Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1927, p. 8

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HJIIUUU ` 5_-10:) 1 \ F TTnnn {- y Under and .by virtue of _the Powers! /01? Sale contained in a certain mortgage there will be offered for sale by public auction at the `Queen's Hotel in` the "Town of Barrie, on Saturday, the 5th. day of February, 1927, at the hour orl one o'clock in the afternoon, that resi- dential and store property in the Town of Barrie, on the west side of_0wen` street. being composed of part of Lot Number Thirty-five (85) on` the West" 'side of Owen Street, Edwards Plan" (registered plan No. 154) in thepsaid `Town of "Barrie. particularly described as follows: Commencing at the North- east angle of said lot Thirty-five. thence Southerlyalong the Eastern limit of said lot Thirty-eight feet and ,. six inches,` thence Westerly on a line`, parallel with the Northern boundary of .said lot to the Western boundary of l said lot. thence Northerly along. the, Western boundary of said lot to the ! a Northern boundary f said lot, thence "Easterly along said . orthern boundary 1 of said lot to the place of beginning. Together with the use oil a lane ten .' feet wide in rear of said lot.'I`hirty-five . - extending from McDonald Street -to - Worsley treet. . - in nrnnnnfu O-kg-on la. .....la 4.- Ll!!! UIIUUFEXE -Dated at 1;;(;'ie. this 17th '.day of January. A.D. 1927. 8-5c_ RADENI-IURST & I-IAM'MOND. Solicitors. Barrie. Orit. VVUFSIUJ LFUUL. ll Upon t is property there is said to be erected a large building comprising . a; dwelling and grocerymstore with ap-,- propriate outbuildings.` and stable. 'I`erms-Ten per cent. of the pur- [chase price shall be paid at the time of- sale and the remainder within thir- ty. days thereafter. The sale will be subject to a reserv- .ed bid; - . V ' ` Further -terms and conditions will _ be-made known at the time of sale or {in the meantime upon application to `the undersigned. .T)nfn nf 'Rnmnln Mala 1'14-1..-.:..-- -1` `Limited, do hereby certify that the _ , A 'n.a in is .|.'1'aucus vv iuaru uay a goon BE IT ENACTED as a By-Law of attendance is requested. ' _ Northrop-Strong`Securities Limited"; ` ---Orange prices advancing; ours that the location of the Head Office` still 1oW_ Insist on H.a1f_'Mo0n f th '0 b h d f - . - - the City giiqlggggntoetoc Carg.gi`val Brand` Big bargam on Fnday and- ` the County 013- Simcoe, in the-Prov- Saturday only. 1'e8`l}l31` 700 at 500 ince xpf, Ontario. AND -BE IT dozen. Barrie Fruit Market, John FURTHER ENACTED that By-Law _ Sago, ` 5c N-' 2 f the Gea1"`B-V=LaW5 fi The Barrie Soldiers Club enter- h . . . f, ; .e,$y" ;`,*;,*}, ,`,1ef,b;";`,,{df;gFgffgeufg`tamed -their friends on Wednesday words The City of Torontof where night at a 131easant_euchre party in the same appears therein and by _ their rooms in the King Block. There substituting therefor. `the -wordswere 38 tables, It was the first ;`g;a{;gli%cien0h3ngggg_y of .S1m- function of the kind held by the lo'cal PASSED tm fourth day bf Jam veterans and was a splendid success. uary, 1927. .Judge Vance has given judgment . (Sad-)hG9m H-`Goodergiraelgdent reducing the sentence imposed last ' S . `September on Frank Simon for B. Gad`) 'T'"'y_ S` G' ,g',::&ry_ 0.T.A. from a month in jail and $300 , (Corporate Seal) zifinpe to a` fine of $100 and an order 1'," HENRY S. GOODERHAM, Secre. I of the magistrate. confiscating his! tary of Northrob-Strong Secui`it1e8`automobile is set aside. The charge foregoing is a ue and correct copy of 5 is reduced from having for sale to il- ea by-law of the .Company passed-by'1e33'1 ps5es5in-T the Directors at a meeting duly called W'- 13- Storey Of the South Am- and held on the 4th day of January,!erican Inland Mission addressed the 1927:` and Confirmed by the 1ma`n1m3; congregations of Central and Collier f h d V f - ' $31`; an t:S;2g{f1_`1ega? Ng`:uI?gf`St. United churches last Sunday and Shareholders duly called and held on'n 'Mnday e"en8_' 8'3 e.aniuuSt1`3t'. the 17th day of January, 1927, for the ed lecture on mission fork in South purpose of considering the same, at;America in Collier St. church. He which meeting all of the shareholderss eak t S d .- - of the Company were present in per-. [)ndr:wi;e}hur`;I_ay mormng In St` . . t.d b, . E . . 5" or re 32.? e[.;_ S`: I$y,,.h,m_` ' Toronto 18 to have -a new Masonic .Qnnvnfnv~1y- T;0l'i0'D_ fihn rnninlqnva n-F IIv1n:n1r\ ".311 L- 5-6c 2: .sz;:a.,v:f;s:=r9-"9, g%._\;/:1_A&T1oN dPPORTUNl'I`Y WANTED-.-Ambitious. inexperienced . men` to. become Airplane Pilots, Mech-! anlcians, _etc. Special Low Tuition- hates. Write Box 835. Peterboro, Ont-.T. [for further information. ~ 5-8c ;N O,RT|-`IROP.