3..ALIl:n ` Flynn of I ,-_-_.-. .-u.uuu'cul and Mi `Muriel and Nita McMillan school in Toronto after a pie ter vacation here. Miss Richards at E Miss B. Clark of Hawkesl Stayner and A. _q,3gFn..cL .. 1:15 IHCGJY. Alex. Mei V Muriel To ,_- .. uy asaul. li Cunningham Vvilson had tion for appendicitis in B2 Saturday of last we IV rs. `Wm. Ferri ing nicely. ` McMillan and Miss Nita 1!.-\\:r:n.\., uuuuay With her pa:-en M1ss Maydee Wiley the week-end with Mis town The A.Y.P.A. held a hall on Wednesda TIT ra 7` " _. `.....ams or Bracebridge,(` 3. Hawkestone, J. R., Stayner Oke ofi ih returned to their scht-)0] duties: 1 Monday. ' 1 Minnie Florence Graham and; k. were quietlyi 1 at St. John s rectory on Aprlgj Tu dau I I I ited Young People's the mass meeting of Wesley Church, AI- evening of this week; .terleague debate be-; and Everett. The`- ilson an opera- zitis Barrie Hos-I week. er undervverit an on- V. Hospital, Barrie, and`at present is do- 1' I d Misses Ma_ry.;' ill-an returned to_' ' pleasant Eas- Bracebridge,({ Wkestone, .T D Educational Demonstration * Are You Interested in _Moto;- cars 1? Given free of charge through courtesy of the Cheyrolet Motor Company of Canada, Limited in the Interest of reducing the cost of transportation to the Canadian Public. . The time devoted to this lecture will be well spent and will result in a wider knowledge of motor car construction and design. Then, here is a chance to become familiar with the many imprfrements which mark the most recent progress of construction and design. MODERN TRENDS IN AUTOMOBILES ..-..... uu 4uUl.(lU!'H' gay, "1`hornton1ans were =s the notice of the death in fhn rpnnnnl-A - vuauun DIIIIF NIOCCII Roadster . . - - . . . . . . . . . . .$2l90.0 C Phaeton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2335.0 Brougham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2295.0 5-Pan. Sedan - - . . . . . . . . 2545.0 7-Pan. Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . 2685.0! All prlces F.O B , Barrie. Coach Sedan F. VANCISE, Collingwood HUDSON SQPER-S_lX Custom Standau-kl` Models OF Bum % IUVKTIIH Trinity Sunday `School had interesting missionary progrz Sunday afternoon. Those taki were Ruth Coulter, Leone Wic die Fletcher. Harold Hulbert. chorus by the Prlmarv Class. .'.s1s95.oo ... 2035.00 152190.00 2335.00 2295.00 . 2545.00 ' . 2685.00 1! JOHJ Ash BARRIE- GOOKST WY 1\()I' No. 61, leaves arrives Allandalo No. 62, leaves arrives Allandale Sout N0. 60, leaves arrives Hamilton No. 62, leaves ar.-"wes Hamiltun GILLJVUD fllliln-`H No. 62, loan-. arrxves Allandak but No. 60, leave arrives Allandal Mn no I~--- V ______ .,..,`V'n1\.IIal\J|.lllLIJ JJILLV "A '1`elephOn1 an uiaas I. This carries with it a. cash 3 ance" was humorousand the prize of $25. Miss Edith Hammen of Beeton spent. laughter. I the ,week-end with Miss Regina Miil1- ! Man" the Irish woman's wit ai gen and sang a ve ry pleasing 50101 ruious tongue battled the censu "Flee as a Bird." in St. Jude's Church! A Scotch Lasie s Advice" tran on Sunday afternoon. _ ` listeners to the country of the I The many friends of Miss Edith Mc- During the rendering of Aux It Loren of Melbourne, formertteacher at Lord Lytton's well k the continuation school here. will be two great Italians. Verdi , the cor sorry to learn that she is in the ho- and Mario. the tenor. Miss ( gital in London, suffering from scarlet Played Very Softly "The Miserere ever. Verdi's nnmvn Hn rn..--.-t-.,--- m..a..u.. cu...,,- ~ - uu., (IIIIVCS IP21 N0. 63, leave. arr;~"-xes Meaford (`V _ .\t) No. 61, leave m., arrives 1\1(-21 A R`) I_.._, uuu, ll'(l m., arrives liar -`\.. uuu, nu arrives Ba No. 5398, lo: Au.` IIIIIVCS N0. 399 m., ;n`ri\'es - .1. uul, m.. arrives KT . `Inn -81` ; J .V.es 8l`1"`v't`S xv- sotl Wt: N0. arrives \`._ A -8I`I` Yes I IVQS \ v No. 396, HE 0 long easier to easy to safety of HamiIto:| cANA1_3] Wiza fOI` _y( Flower One In load at" V 7~_ ______m_ . -u uvuunwul l'|Oci!I|. R.