Goody Prune Brown- Bread ..II 1...- 1 Clean,Sp0tlessWindoWs Prune Salad Next timefyou are washing windows, put a teaspoonful of -Gillex in the It makes a wonderful difference. - The y-specks, nger-marks, dust and smoke roll o easily on to the washcloth the polish you get with the dry cloth will make you glow with the satisfaction of a job well done. "Gillex is areal grease-and-dirt-remover. N o grit, no odor, no sediment. Thousands of Canadian housewives now use it exclusivelyin preference to any other cleansing material. Mrs. Mora Harrington died in the same house. where she was born 65; years ago, in Corry, Pa. | av v-u-rut ETIFIOG I'|UIJ Brass curtain rods receive very little regular attention, and so become very much out of condition. They may be made to look almost new again by cleaning off the old lacquer and the accumulation or verdigris. Take some pumice powder and make it into a paste with turpentine. When the rods are clean, rub` with dry pumice pow- der. Then clean with a little metal pol- ish, rub off all traces, and finally go over the rods with a cloth moistened with sweet oil. "This thin film of oil. will protect the rods from atmospheric changes. - um. IL lIU\V,I All Grocers .StoclA(% x . ` ~ "To CLEAN armss nous roan 1-nuuugl-..l._ ._-.I_ H, NUGGET We, the!`-e `goes twenty-seven holes this afternoon. Want to stop-`-are your feet wet? "I should say not! Do YOURS ever get wet when you've polished them with There : a " Nugget " s " shadefor every choc made ---. ..n yvuq unu uuuy (U0; T Altai 3... LuniId.Mln..McMnul d ' zjzrmed 1%)` if: -ggranf cream later -- Besf for you and Baby foo. - Albovl l.umd.llln..Hom..: T %' '\IllI'"M`ca Asoa POLISH ?Wa1.%-er. ` ` rless Grltless Softens Page Seven -.___, 81 unuu,&puur 5110 I631. _ ' ' ' An the beauty of It as that thu sshort bomng tinge saves the . color and avor. of your _fre_sh (nut, so that your Jams and Jellies` look [bet- ter and taste petter._ 'Besxdes, smce ;you do not boil the [B100 away, you `get so much more jam or jelly from . your fruit that you save two cents or more on every With each bottie of Certo comes a. book of reci as for` your favorite jams and je es-and some deli- cious new ones! `JTBJD Ilruu ]UIullUH""nQ CG. own: new ones! Send for this new (free) bpoklew on-nunnnnuunnnn-n-cu... .......-. nu voooir uvvv \uI=v} UUUIS. ~._ . onunnnnnn-nnunuvnuonnn can-not D In Paokmg' Co., Li `ted u%o%oux-3, Ontario. ml vlu Ubtigvwlliyly til!!! of . e. or e no ,, on-' zwmawm with Certo 4: fails. Y 'ultb' ' I "t d . 19`: a, .'5 3` 633, 6"ou `ii a'm`'. me or two and it : done-`-mad to zlkin, ur 'and seal. y flln Haunts: Al 34 2- 4L-n nl .Th '1d`anxiJ d;"f_ % % `gvatclggng End. `:11 kgthtietw luck you WI awe mt ygur jam or with vnnr inllu nu. nuan- sung T you vglu nave wan } or With your JeIly,_ut over. our nvnn an Ina`-n'.n:.... To make your Jame end jellies perfect every time VI VVIIIIJ JUIJI Jujllhw Now even an inexperienced hook` ` be b 1 232. .;.:._ `#2 ..'.':"-.9 Ki`EEs- MOTHS Insures Long iJL"i"f"" `I THURSDAY, MAY` "19, 19 By Elizabeth Paln 1erH The coils o~your element are a vital part of your electric range. To provide safe. fast, reliable service they must be protected. ' McClary s Speediron Element is insured against all injury by its re- movable cast-iron cooking surface. This protects the coils absolutely- giving lon T life, safety and assur- ing depen ability.-Ute_nsi_ls and food nag--nu -1- gnu 'L`-.` .