[N `z "It might have been added that so .. .. ulzvscu nu grave b'd}(ll ...- .,....3eu uvea In the section in `l'l'(ba55 '1"-"I-`-lie first time I met Johnson was question the best part .0: his life. CASES ExAGGERATED~(~iviltlh 2 tfa1(=irI2r;:n}-mHte gfierettghflelfgzee V 0 ar 0 1 0 er _p . (C H d I I dolve Johnsoni to hHicklag__d i: lplace ~ - - " W6 Pom page 1)/ wit arness an 01: er stu . new 3i?Z"hahaneD3co1iith9 331-9 this investigation has given `South Johnson `by that nannn I made a sea a( ieS__th t I p te m l,Simcoe some unenviable notoriety imistake at the `.nque5t' I am taklpg 3; .p.b k. e ac ".3 5' Pm a." -and in spite of the fact t'hat the press this course agamst my lawyelds m` 9" Tea `Pg Pe1'at1nS_W1th Wh1'h'reports have magnied our compar- StrutiS'" - I lms name IS now associated. For atjvely few acres of swamps and com_ `Re nsons for Dismissal that reason there IS a sharp d1st1nc- paratively few culprits into vast areas In summingeup the case, W. A. tion between that phase .of the s1tua- `of swamps and marauding bands, . Boys, for accused, contended that the tion and the cattle thieving`; appa1'- South Simcoe contains more good*Crown 'had not established what is ently perpetrated by a comparatively ' men, more good` people, and more required by law toucommit a man for few misguided and weakqmeed in_,'g'ood homes than any other civilized 5De1`5UYY- EVGPY Q?-1eSti0n at the in- udjvidualg who could not resist pchejarea `that can be found in Canada,iquest had been directed at the _dead temptation to make a little easy nyon` I notw_1thstandmg ` the circumstances body and not at a man known as Dan ey_ The Examiner does not for one we fmdnourselves in today. Johnson or Dan Forsythe. As-far as `moment attempt to minimize the! "' . the bdy was n.med MDermtt seriousness of the offences, but ' du-idnt k.nW ghollt gas` fMr' Boys justic`e to South Simcoe it cannot ' ]:'":'_[_n nAv_3_ Hf Y,'_S_P,,P.e.a.?ng ..r ._r.Y forget that ai`tm- all ,.,..........-u--a- far, at least, there is not even a .-.,...,...u.=s--uze actual s-tore andf ihousebreaking operations with which! is associated. that is sharp distinc- tion situa- tion thieving; appar-! few `weak-kneed in- < _;fche" rnonii` The -.u....- -..L V _ _ ----..,..,v.. nuuulu actlcneque, which he later cashed. [Vi/`it: ~...,.~.. uicu in we iseeton-Uookstowrilas deterrent to` theeambitious scribe. gness related that On the morning` fol- ases. His Worship expressed the DeS,cribing`.a scene where `one of the '1Win8`. his unC1e S dath MCDeI`m0tt views of thousands.when he stated accused men was being arrested atlvisited this hm ab`-`t 8.-45- M91391" that a section of the city press had his farmhouse, the arrested `man s-W30 tld Witness his uncle had.been `greatly exat-Z.`ei'ateSd the amounih of shn is pictured as sitting on,the kit-." 551:3 1fie"i_.: gh::`daIfg"a?lV:1t;;e, _. J .t t. t . ._ , , , _ _ e , _ . eihnehcxis an in ` Simcoe' ui , cien steps: piclfing his t_oe.na1l_s with disowh the dead mah__het to let on 111;, t e past two ieais and giossly his fingei nails and exclainiing: that they knew him He had deliver ' . . . ` ' H y c I ' niisienresented the coulntiy in which Gee, dad s'pinched., . ` ed the meSsages_ Later he me Me_ the depredations were committed. "' "' "` * * H. W h. . . ' _ . V , _ Dermott and _Hickland. at S ouffville Isa ors In said In pa1t- In spite This. however. has nothing on the,and informed McDermott that `his of the fact that press reports have act of the Queen -City's ex ' ' ' ' ` magnified our comparatively few Conservatism in the evening news. robber. That's a good job, Mc- acres of swamps and compai'atively.papei' field, which considers it