-..- nu. . . . . -x.uUU.UU Board_ of Health . . . . . . . . . . L 800.00` V Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.000 00 _. Nurse . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.200 00 I Parks Dept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 000 00; ' Sewer Operation . . . . . . . . . . . 4 500 00} Contingencies . . . . . . . . . . 1 061 57 . $84-.211.57: All general taxes are payable in3 two instalments on June 15 and Sen-I .tember 15, and if paid on or before}! those dats each will hnnr s. .1.-mn..... _ \,1uzens' band` . . . . . . . . . _Horticultural Society ;Board of Trade V Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; Agricultural Society ` Discount, Taxes . . . . . . . iTown Hall and Market .. .. . ; . . ' . n Debentures` (7 9/10 mills) .37,638.18 ,1 County of Slmcoe (5 mills) 23 826.70 V- _Separa.t'e School (12 mills). 4,699.68 ,Current Expenditures (15- 5 1/10 mills) . . . . . . . . . . . .. 071,956.63 The County Rate has been reduced by the amount over levied last year- ;nearly $6,000. The schools, public and -collegiate, have made a reduction of of a. mill. The Debenture Rate is reduced by 4/10 of a mlll. The Local ,| 'l_4..I._--1, s - uuueglate 1n titute (5 3/10 'mills) ' Deben'ture's7 '1' ' .rn.iil.s.). of - Current ' Public Sch mills) . Collegiate W|nIa\ nu. um ruse 11 the lights go ` See if the fuse is corroded. Estimated Expenditures ~92 fi- 05'!` an .LlA. S 1927TRATE, qswnus ..u -v nu; uauuu. Estimated Receipts 1627. ` Behind that rst Chrysler, and the public's first enthusiasm for its new qualities. are now more than three During those three phenomenal yea:-s-yea1-sinwhich ublic prefer- ence swept Chrysler In 27th to 4th place-motor car buyers have come more and more to.know its and solid qualities. ` and :3 life in the 70-proved by" ofthousandsofenthusiasv THE CANKDIAN-BUlLT-CHRY3LBR FOR CANADIANS Dwnillg fruit trees: rm of the Immm. ,...n uu on or before} bear a discount; I ne it :1 ways lights go on ; renrrn(1nr1 I will simme- xuuu -Poi). f scfhr)0ls an aver- f He ' .- us .3 Z500.00' &900.00 1.500.00 7,600.00 . 5450.00 .. 600.00 . 15,000.00 . 3.700.00 . &200.00 . '&000.00 . 1,500.00 . 200.00 350.00 . 500.00 150.00 9.000.00 4,500.00 Qn nn .--___.-__-- 384.211 .67 .$ 480.00 . 650.00 . 2.000.00 3,000.00 400.00 600.00 . 350.00 . 4,774.94 71.956.63 .18 I10 After long tests we are con- vinced Aluminum is the best container for tea. VGTTIBU Derlod, cannnl f. o. b. Witldsor, Ontario (freight only to beadded). Above prices inched: all taana, bumper: front and rear, spare time. the cover and tank full of gasoline. I '|n'nJJ.J\ A L--.` Pafsenger C Cmwnsedan 5 upon rnaeton 82130: O; Brougham $2205; Royal Royal Sedan $2305; Fourv oupe $2305; Cabriolet $2530; $2590. 3 Sport Phaeton $2130: : B-rmurhnm _`)*)n:. n---_: -...a. vv~auu;L'UuuClCu IOOI IS 3 Constant Source lhof worry. Get it off your mind. Put on a roof that the weather won't budge. A staunch, storm-proof, fire-resisting roof of Ru-be:-oid Slate Surfaced Asphalt Shingles. You needn't disturb the old roof at all. You needn't expose your home to_ the weather. You can lay these good-looking, stubbom- waring Ru-ber-oid Shingles right over - the old roof, saving both time and labor In and the trouble of cleaning up littered M lawn or attic. T of worry. HAT weather-battered roof is a constant it off vnnr m3n:l Du! An A men-F Your dealer