HAINES, - ARRY CAREY r and yell at the imax the screen Just one of a punches in this st! Wm. Haines Brown of Har- who found base- mpared with the .uuu.Uu D<:u1uu1. A` Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Grant have re-' turned to -their `home in the Soo after; visiting the latter s parents, Mr. and iMrs. 0. 1I_-Iart. " __AA : 'L'I'nn 1\Il'..`I AAA ....a -nr_._. EIGHTH uN1-:,_1NN1s1-'u.% ; nu. Mil. .n.uapu.u1. _ , : Miss Eva Bradley has returned. _.home to Parry Soundafter spending a fmonth with her uncle, Alex. Clark, i Sanford Street. ` . T D Dnu...Ip..-.-...... ...L_._L1__ 5- vs 0 , Dt'])'LelI)l;'I'. ' s Misss Margaret Rbss left this week- ! for Montreal to enter upon a course of. training for a nurse at the Royal Vic-f I toria Hospital. I '.'\/nee 13170: Dnolnn `Inna -nl-------1 W-M-iss Sylvia Smith and "Miss Do-r-I othy Budd of Toronto have returnedl after spending a week with Mrs. Frank Lowe . - `lA'I...... 'I X...L.. c14.___-.____, L l - -' LJUVVCI . Miss Kate Stevenson has returned "home after a fortnight s visit with her sister, `Mrs. F. N. Lloyd,Vat Sault Ste. H Marvle, Ont. 1 Kins `Dunks: `LT A n . ~ . -- -4 rV-1..-__;_ 1._` mlfiilglv.` Hennesey of .Ca1gary is `visiting in Barrie and will be the guesti of Miss Anne Noden_for the month of ; September. i Mica. 7\/Tamara-at 'D\nu-..- 1-3:. 4.1.3.. ._--1_ uuuuay yup LU-1J.Ull Ln-:a.1 . . Mrs. J. J. Neelahds was called to Lindsay last Week by the serious ill- lness of her mother, Mrs. M-arr. ` Nl'iua'1Uf-A17 T-`l nr-1- A6 Tfannnunn... -u-n...! I... .......,,....u- ovuolha nu a.A.vvaa.An&Iuv1La ' 1 0 His Honor Judge Mahon and Mrs.` ahon of Windsor were recent guests; '0 Mr. and Mrs.` W. J; Blair, Toronto'i . t. . - ,UL J St. .Il The Wedding The Prison- beauty came eart, and made rovokingz com- utiful Norma l1 love. G LCVV _ua.ya lrla \`VUUKo Mr. and .Mrs. Reid, sophia St., and" daughter, Tfhelma, left th_is week on 21 holiday trip to . Montreal; My-q _T I T\7nn1n9-:1-In nron 1101`.-xv` I-A ucaa UL xu-:1` lllULl..lBl', LVLFS. 1V.l.'a.1'I`. ! Miss'May Hart of Vancouver Wasl visiting friends in Barrie last Sunday, after a. long absence from town. I 'l\/I11-u '$rnv"r:o Davy:-uln Qvn{-In `Inna ...-. 5 u.u':1' u. .lUl_l5 a_I.useuce_ xrom EOWII. Mrs. Emma Payne Smith has re- turned -after -a week's visit with friends in Niagara Falls and Hamilton. ; 711.. -I-1--,-- -- . -- LU nlcw uxsncearu. V _ Clarence I-Iodgson and Peter Suttle -of Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs. Frank *Lowe . ' Jinan: ' Arrvlnns `IIEATTAS.-`I. `Ir ____ ..-:. 4u.x B. .l:1`u.1u LJUWB. _ Misses Agnes McVeigh, Margaret and Kathleen Coady were visiting in Orillia last Sunday. mnu gnma m.`.++n`.. he rrv........+.. .........| um uua. li13`L Duuuuy . Miss Stella Clutton of Toronto was theguest of,Mrs. D.`C. Murchison for 3. few days last Week. R/Tn 0'1!` '\lI'v-a `Dni at...-L... at ......I' John Mackay is visiting friends in ` Kingston . Miss Mabel Card of Toronto is vis- ifing riends in town. Mrs. Walter White of Toronto is vis- iting Mrs. H. J. G1-asett. Nfian `Rnvfnn n !I:n~..o.... .1... 4.1.-` ..---`-L -uay a week . `ll ...- Week. '7 ' : - V` I Mrs. Chas. Lewis. and son, Victor, are spending a week with her parents in London, Ont. - ' Ar? nrnnnan 'I .`l'4yun1.1 `L111! __A A'I-_ :,u Lauuuuu, UIIL. Art Brennan. Harold Hill and Alex. -Clark left on _Sun`dayAon a. mdtor trip Ito New Liskeard. f`Iu.p~nnn `I _`l'AA.-an-.A_ ...._1 15-1.-.. 1-__LA_:_ Ithy Sebastian. guns VULFS. I1. J. urrasett. Miss Baxter of Kingston 19 th guest of her sister, M1-s.,J.' R. Dler. Edward `Dnnms-an-. no r1I..:.::...... .........s . nu nor mater, Mrs., J. 1:1. ulgr. Edward Rogerson of Chicago spent a. day among old friends in town l_ast lweeln ' ' V1011 >I0X0I0I0I03: PERSONAL % Elmvaie Women's Institute was held on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 8, at the home of Mrs. F.`C. Bishop, after an in- terval of two months, with twenty-sev- %n members and eight visitors present. lght .5 new members were added. The main item oi. business was the appointment ' of several com- nmittees for the booths which the Institute intend having at the Elm- vale Fair. A piano duet by Mrs. John Elrick and. Miss Ruddell awas enjoyed by all.