I `Church k, B.A.,B.D.' ,R3C.O. rleader. *B.C.I. Buu.mN ma nay" October 4_ liiluunl 11 1.1.1 In, A Lljzss 10% Special Values during Barrie Exhibition Week! Call at Stephens CLOTHING SALE Stephens Clothing Store -'--WE CARRY NOTHING BUT `rm: BEST! Tl-IE BARBIE EXAMINER XGENCY FOR CAR- V HARTT OVERALLS Penman s .71, Shirts and Drawers -- pair Ionthly Young Ine." Heav- orsenz) Fulf range {of patte-rns. Reg. up to $3 for we have rzceived a won- derful range of Fall Caps. Prices $1.50 to $2.50 __._____w7_.-.---w For ea_rly Fall, which is generally a wet season. Any coat in stock SPECIAL BOYS SUITS DISCOUNT 25% pluass sums LESS 10% CAPS- Less 10% UP-TO-DATE YOUNG MEN'S HATS - $335 bet Is Thy A new, complete stock to pick from. FALL TOP COATS Agency" for PARKER S_ DYE -VVORKS For` Work or Dress HIGH CLASS FURNISHINGS MEN S ODD TROUSERS LESS 10% LESS 10% with Thee. ley Speaks) chool Rally. % sic. recita- esses. The ;w1lIbeVad- gr of child- Page` Thirteoli ` .VIiss1ons_-- B.A., Re- 'om North 3) MUSIC OIR Eer. leader. nist. Reading cts 17-11. Minister F.T.C.M. ter kANA/6;?` . In the mo St.) udy H feyvige tollections Eriends. h9Q) Lu`. 11 the year. L-L3,, speaker J E4-i'g-hten." eads Me." : her How. r_1~n --v vv 7 svoldiers. 1927 C8 `ease use i invalid J Pectd KRRIE Portf) "1-:';'r`I=ductod M Ia] Our New rian Part.- A= `Toronto you. ' J 7' H -7 I 38p-7-Sadly missed by Wife and Family vv uctu uuya. EYE (18/!'K E1111 ITIBIIQI are raw. _ ., - ' Dear father how I long for you. _ ' Friends are -friends lfthey are true. But I lost my best friend when`! last V01) . .4uunn.'1a--Ln l0Vl!1g' HIBHIOFY -0! 011!` dear mother. Mrs. Alice Morris. who . died Sept. 24. 1926. . Deep in our hearts lives a picture, Of our dear mother laid` to rest. In memory we will always keep It . For she wa. one of the best. 00!. an. , , --u---: TEESDALE--In loving memory of our dear husband and father. Thomas 'I.`eesdane.. who passed away Sept. 22: ' When daysxare dark and friends are four .MO*RR~I`S--In loving memory of our dl-`QR! mnfhnr MPH AHAA lnnnlu Inkn -vo 88b . u u w a v auuv vv uvt U bun-Int You . Will meet you one by one. 38b . -Sadly `I'I'7'lOA 1\n....1.L.... NGS: Mo`CvONKEY--In memory of a. loving husband and father. Roderick M. Mclconkey, who passed away Sept. 27, 1925. Two years ago a. message came From God. who thought_1t.best. You are gone where those who love vnu CAMPBELL-In loving memory of our dear mother. Mrs. Jas. Campbell, who departed this life, Sept. 23, 1923. It's sweet to knowj we'll meet again \\`here sorrows are no more And that the one we loved` so Well Has only gone before. , A 38b --`Sadly missed by an-2__.:- -r__.._:- In-____;1_ TD Qhj TC QCCIDQ`~ Mrs." Wm. West and family wish to thank their many friends and neigh- bors for flowers and kindness shown them during their recent bereave- ment. 389 .AIK*IN--In Buf1?:l-5-on Friday. Sept. 16. 1927, Margaret Alkin. daughter or Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Aikin (former- ly of Barrie). aged 5 years. 7` days. BRYDON--At 115 Bedford, Road, Tor- onto. Sunday, `Sept. 18,, 1927, Jas. Brydon. beloved husband of Jessie S-cobie Brydon, and brother of Mrs. Wllfllam Grey, London. England. and Mrs. Jeffrey McCarthy, Barrie. BINGHAM--`On Sept. 20.19.27. to "Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Blngham, 22 Colvlier `Stu R BEASLEY-On Sept. 18. 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. A-. Beasley, Guthrie, a. son. O'CONNOR--4On Sept. 16, 1927. to Mr. and Mrs. William O'Connor. 94 Wel- 11ngton,St. E.. 9. son. 2 .. ..-. - vunovwwvip lJfIl\I\IC1 Cargso of Barrie asks The Ex? aniiner to state that it was not Tony Caruso who was fined for reckless driving when F. W. Peacock was struck and injured. He says that it was Joe Caruso of Collingwod and that the name Tony Caruso -was im- properly given to `the court. ` \ TO FIX SIDEWALK At the request of M. 3., Brennan, butcher, the sidewalk in front of. his place of business is to be repaired so as to prevent the gathering of water in wet seasons. This action was sanctioned by council Mond-ay evening. ' T .v1 iucuy - ' Chief of Police and Mrs. Stewart enjoyed a brief holiday over the Week- end visiting friends in Toronto, Brant- ford and Hamilton. They motored as far as Brantford with Game Warden Jas. McGregor and Mrs. McGregor. who went on toALondon to take inothe `Western Fair. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Mc_Gregor were Joined by Mr. and Mrs. Stewart at Brantford`. , | nus; yt.-autuut UL ,J5'cl.l`l`l8. . Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Burton and Miss Guide. Burton returned on `Tuesday from a motor trip through Quebec, New} Brunswick and Nova Scotia, returning; by way of the White Mountains and` Adirondacks. Miss Burton will resume] her training at the Sick Childr-en's on Friday. ` Fhinf nP Dniinn n....: In ... ~A~ _.-. w. uuuu uuu Mrs. 12`. 1-1. Braden.5 `Sanitnagv Ins'pec:or John Bowman at- 5 tendod the annual convention of the Sanit.r.u~._v Inspectors Association `of Canada. held in Toronto on VVednesday, and 'I`hu1~:-ad;1_v `of last week as repre-3 sentative of Barrie Board of Health. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Buchanan and Mrs. Guthrie were at Niagara Falls.; N.Y., last Saturday attending the wed-I ding of, Miss Dovothy Nelle to Mr.= `Homer Cu1pe' of that city. The bride` is a daughter of Herbert Nelles. a for- mer resident of .Bav1'ie. MI`. and Mrs. A Q nlinfnn ..-..u 111-- 22, -1927. \`\11-',uL, .L`)l.':Ui6 DL. Miss Dorot y Otton, graduate nurse.! has returned 0 New York after a .t1'1`p1 ab1'0a.d and `a Vmonth spent at `Barrie -and Big Bay Point with Mr. and Mrs. F. XV. Otton and Mrs. E. H. Braden.` `Sn,nlmr_v Ins'y)ec:or John Rnwmnn an `Mr. `and Mrs. ,Edwin Watkins. ,M1ss Alma Watkins and Miss Irva Pegler of Toronto were the guests on Sundayvofi Mrs. J. ,Rob1nson and Mrs. H. W VV1-ight, Blake St. ` W/Tiau nnw.1fkvp f\6-Ln... _..-A IL I Itlllllv J 0 ECU to her. home in tended visit In Banff with her daughter, Mrs land. . 7|/Tn TN,1_-,! `nnr'I ll`...-. ns has returned 1 Mary St.` after an ex- and in Calgary . M. P. Bridg- I I l.(1`L VVCCR Miss Fforence Haw-keAs of AdeTla1de Australia, who has been visiting hex: cousin, "Miss Mary Hawkes, just ,.e_ cently, is [returning home. . Mrs. (`Shae A Danna..- 1...... __-.., V. vlsxung vuss Muriel Smith, M V , M iss M`a_rgaret Mprchlson retuagedsto Ontar1o.Lad:'1es College at Whitby` last week. `Mrlnn E11 nnnn ._ ~r~r____- , - . _ 'ten-day trip to New York and Atlantic 1 an. sluvuld-B I-U UHvUI1(1'A.lIn8 COHGBQ. Mr. and Mrs. C.` '1`. Devlin andeJ. H, `Bennett left last_ Thursdayifor a. CitY- M John Mackay. County Court Clerk, Mrs. Jas. Quinlan hasreturned to her home in Clapperton St.. after an extended visit with her daughter in London. . H. J. Buchanan returned last week! from Blgwin Inn, Lake of Bays. where he was manager of the store through- out the season. . Miss Bessie Huxtable ofvornings Mills, and Miss Bessie King` of Allan- dale left on Monday for North Bay. where they will attend Norma-l School. Miss Ora. Stafford of Ttimlm-|-v '- V\'uCI.U c.u.c-,y_ WLU uctellu NOI`l`n8.-1 Ischgol. Miss` Stafford of Kimberly is visiting Miss Muriel Smith, Mary St. Miss Margaret Murchison rnhwnnd +1. av... . v . - . u ..-ay aavvuuuu uUllUB, (, awa}. `Miss Nancy Burrows of Detroit le`: k`nv Mrs. Vernon Plug: Mn and Mn: D In tv-{; L, {NIH W COR 9 Mr. and Mrs. R. H it h A" . turned from Milford` Baywue?3'u, spent the summer.` Misses .Dm~n. Mnllnnnla . ~u.._...-_..- 33161. I-NU uuzuulel`. - Misses Dora McQuarrie. AMa.rjor1e Warnfca and Eva; Little left last week for St. Thomas to attend Almacollege. C. Devlin and .1 W8 Rally tars: a-Rev. J, _ _ _ _ _ _ - I... - ~g-~.~va-vm Rev. E. J. When and Mrs. When left on a trip to Winnipeg this week. Masters Billy and. John Dignam have gone to Lake _LodgetSchool--at Lindsay. Misses Ruth and Mary Dignam have left for Bishop Bethune College, Osh-e awa. ` NOT TONY CARUSO, BARRIE 'T`nn-vf`n..u.~... Al! 'l).....!. -.L E \ PI-:%RsoNI\L_ - i$$%$E%%%%&%i %_,l?..9F{ THANKS. Thursday. September a. ...4-ounna aw&*$w&wam&w&mwq 7` ` - 3 . "-T-"S:dly mvfssed by Familyl gone In uoou Iva-av IN MEMORlAM_ _yuu uuu uy uuv. . missed by Wife, Daughter and Sons. 3931?