`.......4. ___2LLA-_A_ E19ctri9.Baige -.35 vrv--cu-uvuuuwl I C Iv_oIHl_nlI $05!! LUV may `i l on the element, without damaging it in the slightest. Why not enjoy these exclusive -"cooking advantages?" See McClary's AElectric Range demonstrated at your dealers. There is a style, a size and a price to suit your exact requirements. AVLL'Du 11 U U uaru. The Directors appointed Mrs. Sims Mrs. Hubbard, Mrs. `Gordon Stevenson. Mrs. Oliver Cameron and Mrs. Stew- art as House Committee. A nmlvn .111 I... I..v.1 _. GLLL an nuuuu \4UIllIIllLLU(_3. A mixed foursome will be held on` May 24. and it is hoped as many mem- bars as possible will avail themselves of this opportunity otplaylng over the course. . ` uay, Auuy 1.0, uuu was well uttenueu. The following officers were elected: Captain, .Mrs. Dignam: Vice-Captain, Mrs. D. M. Stewart; secretary, Miss Vera "McCarthy; Manager of the 9-hole players, Mrs. Hubbard; Handicap Man- ager, Mrs. Patterson: Handicap Com- mittee. Mrs. Rees, Mrs. Maurice Eaten. Mrs. Hubbard. " '.'l`I.n `l\lnn.-.6.-nu. ....-......:..Ls...:I 11.... 11..-- -rv-I-v Viv?! V-U& The annualvmeeting of the ladies sec- tion/of the Barrie Golf Club was held at the Police Court Chambers on Fri- day. May 13, and was well attended. Tho fnllnurlno` nffinnna Iirnnn l\`l`r|'IA\J`l Victorian Order of Nurses by a sale of work by the pupils of Ovenden College last Saturday ~ afternoon. The ~ articles on sale. for the main part woodwork and fancywork. were almost without exception the work of the students. The senior girls had charge of wood- work. and fancywork stalls and the tea table and the junior girls conducted the flower stall and an orange grove. The sale was under the general super- v_ision,o' Miss Ingram. Ovenden old' girls" conducted a candy stall. The girls and staff wish to thank the friends of. the school and the execu- tive of `the V.0.N. for their interest and I patronage . V . s I The sum or $200 was realized for the I I $200 RAISE? AT OVENDEN . - FOR THE VICTORIAN ORDER` hint. , V, _ Walk every day in the sweet open air. 'Xactly a's it you had never a. care. You hold in your hands your own we!`- fnw: and haul!-h VGIHB HI] KLUVIUU IL JUU UUH L L553 `HUI -IUU HUI Ill yULll' uuuuu your UWII Wlf fare and health. . zealously guard them-they're better than wealth. ' ovusv wywuaua DGLU UL IJAU UUKIIVFB IIUL S6811 . Use lots of water and soap without ' stint. ` [ T I Valriis {ray advice if you don't take the ,, A A . auuu _ll 5UUu UIIIU, 1110 U0 001.1016 13119 work. . ` = See that your cisterns are always kept clean- Take special care of the corners not nh ulu 11.53 uuu ruoousn unoulu never DB apt. - Plain floors or ollcloth are easily swept.` Qulckness is good if no detail you` Shirk. uzuwuuuzsu us goou II no aetau YOU shirk. Rise in good time, and dd double the wm-1:, -vwvaooaoa DOUG HUI-HI IIIEIUV II: lIUuIu COMB, ` 5 Old Jags and rubbish should never he cant - Luazuu ulc IIUUBB snoulagne 3'08!) 8.8 without. ` Just use your nose when you're going about. A Keep every corneras clean as your face. - ' ' Aunnt: zsuuu CUIIIIOPE YOU!` aim m I118 home.` Nothing not" useful inside it hhuld IQOIYID ` xxuultl every corner as c1ean_a.s your ace. -. Let nothing dirty remain in the place. AMake solid comfort your aim in the home.` vruu,'UI we earm are me very best food. `(Give yourself time for your meals and vour mean- Iuavv ,v.uI.u'aI-Ju HIRE ID!` you!` [H8515 81111 your sleep. . Hav: open windows 11 healthy you'd T eep. ' ' Inside the hAous'e ahvouldibe fresh ale without. ` may wnen you're nungry, and 0110088 what is good. F`ruita-ot thdearth are the viaty best . food. L uuu L uunx strong -tea. =wnen you're going to bed. ` ` -. ` 0 Exit` when you're hungry, and choos'ej . what in stand, . I` .