Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Feb 1927, p. 6

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:- 2% ATAII.-onass `and'|5I`iE8-8MAKER ' 2 Adelaide St. Tel. 1o53`w] `W. J. Munro. Allandale Rec. Sec'y.-F. Longhurst, 202 Brad- ` ford St., Barrie. - Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of each - - month. L. R. ORD ,_ CIVIL ENGINEER Ontario and Dominion Land Surveyor 133 `Blake St.. Barrie. Phone 623 WELOH. CAMPBELL & LAWLESS chart,-ed Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge` St., Toronto H. ,J. Weleh. C.A. G. D. Campbell, C.A. W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer T. E. Lawless, C.A. Manager Cost and` Efficiency Dept. 1 iVlCTORlAN ORDER OF NURSES - Barrie Branch Residence, 86 Worsley St. Phone 751W WELL BABY CLINIC from 2 to 5' o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse : services may be made direct or through your doctor. B. M; SYLVESTER `Teacher of Music Bandmaster Barrie Citizens Band` Formerly Director of Music Christie St. Hospital under D.S.C.R., bandmaster of 134th 0.8. Bn., bandmaster of 75th Tnrnnfn Qnntnah `Dn--6 -u.u.u v-9.2. 1.111., uuuu Foronto Scottish Regt. EDMUND HARDY Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal, and Musical Theory, Organist and Cholrmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Gold medalist Toronto Conservatory of .Music and Universitv of 'I"nv-nni-n vvauuzu nan an uu-o uuuu-.. uvoua .vv.... In a corner was a truckle bed.- On `that bed was a man. his deeply-mark- `ed face pale and unshaven. He looked `sick, and `he stirred gently and moaned `like a sick man, not opening his eyes `to them. Gatineau gave him one look; `then went and stood by the window. `which was just by the foot of the bed. `Crouching against the woodwork. the 'little detective watched the world out- side, his` pistol ready. (`Jnmnnt nnfnrl nninlzlv, Wrnm hln j. MAUDE E. QLAXTON. L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of Music examinations leading up to and including A.T.C.M. degree. Studio-King Block. Phone 424 ,, I DR. E. G. TURNBULL I Graduate McGill University, Montreal. Office and Residence--Cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. Office hours: ` 9-10 __1`n, 1-2 Inna '7 0 -4- uuxu meuanst Toronto Conservatory Music University of Toronto. 113 Worsley St. Phone 683.V s _ L. J. SIMPSON. M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Residence--Collier St.. cor- ner Owen St., Barrie. Phone 275' - R. FRED A. ROSS Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie Late Surgeoq, Specialist with the Imperial "Army, 4% years. General Surgery and Obstetrics especially. - Office---140. Dunlop St., Barrie Phone 710 , P. O. Box 1078 I un. mun-ullvla LYON 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto. Will be at 91 Owen St.. Barrie. First Saturday of each month. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours-11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Barrie, phone 2. Toronto, North 3326 . DR. N. W. -ROGERS _-Physician and Surgeon. , Special attention to Obstetrics [Office and Re dence: 50 Mary St. ' . hone 101 I Office hours! 9.0 an 1 non n nan ! Office hour.-s: una. LITTLE & LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. Office and Res1dence--47 Mame Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m.. .7 to 9 p.m., or ] by appointment. Phone 213. IA. T. Llttlg, M.D. W. C. Little. M.B. U: W. Ho Graduate of Toronto University ' Phone 61 Office-58 Collier St. I Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 and 6.30-8 p.m. no sound." A A They looked about the room quickly. It was a bare room. with a table and stove, andone window. next the door. looking on to the porch. There was a door into an inner-room. Gatineau sprang across to it and looked in. It had a bed and a glassless window and very little else. The window was shut, the bed had evidently been used by; the woman. Gatlneau came out of the room, shutting the door`. There was no! `need to go into that room. What they `wanted was in this outer. living room. I , ___-- _ 4___-_u-u- 1.-.: l\_ | J. A. CORBETT NQTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancet, In- 'clv_.