Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Sep 1927, p. 6

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Re/ad focal an fhur '.'_-_'.-.1"'.7L`.".`. The Toro Eioc You any Sept call Pu-in fa`! 1110' Mp`I Cleaner, Presser fund Dyer 109 St. :__ * 3 I mm: ms om ? DRIY-CLIEANINGJIIPLANT I WITHIN YOUR REACH, OUTSIDE . I'I-IE CITY-g " ~ I AM A` mucncm. TAILOR AND `READY To A ` ATTEND TO REPAIRS on CLOTHES. Goods called for delivfd.' ,' ' fdudnabh cbvnsms--c1u-teal, Secretarial, Teachers;Commrh1,'hdrtlia.nd,, Banking, Auditing, Typewriting. ` , spmcm. COU'RSES-For Normal and High School Grgai,za:`u. ,, Public School Teachers. ` ` ~ ' - `POSITIONS awanmhou proper: qualified;-62 crsdudtond ma " undergraduates` secured `goo j _positionI~ daring-`19_26`-2_7. C Wrlta {of rates of` phone 445. Real DfyCleani1) PASTEURIZEDMILK CREAM The LAKEVIEW l)AIRY925W. MACLAREN, FLETCHER 8: Co. Robert Sydney Fletcher; Gd_rdon`C`;. MacLaren; The cuiv ucluqol. nortltof. To:-Voavp ch: in 1 number` of the Iulhjuu Eduutou Auooiaol 9! Canada; GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL~ CORPORAT1oN BONDS INVESTMENT BANKERS 7(`)4' Canadian Pacific Building, Toronto.` Cleanlins and Service ? is but Moito. W. FIRTH CORESPONDENCE '-SOLICITED -= 3 u. D s I WHGHT bo%Nor1_m.AY 1 smr ' Lakeview M ram PHONE925W. w. A. TURNERrP:opotor. Ferguson 8, M. Ayerst 6. B. Kennedy 12. Plan or a model School 'groqnds--- G. Vaug`h~n,18;~Melv'lle Ayerst A64 C. Wlce_ 6. Model colpnyhouse for chick- ens~-R. Johnston 11. A. Bowman 17. Model [farm gate--Jack `Web!=ter 2.e Dougla Arnold 13. R. Johneton 11. T. Neolands 10. E. Jack 5. Collection of 15. of_most troublesome weeds-Dor- othy Allan 7;.Nora Scythes 10. col- lection of 26_ most harmful weed seeds --C.I-Iunter 11,,M. Ayerst 6.lB. Hun- ter 11. B. Knowles -17. Collection of in- sects. mounted nd named-Ronald. Blrnle 11. Bessie Hunter 11; Collection of lant` disease:-affecting field and car on crops--IB. New 10. C. Hunterxll. Collection of cuts, showing _commo'n `pen -3, vL_m cum: -0, glean uonneuy 4. , . Cooker-e1-B. New 10, Jim Stephens 7, Jim Kepnedyi 12.,W_ilson Lou eedv 12; ~12.` Wice 8. P}xllet-`-4Gia;iy`s~;- hompson 18, B. Little 12, W. `Lougheed'.12, Harry I-Iarker 13. _L.. Wice 6. Pen, 1.cockerel and 2 puilets--J.` Knnedy 12}: Marion V Thompson 13, B. Little 12, Harold Gib-y Ion 6. W. Lougheed'12-. 3 Cali, beet type ~(pure,bx'-ed)--Craw- tord Smyth 10,` Robt. J. 'Smyth A10. Calf, beet type, (grade heifer o steer)-Aiex. Bowman 17. Lamb . ?short` wool.) Cneighton Wice 6, Freddie Mcsherry 6. '1`. Hewson 1'0.`5Pupil_sVhowing most skill in exhibiting a. colt-Bert Smyth 10. Pupil showing most .skiii irrexhibiting a. `ca.lt-A. Bowman 17. Pupil showing xmgst ` sakiil in exhibiting a. lamb-C. W ce . . " A vuuA1An \YAnLL--_ 5-1-- 4 1!. ...;_...