itelDermott was reported as having said. few culprits into vast areas of [duty torecord the fact that a lead- Authis `Was prior t.the inquest` swamps and marauding bands, Southiing Newmarket lawyer, who had McDern_1ott_Made Statement Snncoe contains more good men, {fallen from the grace and is now in e SeI`8`e-`amt Greasy read 3 Statement rnore good people, and more good `the toils,` is also a prominent Liberal which McDe1`mtt' had 8`iVen him fol- homes, than any other civilized area land has a son named after William lowing his arrest at the 00T1111Si0n Of that can be found in Canada, not- Lyon Mackenzie King. Cehedas pre; the inquest at Beeton. In this state- withstanding the -circumstances we niier. ' ' `merit, 8iV911 VOIUH-ulrily and after the find ourselves in today. T-he mag} usual Wa,1'in8' had bee 3'i",env MC` istra-te knew whereof he spoke`, for Dermott is alleged to have said: - he himself lived in the in"P .i`:`};1`hef:;st Imeth__Joh5ison has V I . `W1 a a man._ e o ere .me ve so dollars to drive him toacertam place. ~ . ' lace far, least is a I.drve Johnson Hlcklands p Suspicion that Dan Forsythe the (Continued from with harness and other stuff. I knew a ' ' ' - ' that made robber had one accomplice in his H-"5 mvestlgatmn hi gwen S9uth' ' y ' t k` 'escapa( ieS__the actual and , Eiincoe 0 iineiiviable notorietv. ! Wlstake inquest. am a mo- _ hr} in .....'J.. , n\1nn.L.....-1-3-- - Preach'imz on t}m-.+.m..+. ..+- n ....... __ And how. the. drawn n.l......L- Ar -_ --..._._. aI\\Jll.`.oDI " lag` Citizens of the southern part of ;Simcoe County will view wit-h much favorthe timely comment made by Magistrate Jeffs at the opening of the preliminary trials 'of the ten ac- -cused men in the Beeton-Cookstowni gases. the citv nvncc um: I a rule, veiiit age. U` 1` \ l' 1 Seriously speakin `play and the bound .say nothing of chi\ as the V b I..'..' .c-u.--- ` -- Premier Ferguson gave his party's leading Ontario newspaper,. the Mail and Empire, an ugly slap on Friday last when he used the Globe exclus- ively to announce that he would not be a candidate for the Dominion! _ .,.. ,. . - me new man, over` mhosedbody ge - . . . ' uest was` bein .' e , an not . e But Fumlly there 15 a hue .f de" lrggn "whom McDgermott and others ma"_3t1n P} th._eXtent t0 Whlch the v knew as Johnson or Forsythe. At evening dailies will go to arouse their ne point where McDe1-moth had given readers interest. If this thing` keeps 5 evidence it `had not been established on the whole country will be topsy- ,: that the dealt! man was Dan Johnson turvy. To tell the, world that a ` or Dan Forsythe. , I _ . [lady whose bonds are alleged to have ' Roy Forsythe s Evidence eade"Sh1P_ 0f the C"-`3"Va 5- I3;been stoIen"by the robber Forsythe . Roy Forsythe, a nephew of the the Premier trying 13? eultlwte the ,had been for thirty years secretary man killed by Alec Hodge, gave some G101`-`e 01' Was he punishing the Malof the Women's Auxiliary and canvery interesting evidence. He` did and Empire for some sins of omission knit three pairs of Socks 3 day, has. not view his uncle's :body, he said. revealed a secret probably very dear" H? 135,`? Saw `hlm 311 Jul 11` {in H... 1...:..v- n---- - It was thought that there -would: be but a small market for, nickel af- ter the war, .