`1ding drawing of wills, deeds, ar- ranging of loans, etc. Insurance of all kinds. Executor, Administrator and iTrus_tee. Thornton, Ontario. 4-62c _______..._______.__________ DR. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner County of Simcoe --and-- -r\I\ a VII 1:. r|.nA I UN I . IBARRISTERS. `SOLICITORS, ETC. ' Offices: 707-8 Kent Building I Torontc, Ont. .C. W. Plaxton. , G. Gordon Plaxton I James O. Plaxton -j I ....---1-uunvl G-l1r\l.VIlVlU!VIJ ;BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. `l Masonic Temple Building, Barrie ` MONEY '1`/O LOAN wv--wruv I u "Iu\I\lr\I)Jp Dufh Successor to Creswick & Bell _BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. MONEY T0 LOAN. Ross Block. Barrie I I ! 7 A aovs a aovs Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries Pubhq . Conveyance:-s, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of in- : terest. Office-_--13 Owen St.. in. Mason- `ic Temple Build ng, Barrie. , Branch 0 ice--Elmva)le. i W. A. Bo-ys. K.C., M.P. J. R. Boys. no-ngnnuv Ur-rl UVVVHII. Barrister, Solicitor for `obtaining pro- lbate of wills. guardianship and ad- ministration. General Solicitor. Notary. I Convavannar Ala .uuuou.uuuu. uexlerul unucuor. Notary. Conveyancer. ave ,Ofr1ce--H1nds Block, ,5 Dunlop St., iBarrie. \ MONEY TO LOAN { H. H. CRESWICKE . Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, etc. ` MONEY TO LOAd~I. Ross Block.TBarrle ' ` G.-R. &E. BURNS (Over Frank Dutcher's grocery` store) Chiropractors, Drugless Therapists Spinal Adjustment and -Massage Electric, Vibratory, and Magnetic . Blanket Treatments - Patho-Neurometer Service Phone 405.! for appointment regardless or sex. . Clement felt pity for her and the, lite she `must have led. "We mean no harm. Mrs. Wandersun. Only youl must keep qulet-" And not move." added Gatineau. "Stand over in that corner there. Mrs. 'Wa.ndersun-yes. in the angle of the- walls. Now understand. no movemenni sound." rm..." :,m|....I ohnnf Hm mmm nnlnklv- vuvrul-II rllU`p I-In-n BAREISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. ' Masonic. Temple Building, Barrie - MONEY Tn T.n.n\1 uvuwvlv I-UIVUWIFKIV Barrister, Solicitor, `Notary, etc. MONEY T0 LOAN Rn Rlnnb `I2-a.....-. 4Aili_lantlale L.O.L. 432 RADENHURST &.. HAMMOND k'D'D`I',-Q"l`I7l'.`)Q ccrvr 1-rs:-nu.~~..-.. UIIIO 9-10 a..m.. 1- V.i_--:-:----2-1 DUNCAN F. McCUA|`G. B.A. lnnnnan.-... 4.. r1......._.: _:_ - ans. LITTLE c. |.lT'l'L_E siciann and Snnnnnnn I-......- -ALSXANDE R COWAN non... c1_u-.u-.. A--. '- DR. MORTIMER LYON 22 B100!` Waf Tnrnnba PLAXTON a PLAXTON ITQVITIEISQ -(rs? -nu-aw-- ._.... V The woman turned from the -s Love with a halt-cry.ot fear as their boots clumped oh the boards of the shack. she dropped the cottee can with a crash, and her-lips clenched tight to- gether as she saw the weapons in their hands. There was something sizniti-V pant in that sudden gesture of silence: she had seen pistols in men's hands `beore--~in the hands of `men who shot regardless of (`Invnnnf mm mm fnr her and the DONALD ROS$. LL.B I D`l)I G'l'I'l`l) rs.-xv Yl\vrIn1\-\ .. c6RDoN LONGMAN udnd-4.... 5-1.1-.-4-.. 1 lliltn (`If Tnrnntn `I ?-ml... sc. .l.Ulp1B nuuumg, MONEY TO LOAN xuunmx 'J.'U LUAN Ross Block, Barrie J. 'A.` cone:-:1"r Pnnnrn rm... .... .. SOCIETIES unanvu IIU UKB 8 1., 1-3 p.m., 7-8'p.m. MEDICAL H18, H15 HISLUI I'Bk1.U_Y. Clement acted quickly. From his MUSIC LIIIUK \JUUI -and- II I-I (`AI LEGAL UUIICBI ahone 1 8-930, . Box LUJ. 142.30. 658.30. LI '0! Iju av. IvIlI`IIII\l|` Funeral Director: and Embalmor Ambulance Service - PhoneA431 . Motor and Horse Equipment Car. Mary and Elizabeth Sts.. Barrio If you have not plenty of water, bet- ter see 1`. H. Rutledge about drilling I well. I guarantee water and drill with gasoline-no wood or water to haul. I have two machines and t-he prices are reasonable. Write or phone me and I will call on you. = - T. H. 'RUTLEDGE, Shelburne, Ont. P.O. Box 122. - `Phnnn `I99 For interview and terms. apply at 62 Ross St. :'BARRlE : Phone 249 j _._w' ------- If you want your, children to have alert minds. sound nprvel. ruddy cheeks aglow with health, gilve them OLAJEN-The.y love it ovnloo 1311111116 VVII3UIl Cont:-alto Vocalist, Entertainer and. locutionist Singing, Speaking, Public Oratory and Dramatic Expression. 