the or-` mu lilo ldwam adltgog u a hat road I hoped xtoxmvd jji` I bet.` 11-Waiiace Downer left on Friday evenirfg as one of the delegates from Wycliffe Coliege to` the Conner- vative convention in Winnipeg. MI`. and Mrs. W.` Brnau and Om~.n.. 3' us 5 In Mxulanu Ill! weex. '. Mr. andnn. O. D. Part:-idn and daughter Mrs. ..J`o.a.`. M Lean. `.`M\lu - Jean Mcfae ton friend: at Klrketd a Pete boro r wMr.- and Mrs. Wm. Campbdll or To- I:-ontompent the week-and with Sam. I Cnmnball. -M ` an and Allan M Lean M lled ~ Oat. 104-aMru. Ba:-nhardt in visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jae. Sutton.` 0:` `Shanty Bay. _ {Ma-1. Jae. aranndon spent a. tow do. 9 In Mtdlandnlalgweek. I0. and Man. n...a..u..- ....a Oct. 'l|II V-'A\18.f8B I . 8.nn!V6r58.!'y Iinnu 1ri}p7lm ..',5;.;".'.3.'='-'31 A. E. WHITBY ,` -vuu 11. u I j 7% I I III The following: . Durham. cow. 4 yrs. old. -due April 16: Durham cow. 7 yrs. old. mmclna: Duv-- ham cow. 6 yrs. old, due_May 29: horse. aged: disc arm. Superior: Mo- Covmack mower: set light ha:-rows: vmtv! EH1!!! IHAIIY :1-If- All one rice-;1VlWt;ilo1-ed tc; lndlvidunr measure. We are now showing ne, new all-wool overcoatins-cpecial- iy imported by Tip Top Tailors tom the world : leading mills. `run tannin txauugrun Luna: I! greatly appreciated. The annual meeting of the C.G.I.T. was held at the home of Mrs. Newton Besse, Thursday afternoon, with a large attendance of members. After the us- ual business and worship service fol- lowed the election of officers for: the coming year. At the close of the meet- ing everyone spent a social time in, singing. and enjoying the dainty iunchv nrenared bv Mrs. Remap I 1115 cvuryuue spent 8. SO prepared by Mrs. Besse. returmng Irom their wedding trip.. Mr. Ferguson of Knox College, Tor- onto, began his pastoral work in Guth- rie United church last Sunday. The ac- tlve part he is taking in the Sunday School in teaching the Young People's] Class is greatly appreciated. I The nnnrml mnnnna no .1... n rd 1- n- Oct. 10-Cong1-atulations td Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell of Orillia, who called on friends here last week while returning from their wedding Ferguson of Knm: nnmm. m...._ On motion of Councillors Henry `and! Peacock, council adjourned to meet] In Count of Revision at Lefroy, Oct. 27. 1927, at 10 a..m., Thornton, Ocf. 28. 1927, at 10 a..m. ' T171`) cI'l't\A-Ls nu - an . - vv n5n'I., m..u.r1.,_ (10, $4. . On motion of Councillors Webb and Peacock, $100 was advanced to Wm. Brewster on` accou_nt, work done on lake Blderoad between concessions 6 and 7. On -anti-.. -3 r4___,__-n -- - EU HUI} W. Hf. Loyty 3 U UHU HHUFIUH B, , Con. 4, V F eapra % `MONDAY. OCT. 31 Mk; 'nAiIII,n an n yu,,vuu-:uI. 01; me 1:ouoW1ng:-- Dr. Rogers, 4 months salary, tele- phone and express,,$52.70: E; H. Sloan. rent of hall for meeting, $2: G. C. Al- lan, Board of Health meeting; $4 ; W. B. Sloan, do, $4; '1`. A. Sawyer, do, $4: Dr.aWr1ght,' M.O.H.,_ do, $4. On motion n f ("!nnnninm~a= nrnsn. .._.a 4u5,_ via; W. nuxon, gravel, $1.80. -Committee on Finance recommended payment of the following:-- Dl`. ROEEFS. 4 mnnfha cola.