`L LUV U0 . Apples, Northern Sples-Margaret Cook .1'3,~I-Iarold Reid 11. J. Stephens 7. Mazjshall Camp.bel'l 4. Jean Irving. 7. |Anples. Snow--Ge'qrge_ Nightingale 11. K. Ralston 8. Clarence Stewart 7, Von Jack 5, Cralgleunter !11.~ Apples, Golden Rusdsett--.JG. -Matteer 5, Gerald Knowles 17.1-I. Harker 13, Fred Srig- l`e.v 12. M. Cook-13, Tomatoes--Bll1le Vaughan 13. G. Allan 3, Walter Vaugh- an 13, M. .1-Iodgsdn 7,` Douglas Arnold my . ' ' 3.? gm, an -&1uu5uu_u_ 5,` .IJuu5'la.s Arnutu i.o`ar~ ake--V1olt`Brewster- 11, `M. Thompson 10,'*N. `Jacks 11. Kathleen `Ingram _4, Hhdgsjqn 7. 1,5 doz. tea. biscuits--'Go1dle Rlx 10, P. ..Marquis 7, Jo hie Pratt 7."Norma- Ayerst .6, Elma. A1 `erson 7. 1,4, doz. Mu.ffin`s-V-Edward Jack 5, Agnes Taylor 5.,=F1orence Wil- h N 1-1` (1 "l`1'|nvv\v\nnn 19 UIIUUI lJUHUll"*l.'. 1v.wu'qu;:s I. uura J.V1C' Ewen 3. Beatrice Campbeu 4, D. Allan 7. E; Neelands 10. Candy box (2 kinds 1 homemade; IA, lb.)--=B. Knowles 17, M. Grose 8. M. Hodgson 7,T F, Robertson 10. E. Jack 5. \Set of Doll Clothes- Franceai Jack 5. Eileen `Reynolds 10. Mildred Alderson fl. Hemmed dish tow- el-Kath1een Ingram 4. K..Hughes 17. Muriel Green 11.`Edlth Sheppard 1-3. Amel. Neelands 10. Fancy {work bag -L1ll1an Johnston 11, Isabel Sherring o10.'.Pa1r of bedroom slippers--No en- tries-.-Patching 8. 3.-cornered tear- Edlth Pratt 17, L. Johnston 11, May B..Kennedy 12. P19?! (If 1: rnnnl nhnnl 'arvhuna_. EUII Id}. 001111 .lT.I.L|UUUl'.L (- Marlgolds,`--Margar'et McEwn 3./ Margaret Grose 3. Phyllis Marquis 7, Eleanor `Stephens 7. Edward Jack 5. Cosrnosg--Margaret Morris 2, E. Vaugh- an 18, Margaret Cook 13. Jean Ral- ston 8. Matt. Monrls 2. Any. flowers. not more than 3 `colors , for dining room table-Douglas Arnold 13, M. `I-Iodgson .`7, Molly McEwen 3, Edna -bell Vaghan 13. Dora _McEv\;en 3. Any flowers. not more than 3 colors for living room tab_le--qean Irving 7, Geo. Vaughan 13, M. Hodgson 7, Kenneth Ra.-lston,__8. M. McEvx_en 3-. Aster-s- E. Sheggard 13. Reggie Wlce 15, B. Camp- Von Jack 45, Jean Donnelly 4. Codkerl--B. NEW 1 Inrn Qfnnhnnu 7 UEUB Up (151165 ,l.'l_ylUl' 0._', J` IUTUIIUU VVII son 10. N._ Jack -1;, G. Thompson 13. School `Lunch--P. arquis 7, Dora*Mc- `Mayan R Rnnfvlnn (`xiv-nnhn A T`: Ann Mr." ~ .~ . K . ' ` `Potatoes, Doo`l,e`y---Beajxsle Kennedy 12. R. Ken_nedy_'1_2, Jean Hubbert 7. M11 red Llttle 12,1" B. Little 12. Pota- toe -Irish Cob1;>ler+-`Wilson Lougheed 12, Jlm Kennedy 12, Ronald Blrnie 11, Charlie Ruffett 5. Jean Hindle 2. Man- gels-E1mer'Pra.tt 10, fB.'New 10, Gor- don .