-v, Coopgr Mercer of Toronto The recital given in the Orange 1 preached in the Townllne Presbyterian Sat""da5'3n18ht by Genevieve Doro church last Sunday. . Jamieson. pupil of Owen A. S1 51,-, and M;~g_ chas_ Doorgng of, Toronto. assisted by Miss Maud M Huntsvme spent the woek-ond Wm, -rielq Claxton, soprano soloist, Ba Mr. and Mrs, W, J_ c, Boake, and Neville Jamieson, The Sacrament ,3 th L * d. _ Thornton, was of a high-class na poo Wm be admgstefed 1rQI.r1sr:Jy;and most enjoyable. A representa Church next Sunday morning. audlencegreeted the De"frme"SrBa , Strnud. Lefroy. Ivy, Churchill, C sp2?.'t'u.'2'w`;u22`,.".Y,`.`3E o3_1*_e:%men!toxvn and Thornton mun m~~"-` We ha Gardex in 5 2111 Meafor4 \` \ [II GA] 397, 5 Tom 4-1, I A\/l\III 10: Tnrmn 1 A)(Ill| 47, It` : Bzn`1'1 41. u oil L lyn the mini: AI f` THUR' .eneta SEE I02 I\ nu lo: I) A \'l 10: V) uuult nut. ' V St. Jude's A.Y-.P.A. x day evening, April 29, otnthe church. nnnnnn `Inn- "'}1}DNA M. , .. - vvv U11 0 _. -- ---vaovv- ' I -new an-endtns a holiday with his W- 33.": r i3e"``i3}t fn.g:ndd:`e5u'?e nZ 9%`:-in Nessie Spears 01, Beaten spent sorrow of parthingwlth loved ones. the t t t , h 1 gm mater holidays with her parents :.`. "fe`2a "t`;`, e`. :u.""xi`r: . a vf.'ce`iI`5 ere. are 3. W Henry has returned home we In our own churches that Jesus liv- t d d 1 t i th 11 1 h - uftu having spent the winter in Pot't`f,eds ggpaggplglcf, 83 n e veg O un 8`; mu, friends of John crosslev The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper gag agforry to yam. that he 15 on the] aviisstgivrnzlgistered before the close of will meet on FrI- ---"' day evening. April 29. in the h............. Canadian holiday-seeker now tindsea delightful vacation land. Splendid facilities for aboati-ng. canoeing, fish- ing and other sports are -there in ubunlcigtnoe in this `land `or lake and forest. and to provide for the comtlort - of visitors, Bigwin Inn, named after V the Indian chief. has been provided. Not. only aquatic sports ` here, for there are also bowling. ten- w ms. 55.011` and tramupimg in the bracing. pine-scented air. The scenery which 1 surmu-nude Bigwin Inn. an attractive ( lakeside hoste'lry' providing; for the accommodation of 500 guests, is me- gmitioewt; lake or Bays,Ao1 which E the lam is located. nestles on the ` western slope of` the Iaurentlan Range. 1.000 feet above sealevel; in a region where the air is a.-lwe.ya.clesn. ' cool and invigorating. The lake has 8: "a`?'ias Beeton the pa II -nu Ir:-v vv, __ ..-----.,. . uuuw `$9 1'. VlX- on. . 17-183) _ Cool! 'F'en-ler has returned to Toronto. `utter par- ents, . - ~ _ -o-'a' '5' See Cgdl. Spencer, Thornton, for all! lands of trucking. Phone A. F. Nix-I on . 1'7_1Cn nvvrr .uuu songs and glad l of heaven and the glories to, a choir sang Why Seek Ye?",= Miss R. Mllllpran took the: . The Rev. T. J. Dew spoke ..--up v G \lJV Fvzon~m;x--xoxc 14:14 vxoxoxoxoxoxcii u-,,- - -- Leo Broken 117,,- Pate Eighteen _ t are asleep in" He is a manifestation I _.... .. .-.-r.. .n. wau uwul. on BT1- anlng, in the basement church. _. - -- van IIIIU s street sand..inform'1hinn that he has vices at St. Jude : ' b een away to some other city, that may st. Jude's Church _ he is going to get married or his wife dcomted With f10WP1`S e ertained friends or presented him W?"dceI?;`1f3`e;`1`ag!with twins is the best man alive. hm I. May hlshlxkeness 1]r:crease.throu,::9ut V9,, mithe eart . If you ave done anyt mg` mean ozydisreputable it isn't neces-I . theisary to tell it 39v. spokef MCKINNON, - .....m uuuu WIC- urne. n zhat By Fall .....4. _ `i______ _,,,_,,,._ ......,...e.. ul me 'J.`r18.lS of a. Census Vss and gar- ery census taker. transported ., heather. 