Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Oct 1927, p. 11

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rvaulll lull U!` year In advulco ( nited Stdtol `II; ance. Both I ofd V an ould be given whll is requelted. CAN- e find that most 01 prefer not to IIVI lnterrunted in anal: uvuru IIOHI . The question or next year's tourna- ment came up, and Coldwater was favored as the next place for the big gathez-ing,~_but owtngto the absence or any representatives ottthat place -the question was left over till the next meeting, in the spring. 1 I 13 11-kelv that `lav:-{A min .1... ---A . The annual business meeting for the Slmcoe County Flremen s Association was held in Orlllla last week when the following officers were elected: Presi- dent, Chief Shrubsole, Barrie: Vice- Presldent; Chief Blacker, Orillia; e- of-etary-Treasurer, C. McMulk1n, Bar- 1' 0. - - ` I\-1.. 51.--- c.,,n- , c - [10 . -only three brigades, Penetang. Barriel and Orlllia. were represented at the meeting. Coldwatet and Midland sent regrets, and Camp Borden, was not heard Rom. . A nnngll-4;... -A ..-_-L -- --1:? C. Mculiin is Secretary-Tnuunr - of County Orgnniution-Placo of glib You-'3 [Tournament Not Yet CHIEF sununsouz HEAD _OF'SlhEOE FIREMEN HAS PR6MlSlNGfGOLD CLAIMS To; `In wot-\- `I IV '. J. RICHARDS erma, apply: E : Phone 240 V1 V5 nu 9 ul 0 3| eicient heating Iystem. Proper- ly installed, a ` Wum Air Fur- nace gives bet- I One: In 4415'. -_._ be `IVES 221- health, YOU.t0o. myy foparzisy A novelty today--but in com- monglace tomorrow. And when . the rst passen er plane spans the Atlantic-w at a triumphfor Scientic Accuracy! ` Scientic Accuracy! The fac- tor which makes modern / aviation possible_is the some which makes Warm Air t h e 556550 ' McClary's are the only Canadian members of the National Warm Alr Heat- Eand Ventilating Association--a body of leading manufacturers who have o ad a scientic code for Installing warn: air furnaces. By insisting on a Mcsthtfl "Code Installed" unshine Furnace you are guaranteed the most healthful. acient and ocononucal heating plant your home can accommodate-- at about half the cost of more elaborate yet less eective systems. Fill in and mail attached coupon, and we will send you name of the :1: s -dealer who will guarantee a Code Installed heating system v I li etime * SUNSHINE FURNACE COUPON I Air Fur- gives Bdth, I111- CODE |.'!.W-lf Can Also be 'Fitted With Miles Automatic ,Furnace_.Fb_n. Where Required \Prince Rupert in the northwestern part of British Columbia, is to have a moving picture theatre seating 1,000 and equipped with a modern pi.pe_-or.- may! \ ,Code baseiilci ;es Bdeflticpnti vle is A" '""'{ 0 . cu Ll Ur nounng l'Ol1Cll'8(1 ` The Ba11"15'1.ing Man Co., Ltd., T7 :2 1y1v.Tjj- CE COMPANY MC.lan_-ys __ -__.,__-v,_- .1 Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roong rendered by .- n_u` `Dl_--L- i. In A - - ' - yterlan church Conservator! OI lty of Toronto. Pmmo Ill. A General Agency of the Crown Life means a business of your own with unlimited oppor- tunities, which you can establish by intelligent eort without investing or risking capital. Talk it oveicondentially with our manager. _-- ._ V. V on-nvrnuatuo Plan and no ulna of nuns: Mt.-Clary : dealer who ` -Sunshine Fumucoo according to Sundud Code. ,,-, ma McCLARY MANm=Ac'rinuNa co.. LONDON, CANADA. IN`... ..__I ..- _. - -- `A , V- uuocu vu IIICU anu PIOVBII scientic principles governing Warm installation, McClary s have -raised Warm Air_to a higher plane than that of any other heat at all hours, unfailin comfort, remarkable fug economy--al1 these are guaranteed to every home owner using lIl_Q'l'AI I In 5Y f3. ..Z.'."_..'1`3`.`: heating system. Healthfuf Business O1portunifY J.-`H. NIXON, Diqtrict Manager. Phou BARBIE, ONTARIO. failing comfort and great econ- omy. But it MUST be pro erly installed. It MUST be scientilfcally accurate. E 7t'\Ux' Q A -sauna uuuu Ira NOW-by adopting a Standard based on tried and proven . scientic m-in;-inlm gnu...