` The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Greenlaw. Program Committee, Mrs. Jas. Smart and Mrs. R. P. Burton. . Black-1-Rutherford A quiet but pretty wedding was sol- Remnized at -the home of Mr. and `Mrs. Jno. Rutherford. Rugby, when their so- cond daughter, Christina. Elma, became the bride. of Wilmot E. Black 02` Elm: `lb `'3 The Crossland Branch of the W0- men's-Institutemet on Sept. 8, at the Community Hall when Mrs. John Gib- son presided, 21 members and visitors present, The roll. call was answered by giving a -pickle recipe. The Institute accepted an invitation to visit Allen- wood Institute on=Sept. 28. Mrs. Berth- .wick was chosen as delegate to attend the convention in Toronto. Plans were made to cut the weeds at the cemetery. Community songs were enjoyed by all, a_ paper was feed on storing bulbs. The next meeting will be at Crossland scihool on October 13. Lunch was serv- e . . ' \ll.'...._l. l._-L2L..L_ gnsuu. viauuta pL`c:st:u-L. 1111-: luel-:I.1Ilg WH.S in charge of the Christian Fellowship Dept. with Miss Velma Beardsall in the} chair. A harvest story was read by Bet- - ty Black, a sp1end'id ta1k given by Raymond Player, a piano instrument- al by Mrs. Will VV-hite and a few words` by_Rev. A. Rintoul. A ' I Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Burton, with `Chas. and Francis, a.ttended the Bell-Hood Wdd`lng' at Gilford on Wednesday, Sept. 7, When vMrs. Burton's sister, Dorothy, was united in marriage to -Mr. Robson Hood of Toronto. Doctor- s Car Burned `An Oldsmobile driven by Dr. Tyreru IUI. D'U.ul'lll, ZIIIU. ULIIUF l.l`u-Jllus. gof Hillsd-ale was completely destroyed `by fire last Tuesday night on the old Penetang Road, south of Orr Lake. Softball The M local softball V fans enjoyed a. snappy game on Monday night when the north played the south, the losing `team to provide a corn roast. The south- were victorious by 7 to 6 and are ready for the Golden `Bantam. Barn Burned Wm. McWaters of Medonte lost his ` barn and all the season's crop on Sat-; urday by fire. They were threshing al- sike at the time using a gasoline trac-9 tpr. Fire started in the straw stack at the front of the barn and no reason can be given for its cause. Tuxis Corn Roast Under the leadership of'AJohn L. Coe,- the Tuxis Square of Allenwood United. church tre'ated the young people of the! community to a corn roast on Mdnday evening, Sept. 1'2. .About fifty young people gathered on the church grounds . and enjoyed the games arranged. Com- A paratlve quiet reigned only when the circle formed around the bonfire and the Golden Bantam claimed undfvided aittention. . i is getting over perating at_the _ ------- -----=.--- 1 I The - Junior League of St. John's Church re-`opened on Friday, Sept. 9,_ at 7 pan. with thirty-two members and! eight visitors preserfti The meeting was in nhnrgn nf 1-hn (`_hv-inf-Ian 'l4`n1lnnm1-gin ncpu. :.o, 21.1. a.ov p.u1. Mr and Mrs Andrew Kerr of Ed-Q monton, A1ta,- returned home on\Sa_tur-I day after spending a. couple of weeks with the fo1~mer s brother, Wm. Kerr, `of Saurin, and other friends. `M n uni! `Alma `D `D `Du...4-.-.... ...u.1..ro1_..... puupur . I . Rev. M. Sinclair of the United I church, Midland, will be the special `speaker at the annual Memorial Ser-1 vice to be held at Waverley on Sunday, Sept. 18, at 2.30 p.m. Mr nn Mr: Anv-our Tfnmn AP 13.-1,i u.'u1auu. 1' Mrs Geo. Perkins and son, Harvey; of Prince George, B.C., spent last Week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs._C. E. ` Copeland` and Mr; and Mrs. A. T.` Cooper. . `Dav I/I` Q-Innlohn nP +1;-. `l Tu-`N-nu! Ll Lcuua IICIU Ull $d:LUl'UG._Yuo I Hugh Hamill, Jas. Hamill and Henry: McAu1ey of Chicago spent the week-} end with the former s brother, John` `Hamill, and are leaving this week for, I Ireland. }~ 1\II ...... (`Inn `l1-..1-I_.... .._.1 ..__ 1'1--..____- . auu .|.uuaa.ucu1. uu. .DUucv1ut: VVCIC Luci I "guests of Mr. md Mrs. R. A. Cooper] formed the ceremany at twelve o'clock. ` last week. _ I The bride, who as given away by her I Maurice Dean and Jim McCreary of father, entered t e parlor as the wed- !Brantford are spending a few days ding march was played by Miss Buch- I with the former s parents, Mr- and Mrs. `i anan. She Was dressed in a roseblush `J. P. D'e'an. " silk crepe and carried a bouquet of . Mr. and Mrs.