advocating ! I. Lawrence nrnin.-m+ ua- n ---For plumbing and heating ' 214.` J. J . Neelands, 48 B!::'4 ' Pzjomptlattention to repairs. . drying varnish is purpose. also I -good tor :11 5`, 1-in e S f 1561! W , milis NARCISSUS DAFFODILS, ETC. WE HAVE A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. jnj Plant Bulbs Now FOR CHRISTMAS __8LooM% S ectaculdri ` _Capitg1 '1`lmm'o,V Th Tremn- c!` Heart of Mary- ur.,. Fri... A- 9 tern`, A 1:; ._ rt` '0` '5` scum Baum-en? veteran of Uhe Fenian Rad business tromvevivhich he retired recent.-. . ly. going to Buffalo to live. He was a member `oi Wilson Ledse,' 4 A11`. & AM. and for_ a number of years I was a very active member of the York Pioneers` society. . `_1 e was aim: d onn--`~-- -` " I 5 Malcolm Rowat, Elfhvale, 8.5. -No.` 5. F10 , - s; Joyce Vasey, Vasey No. 12 Medonte; Dim les W,a tson. Severn 1 Bridge, No. 5, orris on: Sarah Fergu- . son, Ormia, No 18 . , Ormia; Myrtle Patterson, Edgar. No. 6. Om; Grace VHopkins. 4VlctIoria. Harbou [ Tay: Homer `Spr1n`g, Wlyevaie, No. 14, Tlry: George Rogers. New Mr_i And 1\,r..- n bec nib`. "_"c 5:' A. 1'-r:1n`ttUh`as /refurtied gm", spending a. wek wit his sister at sarnia. ? ~ Mr. and Mrs. Mom-id. of '1`or5n`td visited Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dobson ov- er Sunday. .,M-,._.,, (-q,..,.. an.......w. - u JJJU V `W11 IA I m:a.:uu 13110! over,yet' 'ee co1d-wate'r-hw1m- a "dip" on ['1`u_esda.y C. Mosley said their.` -9 and Murinl, nf nun..- . enneth Lambfe: 1e and Gordon We I 7 - gap. double header in Barri ,,.- v\JJ uave cl. lauperlor backfield. Next` Saturday afternoon there will e. Penetang U. Juniors `coming for a. game with B.C.I. seniors. Penetang school team wlll`also.pla.y B.C.I. ,1 The girls` softball teams .0 schools will also meet. lgalgqrrle llne-up `against _;Plcker. .,,. .-assuring scored It -3 an attempted offside k .19 H ,-er-lug College. : feated the gihlnn In 5 ., . v ucuuuu. - n.c.1. ssmons TREIM g PICKERING COLLEGE -u------- '1 ipuiate! plays. Bryadn intercepted a : gun go run almost eighty. yards for is touch /Barrie adored its other . point by {kick over the dead line four minutes after play". started. Pickering scored its first point, on . 9.3 gttegnpted kick. an ..,..-..: 8 minutes; 4-5 seconds. .u.u1uI, `(.859 V .'Three-quariter Mile -Relay-Mid1and. lst; Orllllg, 2nd: Barrie, .3rd. Time. O Orlllia; 3'. tance. 34:9. ' 220 Yards Dash, _ Midland, 1st; Eato 22111: avcutytlg wuulana, 1st: Knox, Barrie, 3rd smith`. . Dis- n, Orillia, 2nd: Wal- , ace, Barrie, 32-d Time 25 2-5. Inter,- - med1a.te-- G1-ise, Midland, 1st; `Mn- , ean, Barrie. 2nd; Johnson, Orillia, ,' 3rd. Time. 26. Juniors--'Ra.1-ph; Mid-I '.- land. 1st; Smlth,.,Oril1i`a. 2nd; `Donne!-I ,'1y, Barrie, 3rd.-'I`ime,`2'6 1-5. [ I` Pole Vault. Rnnh-u~,,.`D---~-A up. - _ M~acPherson. Midlan/(:1. Barrie, and Capstlck, Orillia, tied for "Cooper" Midland. ls; Ch'i1derhouse.' Orillia. 2nd: McCIelland, Barrie, 3rd. Height, 7.9%. - ' .'Three-aunrrn mm. mm. ----- lsf; Hunter, BarrIe,.2nd: Boyd, 0 I 8.6. Intermediat .MacPhe2"sbn. Midland. 1st; M11 `Midland, 1st; Henson, f Johnson. Orillla, 3rd. ms '- Junior--Ralph. Midland, ' Bar: '5 aon v.--a- v~- ~-- ~ ,,--..- vv \1LlBC. 1 .M'zcuand. 