- - "': " " . A HaAI."i'H ALP]-IABET, Air-well `your beda,\ shake each blan- ' _a ket and sheet. Better 30 bareoot,than go with wet * feet; - . -- nutter so nureI:oor.,u1a.n go wun Wet Lteet; ' Chew your `food slowly it well ybu'd .. be fed. - wuuw your 1000 BIOWIY 1! W611 y0ll' be fed. _ Don't drink strong -tea -when you're coin: to had- . I Alto see McCla s AV8 Electric Water V` V ` and ibreform TanJc CoVver . J ,., :&%*w&%*&w%&%&&;i%%*%$w*&: 3 V %m`woMAN's1u:ALM -1- LADI ES` GOLF CLUB ureuuu WILII u pL'Ul.l.llUll UL LUFIIB all flowers. The bride, who was given away by her father, was a charming picture in her wedding gown of white georgette. white satin and lace frills. fashioned with aizlrdle or marguerites of white velvet. Her. veil of Brussels silk net, which was heavily embroider- A ed, tell from a coronet of pleated` tulle banded with orange blossoms and she carried" a shower bouquet of sweet- heart roses. lily- f-the-valley and maidenhair tern. Mi s Lily -I-Iastie, as bridesmaid. wore an etfectlve frock of buttercup yellow georgette with picture hat of. the same shade with black vel- vet rl'bbon_ and carried yellow Ophelia roses and jonquils. Mr. J. vM. Barclay acted as bestunan and the usher was `Mr. Arthur Armstrong, brother of the ` bride. Following the ceremony a recep- itlon was held` at `the home of the 'bride's parents. Mrs. Armstrong wore_ `a becoming dress of corporal blue sat- . Iin-raced -crepe with black hat. `faced with blue and French owers and cor- uuvuuuu uuuvuvuu St. '1`,'hornas' Chur'c'h',"St. Catharlnes, Ont., was the scene of a pretty wed- ding at 4.80 p.m. Saturday afternoon. `May 14, when Maud. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Armstrong. was united in marriage to Mr. John Wilfred Turner. B.A. vSc.. eldest son of Mr. R. J. and the late Mrs. Turner of Shanty Bay. The rector, Canon A. H. `I-Iowitt, officiated and the wedding` music was played by the organist, Mr. D. J. Wil- liams. '13 e church was beautifully dec- orated th a profusion of ferns and flnmnrn 'I`hn hrhin, whn urns: olunn .._. uvvu----v The annual meeting of .the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Norman Stoddart on May 14,` with an attendance of nineteen. The roll call was answered by the paying of fees for the coming year. A_report of 'last year's work was read by the secretary. During the year twelve monthly meet- ings were held with an average atten- dance of twenty-four, Nineteen papers were prepared and read and a splendid report of the convention in Toronto was given by the delegate. The June meeting was addressed byothe speaker_ from" the Department, Miss Langton. A donation was sent to Children s Shelter and $5 t the Rest Room. Priz- es were givent the Oro Agricultual Fair, Oro Hortic ltural Society and to the carnival. Prizes were awarded for contests held at meetings. A social ev- ening was held in November and. a weiner roast. The annual Intitute flower show was a decided success last September. Oro Station branch paid a visit for.the afternoon and gave a varied. and interesting program. An autograph quilt was made. The sick and shut-ins were remembered. - The follopving officers were re-elect- ed:--Pres.. Mrs. Hall; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Ansdell: 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. Alex. Campbell; 'Sec y.-Treas.. Miss Flossie Campbell: Ass't. Sec y.-'1`reas., Mrs. E. Love: Organists, Mrs. Love, Mrs. Nor- man Stoddart; Directors. Mrs. John- ston,oMrs. Bartholomew: District Dir- ector, Mrs. Ansdell; Representatives to District Convention, Mrs. Melville Has- tings, Mrs. Norman Stoddart. Mrs. Love; Program Com., Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Jermey, Mrs. Duncan Mccuaig: Social Com., Mrs. Alex. Campbell, Mrs. Mel. Hastings. .Mrs. Wm.