-STFVKONG sacunmesi g LlMlTED_ ` .1 `S. Martln's stock. Apply to W -j SIX WHITE WYANDOTTE PUL- LETS and one cockerel for sale. John Tooth. as Henry St. _5;': I H > uuuxuucuse nuom expense, Penetangulslfene _ . . ; . T. . . . . T Committee Room expense, Barrie Commlttqe expense, New Lowell "Committee expense, Elmvwalel 5 . Bell Telephone Co. Canadian National Telegravhs . Village and Rural Hall and . School Buildings. . . . . . . . . . . _'Frlday.. Mar. `4-'.l`he North Ontario Friday, Feb. `4-Mrs. Erwin Storey, N .E. quarter lot 22, con. 1, Oro- `farm stock and implements. Sale at _1 p.m. W..A._ Mcconkey, Auct. 4x Thursday, Feb. 17-Harry Caldwell, at lot 18, con. 5," Vespra (mill road), 1' mile from Barrle--farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A.| Mcconkey, Auctioneer. 5-6x` Shorthorn Cattle Club are -holding their annual sale in`Uxbridge--Sell-F ` ing 30 head. (15 bulls and 16 femal- .es) of choice Scotch breeding. J. Rf}. Johnston, Sec'y._-Treas., Ashburn. ! .uu-: nermu rrlntlng U0. Peetanguisheqe . T. . . . . , . . .3 The Elmva.leLance The Barrie Examiner . . . . . 4 . . . . The Stayner Sun Town Hall, Barrie . . . . . . . . . . . . Dreamland` The'b.1:re, Barrie . . , . Geo. Ix-`win, Livery Bijou Theatre, Penetangulshene >Knights of Columbus Hall. ` Penetane-uinhnnn xxlusuus U1. UUIUHIDUS 118.11. Penetanguishene . . . . Committee Room expense, ' Penetan 2'nlnh`nna - $685.75` To the? above total musf be added the personal expenses "of the candidate,- $225.00, making the. total paid on be- half_ of Mr. Todd. $910.70. This is a. true and correct statement. HAMPTONE. J ORY. Official.Agent. ELEGTION EXPENSES E 'Ebon .Todd, Provincial Election, 1926 "i`C`IiI`ereVV>vl'tA1.1 fblioyvs a statement` of ex- the ~Prov.1ncla.l E1,ec`tio`n`.v ecember 1, pense "inc_u,r1`ed," In. congctlon with ' ;1926.'of Mr. Eben -Todd. ~ lberal Pro- gressive Candidat for the Riding of - Centre Slmcoe:- The Herald Printing Co. . Peetanmnishnn , 2 M M- .: _ ' _a.N_oyth St; Phone 3373- . - ROYAL (Coal-burning) -nnoonzn SOL-HOT (Oil-burning) . , . BROODER POULTRY SUPPLIES . BARRED ROCKA BABY WHITE LEGHORN CHIX} ` Get my prices on _ Incubators `and `Broader: T District Agent for `III I 2313 14-3: - 5 TV- `FOR SALE--Good.. large. Durham cow. "rising seven years. heifer calf at foot. `Write Howard Willou;rl1by, Angus R. R. ,1 or phone 9V86_r23. . A 50 . 4-v~y...... wou- -v$.CZ T -I CZ OF 7.`2vO_WEN STTR-E-E-TTBARRIE HARRY!`-.M0RREN MORTGACE `SALE Arr -In p\un:1-nu A-an---' '-.__._ poumwmnu AU.CT.I9N sews- ELECTION Expenses nn"l':-n-In-I, Danni-n.:-l l:'I--c:... TNETJBATOR 3| ?UUur'Iar" I V Secretary; (Corporate Seal).[ 3Anau%: A 0.3 124. or 13.50 b42.25 5;25 25.00 `25.00 34.50 50.00 . '5o.oo 71.90` . 171.50 H 13.00 20.00 36.80 25.00 .-gy and harnes for sale. Apply 258 uruuu un1vuVu I1U1'CEI3J.v cutter. bug- `Bayeld St. ' 5p 78.00 uucr. pu u-nu D Eggs. doz. Potatoes, bag ' uy. tne 18.121261`. ` `o -* According to the system which gov- erned the play Mr. Garvin lost the right to play for second prize when Al- len beat Irwin he first time. although Mr. Garvin h'a won from Allen in the fourth round. ` J. . (LUSH OI. 140110011. Mr. Garvin was ,undefeated gntll the fourth round when he lost one game out of four to Allen. In` the fifth and slxth round he was defeated by Irwin and the seventh and eighth rounds be- tween Irwln and Allen were both won by. the latter. o Annnrlnov in fh`n nvvul-nvvu curl-u{n`l-. _p.-. .. ___--- ta-v v any I \ll\ J\III\J There being no criminal cases at \the assizes, Mr. Justie, Fisher re- ceived the customary pair of white gloves from Sheriff Ma`<':L'a1-en. `In addition to the pase of`W. A. Boys againstthe Starthere were five oth- er civil cases on the`do_cket. Jos. L. Garvin won third place in .the Dominion checker tournament. played recently in the King Edward Hotel. Toronto. Mr. Garvin was elim- inated in .the sixth round by G. H. Irwin of Toronto. the -former champion, who lost out in the 'nal round. to W. '1`. Allen of London. `Kw (lair-vyin nvha unnlg.-.4...:I --..L!l LL- I `JOSEPH L. GARVIN THIRD IN common CHECKER TOURNEY `rHuRs5n~Av wHbLes}u.: PRICES i - ur-trimmed coats (this season s models), Reg. to $65.00 for $19.50;, ilast season's coats and dresses (gear- gettes, figured and plain crepes and lvarious `cloth models) $5.00 each; `hosiery, Reg. -"$3.50, glove silk, black, .$2.00; sport, $3.00 values, $1.50 pr.; wool and pure `silk, 59c pr.; novelty boxes, 10-`25c, Friday, Feb.. 4. Cash. Miss Collins, Allandale. 