p1;.;;s1;.;.; cuu. ' The Chas. Baldwin family have re- -turned to Toronto after spending the [summer here. - " ` - , Mrs. Sheppard and sons returned to `Toronto on Monday having enjoyed a. `pleasant holiday at their cottage. Florenc SDGHGRI` nnnt 6)-In ' vHem*yV O'Brien, _K.C., `(ind Mrs. .O Brien attended the celebrations at Vvgcllffe College, Toronto. last week- en . ' ' rm... nu.--' - -- - ` Ha. lg`. W. Plk. - > Robert Day or Toronto has returned after a few days` visit with his brother, F. B; Day. 7 Dr. W. G. Malcolm and Mrs. Mal- colm of Wisconsin and Andrew Mal- ` com of Nestleton are spending'.a few rdays with Mrs. H. Gilchrist. . . 1`h0s. `and Ihnl Yvilunn laws A-- If--- n|.u.'|.Uu U161 -Mr. and 1` itors on S { Cookstown. ; M ha LT-~ -~ [Hora Sunday wjth frieri'cl's".'11'e.e:r_ 2 . i Mrs. Harold McLella'n of Toronto `spent. over "Sunday with her vmother. :Mrs. C. W. Palk. E * Day, V cu ---- vvuu -uex` son. Melvlll .Wr. and Mrs. Jos. venhurst spent a da; fr1Tenda 11:} this vgllag u wuua Jas. . .-Itarced ; .l n A- -uepc. z6--Rev. John Morris of Hills- dale delighted the consregatlop $31; .-the United church with fhls" sermon. on Sunday last. Nextfsunday Rev. A._ W. Cvawsb will preach his farewell service` :a` 7. . ' , - I lire. John Sanderson is leavlng;'hi?a, f-Weel: -for Toronto to spend the winter ' with her son. Melville Fockler. Mrs. J09, (1--as-om -'=-""-- mu. 6!! dellg cl s are even: um I: for. little pay-i naval. agent, a aay last Week with is in village. [ ~- . . Hurt and son, .Pa.Ime r, have ad their usual tour of silo filling. Mrs. Wm. Adams were vis- Sunday friends near` itown. !:!ATYVI PA.`-.5T ." . ".'!P"_U.R5T DIV I HVU 35339 DEER AND MOOSE I C`.nv.nr-nrnnw!- luau nu -ovovsuu xf UUKIUP. _ . J 08. Graham - 01. `Gram -a day last Villace. * 'l'em o1'~ary Locaoh%--N ext Door to Woolworth ; may ARMY with Every Suit Ordered 4 lWe announce that on Friday and Saturday Oct. 7 and 8, Mr. Gareld, Head Oice rep- resentative of the Berger Tailoring Company, Limited, will personally conduct a special advance showing of Berger Fall fabrics, which 4 are British Importations of the nest and new-H est.woo1lens and worsteds procurable, and- nished models. . During this special display, extra pants of identical material and workmanship will be given absolutely free withevery suit ordered. Mr. Garfield will himself fit all men purchas- ing garments during this visit. This is an unusual opportunty to be fitted by, an accom- plished tailor. V or IDENTICAL MATERIAL AND woizx. %MANSHIP WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. EXTRA PANTS FREE FOR 2 DAYS ONLY DURING THE VISIT OF BRING nus wrm You , IT IS WORTH $7.00 TO $15.00 c When applied on the purchase of any Clothes ; of Quality suit purchased at this store on the dates mentioned? herein, this coupon entitles you to ` t - ~ A'!P_31L'ETR9USER5 SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE 01-` BERGER TAILORING COMPANY, LIMITED WE OFFER YOU iii. i:e;1;i:::l'_r:;a;;i-a-l {rid 'Cv31m.n' "EL" ABSOLUTELY. FREE to your individual measure. (Only one coupon upplicable to each _Suit purchased) lcommndad I; I A g..