. 25 Scotch er of ` and Tor- ` Mrs. _._---.. .....v-.1. Inunvll U11 uuly 1.3% A most pleasing and humorous four- act drama entitled, Lena Rivers, was presented here on Tuesday evening, June 7, by Rich Hill United Church Dramatic Club under the auspices of the L.O.L. A fairly large crowd was present to see the play. The following `were the cast of characters:-Lena Rivers, Noreen Woods; Granny Nich- ols, Iola Watson; Caroline Livingstone, Ada Dale; Mrs. Graham, Isabelle Both- am; Nancy Scavandyke, Mrs. R. Wil- liamson; Durward Belmont, Walter urday attending the semi-annual Coun-` ty Orange Lodge meeting. A. F. A. Malcomson, R. A. Stephens, J. F. Craig and J. A. MacLaren were in town last Thursday evening and dis- cussed with the local committee ar- rangements _for the historical pageant to be given by Cookstown talent at .the Barrie celebration on July 1st. I A nnnar nun.-..~I....-.. .....1 1_____._, V :- &PAS& SPEEDABOUT COUPE um. . . . . . . . . . .. COACH ... . . . . . . . . . H SEDAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. DELUXESEDAN..u. * - ;ii`...';.:.:';.'o.'n'.: '.;;.:.;; Fully Equipped, Including License. ESSEX Super-511' BRYSON & MORLEY V J. s. POTTER, Anmon I 8 `P.M.-GRAND PAGEANT, The `Romance of Can- ada, by the Cookstown Women s Institute. 75 . people. in the cast. A wonderful portrayal of the growth and future of Cana_da since Confederation. Gorgeous costumes, beautiful music and readings. Spectaculartinstructive and amusing. 9 P.M.--DAN-CE AT ARMORIES. Good Music. _ ___...---- wt 5 bill I l l(.All l .-Men s ' Softball -Tournament Continued. 2 P.M.-Foo_t Races, Pole Vaulting, Jnmping-Junior, .Intermediate and Senior. Open to Simcoe County. _ Horseshoe Contest. 5-mile Marathon. Bicycle Races. 2.30 P.M.--AEROPLANE STUNTS. . 3 P.M.-'--SPECIAL ATTRACTION-Ladies Softball Game. `Two Canadian Senior Champion Teams from Toronto Sunnyside League. oard walk illing 1 Essex Super-Six FIVE BANDS THE`BAR\RlE EXAMINER` ..$1000 . 1055 . 1055 . 1155 . 1265 LUWH was nume Over me noliday. Rev. S. Martin was a welcome visitor in the village over the week-end. Miss Bagshaw is ill again. Quite a number from here took in the anniversary services and tea. meet- ling at Rugby on June 2 and 6. Mr, and MPG Tr-urin `l\:I r.1|n`.-.1...._ _...'I u15 bu. nuguy 011 June Z and b. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McMahon and Agnes were in Toronto a few days last week. Bill. George and Jack Reid have re- June 8-Miss Berta Clark of Cooks- town was home over the holiday. S. Martin was in wnlnnmn xn'g:+n.. lat the he au- McLean;/ Henry Graham, Clarence: Breedon; John Nichols Livingstone Raymond Vvoods; John, Jr., Edisonv Hastings: Joel Slocum, Edgar Pettin-3 ger; Uncle Billy, Jack McEwan. Miss Myrt1e`R'ankin gave a recitation be- |_tween acts. This amazing Super-Six performance an__d quality are economical to buy and engineered to" lowesr operation and maintenance cost. In the sustainedlstamina of Essex Super-Six you see but one of many advantages for which the Super-Six principle accounts. Here you have 50 miles an hour all day long-far greater speed if you Want it and ying smoothness in action. Yet the Essex Supeii-Six provides scores of less dramatic qualities that are just as important in everyday service. Flashing pick-up, quick, easy" steering, riding ease like the nest of big cars, and positive brake control that matches bodily comfort with mental ease. HAWKESTONE ~_ ASSOCIATE DEALERS: J. NOLAN, Bradfdrd iiturned to Toronto and Chicago ,pleasant two weeks with their 1 1' here. G. O. CAMERON, SUNDAY, JULY 3RD E 2.30 P.M.-MASSED SERVICE AT QUEEN S PARK. SPECIAL SPEAKER, MR. JUSTICE LENNOX. BANDS IN ATTENDANCE. Special morning. services in all churches at regular hours ctc Db. hnston DECORATIONS--See :11: seagtirun l:.m.... ,.:;:._--- 9- ______.