Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1927, p. 9

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tneipplo; tin. smoun` HOLLY Died at Little Britain Word was received this week of the death of a former Elmvale res1dent_in the person of Mrs. Chas. Northgraves who passed away on Jan. 27, her 77th year at Little Britain wh a she had hnnn living` fnr fhn nnnf fnur van:-:1 ill-ll JUNJ` db JJILLIU .Dl'lL.lIl WIIUICU 3113 had been living for the past few years. Funeral took place thereon Saturday. Jan. 29. She is survived by three sis- _ters and three brothers. ' ' (1 [H0 uuuuul Ul1.l'IllVl.l. LHU WUu.LUl' was all that could be desired. Com- petition for the various prizes was keen, especially in the fancy dress and clown classes. `The races were excitinir both to spectators and contestants. especially the ladies race.`Winners in the different classes were M follows: Fancy dressed lady. Mrs. Parnell; fan- cy dressed gent. Ross Usher A Dude: fancy dressed couple,,'-Mrs . -Len . Argue and Averi1~-Manning; fancy skating lady. `Miss Beatrice Ritchie: fancy skating gent. Rex.Manning: fancy skat- ing couple, Rex Manning and Beatrice Ritchie: -clown. Mrs. Milton Train: comic. Miss Dorcas I-Iouden as bride and groom.{"` ` . l ,nnnn`n. frnn-fnr all rnnn' -'11 ..`M' R1111 STUD"! a, ' T Raceh, tree- for all._ men's. ~fD, _-M. Davlq, I-Iarold Lawson: ,fre,e for al}. , lad1es';'. vL_&l_I!?_a. Bunt.` ,. ._Max-garet Ker`:-:` boys under. 16; GmhamLChr!stle, Roy,` set. y_uur supply Ul. A1 Ice. utuvt.) oc Two rinks of local curlers were in Barrie this week attending the Bon- spiel: C. E. Dutcher (skip). Jas. Pat- terson. Dr. D. C. Harvle and Mr. T-Iarvie: Dr. L. Tyrer (skip). Eric Simpson, Geo. Fleming and Rev. W. C. Stubbs. Lecture in Presbytei-ivan Church On Monday evening under the au-. spices of the Presbyterian choir an in- troductory lecture of a_ series on Africa. was given by Rev. Evan Thomas. It was interesting. educative and enter- taining. Music was furnished by the choir and a solo by Mr. Malcolm`. Last Thursday and Friday a. local Bonsplel was held h_ere`v_v}1er`1 e.ll_th33 curlers enjoyed a sociabletlme" at the rink and `two days good sport. The primary was won by Dr. W. `L. Tyrer and W111. Hill runner-up. The 0011801 latlon, was won by D. H. Ritchie, with Andy Beardsall runner-up. uuuu uuu H15 rer removed llsdale where `Y ~ I ` Fancy Dress Carnivaf- The big event of. the skatlngeeason took place in the rink on Friday night last when between two and three hundred skaters and spectators enjoy- ed the annual carnival. The weather inns Q1` Olunlr l\II`l` `in Ainalnna` I`nnn_ wuu HIS SISLEI` 1.11 '1`Ul'0Il(0 last WGBK. Jos. Drysdale and W. F. Downey attended County Council in -Barrie last Week. `II . I3...-nu-.1. -0 LI... mL.._:.....1 11-..`- LIEU W can-uuu a Mr. Watson of Gordon. Sask.. is vig- ltlng at the home of his granddaughta`. Mrs. Jas. E. Black. . IV Dgnnt Dunstan I-`An -.o.A.._..-I LA Lll'_Vul'i.lE LU!` a. couple 0!; weeks. W. J. Clement will start cutting ice on.Monday. Feb. 7. Come early and get your supply of A1 lce. (advt.) 5c 'l`wn rinks: nf lnnnl nun-lav-I: umn-n In | \\' (`ISIS a Mr. French or the Standard Bank staff was at his home in Midland for the week-end. ll `I74-|Onr\-\ Al (`!.....:I..... m....I- a.. --I- aura. Ida. `I11. Dlliclfo Mrs. Bert Preston has returned to Toronto after visiting Mrs. VV. H. Drysdale for a. couple of weeks. `V J lnmnnt will afar} nufflna Inn Local Bonpiel -.._3___ _._.1 *la__.I_1 ad thetmisfozu a fall on the Argold; meh hoop race, D. M. Davis, Nelson Draper; hoop race, boys under - 12. Francis Stone. Charles Burton: ,c.