`A. G. Beardsall enjoyed ' Sweetheart roses and sweet peas. The a. motor trip to North. Bay last week; g`room s gift to the'bride was .1 string and on return spent a. few days at thet'of pearls and to the pianist 8- '03`? Pin- Toronto Exhibition. . After the ceremony dinner was served pMr. and Mrs. James Black and child- 3 in the diningroom where the bride's ren, Miss Minta Black and Bert Black: table was decorated with pink and -`Rugby _on Wednesd`ay. . lhappy couple lefty amid showers of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McLean and-Mr? confetti,`travelling by motor to Orillia and Mrs. Robert Grier and children of and took the four-twenty-train to Tor- Orillia spent Sunday with the .former s onto. They will reside at Crossland. ibrother, W . E. McLe'an. ` ca, Turns Turue M . .-...A mr..- A 1- -nr............ ..a ~n...-.l attended their brother s Wedding atwhite streamers and sweet peas. The! ! IJI. U|.ll-Cl , VV E. LVLUJJUUJI a ,Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wagner of New Liskeard, who were among "the North-. ern Crusade to `theC.N.E., callled on` friends here on Saturday" A | T-Tnpvh T-Tarnill Ina `LT-inn-ill an.-1 T-TAnhw- LQDL VVCUAa I of_ days. I the Mrs.'i ! `Mr. ......:I an-..... . A n -n....._.1__n _..;___-.s do In JJCCLII. F North ` spent the I `IA ... ......:l `.Ul ..... 'I .\....A... 151--1- ...._'| _I_:1: TJIIUBIU db I-110 \JUl`.lC5n } Mrs. Craig of Windsor returned home! iafter spending a few Weeks the" guest iof Mrs. A. T`. Cooper. -Mm Adan-an am: T\A'u:-_- Tnon ...+.....;...: charge of the s B. Allan is another year. 11-we returned lidays in Tor- |l.1lll!.` Wlbll ugzcuua at .IC.`lU1lb'l'LUIl.. MI_`.' and Mrs. R. M. Black geft on! Tuesday for.Regina, Weyburn, S /1sk.,! }and Edmonton, A1`ta..V, on their Vacation. - t~r~r_ "1, 1, _ ,, _ , -- Work has commenced on..the Elm-_; vale waterworks system and good pro- - fgress is being'made in laying the. ;mains. L- I 1ur..._ TAL... ('1 . A _ _ _ ..._.1 'our:......._ .'r`r_1__-4 . V . ` | "$&. John Cooper and Misses `Helen' and Elizabethlof Belleville were the}. guests and Cooper; ` 5 7\/rnvlvvina Ann rs-n T{v-an K/fn("1unnu-- A3` IIIUIILII VV'LLl1 Ll. xcuua. V Ewart Tucker `and Vance Rintoul conducted the evening service at Wye- vale on Sund-ay last. V `Dyan? T.an T.-rnrioua 113?? 14266 n-ran]: Fnn ! vale U11 ouuuuy ldba I Prof. Leo Lawless left last week for: Holton, N.Y., Where he Will teach lmusic at the colllege. ` ` `Mfua f"vvn~7a- AP TK7Iv-Iunvv 1-ulnar-na hnunnn `Mrs Adams and Miss Jean returned horhe .on Monday after spending some` time with friends at Flesherton. I `MI ... .....1 1M..... 13 mr 1:n....1- -Am. ...... UL `V115. ll. 1- \JUUpCln I I 'IUo Rev. Nell [Campbell of Battle per- VVUUU. U11 Duuua._y. 0 Mrs. Lockhart and children of Rock- , invale returned home after spending a.; }mon1;h with friends. ' `EV-......L 7`l'V....I-an .3 17a`.-- `l3:...L.\..1 I -AVL. J. .IJil-WDUl1Bo ' ' Mr and Mrs. J. P. Dean and Mrs.'A. Harrington visited friends in Allen- wood on Sunday. lfu T.rin1rhI:v~+ O91!` nHlr1v-an A? `I3nn'Ir_ iaeibert Bannerman o'f `1'3'arrie spent the week-end with'his aunt, Mrs. C. E. Dutcher. ` `ll ... nu-.A `K-can Tnnoun Tnvvvnnt-\v| as-.3: let, rising 3, JJ uL\JllCl' . Mr. and M_rs. Lorna. Lawson and! children of Creemore spentsunday at .M. J. Lawson's. ll nu-A 1/fun T `D Anus ruin!` `II ... .A CL L115 D656 LJLIIC SUIIUUI Llll JUG-1'. I Mr. and Mrs Chas. KelIy of Toronto `visited the latter s brothers last week. Mrs. Drysdale enjoyed a. few days last week with friends in Toronto. Mr. Cotton of Penetang spent Satur-`I day with his sister. Mrs. W. H. Mason.` -I-..1.u,,,,; v-.,._,, _ -1: 1-\__,,, 1Ul.'Ull.l.UA lal. WCUIX. . . I Mr. and Mrs. E.`Thompson are visxt- ing friends in Toronto ` `7n Qhnnohon nnintvn a four Horns IIQSL ween Ill .l.Ul.'UllLU. .Miss Violet Wade is attending busi- ness college in Barrie this yea.1=.T `l3n1r,T-Tnumohfnn AP `Dov-1-in is fnnnhino IIUBS UUL.lU5U Ill .l).LllU_ LUIS ycarr. RoyTHou-ghton of Barrie is teaching at the Base Line school this year. _ `Kr or-:11 IE1-a ("Inna 'Yo'IT1r AF 'l`nv-An!-.1 0,1, U-\ - A `Will White spent a; few days`at-thue C.N.E. lastweek. In"..- 7--.; 1*_1':..1-1:..... -.:..u...a c..:....a.. :. \acLV ol`.'Jn l_.5L, W CUR. I Miss Inez Hickling visited friends in. Toronto` last week. I `I... null 'll'..v.. 1'.` VIILA-- n m A - A - A co};-a6 I115 l.l'lClH.l. LII LULUIILU _ Vin._ Shanahan enjoyed a. few days lastweek in Toronto. Ifhuu 1T:nIn4- Tl'TnA.. In 1-.6l>n-.AI-nu `$153,, g%$&&m&%&ma&aam; g NEWS i%%&%%&%$%$%$% ue Players and Big Ganges!`- -4-1.-.. Doft forget the Elmvale Fair, (5ct. A . -- "c':r:s.I'aVnd Institute 1 ~--. Women's Institute Junior League I-.. T 4-...