- 1l`II 3.30 P.M.-A NIGHT A r}AE1c7." Demonstration by Veterans and A Co y, Simcoe Foresters. Don't miss this. um P.M.-BA-RN DANCE at Armories. s.3o_ P.1s_4:-7*} , . _ _ _ _ w - no uavv uu: IJCCIIIJI ul. AYCII. Every citizen is requested to decorate business and residential properties. Pennants and banners suit- able for the occasion may be secured at low cost at Room 1, Ross Block. SATURDAY, JULY my a; xnhrr-n A-vino-an ...-- -- ci{ra1 Chairman. Phone 45 Box 453 CUT FLOWERS and POT PLANTS DESIGNS hiflago after ta Phone your news items t en` paren s _ Exammer. Phone 222 or 223. made to order on shortest notice . fire creat- ersec- erton nlop. usual emen Hudson and" Essex Distributors BRADFORD ST., BARRIE Phone 845 ROBERT OWEN -w-cw u not: IODI now] won IOU] IV" H: ardut, and read Ht ::w_'::: as M: :20: gm down. '7 VJ mu. J:-trawl. out won 1] lJIU bian hm: it was written: it , will run all day-all day long I..'. 1.--)--. --J ----l Of Me janud :t}'a:'n.f l.'_._ l-.._,- 3. _, (ll F. VANCISE, couangwooa FLORIST BARRIE H. A. SIMS, Rustgc Arch? wS ecretal'y Chief ement Con- Satisfaction Guaranteed Page Plvo to Board side- Essa and Ave. gs. 25 iv 25:: eets treet Hlwlw vvv-u-I v. -. .- I The Rev. J. S. Harrington, Toronto spoke on the Bible Society workin St. ; Jude's Church on Sunday, May 29. His] discourse was emphasized by manyl interesting events during his life in China. as a missionary. ` On Monday evening he preached from Ezekiel 1:3 The word of the Lord cafne expressly unto Ezekiel, the priest,eand the hand of the Lord was there upon him." He stated The Book of Ezekiel is generally considered to be one of the most. difficult- in the bible. It is one of the most interesting. At the centre of its development of Israelite history and religion stand the prophets. at the centre of the goodly fellowship of the prophet stands Ezekiel. He was "next Sunday. Capt. Dickinson of Bar- u...-uv. v v--. I ])X`i1.1Stf. Duuu uuuun Cnvvaavu u. Rev Mr. Lunau will be in Goodwood n rie S.A. will occupy the pulpit of Trin- ity church in the morning and in the . evening Rev. R. B. Beynon will preach in the interests of the Bible Society. I IIIIIIE II TIIIIIIVUIHIQ-J I Sunday was Sunday School Anni-, versary in Trinity United `Church. Rev. ; W. R. Clements of Cookstown preached i in the morning on the relation of the] Sunday School to the community andl in the evening on the Sunday School} and its greatest assets. Both sermons; were very helpful and in keeping with I the`occasion. In the morning the junior | scholars occupied the choir seats and- in the evening the seniors led the praise. Both choirs excelled themselves. I `rt--. 1I .. I...-.nn `urn `ha in llnnmnn 3 oevenmg was especially guuu. / , Trinity United Young People's So-1 ciety will meet on Monday night of` next week. At this meeting there willl be a debate. one of t-he semi-finals in the inter-league debates, between `teams from\ Newton Robinson and Or- ' illia. the subject being Resolved that Music is Equally Effective with: Preaching as an Aid to V Worship.. `There will be also a musical program given by the local Society. A full a_t_-` `tendance of members is requested and :1 cordial invitation extended to others 5 I :.-4,....-mo-nrl 5.1 Uurtucu 1. interested. J.