-but new uses were found for this metal and the output today is greater than ever. The nickel mines of Northern Ontario -havepaid $100,000,000 in dividends and `have produced $650,i000{000 to date. T The ; 'Sudbury mines produce 85 per cent. . of the nickel of the world_._ ` -:--n:-- Already two hundred Toronto mo-'~ torists have had their car licenses cancelled, some of them permanently. This is the most effective method of. ridding the highways of reckless and careless motorists. There were exactly forty-nine charges and over seventy-five per cent. of these were concerned" with, the catfle-thieving` operations of ten" men, involving seven. jobs, all in-- 5terlocked. Even A the usually well informed and reliable Canadian Press` had the numsber.of ohargesv as 1 nearly a hundred. e .5 A Preaching on the V-streets of` Bar-* tie is tabooed, says the Colliygwood Bulletin. Not so. Anyperson has fre`edom to preacrx onvthe streets if T he does not do -it in a place. to en- `A danger traffic. TIMELY PROTEST --_ -.......4uwuv\ia WU s for, ived in` rp know nrlnj J.L-L , . . vb` VIIIGU here Forsythe, 3 and V`|nY'!1+1'I\v\:-4 -nu-.'LL --`--' -` ` And now the people of Barrie and`, eckless and vicinity know something of the in- `tense rivalry which exists in .the Toronto evening Ainewspaper field and Iere Would of the methods employed by the met- ropolitan daily to get the news. ' were A They" also know something of'the so-I Wilt called Americanization of.the Cana-' *8 dian press, but how many readers, ,< 'h8Ve Paidgafter looking their evening daily. h8Ve " ' air, accurate, com-fl date. ' ' ' ' Whlch dad's pinched., I 3 on, the . exponent of? ' evening he race, in `fallen g also prominent Liberal 1 area, and- son ,` not- Mackenzie King, pre-jt as we . ----- 1 '3 (Continued page 1) \ 'n `the glven South " mum. W85 ca ` the picture. ' a * ronto Stet tpu . In connection with the recent church centenary at Dalston, the.'To- blished at picture of purported to be thelhpioneer implement used in the church for taking up the collection, whereas it really was the ballot box bygkthe G d what _ '1' -r `F Just" a boy's `job on the western prairie, occupying a few hours. One western visitor at the trials opined that he knew people who would send- the family dog on an errand of th'is nature. ` 44 _ ,1. -..........m.a, aueuclllcatlonl and treatment of disease and the. ;des1rability of using"certified seed. ere was also a demonstration of a power dusting machine. In the various features those present evinc- . ed a keen interest "and" supplemented lithe information given by askingi ' numerous questions. ` Reports of avoidaibly held `.. u the addresses are un-_ 7 over till next Week`: _ I 1 , -any uuaxucss or their` annual n1eeti`r_1'g".` _The following officers were elected: Pres., Wm.,M. Dinwoody. Cookstown: V Ice.-Presidents, H. e Hughes of * Laurel, W. Brett of Shelburne. T. 3 . Gal-` lI:1'11g11er of Mansfield and Mrs..Ada.ms. efroy; Sec y.-Tr_eas., T. McKnight. Cookstownb. Ass t.' Sec _ y., Dr.` G. H. Campbell, Orangeville. _ was dpnmna +n w--u uurruru-SIMCOE CHOSEN ` A The rLiberal-Conservatives` of Duf- ferin-Simcoe met in Shelburne on Aug. 22, to select delegates for the VVinn1- he ollowing `officers P1`es.,_\Vm.,M. Dinwoodv. (`.nn1m+........ WlNN.lPEG DELEGATES FOR DUFFERIN-SIMCOE CHOSEN 'Liberal.r1nnam.....u..-_ -n - ~ ' _ , .... ..., mun muum, tnenrst near Al-J ' liston and the second at the farm of Arthur Walt, Midhurst, last Friday afternoon. At the` latter, in _spite ` of rather unfavorable weather, the ',busy season and the counter attrac- tion of the big trial at the court: house, there was an attendance of `some fifty farmers from Oro, Vespra and Flos, Practical addresses were ` given one fertilizers, identification the.'