`N-i1"O-lrliflby of Hurdwlroo ....g. u-corn! rawuuvlnulullu I Mrs W. J. Stewart of Regina and; Miss Mar'Jorie_\., Stewart of C-levelan-d.` Ohio. are visiting with Mrs. Stewart's sister. Mrs. J . N. I-Iobley. ' R/rnu `EV 13u...I.I... : `- -- 1| A`- " ' -rv'vP -uggvoo I ' A. F. A. Ma!comson wash: Toronto this week attending the annual co - `ventlon of the Ontario Fine & Casu 1- _ ty Agents Association. 1Ul'...-. `Irv APRlCOTbl`VlER|,NGUE PUDDING n/- ....-_._.1 .1._:__1 -__._:, Mrs. Tyrer. ...--... ' I vrs. Arthur Jackson has returned to. her home in Hollywood. Ca;1it., after, spending the summer with her aunt. vvuu mu muncreaz Maroons this winter. Mrs. W. Jf Whyta and children. Barbara. and Billie. of Toronto. are v1s- 7 iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Overs. _ T 3 ..... was nor auuaca muss uorzs Lines and Miss K. Edney of '.l`\oronto.` - I Miss Tania Mac'La_ren, or -Toronto. visited her parents,- Mr. and Mrs. D. H.. MacLaren, `over the week-end. | Leighton Emma left on Mondaj for Montreal where he will, play hockey with the Montreal Maroons this Mr: I. 1' 11n.--.;- -.-.- -- --- . -7 .. u-uglll v vuu, J. H urauuy u 0 Miss Mary Robeftson or Barrie Qpent several days at the home of Miss Ida. Appiegate in Aliiston . A ' Mrs. W.`W. Thompson is in Coiiin-3- ' wood this week visiting Mrs. A. Mc- Rae and Mrs. A. Thompson. ` Minn Mnhnl A ..... ....~ a---'---A -- -- . . W - w ow ans no (Ir .!7'IlUHIp0nu l Miss Mabel Hounsome. Sa.n'dtord St.. has as her guests Miss Doris Lines and fljoronto.` I _----v ecu &J|'l\|l-Ur`-It ' `V I Mr. and_Mrs. J. D. Deans of Spruce- ale spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hobley. . ` ` Mrs. F. R. Redditt or oderioh has been the guest of Mrs. Byron King for a." couple or weeks. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Moran and youn son. of Windsor. are the guests or relatives in Barrie. ' I. Mrs. Albert Paddison. D.D..P. of Re-,` bekah of the Colllngwood District, v1s- ` ited Elmvale, Thursday. _ ` Mh Mann `I3nLp..lL_.-;. -D V` ` \ ..... v-4`! ooullln Mrs. S. Gill as re visiting for 9. week-w onto and Bradford. Man I-4 "'9" "' "` quantity operty of lace and H. M. L ay\.!~ Sudbury district; I moose hunt. II ... he 4.... -- .. -uuvvn 1 j Rev. J. S. Shortt'h: anniversary services .Sund'ay. .I, _ . 7--vva cow IIIUUIIUF. MP8. J: A: Mr. and "Mrs. H. .B. Banker and` daughter have been holidaying in Mon- treal. - V Niorth Bay where- he will spend the , I ,.,_ .. ;_ . I Gerard I-I-aniey left this [week ton-' ivus M. E. Maconchy left toda.y"to visit in Toronto for a few weeks. ` M-iaa Bessie Huxtabie or North Bay agent the week-and in Barrie, `Randall McCarthy of Halifax is via- iting his mot-her, Mrs. J. A. Mocarvhy. _ "Mn. 1: I: an-`--- --` the week-end. Ted Lowio n`www'U'l motored to 'roront'ofor -. Ken; - University tor the week-end ` M. E. todayto tow weeks. I I J . ay\.!.s lhoiidaying In th district; trying his luck in a. In . ~ returned home after 0!` friends: dn 'I"nIn_'~ Shortt `has ciaarge at `the Services at I-nllaan-1. l\I| W lll `LU neigihbo Lnursn O-I-u unuruuu name arter Hwith friends :ln.'1`Qr-'i~ Iuotlona` an Vuuarse 0! H16" at I-`Illlsda.