1. nnun I. 3 V U1Ul`J PRODUCTION and SINGING (all examinations). A`I t'\ ___' __._-v`wvtu Organist and Choir-master Collier Street United Church All grades of ORGAN, PIANO and M THEORY; VOICE PRODUCTION and IQ" nvnriulnobln-.-\ ......v uuuaUl'lpl.lUlll will not Do carried In arrears over an ` extended period. yet. unless we are notified to cancel. we assume the subscriber wishes the service - continued. REMITTANCES should be made `lay reglstened letter. Innnan Anni..- .... - --_--- Established 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTORS V`AND EMBALMERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Motor nxnbnlnnce in connection BARRIE, ONT. : Phone 82. nun vlvv ' |4'_Ulll.llluU(Xc by registered letter. money order, or cheque payable at par in Barrie. ` money orae K iq Ba:-rile. Horace _ Wilson}, _A.R.C.O. GI OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 47- Elizabeth St. : Phone 218. ..._--- warn I aallnll I'll sE6TT's BOOKSTORE Info. spay natui ngm rm _. _ -O_ __--_- .._-. Harry Barron Your R1~:AD1f1c Needs ARE WELL SUPPLIED AT $'l4\I3-unau--;_-__._.__> IS OUR ADDRESS where we are equipped better than ever to attend to_ all your wants in the line of is the keynote to the rapid success all students may make in .' any one of SHAW'S TWELVE BUSINESS TRAIN- ING SCHOOLS. Enter any time. No vacations. Day and night sessions and home study courses. Free particulars. P. A. Mclntosh, Mgr., Dept. E4, 46 Bloor Street West, Toronto. FOR Hot Water Heating and PLUMBING 756 Elizabeth St. : Phone 952W Agent for McClary s Furnaces. G. g. s_1_s_a_11ju _e_;_ co u. nulunuun, anelnurne, U .0. Box 122. - Phone 122 $ Z TfZT IIIUIVI an hunts: oounrriou anouam on av me menu: of wonuli IND RESTORE THE OHILD TO NORMAC I'lEAL'l'lfl_._ c P. C. LLOYD Funer_:_1l I_)iI_'ec-tor and MULCASTER ST. %w. J. RICHARDS WATER! WATER! PLUMBING AND HEATING GIVE US" A CALL Phone 180 PERSONAL INSTRUCTION REAL Esfli W. D. MlNNIK|N_ Author of Low Ceilingsf? J. A. MacLa.z-en. Editor IW. C. Walla. Manager 32 \...-- -"ALSO `- `TRY Examiner men and the 25 cents a w It'is both 3 there is M sure way to lay more cg .4..:I.. (MA ., my daily feed a unuu: cg,` Now on sale it all Drugist|--$1.00 a jar. IIILGCI-J Kill CAFCIIBCC , ' Moone s~ Emerald Oil besides being so marvelously antiseptic that it de- strays germs and poisons caused by germs is such a remarkable healing agent that eczema, barbers itch, salt rheum and other inflammatory skin eruptions go in a few days.` ' Wnr want: if Esau T-usnn "near! J.- Brow ~ bold "H1! {or I DID A'I"I' Coats Ian I per day to the Traj id '-rm YO ALL mun 100 lb mak body fellig ager his 0 sur etc. (Continued tram tut week) 17 ' 25114 the ing time in p` his c up h meat] hard IF MOTHER_ NARCO'l'lc8 - PLEASANT As suama Reuralqid -Iieada'che I `II I-IEIJMA*l'lm_,S~_l__i Aging-"..Q _ . '...._L_-A , -nu I-uvud-I I Igyuvu .Neun'z's ~ Lumbago .- sciatica T $9- --_-- I.---- - ___.-.I... L`_-L U11 uuu. - I Gunning, unsteady, but still power- 'fu1. fell forward across the narrow lgap between him and the unready de- Etective. A great arm flaiied. and his ;fist took the little man behind the ear. AseGa'tineau fell. Gunning fell -on ,top of him. smothering him. Clement acted swiftly. He could not shoot be- cause of, Gatineau underneath. With a lightning gesture. he transferred his ,pistol to his right hand again, and grabbed at a. chair. He made a stride forward. I UT\un-s Id-I" guuqnv\In\"l\1: n nu-`Inn lIY'\...n.. LU!` V'\'1l.'|.l a Drop it!" snapped a. voice. Drop that chair!" ._ A - A slim man was at the window. A slim man with one arm in a sling. but` whose dar "eye shone "with steady purpose be ind the sights of an auto- matic pistol. ' . Clement dropped the chair. b There was a. movement by the door. The light from it was darkened by some huge and bulky figure. Clement `turned his head. Smiling. withoutethe `slightest vestige of emotion. and look-A ing steadily not into his eyes. but over us` n'uL'.uutu' ulu ui U1'u5'UIl.' There was a sudden movement from the corner. The woman moaned and f_e1l against the wall. She had swooned --apparently. Only apparently.