Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1927, p. 3

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.5 23, 1627.1` WUFII In DFUETEBB. ~ ` , Deputy Reeve Md uaig--We gavl Bhuter ,an .increase or 5 a. month when he asked for more. Are we` now Just!- tied in giving him another $20 9. month? Think of our position." Ail`. Mn.lnnmnnn_.fhan 'Hnfnn In-Pf JIIUTU L115" .1611 an IHUHLII6 ' . "I -believe in paying a man what he - is-woz-th." continued Ald. Tyrer. who went on to say that Shuter s'absenc"e from the work which was being done on So hia St. had already cost the- town 800. Actingluayor Lowe later. stated that this amountiwasl greatly exaggerated and asked the press not to report it. The loss will not be over -. 3100, his Worship explained, Council in Pecular Positions One alderman asked council it they `thought Shuter was faithful to the town in leaving in the middle of the month. almost without notice. and with much Work in progress. . Yinnntv namm Tun-nn!a__unrA ;.......; "(Continued tnotn page 1) .Htwe his service: to the town been onhanced 815 a. montp in so short ,a. time?" queried Ald. Moran, Awho pointed out that only a, short time ago - council had voted to pay Shuter not more than 8120 9. month. A. Y `\"|17A In natylnn a cannon Irving}. 1.- cnoosmc I-'0 AG[l'AT_S councn. 7-.-. Demonstrations of this feeder `will be given each day. See it atworlg. It will getmore milk, more meat and more money for you.. Investi- gate it for yourself and` judge its money-saving qualities. You should also see our exhibit of Melotte Cream Separ.ntors-an- other labor-saving` money-producing machine. JOE BALFE DUNLOP sir. R. A, LISTER & COMPANY (C1_\_1f_A_QA) LIMITED 133 ii frhurpaay. Botouiibor. 22, 1927; f SEE THE Luz-ngxla FEED MILL VU I-_-CAI! ITE L-T: 1.; r..e`,T;TTm;s Decide _Your Choice of Roofing! GIVE the choice of Roong for your new home or Re- roong for your present home the same attention as you give to "the `selection: of other materials a in its construction, It will pay you well! , Send for samples of Vulcanite _! Roong and booklet containing. (`Six Daring '1:ests for Roong. TORONTO. A'I_' Ema BARRIE ma -u onvvuv vvuvo mu] acuutnc Uu nut IIHUIEIUI for 12 hours. See if it will melt _or ( out. ' V ` 2. Ice test: i..ay sample en -ice for `12, hours , Then pour boiling watet: on it. V See if extremes of A temperatureaectit. 5. Fire test}, Lay Burning embers on sample. See if it sets the roong on re. - 6. Scuff test: La)?` sample on oor`; scuff it hard with your shoe. See if any of the slate-surfacing. willeome o. 4.-Acid test: Immerse sum 1: in'hydro- chloric acid. See if it is ected in any way. ` - ` ' 1. Heat test: Lay sample n hot rddiator `not 1, `inn:-n Ca- 3` So. CnI:'l ....In. .. J..- G suuu, pl.`.Ul;lUl.`Ll mun. ' . Speaking oi. the clause in the amend- ment calling for three months notice. Ald. Tyrer recalled that two years ago Shuter had been fired by council in `the dead of winter virith practically nothing to live `on. The people gave their answer to that action," Mr. Tyrer said. There's not one who voted for . dismissal left at this board. In view of what has happened before; Shuter de- serves three months" notice." Ala Tinwln-k6_U'I aw. ...l.........a ...n.1. BUFVUB LIIFUU lU.llLll' XIULJ-U8-" Ald. VI{nlght-I am pleased with Shuter s work. but I . object to" -the` three -months notice. It--is not top this council to say." One Man Runs ;ToWn:' - Aid. Malcomon--Accordlng' to`the .wu 5Ulll5 LU Keep un euucaung men?" Aid. Rogers--'.