1st; Henson. Brie, 2nd; 3 Johnston, Ormla, 3rd. Time. 11. Junior 7 -Ralph, Midland, 1st: Pethick, Orn- .l1a.. 2nd: Donnelly, Barrie, 3rd. Time, I_11 145. ` I Javelin. Sen1or--Hun1_:_er. Midland, t; - Boyd. . Orillia, (2nd: Baughman. arrle, 8rd. Distance, 114.4. Intermed: late--Chalk, Midland, 1st; 'Crossland. Barrie, 2nd: Johnson; Orillia, 3rd. Distance, 100.11. Jun1_or-Cooper, Mid- Iland. lgt: Knox, Barrie. 2nd; Pethick. Orlllla, 3rd. Distance, 77.4. . Shot Put. QAninn__`Dn---- --v-- - UV! sauu, aru.-'1`1me 5.08. ' V W" I.lJ| Halt Mile; In_termediate--~Sa.rjeant be Barr1e,-1st; Hm, Midland, 2nd; Mc- D! Cahy, Orlllia.v8rd. Time 2.13 2-5. Junior "91--`Ralph. Midland. 1st; Donnelly, Bar- It.`.' rte; 2nd; Childerhouse, 3rd. Time, 2.14- . gov 1-'5_. 5 I V The Sports - . - The following are the events and the 5` results: 5, LRunn1hg High` Jurhp, senior----Boyd. -,OrlIl1a, 1st: Boyer, Midland, 2nd: Me`- -lK1nnor1, Barrie. 3rd. Height 5 feet_ ' 9, Inches. Intermediate--Henson, Barme, lllst; Grlse, Midland, 2nd; Johnson, Or- >_`Ill1a, 8rd. Height. 3ft. 2 iris. Junior- l` Pethiqk. Orillia, 1st; Knox, Barrie, 2nd; 1 Cooper,.Mid1and, 3rd. Height, 4 ft. 7ins. `L _0ng- Mile Senior--Hedgm~ no-.4:- uuuyvl`, .M.u;uand, 3rd. 4 One` Senior---Hedger, `lat; Eaton. Orillia, 2nd; Hunt ; land. 3rd.-Time 5.08. I Half 'M ih:' rm-------=v - -' ,, _ ..v. \l. u c:. C also] ' several ' representatives prese nt `from both towns including A. B. Cockburn, *'-A. S. Morrow, . J. Heath and E. E. ',K1dd. of Barrie; D. H. McGi1l, J. 0.. Smith, A. C. Harris and others from T Orlllla. e ` . A Banquet ` Imthe evening a banquet was tend- -gqvul`. . n` Barrie ~C.I. athletes madeltheir best {showing in the distance events, W. '5. Hedger winning , the one-mile senior eand G. Sarjeant the half-m1le.1nter- ;t`mediate. J . Henson, who won inter- mediate honors at the Field Day last week, also made an excellent showing. , helping materially to pile` up points for. - his school. 3. The Officials ldland; timers, J. C. `Smith, Orillfa and H. Shanacy, , gland; announcer, J. J., Robins; Mid- ?, land: judges, J. C; Smith, Orillia, A. R. t ' M. Gaviller, Midland. Therefwerel also, several present 'Smith, I-Ia'1rris others 1., I [ _ A -. wuu pulntl ga.-med In the meet. t . Midland has been successful In r-, holding the trgphy 3 out of 4 years and I won It again on Saturday last with a._ total of 66 points against 421;'pd1nts : tororillla. and 411,5 po1nts.foz-Barrie. Notwithstanding that there was a chil- us, I v v_e4 I-VS!-5 dllugtnern > I ""I'he different schools competingarev entitled to` have an entry in each event '-ty-five contests altogether. .._I.---- [ .` When the tota ,- at-1-3: Tudhope Cup. only one point so Barrie for second won the "trophy. .~ i There were nine ev eight or which wer intermedlate and J "Plan l""AenA- L I . it via found that pa'rated Orlllia and' place. Midland again] ents on the c'ard. M 9 divided into senior, 3 unior, making twen- : aru. ulstance, ' 1 ""' Put, Senior--Boyer, Midland, oyd, Orillia, 2nd: Bryson, 3rd. :e. 39.6%. Intermediate-`-Grise, zi, Barrie, 2nd: .1. Distance, 41.10%. -R_alph. 1st: Smith. Mzgd; 3rd. - _.. -. guvu WUFB the mug stars of the game. two toudhes after long 1113 from cleverly man- fnot eight`). vnra 4'-- uuusut at the hands [the fact t-ha._t Pick- `- --.....,..g yLC$U1l'.