-..:.... wr...... I DII`C W. I, tr t i3odm5I'su'r'3In N. PIANO PRODUCT! examinations). 8;: x;ame of nearest which nl uueu vuwuu Brantford Arro-Locks are re-retardent, permanent, econ- omical. Bnntford Roofin Co. Limited Brantfor , Out. 101 -- You couldn t make it as tough and strong as Brantford Arro-Locks. Brantford Arro- Locks are locked on. Severest winds, storm and frost cannot bugge them. .......4.....I A__.._ `P O Separated only a few hours by death after fifty-six years of married life, .Mr.` and Mt"s"."*Rees Williams ofVPitts- burg, P9... were buried with one funer- al service. ' ~LuI;\alill') 8 HOW Code Installed " Sunshine Fun- RG63 uggcoane 458M Barrie Page Elana Public Ortory xpreulon. ONIST RLBURT ,Emm1e Wilden e'nts. .'1`ermI x-can Barrie. Phone 093: EEEF }:-.f::-- pl'BLBl' not W HIV.` Interrupted in t betore expiration. s will not be cm! :1 extended per-lo e notified to cancel." b lb Ilhl I. . "12n?1r7'.rANomI eque payable at all MacLa.ren. Editor . Walls. Manager y registered letter; auu arm mu ater to haul. I the mice! no 110110 mo and I Ihono us: [fiur F-na '6 '"sMAKI RE 'l`ol. IOJW holburno. Out} _ Phone 11! % rno ul Inca 90.. an Ul" HUN!" sley St. Phone I BY CLINIC ock every Friday. se's services may DO rough your doctor. ELL 4 LAWLIOI Accountanto Yomze St.. Toronto . D. Campbell. CA: ductlon Engineer less. C.A. Efficiency Dpt. . Furnacu. rm-11' one III. , ,_ ..-vuvop HUI about drtllin . and drill wit: Phone OI :s'ron' ;_co & Repairing - - -vptll II 58 Small Il- ism. EDITH and ntlunu BANK 0;: _{QY scom py, October 18, ' The policies of this Bag: ire mod on. tha mm. and :::='='=..:.~:::;:.* ocean everypaseonuu a Canada. If you have `a nancial or buainesn problqm, you may be sure that this Bank manyxtimu huholped - its cpltomera cam just such 1 problem. . . r T A Brafsch of thlcbank near you t A will welcome your Acdoung. uvuu nu-nun j Z7/Te (M. EXPE15IENcE~ ' .s1'Ausm}s; Capital $10,000 000` . Reset `**'*`5`**`~~*'%`5515*`m We both `aim at a*PERSONAL 4 per ond,`adj. Onefi owfl. individual, private. no "to null htqpcraanal conun- ' lcnag, "thin in pcrjqnaljta myuU"]_ am. . - ` ~ A. %A.%SMl1`H. _ - " Mdnajef was sum. rznmvnonm co. ` % or CANADA ~.-. ,--:1: an #1 T .is zmportait unro. All:;.r:d_I.1O Secretary radfrd stop ursday each month Prompt and rellsble - telephone service is what you most want. the emphasis most of the time. ` ~ " - And that's where we ~ putlt! , i `K But service means more 3"` than that to you; as it `- does to us. ; You want close, helpful That s where you put. attention to our per-` sonal needs when you cal or visit the Business Omce. ` You want your bills to show clearly . what you arecharged for. You went the installer or repair man whovisits your premises to do his work quickly, and with as little ` inconvenience to you as. possible. . These and other. details you want well handled. e ~ And on these, we, put ernphssis. . What we are trying to-do is tobring - the best .ei`:'orts of a capable work- man to bear on every feature o!-your. service`-`to putourselves at your P9"9".1diSD05&ll1U`Ol3l5'.9V91'Y con- tact with this soompsiny. V _ L, D00 00 0 ate o\ Reeem $19,5oo,ooo urces $245,000,000 Oxford Service -- ----4 --vgn-an-,v; . -uunu 4:556`: J |ulllpLl`U- "I know of no more fitting memor- lai to. him and no more appropriate name.-that we could give to one- or our /nchooln." said Chairman L. H. Reid as the_ `board unanimously adopter the motion._ ' . uuuuusu . , It win be at once a recognition of the work-tha.t.Dr. Cody has done for education in this province and also of the gualities of his son. who had dedi- cate his lite to the service of his coun- `try. -and whose` umility was as marked an his capacity,'. said Mrs`. Plumptre. ` "I lrnnw nf nn m m-n Mi-H'n.. ..........