}ouple ragze . Harold Lawson and Mar- ` garet Kerr,-gverne Beardsall agd Bea. *_z1_%_1tch_le._ ~ _ -r 2 ldvullu vi Ivuuou Iyu Iuvuvunuvuu The death_ occurred in Gravenhux-at Sanatarlum on Jan. 30. of Mrs. Wes. McNaught. She had been nearly two years in Gravenhurst. Her. long illness was borne with cheerfulness. Her death is deeply `regretted by many friends. 13-klnnn Danna III :-n1\Tnnohf nun: kn:-n Irlenus. Ethlene Beard McNaught was born in Aliiston in 1900 and since her smar- riage had lived here. She is survived by her husband andthree children: her father. George Beard or Alliston. and one sister. Mrs. Herb. Jebb of Cooks- town . 1 flnn fllnnssnl Onnlp nlnnn nn 'I7`AI\ day. , The United League held their skat- ing party on Monday night. Weather was fine. Lunch was served in Sunday School room. All report a good time. '1"!-no `Drool-nytnr-Inn Rnnnv Rnhnnl ECIIUUI FUUHI. All l'U|JUl'L ti. guuu Llllln The Presbyterian Sunday. School held their annual skating party on Donnelly's rink last Friday. Lunch was served in _Watson's hall. The at- fulr proved very enjoyable. EUWII. The funeral took place on Feb. 1. to .St. John's Church and cemetery. Services were taken by Rev. J. Tem- pleto and the pallbearers were Robt. Dutton.. Douglas Hopper. Chas. Nixon and Harvey Corbett. Among those from outot town attendlnmwere Mrs. `D ('1 'M|'nnnnl `Runs-lav Mn ' nrnrnn IFOIII DUI. OI (OWN I(8IlulK,._VK8I'B MP8. R. G. anuel. Barr1e:_Mr;. Cameron. G. B'e`a'jr _, Allistonz Mrs. Chas. Gordon, Toronto: John Purchase. Mr. and Mrs. Chas;-_Jebb. Egbert. LVIXOITS name. . Norman Reed. who has been work- ing in the lumber camps in the north. has returned home. 13:: 1!? D (`lnnnnnfu nn hr `I -I" HRS I`eU.ll`!l8Q uume. Rev. _W. R. Clements and Dr. H. Spenceley attended a. meeting in Al- llston on Tuesday. Feb. 1. `Rant `I -Tnnnnnrnn `Rnhf `nnffnn an.` .llSI.0Il on '.l'uBSutl.y. rev. 1.. Bert. Hounsome. Robt. Dutton. Geo. Baker. Norman Broley. Dick Potter and Fred Wilson attended the but hockey match in Toronto last Satur- (Tau m former- ld the last few years St. And- -his fortv-v ldow. who her, there n the stat! atham. and : also one . The fun- rnoon from uder Ave, hurchill. a. dale. had sympathy family. HUUIS day. mh mm%m&&&&&&&&&m ` | $1 ` lNI\I\I).Q'l`l\II 1`? & |%&ms995sTow~ Born fo Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester-I Carter on Jan. 28, a. -son. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Avg. Thomp- son on (Sunday, Jan`. 80. a son. . 1:-.. rn..4A..... -1 rI'\n...\..o-.-. h. nhslol-no Ivaunn Anya ussuannuun, 4-..-u. q... ..o~..-wu Chas. Nixon took possession of the 3ell Telephone Office on Tuesday. Feb. .1. _ A number of young people from here attended a carnival in} Alliston on Tuesday. - T Vvm I -Tug-ha: has mnvmi tn Mr. Tuesday. Wm. Hughes has moved} to Mr. Nixon's home. T\Tnu-non `Dnod uvl-sh I-man Bonn nrnr-Ir- \JlI `Ill LJIAlI\lKl:, Ilttllo `IV. IA: SUIIU Mrs. Totten of. Toronto is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. E. Dales. -.u___.__ AA-`_ _-_._-.....a.._ -4 |.- &&wm&&a$#&m&a%! Tuesday, eliminated tition by e. - Fred and How ' Death of Mrs. W. McNauuht __ :__LI_ -__-.....-.'I 1.. 1`! ____ -..I. F. A. MMALCOMSON |\J Protect the Home { m.;;;.: the Children Provide for Old Age V Advance Business Credit _.A SUN LIFE POLICY IS UNEXCELLED. 1'19 3"" We ss"re29s..C2!99aI3x%9fCanada ,. TAR! IQ!