- Clearance of our patent (19.13, with rubber heels _ .. Sizes11tq2.... . . . . .. In black calf leaghefs, blucI;er-style, broad toe ` and solid leather oles and heels . . . . .. Sizes 11 to2..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. V0 \ Positively Retiring from Business Women's dressy patent leather straps, of Cuban heels,-in plain dull calf overlay, of light kid linings and flexible `leather soles. _Also a dressy shaped heel pattern of light colored overlay on this table. Sizes 3 to 8-SALE PRICE . .. $2.85 UUK IIUUID uuu lull . UUUUUII. to 13%. SALE JPRICE `In black calf feathers, suitable school wear, solid leather soles, her heels and fully. cotton lined. L- 101/. GATE DDT("l1" BOYS AND YOUTHS BOOTS DRESSY ONE-STRAP PATENTS THE ENTIRE AND COMPLETE STOCK or I-*ooTwEAR MUST BE ISOLD--REGARDLESS OF ALL PROFITS AND EVEN COST. OUR LOSS Is YOUR GAIN AND THE GAIN! AFFORD To MISS THE ASSORTMENT OF BARGAINS. VARIETY IN EVElYSE0(';l`R-E.1g1.\9Ill`}JC? $131: EVERY .Ml:',MRl:'D nl-` TI-ll? PARK" V \ (`f\lI'.` DAD! V Akin can Tun lsrnarr nnnnnrru nu.-nu. _ V... .. ng--u... nu-.. aInuna\rI\laVll.l|1& \Jl I-Irll\\Jr`|.llVt)o Vl'Il\.llZaI I ll` IDVI-Val`! IuUl" A ia'iIERYM1=m71BER 01-` THE FAMILY; com-: EARLY AND SEE THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY. y, October 2 CONDUCTED BY $2.85 MISSES LAGED Boors MISSES `SANDALS MR. GARFIELD THE HUB BOOT SHOP $1-95 Tl-II nuns: IXAMlNI.R_` leather, one-strap San- (hi Cl UGUIICL, \I.llU'DUl.6l Call` noooooooso-u uy, 8 pm. rogramme and Rally. ' for light full rub- Sizes 11 .. . $1.95 A table of remarkable savings --of blonde kid and calf leath- ers, of low, medium and shaped heels, in -limited sizes. The black kid and patent one-straps make the assortment complete in the size range of 3 to 7. SALE PRICE . . . . . . . ..$1.95 BLONDES, PATENT Amp K11) LEATHERS $1.95 In black or brown calf leathers, of genu- ine welted soles, full rwbber heels, blueb- er style in either choice, Boots or Ox- fords. Sizes 6 to 11. SALE PRICE $4.45 MEN. S BOOTS AND OXFORDS . Men s Heavy Bools $2.95 _....`-::v-w wry & rui--jugu- '6&a During mi; Special Sale.- ALEX. MILNE & SONS u my mun auL'VlUUo > expected to attend H '\II Remember, Two Days Only Friday-Saturday, Oct. 7- 8 $4.451 Genuine Fall Bargains here-'- Tan calf, blajch calf and patent leather Oxfords, in plain or tie patterns, low and Cuban heels, of dressy weight soles or welt- ed styles. A choice for the early shopper among regular values of $6. V Sale Price $3.45 oxroans AND . TE-"_MP5{ $3.45 --- w-v--w:-2 gt"-3 In lighter calf 1eTaTtThers, of balmoral pattern, dres- sy in appearance, full round toe . . . . .. Sizes8to 101/2 o - o I - o - o a o n o All BARRIE Ioncert =1 CHILDREN'S LAQ-ID Boors cH1LDR_EN's _1_.z_\C::D BOOTS Suitable Boys -School Boot, in black box calf leathers, blucher style, toe cap, solid leather soles. rubber heels. Sizes 1 to 5. SALE PRICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.45 BOYS EVERYDAY BOOTS A serv_ic.e$b1e everyday boot- .'