can supply you with Ru-bet-oid Slate Surfaced Asphalt Shingles in three colors - Red, Green or Blue-Black. Insist on Ru-ber-oid Roofing whether for a house, barn, st_able or industrial building. There are 50 fhfferent varieties of Ru-ber-oid Roof Cover- mas- `is good tea RU}_3l_{:QID . Page Ekvon I04 % Gum.j nap-uu\ _BUCHANAN`%&\ sou Editor Phone your news Examiner--222 or 222 Brudfgl St., Barrie. Today, drive to a dealer who displays the orange and black Veedol sign. Have your crankcase drained and relled with Veedol; It s `the best and cheapest insurance on thelife of your car. . .. .. vu uglvul. sax`--ulc 011 CH gives the gl-;t:};1;'l;1 of protectiohf tbin as ` smootb /as .sil_b, long}: as steel. The ability or that oil-`lm to resist destructive heat and friction largely `determines the kind of service your motor gives-+the size and frequency of repair bills--the'length of your car s life. ` If that lm" of oil breaks and burns under the erce attacks of heat and friction, vital motor-parts are exposed. Ho.t, unprotected surfaces -chafe _against each other. Witheng heat `attacks raw metal. Insidious friction begins its work of destruc- A tion. And you, eventually, pay big repair bills. I In Veedol, Tide Water technologists perfected the oil that masters heat 100 degrees hotter` than the hottest friction-spot in your car-the oil that _ n-{van 4-Lg &.'...l....`.._ uni ,-_ I, _.-u T---- DlSTRlBl:J:I'ORS OF Hudson and Essex: Cars .__I-_,.I 1!. I- 3 yin FROM the day;it s broken in-V:-to fhe'dy' it $ ' brokep down, your motor s fate degends on a thin lm of oil'. V _wonderful low pressure tire: is represented by their un- usually long mileage and V saving on wear and tear of * your car. They "cost no more than just ordinary tireu. SOLD BY ----- THURSDAY. iwaabn 31,1927. V cnown on. COMPANY, LIMITED ITO HAMILTON - Ll Djalrlbdora for . TIDE WA'l'ER`Oll.. -Dipped 223. T V ` ! items to_ The] Phone_ #45. into usi- op- BRYSON ag Monuzv snmww as HART ..- .. ...,. nauulnl, uucu . That's , all ' right, came the ivundismayed. They wanted wa Yes," answered old Sam pleasahf; ly; but the ducks can swim. Apple trees gone, too? Yes, but the. crop wasn't anything. "I see the river's reached your win- dows, Sam, then. H 7I\L_L!_ 411' v u - -- uuu_ vi-IIIIIIOI He might well be called an optimist. He was sitting on the roof-ofshisdwell. lug during a severe flood. watching the Water flow past, when a. neighbor, who had a. boat. rowed across to him. All your {owls washed away. this morning, Sam? asked the newcomer. Yes, pleasant- ly; but. ducks can swim '- ueual. punuu." ` ' While the engineers" of the Depart- ment have not gone into the engineer- " ing phase of the raising, it is stated that the work will have to be accom- plished through the use` or cotter dams construction owing to the fact that one side of the schooner urotrud- es out from the ila. d into the river. The island. in which he schooner lies was formed by sediment becoming lodged about the hull during the cen- tury in which the schooner has lain submerged in the river. wul uecommenceu. - The Government will see that e hull is raised and housed on the isl nd in the mouth. ot,tl_:e river." stated M_r.