-I I'\ 12!: 1as1'.A3i.isH1~:D uses. . Fares by Land and Se;Pr1py Quoted. _ Canadiqm National Railways and All Stegmship `Lines. 1115 Bayfield St. Diviendu to Policyholdentlncrouod for Sixth Succauiv'o Your. .to see if ou r; ADEQUATEL? Fnzcmn. . Consult us on Insurance `Matters. Now IS rm; TIME to CHECK up ON YOUR w.mA%. LQWE 8. son Elizabeth and Toronto sci, Ba:rie` I N SI_[R A6NC E J. E. THOMPSON C'anndn'srP|-emier Auurnnco Company DEAL YOUR OLD FURNITURE IN With every Mattress during month of February. And get new style. SLIP COVERS Phone 380W PlI;:n'o 447W 41 Dunlop St. ,y . ogs and cats d last week. much griev- ts. A police stigatlnz. _ artin the village st Thursday n had pass- Toronto on . LMr. Mar- nt of Hills-A oronto last tter chance e had been nrlor to his kin Inna!` Chinuware, shoppi!1- D110!` [0 1118 his head Jasper will orts as he he baseball which Cen-T ed for this n Isnnn-nIv-nan Ycu LU!` LUAB e becoming` lso below!- ook a keen n, by the Un- nday evening ully. Another ure will take 1 Saflnon . . "113 . ,'.v.vl"n,)l'o:. ` ' FISH net, 51' . , at- Iate J asper dz , Ph9 ;= ;RUAR Y 3", 144 21 ,' 25 ' 25 -' 25- - 25 - 25 . 25 I 286 32 25 15 39. 21, ,_I 11 20 ` 13 ve acres of ap- ey. . ew farm sales year and this the lar.<.r'e,.crowd e conducted by dnesday last. d for practical. Wm. Si1the_r,- p a. supply of mer. severe weather number of the urned to Brad- nd the hockey 511 were frost- ched home as `ed around 20 am to play a. ua. - ' . . Miss Ruth Brandon has been quite in since she returned ho'me from the West to attend her tather s tuneral. W; at... n|-..A'.- I'.nun-Inn I'll` Jan. 81-Miss Mabpl Thomuson has returned to her home hereafter spend- ing some months in Toronto- I:.. - .. .3 It..- 17 `D HIAIIAIU nd VV EBB LU HLEUHU IIUF lllbuvl U "',""""P' Mr. and Mrs. Gordbn Lauder .. Dd son Earle are spending 3. 43`? Y5 with-trienda in Toronto. * .1un..... 1ur...... 7zI'.'..t)-.lr h'ia"`n' `unturned to wu;n-.n'1enua In yuruuaug. __ ~ .,_ ~ M1ss Mary Klsstkj has returned to 0r1ll1a attg a. couple. of weeks at her. home here. _ 1- V j ' `"3 303139 HIDDEN! Ill -LUIUCII-Vt .Mr. and. Mrs. V. R. Slesaer and lln.. Aline are spending. atew days in Orll-w ltll` Ha. . ll ! QFIEH` nng, Lb. `Eh Jack Mdlhall Qua bomb,` McKaill T\T u'u"x' 'ou;. The Most Marvelous Circus Story Ever to Reach the Screen. A Vieid 5:01; of Young Adapted from Beatrice Burton's Story, The Flapper Wife. His Jazz Bride at 7.15 and 9.45. Ranson s Folly at 8.30. Matinee at 2.30, Saturday. A drama of a diet" in the_days ofjhe naming` West. Thnlling days othdin wuss mg: of Prairie long 1-mom 'S'l`0RYBY mcmnn mummc nuns. APE:-stNaIiounlPictIIo. spngles at 7.1`5Tand Just Another Blonde at 8.30. `J OPEN 9 T0 6 Evenings by apppgntment Bank of `Toronto Building `V "A Owemstret `: Phone 279 j A 11' Am aar-and enter- e basement of rlday evening "the Mission Hair Cutfing gd Trimianilig. Mu-calling, . Water .Waviu. Slnmpqoing, Municuring` Facial and Scalp Trqatmongu MON., 'l'UES., ` Capitol Theatre W- LaVelma Beauty Shovve [GI IVIIIIIICII Illll IIIII van unsung: TN_._._. vJu_~st AnoaetBlo_ru}g: For Ladies. % COSMETICIAN MISS IRELAND BARRIE. ONT. . hard-fought ockey team on vening. Both each deserves nship as there roughout the r. I-tinluuvt 19:7. - mu AND MAR|E fpuzvosw MATT 11: Mrs. noy rerguuun. _; " The, rrisnyv friends of Mrs. D. .W. Cochrane were sorry to hear of the death of her mother. Mrs. Gauley, who died last` jF`_rIda`y.- _ 3-`; .\ "Mia":-Verna `-Wice` spent the week-end .-.a.t.- Grugra-ble.H!