(:`(.l. me nded out with Room .later in the even- tg banquefwas rs in the High School; eeches were made and ribbons presenfed. the; ied out with n ac-vm- ~- .... u. 4uuyUl', xvucuand. a., 2nd; Hunter, Bar- , 19.7%. Intermediate \ 1st: Grlse, Midland, >ri1lia, 3rd. Distance. .aIph, Midland, 1st: 1; Knox, Barrie, 3rd. ro3}'. . Midland. Id; Orn- Intermediate- 1 gf . .\ll'lH.... IJ'U 1"- ' \I'lI'I, ' 1 Wood; 1`-hursday. -,---vv vvyunil, VV- the senior the n, a excellent Rhnwina _- ..nug m" on the year : cnting melodrama, The Girl,~ at Dreamland V Thursdav- V Higin `Pa L. G 5--T'hox_'n`hil1, , Amsden . lay at Barbie. ' U , -- .7--ev- U111` < ` Toronto. rk. Play t ` Toronto. 1:, Barrie, Baf- Conlngwood. mpire J. D, Group onto Lakeviw, Toronto 1-onto Granite. Bay at . pire Charles Bulley. _.Group No. 5-'|"---- _-mug 3.. Hanna .....1- .1. College team of `Aurora . Tl does not indicate the play, as 1 students were outlucked all tl S_t. Andrew's scoredtheir fir: when one of their middle win; away for a long run.-The fi score. The line-up was pfactice ,same as against Pickering .much closer - practically the kering College Baughman u new V6 Held m1dd1e`s, Albert Craig: nilfch-Inn Item-=' YOUR DEER THE GREAT W oons , THIS YEAR -<--__-----..., THE TANKARD DRAW fn Ll... t\__. Leader. ., ...uuunut`1lL over the gr: John .A.`MacDonaId, at Kin 24. Adopted a re' establishment` of a perma denco in Ottawa for the Cc - ... , , and advocating that the directors be non-partisan and free from all political interference. 23. Adopted a resolution for appoint- ment of a committee to arrange for -a, monument over the grave of Sir Kingston, n--+ A nx2au1ul.l.OIl. . K _` `H 18. Adopteda resolution /advoca; ; that old age pensions `legisla should be t he subject of Federal Ie lation only. 19. Adopted .a labor plank in form of a resolution. 241. Adopted a resolution for an ggressive system of immigration, cludintr a recommendation for the clusion of Orientalrs. `_`.ns\a publicly owned 2 adxtocating t1 a interferenmaf . 99 A.:....L- - _ .-_ .. xcoU1ul.lOn. to put into effect all th-e recommendations of the ` . n` [Maritime _Rigl'1ts vnihen re_turned to power. 7 resolution. resolution ,advoca.-ting M legislation legis- _11. Adopted 4 existin flour produc g freigh as -a ma ts. fish utiori for the ad? ing indu-st1-v. ; ` 9; Adopted a.~resolut1on advocating. the development of the St. L C `Adopted a. resolution to maintam ` existing freight rat maxim on grain and grain products." ' `. `I19 A-3--` " , . _ . r we 7. Adopted principle of F s uction of i . . Adopted tection and 'dev_e resources. a.~re 0 a. resolution 1 h1g1 for th lopment of Ca solution advo f Lav anadian proje the 7year s most h`a'ma. Th. 'l'7..l.._I. ,_ ,.-V.,,, we uu: IUCEU. re the "Way. `s first touch E wings` broke field was 9 -A ' ' um Luree points were` -ks to the dead line. The 3 tried ard and had the they L oul-d have held s to a, .mnr-.h `M.-....... day B.-C.I. was beaten itand heavy St Andrew's The score ate nlav. an Hm `I--' )pted the resolution. pted` a. resolution of Imperial cherishing the traditions. rses of the British family of oted ag- aystem i.'1- \ ex- i -__, .uaulLCLl VVIHGH 3. g recovered a fum- 5-yard line from a er three nnima ........-~ rreu uaughman of George Wood u \. 1---n-u .sE 42; mu:-ua.u, u1SS01Ved1n plied with a. small br. alcohol and ap- ush. Clear, hard- __ __,,.,..' ugu-new uwu auu Otner forms '_of brass work Irom tarnishing, and al- . brush. Clear. hm--L cxpxes. favorihg the` for {Win .......