-u 5-1.. Luau. graveumg road 2., lots 16-20,` 7.1.'25: 'S. Fagan, ditching road 3, lot 21. ('25; H. Reynolds, cedar for bridge, 81-1.40:1 L. `Eldridge, bridge construc- tion road 11, $27.50; F. Whan, do, $25; A. Canning, do, $17.50; J, Wonch, do. 811.50; W.Baxter,. do, $14; J. Browne. dragging and grading road 4, lots 16- 20, 40; J. Wilson. cutting brush and wee 3, road 4, lot 16, lake, $19.00; B. W. Wice, grading and ditching road 11, lots 11-15, $41; Elmer Guest, team, general work. $44.20; W. Nixon, grad-I ins`, $5; W. Nixon, gravel, $1.80. N OT] Winnnnn vnnnv-nann--3-3 .Innisfil ,`.l`ownship Council met in the Orange Hall.` Churchill. on Mon- day. Oct. :,.1927, at 1o.;o clock a.rn.. withall me berspresent.` Minutes of lutmeeting were read and approved. Communications , and accounts were received from the following: J. '1`. Simpson. County Clerk, Dr. Rogers_ and Mrs- Wilfredo Stewart, `See ., of Churchill Women's `Institute o ering 85 towards erection of table and seats! at the Township Park, which` was accepted with thanks. .On motion De- puty-Reeve Reynoldsand Coun. Webb. he several docurnentswere refer ed to their respective `committees . r The following road accounts were recommended for payment:-- , . Qdson Constructing Co., $220; John Lucas. 89 rods wire fence, $24.15; John `Robertson. 84 rods wire fence. $14.90; Wilson Forbes, 20 rods wire fence. :7; F. Sinclair, salary, $88; Alvin Wicca.` cutting weeds, road 17,- $1625; Alvin Wice. gravel, $5`: Lorne Neilly, gravel: ing road -3, lots.-16-20, 85; F. Morris. cutting trees, road 1-7. con. 4. $5; R..l. Stlnson. sravelling road 11, lots ,1-5. 846.25; Wm. Lucas, gravel, 89.80; 8. Todd. gravelling road 2, lots 16-20. Fasran. ditching rnnil 2 Inc- %c;u1*Hm1-: B. SLOAN, Clerk. rut`! I l\ll QPIIJIH .!AM BTOOK ANI; IMPLEMENTS The undeu!-gned has received instruc- . tions` from . . Tho Executor: or the estate or the I- ATE I35 than;-n I 29 ' ELIZABETH STREET , Phone'44l : BARRIE Distributor -s of Miles Automatic all Makes of Warm Air Furnac 2 Fear changes of air hour in every room. constant t-:-v-I-lv-=-- Here s what this wonderful new home heating discovery will do for your home. g I'\._2.l_ - , u use a we UL wux P0 warm bed. But it shouldn t have t Furnace Fan attached to your present furnace, all you need do is pg-ess a button. Imme- diately the fan pushes up volumes of healthful heat. Your whole house is warm in a few minutes. H -"V-jinn, $3`. -I_ The ioilowins: CA-'r'1`-LE--Jersey cow, 8 yre.. `fresh: grade -Jersey co-w, due in April and liking well: Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old. due in June: Hoistein cow, 6 yre.. esh: .2 spring calves.` I HORSE--Bay horse. heavy. POU'I.TRY---`Number at White Leg- gorz hens: gender: 6 White Pekin uo u. IMPLEMENT8--G.asoiine `engine. 2% 11.9.: large spraying machine; potato di ser; binder: eat delivery eieigha: air 1: wagon: puiper: cutting ow`. o der press: 15 tons good airaita. ay: use many other articles. - All will be sold without "reserve. `Terms of Sale-All sums of 815.00 and under. cash: over that amount six months` credit will be given to -parties tlirnilhinz approved Joint notes. 6% peg` annum on tor cash on orec_l:t ` '13 `.9 ' pole at 1 pm. W. A; Meconkey. Auot. 4 e. `your home will be comfortably :1 Ii 4`- -- Quick ;nd uniform distribu- tign of heat. omatic Furnace Fan for Furnaces, Old or New 4 am! air through registers in summer, making your fur- nace a year-round servant. 