_ LI.._I_ _., IN _--v-~-.. vv\4AJ\a\OJ Alvvlv in or `brown kid leathers, high laced, low and Cuban heels, of medium-fitting toe. A real bargain for the shrewd buyer. Sizes range 3-4-7-8 only. SALE PRICE .. . $1.45 $2.45 womms HIGH LAC_l~;D BOOTS $1.45 THE Page `fhlrhlll y. Ioptombor 9 1017;. -jhn LBS eply regret this ho do not wish receive a refund Frank H. Hurl- dy reserved, or ions, can be as- rt, exact date of Ms . 'L'Jfo'I [ED Promege: Feather Growth Keep! the egg yneld up Cuts feeding 00!. HIITOII #& Cb. ll finality I nezhent of for Friday, 1'. Johnson. I m Novem- Manager. coMmn--McsHEnRY-;-on weanhes-. day. Sept. 21. 1927. by the Rev.-A. E. 'Lum1u,. at the home of hgr parents. Gladys `Pearl. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Stephen Mosherry. Thornton. to Mr. Herbert Ross Comer. onl,v_ son 4!)! vlr. and Mrs. H. A. Comer._ Gil- 0!` I - ' ` v QAMBRAOOK---BEYNON--IniThorhton. ` on Saturday. opt. 24. 1927. at the home of and by Rev. R. B. Beynon. B.A.. uncleot the bride, Elda M.. daughter of -Mrs. and the la'te_ W. T. Beynon of King, to Mr. Wm. A. Sam- -brook ot`.\urora. I _ - ga.A.1 the Royal Victoria Hos.l ' pltal. Barrie. on` Thursday. Sept`. 29. 1927. to Rev. and M1"s. A-. E. Baker. 54 Mary St.. a son. V -3aMMS--`At the Royal Victoria I-Iospif-I AM, Barrie. Monday. Sept. 26..`1927.' to Mr-. and Mrs. Delbert'Emms. 223 Elizabeth _St.. a son. RAWSON--At the Royal Victoria Hos- pital. Barrie, Monday. ept. 26. 1927,? `to Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Rawson. Camp Rawllngs, Port Severnba daughtezn, v5WAIJ'I`ON--On Wednesday. Sept.`28. 1927. to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Walton, Barrie. RR. 2, :1 .daughter. .5011 UL .DC1l'l'lU, uuu LVLIBH L"U&l'l IJFUUIS UL ~'I`oronto..M1se Audrey Partridge re--a ptted at the afternoon service. . | on Monday evening a concert was given in the church. which was filled. 'f'recec1!ng the concert _there was -8. corn mapper served by the Y.P.S. jer. and OI.l.'lUt31'H UL UIU anuutuu uuuuuul In the afternoon and evening Ivor E.` rocl: of Toronto gave appropriate ad- resses. Speaking in the afternoon he likened life to a garden of opportunity and illustrated by a uniquely display- ed garden (Which was fastened to an ._artist's easel). the resulting fruits when kind words good deeds" and cheer- tul words" were sown therein. V In the evening Mr. Brock addressed; articularly young people. He declared; ife to be a mission and convincingly ; loaded with youth to seek individual ire objectives consistent with the her-' pic call of Jesus Christ. A mature at the dav was the min. we can 01 duuua u1u'wu.. I A feature of the day was the min-. {!try of music. A large young people's! nhoir and orchestra... under the dir- gction of Miss Jessie Bryson . inspired! we ministry of praise While special` solos were given by Miss Audrey Clit- .:on 0!. Barrie. and'Miss Pearl Brock of moronito. Miss Audrev Partridze re--; -RALLY DAY sanvicase A1 I CENTRAL `UNITED cHu_acH! I Record attendances marked the Rally =]`)ny services at the Central United church last Sunday. The church was 4;-u`ste1'ully decorated with flowers. .vult.d grain andautumn leaves. It was Sundav School day and R. G. ),-1Uu3'x1r.UIl. um HuuUl'uu_uuuuuI.. prumuuu at all aevvlces. He was assisted by the` associate superintendent. M. S. Chant- {er. and officers of the Sabbath Sch0o1.] Tn Hm afternoon and evening` Ivor E.