-... IVUISUII LVSJ J-Ul IIUIUIIIS UL IIIIU LUQU convention at Bigwin Inn under` the |auspices of xthe Barrie Club. EU puuuu H|a`llUUln \ . On motlonpt Trustee Mrs. Plumpti-e the board 'or.educab1on deddded to chrlsten the new school to be erected on Belslze Drive the Maurice Cody School. . T III! in; at noun. .- ..n.n.....a.1._ -1 4 Th; name ofthe lat Maurice Cody is to be given to one of the new Toron- to public schools. n I-nnnn nf 'l"u-nann Mun `D`l.~.o.4-.';- 7' r?}'e1'{2i;n'{ ;s3':i"s;i:i?'ei'.Z"'i{s3'.gs looked rosy for holding of the 1929 lnnnunnblnn ad 'Dnnnu T-nu u-6.4-.. :51... Tooufo scnoon; -ro BEAR . " NAME or H. MAURICE coov . President Albert Bryson and Ki- wanian -Dr. W. A. Lewis reported on the London district convention. The letter received a very attering and noisyreception on his first appear- ance in th_e local club since his elec- tion as lieutenant-governor. He pre- faced his report with a tting reply of thanks to his fellow Kiwanians. ! v--- -v.. v- --__ _-__--__ --_..- M` ' p The re loss situation -today in Can- ada was a blot on the country's indus- trial life, speaker said in conclusion. The truth of- this fact was being brought home continuously. The Kiwanians could do a great deal in aquiet way to cut down this loss, if they would only think of it, study it, Practice it and on every opportun- ty spread the doctrine of re pre- vcntlon. ` - 15.. `l'...ul.. A....I-l-.-.l city U5 lllllllcun Capt. Ritchie instanced the case of the city of Cincinnati which in 1908 was in a bad way. It was d.if- ticultto secureinsurance at all. By the expenditure of $10,000 for pre- vention purposes the rate had grad- ually-,_ been cut down with the result that $850,000 per year in premiums was being -`saved the citizens of that AN-Iv WUHKB ll UGUEI 7 But it is not only the material things that were at stake. There was the more important element of loss of human life. Last year 70 persohs in Ontario lost their lives through re, while 119 were injured or maimed. ' _..J.' DJ...L.'- S....J.-..--.I 1.1.- 4-..- U H IIIU IIDO Who`pays?" asked Capt. Ritchie. The fact that -one has never had a re does not mean that he is not paying. -Last year the insurance companies collected -$10,500-.000, andeven the man who does not carry insurance pays his share for he pays an insurance tax ,on everything he wegrs and eats/ 21. S- _-J. _..I-_ LL- ..--L-_._I [P 6 DEN, A.1'.c.M. eltz of Tnnnntn --v-v--v-v - up vow`-u-vvu n-vwv Canadians don't value our heri- tage, the speaker went on. Wealth had been heaped` `upon us beyond com- prehension, yet we are busily en- gaged in `burning it up. We have the unenviable record of having the heaviest re loss per capita `($5.00) of any country in the world, and it is all due to ourown carelessness and indiiferenvce. We were learning our lesson, but at a very dear cost. Plainjly the fault was with citizens in` their failure to take proper pre- cautions. IIIIYL- ......0n ..1._.! 11-..; 1-I.-;-1__-_ IIIUHU `VD U0 '8\rllIUl.U `UUlUll$Bc ' i In cal ing attention to . Fire.` Pre- r vention. Week Capt. Ritchie. said -.that...n1_o__st .;people have v.-'41. hazy: sidea H was to just .what.=-..kin.d. ot=.:w6rl5 is un- dertaken thy`-the Fire -Marshal's .de- _ partment and how it. came to be or- ganized. Briey, ' its duty `at rst was t-o investigate fires with a vie to cutting_ down the re risk. t came into being on January 1, 1916, and at rst complaints and suspicion of arson and incendiarism . were probed and this constituted the bulk of the work. Since 1919, however, four additional inspectors had Joeen added and the work `of inspection and re prevention added. The re- venue to` maintain the department was derived from a tax on licensed and non-licensed re insurance com- anies and lightningrod concerns. ` ounsel, too, was being given small- er municipalities in the work of re 5 prevention and ghting, such as the 3 organization of volunteer brigades, ' purchase and use of equipment, etc., . while among other things increased powers had provided for the fire mar- shal ordering the demolition of old -buildings considered re . hazards. Unknown 20 Years Ago Twenty years ago, said Capt. Ritchie, re prevention was as for- eign to the average mind as was radio." Today the work had een chrystalized in the recognitio of Fire Prevention Week by Canadian and United States governments. The idea was to set apart -a week to teach the doctrine of re prevention to citizens generally and children in particular. 