- Henry. An arrangement `has been entered into_ with the County or Sim- coe to tak_e'care obthe memorial after` uthat period." engineers'Aof_the Depart- vnnnlr Ln... __4. ._--__ 1.. Buy Advertised Things. ... "won-ac. Lavaulh ' ` Estimates to the `amount of" $5.000 for this purpose have been prepared by the department, and tenders will be called for in the -near future. Hon. Mr. Henry states that the Government is exceedingly anxious to get the work under way, and as soon asvthe spring treshets subside sufficiently. work will bekcommenced. `"I`hA flnvnnnrnnvn non! ...... 4.1.-` AL- Within a. few weeks engineers of the Department at Public Works. act- ing uenlder instructions from .Hon. Geo. S. H ry, will-call torvtendere torithe raising of the hull of {his Majesty`: schooner. "Nancy," now lying near the mouth of the Nottawaseza River at Wasaga. Beach u `1..&l__..A._._ L- 4- . '- - mus: SCHOONER NANCY` Out. 2 Hon. .6. s. Hwy, States ,wu-k `win Start When Spring Fruhou Sub aido_--Will call for Tandem. . - THE OPTIMIST .4 ....-u L- _, :he answer, ! washin'. sentence. ` ~ ` ~ - ., v V` Six. cattle belonging to Morgan Stewart; a. farmer resldlngnear Vasey. `vdied within ~a. few days_ recently from _ some unknown cause: Veterinary sur- geons made: an investigation and pro`- nouncedi the cause. of death as indi- gestion; g,due to a mixture ott sweet. clover wltli other food; , Wm. H. -'l`l-nvln nf n..In........--.I ---A uy removmg .9. pane of glass. George -Armstrong,_ aged 11, of Ma- cauley township, Mpskoka, -had one of his hands severely injured when a. dynamite cap he was holding? explod- ed._ Two fingers and part of a. thumb V ` were blown off. ~ Attempts to wreck two 0.13.3. 7 trains near Allieton by placing ties on the track were made by two `boys, but were fortunately discovered in time to avert, wreck. T-he `two . boys. aged 13 an 16. appared in.` police court and -were allowed to,go_ on suspended sentence.` . ` ,Elv -3551- !.-I-_..n`-A -` ' -- cents In cash was stolen. On\.March 20 someone entered Har- ry Goodwin's garage at Cbokstown and stole a number of tires, tubes and auto accessories. Entrance was gained by removing of ` George -Armstrong. acme. 11 no It- ms was. employed. * On Tuesday night, March 15, the drug. store,o1 D_r. Campbell of Totten- ham was broken`1n_to and $15 worth of cigars, pipes and eye glasses and 60 cents in cash On March 20 nnmgnna .-...4..._-: '1---- usuu suwnes. _/ ~ Newmarkej; Town Council passed a grant of" $500 to the junior and inter- mediate hockey teams of thattown. The grant was opposedby a. deputa- tion of citizens. a , - Leslie McMillan 0!. Midland was ac- cidentally killed at Biscotasing on March 22 by being struck by -a shunt- ing engine in the lumber yard where he was. employed. " On 'I`nm-arinu nlalulr 11-.._-v. -- -- I.Ul'ltl.Il cnurcn, sunnldale Corners. Horseshoes are` not lucky for. Jack Church, a'Bradford boy. `While plac- ing one above a door a tin fell cutting a gash in his right hand requiring fif- teen stitches. Newmarkej; Town Council of $500 the iunim and am...` 1', DUI` ling 0 I with um]. I as are and 1 oauuuluule; nae presented two 1 oak collection plates to Zion Pre terian church, Sunnidale are not lnr-Irv cm- uuuu a.u1uvu1'ul`y On March 20. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wesley of New- market celebrated their sixty-first wedding anniversary` on March 19. R. R. Wilson has been appointed town clerk of Midland. He had been temporarily filling the position for the past year. . Rev. H. W. Piercy, pastor of the Collingwood Baptist church for the past four years, has resigned to accept a charge in Illinois.