-le on -1-. L116 resulting crash. I '1] There are as many different types of "motor car drivers as there are human 1~ be1ngs--there muet be sinee-.the mind operating the car is human. To point, out each individual kind of driverds; ,certainly to point directly at you in-` I 5 one or more cases. However. if it_ tends 1 tofrmake the reader .see himself as a l fool and to correct that fault before six `foot of earth is piled on top of him 'wh,v-4-the mission of this article Isaa- complished. ` ` ' nhn fivvnn nvs-A---A -`- - -r l usau wu.u LIUWCFS. Noth1ng-no psychological test of character a.na1ys1s-reveals o_ne s true iinwardness more quickly and with igreatez; certainty than the_ motor car ' I uxutsud. I And then" omesxthe fellow who tried: to beat the t am over the crossing. He; is too.well known to descrit;e,6ut take any type of reckless driver,'add two or three drinks. of bad liquor (or plainr Jackass Ignorance) and an automobile. `Soak the fool well in;_the'1iquor (or in his ownego) place in the car and let go; After due time remove from debris, place 1;: satin-lined receptacle and gar- nish with flowers. . - ` \1-_;d'- ' - - uuuxpuauvu. , 3 ;One type approaches, gliding at `high speed. in the grooves of the trolley 'ra.i1s.\iBecause of his smooth approach he hates to slow down and whiz-ove1' . `the crossing he swishes, gravzi-ng a `street car, a truck, several automobiles and half a dozen pedestrians. `Then he `sticks his head out of the side and grins at [the consternation he has caused. This very same grin is on his I face when, later. he is hurried to the morgue. ' V Anti lvY\non`)........_ 41.- p,v:, - - - V` la ll. uecause or raise egotism? It isn't necessary to go into detail as to . . the tagging of the false egotism driver,` ` the one who is under` the impression 1 that everyone is racing with him, the one who persists in makinglhis own usurpations a self-favo ng law of the road, or the one -who ~fai.. into a gener- al class of the irresponsible wrecker.` He is a, psychological case and belongs to the same aggregation as the common criminal. i ~ 4 ' I ' Is -it because of human nature? Part- ' ly so! The man that buys his first car wants to be looked upon as an equal. in rights of any other man who owns a car. vevh though the latter-may have been n o wner for years. The new owner gets out on the street, wholly inexperienced and not educated to the rules of the road. Immediately con-_ fusion results and, with confusion, an- ' tagon sm. Then, everyone for himself` ` -.in "the resulting `crash. . -` A Thorn am: 9: menu. .:.aa........L um Business. Schools, To- ronto--twelve of them -1-train young people for office rmsitions through day and evening sessions and home sfudy courses. " \V;ite for ealeniler. Head Offiees: [Bay and Charles Streefs. ' -- e , In 970 cases in which motor cars were wrecked by trains. 136 persons `were killed and 405 were injured. In 490 cases automobiles stalled on grade crossings were demolished. Forty-`three cars actually collided with the danger signals. - 5 Why do they do gr. . ' Is it because of false eggtism? It Isn't nnnnaunnu 4-,. ..... 1-4.- .1 ..-.... -.-..au uuuuu nruuulel`. `The delegates speak highly of the `kindness and attention shown them at I the Forestry Farm and speak of what ' they saw there as a decided revelation ' and education. The officials, they state, could not have been more attentive. Great praise is also given by the dele- `gates to Mr. Flynn, of Cookstown. the retiring president, to Mr. Irwin of Lisle, the secretary, and to Inspector 'Longman. who organized the co`r1ven-- tion and were responsible for the car-? ` rying out of its program. [ THE.`REASON`FOR rr ALL By Erwin Greer (President Greer School of Electrical` .92 Automotive _Trades, Chicago, Ill.) _'I'I:ar9T , ` uu=uuu.u'n. Seo y.-"I`reas.,-Thos. Irwin, Lisle. Audltors-J. R Kldd, Everett; Miss! 'J-anet Nlcol, Lisle. T I Executlve-+-E. A. .1. Watts, Alllston; ; Miss. Myrtle Martin. Stayner. ' Delegate to the O.E.A.