van iii Uni HOME, CCOUNT I `have tried all kinds of baking powder,` but I have found that Magic is the best, cheap- est, and goes the farthest. My pastries are as light as a feather and I shall never use any other bakingpowder but Magic. Ask for andainsist on _getting Magic Baking Pow- der. N 0 other is `fjust the same. Mrs. B. Marsh, Prescott, Ont., recently _wrote:5-'- . l3e st.e cheapest and goes farthest e We have alw the cheape the farthest. And th ays maintained thatlMagic is st baking powder because it goes at is also the opinion of the msmv fhnnc-znnrla at `L.-...........:_--_ --r ..... ............ zxuu Luau. 15 21150 we opmlon ot the many thdlisands of housewives who use it constantly. E. W. GILL:-:'r'r co_. pro. 'l`l\nt\1IvI-tn 4- A -- - M9951 v j T Uj - chaaue genre do chaussuro. _ U- .,...... -. \llIl -...-1 nauuucu aI.UVUs paper W-rappings are nice for the hot iron instead of beeswax. Save them. Rubbing with a piece of lemon will remove grease fg-om the kitchen stove. TK7ov nnnnn v-nu...-...\...l......_ _..A 9 4 Page Fifteoiik` ` vrulunc thatonl "RATES, .818 Aik'yourMcCluy's duh: for prices and iinformntion. I'D!` UIIO D ROBINSON HAYRDWARE 151ANs vqumypvu WIUI Inll wonderful huter and McClnry'|` Fibnform Con: on will have all. the Vot vntot you want at minimmxcoot and with maximum utiufaction. Suitable for either at rate or meter. McClnry | A &~ F Water Heater in not aected by lime or udiment in the water. Having your boiler equipped with this- :v.o:'a_gerul .__i_. un.__1- _..- I . Heater adjusted to Now-you may have an abundance of hot water at 1 daily coat of only a few cents by hav-' _ ing McCl'ary | A & F Electric Water your present tank. No plumbing alter- ations required. No inconvenience. No previous repar- ation or elay. And exceptional economy. II-I-__l- I C 1 How often have you wished for a continuous hot water ' aupply-with hot water alwaya available at a turn of the faucet? Alto sec McClary f Electric Range with Spocdiron Elnnencs _ ' For Sale by - snnnuapsxr u A nnur A In: H01` Wm-3% V --atless cost. f at cost -----2 T AEF Elec-trlicy WATER HEATER e You cannot buy these spoon: in en! Jewel- lers to: less than $4.00 per dozen. DAVID. IOITIN I SIIS Limited HAMILTON. ONT. Is not equalled by any other tee. 'r.HuasuAV, 'Ju : 9, 1927. - ;A Trial Will con%vinceAz In One tall can ( w it h a :1 equal quant- ` ity `of water) gives you. 4 cups; of pure, full- cream milk. Al- ways use it in_ baking. b Write The Borden . Co. Limited, Mon- t_reaI,for Free Re- oipe Book. V 3027 Ybil clam. tlmr IIAVII Are You Sa Sqmmg Soap Wrappers? 401 ww. JUNE 9, 1927. V VII IIIUIIO In the plan of work approved` by the convention it was recommended that the Union discourage the impor- tation of high-explosive fireworks from the ' United States believing them to `be dangerous to the safety of Canadian children; that the Press be requested to suppress reports of a sensational nature which would corrupt the morals of the youth of to keep a` vigilant watch on those who obtain permits; that all Unions be pressed to be moresactive in or- - ganizing L. `T, L. s, anti-cigarette leagues- and any organization for the a suppression of ` narcotics; that a vig- `orous endeavor be `made to educate the youth of the country along lines the country; that \the police beVurged~ vv------ ..--.. --u-any -auuvinvsvll I-I\lIQl.