5CanbeusedwithaIlmakea of warm air furnacam nld nan Showing fan in operation ...3 .;.v.;;.;.; ..;I;:;;:... l'l'| lIl 0070 (1 heat volume. I` I With a Miles Automatic 50% 9 100% more Vnlnrno, 11 Paco Tm-to I002 . `rho undo:-signed has received instruc- tions from I A` 1Q: j-1 Djnai. Ban3uavtaW,-Ca1wr;-r;__z't_!e| and onvontiom. Kltchon and First-Chan Cor`:- vonioncel. Piano and Tajblu._ -rt?--7!` 3 OF .- ' Mam rrocx AND IMPLIMENTB Zjuuj V Ibs.;. hay tedder; Speight wagon -and ~oa,rt: buggy, rubber tires: hay rack: yrs. om; nerororu null, rising 2. yrs. old 4 s ring selves. _ . '- ' MP1. M N'1`S-2 bearing binders, I-tt. out. in good repairi single. plow. ism-y; Deerins disc drill. nearly new: ccormick mower,.neariy new: Mc- . ormielt rake. nearly new; Deeriny: stit!-tooth eultivator. nearly new: Frost dc Wood spring-tooth cul- tivator; two aria` lows; -set iron har- rowsl. 513:0! dso harrow. new; Maury 1-furrow riding plow, new; single plow, Fleury No. 21 new; Wil- kinson single plow No. 5; 2 wagon gears; tanning mill`: set scales, 2000 box: cutter: set Chatham sleighs: road wire tence stretcher: set -long tug.. harness with heel chains, new; 100 cedar posts: set. plow harness. with heal chains; set short tug harness : 2 sets single harness; churn: 10 tons good hay: 100 bus. oats: quantity po- tatass: 8 cards wood; cream separator. nearly new: Pandora range. nearly new; and a quantity of household tur- nituro. Also torlts. doubletrees, chains sndmany other articles. ' Terms or Bale-A-All sums of 810.00 and under, cash: over that amount 12 months credit will be given to par- iies tut-nishins it proved joint notes. % per snnum o 2 for cash--on credit sums. ` All will be sold without reserve as proprietor has sold his farm. . ' Hal; mi I a`... CO! A Inp-;u -HAI4- FOR- ...-u-up um-1 -vow IIQD but ill: ELL at 1 gm. W. A Mcconkoy. Am. 1103533-Boa bu. :4 Ba max Bay 110.. yrs. V as }{l'ls701d, new Sm I--low wt /_ av 0 um um a:vm `ia~3ln`m?1 _uq`:;1g_a9`: 21: V10 h p1`!:.Du: March; 2 lit! in Am-112 Du? my U U V I I C I O V I OI %:25ALBERT-SRRING % N. Hf. Lotnzl, Can; 8, -lnnisfil , `I011"by'*publl,-auction '*on W uRsnAY,,oc'n 29` F *HA"A"1o\nvl'-nun - '-' cu .=.u.Lm; +;;.;_;:;` j Nil midorliuned has received instruc- tions 1:-om. --tr-nnv rlii " OP IMIIIM. I`I'OO,K AND IMPLIMINTS tar washing mo;h1xi_:' 'Bl{u"r}'::"b'i'{L `1031: Allhu: lamp and many other gt: win be now without reserve. Um: ouh. ` .1 Into at 1 pm. WCA. Mcconkoy. Auct. pr-uvjninp %IO II, The` tollowluzz '- - D1-Mn: mare. .10 yrs: old with can a: mu: much now: nit: so hens. _ llulo wagon; cutter; _ut Ilolzhu; rsuttlng box: rord touring our: tour- .Im not hm-om: coca bufsyz ladders. gnu, human and many 0 her articles: clown! cream upogator: quantity or food haw: Quantity 2 potatoes; quan- mr or tur _1pI:_ new ng machine: ex- union tab 0' 3 latch :1 chairs` 11 .d1rr- nl` chairs: 5-piece parlor wit 3 arm 33:11`: 3'W&l'hlt.ndB: 2 parlor tables: ` 0 undo; bedroom suite; 2 couch- us 0 kitchen chairs: Famed Oak d1vo.n- ` gt!" machine: churn: but- I` DWI! lulhlll `Ill!!! and mnnu n6I\Au 7'7'Ia?2JnB$&s3}?;T?