5c At the B.C.I> Junior.Lit"-on Mon- day, the programme consisted of an ,.address `from Mr. Storey of `South ;America, selections by the orchestra [and a debate: Resolved that the in- , ternal enemies of a country are more. !harmful than the external ones. Bert Stone and Gladys` Wilson for the affirmative got a decision over Mabel Drury and Ernie Arnold. The judges were Miss Henry, `Howard iGuest and Arthur MacLean. 7 AC5 at puaacaaluu. F. W . !erican ;congregations Collier EISt. ,'on evening` e_ an illustrat-_ ; ed mission \'ork :;America ` speaks next Sunday morning in 'iAndrew s Church. 'I".u......J... .:.. L- 1.--..- V `- . "1`VVEN'1`Y BARRED ROCK cocxmn. ELS for sale. hr-nd-tn-Imr nfnnln A....1.. .---_..-... lvvnnsn vvyqg u urawllulu auvvcaao pzfing a .tof magistrate. Vautomobile {is illegal .1 11` 1V `I3 04...... -5 u... a_-_n. A, uug, a.uuucu_y U1. nunswn, 1S E0 me me W.M. and W. G, Mackay, formerly of Cookstown, the secretary. The insti- ltu-tion takes place in the Masonic .Temple, 888`Yonge St., on Saturday, `Feb. 5. * 1-_1__ `_,a_ c . -.- - CLIIULCVV E uuurcu. is Masonic ;Lodge, the members -of which will be former residents of this county..Sim- coe Lodge is the name. Dr. W. J -Hill, formerly of Alliston, is to be the W.M. ant` W C Mnnbovv 'Fn1av\nn-011' A3 --Polish your floors with our elec- tric floor pohsher. As `easy to oper- ,ate as a vacuum c1eaner.. $2.00 per fday; $1.00 half day. Ba1l'Planing ,M}1l Ltd. Phone 109. 5-6c | The `February meeting of the W. '-C.T.U. will be held in the Library -Hallon Tuesday, Feb. 8, at 3..p.m. As it is France Willard day a good attendance . .__nrnnmn VI1V:l'AI\1`l nAnnv.n......'. A..- ---_...- -.- vOI\4 vnvuv va. ova-Us A cordial invitation is extended to `all to attend the open meeting of ,the Senior Literary Society, Tuesday, ;'F`e~b. 8, at 7.30, in the `B.C.I_. audi-7 ,'torium. . 5c ` Sunday night s Windstorm caused some trouble on the power lines. There were several -breaks in the 5lighting while the church services `were on. - `l'\_1__L _.____,. I! _ vino-nhngnrvsvaiglolllllat IJGLLIC L'I-IILU /-`-Spe_cial--Two Heintzman & Co. pianos, this week. A. E. Patterson, Allandale. `Phone 148. * 5c There will be three changes in the pictu1 es4 at New Dreamland each week, `starting next week. - T ,1` .. .v_-, -.w. -1..-3 uvnv Iv yuan . -.-Ladies `and misses cloth coats on sale half price,*$6.00 to $15.00, monsr& Co. _ 5c -.Be-auvtify your floors with our electricpolisher. `Ball P1aning'Mill Ltd. -Phone 109. 5-6c ` The Fisher Flour Mills shipped 45 tons of flour to the T! Eaton Co. and at present are working on a 70-ton order for Liverpool. ' YI1'_II__ _. ,_ -__ 5 9 o - 11 regular prices up to $30.00. Sim-' -_..-_ _-_ -. vv-r-Iv. --Wallpai)er in latest designs, all_ prices. ~Exc1usive agency for Staun- ton s semi-trimmed. W. A. Lowe & Son, Elizabeth St. . tfc' 1.Innnn:4-A 3 {Jun 13-..-.. tI....1- I... uuu, uunaucuu ob. BIC Deposits in the Penny Bank in `Barrie schools were $2904.56 \at the [end of December as compared with |$3394.52 at the clse of 1925. I Ltd. phone 109. ' -Radio poles. Ball 'Plani`ng Mill b -` . . I 5-6c -All sizes linoleum rugs at W. A. Lowe & Son s, Elizabeth St. ` tfc -Get your radio battery`_cha1"gedl at:'Barrie Radio & Electric Co., phou I 1 2n- 7 K- --:---.. -w I `GOOD DRIVING HORSE. cutter. bug. 52}! and harness for smla Annlu 9:92 uu uauuc natuu-on quecbrxc UU., pnoue 120.. V _ \ ,c ` --Rhubarb, our own growth, Vick- `ed whilst waiting. Barrie Fruit ark- n+ Jnl-an _Q.np.n 1-- L LOCAL NEWS 1 Panda:-n Q` nnnulu -I-.I...u.... Kl i & Readers. 36 word: minimum 60c. Q i&mmmmmmmm&mm.n.n.v..v. ` T LUCQIJQIE` 06 vvurug lllllllllllllll DUI}. _&&mw&&w&m$ammw& gwwwwmwwwawwwwg warn: GLOVES 1-"on JUDGE 'mL..... 1..:.._ _ '3-*"_'_F__1!`A!`{`{<'*'-"5 o . o - . - . . . - o . - `iU-0('l ....... . . .V.____;1.oo-51. 15 1' vvw1V'1'I nsaruuuu ROCK COOKER- `ELS for sale. bred-to-lay strain. Apply `to 109 Essa. St.. Allandale. ` 62-5p $1.00-$1.25 _ n 0 0 0 . . V85-90c -"$1.25-$1.35 . . . .' - 70-76c . . . . `40`-421`. . 40-450 .. Q1 nn (1 1: 'WRIGHT-In loving memory of Harry ' Woodrow ` Wright, dearly beloved husband of Clara Lavina Lee. who - ;va1s92sgxddenly called home February Nonornlng dawns. no night returns. But what I think of thee Eternal rest grant unto`him, 0 Lord._ And let perpetual light shine upon him. E. 6.41.. _.:.....-.: I.-- 1.1.. `I ...x..__ 11-915. v-l.,v---...- ..a...- -.mo---v \a.Iv:l a-an--.` }m--mcy missed by his Lqving; Wire} LVLULV I\lV.l.lLV -`.l.ll 1U Vlg IHBIHUFY CI of Jean Ritchie, who passed away Jan. 28. 1926. - . `We mourn the loss of one so dear: Our hearts are sad today. To think the one we loved so dear Was so quickly called away. . Jean dear. we think of you, And think ofhow you died, . To think you could not say goodby Before you closed your eyes. ' The heavenly gates were opened wide, The Loving Voice said: "Come.. -Sadl.v missed by 51) - Mother and Sisters. -uj- MONKMAN-In loving memory of of Jean Ritchie. who nassed nwnv FLEMMING-InVsad but lowing mem- ory of my dear husband, -William` ~ Flemming, who passed away Feb. 3. 