` j I: attend thin upl- ao of moetlnn. outing. Thursday, 8 pan. ` IIIIIVII r-`turn-wt II uvvuu The-annual I-Iarvesht Home services .0! Trinity church, Barrie. were held -last Sunday, Sept, 26. The church was prtlst-lcally decorated. in an appropriate` manner and the special speaker for the gay was Rev. Canon Gould of Toronto. `Large -congregations enjoyed the ex- nellent addresses, mornlngland even- ing. The speaker's text for".the morn- ins service was found ln the 72nd .penlm.. verses 18 and 19. The Sunday School attendance show- .pP3ilUU.. V't1l'HU;H J0 uuu $3: The Sunday | 9d an increase after the summer hall-3 stays. The large collections of the day; we to be used to pay for the improve-: manta which have recently been madei onthe Sunday School building. .j:1`u1t. gI'u.m uuu autumn wctvms. g It was Sunday` School day ffioughton. the superintendent. presided .n 1211 nm~v1a9.s. He was assisted by the.` WITH: 11! NM" DKUl'..$VLulUuBCU`l' BE: A tew friends gathered at the` home at Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lawrence inst week and presented Mrs. Law- rence wlth a handsome hand bag. She was also presented with a. silver tea. pot stand. guest towels and several pther articles from other friends. pnto, visited Andrew McQuay during. I,[Ul'UlllUv ` Mr and Mrs. Wm. McQuay of Brent- xvood. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McQuay,. mad Mrs. Hannah McQuay of Beeton and Mr. and Mrs-. W. N-. Vvhlte. Tor- he Barrie exh'1b1t_1on. I Mrs. Armstrong . 94 nnfrn Rf Al- -gnu pcwnu uau_uuu._uu. Mrs. Armstrong. 34 Centre St.. A1- andale, announces the engagement of or daughter._Joe!e-,v to Mr. Albert Clar- pnce Cooper of Parry Sound, son of - 2'. George Cooper, Barrie, and the late re. Cooper. The marriage to take plane the middle of October. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Baker and son. .yIG"W VIIU IIIIHULU Ul- \JUL\JUUl'o son. -`Walton. of Tampa, Frorlda. have re- aurned home after an enjoyable visit with his sister, Mrs. C. H. Chapman. irmlstll Street, and his parents, Mr. ymd Mrs. H, M; Baker..Mulcaster St. A few friends: rather-ed at the` home .;uv uu: usuuau utuy tuwuumg U170 V8.11`. George McBride, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MoBr1de.,ot Toronto. formerly of .27 Charlotte St.. Barrie, !s'play1ng a fvomlnent part in the film entitle-.1 `Painting the Town" now showing in Jroronto. I Mr nnrl Mr: `Um Mnuunuy nf 'nnnI\I-_ JUIII DHUHI `ll! \JlllUU. _ Dr. `Geo. '1`. Webb was a guest with; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Armstrong, Eliza- -beth Stu over the vyeek-end. Dr. Webb was the special speaker in the Baptist phurch for Rally Sunday. i Dr. F`. A. nlnlnn nvvnfmaunn AP I1... {nation work with Dr. C. A. Arnott. [Jllulvu L91` Jlauy uuuuuy. Dr. F`. A. Clgaland. professor of Gyn- gecology at the University of Toronto and 'rorontoA General Hospital, was a` .v1:-xitor to Barrie this week `In consul~- This week. Mr`. M(!Ma.hnn nnlln at s Plce in the ngdom. tgI=u.Juu vvuus wuu ul`. U. A. APXIOEI. This week. Mr. McMahon called at {be home of Mrs. J. M.. Syme. Owen .at., and presented her with a. hand- some sllk umbrella. the prize offered] (or the oldest lady attending Oro Fair. l nnvgn MnRv~1n' smn nf Mn n 1\.r..u {Luau uuurau cu. uusuuue `18.11. ` Charles McBride, announces the en. gagement of his daughter, Mary Agnes, go Matthew Dowling of Stayner. The marrlaz will take place the middle of October. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. 13. Lawrence and phlldren left Wednesday morning for -Los Angeles. Calif. Mrs. Lawrence's mother 18 9-mD9ny!ng them and will _'5o1n` them `in Chicago. D)`. `G90. '1`. Whh urn: n annub unlit.` puutuu ul auuuul UIi1V8!'81ty. . I Harold Sprott and Kenneth Walls! we attending Victoria University. Ross,` .C9Wan and Gordon Foster have started {their course at Osgoode Hall. V Charles Mnvln Rnhnlivlnna 41... .... lLlU'lU auu -LV$UHLl.`Ul1lo' Chas. Crossland. whovreturned from! .C1eV81and some weeks ago. has left for`! Montreal to enter an V engineering bourae In Mc`Glll University. Harold Snrntr mm `(Annnfk -nr..n_. ;|u'uu5 wuuu Luu-auuulg uarme Fair, . Rev. E. A. Be:-us and Mrs.. Barns; motored from Tonawonda. NY" nus? week to spend 9. day at their summer ` . . 1 it Mr. and Mrs. J. R. -Raid mm a....;..y. ! Jiliiau E!-H:IHuI{s um run`. . I as . .- eaney attend d th . an wedding, of Mr.'and Mrs? Wme.-%\9}3. gruff at Bradford on Saturday-. Miss Margaret Oakes of Guelph was .9, visitor` with Mr. and. Mrs. Ed. Arm- tmng While attehdin B '1 7 3 Rev. H. A. Ber1iagnn:u`l1we...F_a!1!;'._u._ Ulllau Mr. and Mrs. J. R. -Reid at d d ' . gar, Thelma. have returned grommflhgelir gwo weeks vacation in W t .` arlo and Montreal; T 68 em on (`hue nnnulnn nyI.n,....A........; . l an tV1U`lUl'U IGIIEUH-SUB. ` 7' I - Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sharpe of Jol1ette,! Quebec, called on Mrs. Gordon,"Theg fines." during the Fair. Miss E. J; Keanev ntfnndn +1.- .....u.a 1 5110M Ltd` 9 d-livlil-II-Bllllli V . I 1' PS. I q t t ' . .o visited with Mr. ai:d'na: ?r%3.' ptton tor a few days. Miss Vivienne Jeff: Ian Inn! ...-..u. .-. IJFLUII CU!` y MSW UH-X8. | Miss Viviennga Jetfs left last week .to' attend Victoria University. specializing ,1:-1 Modern languages. V Mr. Victor shmenn no .7.-.n..+... I are equipped var to attend wants in the BING TING Lihli-'15U-R t LO _ i _ ' ` as e a. vev s at - ,Gravenhurst relieving the nl1`:a:1egnet1- 3; gthe C.N. Telegmphs. . Mr. andMra. H. H_ ntnm 1.: m......_ ARGV. E." J`. and Mrs. have pea! turned from their trip to Winnipeg and chicago. 1 Min: Reta Lnvzxin no ..'............ ._.1 yu`m-uay. 3:3 ; 1:27:- r-u2u- B-1-in-I-101:-ron -I--to-In-If-I--I-i * ` V .1 5 PERSONAL -TRINITY HARVEST HOME % BORN on Sunday`. October; 2. it-lie Crown Hill` appblntment wllljhave anniversary services `at 11;a.m._and 7 .p.m. The Rev. L. R. Ballant,vne.* B.;A.. will prea.,ch,. Services at Dalston and Edgar wlllbe wlthdrawnj.` 3 V. . . ~- " ~ , ' -" ` _ ---I ` `V-`T Sept." 7--Mrs. A. Brown and daugh- ter. Mary, spent last week-end'w1_th friends In I-Illlsdale.. 