\1I`S. ueorge 11.111, lvirs. J. A. dunne- son, Mrs. H. Lynn and Neville Jamie- son. representing St. Jude's Anglican Sunday School. and Rev. A. E. Lunau and Addison McKenzie from Trinity United Sunday School, attended the Essa Township Convention held at An- gus, May 31. There was a good attend- ance at both sessions and music in the evening was especially good. . "I`vinif1r Tihifntq Vn11ng' pPn1R R Sn- t'llu1`L'll u.Illll\'t'l'siu'_y Luv:n:. I A joint -meeting of the Women s In- stitutes of Ivy and Thornton will be- held in the basement of Trinity church on Vvednesday, June 15, at 2.30. Miss Collins of Ancaster will address the :meeting. A cordial invitation is extend- -ed to all ladies to be present. `Mfr-cs flnnnrrn 1'-Ti" Mr: I A .Tnmin- I'll \\'1H }lLl'lll`t`b>i L116 ll1UL'.'L.lllg`-3. 'I`h0rnton Male Quartette, consisting of Willis Smith. Chas. Henry, Neville Jnmiesmx and Matt. Lowrie with Mer- Vyn Corbett as accompanist, was in Tottenham last Sunday and sang at the night service of the Presbyterian church anniversary there. A Ina-1+ .-unnnfina n1 1-~`nn Wnmnn : Tn..I m:r_L. Mr. and Mrs. Young and two sons, George and Robert and Mrs. Kennedy of Toronto spent the week-end at the -parsonage. Rm; '1` I `now is: in 'l`m-nntn this lJill'L_\f UH duly 1 I`x-'init_v \V.M.S.. announced for Fri- day of this week. had to be postponed. It will he held Friday, June 17, at 2.30 in the basement of the church. It is ex- pocted that Mrs. J. D. Rodg'ers of Bar- rio will ad-dress the meeting. VI`!-`nu.-.4-nu `l\l.~.1n f\nnn+nl-n !\I'\VIUiI3+:Y1f7` `])?iI'5Ull215'C. Rev. T. J. Dew is in Toronto this week attending the Anglican Synod,, Mrs. Dew and son John are with Mrs. 'Dew's mother, Mrs. John Goodwin. Miss Ethel Matthews, nurse-in- training at Royal Victoria Hospital. Barrie, isspending a couple of weeks holidays with M1`. and Mrs. Norman `Thompson. . 'F\`ir\ifv T.a:-`line Aid mnf nf fhn hnmn .l HUIIIIJSUH. Trinity Ladies` Aid met at the home of Mrs. McKenzie on Wednesday after- noon. The nmst important [business was arranging for the annual garden party on July 21. 'I`x-inif\' ' `M8,, nnnnnnmn for Fri- baffle an. 1Vu`s. Luua. auu.:1u.u.`a. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newton of Barrie and Mr. and Mrs. John Scott of Mono spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hal- bert. MY nnpl 1\lI'uu: Vnnuna on!` 1-urn annu l'.e\V8.I`L. Miss Wilma Thompson spent last Friday in Painswick with her cousin, Miss Marjorie Arnold. \/nae: nnnnvinvn Jnminsnn sment the wuss LV11-.u`JUl'1e Aruuxu. Miss Genevieve Jamieson spent the week-end` with Miss Janet Campbell in Barrie at Mrs. "I`hos. Sinclair's. 1.7.. an; 'l\ll`ug Wand 1\Tnuy|>nn nf `Darrin aunaay. Mr. and Mrs. Burrows Stewart of I-Iockley spent Sunday with Mrs. Alex. Stewart. I mum: nrllmo mhnmnunn cnnnt Inni- 'v1uage. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Silas Anderson of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Henry of Tor- onto are spending some time In the village. hr and Jr: Hn Anderson nf DGPL I spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Hal-I tner, NLFS. J. 11. lzrcy, uu uxuuuay. ' St. Jude's choir will practice in thel church on Saturday night of this week.` Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott of Mono: hart` Miss Dora Clarke is visiting in Tor- ODIO. -\ Rev. R. B. Beynon and Mrs. Beynon spent Sunday in Aurbra. ] n F`. amv nf Barrie visited his mo-I much npcu I. bert. 1\lI u spent. aunuay HI. Aturura. ' W,` E. Grey of Barrie visited mo-I ther, Mrs. J. R. Grey, on Monday. I c+ `rurhzu nhnir un"|l nrnr-Hm: in fhn. THORNTON '5 I I In #11 on ll! (1 {.0 an wuues LU Ute pm-:m=u\.. Mrs. George Hill, Mrs. J. A. Jamie- nn T\/T`-a LT T.vnn nn Nnvilln .TnmiA. IE Trinity S.S. Anniversary :|--- ---A. G...-.134-uuv Qnlrunnl DIAMOND JUBILEE or coNF r BARRIE "F J U1-Y 1,-,f.% Zlld. 3111,1927 ppmzmum nnn nmulmlmu luv nnmnr mu . 1o A.M. '- 1-1i 2sT`Rounoi iviE'N's SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT, at Agricultural `Park, open to teams in County of _,Simcoe. - ` - 12.30 P.M.