-- -1! THE BARBIE ExAMmE The first annual.f1o_wer show of the ` Elmvale-Flos Horticultural Society ' held in the Parish Halll,'Elmvale, Sept. 7, was a decided success; in fact it ex- i ceeded all expectations. The directors are highly pleased with the success of ' their initial effort. On all sides great ; praise was given to the officers and . exhibitors in producing such an attrac- tive display of flowers. The whole of_ . theflower show augurs well for the fu- .~ ture of`the society andno detibt next I year with the experience gained, great- ! er results will be obtained. During the I afternoon and evening large crowds at-| tended and were highly pleased with the quantity and quality of the ex-{ hibits, there being thirty-two exhibit- .ors in all. ` i CLASS C---Asters, pink!-Mrs. P. J. Gray, Mrs. A. M. Guest. Asters, white--Mrs. McGuire, Mrs. McKnight. Asters, purple-Mrs. McKnight,. Dr. Corcoran. Asters, crimson--Mrs. Saw- tell, Mrs. A. M. Guest. Asters, mauve -Mrs. McKnight, Miss `G. Guest. As- ters, rose--F'red Hill, S1-_., "Dr. Corcoran. Asters, 9 blooms, 3 colors-Mrs. George Ritchie, Mrs. A. M. Guest. Cosmos-- A. C. Bishop, Mrs. W. J. McGuire. Dahlia, named--Mrs. Jas. McGinnis. Fred Hill, Sr. Gladioll, red-Jno. Drys- dale, Mrs. `M, Storey. Gladioll, varie- gated-W. J . Clement, John Drysdale. Gladioll, any color---Mrs. W. A. Saw-` tell, John Drysdale. Gladioli, 1 variety, named-'Mrs. Sawtell. Miss -M. Gra- ham. Gailla.rdia.-W. J. Clement. Mari- golds-Dr. Corcoran. Mignonette--Mrs. Copeland. Nasturtiums--Mrs. Lam- oureau, Mrs. Geo. Ritchie. P31181687- Mrs. Geo. McKnl'ght, Mrs. Copeland. Petunias, single-Mrs. W. J . McGuire, Mrs. P. Ggay. Petunias, double--Miss G. Guest. Phlox-4Mrs. Lamoureau, Fred Hill, Sr. Stocks-Dr. Coreoran, W. J. Clement. Sa lpiglossis--Fred Hill, Sr., A. C.vBlshop. Sna.pdrago_n-R. M. Black, Mrs. L. Jones. Salv-ia-A. C. Bishop. Sweet "p_ea.s-A. C. Bishop. W. . J. Clement. Verbenas-W.~J. Clement, Mrs. R. IM. Black. Zinnias--Dr. Cor- coran, Mrs. C. E. Copeland. Everlast- ing -Flowers--Mrs. A.` M. Guest, Mrs. R. M. Black. Collection Annuals--Mrs. M James McGinnis. Novelty tlower--JMrs. : R. M. Black. . .B.A. held a ening. nffnno +1-an `CUT FLOWERS-Vase of . sweet peas--Mrs. A. M. Guest Mrs.` Mc- |Knight. Table Bouquet--Mrs. Tyrer, Mrs. W. Green1aw._ Basket of Gladioii .--Mrs. Jas. McGinnis. __l,, __ V--- ..--v _,_-5u a F The Society was fortunate in secur- 'ing the services of Major Kendall of Barrie as judge. By his careful deci- sions Major Kendalll left no ground for 9 complaint. U The prize-winners are as follows.- , Basket of cut flowers-Miss Gladys Guest, Mrs. Lamoureaux. ,.Gladioli. 6 spike-Mrs. R. M. Black, Mrs. Jas. Mc- Ginnis. Petunias-W. J. Clement, Mrs. Geo. Ritchie. Sweet peas-W. J. Clem- _ ent, VV.JE. White. Table Bouquet Mrs. `M. A. Copeland, Mrs. A. M. Guest. Bowl of Roses-A. C. Bishop. Tuberous , Begonias, col`1ection in pot-s-Miss Mar3 lgaret Kerr, Mrs. Malcolm. Asters, 10 blooms, one colour-Miss Gladys Guest, W. J. Clement. Vase of cut flowers-- Mrs. _A. G. \Spring, Mrs. Gibbons. glgllection of garden flowers-Mrs. Jas. | cGinnis. 1! 100,000 maddened steers, thundering,` 9' bellowing across the plain, sweeping i everything before them. Only the dar- 1; ing of Ken Maynard and the speed of v- his wonder horses Tarzan could save -j the child from the path of these beasts. What a race! It's one. of the most stir.- --ring incidents ever photo-graphed! A 2 scene y_ou 11 never forget! At Capital 3 Theatre . , For the special prizes offered" there was keen competition in every section.. 2 The display of asters in C. class were `the most numerousgand probably the best quality of flowers shown. There was also a good disp'lay of sweet peas. : The exhibits in gladioli were not num- ierous but were of good quality. Spe- = cial mention should be made of fifteen spies of salpiglossis shown by Fred `Hill of Wyevale, the judge stating it was `one of the best he had ever seen. Also a bowl of roses exhibited by A. C. , Bishop `brought favourable comment | from the judge. p ' u -fl1I__ 1-4_:,-, -_. _.... ..,-....-_, . a . . . V nu I iilre Farney and Jack Dickenson of Allenwood enjoyed a few days last week at the C.N.E. ,, ` 1 H and Mrgjs. -:Smart and child- ren left on Tuesday to visit friends at i Sarnia. ' u an. .