{ 1 1 dusting_machin'e. 1 `f()]II.l'\1In -9-- LA- ___- --_....e u1. u_-ups, particularly in ""';]"" - t "it t I ted . [the Alllston d1stmc_t andm the coun- ! tbs; nmfs 3ienSayp`i ,`;`} ;cie t`-V n.rth'.f Ba"- Great atten"case of perjury had not been made 3'35 al2:Jd`bt`;1lr2llgaa.g?r'2ic`ii1ltt;;1(1)ralu i1titn"zt$ ` W` dismissed tbs "ss's' both at Ottawa` and Guelph are co- Fr Cn"itin5 in Mmi"g `operating with the farmers in order With 3111105`? m0n0t01S P1`eeiSi?n that the best scientifi-c methods mayvMcDerm0 Ct W85 eommltted f1` `$12131 e applied. To this end, two Potato in ve out of six charges heard during lField Days have been held in rth`e,the morning session. The Wawmg of ' c_ounty thisnonth, the first A1-1 cross-examination -by W. A. Boys. K-C-. `Counsel for MCDe1`m0tt, exped- Midhurs t, ited matters grea-t1y._ Mr. Boys at _the' spite outset protested V18`01`011S1Y a_8`alnS_t r F gf the adlrgiission oi _he;arsatyr t}aiv1dence' -** usy and 1500 Strong 9 Jec ion 0 e man`, * 1 d `d d d ' th " court.ner of questioning used by Crownsand pans em 6 upon urmg _e ouse, of"AttorneY EV3n9- ` ` _` day tune. M0'De1`m0tt had been mm1tted "" and F os, were thcharge Oftheft Of Seven head 0f ORG COMPETITION IN OATS given identification` cattle from Dan. O Leary' a_nd the` SHOWED VEEY HIGH AVERAGE the:charge of stealing thirteen pigs was d . .. . .. - ' John Kernahan of Max-well who eslrabillty us1ng"cert1f1ed s d. Just under way when Mr. Boys 2111- . V - - There de1nonstrationeeof nounced his decision not to take anyudged the ats 1 the eld crop further part at.the.preHminary trials.-competition held under-the auspices in [defence Of h1S.e1len.t- After What! keeninterest'and*supp'lemented in hie Opinion, Was 8 VeI`.V leading` the asking,-question, answered and written into` numerous `. lthe records. hurl me+ rm-.. ....-..-.-_ - ,,_H , _ , I P fP_RACTICAL POINTERS` AT POTATO FIELD DAY- : Simcoe County has made big istrides of recent years in the growing "of potatoes which have come to be I one of the big crops, particularly the district coun- l , try north- of Greater atten- | ( "ti9n-is being paid to cul+.m~n:l 1Mn4"|- I v l.'CV8alea dear" I to the lady s heart, inasmuch as she V is atsingle lady. and `singleladies are, 3 as'a very reticent as to their fiage. " 1 *!l\Il snhau eh D r._ speaking, however,fair . tr .'play bounds` of decency, to 1 fi say chivalry. should actjcl Has deterrent 1'.n7 H... nvuL.'J..'..._- - `P Ali this commotion [over the theft! of thirty-one head of cattle spread over a period of nearly two years and involving not more than fifteen ~ uc I ' n d - sewers mte1'eSt- If keepsfvidguh i2"`"t % e estzblgishgd ' `' ;-that dea\l Johnson" t 9.50!` llllady 35-been ';had Of of uncle's H9 last alive n July 11th, lady's when he drove him a short distance a1".g.th. Penetang rad'3 rSumably 0 `1813; h-1lShbrItJhe1i r%er%e dFrsythte' age e hizshordzlin llslewriiciaerkeatnwiih .(I:<(:rem1e\4c? * W * * Dermott His uncle wanted some h0WeVe1`, fail` money, dnd he -had given `him four or andhe lb0l1I1.dS`0f tot five dollars, taking McDermott s i act jcheque, which Wit- `L ' _ ltious mess related that nn +1.`. ....,......-.... 1-: - seven men covering _ the` prelim- ! inary trials,;a staff sufficient to man" L the average small city daily. The ` crayon sketch artist and photograph- er `were included, also the feature writer and the impressionist, besides the straight copy boys. The west- `~ern story magazine writer has get to be heard from. ' - - _., A something so- "1 ization of .the Can_a- | i ,4 their evening dai1y." fair, a'ccurate, com -I1 ;nt of whatgit is all I mu: -"won: was (1011 the cattle being s e mostly at night, potted in the/elds ` fa-nd farm in relays and for helping ....a,, vast; DUUJCII IEDUUK BO to load. McDermott -was shown to be ' very active all through, using his` car in driving men to given spots to relieve those who had driven the cattle for a distanceand were tired. The -'work was done mostly spotted the/elds I-Au_u.cauuu, answered and written into} th_e records, had just been propound-' `ed, `Mr. Boys jumped to his feet. I dnn +. hrnnhun +.. `-1... ....