~Sturgess- 6. -`C:-algle Hunter 11. Wesley Hindle 2. Turnl'ps-t-Campbel-l Hughes 10, Dorothy Allan 7, B. New 10. R. Johnston 11, Eugene Webb 15. Beets- -E. Webb 15, Dora. McEwen 3. Florence E.-Robertsonalo. Bertha`Stew- art 8,` Caroline Sturgess 6. ,Carrots- Billie Knowles 17, G. Little` 12, Beatrice Houston 5, Evelyn Webb 15, Dorothy Alklns 17. Parsnlps--Je,ssie Pratt 7, Edith Sheppard I3, Edna Vaughan 13,. Marion Reld 10. Kathleen Hughes 17.` On1ons---Charlie` Ruffett 5, Mabelle ~`I\/ rc.~+1-an K rzluam. \n..++..... : m 11-...` I. If u l3lul'lEJ""'.l. UR {LU W HUI] "LU, nay IIIUHU `Johnson, 11, B. `New 10, Clarence `Copeland 2. Leone Wlceg 6. Barley (sheath--'1`. 1-Iewson 10, R. Johnston 11, B. New 10. M. Ayerst 6, Joe Bowman 15. Field Corn :(husked)-`Florence Little 12, Crawford Smythe 10. Mllqred Ferguson 8. F`leId`Corn (sheaVf)- Ar- chie Kennedy v12,AC`. Smyth 10. R. J.` Bmyth 10. F. Llttle'.12..Eddie'Aiklns 17. Sweet Corn (bu d)--KathIeen Reed 12. I-1elen.Sprl_n 8, Grace Little` 12, ,Mo,r1onVHoc_1gson_.7. Eileen Reynolds 10 5' v . `DI|`l`I\A o.\I\:\uv , Dan-ml.` T}:.......A-- Dune nxnuwnus 1:, u. .I.a1cL1e`1z, neatrlce Evelyn Sheppard Red 17 Ruffett 'Ma`.tteer 5, Gladys Matteer -5, T. I-Iewj- son 10. Jean Hubbert 7. Innla-Ah-In _' lluuuvn kl \A'.`.`L'1..o.... 0 The follow` _g list >s"}.:ows:t:A!1ose who _ 4 toolrprizes -a d the "schools they re-!`} 5,.8, 12, 13, 11, 3. ` , lj . present 1-- 0a.t_a--IGordon"lx IQ, Billie -New 10,. May Ferguson .8. Ross b. ennedy 12, I 3111 `Little 1'2. Oatsj (sheaf)-aBi11ie.J New 10, Gordon R_lx 10,i Melville Ay- u ` out 6, Reg. W_lce. 1-5, Ross Kennedy 1 12. Be.rley--'-Ted Hewson --10, Raymond : Jnhnnnn 11 `R `Now 1n lnrnnnn! I s'l'noun"% %| o1sIc:uonnaA succgssl ntbllul) lVUUcL vaU||) *\iUlll1.lUIaU\l.{ .:._Vl. _Ul.' tor-y `honors; The.speak_n)g p_r1zes for girls were taken by Eugema Webb and -Ranch: Wnibnb , Nv'+'hn nnrdn` 1.113 VVl-`U U -L`J,Il5UlIIG VV CUU: and `Bessie _Kerln edy, I1'r the parade Strand Senibr and- Junior took" the. met two places;~,vi1`:h Lefroy Junior-`I -third. The _ _ungradfe__d chools were. `placed by the j-udgesdas follows: No. I 5,.8', 12, 13, 11,3. ~ mu- c..n......:..... 1.'.'+ hnma +1.... ...1-..`-., Despite viiad weather, fthe Innisfill School Fair, held at Stroud _on Sept. 20, proved a success . There was` a` nuuuliu nnvw1-nu-' hi-hnnli the tn-nun! 6f'oE&"a"i{g':}} "f1*ii'r`"w6h? 5 ' goodly` num be_1` ;p r`ga,ent,`~ -the cxjowd athering_Ibefore;.theT' rain started. It min . an nII.innnl 7`rnn "-nh'nw_ than-hhn . EEEESI-ihE7B'?.3i~e}3im`E7 1-iii`: ilirti wai. an all-ouhd T go_o'd show, the hall AS-on !