1924*. a When the shadowsof the evening Gather round our -lonely door They bring aloving face before us That on earth we'll meet no more. In God's own time our eyes shall see The face we love so well. . Some` day, some time, our hands shalll I 2511 GUIHU uu,y,~ SUIIIU LIIIIU, UH!` IIHJIUS 3118.11 clasp, And never say farewell. 5c --Lov'ing Wife and Family. . 2c pr word; minimum 60c. .v..v..v..v..n.v.mm.v..v..y.m.a.m.v..-.-. Lucux Ill ulcu` FUUUHL UBl'Ua.Vt{lIlIl[. DU Mrs. J. R. Goodwin and family wish to express their sincere apprecia- tion` for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent bereave- ment of aloving husband and fa_ther. 5x :%mwm%wmw$%$w&& 3 IN MEMORIAM _A_ --4-no.3. _. _ _.. ._. EA- 4 W'ELI.-BRED AYRSI-IIRE COW for sale. due Feb. 6. Apply to H. A. Jarv- is. Barrie. . - ` 50 --u-......... .-.--u any gun .IV\IA\A A1510 1; vvvo ,, _ %*&m&wwmwe%ma$w Miss Josie Switzer wishes to thank her many friends in town for kindness }.and sympathy extended during her re- cent bereavement and illness. 5:: Mr, and Mrs. J. Patterson and family, 70 Sanford St.. wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kind sympathy and beautiful floral tributes in the recent sad be- reavement of a loving mother. . 51) The family of the late Leonard W. Bloxham wish to thank their friends and neighbors and the staff of the R. V; Hospital for kindness shown them in their recent bereavement. 5c RAW: T "D flnnrlnyin n-{A 04-..~d`luy BOW'LES-In Bradford. on Wednes- day, _Feb. `2, 1927, Eliza Jane, wife of the late William Bowles. aged 85 years. ` GILL--At the Drumheller Hospital. Alta., on Jan. 25, 1927. Elizabeth Turner, wife of Wm. Thos. Gill. and daughter of the -late Gavin Turner. 2nd line of Flos. Burial at Elmvale cemetery, Jan. 31. ' HEWITT--,At the Royal Victoria Hos- pital, Barrie, on Wednesday, Feb. 2, 1927, Thomas Hewitt, aged 71 years. Funeral from his late residence, 170 Dunlop St], on Saturday, at 2 p.m.' Interment at Shanty Bay. ORMSBY-Sudden1y in Toronto. on Friday. Jan. 28, 1927, Sydney How- ard. husband of Florence Wilkinson. of 7 Baker Ave., and son of the late John Ormsby of Barrie, aged 41 years. WILLIS-On Sunday morning, Jan. 30. "1927, Jennie Jewett, 90 Fern Ave., Toronto, widow of the late J. H. Willis. ' 1. '39 BLAIN-On Wednesday. February 2,! 1927, to Mr. and Mrs, John B1ain.| Allandale, a son. FRASER--On Sunday; Jan. 30, 1927, to Mr. -and Mrs. Herb. Fraser, Mit- chell Square, a daughter. MATSON-In Barrie on Thursday. Feb. 3. 19.27, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Matson. Palgrave, Ont., a son. . , ROB_ERTSON-At Prince Albert. on Thursday, Jan. 27, 1927, to Dr. and Mrs. G". A. Robertson. a son. McCARTHY--JOHE-VEE`-C.)-'N--On Wed- ' nesday, Jan. 26. 1927, at St. An- drew s Church, V Quebec, Evelyn Frances, daughter of Mrs. Johnston "and the late J. `M. Johnston of Que- biec, to Ivan Agar McCarthy of Bar- 1' e. A \ Good Cooking Turnips! each .. . LIEU]. \JG|IDInI1l, `ill: fUUUU1C o o o o o o I White Beans . . . . . . . . . . 3 lbs. 2 ` 5-lb. tin Bee Hive Syrup . . . . . . E 5-lb. tin Edwardsburg Syrup . . E 5-lb. pail Honey . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-lb. tins Strawberry and Apple Jam.....-..` . . . . . . . . '4-lb." tin `Raspberry ahd Apple Jam . . . . . . . . . . New Laid Eggs, per doz. . . . . .. Special Sweet Juicy Oranges,- per doz. . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . J Int Arrived:-n-`-Good Cooking Apples, pk. . . . . . . . . . . .. 505:; -:- `FOR sALE--`s-roamed brick` house. corner -Maple Ave. and Soph!aSt., (.92 Maple Ave.) with all conveniences.` wired for electric stove. garage and` gavdnn. Apply W. E. Partridge, Pnyntz St.. phone 1084W. tfo 24.15.. VI-`iahe:-'4: Putty rum .. 3'-1-B. Jar Orange Marmalade _. . : Peanut Butter, toy ail . . . . . . : Peanut Butter, per .1 . . . . . . . . ; : Cooking Figs . . . . . . , . 31!. for: Large Cooking Figs . . . . . . 2 lbs. 1 Nice new Dates . . . . . . . . 2 u. :_ 10,00 tins Aylme1j Peas, No.4 . . . . . ..'.......2for'.' 800 tins Aylmr Corn, 15c, 2 for : 700 tins Aylmer ` "`nvnu{-nae: `=3 9 `an: ` Shredded Wheat . . . . .' . . . 2 for W Tiger Catsup, qt. {bottles . I U D1115 CLJIIIICL "Tomatoes . . . . . . . . 15, 2 for I 1000 tins 'Burford `Brand Peas, , .No. 5; . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2for1 Pligizes. IBUCHANAN S GROCERY Let your telephone relieve you of the labors of shopping. ` L \ We deliver to all parts of town. wuss :tul!r-'I.lV8-I'U0!Il8G cottage. wa- ' fter, light and good garage. Apply Mr. James, 249 Elizabeth St.. telephone_ 44e82W. 3-5ni CARDS OFTHANKS 1-`on QUICK, SERVlCE-FOR QUALITY arry. Buchanan Phone` for Food; ,it_ saves time_ and labor. IGROCERI .. 