1 ' Ifn nut` Klan TI? IVunI:-I-And LO Ill: ILY DAY |,u'xVUVUlllUU1` DU. `These periods are very much in favor of the hunter, especially if the weather may -turn cold. and it is trusted the action of the Government will result in :1 marked increase in the number of thosetaking-to the woods. For their l transportation, Canadian National Rys. have prov ded with their usual _care and forethought and printed copies of the Hunters Train Service leaet may bevobtained shortly on application to Canadian National Ticket Agent. o-40 LFIUHUB Ill ruuaucuv. I Mr. and Mrs. W. Craighead 6! Mid- land were guests at W. F. R1cha.rd- d son's. Sunday. . _ , . Quite a number attended Midland and Barrie fairs: - ` T `Klan '?n.Lnnn nngl `flan. `KAT Ad-ml-ll.- Gull JINIVFIU l.Jl'o' _ 7 M1ss.Kathleen and mac McLaughlin spent the week-end'~in Toronto. Nia- gara. Falls and Buffalo. I u:.:.H AND MOUSE The Ontario Gov-ernment has an- .nounoed a change in the open season ` for deer and moose this year. in that. either anlma-1 may be taken in the dis- tvict south of the French and Mattawa , Rivers from November 1st. to Novem- ber 30. and in _the district, north of the French and Matt'a=wa from October 10 to-November 30. ` "nhnnn rxnudnn ...... ------ -- -_-I_ 1,, n, uuvxua ttuul; HEUPO nere. ` Mr. Parker spent the week-end In Toronto. `Illa... r1.......... -5 rn-..___L, W, -- .1 UFUU LU Miss Cruse of Toronyr was the guest . of her brother, Rev. G. Cruse, and Mrs, I Cruse. I --u um- auu. um. wane l I Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Kndall have re- i turned from their trip to Western , Canada and the States. I R/rt! Wnllnxlvu nn.-I nnuu 131"! .....-._L - ww uuyu u1~1`u_1'Ur1l;0. I Mrs. Ph1l.Mou!ton and children of Toronto spent a few days with her sis- ter. Miss Christie McKay. Mr. nd MPH. Rnnlfbv n9 .qnn1I- GI-A Mr. and Mrs. Rossiter of Sault Ste. M Marie. motoring` to Toronto. called on ;'1`hos. Stone on Monday."1`hey were| u residents ofthis place some years agol `having kept store here. Mr Dnnbnn amount 41... .......I- -._.1 1.- out . .m.~su L.-KIYIHILIB Mmxay. I I 11 A.M. hood the Hap- ime of Life?" .30 P.M. ally of Youn eople. V nd girl will receivc e at this service. AIIV\r\n"l\A L- -Ll-_...I I Sept. 56-5-;\I'r. and Mrs. H. A. Mac- Donald and family of Toronto and Miss lM:n'1r.wlo Graham motored here on Saturday and were the guests of Mrs. . M. Graham for the week-end. I 1\/|'vv,u A Qfnnn r\i' 'l`nunv.6-A I. 4.1.... ~..-..1-A m. \_.n'tuwuu Luz` Lne week-end. | Mrs. A. Stone of Toronto is the guest of her son. Thou. Stone. ' NT and 1\ll`nn D I`! 'I'r.....a..n u____- A, UP. , . Sept. 27---With the building crowded! to capacity. V. B. Collins held his` Harvest Home Festival in the Anglican . ,church on Sunday last. Sept. 25. The` -`special speaker for,the day was the 1 Rev. W. G.,Dreyer who selected as his` 3 text. I `Thess. 5:18. In everything-1 `give thanksfor this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." Dur- ing the offertory Miss Leadlay gave :1 _l)enutlful rendering` of a. solo entitled. :"Just for Today." ' I __> A uuuaua. auu. U18 LH.CBS. Mr; Fellows and son, B111, spent a few days `in-Toronto. `MI :-u I3!-u1l1\ll'nu'uH-.1... .-.....u ..I_n.1..--- -n ' vv uuua apuxu. Luu .weeK-ena In '1`OI`Ont.0. R. Lytton, who has the contract of; doing the cement work for the new? hall. has'some men engaged doing the work. Gone 0"! 