-GRANDPARADE-Market Square to Ag-: ricultural Park, -headed by School Children of Bar- rie and District. 1st and 2nd prizes for Historical, Industrial and Commercial Floats, Decorated Auto- mobiles and Bicycles, Individual Historical Cos- tumes, Comic Bands, Group Singers in costume, Best Pioneer Equippage, Best Clown, Decorated Team and Vehic1e,`Single Horse and Vehicle; J UBILEE CEREMONY and Presentation of Medals to School Children immediately following Parade. ing -the es, stat- '1ity, as ccurred in rela- Bible Society W6}-k '?T._....._;-.&p\~q THURSDAY, JUNE 9,} 1927. _ __- :--v-Ia; - &-D 3&,OIDIIIC\ 9.30 A.M.-AQUATIC VS-PORTS. DINGHY .RACES-14 and 15 ft. CANOE RACES-- Singles arid Tandems for men, 1..A:..... .. 1 1.-_-- w1,adi.eS_a.l;;1.B3;,,S' .,...._. .................... ..`.., SWIMMING -RACES--Ladies and men (open); boys and girls ( 14`and under). A I- -In-nan-j 1g----- _.j..... __j.-.__ jijj T. PROGRAMME F612 DOMINION DAY, FRIDAY, JULY 151' IATII` QDODTQ x 1 DI] an s n uuunv. us a. Law ycara UUK Uuuuru 1118.) not care whether we tuck them in at night or give them a goodnight caress. The happiness of the home is; worth the sacrifice of everything but prin- ciple. The time to be happy is right HOW. ' I `I It is blossom time in Ontario just j`now, a perfect time for motor trips, -`which take you,along quiet country [ `roads and other rural spots, where the alilacs are in ofragrant bloom and or- lgchards are a lovely mass of blossoms. ` The cherry trees and plum trees do not - show their usual pink and white garb._ ` iThe robins mark with knowing eye the absence of bloom on the cherry trees. The ground hogs sit and meditate at the entran e of their\ underground dwellings w_tching the progress in the jields, wherethelr juicy bites will come 2 P011). uuxuc Ill uua uluaauuuug u1u_uLn, I01` 15 not June a favoritemonth with brides? May they keep in mind the. value of their husbands love, and the treasure that abides in the-harmony of the home. In a. few years our; children may unnt nmm whether we hm}: fhnrn in no- pi uucnuxc uy 1':-:a.uulg goou DODKS. . Sunshine is a gay and lovely thing, brightening all the summer world. We tell our neighbors that this cold spell lxvill pass in a. day or so and it will. ,There are times when the ground is ;warm and the whole earth responds lgladly, then in the hours of the night [the cold comes back again.a.nd halts the progress of the season. Hundreds of wedding anniversaries come in this blossoming month, for is nnf Jnrm n f nvnrH`n.nnnni-h urinn In-dang ) hm`. 1.15 _wv.-.a.uu=nuuu U.I.l.t!Il makes 112 ram -on days when something special is on but the moisture helps to keep the grass green. and makes the flowers grow, and such gray days may be made profitable by reading good books. I Snnnhinn is: a straw and lnunlu 41.1.... I uxay cuJu_y uul.-UL-u'O0I" games. 1T. IS 8383 -to have fun when everybody has green velvety grass to play on. The disoblig- ling weatherman often makes it rain .nn Java whnn unmnthina annnfni L. .. i LLUIUH, from. ugahmany delightful things happen in |June. enchanting month. The month {when picnics start, that top.` note of ,youthful bliss, veranda parties, danc- 'es. golf and tennis, Nnw Hm nhn.=:..... lyuubutul uuaa, vcra.nua. parues, nano- jes, golf and tennis. Now the children may enjoy out-of-door games. It is easy have fun when evm-vhndv has on-Ann one of the most striking and dramatic characters in Israel's history. He was an idealist who believed firmly in the ultimate future of his race. How`eager_ they should be to heed the warning that God gave in that far-away age in that far away land regarding personal responsibility. It is Just as much for us as it was for Ezekiel and Israel. How thankful men ought to be that iGod thus cares for them. uuuu: tn-:1`c. J. Baker, Wm. Riley, Wm. Baker and Dr. Spenceley were in Alliston on Sat- -_,-___ .... V14 ..