-in nninn lnhd. and NF uunnvvinr Wll,.lI II'.I.'uuuu `gun auuw one` uau diap y `being r1arg`e+a d of superiorl. qug- `Potat es were `light but 511` other Yegetabl 3; were "good, ,as`- were also` apples; ` Needlework and "baking" -x sections were .strong;,_0nly one rboy, 'Arthu'r} Robertson, ecoi'2`ipeted_ for ora- tmsv hnors; The sneakimr nrizes for. Good. Ktt_c Ifac"ii: spo_' of After-' 3 ; goofs *a.u-.-'_-`-Fine ,m.p1`.y Shouxi III Kink--Lint of VPrznT Winners. . ; ' J.` .~{.'-:"_;-_.'- ~A 1'-I-as BAAIRBII xaumin gun a, fauna. - Vel'y`'l.A "150DWl1lt6"- F1or_ence.'H. pencer 6`,-r._1\tI.. Grose 3. Mildred..._I,'.itt1e._12, M1n`n1e`_ Kemp 12, G.`| Vaughan` 13.1 My _Nati\'r6 Land"-'--Ag- nee" Taylor; 5;,~_Ei1een Eggaford '13, Mar--- ;ga.r et Canning`,.._V_iolet-King 12,` K." Reed 12. Dr'a.w1'n g; at ower (crayon)- .'Mar1on Copeland .3, Ruth Hughes" 3. V G. Allan 3, J._ eed 12. Hilda Pearson, 12. Drawing, 9. tumn scene with trees and stream-`--G. CIement"3, Ollve~S g- `L 8" . Iley 12, Verna Patterson 12. Fred S 1 1e); 12, Iva Kennedy 12. Drawing, sce`ne' Of 8. farm house-P_` `R521-nnia "I `I ! 5' I Beit Ijunter 11, B 1% breed: or live `stock. mbqn,tp{and. nam- Led-'-Gordbn R1: . 10. Fred `L~MqSherr.y4 6. `Idle Rix.I1_ `V L ; Q1d*~11.'~ Collection at -W`oo'd--Jno.`-Matg tee:-45, M. Ayerst 5 for ma -$pri_n_g_.11. e3 Xe u_n;er~ :I_.`:_l-`. " Q. John`LGo`tdon` .7, Harold . ,,---_ -_.-.---co .. 1*. v~ Esay, Hlstory.`o t_O'ut` .1`ow,nsh1p . _--` Betty Johnetonm, jlp.` McEwen ;3,~ Reed 12, Bertha, steyvjgrt `3,V!olfet Ki`n`g , _._12. Humorous Telegram-,-.-0._ smith 2. G1-over__ Smith 3, D.`\_Mc_Ewen 3; Ma. _"- ` garet McEwen. 3, Hermag1:.;\Rainey 2, | Alplfabet. and f1sures`.`-`*13' V o~ 20--'Dolsle ' Lackle 13. Chaqles Qlgon 6,_ Anna Bdef gets 6. Doris~As{e1st .6 ,Mab1i; Stu:-gejss , .6- '1`heA eWind and *t`he`S1`i1_f-"-EveIyn Low;-ye 3.: Arnold Rodgers _6,fJean Hub-. `heart 7, Jean Reedb-'12`. `.`Listen to the Ra1n"-MarJorle-Giles 2, Blanche Ham-`_ mond 12. Mary Morria.j_8.e Alma. Alder`-' ' son 7, Elma gverye 7." VBobwhite"-- Flor;-nnn'1T-`L Qnnnnnr 4:`! M 11...... o ..- --',... _-- School parade "(gra.de`d--Stroud Sr"! 10, Stroud, Jr., 10, Lefroy, Jr., 4. G1rls u .Publ1c `Speaking Contest - Eugenia! .Webb _15, B. Kennedy 12, Boys Public, fgneaking Contest-Arth`ur ~Rob`ertson; ' any >.I.a, Ava. zxenneuy 12. urawmg, BCGTIQ` _ot a house--P.` Marquis 7. {Reed 12, `V. King 12, B. Jlohnaton-12, J. |Srigley..12~. . r I _- . . . _ | Bpt: lzl` ".bo`1t, draft--Bert Smxyth 10, Stock! Aboz'>ef.3ll% wc am % or Saf`etu~1 946 BRITISH AMERIcfANoIL`co.. LIMITED r -lscduto69Iw`or/_Votow/wIdepezzding . ~ } ltpovn 1:`heo2:yQurV :ngz'ne% . , Safety dMotorOilis and Gasolenes. I've seen the insides of enough automobiles to know how important lubrication and `the right .1el\is to a car. That s why out of all the propositions offered me I chose to handle British American Oil Company's ~\ . '`When, it tomes to gilubrication, years of experience. have taught me that for -safe,/ smooth running and for keeping, a hear in- `rst-class condition you can t beat this` British Americana Autolene Oil. s I ve used " it myself Ta1nd I ye sold it to thousands. t ' Autolene is making rnore steady .cu`ston 1e;-s` apforlme-eirery day.;.