11 i.I4.I.. 1.1.- 1___n.-n,..,, , - - lflv Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boyce spent! Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. -S. Tracy at Co`lwell. . Miss Florence Lynn is visiting Mid- hurst friends. ' A Isabel Russell". Lynn Rus_`se1I,`VJac_k. Duran and Albert Wallwln have` com- menced studies at the B.C.I. A A flnwuln Info An ans.....a..-. ._.:..u_;.u w Han.-.u'wuuH 111 mumonton. Alta. I Mrs.'W1n. Andreas and Miss Sylvia. I Woods spent the week-end In Toronto.` . R. Lvftnn, whn hna Hm n.-mo-..m.+. no. uwuuou SLULISUS at (.118 D.U.1. I A. A. Garvin left on Saturdaynlght to vlslt-friends in Edmonton. Alta. MI'n_'\.Vin A1-uh-nun and \K'nm u..I..a.. uuuxs m L'Ul`UIl-E0 tor a Week. | Congratulations to )4. and Mrs.} Tlhgrs. Sutton on the arrival of a baby` 12` I` . J. IIUB girl. PLANTING e just received nd a shipment Healthy Bulbs, Tulips, Hya- rcissus, Daffo- ses, Etc. . -Vt Oflo C Sept. 27--Mrs. Robot. Peacock and son. Bruce, are spending a few. days with Toronto friends. Mn: mun. Lfonuv no. An......a..1.. ..__..z. LIIU wuunUIlu In xvuunurst. Mrs. Bunker of Toronto is visiting her daughter. Mrs..M. '1`. Orrock. Mrs. Wm. `Dunn hm: nmumnma nu-.. Mrs. Wm. Dunn has returned after being in Toronto fan a week. | nnnmrntnlnnnu On Mr .....:I 1ur.... . uur uausuwx`. M!'s..M. '1'. Urrock. I vvuu J.`Ul'UXlLU INBIICIS. Mrs.,Els!e Handy ofAAllanda1e spent the week-end in Midhurst. Mr: Ruanbnn A9 'lr\n1\vgru I... -.I...u.n.... zu um oxuuu-nugnes mme. J. H. Packard is doing well after his ,recent operation at St. Michael's Hos- lpltal, Toronto. * ' un.,v urban. Harvest Thanksgiving services are to be held in the Shanty Bwy Parish on Sunday next. At 8 am. there will be a. celebration of the holy communion and I at 11 am. there will be morning prayer at St. Thomas Church: at 3.30 pm 7.30 evensong at St. Mark's Church. The Rev. D.'G. Atkinson of Orlllia. will preach at each church and the choir of'St. James` Church, Orillla, will sing at St. Aldan's and St. Mark's. Good WOW!` [E Iinnnlivozl Qnnnn `Ln 75-- evensongat St Aldan s Church and at" auls at. an. :uaan's and st. Mark's, Good word Is received from the Pe- M tersen brothers whp are now working 3 In the Teak-Hughes mine. ' 1 J H. Pnnlrnml In (`Alan mu nae.-- Ll- vvvcn auu 16!! 8. `1l'l. - . St. Thomas Church has had a. new -roof put on and new electric fixtures are being installed. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Richardson spent the week-`end with Harry and Mrs. Martin. | A goodlv numhmv rmm I-kin um:---- vvwun-uuu wiul marry and Mrs. Martigl. goodly number from [this village attended the opening services at the 4 Presbyterian Kirk at Guthrie on Sun- day last. ` i T-To nugui `rnI......1-._...v_-:., -- ,..ca.-uuu. nouaay at their Miss Florence Spencer spent the week-end at the rectory. _ v -V `Miss Aljxe Spencer is on a. tr_ipto Montreal and the Adirondacks. Mrs. Bert Taylor is visiting ln-A1- landale. Mrs. W. A. Ross and sons returned to Toronto on Monday. The three boys are to attend the'UniversIty this fall. Thestork visited Wm. Simpson's last week and left a girl. St. I`hnmm:' hum.-.1. 1.-.. 1.-.! - -A--A