~.. vvu A.\lL Lb LLLIIC _yI:L. VVi1son sA Hill cemetery (near Cooks- town) clean-up bee, Saturday, 11th. at one o'clock. All interested please attend. 22b Miss Gazy_ Kidd of Orillia, Ewart Kidd of Barrie. and Karl Kidd of New Toronto spent the week-end at their home here. T Dn1rAn 117.... `nu--- true, ru 1 - ___-_._._, -...... .u us. `J1. LJ1JGll\.4ClUJ' y Mr. -a'nd "Mrs. H. G. Arnold and daughter Gene of Gilford spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn.` I `(Ting LTnlnnn `f\.f.-.A4!.... :_ .-- .-_-- _._-. 54IlIl\.I -.-. us uuuu 1.'1_yu.lh_ lfiiiivss Helene McAfee is much im- proved in health although she will be confined to her bed for a time yet. `K.rHur\n :< `LTIH I-.nvv.na-....-. 1..--.. r`1--I-- m resi- ing for of the and 18. e traf- r third uun.-u a pUSll'.l0I] m 'J.'0I`OntO. _ v Mr. and Mrs. B. Offer and Mr. and Mrs. J. VV. Reesor of Markham were` Sunday visitors a`: Dr. S.pencele)/ s. 1\/r,. . l')'r|r` 1u.... -r-r n ..,_. .. . - uraun puaeulun. Miss M. Agnew and Toronto spent the wee former's home here. 'A`v\ r An nx._..x._. Lullucrs uuxue nere. | Alpine Couse of Cincinnati, Ohio, was home over the week-end. He has se- cured at position in Toronto. M1` and Mr: D nccnn .-....:I `Mn. ....1 ll ULIIU ll Ul' U. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Fletche onto are visiting with Mr. Dan. Wilson. II 'lJ n-dyha.-. .....1 1:I......I_ A ..-- uau. vv uauu. I . K. Hopkins and Frank Agnew of Col- Iingwood spent Sunday with Mr. and "Mrs. J. Agnew. | '|\.Tr and `|\ v-cu `I71 ("inn-..~....... ..a rn._._.._. nuuuay. Mr. and Mrs. E. Banting of Weston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson. A`n\ui 1uI'...1u-nu-.. I.-- ._,A.,m - - - - nus. u . Agnew. Mr. and Mrs. 1 to spent Wednest Frank Coleman. 1\/ram. 1m A .....- u I w.vIv. McClellan visited his sister, Mrs. A. McLean, and other friends over Sunday. 1\/fr nn:-I `|\}I nn 1'2` `D.....u...... -0 1-1-r-_..'.. LVVU 3 town. l__---- -.._-- our-r`.ra\u\4IA nun-as. vvvvno Mr. andw1\&rs. D. Hopper and son Douglas were in Toronto on Monday. Mr and Mn: n `L1 n..1.......... .._.-I _....,=-..... u way nan .-.va uunuv Ull Auuuuay. Mr. and Mrs. D.. H. Coleman and two sons of Barrie spent Sunday in uu ur. Dpcnuexey last sunuay. Miss L. Dinwoody was brought home from Barrie hospital last week. 11.. _ _ .1 11",, -x v- - .l.U1`UlIl.U a. Law uays last weex. Dr. D. E. Robertson of Toronto called ion Dr. Spenceley last Sunday. Mi T1. `Dinwnnv mac: hrnni:-Inf Innvvun uuuu: uvcr cue ween-enu. L. Brooks visited with friends in Toronto a few days last week. `Dr, `D, `W `Rn!-mm!-qnn n9 mnunnon ....n...a wan nuulc UVUI.` auuuay. ' I . Miss Hazel Clute of Wyebridge wa home over the week-end. T. `Dnnnbn "Inn-...:| ....u.|.. ._x....:._ ;_,' I u: DUULUII uu June 6. I Rev. J. Templeton spent a. few days [this week In Toronto. 1\/Hun `l.`*unl...... `r.\...:1..-- -49 rn_.____.__ uua WI-:1-:11 U1 '.I.'Ul`UIl(.U. ; Miss Evelyne Leadlay of Toronto was home over Sunday. MRS -H929] (`Jnfn ni Wirnhrimn urns Mrs. Edwin` Lewis is visiting in Tor-{ onto. ' IVnA-~A I U]! LU Ford sedan. 1 `IUI'nn.. van... 1.....- ..4.;.._.a-a 1.3- _,._,,;,, George Parks. has purchased a. new` 1.` UICIJ ::cu'cuI. Many from here attended the sports In Beeton on June 3. Jarvis a sign &&$$%$&&ww$&&al .>X:%>I4>X0X0I0X< >XOX< >X0X0X0X0X<>X COOKSTOWN nd F. Coleman of Toron- : Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Coleman. 41515:: V1 . ' Blossom Time and Mrs. week-em Fletcher H-In 1|! nv I Irs. Ross of -end at the rd of tile econ- nlop