`Campbell: Auditors, Mrs. Love..Mrs. Jas. Stod- dart: "Flower Co'm., Mrs. Bartholomew. Mrs. Jas. Duncan, Mrs. Sinclair. Kw: `XYIH f`nvnnI\n1I o-aura n av-nlnnoll mun: DEALER % ROBINSON IIAIIDWAIIE 1Vl.l'Bu 015.3. .lJullUzllg H1155: auluxuu`. Mrs. Wm. Campbell gave a..sp1endld paper,-The Power" of Influence." Sing- ing of vNa.tlona.l Anthem brought the meeting to a close. Mrs. Stoddart then served a da.lnty., afternoon tea. LU: The next -meeting is to be held at the home of, Mrs. Frank Gibson on Thursday, June 2, at 2 p.m. n:purLa U]. Luv past. years work. . The officers electedfor the coming year are:-`Pres., Agnes Todd: Vice- President. Ethel Keil; Sec y.. Georgie Reive; Treas., EvaAllan; Directors, Lois Todd, Reta Clement and Jessie Campbell; District Director, Helen King; Organist, Mary Sloan; Auditors, Iva. King and Georgie Reive. ` - Tho vnnnflna nlnann-I kn ainn-Inn O-Inn IVE A1115 u.uu LTBUFEIG EEIVG. The meeting closed by singing the National Anthem after which the host- ess served a. very dainty afternoon `tea. ml... .......4. ... ..-..u...... a.. 4.... 1.... 1...u.1 _L CHURCHILL JUNIOR INSTJTUTE The Churchill Junior Institute met "at the home of .Miss Dorothy Bell on ' Thursday afternoon, May 5. with twen- ty-one members present. Discussion of .business followed the opening. In re- sponse to an appeal from the Canadian Red Cros it was decided to. donate five dollars to their cause. A paper on The Secret of Success" was given by Miss Alberta. Kneeshaw. Miss Dorothy Bell then gave some selections on the player piano. Mrs. Linwood Stur- geon contributed a. splendid paper on gardening. The roll call was answered by each member paying her member- ship fee for the coming year. The se- cretary and treasurer then gave their reports of the past year's work. The nffinnra nlnnha Pnn Han nnmlna Dludllo - An old-fashioned spelling match, and` afternoon tea served by the hostess brought to a. close 8. very pleasant and profitable `afternoon. The treasurer's `report showed the society to be in a. flourishing condition. |- (`In Inna R at 990 nh-ulnnl; |u-LI..n LIUUIVIBIIIII3 UUIIUILIUH u On June `8, at 2.30 o'clock. lnvthe basement of the United Church, Miss E. M. Collins, of Ancaster, Ont., will address the ladies. Everyone cordially invited. . ' GUTH RI E WOM E_N'S -INSTITUTE ' vulviivllrl-h VVVIIIEII U IIVGI I I U I E The regular meeting of this society T was held at the home of Mrs. Hart Thomas. After the usual business, and a. paper on Pioneer Settlers" was read by Miss A. J. Allan, the election of of- ficers Was proceeded with and result`- ed as follows:-Pres., Mrs. Robt. Boy- es: 1st Vice-Pres" Miss Tait: 2nd! Vice-Pres., Mrs. Hatings; A-Sec y.,' Mrs. G. 0. Allan; Treas., Mrs. W. Ste- wart: Branch Director, Mrs. E. H. Sloan. Au. AIR I.-...I.lA_AA _..-IIl.._. .....A.-I_ __-j EC!-|URCHlLL WOMEN'S INSTITUTE "IL- ._-.. _I__, ._ -_L and their larae .. --...._--.., \'oPvonnIJu, `wow. u. a.u.u:vva `The next meeting will be held on June 20, in the 0range"Hall. A summer speaker from the Department, Miss E. M. Collins, Ancaster, Ont., is expected to be present. -Roll call` a favorite hymn." A cordial invitation is given to the ladies of the vicinity. V--- --.._.. --.-- noon; on aanuuv Va.- The officers for the-coming year are: Pres., Mrs. `D. Campbell; Sec'y., Mrs. I. John ston;. District Director, Mrs. G. Crawford; -Organist, Mrs. J. Maw. Thu nnvf vnnnflna nu-HI ha KATA .... -_..