- pnxsxc OIR -9IEv'_ Ww`::Sadly missed Minnie, Jessie, Myrtle. ms of vis- Plummet. I The G 1: after school to one hundred and fifty studen pating in the three-mile girls pra yells in athletic wel 'tore the First Hike of Season irls' Athletic fsociety held its he season last Monday The Pines. (Cundles) ts partici- jaunt. The cticad a number of the school preparation for the season's games. A fire _was built and ners and marshmallows served be- return Journey was made. Boys Athletic Association Donald Cameron will head the Boys Athletic `Society this year, be having !been elected president at the annual gmeeting held Monday evening after `school. Harold Bryson is vlce-presi- dent and Victor Hart second vice- president. The rugby team has already had several practices and a good team is being rounded out. Several of the track and field aspirants are also down to work in preparation for the annual field `day. 1| _ .. Girls Athletic Association . to 1' The Girls` Athletic Association has organized for the season. A nominating i committee composed of a representa- 9` tive from each form named three can- didates foreach office, the election be-I ing held last Monday with the follow- ing results: Pres., Margaret Black- The `executive is composed of two members from each. form. Present ac- tivities. are taken up with ` softball. with Junior and senior schedules, inl which twelve teams are competing. Last Friday : Assembly . The first assembly of the Fall term washeld last Friday morning in the Assembly -Hall, the program being in t charge of the Fifth Form. The chief I {Ruth Mc`Martin: Treas.,.'Stel-la; Clute. stock; Vice-Pres.,"Evelyn Tuck"; `Sec'y-K iitem on the program was the presen- " the Lions. creditably acted by fifteen students of the Fifth Form. Louise Hurlburt s reading "Stell at the Mov- '9 tation of the pantomime The Glove and E ies." was cleverly ven. Jack Jones I rendered two -Scotch ongs in his usual ' `fine style and Elsie Wilson read the" school paper. The program also-includ- ,3 ed several selections by the Uke Club. 4 Fourteen Events Selected ; Fourteen events were selected by the 1 officers. of the Girls Athletic Society for the annual Field Day when they met last evening for this purpose. They are the running broad Jump,` lthrowing basketball for basket, hop, {step and dump, standing broad Jump, throwing basketball for distance, po- ltato race, three-legged race, throwing ibaseball for distance, 50-y'ard dash, i100-yard dash. relay race, senior and 5 Junior. over and under relay. senior vs. 1 Junior, sack race and slow bicycle race. -------1- . ......u.ug me 100. 220 and "440 yds. dash- es. Junior. intermediate and senior. and the half mile and- mile events for seniors only, There will also be con- `tests torgthe juniors. intermediates and seniors in`the` shotput, running. broad, jumps high jump, pole vault. Javelin throwing and three-quarter mile relay. The above are all qualification events for the 'Tudhope Cup. emblematic oi!` the track and field championship of the district. the annual meet being held in Midland this vear E71 nnrnh... 9 mm. we uAau`lL'l.,-U16 annual being this year 671 October 8. Th`: winners on field day will constitute the IB.'C.I. track and field team at the Georgian Bay town. There are `also many other championship and novelty events to be run off on field day, l -1-:----- To Orillia Saturday The senior and Junior rugby squads '0 to Orillia on Saturday for the first 1927 RVICES Minister. y topics. the Sun- ` ents and by choir u uvuu uuy UGIODIP `I. '.The annual Field Day of the 13.0.1. has been set for Saturday afternoon. October 4. At a. meeting of the Boys Athletic Society held last evening the various events were decided on, in-e cluding the 100, 220 and 440 yds. junior. intermadlnj-n and .....a-- I WEST or WELLINGTON HOTEL Reg $2.50. for $1.69 display, Good va1ues',_ latest pat- terns. See our window An opportunity to save money on things you need! This is not a summer sale, but a reduction sale on fall and winter goods. We are not marking down our stock, but are leaving it to you e ` tomake the discount on our price, less ten, per cent. ,-H!TS . ` a _ RAINPQATS- ..<.alma.v.x.-1 -f\.... Our complete range of Men s Suits in blues, greys and browns; will be at your disposal, all Prices: v$35.00 SMART NECKWEAR SPECIAL IN MEN'S PYJAMAS Inister