~?f7 T I-IoftsEs--Roan -r horse, 3.: ~y;-.,~- got mm. 8 yrs. olg,`,he A" HF-Q, IIIVI. A1!` knot:-In g_. ._ ----I: wtv %%I` to sell by public auction at `n an`! Inn nuklln -.. `I'M Iluclvot-Iicnzi 5! Ito-'K"r::L`Ig?f.J`1"i"VKND ` 11303:!-oLo nu mrunr - .-w---v-' -ouvv-DC VIGEJNIDAL: pom: to sell by public auction on I!llIll\AIl Ans:-n ->_ Mu. Mumc M. Williuun " '."":"3_-"_3:'.v._"9!r.!=*-'='wr-t A. -A AUCTION 5.3.11: TIl Akin Innlln un- "I5iiik i?'."`5i"T1y 'I1A Cnllncnlnnu Wmuay. ouhur 1a,m? "II-I ovuuguuus use VVIIIIIIIII Du Damian: Road. Near cnlahurot % to :1 by public auctlouon Illluu All `nan: `-_ v o V o G D Q 6 U I 66 Aucrujy sm; pv Iuu my yuuu MONDAY, ? ilk- 0-1 -_. ..... jAuc'n9_N sm: AUCTION smi. l'l'(il!ll, mum In-nun ed bu rgdelvod instruc- Etono tram , Q n -n -.-- nu uauau In muuue HIS. overworked, sluxalshxldneya. Blad- .der Weakness and .Proa,ta.te Gland Troqble bring on so many .dlstrou1n`s ailments which no. often` lead to serq Avous Irrltablllty and `Lao Ions diaealiles that every durteror from Lameness, Pains in back and down through gnolns. scanty bu fuqucrlt urination. "Gettlngvup-Nl ts," er- _ `at area should trgv, the amazln value of Dr. Southwor l!"s URATAB at 6110!! Am good druyalat will supply yaw on a guarantee 0: utlizaotlon or fancy uwckw- ubvullb luv qulu l`_GH6Xa l'.vIl`I_-J\.'.l.`-JMBS ?3;~e trgly w'9ndevtt !l-. am! I give them a3've`35nv n`L`ig `;."`::"% ;': .""`"" . I` 0 o pow- :e:sf!ngR1.?l?n.g13tSs` 2% $3233` `*}.":"" to" those: 1-ii mlddl 1110. " 8 M` can vnvvwnntma ;.1n....~..:..1.,1-:-11..-..- 31-; No one known; bolster than I; the horror '0! Joyress days` and sleepless nights. There.h&v'e bsenllmss when I felt hopeless and helpless-.-'-and when ' my weakness caused ml tic most in- tense` humiliation. enly those who haveufone tlliufouah suchttorttilgo an pass y .rea 23 mi grea at 9.9 on when. Dr. southworufs URATABS brought me quick roller.` U1`-lA"1`ABS' 8318 truly wondavh-. "and 1' ultra hA|~I Bladder Troubles Bother l\_`!_a_\11_y Past 40 Sovon , out 6; Thu An` Vlotlmi But ,wu-am `ram How UrIt|Iu"' Bu-mg . `Swift. Amazing Relic! With Ranawnd Vital lam." uuuuu on :V10I1aElY.- ` Mrs. J, I-I-orrie of Rugby spent: few` days with Miss McMillan: ' nu uu um` nuns, 4V1.-3'8: M6lO&l'E .' . Miss Mona Pugsley and Thor. Pug- sley attended their uncle : funeral at Button on` Monday`.- Lira. J. I-Invrin nl Dilakuv august - 1-...` Geo. and Wm. 0'13rIe"n.-7 Miss Dori": Kendall-`returgidd to Tara onto on Monday. . Miss Helen Langman of Ormia, call- ed on her aunt. I/Iran Metcelfa MIER Mann Dlxcrnlnxr on Vknn U--I-~ ----vvn--unlllil Oct. 10-`-Mr. and Mrs; mchhrdsonv and. family of Sarnia were the guests for the week-end\wit'h_.the1r cousins.- Geo. O'13rIe"h.-~ Mid: hnrl-a I('nnAn1L. ..-.a..... -1 4.- In-.- , vat.-uuuoa um BIBLE!` In '_-J3-331930! ' J. C. Haugh v!,si-ted at the! home of Mr. and Mrs. Hdrb Bell one avenms last week. V ' - . '- r Oct. 10--Quite. a. number took in the fowl supper at Grenfel. All report a good time.` . ` ,' Robt. Irwin is visiting` hi: ulster, Mrs. Jae. McKnight, Sr. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Clark GLNGW Lowell were visiting 51: Mrs.` W. J.