rise and `use wash` Fry's Cw Ste] 4 Corn V Bees A Ayn 4 20-El Fr: [Steal We esp quality. It takes provide Bra 1/rib. Bra T % Tifemands L% Chevrolet Ruggedness Through the-' almost impassable tastneses of northern Quebec- ` ` Chevrolet is providing": means of trans- portation so economical, so dependable, so unconquersble as to be almostunbelievable. c For underl 113 the rich beauty and-luxur _ of Chevrolet isher bodies and the smooth, e 011- ` use piower of. the `Chevrolet engine` sic inbuilt quslit es of endurance unmatched by any other ill'fhn- nth`:--A`n& --3*` " --. ... yuv` wnevrolet price clue. Your Chevrolet dealer will` `gladly give demonstration. V = ` ' ' \ i ' `*'"'=' '91 Ondurance unmatchid ' i th` Chevrolet price clan. CHIWFHAC `An`g- __-III` J II ` in Ractry. i '7'? ._-.-.u uuu&u"_u. UUL {U1 ROG is expected to leariu is the. pi a lot of money.---San houra,< /' - h-`.4-.-. 4... ,uuLu: ? % TOTTENHAM Imaging Quality at havr-aletigm, I . T. - 875 ` Roadster Delivery ,- . -' - 750 _` Commercial Chassis - Oshawa, Onsarlo-Gaosrsvasu! Team Extra. 1MO'ro'k'S OF..CA1IAD4. L1MI'I'BD ` -_ ..--.. ..... puavvua, US$011` avrolet a1v e nice clan- ' 'Ellx"aboth ac.` Papa; 131- ~x1gu1'u,` sun 1nto_ jfars. ...-- vvl In DI'\lVI`\NI\ 8 lbs. of green tomatoes and 4 lbs.'; bananas, 1,lb.. brown sugar, 2 large on-` lons. 2-_t'ables!po`onfuls of mustard seed., ` E2 tablespoonfuls of salt, 2 quarts of 1 `malt vzlnegar, 1,oz. ground ginger, 1.` teaspoonful of white pepper and ground , cloves, and a pinch of cayenne. Wash - and dry the tomatoes and cut in small _i-1 pieces, sprinkle salt over` them and 5 leave them for six hours. Then drain!` out the bananas in fairly thick sllces._9 put into a pan with t'he tomatoes and .1 sugar and onions out very small. Then] add ginger, spices and vinegar. Cover? l\tI1e pan and 2.`6ntlV'Qlmm.-m 9.... l..... ~ _._-.... .. ..u. _\.auvui.1aI._ bl.V 3. radlng. After a dainty afternoon tea, the ladies adjourned -to view the beautiful exhibit of flowers which Geo.-Vickers of Barrie very kindly consented to Snapdragon, 1. Mrs. Wm. Jermey,2. Mrs. Chas. Jermey. Calendula, 1. Mrs. Wm. Jermey. 2. Flossie Campbell, 3.x Mrs. Johnston. Sweet Peas, 1.~Mrs. Chas. Jermey. 2. Lizzie Johnston`, 3. Mrs. J. M. Gilchrist. Pansles, 1. Mrs. _ Stoddart, 2. Mrs. Alex. Campbell, 3. Mrs. Wm. Jermey. Asters, .1. Mrs. Jas.` Duncan, 2. `Mrs. 4Hall, 3. Mrs. Wm. Campbell. Gladioli, 1. Mrs. `J. M. Gil- christ, Mrs. Besse, Mrs. Stoddart. Dah- -} lias, 1. Mrs. Stoddart. Ta'ble Bouquet, '8 ' 1. Mrs. Ansdell, 2. Flossie Campbell 3. 1. v Mrs. Johnston. 'Class open to members who have `d nevertaken a prize, also no members At, -,-Four Annual, 1. Lizzie ohnston, 2. Flossie `Campbell. Gladioli, 6.spikes, 1. L Lizzie Johnston, 2. Flossle Campbell. b Asters, 1, Laura Hall, 2. F`lossi e Ca.mp- S1 bell. _Open to members only, `Gladioli. ti 6 of one color. 1. Mrs. Hall, 2. Mrs. Wm. S, Campbell, 3. Mrs. Stoddart. Hand. 11. Bouquet, 1. Mrs. Alex. Campbell 2. Mrs. ` H? Hall, 3-. Mrs. ' Johnston. , Vase Cut. SE Flowers, 1`. Mrs. Hall, 2. Mrs. Duncan, fl. 3.` Mrs Stoddart, 4. Mrs.` Johnston. : rs,` stirring. cont Jars. c -nae 915 955 635 (AH Ava canon! ` - m and fishing. , , . . ----\ wu VVURUIUVVIV Harcourt Ferguson, K.C., a -well- known"Toronto iawyer, died suddenly on Sunday night, Sept; 11, at the home of, his brother, Mr. Justice Ferguson. 244 `St; George !Street. He had played golf on Saturday afternoon. Returnin-g home after the game he had dinner and was out watering the owers in the evening. Apparently seized with a. stroke he fell and bruised his head.-He `was carried into the house where `he lingered until next night. . I For some ti-m. -Hm Inn. u-.. 'r.!-------- ' \ ' HAnoun1' FERGUSON,~K.C., DEAD-I }WAS A NA'l`l_VE;__OF cooKs1-own] 1'-Tnnnnnu-L 1'-`V---~-- ~ " ` yayxort. Mr. Harris conducted _a hun- dred-acre farm Aln .'Ca`ledon, near Greenlaw, which he had occupied for the past ten years. He was a life long `resident of Peel county, about forty- ve years of age, and was born at Cheltenham. He had been ln ill health of late. He went` to the barn to do the chores,.one or his daughters accom- acu'ulB(.l n1s~W11'e 8.`. discovery followed. ........ dag putt Ill. U181!