_ll.4 3 ' ' _ T HIOTHIDS DUE munuguu LU 6503.98. The friends and. neighbors of Leon- ard Bioxham were` shocked to `hear of his sudden death in the Royal Victoria Hospital following an operation. Mr. Bloxham was born and lived all his life in this vicinity. He was very high- ly respected by all who knew him. He was a member of Holly United Church and an ardent church worker always ready to lenda helping hand. His genial smile and Christian resignation through his many troubles will not `be forgotten.` The sympathy of the com-.-- munity is extended to his only surviv- ing `son. Reuben,~a.nd to his daughter, Mrs . Roy Ferguson . min. ninnv frinnda nxfv Mrnjyz 11,. W, JJ. JJKVIH. 'J-H DU-IILIHE uuu VV . DIULCKIUF. Mr. Goodwin leaves a wife. three sons and two daughters. -Frank. Whit- ney. Ernest and Alma all at home and Mrs. '1`. J. Dew. Ivy. to mourn the loss of a kind and loving father. To the sorrowing friends deepest sym- pathy is extended. - ` ay commenc- , Tuesday. oronto. Mon- clal Legislat- d her grand- gher, Sr., at- A in tn Innnnw . \ Feb. 1--'1`he people of this vicinity were alarmed to hear that the premis- es` of the _local bee keeper, Robt. King. had been broken into early Sunday morning. On going out to feed up. Mr. King discovered that his driver with harness and cutter had been stolen from his stable and garage. The Pro- vincial Police were at .once notified and are leaving no stone unturned in order to discover the thieves. It is generally thought that it may be the same men who tried to force an entrance into Crossland's drug store early Sunday morning but managed to escape. mum fv-lnruln nntl. nblohhnrn nf T.nnn.. John Goodwin passed away Wedneg- day morning at his home near Thorn- ton. The. funeral, which was largely attended. was held on Friday after- noon to Christ Church. Ivy. Service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Soane `of Aurora who preached a very fine sermon and spoke very highly of deceased. Mr . Goodwin's death was not unexpected as he had been sick for some time. The pallbearers were: W. Goodwin, H. Rankin. J. Davis. G. _L. Davis. T. Banting and W. Fletcher. `Mfn (Inna-Inrln Innunu n nrifn 1-hung III LUIS VIUIIIILJ UIIU uuy RISE. WEEK. Miss Edyth Arnold went through an operation last Saturday in Toronto and is doing as well as can be expected. Her mother. Mrs. T. W. Arnold. is with her. Tinnuunvv `4`nI{n ORA vv|InCnnuunn. GA wall near. . _ Jimmy Feltis had the misfortune to have part ot`one hand taken off In a cutting box on Saturday. Ivy people were all very sorry to hear it and hope he is not as bad as reported. | wuuuus _u5uu. ' Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sneers moved to their new home in Thornton {on Monday, they having sold their farm to Mr. Graham of Oro. This farm has! been in the Speers name ever since it was taken over from the Crown and is one of the cleanest farms in Essa. k Jinn Tq`.v~v-no Tllinft yon ohln on `ma, rt-purusu u must enJoya.nle time. The regular meeting of the-United 'W..\I.S. convened at the parsonage on' ednesday afternoon. Jan. 26. The; day was very,cold but the ladies of the church were fairly {well represented. The president, Miss I-I. Orchard. was in the chair. The program was interesting and helpful: A talk on Study Book by Mrs; G. Young: a paper, The Rockbed of Missions." Mrs. Brown: a quiz on December Missionary Outlook, Presi- dent: a solo. Miss G. W'ice:ua. reading. Miss H. Orchard. The watch tower was given by a number of the ladies. At this meeting five ladies gave their names to become members next year and four new subscribers to the Mis- -sionary Outlook were taken. A social hour at the close of the meeting prov- ed a happy ending to a well` spent at- ternoon. 