` Canon Morley of Toronto has been supplying in the Anglican churches of Bradford and Coulson's Hill since Mr. Creighton's resignation. _ p Colin McLean, a farmer resident of Sunnidale; `has presented_ two solid 08]! nnllnnn-. ulna.-- 4.- n uuuu am] an `R. 12 wuuuut. 8. ucense. ' The Presbyterian church of`, Col- Jingwood celelirated its seventy-Se: cond annlversaryon March 20. and Mrs. .Tn_= 1x7.m1..... -4: 1('r.._- Ian I. W eeK. l ' e,Stayner s thirteenth power bill re- cently recelved- showed a surplus of $783 for 1926. Several Newmarket citizens, were fined recently for operating radios without a. license. 'I`hn `blnnuhuc-.-...:..... -1--um-- - ~ A Traffic by motor between. Brace- bridge and the south was opened early last week. . Q1-aun;...!.. a.I.:..4- - Q - FULL 21. Miss Eliza Anderson` of Sutton reached the age of .100 years on Mar. _ -u-1 _ b.% ..... K` mwwmwwwaawmwwwm gxmwmmmwymwmwwml . |& shes the ANCEB pd letter. fa at par yvuuu. i cancel. 'w'A`l"l".'s".H WK` FI<$>},'4>B-&K 5,: DISTRICT NEWS `M54343; 5"; .V. .7. .w..w,, - - _ _ __ _ l,_,...uc.cu uuusxue and waited` ;oppo1*tum't_\' of following` the to their last restin,9,' p]acq.. _ ` .j` 1Vv,uu-4 at me.-me. with his arxced I.`ather.;< l-four` hy-others n.lr::- sur\'i\'e. They` a,1'ef1' Rev. \\'. N. Ch:1n!)m- of 'I`m`onto. E1`- :1 nest of Toronto. I-Ierbert -of Lindsay =md-1\/[n1'sh.-11] of Barrie, T1_`.e.f1me1'al. Sunday afternoon, was` a splendid t1'i-i ,hute of respect to the memory of agt ' respected Citizen. Despite the fact that} (_ the home was under quarantine and,'g no one was. permitted to enter the! house a` larg'e company` of friends" gathered outside and waited` for the} following` remainsl [to resting` nL'.mp" ,._ -., `a\aA>`l|.|l ut.-. \'JUEl.L.lUI1 With: onr.,1)icu011s . As :1 _1iI`o1on5:' hl("YT)})(-`1`_0f the Methodist church he; . ;;vn1pIifi0(1 the p2'ecv:p1s of 1'i;;l1f.oous-2 ne:~.:s and (`mnn1: md(-d respect there-2 for. He is_s1n'\'ived b_v'M1's. Chrmtlerg and :1. fll11_'\' .nf three` sons and 01'lE`._ da;u,s:'hmr: \V:11tm.` Ch.'m.`1m~ in 'V1`oron-: tn, .Dz1lt0n in Essa and I-Ioward and-' _V,inm at home. wiumhis a:.':ed rathezxf ifnur` .<:ln`viv.=> rmmu ....,.` .u ,>\'lIl])lLl|l'll Llllt` ])I'C C'.`]`)i.`i comnlzmdod 1' b_v'j f:1milfv.nf three`: :1a;11,.`:`11tor: Chnntf X/'inIq nf "\:.`\-\\ 111:;-:_rv, Of Joseph W. Chantler of Alliston. brother of M. R. Chantler. Barrie. who died from diphtheria on Mar. 19, the Alliston Hemld says:-- ' , a Mr. Chantler. who was in the 60th `year of his age, was a man of rugged constitution and had never before - been ill. He was the son` ofian Essa `pioneer, Joseph Chanrler, an outo_2`en- Aarian, at present living at Newton .-Robinson. Born on the farm on which ' his death ooc_u1'1'ed. M1`.-A Chantler 5spen_t practically` 1.11 his, life there- haxving; been in` another part for a. I period of about five ,vo.f1rs only, which? _ he spent.:'n_ the township of Sunnidale ;_ _following' his nm1'1'ia,::'re to `Jane Reid`- in ]'`c->b1'u:`u"\'. 1893. .Of sterling quali-f` ties fmd 111mssumin;'; mien. M1`. Ch.'1nt- "5 101' was hem in the \'v"l`,V hi_.';'hest'es,-:1 teem by all with whom he came in" contact. Industry was his 0utst:mdin_:;: r.-11:11`.-ivc-tc-ristic mid this qu:1iit_v <-nab-'1 led him to pu1'su(- his \'OCEl.ti()ll withji :1 110;} .o;;(~n1pIii'io(1 1'i_:;l1.*eous- 1 l.np`q;_V nn n.uu....