\L -By resolution the recent action of the Barrie, Board of Education in continuing the ban on dancing in .,the B.Q.I. was commended. Other lresolutions passed were:"That Miss lMcCorkindal`e s book and charts on lscientific. "temperance be `purchased land, through permission of the school `'boards, placed in the library of pub- lic and lower schools and Sunday Schools; that illuminated pledge cardsbe secured suitable for framing ; for Loyal Legion and young people's- gatherings and for private homes; `that all `unions in .the county get Little - White Ribboners organized and thus instill temperance truths in their minds. By a further motion the `convention placed on record its ilieen `appreciation of the hospitality ac- corded the visitors by the people of Barrie and expressed their thanks to the Board for the use of the church, to the speakers, vocalists and organ- ists and to, all who contributed in any way to the success of `the con-` vention. ' - 'r.. 1.1.- -1-.. -5 _,,,L - - LVIUU any law In auuu U636! _[Jl'UVlQ(l- Another resolultiom A dealing with cigarettes enjoined the local unions to establish anti-cigarette leagues in the schools and to'ur'ge the enforce- ment of the law against the sale` of cigarettes to minors, while it was further suggested that anti-cigarette blotters be supplied to school chil- dren and placed in all public places possible. i ` Commends Barrie Education'Board -pi! I9nl\`I1":l\I1 `kn Iunnnuu` and-3;.`-u -0 . .._ -- .... uuvuv-uv-vcuw A number of "resolutions dealing with various matters were -adopted. One had to do with,child i`en fre- quenting moving picture shows and it was resolved that the`organization use its influence in municipal coun- cils toap oint more efficient police supervisio ' lie `entertainment and at least en- force the law in such cases provided. A.....I.'.... ......'..'I..u.:-_ _:--1_.... __._.m_ over these places of pub-_ (Continued tram page '1) - . Officers Elected Officers elected for the ensuing . year are: Honorary president, Mrs. S. G.. E. McKee, North Bay; pres- .ident, Mrs. A. M. Stacey, Creemore; vice-pres., Mrs. Geo. I-I. Purchase; _ corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. L. McGill. Glencairn; recording secre- tary, Mrs. F. Grey, Orillia: treas- urer, Mrs. J. Rosborough, .Waubau- shene: Y and L. T. L. secy., Mrs. A. Wismer, Midland; Little White Ribboners secy., Mrs. W. W. Thomp- son, Barrie; superintendents. of de- partments: evangelism, Mrs. W. Den- nis. Bracebridge; citizensh `enforcement, Mrs. Mc'Kee, North Bay; fair. work, Miss Kirby, Midland; moral education and mothers meet- ings, Mrs. Gordon Grant, Orilliag flower mission, Mrs.` S. T. Eplett, Goldwater; press, Mrs. W. E. Hutch- inson, Huntsville; railway and mar- ine, Mrs.`J. D._F`l1g'g, Meaford; scien- tific tevmperance, Mrs. J. A. Goldie, Barrie; . temperance in `Sunday Schools, Mrs. J. R. Aikenhead, Mac- Tier; travellers aid, Mrs. Patterson, Bracebridge; systematic giving, Mrs. J._ Allan, Meaford; parlor meetings, Mrs. L. Milligan. -Oril1ia;'anti-nar- cotics, Miss E. King. Barrie; medal contests, Mrs. Slimmin, Collingwood, and Mrs. T. J. Porter, .Creemore; prison reform, Mrs. Rogers, Brace- bridge. ip and law '3 Co. . woMm3sTs"E"' h OF} CIGARETTE ' Is go_NDEMNED,' PAMA<=_i~l w.,c.T.u. Declares" It` Bad for Health and Demoralizing I Various Resolutions} BII\lUI _Barrie `and Huntsville were the only places where medal contests were held this year. Nearly all the Unions reported having held one or more meetings with addreses and papers on mothers responsibility in the home, home training and instill- ing young minds with a` taste for good.literatu_re'. . uuuuaa uuu UUUK OI IHSEPUCUOHS. The denartment of temperance In `Sunday `Schools reported increased interest, many" addresses having been given, with temperance rallies with illustrated talks and 'temp.erance slides. L ' 'D-....:- .