is a 0rd following: 1 rams POI F M2 uasnuaav '24. ,1 IIOME OFFICE HALEY. 1=Is1 __ President.` ,. _ Recent computations inadei by statis- ` ticians of the Metropolitan Life. Insurance Company show the Ileal economic. value of thelives of our people from; babyhood to old. age. These gures are based. on the average family-- with an ;.ave_rage income`- and take into consideration the average." length of life of each member of the family, to- gether with the cost of `bringing children IIIZKCII IXI \TI 7IIIIKII!S able week y)- . '. _ ` Group Insurande . . , . To_tal lnsura nc_e Outstand-_ 5;" '."'.' "1" ."t'."`. Nurgber of . -Policies in L Force December 31, 1926 ; . Today it ls lcrlnown that"the lives of our men, women and children are the nation"s1 greatest asset. The economic value of these lives completely ovei-shadows the value of all of ourmaterial wealth.` ' ---U-vuuv III rlqdt llllllll` 1 1926 . . -, . . . Income in 1926 . ; . . Gain in lncome,i1926 . . Paid-for Life Insur`anco.Is- "sued, Increased and Ry- vived in 19.26 . "'. . . ` Gain imlnsurance in Force ` in1926 . T. `. . . Totali Bonuses`. and Div- idends `to Policyholiders from 1892 to and inclu- cling1927 . . . .` . Life Insurance Outstanding Ordinary Insurance . . .$6,566,59 Industrial (fremiums pay- _ able v_veek 'y)- 1. ;_ $5,487.80 `C III 1Q i lncrease in Aqsets during` I 192:: . V fery 1 LMOST any man will agree that his N A life is more valuable to himself than the things he owns. Now he `can have the comfort of knowing how valuable his life is to others - from a dollar-9 and-cents standpoint. ' V Assets . . . . . . . $2,108,004,38 Liabilities: Statutory Reserve $1,862,873,l76.00 Dividends to Po_licy- ' ~. holders pa able 1927 $2,246,369.35 All other iabilities 370.648.717.81 Unassigned Funds $l22,236_,l22.`l4 -munsnmr. rznnunvw 24. 1927. :` ` EETBPL1T_%`NLWE INSURANCE COMPANY Th_`Mfr@plltn Ljfg Intllralnce C o1.ln.p'arfly is in holders. .I_Ats,wyefa_l\th is hwned solely by its 24,500 Fiscal Report to Policyholders B`... `7-_, I ) `I0 . C\ - -_ 1925:` 23c , 4 -,: 1 9-- Zfj forJYear Finding Decemb-;:3l, 19;; _$.1o8,oo`4,3ss.o, $2.1os,oo4,`3s5.3o s5,4s7,soo,s}4s.oo% s1,444,ss4,1o7.oo $13.-t9s,9s1,:s27.oo % 37,239,579 $6,566,9'6,s72.oo s3,.>/1%1,77s,15o.oo A $1,4o1,734,s35.oo s3o4.s94,ss4;sA $253,346,902.88 $595,596,505.8_8 $4,368,062.09 - F SIGHT SPEECH EXPENSE ICATION _..-`v`Not` bestbAecause th e-bigigest, .j,fe I1psura_nce C'omp'any i.s_a`_1 mutual organization; '~h no stoisk anti is."6_@wn'_e%d 24,500,000 Policyholders--in-.the United States an! `If you wish to nd out how much each member of your family is worth. economically. send -for a. booklet recently prepared by the Metropolitan Life lnsurance Company- I t tells how a. person of any age may measure the economic value of his or her life. It will be mailed free. Business written in 1926 . Ordinary . . . .`. . . Industrial . `. Group . P Business in force at end'of'1926 . _ 1 Ordinary [. T . 4 Industrial . .. . Croup . __ V `Investments in Canada '. . Dominion Government Bonds Provincial & Municipal Bonds 9All other Investments ` Policies in force in Canada . -. Payments toe. Canadian` Policy- r holders in 1926 . ' . Long lives and `short livee --.srnall incomes and big incomes--are -reckoned` in thesecalculations. At 40, a man earning $100 a week is rated as having an economic value of $45,670. A_t 30, the $50-a-week man represents a value of $3 I .000. He had a Value of $9.333 " the day. he was born.* - And then\come the gures showing the totaleconornic value of all the men, women and _ children of North America - the as- tounding total of L500 0 billion dollars ($1 .500,000.000.000). intd the world,_ feedingithem, clothing them. educating" them and bringing them up to a self-supporting basis. Metropolitan \Life Insurance Com- pany issue: more insurance, has more policyholders and p more in- s_ura_nce in force in Canada than V any other company. hive Biggest in the Wo1-ld, Mbre Assets,` "More, Insurance ix} `force, More e,w Insura Third V_ice-P}feiden_t General Manager for Canada. In Canada : $167,862,023 $72,888,231 $80,103,035 314,370,757 * $704,911,355 V $356,914,621 $310,464,350 3 37,532,334 $137,770,136 T $43,297,073 $40,956,969 $48,516,039 $10,079,007 'J 2,349,904 % {the `ma BARRIE sums:-:3 North `America can well be proud of the additional insurance placed on the valuable lives of her peoplelin I926. More than I6 billion dollars ($|6,000,000,000) was `written and revived during the year by about 300 life i insurance companies -- making the total amount of life insurance in - force approximately 80 billion dollars The -latest available government reports show that everything we own 4-- land,build- ings, railroads, mines. raw materials, manufactured products, crops, live stock ---everything included-- was close to 400 billions... Our lives are worth nearly ve times as much \as our property. Perhaps the easiest` way to realizethis stupendous gure is to compare it with the total value of the entire material wealth of Canada and the United States; JMo.;-e po1i cyho1ae..-s, Insurance each year ' Cana'_d`ia'n Hc_ad`Office Building recently occupied in; Ottawa. Phone 447W Dunlap St. Dad earnsr$50 a`we eh. He has just paid` the rent, the grocery bill and milk bilI.*He says he is broke, but happy... In reality, he and his family are worth asmall fort`an.e.... This Canadian family represents $79,100 of the nation's wealth. ' r %BroIze > but worth $79,] has no stoiskvand no stock- States_a.nd Canada. CANADIAN HEAD "OFFICE You would not insure a $5,000 house for $250 - one twentieth of its value. You insure it adequately. But have you insured yourself adequately ? Send for the booklet which tells you _what you are worth. Study it. Then decide whether or not you carry enough insurance to protect your family. '3' I The faeople of the future will better safe- guard their wealth and happiness. We are rapidly gaining a better knowledge- of the value of our greatest wealth - human lives. But while the people carry 80 billion dollars of life insurance--or only one twentieth of the economic value of their lives -- they carry more than I60 billions of insurance on property - more than one- half of its value. ($80,000,000,000). "About one sixth of the grand total is carried by the Metfopolitan. FREDE_R__ICI_<, _H. ECKER. Vice-Brvesident. OTTAWA Pllo 111$`!