~ Gauiey's. * ' ' d Potato digging is the order of Erie ay. ` ~ J. J. Dumond or Brentwood -in busily engaged in constructing a. new culvert on the fourth liner Frag] ] ,g;)..h ham nnfnunntl I.-nu..- `~05.--' avian. U11 U13 {OUTER unep _ Fred Leach has returned homqatter `visiting his sister in Castleton. J. C. I-Tnnsrh via!-1-ad no oh.` Inm..- -1 guys one run`. ` Thos. Casey has: gone to Torblito for the winter, Luau ever. " - The Misses Mandy or Penetanguh shene were guests of Miss L. Shana-i hem. Sunday Miss Luella Wilson visited in-Eim- vale with friends for a ew `day: dur- ing the Fair. . Thnn f`na1SOv Inn- .a........ A- lll-----A- 1' mm cu. w. 1". mcnaras'on's last Sunday. Quite a number attended Elmvale Fair and report It bigger and better 'than ever.- Whn 'lna4\- 1!......1_. .1 -L----- uct. .u,.-.-=1v1rs. 14. A. Jones 0! Tot- ontok visited at her home hire for a. 0 . ` \ ' ` Miss %r_y Brown sgqent a. couple or days in mvale recs: aw. - Mrs. J. Schweitzer otcochrane vis- Red with her aut._Mrs. E. McLaugh- lin. for 91 fw dews,1a_at week. ' Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Reyno1ds and Mr.` and Mrs. Jardine of Midland vis- ited at W. F. R-Ichards'on's last Sunday. Quite a number mmnaaa 1:u.m...1- uupuevy. N611 U. blllho E. Hammond spent 9. coupld 9! days" in Ottawa. last week. vvc'aHu=1' was IIUL `VETS Iavorame. Mr. Cqulson has givenup farming, on ac- count of 1111 health. ' Mrs. Wm. ,FuseT went to calling wood on Batu.rd%y after visiting her neghw. Neil C. uah. ' . . T-Tnmmnnri chain! A am--IA -1 1-H- Lu U11 Uuh 0. Fred. Caulson hgxd a ver successful auction sale on Friday athough the weather was not very favorable. Mr. Coulson has e`1\')n-1M1 {nun-m-m IIVI .,.., us umuuru nu Specll IIJIIKQIN Congrafulatioiis to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith on the arrival or a daugh- ter on Oct. 5. F`vnr1 Nnruiuun `Ian-A n gag.-. ....-_-__A,-- gus .Un1tad aunuay. There wiii Reno service in the An- c urch on Sunda as an- nlversaiy services will be he! in Zion Prelmyterian church at 11 am. and 7 pumuy BIA! Cremore as `special wanker. Coneratulzmnm us Mn .691!` Ma- cnurun on sundia H ' _, Mr. and Mrai onald Mcnougall 0 Toronto vldtt at John Bishop ; on Sunday. Thorn `Win an QQIICIJQQV `an AL- 1.. uutl w--svuass Lrulw woomeyvwent to __'1`b_ror'xtd aft `Saturday. , Cecil cotusan or Dtroit fl vzsmns his `pareii, Mi`; ahd Mrs. Fred W. Coulso. ' . _ Qlilt El iiufnbl` &H;ded'th6 8.11211- Vpuary servldesl-id the Utopia Unitgd eharoh Suhdaay. vv av-n1 \/fmi. `|.\....I.| 11-- -- 0 ti. 10-'=-`Mi'j"'- . ` __&`bro r'xtd e9u:3"3a;Wl'y Wu , 3' r`nnH INAIHERII nl `Plan.-_n. --n_u_n.... uccuplea ma pulpit here on` Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John `Eldridge visited on Elunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jew. Smith of Bond Head. 2 4 amuse. ' | Mr. and Mrs-. 15. Noisonv and Min E10186 Gilmore spent Sunday with friends in -Oro. - ' " The Rev. Mr. Caldwell of`-Schomborg occupied the pulpit here on Sunday. Mrs. John `En-h~m.u. man-.3 W VUl\'VlIU 1 Mr. and Mrs. lxawe and Edda" spent Sunday with M1`. and Mrs. "C. I-Iindle. Mu Rani ituu. i 10.0--.- -, - --- very emoyame evening. [ Mr. angivlrfrs. Chas. Par-kor and MrlV. '.