-Miss Janet 'McLeod, Bond Head.- The Banquet lncluded Mrs. Longman, Dr. and Mrs. ,1-luff, Hon. Wm. Flnlayson, R. S. 'Lane. Supt. of the Forestry Farm.= One hundred and twenty-six sat down. - The gathering was treated to two re- ; markable solos by Wishart Camp- bell. who was twice encored, as were 1 the numbers of Miss Katherine Ross`: rand Mlss Sadde Bremner. t it mun- .:I..1.......a.-_ V, - . U - . nyuuue, lulunurst, - v ' '2-. """`7""n""' """ " Wm`. PF`-or | Class 5, sow born after Sept. 1, 1925. * 1:23:32: an i:si:*.;tVin::m.:*s::;: em 1. mm mm B. 2- which is`being"carried on along these Carsoadden & Sons: 2 ($8) Geo Drew A _ . . nan; 8 ($6) Geo. Wilkinson. *5 lines by the provincial government Class 6. sow born after Sept. 1. 1926, `and the importance which -his depart- and before Sept. 1. 1927-1 (38) Geortre LS mam places upon it. _ V Drennan; 2 ($6) John Brethet & Sons: 5 Thursday morning the sessions 3 (94) R` C`3`m 5` 5: ` (*2) R` opened with devotional exercises, Csad'd & 5; 5 D G' Wu` (1 ki O . . ,3 which were taken `by Rev- G Coulter. -'cs1a's`s 7, sow born after Mar. 1, 1927- lthe President's 'address, an `address of 1 ($7) R. Carscadden & one: 2 ($6) _ welcome -by Deputy Reeve. Mc Cuaig . John Brethet & Sons: 8 (35) R. Cars-I . aand routine organization work. made" & 5? 4 (34) G- D m`-N` - 5 ($3) Geo. Wi'lkinson; 6 ($2) John - Th rt. f -th d I te to the s - t O. E9 X?p`?ield in '1?-orgnetgalazt Aug- 's33.`t & Sons 7 ($1) John math & 3- ust was heard after luncheon Thurs- Class 8. senior champion BOW-T01"! I.day~ afternoon," followed by E.'Ba"- A1$tn- . _ Class 9. Junior champion sow-R. . L ]9gr`?van'F,1IIjtPh's M A or the Normallcarscadden & Sons, Bradford. _ "School `Toronto `waswthe chief speaker I J Ems; ]}0 grand h.3=mp1n "W" t.otthe'covt`i .'1`h-eritda ne`' ' . it spoke on n'feo1!;robleten Qr:e'St1'0l in! B Classtlv g.?u__3f wage ssowg g.ys': "the Lesson" and on Friday Agricul- awn '.g "' (3 ) ' lture in t~he-Sc`hools..Both"papers were'tlemm Club-'R' Carscadden J` Br' 1 :. highly instructive and well delivered. 'th,E.t1 Ge%'2Wukmn' 1 1 ,5 I: [An account of a trip from Vancouveric; assdd "getS (me 8 re'-_. .( ) R41 to Skagway by Miss V. Barnby was 1 M50 en & "s " 10.4414 ($4) `. much enjoyed Other items on the George Drennan " 92249` ` ' agenda were the address of Insrfector! HE1:'Ef113(?1%a 1 iaatIl_f:Eef,1x(. ' Garvin and a paper by A. M. Mundy,; g. , ` ` .3 The '.l`eac'hing of High School En-!V' 2' `$15 H` C""' S`'"' 3' ytrance History. ($13) George Pearsall: 4, ($11) H." J . -if '%`he election of officers resulted as.$1Y;'rd' 5 ($9) wank W1sm'n' ` olows: ` H Hon. Pres:-__E_ Longmam Class 14--lPair of Bacon Hog`s-1 1` ' ($10)Jh B1l,;2.$)G _D -t . t0r1: res.-Miss Beatrice Fraser. 'I`horn- i nan: 3 ($ :;) W_ Bgsge_ Siaggtey B";`,:\ 1; ' ` ' 4. ($4) H. Atkinson, Stayner.R.R.;. 5, 11 lGu\37lic;ea-iI}":1res.-Miss Fern Wallington, ($2), H_ AtkmS,_.m_\ t A], 11' :rn.........a..'_ vs--- --- gen,-lmvnnu __mkA_ `______,__ __ _ .(` nus: \ 'd- uvsuvu luau I.`-rtuuy evening" 18611118 that their two-day conventlon just " concluded had `been one of themost 1 r.benecia.l .and enjoyable e er held`. . 9 The various sessions `took `lace ii: ; ,31':hPub,lJic _Lib\re1_'y Hall, winding. up :1 e S: A:.d,:'v:%:.::,::.* "::'"* - trf t 'M'dh h can g m "1 _; p o X 1 urst, w- ere the Forestry 3 11l`l;I;!;r(r)Inwa1&_ir}sg:ecteg. Log. W13. git 1 :. '1msero ansa ` -35 :68. Vfvas the chief spegkefnat tolfe rt r_ banqpet` hls subject bemg Refor-.5 --'estat1on. C!