5c` *`W FOR SALE---House, six rooms and 3] piece bat with electric heater. house newly bi` cked, drive on both sides. chimneys. roof. sun room, balcony, gar- . age and `fence. all nc.-*-w. .'1`,1n'ee blocks from P.O.. good garden. splendid vlw, value $3.000. Would exchange for smal- ler house or good car. balance cash. No encumbrance. Write or call 52 Mc- donald St.. Barrieu ` 3-8p a 21! 25 I 37c ! 37 I 63 25 i ' 25 38 22 22. - 23 . 23 23 ' 29: 95` | [Playing in Toronto on Tuesday, the Churchill curlers were eliminated from T the Tankazgd competition by Stratford `in the first game. Fred Allan was beaten` 23 to 8 and How- ard Allan was down 16 to 14. V -uuouv-v- vuapvu Ina: sun A gloom- was cast over the village when word was received last Thursday morning that Jasper Martin had pass- ed away at his home in Toronto on ' Wednesday night, Jan. 26. Mr. Mar- tin was a life-long resident of Hills- dale and only moved to Toronto last fall in order to have a better chance to educate his family. He had been sick for about three weeks nrior to his death with an abscess in his head which affected his heart. Jasnerwill be much missed in the sports as he was greatly interested in the baseball team and donated the cm) which Cen- tre Simcoe teams havenlayed for this V nast~three years. Hillsdale becoming the owner last season .' He also belong- ed to the Golf Club and took a keen interest in that sport. He and his brother William former- !_v had timber limits but sold the last of theseto` Mr. Copeland a few years ago. `He was a memberof St. And- rew's Church. He was in his forty- eighth year. Besides his widow. who was Miss Elizabeth. Faragher, there survives three sons, Ed. on the staff of the Standard Bank at Chatham. and Jack and Charlie at home: also one brother, William, of Midland. The fun- eral took place Friday afternoon from his late residence on Lauder Ave. Rev. J. `E. McEwen of Churchill. a former minister of Hillsdale. had charge of the service. Much sympathy Is felt for Mrs. Martin and family. - I um: 13 prugressxxig Iavoraoly. Quite a number'of the dogs and cats in the village were poisoned last week. Some of the- children are much griev- ed at the loss of their nets. A police officer has been here investigating. ' -- `FOR SALE. FIVE ACRES" of land suitable for garden with good house and barn. first-class .water and quan- tity of small fruit. Ideal home cheat). Apply [to G. Logan. 138 West Ave.. North Hamilton. Ont. { . 5-71) :2- -LVJ.1l'I.lll All LUFUIILU IEISL WEEK. A rather serious accident happened -last Friday to Wm. Townes who is employed with Clarence Cumming on the 2nd of Flos. 'I`he'team he was driving became frightened at a dog running past and became unmanage- able. 'I`-hey threw him under the sleigh runner and dragged him about seven- ty-five yards before Mr. Cumming got the horses under control. His scalp was partly torn from his head and his nose was broken. Dr. Tyrer removed him to Nurse Mino s in Hillsdale where he is progressing favorably. Quite a. nnmhm-'nf Hm (Inc: and nnfa LUKE SUSEHUII. Miss Leona Faragher and her grand- mother. Mrs. Chas. Faragher, Sr., at- tended the funeral of the late Jasner Martin` in Toronto last week. A v-of-hon any-Inna nnn:(`nI\1- kn.-.u.A-H-.3 cu uuuuls use uu Luv puuu, 1'uesua.y. R. A. Kent left for Toronto. Mon- day, to attend the Provincial Legislat- ure session. nn... 7 ........ 1:1..........1_.... .....a 1.... ..........1 apcuuxus auule Lune a.L Dunu .l1.lVeI`. M; Drennanjs attending the County Council in Barrie. V T.-.11.-. Dnny.-.5 ......: ....... D--. ................... L:ULlIlU1l All Da.l'rl8. John Rowat andxson Ray commenc- ed cutting ie on the pond, Tuesday. R. A _ T(=nf lnff fnr 'I"nr-nnfn M'nn_ Last: but Ituu up WILII uuxus. R. Burke has returned home after spending some time at Blind River. T\" T`h-nnnon in offnninn 6|...` {`1.-nu-.4-.- wuuxc gauze. ` T-he song service put on. by the Un- ited Church choir on Sunday evening passed off quite` successfully. Another service of the same nature will take place` in the near future. Feb. 1-Quite a numlger in the vil- lage are laid up with colds. P Riirkn I-mu rnfnrna hnmn oft-an UU Ull xuuuuuy. ' Bond Head won a clean. hard-fought game from the Beeton hockey team on the ice here, Monday evening. Both teams Worked hard and each deserves credit for good sportsmanship as there was not a penalty throughout the whole game. 'T`.'