\-uou-v uvu \.lL\.ILJL)AtAul.l\Lo vvvvvvvv `vicar F. C. Stephenson and C. S. Burton :had a narrow escape while motoring home from the C.N.E. on Tuesday lnig*ht, when just south of Stroud. Mr. 3 Stephenson went to sleep at the wheel 5 and was rudely awakened by the crash of the car which plunged into a deep `ditch and turned over. Mr. Burton was , severely out about the head which re- `quired several stitches. He was at- tended by Dr. -Turnbull of Barrie. The car was badly damaged. ' I 1111-..- 'r.1;_,_-_, _._ q -r_ ,1 was 1 - . _.-__-_ .-_-- _,_.-_=_. V - .u...a.:\a u.v 7 . 1 Following the ceremony a dainty] wedding breakfast was served, only the` immediate relatives of both families} being present. Many, beautiful gifts ;were received testifying the highes- xteem in which the. young couple are [ held. The groom s gift to the bride was ! a handsome fur (coat. v Mr. and Mrs. Robbins left amid , showers of confetti and good Wishes on :'a honeymood trip to Toronto, Chicago , -and St.` Paul, Minn. They will reside} `in Toronto. T . W . "*' ` `*-** L * >_I<&>I0X0I0X0I< K014 >I_0X0X<>I<>I0X0I< s ROBBINS--DAWSON On Wednesday, Sept. 14, the lawn at! Cosy Nook Farm," Ferndale, banked with an abundance of pretty autumn. I owers, was the scene of, a quiet wed- ding- when Frances Jane, younger `daughter of Mr. Thomas Dawson and; the late Mrs. Dawson, was united in` marriage -to Cyril William Robbinsot Toronto, elder son of _Mr. and Mrs. W. J-. Robbins, Woodstock, Ont. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. A. E. Baker, pastor of Central United-1~ church. _The `bride; leaning on the arrni of her father, looked charming in a} frock of taupe georgette and carried a! bridal bouquet of Sunset roses and} lily-of-the-valley. Miss Iren . Dawson, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, `while the groom was attended by his; . brother, Harold P. Robbins. Miss Jes-g sie Brysoneplayed beautifully through-I out the serviceand during hhesigningi 5 of the register Mrs. Wm. A. Dawson of lWa1kerville sang, "O Promise Me. i 1w,u1 , _,,, g&&&$mm&m&&&&$$g mus STAMPEDE! ASTAMPEDE! Elmvale-Flos Flower Show WEDDINGS When she walked across the path of a car driven by Dr. Morren Monday af- ternoon Mrs. A. Toperoski, aged 25. narrowly escaped serious injury. As it was she escaped with bruises,` wheels of the truck missing .her body by a few inches after she had been knocked down. ~ Accompanlied by Barrie s Boys Bandi a large number of Barrie Roman Cath- olics, members of the Holy Name Soci- ety, journeyed to Penetang last Sun- day to `attend a big r-ally. Rev. Father Brennan of St. Mary's Church was one of the speakers. .In` all there were about 2,500 people present from Toron- to and interevening points. Traffic on the highway was. particularly heavy, it being stated by one who kept count that over 900 cars passed a given point in one hour. Many of the Toronto con- tingent made the trip in the large '1`. T. C. buses u --rIl|\l r\\lVZ A short talk on the radio was given! at last Friday's luncheon of the Ki- wanis Club by-A. C. Scythes of Toron- to. Although the principle underlying, radio was known to scient-ists half a; cen_tury ago, they _did not know how to- apply it. Certain discoveries had been! made but they were not put to practi-` cal use until 1896 when Marconi made big improvements upon apparatus al- ready, devised and in 1901 was mak-_ ing tests across the Atlantic. This Was| wireless telegraphy. Fleming discover-| ed the tube and Marconi used the first: aerial. In recent years the sale of re- ceiving sets has been enormous. Last year $350,000,000 was spent on radio` equipment and supplies in the United; States. There are 596 broadcasting stations in North America and a wow derful variety of programmes is made! available, largely through the adver-cl tising value of this medium, much -of; the talent being paid for by advertis-| ers. Television, said the speaker, would be the next step. It was impossible to; estimate the future development of- /radio. A. G. McLellan presided. The, attendance prize, a box of stationery,g donated by M. D. Morrison, was taken home by" Oliver Cameron. in-II-: PRINCIPLE OF RADIO WAS I I KNOWN oven FIFTY YEARS AGO A ..1_-__L L_ ,,, i Tl1e[.AKEVlEW mm 925 w. MANY AT PEPIETANG SUNDAY nlng aod Mr. Toronto were H. Sloan's.` BATTERIES 3-DH-11 . . ;. . `3-XH-ll . . . . 3-XC-13-F .. 3'.xc.13.1> .. '3-XC-13-I-R. . 