--As her body reached the floor her hands! moved" swiftly. Something. flashed and. spat. Clement had taken a step to- wards her. It saved his life. The bul- let from a tiny pistol struck him in the fleshy part of the right forearm. He gasped in pain, staggered. Im- mediately things haplitned. Gatineau had spun round at the sound of the shot. His attention for a fateful second was torn between the window. Gun- ning. and the woman. And Gunning hit him. Iluunnlnnv uinafnnvv I-xuul nl-III v\r\IIIp\uI UUl'5`.,U!' lVBVVXl1dIl. OI` .lVRCIlDa.I'." J - `Thatls a lie!" snarled I-Iemxv Gun- -ntng. There lsn t a murder in it. That's a lie; that Isn't in it. ' It is in it." - Murder. The same sort of murder as- Nachbar did in Oregon. Tharp war: 9 nutrition mnxrnmnnf mm vs upuxuua 5U 11': a ;UW uaya._ ' I For years` xt has been used for boils, ulcers, abscesses and'open sores that discharge and with the most` perfect success. _Wm. Crossland will,` be glad to supply you. 7c |.U|$U-'llUl` III uruer . '. Murder!" said Gunning in `a, sharp . voice. - I mm..- ........a.... -4. 41... u.......:.. ..a x'..;. `mines. the details of how Joe Wan- .l.Uu uuul; UIUII 1116." I "Then you lied when you bragged at ; Cobalt. my friend. snapped Clement.1 `Do you want me to tell you all you bragged of in -the billiard parlor of; Cobalt?" .I-Ienry Gunning shrank back` against the bed. I see you are re- cognizing us now. Well. understand fully that we've got all the evidence against -you. The story ofithose silver dersun pretendedto act as a bona fide agent, the way Medusejsmythe be-' came the companion of.I-Ieloise Reys,, the meaning of Adolf Neuburp: behindv it all. We know the whole fou-1 plot.| the love making. the robbing of that girl, with the aidaof Landor at Revel- stoke-her murder.'. 1\Enn:1nv1I" cold llnnnlnnr In `n ulnnun VULUUo "The murder at. the hands of Neil- burg.,or Newman. or Nachbar. `Thofln o `Hn'" annular} IIAIFIIQIQ I11-:4. lH.W. `.l'6I'!`O!` 3110118 In 1115 I800. 5 . Clement followed up his advantage. 9 We're here for you. I-Ienry Gunning. ' We know all about you and this plot against Heloise Reys. We know how you lured her out here..how you want to get [hold /or her and her million of V money. " V ' "Tdnai TJQQV". nvvlnrn-3 `I -I'n\1nu (`luau-ulna L116 law I! yuu. ' o I 'I`he,law.". Clement sprang on him. V The law isover there--he `indicated Gatineau. That is a detective come to settle with you. my friend. I As: nvnnntn T-TnnI~'v l'!I1nnIna-.u+unn._: LU HULLIU WILD yuu. III) Il`l8(l." . I As expected, Henry Gunning -stum-= bled back at the mere threat of the law. Terror shone in his face. 3 lVInrvu.\nl> fnylh-nnnaal nn lulu npl-cunt..- u uluuuy. I "Lies! Lies!" cried Henry Gunning`. You don't bluff me. "'I"I-can unn Had urhnn unn `nnoalcvn at` :su'uu5 auuuu UL ruuuu angel` . And at the name Gunning winced. `But he pulled his wits. which were ob- \ viously fuddled. together and hemut- tered. What do you mean by all this? Hey, what the-? Look here. I'll have the law n you." 'l`hA.Jnw lnmnnf cnmana nn him Uu LHU [JUFUII UL (.116 SIRIUK. ' Clement shiftedhis pistol to his left hand. Do you get` up yourself? he snapped. 4 , , nnnlng ghnlzilv a-nf nn TRIP;-n nun uuuppeu. ' I Gunning shakily got up. Who are. you?`he demanded thickly. I An mnnllnhrnnn Hlrn vnnvcnlf hut o There is one simple and inexpen- zsive way to reduce the danger of swollen veins and bun-ches, and get' them down to normal, and that is to] apply Moone s Emerald Oil night and 3 morning, using the Moone s Ban-' dage to support them during the- day. People who have painful, enlarged `veins should not neglect them for they sometimes burst and cause ijich , misery and expense. I Mnnnn c. mvnnwnl nil Rushing Raina yuu: uv: uculauuuu. uuuluy. ! An Englishman like yourself, but a cleaner one," aid ~ Clement with a. strong sense of racial anger ` " And 121* fho nnrnn flnnnlnrr 117']!-Incl!