-I_e gave the visitingl `teachers msight into the work; ' {cl m\n':nn"nnuua-.1! Ann -1--- LL--- nu:a\:uvI.`a all _ xuaugn NWO me WOTK is beingearried provincial Mind depart- ment place I THIIFEAQIY hnnmn:nnn L1-A -----3 --- ' School teachers to the number of 125 from the inspectorates of South and West Simcoe returned to their fh'om`es last Friday evening feeling 'nIn-nv l|f\'II1AI\.":1\9\ `unal- ,'Addrs by Minister ls High % `Spot of Splendid . ~.Convention. | ' or REFQRESTATION SALE Lumber. Mill Co. < 1-I-In uaniill. Ixauugun ___:__{ ' hand corner of Windshields. Within a .few hours after the first bundles of _ stickers Went out cars bearing them I appeared in many city streets. : J. P. Bickell, Registrar of Motor Veh- icles in the Department of Highways.` and a member of the Highway ,afety Committee executive. emphasized the fact that it was not the 0committ_ee's' '.thou-sht to put forward the idea"of {accident prevention for a couple of _ weeks and then forget all about it. We are going about this campaign de1iberateiy.',"~` stated , Mr. "Bickell. No'thing/i-3 being rushed without care and planning beforehand. VVe Want the `public to get accident prevention con- i V 7 _ , cI.u'5lU will not always prevent a g-lar-' ing light. The bulbs adso have to be attended to. Of the brakes tested the great majority were found .to be in "pretty fair shape. 0 Some other clubs doingsimilar work 1`are Ottawa. Essex County, London, ) Hamilton, Cobourg. Picton and Guelph. IOn Thursday of this week the secre- `taries of all the motor clubs in the Province are to meet I,-Ion. Geo. S. Henry,pMinister of I-Iighwaiys, to go in- . to the` accident prevention question ; more thoroughly and -link up more . closely with the Hi,r:1m*ay Safety Com- ` mittee. It is pointed out that one of the fundamental principles of these clubs ` is to advocate a reasonable regard for the rights of others on the Highways, . which is embodied in the word court-` esy in the Highway Safety Commit- tee's campaign. Tmef `IYQQII an n... Li. (H - ecu: l_:tlHl[JEl.1gH. __ Last week all the big oil and gaso-` line companies obtained thousands of stickers with the words. I m for care i and courtesy. Are you? and sent them to filling stations with instructions to paste these stickers on the lower right- hand ifew after the fh-.=+. h11nR1nn ..a way can-.-Ly uomm to prevent accidents. `have been made to W. .01. the Ontario Motor L member of the executive ittee in the campaign" Many reports G. Robertson eague and 8. of the .Safety Committee..Among others the work "of =the St. Ca. tharines and Lincoln County Motor Club may be given as an exam- ple. `This-club announc tain service garages its have their `tree of charge. and th i charge wo `Within a car owners took ad fer. It was found the. cent. of the li ju~stmen't, ed that at cer- members could d ~bx-akes tested at a nominal uld be made for adjustment. few days more than 1,000 vantage of this of. - t at least 90 per ghts tested required ad- t is, 90 per cent. of the headlights an tha motor cars examined had glaring head- lights. In lamps were but the bul \ It was poi . that tiltin a great many instances the ' found to be tilted correctly; bs were badly `out of focps. nted out-to these motorists * g the lamps to the proper I not always g-lar- . A large number of urban centres in Ontario have already entered 1nto`en- thusiastic co-operation with the High- way Safety Committee in the campaign prevent accidents. Mn.nv v-nnnvfa LuncoLN COUNTY TAKES ACTION MOTOR ACCI DENTS \v(), 11. AEKIHSOH. `V Class 15--'Champidn ABa.co1 Hog-_ , John Ball. [ .y-, .u aauonalug, VIFU GENO: ' Class 2. boar born after Sept. 1. 