3-X=C-15-Buick 3-XC-15-I-R. . s.xc.9.1.R .. Buy in YOUR OWN HOME TOWN, SAVE MONEY - AND GET BETTER SERVICE. ;au ~E 1` AWLL. BRENNAN I L BUILDS WEIGHT I . % Do NOT DELAY 1 smu` TODAY 5 PA's'I'EURlZED MILE AND CREAM ' PHONE 925w t ANNOUNCING Reduced Prices on Exide Batteries for Motor Cars After the above date the Collector will proceed to force ` payment of `all unpaid taxes. Town of Barrie SEPTEMBER 23 el like a fish ' chance he hicago News. young teller iss a gal the .--San Diego 3 Only --- URDAYT ` SECOND INSTALMENT OF mxns PAYAELE AT BANK OF TORONTO I V ON OR BEFORE Clgganliness and Service is our Motto. Over When Counter Installed CARS Ford and Light Six-cylinder 12.50 14.50 14.50 16.50 1 7.25 19.50 24.50 Ford and Light Six-cylinder 15.00 Ford Standard 15.00 Chev. Pontiac and Chrysler Exide for above cars Buick Master Six (new style) Exide's` Big Sixes 25,00 Dodge and Maxwell 1926 Star Six Special Coach, Duco finish, looks like new, and in splendid condition. 1925 Star Chassis, new balloon tires; make good truck or speedster. 1923 Overland 4-Door Sedan, newly painted; runs good. -1923 Ford Roadster, in good condition. Oakland 1923 Sport Touring; 5 good tires, reconditioned and painted. 1922 Durant Four Touring, in splendid condition, 5 good tires. Studebaker Special Six Touring repainted and in splendid shape. 1918 Ford Touring; snap for quick sale. 1920 Chevrolet Touring; snap for cash. Studebaker Light Six Touring; this is a good, serviceable car and in splendid condi- tion throughout. 1924 Ford One-Ton Truck, stake body. This truck has on-ly done one season s work. McLaughlin Six Special Tour- ing, H63; good tires; runs well. Your present car as part pay- ment; we can arrange terms to suit on balance. USED CARS _" _P_H'OE 2773--' ELIZABETH s'r., BARRIE `I-.. D_Ll._.J_ f`____ __ Jana: Id I II 5.! I u l.lr||\l\lE can Patter ; Garage Next to Capitol Theatre. v w. - ruoIlO~ Auctioned:-. Buy Adqertised Things. Bayfield St. BARRIE Page `Thirteen ' ALE If of lot 26 in nship of Ora, house, frame nder cultiva- lston. alf lot 28, in nship of Oro, ood and pine, n, 100 apple barn. Will be ide. Apply to or Edward F. 9 OK Ok due by sale. due by sale. due Oct. 9. r, rising 3,. Ilew teacher it W-EDBING! being made r the moths itchenev Re- ` here attended Aws, in good od milkers. at . Polly Moran, ally O Neil. mount Comedy l'I1P`l\1I' si Outlaw LOWS -ilWURSDAY _Ho_w To ---.4.-Va Do ..'(;oJwe1l to 24 509.? is and rvaru I.` o 35-37b atom her 15, 1927.` u;cuuJ choir. Fkn WJLIUJJK n The play-off betwe 21 Newton `Rob-' insoq and Fisher's ' orners softball teams will be in Bond Head Commun-1 ity Park on Saturday, Sept 17, at 4 p.m.| '.u,a_yuc:l. uuv uuuuay. Anniversary services of the United "church here will be held on Sunday. Sept. 18, at 11 a..m. and 7 p.m. Rev. A. Halbert of King City will be the speak- er. Special music will be furnished by; n_;ler_nbers of A the Bond Head United` (3 011`. ' Read The Examiner am} get all the local and district news--$2.00 a yegr. u.... ...`...---..a .;n .IaI~\AL\.lI\gII Mrs. C. Horner visited her sigter` atl -St,ayner on, Sunday. Anniversary services of the TTnitm1 ..Lu1. auu LVLIIS. J. UUUUFII. 7 Mr. and Mrs. H. Long spent Sunday with friends In Bradford. 1u'...... (1 -r1-....____ .._2_:L-s -7 t-7.15-9.15. of Coast Guard mrilling mystery. EE AT 2.30. The above is all `high-class `furniture V and just as good as new. ` All will 'be sold without reserve. TERMS `CASH. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. MCCONKEY, Auctioneer. `Sept. 13-A number from uldere at-! tended the re-opening services of; Bradford United church on Sunday. I `n... .....a 1ur......' n.u........ "..._ __:_:u.__ _:u_ ............v... u......-.. vaaubwll vn uuuuuayu Dr. and Mrs. Cobornhre visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Coborn. NT and lfv-u 'IJ' Tuna: .--.;.'...L G......1..--i ......... __, .._ -- _- ` The following: i - Large chesterfield and armchair, tw_o grey fumed oak cane-seated-armchairs,! wicker rocking chair, fumed oak ll - brary chair, grandfather clock, quar- ter cut oak case with Westminster chimes, hand-carved` quarter cut oak hall chair, bevel plate hall mirror, two * Wilton rugs, (9x101/.