` `.116 IIIULLEFUQ, "IIUIULSU. ` Clement saw red. Up. you skunk!" he snapped. His hand went down plucking at .the blankets. With a. twist they were on the floor. Henry Gun- ning`, with one ineffectual `grab at the disappearing clothes, lay looking up at Clement, his eyes full of fear, his mouth loose. He had reason for fear`. He lay on the bed with his nightshirt on him, but beneath that were all his clothes (save the boots) he had worn but a few minutes ago as he sat a healthy man reading, his newspaper on the porch of- the shack. nlnmnnt uhiffn hie hie!-nl in his Inf!-> stuuuu up. V . The man on. thevbed moaned and stirred. And he made a false move; I He muttered. Heloise." I` l"InrnnnI' inn! vn TTn unn abnn'Iz-I put LIIU CEBU UULUFU 11810138 neya. He took a. step to the bedside. The men under the blankets moved`, It might have been merely the tossing of la sick body, it might have been an- xiety. Clement looked down at the face. saw its looseness. its weakness, its degeneration; saw, too, in the out- lline or good looks. how such a. face 3 might carry a fond memory right back to the time when this man was a fine. upstanding. clean-looking boy. Oh, yes, that face would call up memor- ies that might well obliterate the pre- sent. - 2 'IJ'n nsnlpl 1nnnnIa1u- TY... -u-Id-In --;.uu Til ...- lwllfilt said hnrshiy. Up with you. Hen- I 'r.v Gunning. You're ' found out. The game's up." 'l`hn man nn Han had mnanna and pocket he tool; a. piece of paper," un-' tdlded it and put itonathetable. He found that ink and pens were already there and he put the paper near them. It was a. confession. He had drawn it. up in the train coming from Bantt. It set out the gefneral lines of the plot as Clement saw t. And he meant Henry Gunning ,to sign it. It would frighten Gunning into `fleeing the country, as well as an argument to use when he put the case before Heloise Reys. He took 1!. Alien tn fhn hndnidn 'l"hn '.Neuralqz'd -Qlieadciche '---m Inn nciunnmugn Westward it the uvr nu um: xus ruonery can De cover- ,ed up, Just as the killing of. Roberts` -cove _d up that robbery." A "K 11 her--murder V Heloise." said Gunning in a whisper. " ` `iii UH ' . You think he doesn't mean murder? Ask him. Ask him if he hasn't made up his mind to rob a rich young girl, `as he made up his mind to rob the rich young `man, Roberts of Oregon. Ask himif he didn't nlan.to lure her to the wilds. Just as he lured Roberts into ' the wilds. Ask him `if. having planned 'to secure all her money through Landor at Revelstoke. as he secured all Roberta's money in Ore- gon. he does not mean to kill her-kill her so that his robbery can be ad un. inst an Hm Izllllna .-.9 `p.-.u....+..v 5u.1.,n.uiu1e neys." Murder her! No-no: we aren't go- ing to do that. It's a. lie! cried Gun- ning. "shrinking in loathing. You are a. clever young man, said Nachbar to Clement. Too clever. Go nn_9I uuunulg`. Clement. conscious of the play of ' that eager hand over thepistol pocket, said evenly: Gunning, for reasons. of his own. for reasons connected with Heloise Reys, this man has thought besttto keep you ignorant of his real nature. He is [Albrecht Nachbar who is wanted by the Oregon police for murder. He is careful not to deny it." V1-nu `in Int; quill Ann`. I4 ll L......J.I.-.1 III 1118 (1lI'Iy I808." ' - Neuburg. or rather Nachbar. stood passive, his greatfacev in an awful in- scrutability. Only his right h'a_nd mov- ed. It lifted, and its fingers caressed the flap of his coat pocket.` caressed as if eager to get at something that lay in that pocket. `Only when _Gunning shouted once more. Go on, Adolf, fling the lie in his face," did he say. Stop that. Gunning. Go on, Seadon; Go on -Don t stop at that. Let _s have all of -it.". He-wanted to find out all Clement knew. He ignored Gunning horror and disgut. He was. no doubt. entire- ly confident of his `supremacy over Gunning. (`lnrnnnf nnnnnlnvla A! H... -1-.. "-0. 3 ,0... ...,..._.. .... .n..uuua.;, Luau. u. uuuugu " A confession. Our bright -Henry _ , was to sign it. the girl Heloise was to , read it. and all would be well. An in-I 3891110118 plan. Seadon. A well-con_s_id- ,ered plan. You would have terrorized` 'lour backboneless Henry with threats.` `t Perhaps you would have carried. it , through. for Henry is a. cur. But you I: did not. I intervened. So far. then. I that was your idea; But before- l lament whn hurl Bonn Ilrnfnhlnnr .5u1u5 LU a.uswe1'.