-- Aw uvb uwvauuan 1_ Dismissal is summing up 5, dfCrown e 1' to commit d L, I quest is the concerned did not know who it was. Mr. said he was not pleading for mercy ~for his client, but after the indul- Igence the Crown had been showing _ in vMcE.Wen s case, particularly, they : _ might well show some in this instance, ; `especially when the evidence was so ` , imsy. ~ I Hanna}.-.L.._L- J---~- -" ` - ['- Y cuuu. ulVU1VlUg' hundred dollars. 1:15 UHU owed by .....'l _____l , _ ......., ......., u; qv\=- a.u\;1Jcl.'ulU|:l.n Edward Hickland gave similar evi- dence, although he refused to swear 1 that the nlan introduced -to him by _ Joe ,Mc}]1)ermoittdw%sdthe }same man , over w ose ea 0 y t e inquest i was being held. Hicklandsaid he never viewed the body. The pic- {"1 tures,.he said, somewhat resembled 'the. man he had known as Johnson- `,but `he would not swear positively to llt. It was this feature of the evi- ,dence of Hickland and others for the ,-Crown which led to the ultimate dis- :missal -of the charge, the Magistrate ;ruling that th_e.Crown s questions at the inquest were directed as regards the dead man, over whose body the inquest being held, and the man McDermott ;knew V NVHDTA Mnnunnn#L, Ln! -5----~ uau `G 15638 01 pemury. `V ' _ { Elwood" Nevils, `called by the Crown, swore that he had been in-. troduced to Dan Johnson or Dan Forsythe, by Joe. McDermott. 1:|A........_I -rv:_1_u, , u I , (Continued from page 1) . cntainingz McDarmott s, evidence, was admitted to the records. The Court refused to admit the entire record"however, ruling that witnesses must be produced in person to.estab- ilish a case of perjur . Elwnnd Nnvila e....n...: 1... LL- . 7; ' __...:.._. gm % V BLUE %L ROSE RICE 3 lbs. 20c Brunswick Sardines '3Tins 14c `wind, etc. . -.- -r at , . Hotels, restaurants land garages rreport record business. The hoytellw -corridors are full of cots. Monday mght as many as five people slept in V one rooin in a local hotel. A discard- ed baby carr_iag'e. was resurrected; from the cellar for the youngest member of the family. It s an ill 4, .n. HEINZ cA'FIT1; Large Size. 2 3c of the Oro Agricultt-zral Society, re- ,, _; ports the thirteen plots competing as the `best average he has seen in eighteen years of judging. - The first six were as follows:- Geo. Kirkpatrick, J. A. Ross, A. J. Fletcher, Garfield Rouse, H. J. Crawford, J. A. Crawford, T. J. Luck, in order named . 0 .-.ub;u5 'ere l1ows:- 1 Egawfordy `l KELLOGG'S PEP 2 Pkgs. 21c T . v-- N` '; [Visitors to Barrie over the.week-'1` end know something about rustling. 1 `Their chief concern has been rustling M a bed on which to rest their weary .=~,` limbs. ' I ,_---. vvuun uumDanS' Sam Sambo: I don know wot de: Quim, but I does know dat I one, dat night ole man ,Joh1 ketched me undah de simmon co tin his gal Limmozina! Qimbo: `D Capitol. Wot s READING THE THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 927' _... uxxllludll at C1 t `Climbans Sam? dese i: w vhf-_ rn T\'il\uA TA` ' BILL BOARDS ow is, now was Johnsing 3 Sirnn1nn +-nnn ununlts tree, de ~- One newspaper had` no lelssv than I Tho (`mwf ing. Crzlin is Au}.:. London .\Ir;~'.. Sgun. 36 Bayfiei 15 0.0Q-(l how visiting scrtbes have taken advantage -of ' They can take consolation in tho fact that sufficient THURSD OR0 Ml I16 Bfif-C4 ChC"v' Ponti C011 HudS< Cattle rustling! V I no" What an enticing, intriguing, far botn zsounding phrase, and how strong in 01391` its appeal to the news writer of the - that imaginative type? bay; 3!! . III us`-Ia --