>). hall rug, Brus- sels rug, electric table lamp, quarter cut oak den table and chairs, small Persian rug, solid - walnut extension table and asbestos pad, solid Walnut buffet, six solid Walnut dining "chairs with leather seats, solid walnut china cabinet. quantity offancychlna, glass-' ' ware, cutlery, dishes, three pairs velour curtains, bolt of tapestry, clock and: shelf, drop-head Singer sewing ma-I chine, 6 pairs lace curtains, etc., large number of good pictures, solid` Spanish brown mahogany dresser and chif-' fonier and chair to match," brass `bed-I "stead With coil` springs. Ostermoorf mattress, blue Brussels rug, white en-' amelled dresser and chiffonier and.` white enamelled bed, white enamelled` rocking chair, coil spring and -Oster-I moor mattress, ivory enamelled dresser' and chiffpnier, ivory enamelled bed- stead, ivory enamelled chair, coil spring and Osterrnoor mattress, two Tennes- see (copper bound) red cedar chests, white enamelled medicine chest, Brus- sels rug, two child's cribs, child's high- chair, Quebec heater and cook stove - combined, kitchen table, 6 kitchen, chairs, kitchen cabinet, small white` enamelled cupboard, quantity of lino-I; leum, 10_0 pint gems, large quantity of,- `kitchen utensils, 50-ft corrugated lawnlj hoes, tool chest with full set of carpen- ter tools, set of cabinet makers clamps,l 1 white baby sleigh, garden tools and ,1 many other articles too numerous to I mention. CLARE1Si"3{ii`l?\WRENCE! We will apprciat your pat- ronage. ` . . wrmss `The undersigned has rece1\;ed instruc tions from ~. V - ..g1-.: - _ .__..__'__..._ , NEWTON ROBINSON L U96 IIU GIIIIUUIIUC DHGII J. ~uuVe_ opened a Confectionery `Store at 64 Elizabeth St.', with a full assortment of very best Choco- lates in bulk and boxed ;,.`all kinds of Candies, Cream, Jel- lies,` etc. We also carry a full line of Fresh Fruit and Maga- zines. The smokers ar not overlooked, neither. . `Cigars, ` Cigarettes and Tobacco of dif- ferent brands. `r V ' Fresh Goods. Beit S'ervic_ Than the Last! nedy Team: - Polly Moran-- Fun-fest. s rapid-re order g tale of Irish A ringside seat 'appiest picture th Marie Dress- alts the grandest I-beg to announce that I have. nvinvunol n I"nn-UnnL.u.o...-. `OJ.-_.. NEW CONFCTIONERY STORE OPENED Eon BUSINESS M The Opening of S.haw'si North- Toronto Businesg School(No.12) at Yonge and Roselawn,- two blocks north of Eglinton Ave. You may begin Day Sessions any dhy and Night Work from Sept. 19th. We invite you to call or write. W..H. Stafford, Principal. W. H. Shaw, Pres: ANNOUNClNG Thursday, September 15, 1927. THE Wiii "di'i"1Io}; I ' :luun--Q- -I 9 -5- - J-- 1,151. usu Den V1 ngnv. The Inte:1-oper. --E. Phillips oppenheim. J Lost Ecstasy. ` - -Mary "Roberts Rinehart. V The Immortal Marriage. -Gertrude Atheiton. But Yesterday".--Mau de Diver. If not, you can borrow them at QIOAQ--:1 4.-- __ H.-WE X9! "rT1I=.'sENi;iv' sa6"x's'-. God arid he Grocery Man`. _, DA 1`IT..:. 7.15-9:1`." RICES. A i;3a$'si.T-'r}':: '2'eI.:".i'.y, N0 DEPOSIT REQUIRED oIjEN AEVENINGS 1's"iari2iE '7sE.','"%h'.}'ie SATURDAY, SEPT. 17 ..___j_-`y-1-. _:-vv--1-v to sell by pu1;1ic auction at AUCTION SALE bf High Class Household F urniture` ll VIEW >\JL|I\vCl.J Jllallo -Harold Bell Wright. I-an-"I n-nor | i7K1tty King orjnau-ta visited re- cently. with Miss Margaret Keny. - Sept. 12-Miss Elsie Robinson, nurse- in-trainingmhas returned to Mineola, Long Island, N.Y., after a. two -weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Robinson. l\uulL- A u...-.`I-..`..:l_-... `.4..- _LL___s,s |BRlDE A here. uu-:`b.LV.1:4. HI, Luruutu nut WEEK. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson of Toronto spent the week-end with friends here. 4 ` Threhing is the order of the day , Miss Eva. spring of Toronto visited over "the week-end with Mrs. I. M. Spring. ' 7 L , `I'll: ~YH>fv Wins 15? ah vol-Nu-ul -- \.Jo I\UUIllUllo _ ` Quite a number from here attended the `C.N;E. in Toronto last week. `Mr nn `Alva `IZV-only 7|"!-an-u.nan`.. -0 with a silver tray. = , The congregation of St. Andrew Church had the pleasure of hearing a. very fine solo last Sunday morning from Wishart Campbell, "son of. Rev. Neil and Mrs. Campbell. His selection was `lCros-sing the ~Ba.r" (Sullivan) and this beautiful `number served to show the superior_ qualities of his Asplen_did baritone. His solo was marked by per- fect control, exceedingly good expres-' sion and clear enunciation. . I-u'L IILII5 LU I.lUUULi1n ' I A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. T. Worrod, on Sept. 9, when Miss Frances Daw- son was the recipient of a miscellan- ous shower from `her friends, The ride-to-'be,V who for several years was the efficient secretary of the Young Ladies Bible Class` in Central church,` was presented by Miss E. Lainson, with silver tray. "I"I-In nnncn-namfinn A Gk A$1:~nt\vVI'D nu .n.u1 LIIULUI. cu wuu LUCHI LU .LVO!