` ' " As he spoke. the woman-perhaps something still feminine in her revolt- ed- against the horrors she thought, bound [to come-s_tepped to the table, '1 and picked up the paper Clement had` 3 put upon it. Neuburg read. it through. I I A nnnnnnh-`v. l\.... I...I...I.4. 'I`I'-._____ > 9 3 LV GU11 lR1l"'-'lIl uruerel` u ' V .( A murderer!" cried Gunning. He `shrankaway from Neuburg, his face pale -and working. A murderer. There was realdisgust and horror in his tone. He was a. real bad hat. but somehow that had touched to horror and disgust a clean streak in him. Then with a. genuine anger he swung round on the bigfman; "Give him the lie, Adolf, he shouted. Filing the lie in his dirty face. ' Nnllhllrn nr vnfhnn `kfonkknu 34...: -............-.. .u w onauluvbwlp \.l\llIJlll5o I was speaking to Adolf," said Gunning, snarling at Clement. - A1brecht," said Clement evenly. Gunning gasped, his eyes became 'wild. Wha.t-who .is this Naqhbar?" V he cried. .' I uvm. .'.....'.........1.a..... 4... La... .._'_..n __..a Lu: urxcu. ` You arespeaking to him nt iw,`,' said Clement. Adolf Neuburg is Albrecht Nachbar--murderer " 1 A rnnnny-owl" nnln f`|u'.v.-.I..~ ' 1,1 - TERRIBLE ECZEMA | GQ_E__QUlCKLY| 3 E U 9 5 prone _man- did not stir or groan. . Neuburg, after -a. speculative stare at Clement said. You have blundered in `I on me again._ You are clever, my ex-. teriorly ingenuous young man. But quite clever enough. However, clever .enough to know that this is a. very awkward situation for~you." 1 7 wnifn fnvv lnwxnn n annnrnm ` ot. "'-J.V GU11 Uni` - The big man's hand moved upwards towards his breast in a startled and curious gesture. It was an instinctive defense` against an unexpected blow. His `breath came in a. sudden sharp hiss- His eyes flickered" to Clement's face with a. movement and witha. light. !startled, yet -unfathomable. And no I other sign did he give. Presently, What is this talk about Nachbar? he `said. in a quiet, even voice. l'1nnnh-arr uni nvnlnahn-nu IIm1..-. 42-1 uuu. was your luau. but oeIore-" Clement. who hadxbeen watching Gunnlngs face, observing the perplexlty on it. said evenly, That certainly was !my plan. But I changed it at the last ;moment. I was about to change it. "this is, when you"arrlv_ed. I found. an _unexpected ignorance in Henry Gun- Ening. I found he knew nothing about l -Na_chbar." Thu I-do vv.un'u hon.-I -vu-nun`: ............1.. ...-,,r.....y,g..-u onvsuv xunvv\.;_, Juu uus. Oh, no;" said Clement. I'm not going to answer." T i 5. Au `Ho an-unbn flu-an Iivrlinaouun ......I.........l uuus uuruuu Ulelnenr.-'8 8110111061`. I E I am afraid I want you to say` something." said- Mr. Neuburg with; his smo'oth suavity. Yes, I think II must ask you to give me a few exp1ana- ; tions. He waited. Again Clemen_t did] not answer. Mr. Seadon, you are a; worldly-wise young man; you are noj fool. You will, I think. understand my. position. There are certain facts I must have. I mean to have them. ' l Clement did not answer. ., i I think you had better say some-, -thing," .said Mr. Neuburg. His voice `took on a curious purr- I am not a` man who finds stubbornness agreeable. . I, I willhave those facts; Now, he and g !why are you here? Answer, you dog!- mh an-uh: n1...........; urn... ...\4. v\n>" LAVIIIUKIL UIU. HUI. answer. . ~ Have you anything to `say for your- self?" He wanted Clement,-to show his hand either by defiance or an attempt` to temporize. lnrnnnf IIhnnI'Iu?17ina-`Iv cold 1\TnO-In I u._vvnvyu.ru auuuuun 1.UI"_VUu." . . ' Hewaited for Clement to_ answer. Vclement did not answer. T-Tova unn 'nn1nl-lnlnnul in '.-..-.u- 0.... up"... LU LUIIIIJUFIZU. Clement unsatisfyingly aid, Noth-Q ing at all." Mr. Neuburg blinked at the invisible thing across Clement's shoulder. T am afraid T yuan! span +.\ ....'u5 away from the detective. who lay pro-i plBLUl~ . ` ` The woman came behind the young 1 Englishman and took the pistol from - his injured hand. She pressed the rnuz- , zle -of her own small] weapon into his ; spine, Just to show, what an-attempt l to tight might mean, Then she stood 7 aside. Henry Gunning `stood up and A strate. He looked swiftly atthe silent Neuburg, and then as swiftly turned his eyes away. He stared. at Clement. He seemedto be puzzling over C1em- - ent. Siwash Mike left the windowwhen ; Clement was disarmed. He came round 1 into the room; He bent over the detec- 5 tive: his pistol held ready; but, satisfied! 