'T--_-!`_..L R- l1,,,!1, C Our Fire Loss, Per. Capita , .l-lead; Heaviest in World, ` Kiwanians are Told ~:;'_ u-mp. of 1:, stud it and prac- tice it, and you will - e surprised at ' the results attained, said Capt. J. E. Ritchie, who spoke on the subject of re revention before the Ki- wanis C u`b at `its regular. weekly luncheon last Friday. If any other glague or pestilence struck us as as the re end what an uproar there wouldi-fbeto stop it . . . . . . still we are `going complacentliv`, on our _ way."- said the young "er, after enurnerating that`? 567 -ams, 7,582 dwellings, 1,148 stores and 427 fac- tories with a value of over ten mil- lion dollars, had been destroyed by fire in Ontario" last year. ` A _'l_."imely Address Inasmuch as next week is Fire ` Prevention Week in `Canada and. the '_United_. -States , -Capt. _ Ritchie's ad- . dress .;was both appropriate `and time- iy. In `delivering his -message, he '.snbstitutedv.~for E. P. Heaton, Fire . Marshal of Ontario, to whose depart- ment -Ca '0. lliitchie `belongs. Th (In. inn nfl-Ian-Finn -n F`;-an Dun- . cmnmsm F I ACAR-_*.5 PW vI--I-;.;riLest Per Capita Loss .1-..h. ___'I_ V. Lgxvis `Acclaimed ll name" gxamuun `(;f_W_';t!'. but- about drilling 1 End". n"! --I `I vu-`vs \avI-U VI-FIIIVIU Ex-Mayor D. C. Barr of Coiling- wood, and Ex-Warden of the County of Simcoe, is home on a visit after spending the summer at Timmins. During the summer he staked a num- ber of claims in Fripp Township and his discoveries created quite a stir in mining circles. -Several of the big companies have since staked claims adjoining Mr. Barr's property. Surface indications are most promising. Sam- ples of ore shown The Enterprise are simply laden with gold, reports -that paper. - .. uuwuuu vuwunzqu, an u.5u.1n3L 0! last year. The numberof dogs in town is plac- ed at 273. 13 more than a. year ago. 1 I. um, vp0,WvU.`!.LU. .9 `'There -were_109 births registered dur- ing the year, ten less t'ha._n last year; 46 deaths occurred, as against 57 last year. Y--,vvv airman: uanuns no ryqat dUo Theassessment figures are sis fol- lows:. land, $1,066,960; buildings, $3,-` 565,580: business, $379,740;. income, $97,120; exemptions. $938,315; grand tta1,$6,699.410. /' Thar-A mvarn 1no 1-{I..41.... ..-...a..a.-..-.s :--.. v v- -u -uauu gvcll. BIIU was "iFa"7852 ' as. against 7886 ":35; year. hene is also an increase in the assessment values. Building assess-' ments total $3,565,580, as `against $3,- 532,670 in 1926. an increase;of $32,910. The land assessment" is about I the same. $1,656,960 this year while it was $1,659,475 last year. Business assess- ments are also. up slightly. The income assessment, owing to the reductions made by the Government, has fallen from $146,135 to $97,130. The total tax- able assessment, after reducing $938,- 315 in exemptions, is $4,761,095, about $25,000 less than a year ago. Tho. aaugannnn.-.5 11...... ..e, 1- - - u-q--n--ut1 :..='0ri11!a'"s' 1192'}. ssmt shows an -increase in the town : . population of 34 during the year. Last year the popu- lation `was 7852 this year. heme in nlnn an {hnnnnan 4... u... It is likely that B_e.rrie will also put gauccuus, In me spring. in a claim for the next tournament._ and the issuewillv be undecided for some months yet. The following delegates.-, attended the meeting, Charles Kaus, `Fred Arbour, George Robiilard, Arthui; Dubeau. Penetang; Chief Shrubsoleand R. J. Woltenden, Barrie; Capt.'McNabb and J Gibbons, Oriliia. ' . V ORlLLlA'S ASSESSME.NT`DOWN I ~ $25.-ooq;-354 Magus PEOPLE]

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