1928-'- * 18 ($8) Geo:-ge\Drennan, Alston: 8.68) ; R. Carscadden & Sons; 8 (84) H. Cul- ham. Stayner. V Class 2A. boar born after March 1. 1927-1 ($8) John Brethet & Suns. Tot- tenham: 2 (86) Geo. Wilkinson; 8 (84) :1`. Smith & Sons, Utopia; 4 (82) '1`. Smith & Sons; 6 ($1) '1`. Smith 6': Sons. 5 Class 3, champion boar, Geo. Drona nan. ' Class 4. sow born previous to Sept. 1. V1925---1 ($10) John A. Ball, Amston: 52 ($8) Geo. Wilkinsen: 8 (86) H. J. I-Gmwlford, Oro Station; 4 (84) George ispence, Midhurst. (`Jane E anuv Inn-.. -lL-.. lUA--` ` WATCH FOR THE % WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW ~ W fPAGE' 10;: at the atom Barrie L4.-m --an (Continued from 988`! 1) -. - --1 (310) George` Wilkinson. All1atdn:' 2 ($8) R. D. Coutta, Midhurat: 8 (86) R. Carscadden & Sons. Bradford; 4. cm 1, boar box-\n before Sept. 1..1s2'c ($4) R. Hickltng, Oro Sgttlon. C1888 2. hour hnrn nvuau u--. 1 1803 Armor TO BAC9_[l0G mm vvu1ua'ult'l(1S. WICHHI It V c3tv Qfrnnfu LOOK TO THIS DAY `Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life! In its brief course lie all the verities, All the realities of your existence: The bliss of Growth, The glory of Action, The splendor of Beauty, For yesterday is but a dream, And tomorrowis only a vision, But today"=we11 lived makes Every yesterday a dream of happiness, And every tomorrow a vision of hope. ___'E`nn.~. nu..- on-..-I_,-!- * into elghths and core the apples. Cook`! watul`. 72 lemon rind. I Boil the sugar, water and 1em_o_n- rind together in a shallow saucepan] until the sugar is dissolved. Pare, slice; half the quantity In the syrup until] they are transparent, remove, add the rest of the apples and cook in the same `manner. It may be necessary to add a. small amount of water if the syrup cooks down. After cooking and-remov- I ing all the apples pour the rest of the] syrup over them and serve as a dessert] or with steamed riceas a sauce. A lit-; tle raspberry and currant juice added` to the syrup will give an attractive!` .color and flavor. ' ' PROGRESSHVE saws aEPv}xiiims 1'fofB V RuL.....l..... Cl...-_L II I54`-n- __ luv Lue syrup W1 `color and flavor. vu -vv I-Ia r\l'l'I-E 6 apples. 1 cupful sugar, 1 Water. 1/3 lemon rind. RM! fhn allow-nu u..s4..._ ...-I * [9_c_:"i'I 29 isclousness and to retain it. Already [reports have come to us telling of a. igreat improvement in the matter of lheadlights. `We are also getting re- ports about reckless driving and cut- ting-in. These are being investigated. During September 122 drivers licenses were suspended for varying periods for infractions of the Motor Vehicles Act. and of these 68 were for reckless driv- 1 ing. We want everybody to help in ` this commendable work. More and ` more automobiles will be on our high- J ways as time goes on While we hope]: that the number of accidents will 1 greatly diminish, we must recognize ` that the problem of accident preven- J ltion is `likely to increase rather than ` ldeorease." '1 ,_ - .__.._....,.... . -: n;nd\I& nasal nu! 14-16 Mulcaster Street. W. S. R0] The Only Shoe Repair Store in Barrie that openly THERE'S A REASON WHY" NOTE--A1l Rubber Footwear of the same grade and quai priced at the same prices by all Rubber Companies. If you pay more than my advertised prices--Why? _--sv-can-an as \l\ll IV I-lI'I.I\ l\l.ll We repair all kinds of Rubber Footwear. Bring your Rubber foot- wear troubles to us; we will tell you if it is worth while. ,__--:- -- : We carry the'Dominion Tuffoot, Miner, flat and rolled edge, first Bottoms sewn onto your 011 %- LEATHER-TOPPED SNAGPROOF RUBBERS - 15" high--$5.50 and $4. 