|-In cnncr any-x`vn41 nu! nn luv kn TTv1 ICC. l.U1' l.uC uuuuug SUIIIIIIBF. In spite of thevery severe weather on Wednesday evening a number of the high school scholars returned to Brad- ford for the carnival and the hockey team went to Tottenham to play a. scheduled game. Several were frost- bitten before they reached home as the thermometer hovered around 20 below. - A very successful bazaar-and enter- tainment was held in the basement of the United Church on Friday evening under the auspices of the Mission `Band. `In..- mr 1:) 1.1-x......-1i 1.-.: 4.1.- .._.--1.-.._ #1::-& TFOR SALE---Five-roomed cottage. wa-g tter. light. and sznnd annmm Annhr Mn ' pit ur-.:na.1'u LU -I.` ICBU Aruey. There have been very f_eW farm sales in this community this year and_ this no doubt accounted for the larg'e_,crowd who gathered at the one conducted by Elvin Billings on VWednesday last. Good prices were realized for practical- 1y everything. pnrnxr Dnxrnnln on Tkfnn Qholn.-n_ Ly everyuung. Percy Reynolds and Wm. Suther- land are busy storing up a supply of ice. for the coming summer. Th enifi: nf fhn vnru annoy-n 1-non!-`Inna M. B. Hipweli had the misfor- tune to break a wrist by a fall on the ice on Monday. Rnn "F-Toni! urnn o nlnon ho-A Faun-kt Jan.A31-W. J. Abernet-hy has sold his fine home and twelve acres of ap- ple orchard to Fred Amey. l 'T'h'nr'a have hnnn van-v four for-rn ao1nu EQuick 0gts_.`Preh1ii1m Chinaware, ! Comfoftlisoap - . . . . . . .' . 1 Gold Soap . . . . . . . . . . . IP & G Soap . . . . . . . . .. i Palmolive Soap . . . . . . .1 Ilnfants Delight Soap . . !Bulk Washing Soda . . . Matches . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; Saniflush, per t'n . _. . . . I 7 Cakes Castile oap . . . |Larg`e "Bar Castile Soap Lake Superior Elerring, -lab. . . . Fresh Sea Herring, lb. . . . . . . . . B. C. Sliced Salmon` . . . . . . . . .. B. C..-Salmon, whole fish . . . . .. Brill Sea Fish, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . Fresh Frozen Trout, 1b., whole I . . . . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Large Bloaters . . . . . .2 . . . . 3 for 25 Mild Cured Ciscoes, `lb. . . . . 25: Filletts Haddie, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Finnan Haddie, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Smoked and Cooked Salmon Snacks, . . . . . . . . . . . . ..30c l 1000 Large Tins Pnk Salmon Sliced Singapore Pinepple, . FOR SALE--6-roomed house. centrally i'1oca.ted. 5 minutes walk from new tan-l Inery. Phone 739J. _ . 4-9c! Death_of Jasper Martin IA`... --__. --__A_ ____,, SMBKED FISH 7 3.9? !..'-15951-E . FRESHFISH SOAPS ..; 4 for. ... 4 for. .... 4 forU .;.L 3 fori .. 3 for} 711... : .-3 boxes} P5913? tin, 17 .. 9c . 10 . 20 . 17 . 13c '1`ENDERS will be received by the! mnderaigned up to Wednesday, Feb,ru-I `my 10, at. 6 p.m. for the printingof !the minutes of the sessions of the County Council of Simcoe for 1927. Lowest or any tender not necessaril,v.; accepted. Phil McLeod. Chairman of; Committee on Printing. Orillia.-= _ 5c: go...`- 21 25c ' 25c V 25c ~ 25: ' 25c 25c ; 28 32c 25c 15c 21 nu. Miss Ruth 111 since she West to atten Jan. 31-.\I returned to 11 mg some mox `l'__ .....J nub uv...- in-\( . Mr. and Aline are spe lia. lllau 'D11f}1 Mr. and son Earle ax with friends WANTED---Five cords. ;4 foot green hardwood, beech and maple for Fern.- ydale school. Apply. by tender before Ejeb. 15 to Thos. Dawson. R.R. 2. Bag`-I true. ` 1), " ;;s;`m;;~: Or Ilia a er * home hefrii ` :rHuRspA{ A drama 0 die!` in the West. Th Wars! Ni FROM RICHAILI Jack Mullhal |N?i6$q zvwr A Vivid St Adapted fl Q4-nnxv l'LLl(lt}IuC\l A l Story, His Jazz Ransu Matinee The Most RANSI Capi 'WAN'I.`ED---A few more customers each week and we will be abIe.to give "a wide:-avariety of choicest meats` with good service. We ask for a trial, phone 166, Campbell's Meat Market; A5-6p` on-1:: THUR1 Spangle Just Ano 0;; 53] Marcellinga` Facial anl MONJ MARION Beaul Excellen `(Just TO REN'l`--Furnished front bed-slgtinz` room. with piano. 51 Collier St. 51: Hair Cull For A Firstl Ban}: o` Evenin4 Richal Shamptl CO MIS I TO REN'I`--A small, cosy apartment? of livin -room. sitting-room, bedroom'.1 kitchen .tte and bathroom. Steam` heated and water supplied. S. Moore. . .2tfc x- HOUSE TO LET w1th_all convenience I and nrnnd wnndnn Annlu R0 march.` n.uu:uu 1U um; wuu_u.u UUIIVBIUBIICBS` and good garden. Apply 69 Tlfn Sb. . 5tfc.`, Fur Remodelling & Repairing sum; McKERNAN. -as ' emu 8!. SCANTLING WAN'I`ED-- 600 2x4 scantling, spruce or hemlock. Must be at least 8 feet long. Apply Fisher's Flqur M111. .6pi IJJ4&lvV& '7 (ILV &&'JI-in I1I5IIPU `F513;; ajd. Call mornings or evenings. Phone or leave orders for M._ Alexander at Y.M.C.A.. Allandale. , itfc `WANTED TO REN'I`--`-A med1um'sized house,.centrally located. with all con- veniences. No family. Apply Box '1`", Examiner. 