`I have personally watched Shuter work. I thinkthe town .would be. making a. serious mistake in lettlngjhimi _go. _bi_`,._l_ AA ' - " ' ' V` ' Objects to length ,0! ,Notice : Ald. Knight saidvthat he favored the appointment of Mr. Shuter. but `objected to the clause which called for three" months notice in case his ser- vices were dispensed with by council; `-The alderman said he would not tie the hands of next year's council. One month's notice was sufficient. A11` ning Cnvvtnnn Ola:-n.ou-nun-ul-Lu...`-.5 JIIUUI-u' IIULIUG was 3llLIlCl3HCn . V Aid. Coles favored the appointment at Mr. Henry. He said he had the word of `government contractors that he was la. good, practical man. I Qnnnlzinnr nf fhn nhauan in Hana nvvn:;v\_ vousaculcu quav, uuvt. I. cant. 888 $160." ` Ald."1`yrer`-+It Shuter can better hi "position. let him do it. He is `perfectly Justified in taking a better thing; Are .we going to keep on educating men? Ald . 'Rn2'1Srs-I havn not-nnnollv IIIVIUIUII Building Produgu-Limited Illll- A ` on Wane man- This 'a'.inxicIL"-"1 suggested $120, but I can't see 8135." meat proposes to pay Shuter $620 more a. year than the man, recommended by tl`1eAboard'ot works. I think wewould be well advised to try Mr. Henry. He is energetic" and willing to work. I Aid. 'I`vrnr`_`_?lf RI-nnrnn non I-nnfhnn ht. > WWNIPEG. .% vu1:g;A_N1T1z 3'. Water t?st:Soak' sample in water for 12 hours. {See if, `by weight, it absorbs any water. V Pvi:ioE Put the sample through these` tests. Compare it with others. Learn atrst hand the superior qualities for which Vulcanitef Roong is famed; ' A Vulcanite Roong is mad! in Hexagon Shingles-(for a moderate-priced job), in lgoubletite Shingles `_(or the_nest :00 n2 jolgs), __ . 1 _ _ , ,_ T '. _'j :_"""~T.and in Rolls tor every 'piu`pose. UL` UMBR- A last minute reflection of Aid. Mal- comson was that Aid; Tyrer,. who now sp'onso_red the resolution to pay Shut- er $135 a month, a few months ago had voted against paying him more than $120 a. month. I would like to know _v. v...-... .....v-..`.- my u-ygzu-on-vs. any \Jll\4\-'0 T Mr. Lowe-I would like to see Shut- er back." A In.-.4 .~.8{...L.\ .AADI..-J..!-__ -3 A13 -n-v_u uuu uu put. A Coun. McFadden, who so far had not engaged .in the discussion, rose .to say that In his opinion the acting-mayor and chairman of the board of works had entirely too much to do and that a foreman should be appointed at once. `ll... 1' A... M1` _.....1.1 `'11.. L- ,,_ ydbh JUILII Ulf HU Ald. Lang rose slowly to his feet and was promptly told by Ald-. Tyre:-to sit down. The latter asked that the ques-_ tion be put. ' .f`nnn Mnwonn \1xy'|\n an Pan. Inna ano- J RUUVU &U.U'LJUH.l5o . is Worship` said that he could not recall any particular instance of diso- bedience on_ -the part of Shuter. He stated that while it was not custom- ary for th`e presiding of_ficer to take any part in -the discussion he wanted to go on record as favoring the appoint- ment of Shuter. A few years ago with put. an engineer at $1200 a year, a foreman` at $1500 and a stenographer at $600, it had cost the town $3300 a year to run the department and the results were not as satisfactory as that obtained by Shuter at less than half the amount. The town had never got alo g so well [as during the Shuter regi e of the nuts} vmnn nso an an uucaug guy past year or so. I AWN T.nna- nan; .u-v---.a .. .. v--u.-vu `,-..~--was The plain question as to whether-or -not ex-`Town Foreman Shuter follow- ed instructions or dictated to the board A of. works was, asked Acting- mayor Lowe by Deputy Reeve Mc- Cuaig. ` ' - Avnyfhina `I nlunvu aubn Q`|snl>'av- fn An \-A:`aA`:vth1ng I ever asked Shuter to do has been done without any talking `: back. said His Worship. ' uvr-.