborne. I/Henna Rn Abernathy. Stroud; and and Port Uomorne. - Misses Rae Abernathy. Betty Abernethy, `Weston. spent the week-end at J. A. _Cerswel1 s. Vvhile returning from. W. Aver1l1 s threshing on Monday evening, the car in which Dick- Switzer and Vvalter Bulman. were travelling struck a pig ....a,.. nnnnlv attemnted to cross in Bulman. u`tlVUuuu.:. auuvxx .. ...., which suddenly attemptedto front of them. The car turned over in the ditch plnnllng D. S-wltzer down but he was released by his companion. The boys miraculously escaped death. Bulman. only, was injurediand he but slightly. . Lilli:-an 1.... -__, . `Oct. 11-L-George" Jacobs happened with an unfortunate accident on Sat- urday; afternoon. When the? team he leg. He was taken immediately to the RV; Hospital, Barrie, whereethe leg was set. and he is making good pro- gress toward recovery. T ' M-lac Rm-rett has returned to Toron-, toward recovery. ` Miss Barrett Tor-on-` I to after a. lengthy stay with her --nnknur T. Dnran. . V - Murphy. ` . . Mr.,and Mr-s. Carson spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Hamllvton. Apto. or Trade: Isles: F! Izhwaya: Ulllinuu V v Oct;~'18---Curman Downey\ has ar- rived home `after a trip to the West. A unnnnnfl weiner roast was held `after trip (0 me VVUBM A successful weiner `last Friday evening by the students of the Continuation school. A large crowd was in attendance and 8. good time is reported. > Mr. and `Mrs. Geo. `Johnston and -three sons and Mr. Young s-pentthe week-end in Toronto and Aurora. Mrs. C. Plowrigh-t has returned home after 9. visit to Toronto and other near- by points. , . wnn Dorothy. Fletcher of Toronto Srwx.>o'i'nis:" "V F W. ` ~ - ' . Miss Dorothy; F_`letcher of is visiting Mrs. Wesley Orchard; VC`Ul\ Mr `cam. slxm LINE. VESPRA Ln.o.nn- BOND HEAl_) NANTYR. 1'wTN1-:sgNc. teacher in Port I, friends here on ; I .CANAl)A S LARGEST 0NE-PRICE TAILORS ONE. PRICE $ .45 ONE PRICE ONLY ONLY WHY Tip Top Tailors are Canada s Largest Tailors BECAUSE- _____BEcAUsE- Inger to its TIPTOP TAILORS BECAUSE- , OVER ONE AND A HALF MILLION MEN HAVE . WORN and ARE WEARING TIP TOP CLOTHES. CUS OMERS HAVE COMPARED VALUES ELSEWHERE AND FOUND TIP TOP CLOTHES CANNOT BE DUPLICATED IN VALUE. The Special Representative will be here SATURDAY, Oct. 22 To Demonstrate Tip Top Clothes and to Show the Actual Workmansllip and Materials put in Tip Top Garments You Can Pay Less and Get Less Value--You Can Pay More and Get Less Value%Than TIP TOP Offer You. '1"f'1 WPROVEN BY THEIR TAILORING OVER 3500 ORDERS WEEKLY. THE EARRIE EXAMINER the high- e support. 0 that the ermanent highways. ents may