5c LIVE POULTRY WANTED. I-Ilghsst `prices paid. evenings. Phnna nr lnava nrdmvn fm-. M Ahvqnamv one cent a word. can, each latex) -`. Non (minimum 0hl.l'l9.`i35c):~.Il! uuer-1 none to; the . dog of tour; 10 cent: cxtrs -`when seaweed; alsox 10 ca tn extra. when 1-apnea are directed to :- untner Ottlce I . L ' EXPERIENCED. PRACTICAL NURSE desires position. Phone 423W. 5-_,1op .:-2 `DINING-ROOM OR KITCHEN WORK for parties. Terms reasonable. Apply 88/Penetanig St. _ - 2-7c ALL KINDS 01%` FOWL, WANTED. highest prices paid. Phone 384 or write. H. /Levlt. Barrie. ' 52-Eb luguuut. pnuea 11 I H. Barri MAID FOR GENERAL!-IOUSEWORK wanted. Apply Mu.`s."C. C. Hinds. 87 Toronto St / ._ 5c 1% FOR SALE---One mixed straw stack: one Holstein cow. 6 _yrs. old. due go freshen in two weeks: one Yorkshire hog. six months old. Mac 4 Yorkshire sows, in pig. pure bred and good bacon ;t,vpe. Amiiy to A. E. Bowen.V'I`h'orn- ton. or `Ivy telephone. A_5p ---:- ROOM WANTED near. Dunlop. t.. board over week-end. Write Box 298." Barrie,` 5p -,5} ADLEICOLUMN 1 in mar wnrd nnnI1"I-nlh'hvnIvn' 251:, BOARDERS WANTED. A Bradford St.. or phone 420, E 145 per word csh;"mlnimum' 250. W` K g&w&m&&&gam; Live Stock or Sale_ Rooms and Boiu'd Property For `Sale. Property To Let Em Wanted j FOR SAI,E-;-Hereford herd sire. Dan Fairfax 61736. born Nov. 15th. 1921: also one-,. Hereford buli. age nine months. 61867. and three young Here- ford bullg. Apply Arthur Orrock. Thornton. _ A 4-51) Arinly 206 20, ` 4-5c auuvu cuul 8.8 requxreu: ` , w; ' ' Delivery of coal. to be made at the request of the Chairman of the Coun- ty Property and tenders .tor the coal for Gaol and Court-House to be `given -for the delivery: on slelghq 'gnd- also tozndellvery in May. `- All tender: in ha nnnlnrl na a.:.a..;.~. ; Luzg,-uuuvery In 1u!!.y.~'- All tender: to be sealed. |adIdrs's 4 ed to DUNCAN 13.~.M.cCUAIG. `Chaim- man` of County Property Committee, Barrie. Ontario.` ' _ 5'-,6c an. ule uuurc nuuue. l l I Also for supply of coal to be deliv- ered at the Court House. Gaol. Regis- try Office; and Children's Shelter. esu timated as follows: Court House about` 100 tons of soft coal, best .quality: Gaol. about 70 _tons of stove coal and 10-tons of nut"coal: Registry-Office. egg and nut. such quantities as-will be required from time to,time: Children's Shelter. about 16 tons of furnace and stove cool as required`-. T Dnll.vnrv nf nnnl. fn ho vnng .4 M... Tenders wilt be received by the_un- dersignedup till Tuesday, February 15, 1927. for supplies for the Gaol andcoal for the County Buildings for the per- iod of twelve months from April 1st. 1927. to March 31st.`-1928. Supplies for gaol consisting of meat. vegetables and groceries." Tender forms may be ob- tained at the County Treasurer's office at the Court House. 2 Alan (nu nnvnnlu as! Ann` L. L- .1_u.. aunu men nave notice. ' I DATED at Toronto this 21st. day of, January. 1927. ` Imperial Trust: Company of Canada. . \ Toronto, Ontario. Admlnstratoznl By its Solicitor, A. J. Russell Snow. 714 Federal*Bldg., Toronto. om. 4-7c.i_ L - 'l'l:'.NDERS FOR GAOL SUPPLIES AND COAL FOR COUNTY BUILNNGS xuu pux'I..u:uIu1`a OI U181!` claim. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date the assets of the said Estate will be istributed among the parties entitled t erqeto. having regard only to -claims. of which the -Administrator shall then have notice. " nA"`1n 00' Vnnnnnfn I-In-In 01.-L .3... Al nu . away a u wanna: a uno -| IN THE MATTER of the E\state of ' Henry Harry Stoteabury. ' ALL PERSONS]. having claims a-! eainst the Estate of Henry Harryh Stotesbury. late of the Town of Barrie. ~ deceased. who died on or about the 15th day of July, 1926, are hereby notified to end to the` undprsizned Administrator with thevwill annexed. on or before the 1st day of March, 1927. full particulars of their claim. a Trnnnnhal-nlu n-an I-Inn nah: IA.-.5 ......... I FOR SALE~-'On`e` matched team. erav Pevcherons,.' weizht 2800. 'one matched tea. brown Percheron mares. wpixrht abo t 2800. Two `sets of new.` heavy swghs. runners are made. of blue oak. 2% inch shoeing. A ply .W. D. Coch-. v-nnn. R. R. `No . 2.._A landale. ` 49-57p uuu.-unsung cmeuy O1? mlxea bush. The highest-or any tender not neces-V sarlly accepted. ESTEN-& ESTEN. -Solicitors for Estate. nvituh 1 5-7!`. , V . _____ ` TENDERS will be,rece1ved by the un-_ dersigned up to the 10th day of March, 1927. for the farm known as .the Wils- liam Snider Farm and being the south half of lot 48 in the First Concess1on.