7 Miss Erma Elliott was able to. `re- turn to her home the other day after` her accident. . I A ........ 1..."... .-......mA ..u....:...: 4.1.; ....I.. I5 UIIU UL LIIU UIUGIICSL LILFIIIS 111 1313311: Q IIUF CIUUIUUIIL o A very large clrowd attended th sale held by Isaac Speers last week. It was the coldest day of the year but it seemed to put snap into the buyers and everything sold well. `Rnv `IE1:-nor 'l`l-unrnrmnn nf `Rn:-pin man UVUFJBIIIIIE SUI \VUll- Rev. Elmer Thompson of Barrie was in this vicinity one clay last week. 1\/Hun `lvth AI-nnl wan} flu-nnnrh an Jan. 30-The Ivy boys went to Allis- ton to play the return game of hockey, winning , again . ` Mr and \.l'u-a Tunnn Qnnnu-u nnntvn er in the V11- Ids. d home after lind River. 1:} the County ls .I1a..A. B, Gray hn'zen;ma"m! _Walkerville after a month yplrenta, Mr. and Mrs. Jameslarlin. iiliisses Eileen Lewisjand Alice Uyers spent the week-end in Toronto Inth the latter s sister, Mrs. W. J. a Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson of Tor- _g onto were guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Eugenia` St, over the week-end. ` . ' I Dr. Frank Smith or Welland was Ecalled` to Barrie on Wednesday by `the serious illness of his brother, C. EM. G. Smith. a e . _ Rev. J. S. Shortt addressed a meet- ing of the ' Presbyterian Men's League` of Collingwood on Wednes-_ day of last week. V . E ; C; M. G. Smith hasheen critically Ill with pleuro-pneumonia for several days. Not much change was report- ed, in his condition today. ' I.-net Qnmhm M . ....a II...` n...-.: y=u_ Ill um: IIUINIIITJOII K0033? Las; Sunday Mr. and Mrs. I-`red ;Marr received the congratulations of a number of friends on the forty. ninth anniversary of their marriage. : Mrs. M. E. Bell of Midland has re- turned home after spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tuck, while if visiting her brother in the Royal Vic- ; toria . Hospital. MFR `rat-Iv:.~ Dunc-- (\':`-_ Cl. _-LJD . V . - b | M Feb. 2-Miss May Brown of Midland isthe guest of Miss Ethel Black. ' `Mr, "and \h~a I`. unsung- h.1`;A` `and Mr . G. Harper entertaind a number of 1-iendsrlast Thursday ev- lxa ulc guest. 01 511138 41091 .ISlaCR. ! E ening . Ahnt tn-Annv 10:33am 0.... s.1.:...... .1... enuls _ About twenty ladies are?/taking the two-weeks dress-making course which started on Monday with Miss Owen in chatrge- _ . Miss Frances Hewson of Toronto is visiting at the home of her brother, Thos. Hewson. Thn Rania Iugld in bi... ...._....\...:L.. xuus. :1:-\\jsuu. The dam eheld in the comm`unit.v hall last Fr day night. was largely at- tended. Excellent music was nrovided lby T. Hunter's orchestra and everyone reported a most enjoyable time} .'I`hn u-npnlar rnnoflno no n....*rv..:o...a - but III-Ilusplldll. , , E Mrs. Lewis Brown,-Owen SL, and ,~fMrs. J os. Fralick, Minesing, were .in _ _Uxbridge last week attending the} funeral of Mrs. Thos. O Burns, the [only sister of (Dr.) Ed. Bailey.` ;? PERSONAL % 'I"I"I||I'|I||I|i| ii HIIFIIIIIIIII gigisflorenc Arnpld gor- on week attendmg a on- I .`:.":=.':"=:..'~".=1*.._=-__-.A ._ M%____._._________ |* j _awiiaai| Death of, John Godwirr :3 H108 J.BDBl' ek. nt hanpened wnes who is Cumming on eam he was (1 at a dog unmanage- er the sleigh about seven- umming got . His scalp head and his IIVAII warn nun:-I

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