75. 12" high-$5.00 and $4.25 Our tons are maria rm +1", 1: `M 1:-...1 ru 7 -'- J __ Y - -- - .-....-- Y -I - its 1.3 lIl5II`:IPUoUU dull Wu Our tops are made by `the R. M. `Beal Co., Lindsay, the largest manu- facturers` of tops in Canada, and is a guarantee `chat the highest quality of grain leather is used. FOR HUNTING, BQSHWORK and FARMING ron TIIE sAL:sAun senior Pontiac and Mclaughlin-Buick AUTOMOBILES at 1 pm, , Auctionoqfo Frank Gracey and Bert Owen [ ANNOUNCE THE OPENING _B!JBBER FO0TWl3AR STEWED APPLES REPAIRS TO All MAKES -nu-van UL 119110- i :-`-i.'~"r<-)`m The_ Sanskrit. ` n5NA.G?.R90FB0TT01*E tinion the Goderich Hi-press and the first quality bottoms only. .....I.. _--____ -I,`I . A... A- -. - cupful ut reserves ontha credit rnlshlnt ap- per annum - 1.....-.vJ uv uuuuu AID Ulllyo gld tops-$3.00 Complete. ,,:._ _._.--- ii T ROBB, Proprietor .T The case of Clifford Robinson, x who faces a charge of being intox- ' icated in charge of an auto, was ad- - journed from last Saturday until next Friday. Meanwhile he has his liberty on $2,000 bail, provided by his mother and sister in two suretieu of $1,000 each. Adjournment was granted on application of his counsel, ,Frank Hammond. Robinson was 31': rested Tuesday evening of last week following a motor crash at the corn- er of Elizabeth St. and the Town Line Road. `Alleged Druken Driver ls Granted a Remand __.. Cor. Elizabeth aria Mary s1>E.c1AL'"' FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Brass Cages with Screen Reg. $4.95 for $3.45. FERNS AND FLAME Fresh Cut Flowers Daily CANARIES Guaranteed Singers. 3313. A C SEND GIFTS '[[rIAT cnow _1:. _A. HARRIS I ""r - - - ' '- advertises prices. u" ) |11%by Buy Advertised Things. quality is I n .j.r 4 1.3.4 3.` tile-back: t.` bakml n chum nanu and ted hon`. V turzutum cu; Dwlvp IFUUIIV Cutlery, a la 0 rpenta:-u Too I. a, Axon. dawn. s, Rakes. Ohllnl. an, Kitchonwan. he stock will In 3 will be` a nu y your 1Nl'O- j price. as ova! be sold withou motors are giv- II Innis nah: n lonkey. Aunt. Eu`lUUD1'l ll`! IIVU d have only I errywood lmlt bad. any ohatr. . nlnhnnn. I-"uh-nitura. any umurp . ptoturel. 96 child`! |uewea Instruct M . Hy 24. I 9 nan: dar cheat.` nun-ulna`. `including Show 2'. Scam, Oouuo last day of mo. Ey` `Q ` ALE URE uni` Ullulu curtalll. enamelled as dresser. ass. chair p10tlIl`.6Io awiearl old. f;+g_LEY i"6"x Pfdhfdv , hnnmu. uuv 1? ma`: \ inaroom MING dresser. non!-1:5 wash stand: I prinss: 8 own lstered parlour 71,,xs tt.. nearly an table. nearly early now` coal ewe) coal `eat - mdow ahadolo or shade. MM`- oarpet: 8 pair amea: 10 our- lry ourtamlolul Y PR8` Oil`? 3 board: 8 lot! ksawa: kottlol. trio shades. A as too numer- As the number of lady drivers is steadily decreasing at fall fairs, how would it do to `substitute prizes for back-seat,`drivers? There L might not be -many entries "though `there ;you1dW"be'plenty Veligi_ble.- L `:'{ A '&Vl-`I V I U \J'I$I-V \l'LuIJQ\J&` of Hillsdale - will preah at 11 .m. gr-1d 7` p.m. Qlinovr Qnh I :9 , TI VI` . 2 u '** ""'_"" . Rev. J. S. Shortt; M;A., Ministev Edmund Hardy. Mus. Bao;. F.'l.`.O.M. Organ!-at and Cholrmaater vvwvuv--nu `I- qvaaaou-I IQVVJSI ' l'.ord'u Day Breaking ofTBr-ead` 11 a.m. 20-7: Sunday School and Bible Rdadlnc 3 p.m. 2 Timothy 8-16. Acts 17-11. Gospel Meeting 7 `ban. Romans 1-18. ` `Au teats free. No coueouoha goo ----- g---1 -~v --v---v -- wwru ovv vvuqvvuliillli ALL WELCOME Prayer Meeting Wednesday .8 p.m.