`Ln bay. Miss Helen M. Leadlay of the Bank of Montreal staff, Camrose, Alta., ac- companied by Mrs. M. Hamel and Mas- ter I-Iubent Hamel, also of Camrose, are thesguests of the former s sister, Mrs. S. McLean. They intend visiting King- ston,-Ottawa. and Montreal before re- turning to Albenta. A Ina!-17 nlnomov-1+ nvynnh-up tuna .~.......L. \JULUUUl - Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Irwin of Niagara |Fal1s spent a day or two with the lat- i ter s parents, Mr. and. Mrs. W. Hill re- cently before moving toTimmi'ns Where Mr. Irwin will continue his business as barber. L. Emms and Miss Mabel Hill motored with them to North Bay. Miss Helen M, Tpnlnv n1 H-an `I2 -nut, WVUUUIII5. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wllmshofer, Barrie, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Gertrude Sara, to Mr. Cecil J. Poole, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Poole of Allandale. The marriage to take place the latter part of Septem- -ber. `UCL- Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Walls of Hamil- ton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Kathleen. to Mr. Wm; Norman Cherrle of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cherrie of Hamilton. The marriage to take place. early in I October. `II . .....I ll`... (1 1' 1'.._-)_. -13 `U0, Ull a Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robbins end daughter, Margaret, of Woodstock, and .HLaro1d P. Robbins of Toronto were guests at the home of Thomas Daw- son and attended the Robbins-Dawson wedding. Mn and 1\/rm: 'I'_'l' rrr:1......1...n-.. 15_..--.|- Lane -ber. `llf. m and Peggy luled on friends `nuns nu Lune pxuue ca.l'1y In UCIJODBI`. Mr. and Mrs. Aikens and Mrs . Davidl Jamleson, Worsley St., have recently, visited in Galt with Mr. and Mrs. Muir] Jamleson and in Simcoe with Mr. and Mr-s.`H. Wils`on and Mrs. Ernest, Wil- son. - `Ill ... and 1|II'..... 1'! -r -5-1,` o - uur sun 11: uxevelana, Umo. l Mr and Mrs. Bell of Windsor, late of; Barrie, announce the engagement of - their daughter, Miss Ivy Bell, to Mr {Edward Race of Elgln Mills, the [Wed- iding to take place early in October. Mr, and Mr: Aznnu an:-1 Thflnnv n....a.: uu. ' Mrs. E. I. Hart of Montreal is spend- ing a few days at `the h_ome of `her bro- ther-in.-larw, Donald Ross, on her way home after attending the marriage of her son in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr and Mr: `Ron nf Txrlnamn. 1.4.. .4 wuu urn` Sun, J. U. J.l.0Il.KI!'la.I1. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Dawson ofi Walkerville attended -. the Robbins-, Dawson wedding and will visit '3. few I days at the home of his father. Mr and Mveu `D.-.1-.+ unnam. ...-...: ..u_u.u uaya cu. Luv: uuuw 01. ms tamer. . Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith and child- ren of Brampton have returned home after a. fortnight's- vis: at the homes of Bert "Owen and C. B. Johnson. 5 Mice Milrn T.1In1r .-.4! rV..-...... tnu `U1. DcL`|.'Uwt:u ;u1u U. D. aonnson. , Miss Mildred Luck of Crown Hill I left on Saturday for New York to enter upon a course of training for a nurse in Nassa'u Hospi-tal, M-ln_eola, Long Is- land. `IA ...-. 121 `I `r_1'....L -41 ar-..;__,_u 1, - | u. uaunpux-:u, uuuu`1e.v ' - J I Mrs. A. Carter and Milss Verna Car- ter have returned `home after spending` several weeks. with friends in Quebec and Eastern Ontario. Mnn (Inn 'I:I .s-u'I-.-....~... .04.... AI. ,,'_ _ uuu .I:4u.au.-:l`Il UIl'(.`.!.I`lD. _ Mr-s. Geo. Monkman, after three years in Callifornia a.nd`Cloquet, Minn., has come to spend the fall and winter with her son, J. C. Monkm1e_3_.n. R/I'r an;-1 `MI :-a TRY-an A -5! - $1.115. U. K) . J.1z:b1'La _ I Hon. D. L. McLeod and Mrs. Mc- Leod of Winnipeg spent a few days last iweek with the former s sister, Mrs. A. ID. Campbell, Guthrie; I Mr: A ("'n.v-fan and llulua 17-....- IV..- _ ucuALuLu DLICUL. ' . X J. B. Barr-leaves shortly for Prince: `Albert, *Sask., Where he will have` . charge of the financial end of a. large bakery company. . I A. B. Carley was in Newmarket yes- , terday attending the wedding of Miss` ,Lulu Moulds (formerly of Barrie) t 1 Linton Bernath. I In ... nn Mr..- In A n-..-..L I.-- ::uu15 . attended the adford United Pedley was usic was fur-