-.1..:u r wuzn otner mod. ' . ` 3 n. -Travis of Colnngwood met . NEWTON F. PARTRIDGE Sintaluta (Sask.) '1`imes-C1tizens of Sintaluta. and district were shocked` Saturday, Feb. 19, when a wire was Partridge had died in the Calgary hos- received here stating that Newton ; oi Rowley, Alberta. D8.8sed.. away M in, Calgary after an illness of about ` ; two years, this Thursday morning , (March 17). .Deceased was born in . Thornton; Ontario. and came west in . 1918. InA1921 she married B. M. Rich- ardson and they lived at Killam. Al-. berta. until a year ago when they; tmoved to Rowleyx Mrs._ -Richardson' ' had been in failing health for the past I - two years. - ; Deceased is survived by her hus-- band and three brothers. J. F. Black-' stock of Saskatoon: Rev. Dr. W. E. Blackstock of El Paso. Texas. and Major George G. Blackstock. residing in Calgary. ' 1' ; VFuneral services will be held at Fos- p ter and Foster : funeral home. on Fri- v day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev. Mrn Gordon will conduct the services and! 1` the remains will be forwarded to Rowley, Alberta, on Saturday mom- i mg for interment. In ` __ _. _ -7 V-~ 'q' 'p` | MR8. EDITH mcH'ARI:IfsoNV Calgary. `Hera.1d-Mrs. Edith Rich-` ardson. wife- '0! B. M. Richardson of passed Calgary after an nlm.-sun nf -1...--L 'OBITUARY >103 |E*X0I`,,'I"X0I0} w a. :.a.rmer reslaent Of presented solid late t Zlnn Dnnuhuy, wznub WUFB SHDCKCQ was_ ing F. operation` after an rea wnjplm an-nun... ,uu LWO 80110. Presby- ' Corner-5:, 1`;-IE BAR ms "EXAMINER > Electrical connections times corrode. Don't blame 0 Corrooled Fose i , n :1 burnt out fuse if the lights ;' and off. corxfod ,,,,. _....,,\\.px1|(tLC l.Al uiltl ElV`l"'f `:|:.j:'o itttendnnce of only 2,pupils. 4? ' The bell in the tower of the Sutton :An`s:'Iic.'1n Parish (`.h1n'(`h nmlod fm'tI'n` ;100 tinwsgon .\Iond:vy. ).I:u-r-11 21, as; {the ,1-actor entered the church tu con-z gduc-t a special_co]ebr:xtinn of the Holy; .rC`.0nnnunirm for Miss E1izn`A11de1's5<)11; ;who 1"e21che(1 the century `mark that. fduy. At the nnpointed time, Miss An-' gdorson walked U1 !aS.`~`.iSt(`d to the altzun frail to partake of the'Holy Comtmun-E iion. ` 4 _ I ... um. ;\.L<.';\1t_'t,)1!` -$41; Vi(,`T.O.V`iEL E .~`?~`.`v'R: Orillia V9537: and Midland ;There were .a number of st 'in his inspectomte that had `:|:.`:`o I ,.l.` 4v_ , H4 The ban in mm m...,... ;u.J1, uuu one` 1001'. c.'1u_2;ht in {L crotch! of the tree leaving him suspended in: .mid-air. His. exertions to free himself; _h1`oug'ht on an attack of. heart failure; =cauaing; de:v.th. ' 3 ; ' Acrrordingr` `to fi_c;ures supplied by. Insxmctor Day it costs to educate {L} frzhild in the Township of I\1':;tc-hed.-rmh' :1 year; Medonto $44; Ta_\' .,33; Pm*t Mru-\'1'cr,)1!` $41; Vic-toria Hzlrbor, Ori1li.av-`$37: M'id1and $35.3 number nf ;-n1nnv.- .....u. pl uuzug J.l'ulE [P085] .in his gafih. A rung of the ladder on} which he stood broke. causing him to full, and one` foot crotch of_ leaving: him l`luhc-nnil :..5 ,,._ sudden death whil.e.m*uni1 in garden. ca f nl'l I111:-1 t`- ` ` .:,t:u1ueI` 13`, and if Dfli will of 5 per cent. sac unuu. u=u 1'4 `_`l0verdraft 3 Salaries . . . . .. 1 Printing o . - . - u . a - - I Fire Department 9 Hydrants I Police . . . . . . . . . ' Roads and Streets ' Lighting . . . . . . . . . .. ' : Uharifxy - - - o ~ - - o . ` 1o owsu s'r., PHONE 130.}?