~ "lfownhip of Flos. one hundred acres' [more or less. Good loam: large well-_ .bullt frame. two storey `.house;~ bank` 'barn. and goodframe barn. `also hen- house and pig pen: one mile from. school. R.R. Mall box and telephone on premises: wellh fenced, good well; Possession given 1~st Aprll, 1927. T. ALSO thn Aunt hnlvnn nf Inf: AR ......I FUFBEHEIUII given Isl; April. 1927. . ALSO the east halves of lots 46 and 47 in the First Concession of Flos con-. taining together two hundred acres. consisting chiefly of mixed bush. I Th hizhnnf-nr nnv fnnnn nnf manna- MAKE MONEY` AT HOME-You can earn a substantial income in your spare time writing show cards. No canvassing-or soliciting. We. instruct you and supplytyou with work. Write today. The Menhenitt Company Lim- ited. 45 Victoria`St.,' Toronto. . 5tfc. I u - --t-.-.-.--..--.--. FATRM ANlZ)Z:B--l:JZgH Lo'rs FOR SALE .......-V-.-. ' LADIES I,-IAIR carefully cut. marcelled and curled in your own home, or` at 5'64 ('!nmhm'Tn.n Q12,` Annnnln nhnnn uua;uxu 1.'1l'L1'b'1'.l.1lVl1-'VVlll nave 8 little `room.to.spare for eggs. on Feb. 7th and 14th. Harry Morten, 8 North St.. Barrie. Phone 887J. 4-53). I [dull ,uux'1uu In your own 1101116, 01'` at '64 Cumberland St..' A1landale,.phone 958.` Wax marcel special. Prices reas- i onable; 5- 0c I ;FURS ALTERED `and repaired`, Ovr ;Hurlburt's Shoe Store. Miss M-.. Me- i Arthur, I . 87t c. I ,, ,., -- -- 5'5 R S'A,LE--Ro`an mare. Clyde. white face and feet, weight about 1400, go`od wnrker. and sound. would consider ex- -change. Apply Whittord P. Gill. Mid-' burst. 5p -4-. v` , lJ.1`4DLV1Jt.l\1lVUi' ALVJJ Iu:a`LV1.U1JJ:J.h-] ILING. Charges moderate. Telephone; 475 or 132 Burton Ave,. W.- * 1-6p ` ju: CUSTOM HATCHING-W!ll have 8. Hffln ivnnm fn annv-n Pnn An-an nn Wok `FARM FOR SALE--53 acres. within jthirty minutes walk `of Barrie: brick `house: bank barn: plenty of water. E. IH. Reid, Box 561. Barrie, teIphone' I895M. 5-1m-I li'3XY2M FOR SALE-100 acres with good buildings in the Township of Om, situated on the Provincial Hizh_wa.v. 7 miles from the Town of Barrie. An- ply to D. F. Mccuaig, Barrie. T5-6c i> DRESSMAKING AND REMODEL-l T.T1\T(1 (`Havana I-nnnvunlnn Vlhalanlnnna . 5 TWO HOUSES fo r sale_ or rent. chegp. ` . For full. particulars apply to 19 Vespra . St., or phone 459F. _ I . - 4-9p '.;`GR'OSM(()'iR(}i3-l-1.00 agre good` dag : oam. goo we ng; am on cemen. 36x90: 1,g.m11e. to market: close_ to! public and high sghools, Possession! [March 1s-t. Noah Grose. Lefroy. _ 3tfc !LOST _bn `the main street. Saturday. nfght, pair of lady's brown chamoieette V gloves. Finder please leave at Examin- er office. _ ' \ V 50. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT-200 : acres in Innisl. Apply. 7 McDonald lSt.._Ba.rr1e-. ' " 5p -4-new r HEREFORD `BULL for sale. register- -ed, 10 months old. Junior Champion. `Barrie. 1926. From a prize-winning` -family. B. B.. Warnica. Allandale. Phone -Strpudn'19r11. .8,-8n A WHY PAY MORE FOR TREES? 2 and 8-year-oid Apples. Plums, Cher-' ries. Peays. 75c to $1.00 each, guaran- teed true. Grapes 250 each, .any'va.r1ety. Black and Red Currants 15c. Oxna- mental Trees'a;nd `Shrubs at cut-rate. -prices. 5% oft for cash with orders this month. E. V. Babcock. cor. -Cook and Codr!ngton..Pho`ne 365.1 . 5-8c LOST--2A'Brownie' boxv camera on Burton Ave.. Mo day',VJan.. 31. `Finder please phone 286 or leave -at 57 Essa. Road. _ A 5c WOOD FOR SALE.- in four-toot` lengths_ in the bush, tour dollars a cord; also cgadaruposts. Apply W . Seaton. Churchill P.0'. * .4-7p h9ad_ Singer sewing machines. slight- ly used. fully guaranteed, for 59.1 EU!` llJ..4.I!J"""A. IIUIIIDBP OI R000 OPOD-T nhnnrr Rlnemr aming Mnnhinn n AS ly USU. Luuy 5uul'u.xu.ueu, U)!` 8313 cheap.` Singer Sewing Machine C0,, 45 Elizabeth St. A 2-f7c No1'1c_r_: TO cl_ug:_I)11_joRs LI 1II- n :1-- CEDAR POSTS and anchor nosts for` sale. Apply .1 . A. Mills. R.R.. No 1. Mldhurst, . phone 1_99!`13. . 1_tfc `TWO PRIVATE TELEPI-IONES. hm price; one typewriter (good), for 315.. also one new auto knltter tor4$22.50 . at * Tuck's Store. _ ' 6n FOR SALE-A `number of good drop- hnn Elna-Ar nawinw rnnnhinnn nlla-hf..t"} CUTTER OR.'_8ALE._ ADDIY W. Ash- bott,`53 Dundona".ld3Bt .."Ba.rrle. Sp ..-..-own---~-. `FOR SALE--Two young Durham cows, "due to tjresher-1 Jan. 12. and Feb. 12. Apply to Allen Miller. Utopia, Ont. or vphone I\vy-Thornton line.` 1-tto -.--- TABLE` TURNIPS, ,carrots. and man- gblds tgr chickens. .1.tor sale.` Phone 1132.1-. . . 69 {SET op .B0`BSLEIGI-AIS tof sale. Apply C. E. Co tts. Midhurst, .5-_6c Jmselej or To Let Farms For Sale [Wt-12` { F9?! . TENDERS. ,'!1i9'1=n?"- {[Fr_ S-1 arrie. gobbler; also dr ,. Stephens, R.R. 2. `phone 60Br23. T nu. FOR SALE-2 bronze turkey hens,_one y poplar wood. cut any lonsrth, Armlv S. J 5c

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