` ` ' Acts 16-18. . ._A_ J Duet v _r M10! o r -v '33 :'2.":.';.'::' :1`: Galvanllid , Tfnware, Glam rtxg Sets. Poelui . inulv - `A4!-dun . Wednesday,98 p.m. ._ . Mid-week A Sgrvice for P1fayer._ Duet--vHome Land." Mrs. Codling, Miss Hester Codling Solow-'Onwa.rd, Chnlsuan Sold1e_rs."' Angus McNa.b` rsuv-Innvvnvnu SPECIAL MUSIC 1 MORNING ~ Anthem--Send Out Thy Light lllnnru ` vvnnuvu Iva: Vanuatu`! Vllillhll Rev. J. J oh stone Black, B.A.,B.D. A Minister. T - Horace Wilson, A.R.C.0. Organist and Choirleadqr. Suriday, October 23.` 1927 ' ' 11 A..M.--Our `Annual W.M.S. Ser- vice. Special Speaker: Mlss\Ef1e 'Jnmieson. Secretary of the Do- minion Board. . 7 P.M.-'1`I-IE M`IIN1'rS 1`ER. 3 p.m.--Sunday School _m an De-' partments. ` ` ilaer St. Uxgtgg _c1_.u_m_h .. T `I'-'L__._1_-__, an my \Jna aI-v\lI-`ll. Bible -:};<'>;l meets at 9.4'5 a|.m.A We invite yp to Tioin us in the Study of God's Word. s__j..,.* 7 `Collier Street Regular Baptist Chgrch ` PASTOR`: A. c. WHITCOMBE. ` Services Sunday, '11 am. - 7 pm. Evening Sivbject: T urmnoms CHARG_EI}_, - nuufmua" `nu neaveruy J.40Ve Abid- RB . ` 7 p.m, gubje-ct: I.`he Poor Man's Market."_ j - . Anthem! "'0. Come "to" My ~I-Iieart. i Lord Jpsus." - ' 8 RM. SERVICE Otrpugl Prubytor-inn Church ' ,; mun B_lJl-JJUUE3 "'.l'n6 Anal` 1 tory of the Prodigal Son. Children's Talk: "Learning to F Anthem: In Heavenly Love A Ina '7 has roooivad in'u y Public Auction CID L11 && - -v--u; -annual Vnlllnlllill Rav. J. 13. Thomson Minister.` Miss Ellen Dvobson, hoirleader. Miss ' Anah Bailey, Organist, ,._._._ Sunday, October 23. 1927 11 am. Subject: The After His- tory of the Prodigal mm H Sunday, `October 23. 1927 ' The Pastor will preach. % 11 a.m.,--'Ghrist,~ `the Matchless sop: .W1nner" (3rd_in series). 8 p.m.-Bible School. 7 p.m..~-.~"`T ne tS'inner s Friend. Mayer Meeting, Wednesday `-8 p.m. __ _,.._ ____ _-_-T-. 37 MARY 8'l'REET._ name Sunday, OctoBer'23, 1927 vnmv. JO)!-IN GIBSON -3 I'_'I:I1_.`I..I- 1.W.` The Regular Baptist Church * QLAPPERTON ST.` ' Rev. E. J. Wham, Pastor. Mn.` Edith Rowe. Orzaniut.` iliu Margaret Sinclair. Ohoirloadar 51'. ANDREWS V Prebytern_ KUCIUII II &-I IIIII gnu U I Eunday Sch at 3 p.m;_. 11 o..m.--"'f_h'ir:'3s Now and Old in we Religion. or '1`oda.y." 1 p . m.-"An i Uttermost Salvation". MIN'I'S'.l\RY OEPRAIE . 7 Mimi Jessie Bryson. ohoirleader Mrs. E. B_-iohardson. organist i1 A.M. Anthem--'-I-Iow` Long Wilt Thou Forget Me?" (Pueger) H.119? (selected)--Mrs. M. .`Chantler_ and Miss A. Clifton. `LEM. Anthem-At tho Name or i Jesus" A (Darnton) goloip-"Lewrn to Hope ? .(Lyon's)-, Miss Audrey Cllfion 5 1 -"Sun or M Soul" 7 . . A O O (Ighn Prinle. Scott) Mrs. H. E. Mocullough OLD M`EM|B ER`S and [friends of Central are specially invdted. PRAYER MEETINGS at Candles school and church hall (Toronto St.) ` Wednesday, October 19. at 8 pm. Innnnnnn and \ll'.u.-_- I-I ORDER` or MEETINGS: ' vvvvvIv"V""'IVV "'V""V`7" `VI I15 J11. Stranger: and Vlgitqru Expected _ gaoetved litltrudv` om 8u_nd-v. got. 23,1927 ' Annwenuryv Sg;-yi, - A KY1` "IL? A f\V'J Au--;.__ _ - (<-_wyvnnnVl""-.-- adv. J. F. MoI.AUOHl.>lN, o.b. 9 tg:thx9xc{i`c?:lt<'o1?g;1` mo} svmwcws: % 11 - Ina 'IVI.l._.._._ `IV 7 iruunuogv. oofouin . , |."."-v--vv------~vn- S1 Miss V1w: tor1a'Strange. IIIIIIOII l']lIIIIIII Mr. and 'Mrs; codnngf ALLANDALE Prefliyterian Cl!g_r_:l'_| Vl\L-..-..__- cospm. HALL, ` MARY BARRII AND '1~H_.aT.-1ii III! I - 11.: man`... ___ iron: 8. Mi I ` n's "Lea-z'xi_ln?; to` Fly." 1:" `Abid- .u;u|. (Gounod) a velected Ii-n H`ILL-In loving memory at our dear! mother, Mrs. Margaret H111. who` died October 18. 