- L_!.1 ._-- `-;_I.-_.___:__ TC".._L ,1 _, . .-.---- ~--v- --.- v- ...---I... M Yyou told me O`1:'he2'w1e. What about the Drury_La.ne -jbb?" continued De- puty Reeve Mccualg. T-ti WFGh`h` Gail` +'ha+ 1'11: AAIIIR van`!- "'?3`ii'21a;}i' ;2I.1"d{x12"y`S"1.'o'ckmg and bulldozing. When you get through I might have something to say, ad- mqnished Ald. Tyrer, and council again laughed. ' "'Vnn annn {nfn nnnhnil avnv-17 vnnvv Luusucu. ' . "You slipped into. council every year. That's the -only way you ever got there, retortqd Ald. Lang, plainly an- gry. `M nI"nnla a Dninfn Ouunnfinn _ W53 UH. I113 LEED- You poor----I can trim you. You are going to get it in the neck, shouted Ald. Lang albove the din and uproar, mingled with not a. little laughter." unan; ,u.___. ___s __ L A 1- _ 1,1,, __ ..a u -.5 --.-_-u -u--..- -..-.--, -.-_- ---..- `av-vu- Ald, Langrose to demand aretrac- tion from Ald. Tyrer, who told him to sltdown. I never said positively that you swung the sidewalk. but you tried to. It wasn t your fault that you did no ," retorted Ald. Tyrer. - . TC.` 1._s._I4 nn__g__I._g I__j__._ AI: 1-__._ __v v.._.. _ _.,_-_ I:i i1adn"t ;1nl;1-1'ed% befozle Ald. Lang was on his feet. ` ' HT? A - - n an `I an. 4.1-.` -onuu 17`: nu-A Toccasion was ta'ken at this point by Aldermen Moran and Lang to attack `fcertain . public works constructed this year, mainly fsidewaiks. ANext spring might not show Mr. Shuter s work in so favorable. a light. they said. Ald. Tyrer had. charged Aid. Lang with di- verting or attempting to divert the course of a sidewalk built in hisward. I : "1`hat's=a.T false statement. We never I swung that sidewalk," said Aid. Coles. :1; v._._ . . _ _ . 4- 3_______1 _ -4 __ dlscusslon or the `evemng one man has been running the town. Are we not going to give; the chairman of the board of works some credit`? Is this ' gogngil composed-or a bunch of dum- UU UIIULI bells ?" nnhn n Wanluotuu Hnlih:,N.S.M McCua.1g s Pointed Qustion . - _.1_`x_ _._-_..;n__. -... ;- __u__;u__,, 1-_|-iv: BARBIE EXAMINER- ---g _-__-v--v, -- avg. up-on-nu; `Inspector Hammond, however, is or '1 the opinion that,-. -taking the county ~ "over. there'are_ _not more than_ha.l1 the ~ "number .0! borers that there were last year; Ifr"i:he"t'1r at Aplae "he says that the ncnea.1ze`pla.nted to corn has de*, creased about one third. In t_he'vex-y Ald. Kn:gfn.-}1"1ss;;;-}s{re}i'c11:: ;j-rin- ` `ciple of `halving ! the alderman or some wards with promises of doing work and then not doing it. The mo-. tion was withdrawn. V - l (Simcoe Reformer) V ` -There is more talk this year about the ravages oi! the corn-borer than there has ever been` in Norfolk coun- ty. This is probably due to the fact that the pest hasappeared this year in great numbers in village and town gar- dens--in the early Bantam and Crosbie varieties or at-den corn. Housewives have found t em in corn-bought at the stores and the canninglfactory is` hav- ing `difficulty with them. _ - 'r'r__.._,_.._-| . a.5a.u1 auu.-L cnauls nlu . 1. _yrc1.' . Deputy Reeve Creswicke thought it! strange that Ald. Tyrer should have to be asked to speak to his own mo- tion. Acting-mayor Lowe said that to do the Napier St. WOI'k would neces- sitate an overdraft and that in his" opinion It really wasn t necessary. AI: Y ._l._I.A. an _ _ _ _ .__-__.n _n 41.- _,' L, l - scuuc . Aid. Coles--It'_s the same old story. Ward One has always to be sacrificed. No lights, no streets. It's too bad." `-Stewed Down Ignorance" This is nothing short of spite and malice, with a. "good sprinkling qt stew- ed down ignorance," said Aid. Lang, again addressing A1-d.