-...I V124,`: -1- V -- _ us. umuauau, uem ; pointed a de ' perance citizenship. mg of Barrie` was ap- egate to the provincial Miss E. l convention which is to be held in D I Ottawa in October. _ 12 Unions, 513 Members The secretary's report showed twelve Unions, with 513 regular members and fourteen honorary - members; four `Y Unions with ad membership of 67; two L.'1`.L. s` with" ` Ribbon classes with 68 members. The" 50-members and three Little White treasurer reported a receipts of . $968.27 and expenditures, including medals and essay prizes, of $680.92. Scientific. Temperance Mrs. A`. M. Stacey, superintendent of .-scientific temperance, reported that circular letters were sent to 186 teachers and many responded by com- peting for the essay, poster and loose- 1 leaf book prizes. .B`arrie, Coiling- wood, Creemore and Coldwater were particularly prominent. Over 300 loose-leaf `books were received, 100 essays an-d twelve posters, and $110 was paid in prizes. Meaford, Brace- bridge, Creemore and Parry Sound have procured Miss McCorkindale s nhnrfa gnu! lnnnlp -0 :9` n`-nun n&: sn- .. uavc prucureu Lvuss mcuorxlnaai charts and book of instructions. Tho t'nlnnn|-nnnnd- A3 A. ------- -- of christian, temperance citizenship. Miss E. Kim)` 0`? Rn1~rin- nine nn_ waa uxuuyeu Dy everyone. The meeting closed at a. late hour and everyone went home feeling younger and happier after such an eveging of mirth and jollity. uucuwa were auu young._ After the program about sixty people retired to the dining room where a sumptuous repast was served. One of the waiters, worthy of praise, was Jerry, who with sprightly step, serv- ed everyone. some of the special fea- tures were the place-bouquets" of vio- lets and th_e music which was supplied during the banquet. Speeches were made by several of the gentlemen and before the meeting closed a sing-song` was enjoyed by everyone. The meeting nlm-um in :1 Inc... 1...... .....a ' t G/III-1&0-LllUl'u A splendid `program consisting of readings; violin music and singing, was rendered by these youths of fifty years ago, and in such a manner as would put` to shame the presentgeneration. Though they wore the quaint caps and white aprons such as grandma used to wear. the happy faces showed that hearts were still young._ After the nv-no-rnvn nhnnt nine-.. uuauuu vv ulueuu Lnsutute was held at the home of Thos. Luck on Thursday -evening. June 2.-when the Farmers Club and Womerrg Institute, were en- tertalned by the gra;ndmoth`ers and lgrtzndfathers. g A anlnru-`HA 'nuAn..n.... .....4....x_4.2_... -3 _..v v--u-uvuu vvvlvll-H19 II`II A very interesting meeting of Oro Station Women's Institute was held at the home of Thom. Lmslz nn 'm........:.,.. ` -uw-v - vuv vv VQIIEII O llVl I I U l_= A An open meeting of the Women's'In- stitute will be held `in the United church on Friday. June 17. commencing at 2 o clock. Miss E. M. Collins of An"- caster will be present and give an ad- dress. Miss Collins has had several years experience as a demonstrator- iecturer to Women's Institutes. Her, success as a. demonstrator and teacher . together with the ability to instruct in a pleasingiorceful manner, will ensure valuable service to the Institutes. Th9 mnmhnrn nf Hun h...u`..... `LTIII vcuualue at-.'l`V1Ce [0 (I18 lslltllt. The members of the Crown Hill branch will be present and will provide the program. All the ladies and girls of the community are` cordially invited to attend. Supper will be served; ' in Jun: Roses in the garden. blossoms on the clover:' A Days of long vacation coming, com- ing soon! Gay days! School is almost over: Oh: I am so happy [when it's June! In the morning-glories honey bees are _ humming. ' , Daisies white are nodding to the jsun at noon. -. Gay days, play days. summertime is coming, . ' . V 011.`! am so happy when -it's June! Sometimes on the river, after daylight passes, 7 There's a golden pathway shining 'neath the moon: Fireflies `wave their torches o'er the i meadow grasses, ` ` [Even night is lovely when it's June. * 4-..- .-..;_, . DALSTON WOM EN S INSTITUTE An Anon -mnnl...