1925. and our. dear \-father, Reuben Hill, who died Nov- ember 10', 1907. ~- _ ---Sadly mljssed by Daughters, 42p '-Lizzie, Ida, Amy`a,nd_ Maggie`. ) -i-- ` .31; IN MEMORIAM >X< .v. on V\l\\I umma. .~.a..c........... :n.. .v. .' C'OCVKBU'RN---In`1ov.ing memofy of. dear husbangi, MIa'c`M1l1an` Cockburn.` who died 1n O!`il!1a, Oct. 18, 1925,, H Those who loved you, sadly mis you, I. As it dawns another year. In my lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts` ofyou are ever near. 42 b ` --sadly missed by his Wife. >i<'>x< -...~-`---r.. vuvnnocasui I Vvash the apricots. cover with water, `and cook until very soft. Beat together with :1 fork. and add half. the granulat- ed ,sug`ax`. -Beat the yolks of the eggs . slightly, add the "rest `of thesugar, and `heat into the apricot mixture. Bake fifteen minutes in a moderate oven (325 tiegrees Fahrenheit). Beat the whites of the ezrgs stiff, but not dry, add the powdered suga'r a,nd'vaniJ1a. and pile` on top of the pudding. Return to thol oven and bake at a moderate temper- atura._ (325 degrees ]?`ah1~enheit) until. l light brown. Serve. hot or ice cold. I Eofton` on _ W 20 ner word: minimum" 500. .C4 .7; L`; .T; S. X. 3. KC` X. .C. .T. .9. .9. .6. -j- ->--v - -v-->-vv--.-vv--- - ---uIvvI l ' $74" pound drled_apricots, 1 cup gran- ulated sugar. 3 eggs. 1/_. cup powdered I sugar. 14, teaspoon vanilla I `I7...-.`.' LL- ._..._l-..L_ --___,, -_,l;I their ,e a Last Sunday morning `after the regu-ml lar service at St. Alnd~rew's Church a. most pleasing event took place when Miss Katherine Ross and Harry Shan-' non. two valued members of the choir who are leaving town to reside in Toronto,` were_ made the recipients of gifts as tokiens'of esteem` in which they air held as an appreciation of arts. while members of thel choir over a period of four or-i`ive= years. Miss Ross was presented with a leather hat box and Mr. Shannon with 8. `music case. The presentations` were. madeby Alvin Luck. president of the choir. who eulogized the depart- ing members `in \a `few well chosen words._ _ 1 - ----..-up u--can valvlllo ,-_.,-. . ` I M's. Ernest Amey. who has spent- the_ ast few wekswith her sister, Mrs. , G. W. Jackon. Owen St.. left this week to vdsit in Brampton and Toronto before returning to her; home in Syd- enham. Ont. - ` [ 'I._ __ I 1' III- their pfficihl visits. -Mrs. May Thomas, vice-president of the Rebekah Assembly. visited Mrs. Albert Paddison on Tuesday. Mrs. Paddlson accompanied her to Meaford. Thornbury and" Collingwood, making !|__; A4,, ,1 turned home with them. ......vu-- nave Kenneth and Bruce Reid, accompan -I led by Misses Mabel and Myrtle Ro-' bevtson. motoredto Toronto on Sun-I day. Miss Isobel Reid of A-llandale re- Ila- 1.1`-.- - -, ` ;CARD,S or ..-.-_., -.-.- nu gran U: VVc J-\UUUl'|as Mr. and Mrs . Harry Meeking and family have left for New York after spending the summer with their par. ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. I-I. Meek!ng. Ell- zabeth St.` g ' . . . . - um. v_v-g uuuuutlay. [ Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts` and Mr. and Mrs.. Duffy of Toronto were Sunday visitors` of. the form'er s par- ents. Mr. and Mus. J. W. Roberts. `N/fu nu.` 11...`. `I-1--...4_, II ` who died very suddenly. .... .... I0! .1. .u.wum.ys U E. Burkhead `and chdidren were in Inglewood last week attending the funeral of Mrs. T'homa,s 'Bu1rkhea.d. `(Urn n..,: 15-... n__.;___ -. . . - 1 ! WV Id. V` F. Perohm Id.