` - ~ 3 i I}et`11'ie'ysr:Ve you too, `Q h \ _ p.31 own business . / . . ` the gasolene eanclL6il%business you have to know w_hat*s what, just; like in your 0 \ Q 4 My succeysdepeglds on repeat ~_gu tE>me:.`v _-.-_,-the ones` who come_back.e f .3 exi; J. -A.t Rnss573: Angus m-eamed`; 5 on Sunday. :"w?as`. xiastpr there "some twenty years agq_._a'n'd the elder. mem- I bers were plgased`-to pee him .in}_'1is old place -galni. V , " ; 7` `_ ` I I . Mrs. Percy Browning and dalighter. naming c`Ompe`titf6rn-Q1arence Stewart! 1, J. Steph_rr7..Bs.:N1:w 10, Ross Ken-' .nedyV 12, Gordpn ` Rix 10.. Hqrnesinz and .`hitching cpntest : foxx girls--M_ahl'e Keast 6 ._ I-Iarngsslngv and. h_itching,.. con- t,est_.{or b.<)s+'-`.-Cecil Webb 15. `C. Wice 6`. -pon`al'd"Beatty 8. School parade (un- 2rl1de`\--7\YnIn E R `19 19 11 R " ` Hw-Uc sun ~ 1" I ._ I I Bercy Browning and daghter, Jean. .wer_ in L Villlagb on Saturday. . The-Women? `_Institute. met at .the, home of M'rs.-3'8`. `Todd on ~Thursday. I Mrs. High oToronto is visiting at the home of~I-Ia2_'t~.'1`homaS. I 117 `Dnhyn. xI:..- .......`_4. .. ........1.. -0 .11.-.- ; uuc uuuu: ux'r1.ux_'L `,1'uun|a.s. _ { W. Reive; `Sr;,- spent a couple of days 4 `in Orillia` last week, _ ' 2" ` |` Theofjunei'a,1 the late Mrsi Andrew I, Bell was he]d;on `Sunday. Sept. 18, and] ..was one of the la_ gest_ in this part of the, Icountry. She W s loved and respectedi by.all wlfb` kYfew_.her. Her` husband! i predeceased. heron December` 12. Her . family of _five--daughters and six sons- survive. namely, Mrs. H. Hughes, Mrs. Baynes`, Ernest,`-yHaro1d.. end Ross, ,all in West_GwilIix_npyry: `Mrs. R. Bur- ;ton, Eh_nva'I`; Roy _a_n`d Frank, Innis-. til; Clarence in _tAh b States; Mrs. J. ;Gi1lespie and Mrsi `R. Hood, Toronto? ' 3:. guxmnu penny 0. 5011001 puraqe |grf1de`41)--II`_>3__\.`.`>, 8,312, 13,11, 3. l `i. g \ I .:;m.,;%1 Leon`. of M on's 1 )_ent`a.' co,up1\e"of days %_the,-guest_s\o(VMrs`; J; `_I-Iddgson. L \,A T upl `of day[s_`in!1`,ox:onto andN1aga`ra. a.l5a11s..` ` ~~ ` - u D.\.`. .1` .A n'....;.V`.Lo ......<.._ "_.'_...i-y...1* Mr."a nd M118. Howard Allan spetft a ' o j Iscllii: IUSCIL mm cA:2-mm: E -on nnuq Phon; ' '3` T 48 Ellen `Sh. bpey quid Covered Tmch, Buy Advgrdsed Things. -1;-4 ' " . . ` , \.s :9 -`1 ___?`.}_` "55 HOME.

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