3: rendering Itallens." known tribute to [001 here, 1 Italians, Ver lhe gpjng scarlet! Miserere from V Verdi's opera "Il Trovatore. Uncle hool 3, very, Eph s Heaven was perhaps the best _~y program last selection given. The reciter interpreted hose taking part! the touching scene with skill and the cone w1ce_ Maminecessary intensity, which made It also 3,: strangely emotiqnal.__1n this number-the 1 'v (`Juan n.......... lam---~---=~* " 1 LJL. JUUQIVS. `kggsgigl at` Many congratulations were sh 5 nO'w at 3; upon the artists` for the splend h t h. 1 ,ent displayed _thzv-oughout this '9' 9" m 9' program. long to the] - ..,......... uciruy, ivy, Unurchiii 1119 `Of F! e9m&flg' town Thornton being rep Nth he!` Barents, The program was opened by a 31'\Vf0`d- composition by Elliot, The Trinity Chu1'ch!I`Iyl')i`lu'1S the Cretan" sung by yafternoon,May Jamieson, the rendering oi e of Mrs, I-Ierb,lshowed careful study. Later "Twilight." Every word could ot improving as` tinctly heard which added gr and on'Monda_y the pleasure of the audienc Victoria Ho5pjt- Claxton sang very charmingly It. phs and Fawns by Bemberg a is visiting her` gieart at Thy Sweet__V9lce-. h R. T-Tar-nun . . any-an I... -..|.:_u. .- nucflug H180 I lass. Prepar- a good pro- 8.V 8. uauuns or [5 72.2%. ake 69.6.} IA) we newspapers by the modesty of the people who hesitate to tell the reporters of matters concerning themselves. Not that they do not want their names to appear in print, but that they are afraid they will be ya, Mary pushing themselves forward. This is L, Laura the wrong idea. From the reporter's standpoint, the man who will stop teacherga newspaper contributor on the "a `street and ..inform"him 98 ` cit`, that IS gomg _flowers_ entertained ..:,...:_ - A - * Spencer MacDon- - In -we Lake of Bays district at the Highlands ofontario. where not more than a. (hair century ago, Chief Bigrwln and his India ducted their hunting expeditions, the Canadian ndsoa . \ 1 4 1 8 J.l`ll1lL_Y jg` Strnu: Freeman 1' D; 'd- compo y Church! Ilylwi-' won, May Jamie: "rs. Herb. Sh0We< "Twill; roving vMonda.y pl. LHospit- Claxtm u- - um.-eauury Intensity. 1 emotional. In nur 1.. I accompanist, Miss Claxton, sh: 0. credit` for its effectiveness, so (notes with the voice. 3": Tho I-urn I...:u.... - - uaucnu \ ;e.u'uu|_ me Thornton Junior Institute. ,,;The singing of God Save the King [55 brought the entertainment to a clo_se. d`George McDonald and Ted Mar ;handed the programmes at` the door wau-111 II` I I'll a Many good items o to H14: nnnn=nn------ 1-- 1 The two ladies received beautiful `flowers from several Barrie friends. `from the A.Y.P.A. of St. Jude's, and .t rom the Thornton ;'g`he'slnging and Chris. Burns an acted` as ushers. sauna, In wmcn the high notes ending were clear and true. Rew Dew was accompanist. Miss Jam!eson s first number ` exhibition of children's logic, {Somebody Did. "A 'm=~I-nvm--= .u.uu uxusl. enjoyable. A represe audience `greeted performers, ,Stroud. ~ Thornton repre: program was nnnnn 1. .. -1 ...., uncucas mcrease throughout urth. have anything ` to it, for there are always ' of geople who will do that for, t Is the good things about elf and your neig-h.hm.1......a nu; urm uruus of all that Him. llusurrected 2-- purl. us more than meat and fa? gran? _ than that life of which we are hidden in a. risen Christ imagine` the hopele: parting with 1m,..,a ....-.. u I oi. what they ought to be. In ascending into the better world and in his immor.- tal glory, He is a prophecy. the assur- rance or what is to be experienced, by all who love and obey`Hlm. The great aim and object of christianity is to get new life into men. The life of which Christ spoke and which He longs to im- part is more than far greater than life we arn hma... .. Centre ,1 Delightful Recital. Dl'|`fn1 (Y'It(\o\ 1- LL. A - ____ -vcavv 0! of news are In pers by the - 10 hesitate tn ml +1 ..,,....u.. ucmg, represented. n classical Song of by Neville he of which ful study. Lhar ha ....... .,,,, .....\.u xuauu ll . onal. numvberthe Tlss shared the fectiveness, well did scarcely audible piano voice. a uu natters : s as fm~wm-A 'm.:.. .