` Tyrer. * T\nv\nf1r Dnnxrn (`H-nuurinbn Flnnunoln {J- ELI GUI. u Ald. Lang'--(addressing Ald. Tyrer). You have neither brains nor intelli- gence`. AIR `f`n`Ina_Tf'a Ohn runs-Inns ah} .-L....... us. uuuuxcl`, aaxu Azu. uallg. ` Ald. `Tyrer-Ot1er streets needl grading much more than does that ' street. Ala Tn... .l...':...'l.........:.... A1: rn--..___\ I LCUULUCU wuuvc. ` Deputy Reeves Mccuaig `and Cres-I wicke wanted the. yeas and nays taken; on the main motion, so that they might- record their objection to the appoin`-. ment of Mr. Henry as well as Mr. Shuter. The motion was put, the divi- sion being the same as that recorded on the vote on the amendment. { $100 For Publicity The printing and advertising com- mittee s report recommending a. grant of $100 for publicity purposes of the Board of Trade*was carried without- discussion. This money is part of a` total of $300 which is being paid by] Board of Tradeand merchants for a. douhle spread advertisement of Barrie in a widely circulated `road-guide. 'I1vI_-_ A15 rn__,,,,, , , -_- _-.-_., --- _-_-__... ---mu. O ' When Ald. Tyrer -rose to move a mo- ' tlon that some roa.d.grading on Napier] St., in Wa-rd `One, recommended by} council last spring be not done, he' again aroused the ire of Aldermen Lang and Coles. Aldv. Tyrer said the work was not needed and that the Board of Works money was an spent. l I`I.l_ I- LL- l.._L L3._,_ .9; Al. I, _ -..- V - --... -u-\rn-\rJ u --u vvon uyvunuo 1 This is the first time in the historyi of Barrie council that aldermen from! one ward have butted into the affairs of another," said Ald. Lang. A IR "'l`1nvnv-_.f\1-1nnv- I-nnirn an and `What has happened? said the coun-I clllor. ur\......;u..._ I r\.--_A..I_.. I n _ _ 11- x UlllU'l'. - Question! Question! called severalg councillors, but before it was put the. mover and seconder agreed to chang- ing the notice of termination of office! required from three months to one month. The amendment` to appoint] Shuter was carried eight to seven as} recorded above. 3 `l`nnnno.. `D .... ._ 'nr..ru_._2.. -__.: rue. RAVAGES OF THE CORN BORER F. M- TYRRELL; Superintendent ROSS BLOCK, DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE, ONT. [late corn--and there" is much late cornt [this year--there are no borers at all. A ! In the mediumly late there is only from none to ten per cent. The trouble heual been all with the very early corn, i. Q corn planted about May 1st. ` l Write for rates or phone 445. PASTEUREED MILK} AND CREAM The LAKE!/EEW DMRY 925W. The` onlv achool north of Tprontb that is a member. `so! the Business E_d'u`i:ators Auociation of Canada. Cleanliness andrServ`ice is our Motto. ti r"I."he reason a apper doesn't think it .is necessary for her to cook and keep F )`mu:5e is because she is going to marry lthe kind of man who won t expect [lu_~.;- to do anything but ride in :1 lim- . (;u.<:?'m:.--Sz1n Diego Union. W, A. TURNER, Proprietdr. T BUILDS n WEIGHT DO NOT DELAY ! START Lakeview TODAY PHONE 925w Page Three illllll UL UHF pUBlElUIla" Aid. Malcomson-"When "Shuter left I Iugzssted that we immediately put a: `man in his place. The mayor said we. didn't need --" - _ Acting Mayor Lowe--I did not. Aid. Malcomson--You said we wouldn't need a. man for the balance 0!. this year,` that we could get along without one. I ask why is the appoint- ment so important now? I wouldn't `Want to think that the town is entirely

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