`- - ---_. wen-vvun IUVIIIGQV C II`? I I `The annual meeting of Centre Sim- coe Disiirict Women's Institute will be held in the Parish Hall, Elmvale. on Tuesday May 31. 2.30 p.m. Mrs. J. W. Stone. Bond Head. Director `of Ontario Federated Institutes and Mrs. C. stock- ing. president or the -Simcoe County organization, will be present, Mmssme woI"wI:N'spms`11'r'u1's Twenty-six members met at the Or`- ange Hall for` the annual business meeting. Roll call was answered by paying the membership fee. Some'in- teresting current events were read by Mrs.- J. Roe. Mrs. Crawford gave a re- port of the meeting of the officers for Simcoe held at Beeton, Mrs. F. Priest read a. good paper on squander not the stuff that life is madeof." . 4 IIIIL, -511. _ 'csN1"n4a.. smcos womsqws ms'r. VF}... :.-'......I ._.._._n___, , / 'ruN:n-ARMs1'noNc. "THE-BARERIE sxmamsiy sage of sweet p,e_as._ The. brid s going- away dress was of rosewood. satin- faced crepe with sand-coloured tailored coat and hat to match, Mrs. Gertrude Avery was awarded $10,000 against Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, for the death of her hus- band when a bridge collapsed. J. 1 UILU IDGIIGU Remove the stones from cooked prun- . es and fill with cream-. cheese. Roll each ' prune in a dish of all bran and place five on leaves of lettuce and serve with French dressing. The prunes may be split_ in half and filled with the cheese, then rolled in the bran. This is 9. very healthful salad` and could be the main dish of any luncheon. It contains the health-giving elements: iron, calcium and vitamins, as Well as the muscle-building protein. - ----v A4: V1111 JJLUGU 1 cup all bran, 1 cup sour milk. 15 cup'prunes (soaked several hours. drained and chopped). 1 tablespoon molasses, B cup sugar, .1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon soda,` $4 teaspoon salt. Mix together the all bran, sour milk and prunes, which have been soaked! sever- al hours, drained and chopped.` Then add the molasses, sugar. and flour which -has been sifted with the` soda and salt. Put the mixture into a. greas- edt can. cover tightlyand steam for three hours. 114---- c--1- :- _--_.., .. . uuwuuvn Bran Prune Kuchen Prepare any good muffin batter, add- ing a little more sugar and butter. Spread it on a shallow greased pan. On the top press cooked prunes that have been pitted. Dust them with powdered sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle halffa cup of. all bran; on top. Bake `in a. mod- erate oven (350F.) for three-quarters of an hour. Serve with heavy whipped cream. ' 13-....- 1\.._.._,- -`I ' IHUBL lllV3o ` _ `The older members of the family .find the addition of prunes. to their cereal a pleasant change. Prunes may be combined with cooked or ready-to-eat cereals suchas bran in many different ways. The valuable. food. elements con- tained in the fruit and cereal dishes should be important factors in their popularity. Following are several inter- esting` wages in which prunes and bran may be u d: ` ` w-u - -- ' Use. PRUNES wrrH OERVEALS - ,"By Barbara B. Brooks V The fruit sugar in prunes makes a. palatable and healthy sweetening for cereals. It is easy to digest and does not spoil the mild flavor of the cereal. The diet of little children is built roumlhiilk and cereal. If a. child is al- lowed to form a taste for concentrated. `highly-flavored foods, he will not want to eat the milder flavored foods he must have. -rm... ..1.:.... .......g.._. _- - .- -. _ . 5.1 I, Removosw 1 - _ ...l VDirt Wii_:ly,oj:;' ,MAo: av`-1' co.|.'rn.- MAKIRB or Maaicaamua POWDER uuu ma rwxmg U0, mmmd bourg, Ontarxe. Please setid me (free) our new col- ox-ed booklet on Jams an Jellies.