`... -0 1.1.- Viv-" :*w*i*i&****%$*$$&$w&* f: {IN W%OMAN SkREALM~ ' *$%%*%%$****a*$%%%%%w$*** `F 1 >1` '11 >11 I ORO STATION WOMEN'S INST. In-I..\..;....Ll._._ _ ecessary CAR. to .. ---. ...,, vvvvv u ulna uuuc. -A`nna. Chandler Ayer. It I 3-ma name EXAMINER ' . . . . _ . . . . . _ . w\A.\4 ua. uu: cuu Aaal. ul'UKb'Il.' Something to be avoided is the ar- ticle that is guaranteed to do at least five things- open cans, slicepotatoes, remove caps from bottles, core apples. etc. Separate tools made for one pur- pose will invariably work better and longer than any article that combines. SO many USES. v l.llUlllBUlV!'4'Bo If brushing will. not remove-the mud stains from a garment, rub "them with a raw potato. Itwill not fall. Use the ice piek to remove dough- nuts from the hot fat. Two or three can be removed at once time by .thls method. - h To keep the kinks out of sewing thread put the loose end through the needle instead of the end last broken. Qn-nn'o-k...... 4.. 1.- -_-_2.1-n - I a. raw puuuu. u.wu. 'I'|n I..\..... 4.1.. I-2-.1 _---v-V-o uvovan LIIAEI lllaal-LC]-V0 After all business was ended, the president presided at the piano and hearty singing was enjoyed by all, sev- eral new songs being learned and old ones revived. At the` close Mrs. Taylor served a. dainty afternoon tea. A04-A... H... ...._...--.. _- - - - t as. -'"x.... ._`.':`!_'.'!! _. ..... .. ..u~uu._y Luvs uuuu bull. iuter the summer meeting, to be held In June; the Institute will adjourn until September. - un dune. U16 September. auuunl uIs(.I`lCt meeting at Crown Hill on June 9, and all members were asked to attend. The Institute having been asked to help to clean up the beach at Rosey Point, 3. community picnic was arming- ed to be held on July 9, under the aus- pices of theWomen s Institute when all villagers interested in the welfare of the community are invited to attend and help to put the beach in a. safe condition. especially for the children. A committee was anpointed to inter- view the trustees of the beach in con- nection with this matter. Ad-.-... ..n L.--:__.- - * .-. .. ... . . -or` u vvvmI:I1'o lPl I . The June meeting qr the Shanty Bay branch of the Women's Institute was held on June 1st, at the home of Mrs. W. Taylor,_with an attendance of sixteen members. After the usual business, delegates were appointed to attend the annual district meeting at Crown 9. and all Ynnrnhnru um..- nu`-A-l ll Ulll subje oz uuunw, uune Z6. +-"'.I.`.l-;e"speakeAr is to be Mls E. M. Col- lins of Ancaster and her subjects will be "The Principles of Dress," "A Girl's Preparations for Life. Homemaking Ideals," Books for Chlldren," Wo- men's National Outlook." vs I l'l=- l.NlUQE WOMEN'S Summer meetings will b`e held as fol- lows:-Dalston, United Church bae-I ment. June 17; Minesing.- Orange Hall. June 20; Edenvale, Community Hall. June 21: New Flos, Mrs. S. s home, June 22; Crossland, Knox church basement. June 23; Allenwood, Mrs. J. L. Coe's home, June 24; Elmvale, Par- ish Hall, June 27: Wyebridge, Mrs. G Rankin s home. June 28." . 'I"I-nn :_--.;...I..`.. 1. A- - cesrrna smcoa wo;inE_Iu'; ms-r. Summon hannflnn-a ...n: L: L _. . .Sl-IANTY BAY wogws INST. The Tlinn wv'unn4l_... -5 ;I_ , In --:_-----j_. GUTI-IRIE womaws lNSTlTU'fE THO Jung rnnntlnn. .-.0 4.1.- nu__u_, .` Salt and v11 from teacups. Disco`. .. IJLLI _ . V . . - u\4In0\/ uyuo Pour a. little vinegar into the water when poaching eggs and prevent their spreading and separating. Le Cfrag ylane I1 3 a une nuance de "Nugget" pour a _______._________% vinegar will remove stains D8- -. Le cirage blanc Nugget tient bon. La partie la` plus longue, comme la plus rapide, ne peut en secouet la blancheur de niege. Que vos chausseurs soient de toile ou de cuir, servez. vous toujours du`Nugget. Phone 44 W