3 that the little man was stunned., he:] picked up the automatic that had fal-4 Ien to the floor and dropped it into his 1 pocket. To make sure. that Gatineauw was not shamming, he kicked hinl sharply and savagely in the body. T e man groan. Nnllhllrd, nffnr A nnnnnlnun at-own :4 1 1 1 cu-u--v --c ..-. -VIvvv noon-no uuuu unu Clement realized this and meant tq make the most of it. He must play for time. The` three men in` the canoe must have heard the pistol shot. . . `Mr. 'Nm1hu1-2 nnld, Qhnhin fnlrn hi: Strong, Powerful Yet Safe,` Surg-eon's Prescription Call- ed Moone s Emerald Oil Has Astonished Physicians. IIEVE 118810 (118 ])l8I0l 51193. Q Mr.- Neuburg aald,_"Sophie, take his pistol. " ' 'l`hn wnmnn nnrnn hnhin Hun Irnltnal EV He _ V .nnI-I-nu Read The Examiner and set all the` local and district news-82.00 a year. .l -uuuuug. `try U.l1.A'1`Al5b` today. 6 what a difference they make. luguus. While serious, if neglected-it is ordinarily a simple matter to relieve these troubles by the pleasant home use of Dr. Sbuthworth s URATABS, which have been victorious in thou- sands of cases, after other treat- ments have failed. No matter how serious or of how long standing your condition may be, you can _quickly prove the value of URATABS'without risk of cost-for any good druggist will supply you on an absolute guarantee of satisfaction or money back. If URATABS bring you quick `and certain comfort. you will be greatly pleased. If they do not i fully satisfy, their use will cost you -nothing. Try URATABS today. and see 8. difference fhnu rnnln: vary prxulu U1. Jud.` Countless thousands. perhaps seven out of ten, of folks near middle life are pitiful victims of Headaches, Ner- vousness. Pains in_ back and down through grains, frequent but scanty and painful urlnation-Getting-up- nights. Ihlln .unnInnu H? .-..u~.-1....L...: :4. .-... Trouble Signs For Those Past 40 The embarrassing annoyance and genuine misery of Bladder Weakness, oftenwbrings discomforts of old age to those who really ought to be in the very prime of life.- nnnncu Hannunnau nowhnnn an..- Bladdeirweakness, Nervousness,AHead- aches, Fequent, Painful, scanty Urination, Getting-up-Nights There` was a fair market last Sat urday morning for .this season of the "year. The most- prominent offering on Ehe tables was chickens and fowl. ome very nice chickens sold for 28 and 30 cents a pound and fowl brought 25 and 26 cents. Prices`of butter and eggs remained unchanged om those that have obtained for several weeks past. 45 cents a dozen for eggs and 45 sA:l'URDAY MA`RKET' I 3 cents a pound for butter being the pre-_ 1` vailing price. Some good looking beef - sold for twelve cents a pound. There 3 has recently been quite a lot of hay t coming into town and the prevailing 1 price is $16. ` V ` - 1. Beets, basket 25c E] Carrots. basket 20c 1' Onions. basket 25c Cauliower,` each ........... 1o-15c] ' Vegetable marrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15c; ' Potatoes, basket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-40c ; Cabbage, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15 ;Egg plant, each 15c ii Apples, basket . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . 400 7 Pork. fronts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17c! "Pork,hinds . . . . . . "Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11-13% _Babybeef....... ........... ......15c, `l Wood, load . ................. .. $6-$10? ,| . Dnnlfru 13:160.. ----I 1:`---- I at 3? T UIIIFUUBID Pain is Nature : warning that something seri- ous is wrong in your body. Therefore you should not resign yourself tosulfering. but should endeavor mo nd a means, of correcting any poison or other destructive agent. which is both eiusing . Magical Ior Headaches Don : surrender to Pain. your pain. and breaking downor harming your bodily structure. In Templetorfs Rheumatic Capsules. or '1`-R-C s.lyou have a remedy that will not only bring you safe. speedy relief from your sulfering. but one that .will also enaille your body to throw out the poisonous substances thaq causes the pain. Prove it for yourself to-day-' get a 50 or $1 box of ' T-R-C's from your druggist. or send me for booklet and generous trial to Templetons L'_'. Toronto 2. .