` JOUPHPY by The dead body 0:. Edward J. 1 of fourth line, Caledon, was foun Wednesday morning by one 0 children, suspended from a beam ; gayloft. Mr. Harris conducted rail `---~* ` " _nnvu\ gu-.a_yuCl' zn response to the message apprisln-gfthem for the death_of Mr. '1`ebbey s father, their Ford coupe back- fired in the neighborhood of Holland Landing and took fire. Undoubtedly it} would have -been e irely consumed but for- the prompt a sistance of the and Mrs. Tebbey completedthe re-' mainlng pa.r1:_ of` their journey by train. deatihndv nf In.-'u.m...': 7 ~-'- - LAD LJUC ourt `I11- .. ;1;_ly small crop. The fact that a large 3 ' percentage of the apple crop in St. Vin- ` lcent_wi`ll'not mature properly is due to ,`,aphides which `have become a menace {in the Georgian Bay Fruit Belt. . _ "Six miles of the light nails on the; . Canadian National line from Meaford; ', to Collingwood are being rep`laced with` , he-avy 80' pound rails, says the Mea-1 ford Express. The section where the,` heavier track is being laid is down at Ca-rnperdown. It is expected that before the end of next year that the Whole line from Meaford to Colllngwood will be 1211 with heavier steel. This will en- 1 sure etter travelling and probably it! proved. When Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tebbey of Midland were motoring Monday morning of last week from Toronto to `Stayner in response apprising ._ them death coupe bac '- theneighborhood Landing fire. TTnamn.+..u.. :4- suu`-uz wmcn passed over this distr tiheiast day of July. This gentlem states he witnessed the effect of a si: ;i1ar occurrence in England, Where lived, many years ago,- and where saw 85 acres of land covered by de fish carted from the shore and plow under as fertilizer. `Menfnm-`I `mmmm- M----~=e ""- _ .__...- ... talc u.u1.'ce| 1 months. I , Orillia Diamond Jubilee Committee! 0 reported a deficit `of $70, which the} Town Council paid in additionto the= $1000 it` had previously contributed. Oriliia. s ce'l_e`bration cost approximately 82,0 Bracebridge had a surplus of_ less than a year, Rev. Father John 0 Snratt, coach of the Owen Sound junior; ` -hockeycharnpions of Canada, last sea- ,' |_on, has been moved hv hie: n.....,.1.. .- an adjoining cottage who a tub nf Tlinfnn n---I Bdw:-iirclv J~.aHarris n, found last] of the om 9 hnnm `H M, _ -..- say u lot D11-ll` Bnglanzl, Wimere he Lgo,- he; d dead` ~ plowed, 5::uut:u1a.n : sim- xnln nu.-. 1- - , the debentures then to -be issued. . 3 By-laws authorizing the levying off the yearly rates were passed. i ,~ -Council adgourned to meet in Elm?- jvale, October 8, at 10 a.m. i , uuw to malt Diego Union. _- .........,. LII. L-Lu: :1gI'.lCUlIlll`a.1 Society.. I i `On motion of Mr. uowney, seconded` gby Mr. -Toner. ordered that t'heTReevel' eby auth- I.u.a.u wr uoroner's Inquest, $5; :Pilkey, rent of roadway, $8; G-rath, bonus wire fence, $12 Blain. sheeptkilled by dogs, $25 ada; Ingot Iron Co., culvert ant` - t On motion of Mr. Toner, 'secor Mr. Downey, ordered that a g: one hundred dollars be made Township of Flos Agricultural E (111 owned... -1: 1- for payment:-Jesse Magistrate's Court, $5; Jesse Webster,. _Hall for Coroner's Inquest, Alfred, :_1~'_ ilkgy, roadwav. 352- r` M sent. H11. . Flos Council September 3 wit se2s- - vs \IL1\JlIJ met" at _Phe1pston on h all the members pre- f ua ucl. uuu. rne public I tion of said street. 2. That notices be Lowell forbidding the .071 the idRWn1bu n4 '7'- 5m`-:EnlnuJg .,--_.... suunseu exemenlm Canada. .'I'l'he Speediron ha brought safety, speed and reliability to thousands_of nu sues and styles of McClary s Electric Ranges at-g equipped with the famous _Speedi'ron Element-th speediest rotected elgmentin `vvcu mroxamngthe use sidewalks 91? New -....._.,., klbllllc aux: gL*I;:-3 mgam '11 young` man how to make lot` n Din TThlr\n ' yuuence ana economy. it demonstrated at your let-'0. ' FLOS CQUNCIL sizes ,and styles of lI.'V l nan:-an onu- :r s mquest, $5; A C. vire fnnnn Q10. vuuvva.-._y, opt); Us 1 '1 he $12; John. - I $25; Can-9 3., and pipes, . ue made to the Agricultural Society.: '. uowny, ared that the nnmml vVVIVUV1'7""7,"',llWl! posted in New use of b_icycles' few Lowell. i ` secoinded by t grant off made to the ']`v2] gnnn+c- > -vwv \rL ` England. See. McClary f Electric Range at your electrical supply dealer- s. Inspect all the im- proved features. Made in the very style and size on r uire and `sold at a rice on 2'31":-3 , eq P y can cc; mam DEALER 1 `PHONE 1040 POLISH `nov S Eim 1 MRI