- Linwood sturgeon and baby -visited Amston Fair and Shelbumo over the weak-end. * - nn `fun C .3... _MC 0--` 0 t. .11-=1\/If 9. . ntoc visited in her A1`.nn'I2ng.`.gto.?.r. ._.~. n: s -vauuvy IIIII Ulll Bl mes ' Aiie vlslteci Gish` trisnds st` ` congrsfiulations to Mr. and Mrs. Keswick on Sunday. , - ~ - 13.524. Blusor on "the arrival on. baby Miss Eloise owners of Mansfield lsxclrl V -visiting with her sister. Mrs. Dwl3ht'*i" 'r"I.`]E. Bluem-an ot.Cz-aightirst vls. Nelson. ted her` daughter. Mrs. _G. V. Hick- .. on Friday evening a party ot"a.bout_s1!qiVI'. last week- thlrty friends or Mrs. Dwight Nelson! Mu. VD. Galbraith of Orillia. visited from Ora it-atlon, Edgar and Crown her mother. Mrs. Goo. Kiuicl: on Hill motored to her homo and spsnt.s."1'l:ursdsy. - verylenjoyable`even1l'l3'. . Mr and Mrs. AWm_._ _Shsl_swsl_l of MI`. and MPH, ah, `Dds-.1530: nnsl Ila- I n...s.;.'uu..-.. ---n-A -r- `vuw run` on weanesaay. . T . Mr. and Mrs.-W. J. Mcmutcr and last week. Miss Irene were in Toronto one 41: last week. . ` ' " A '1-ontompen .Mr. and Mrs. Robt: Bunny and Campbpll. Miss Azelle visited with 1-1n,dI at` consratu I3`.:`A. Blow Mlsn Eloisa ailmmm A3 M.n.aI-;A '4- ... .. snare U &VJ.0I10y a West. . Mr.`and:M1'8." Albot .'Mu-ilns` o.ud' tamu and Wm. Marlin 8.ttend0d_Elm- `vale air on Wednesday. ' Jack` Mcmauer .11` hom from trad! M1`. and Mrn_.W- .1 . Mnmnuu ma ' u v -- - - ---*. ' ` \. ' Oct. 10=-John Eldridge mu 1:`: `rar- onto on Tuesday to see me brother-in law. who passedAa.wa)'-In 0 hospital there on Monday. _ .'l'' Mnhlnntnu in lung. 0...... AI.- wrung `iwltv, .AmIlHh 110". With Renewed Vital For-oo` .HAW!s_sI9~ . IL . 11.. EAXTF-B BETHESDA .ANi3f UUUIFI ' ' ` Mr`. and Mrs. Von Dom, accompan- ied by Arthur Smith, motored to `TOP.- ohto on Sundav to aaa'M.-. samu-In zea ny Arthur mlth, 5. Sunday to see'Mrs. m1t'h. wuruecaylue. Bra.den's Presbyterian church held its anniversary on Oct. 9. Rev. Mr. Clit- ton of Thornton. conducted the servic- es, assisted by special music by the choir. 1 `Ila 1...: 11-..- --A - vv euneauay . J . 0. Newton & Sons Vob- talned first prize for Hereford bull cag and heifer calf. B millv 'lIV\AlI ns.A_L - J-~- ' cazt. heifer """ "' "W The Terry tamil spent a few days wih Mr. agndv rs. Morrison In St eetayille. Rwnrlav-u BuA.'eL..A.-..n-.; -L--- - - -- vauve convention in Winnipeg. and Mrs. W.`,Bro1ley andjernily spent the week-end` in Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reid. - Mrs. Fred Dunkley has` returned from England to be with her mother. who is at resent in a Toronto hospital. Mr. on Mrs.` Henry Downer and young` people attended Elmvaie Fair on Wednesday. (1 , \?An96An I. H-I--~ uurumws xuuwev; 86! 118`!!! NQPPOWB2 Iinle plow. Verity: sang low. acut- ler, wagon, eat bob-slat; a. buggy. disc 11 now. cutter. tannins-mill, root pulper ut scales. 2000 1135.. cutting-box. `pet breaching harness, not single har- mu, 4110 o ` and other articles. , . ` M! will be sold without reserve. Term: 0 Ba1e--Mlceume or $10 and `under; ca h: `over that amount 12 month credit will be given to partm turntnhma approved Joint notes, 8 per `cent. of! tar cash on credit cums. . ~. . . 41-42b ue at 1 mm W. A. Mcc_onkey,Auct. j -------- rks. chains. cloubletreee