\_ 'r 1 IISW IURIIUHIUJBIKPVUIY wwu. IIWU`[0lU. HCUOD, ` It soothes and heals the inamed mem- branes and inhibits germ growth. Of _a1lknow_n creosote is recognized by hlgh au oritles as one of the greatest heahng noise for persistent couglhs and colds an other f_orms of th_roa.t trou les. Creomuls1onconta.1ns,in-addition On nrnnanfn nflanr lanolin}! nlnrnnnl-a nrl-nk lIlUI.lUlBu \Jl.u)l.l.ll.ll5.lUl.l UULIIJJII3, IH'!1U.LlllzlUII to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes .....I ..L.... 4].... :...:a...4.:..... ......`I .'._tl..._......;.:.._ IUUULIU uuu 111.3181. 011.0 uueuw_u LUUIUUIIE-IICS and stop the lmtatxon and lnammatxon, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, ls absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat nf Hun I-_Iv\n"\Ia ant` nhnnbu flu: nnnu-H1 nf 4-Inn now would they murder her? \ Clement had a sudden flashing` in- `tuition. Ask him about the motor ;boa.t. Gunning. I And the shot in the dark struck home. . Siwash Mike loosed an oath. The. f mountain of a man started as if stuna`..9 His mouth twisted in an ugly snarl.[ ' He made a step towards Clement. His] `right hand jerked to his; pocket. The- ,effect on Gunning was startlingc That] _.chance shot had exploded a. definite] ffact in his mind. R/l'nfnr~ `knot? `An ..L........l U7I1I...L)...[ LCIJJI, Ill um uuuu. Motor boat._ he shouted. 'I`hat s_ why you wouI`d -t let me help.-Mend- ing a perfectly sound motor boat. You liar! You--_vou Nachbar! I I-To inrnnnn-1 fnnuynv-A (`anal J-`.-......: 4.1.-` ueui; 1uu--_vuu xVacnDar:" | He jumped forward and faced thef `big man. ~ .1 I (VIVA Inn n.-....n.....r...a \ Persistent and colds lead to serious trouble. on can sto them now 1:: hat.-u\nu`a:A-u nun no-nun` . on.` `_.-_-L_ _v___..__. .. .--- vv --aw`. vv carious Tgu stopwthem withCreomulaion,a.nem '1edcreosote I!`-and-, 1.: .I\`nnnn, I-A Onlnn (`,na:unnlg:o.n 3.: 1| UUIUB, UIUUULIIGI wsuunu, UIUUUIHU other forms of res ' tory diseases, excellent for buil up the nah`: nan u Mnnnu vnnfu on-I ~ UUIUB U1 UUUIJIGI 10111115 UIULIUIUDIU uuu formsof r_es and is for bulldgnnz after colds or flu. Moneygef ed if any cough pr cold `is npt relleved after taking accordmgto dlrectlons. Ask ur druggist. Cmomulaion Cm. mnfn. Ont- Simple Mixture Makes Stomach Feel Fine WIIILI \JIu)I-I-Illl.IUl.l, $1 an . . uusuneu UIBOBOTB thatlspleasant to take. Creomulsion is 9. A:l\UIll$IOII!:| I-nun CALI 4 `L3... ID HUSIIIUQJ. ILIIJU UHU U1UUll,`lI:lJbH:UlH D116 SCUM of the tmuble and checks thegrowth of the IYAFIYII, wuau_up.1uu.IuIuuu, unuluueu c_re0s0w that1s.p!easa!_1tt.otake._ _is newmedxcaldxsooverywnthtwo-fold actlon, "1 mmthnn ant` hon`: tho innrnna-I mom- ) It won't look like murder. It"l'l look` like an accident. Just as Roberta's` death looked like an accident. A burst. gun barrel while hunting, Gunn-ing---{ only Nachbar had seen to it that itl would burst. It's a lie! It's a. lie!" shouted Gun-' ning. Ask him. A , "It's a. lie! How could they kill her? ' How would they murder her?" I = Clem:-hf had 9 unnn 1-`Incl-`inns ha, lEggs,`doz. . . . . . . Butter, pound Fowl,.pound .Ch1ckens (broilers). pound .. .Crea.m, pint |Butterm1Ik. qt. BEWARE THE l}l]|Jl}H lll THAT HANES [IN -, . V w u . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . o o -.o 1 (Poultry. Butter and Eggs. ` Ann ' ` (To be continued) vvu uuu cue prevaumgl . . . . 25` . . . . . . . . . 20! ..; . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :11 ............ ..1o-15c| )W . ..10-15c; t . . .. Slmpie buckthorn bark, magnes- .um s-ulph. c. p. glycerine, etc., as mix- 'ed in Adlerlka. helps stomach trouble _In TEN minutes by removing GAS., Brings out a lurprlsing amount of old waste matter you never thought was In your system. Stops that full bloat- `od feeling and makes you happy and cheerful. Excellent for chronic con- itlpation. Adlerlka works QUICK and delightfully easy. Wm. Crosland. drugglst. _ 1-.8

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