-_ ...-. uuuuya Jdlr I16 tvery `be dis- greatly to of audience. Miss charmingly Nym- 1s" by Bembex-2 and Mn Eastei Services "On Easter `Sunday St. Jut was tast.efully dcomted wt of various `kinds and Easter Chr:':`.'Hr1n church celebrat with t l0wers.dnd thoup, hts the (women The (()m)|:(-). solo n-wt. I from tho text He is not 11 rim-:1? Mark 16:6. He said Jesus Christ risen from the 4 first fruits of H l):~uIIunnn#r~J ""~ ' ms were showered splendid tal- zhut nnlnn-A .-.:uvaLUl`U. "uncle ; e, In fhi nuvv\.|\n- 4-`-* pcuu1'me1'S, uarrle. Cooks - being Pnnrnunnn 'vvUll A. amuy. iss Mans-, Barrie, I, baritone, of gh-class nature . representative fmamgpg pm....- 5 > showered nndld to! vusv IUDO bdesty fzhe nnnuu -- _.uu.-ux: (V0111- imagin- )f vuua, puung. represented. T`? Q D]!1`nn1x SEND I Thornton Continuation School i Report of the Easter examinations of 30 the YWWSPED 'l`l1m`nton Continuation School. wh Form II--Elennor McKenzie Eva Meredith 71.1. Helen Boake 69.6, I\` Jurtnlta .`Tamleson 69.6. James "am 67.9, Jenn Lyons 63.2, Luella MacDon- but they a ve Coutts 60.4%, them-`lel E . , cf-nvuin.-..'..a. LL -.w...\-- _ uuu Lul- unique. D` was 8.1], c. "What! IYIA `Darn IL WHICH he san ifhn Ric- ucauxluu. L y f urlnh-.1. was 8.11 H117}-not gnge Hail. Dorothea A. Smily. .Ud T\. rnnc:_n cu Lctuv 1. s. roman, Alliston Pnorie` your new Examiner. Phone : Interment was cemetery in Cooks `Two years ago he, W1 tlves at Cookstown, c Vcentenarv nf nu a,......n. -_---..ca5ue ueoate ..u was an uacoue at the time of the tween Bums Rebellion of 1837. and his father, William Kidd, join ed the Patriots. Later the family mqved to Cookstown e where Mr. Kidd received his early: b f solos and piano education. He continued it at Victoria "um em a ter which 1" College, Cobourg, andafter some years , ;`;`;f,,;` hundred and fty Were. of school teaching. he entered l-nmln.-.....l 1 - 1 _ JAMES P. 3 Member of Pioneer C: and` Fovrmer Barrie James P. Kidd, a. for: ` ness man and a memb: , family who first settle passed away at his six ` Spadlna Avenue, Toro: April 17. in his nine Though his grandfatk Cookstown, Mr. Kidd Lacolle. Quebec, and it beff ,1`! V` ``'``'`` ' A` t Cookstown Toronto, `the newly wedded couple re~l r s home 659 turned on Saturday and will reside on, A to on Sunday the groom's farm in Innisfil. ninety-second year. Leg`l 1kSt`3t`;V"dI-:1n`tt1`l9d Y grandfather had settledgY 3 9 a 9" 9 9 "1 was bow at, `n AI-V Lacolle. was so me years` onday before he moved to Cooksbewn. W 615:9" grgg imerleague He was at Lacolle t1 f 1 aind iEverett. Thei ques On 0 ITIYTI grat On Was Very E, ,_ . joined Patr1ots.li`}. .3. L._ discussed by both m Lam nmv--~"-- - ` o r GUI mnpn . V "`---- cooxsrowzv PIONEER - DIES IN 92ND YEAR .--.' -uvnv ny PC" Mm. F. E. Webster met with a most!` unfortunate accident last week when she tujpped on a step. fell and broke one leg above the ankle. JA_MEASV KIDD f Planner- I`---'-- 1 ne Iuuzexpression of the Super-Six principle is usable and enjoyable because every detail of the chassis is engineered to provide for the speed, Power and stamina of the motor. The,ra ierflash of pick up, dexterity of steer- ing an enduring speed cross country, are all easily delivered, therefore normally used. In all Hudson does there is effortless ease from its swift smooth glide into motion, to sustained ` high speed and back to the soft instantaneous stopping action of its four wheel brakes. Performance th e at is spectacular is also safe and usable. p - -.--uuuuv I : f\II-"J ! Cookstown Family nor Business Man. ` former Barrie busi-_ nd member of the pioneer settled at Cookstown, ,y sister's home, 'enue, Toronto, Sunday, In . I settledg: at The full: expression Super-E iS_ eniovable hevallen ` ` tim Dlt: GT8. I Wed: er 20. 1 tial Toro eI"s turn. :0. leg '-second Co` I` hurl a.-nu...-u Tana- THE cntull I! l moth er.