s:ro{a&' .1. ..17 .14 .16 ;1o 13 .15 _.12 12 .10 RAEY It, .10 .17 -Buy ,-Staunton s `Semi -trimmed wallpaper -"`22-in. wide instead of 013 18-in. - For `sale by W.`A.. Lowe & Son,_ Elizabeth St. ` tfc worth, Jack McCaffrey,K.""B'ln'1'1s', - Barrie-J. Monkman. W. D. Grit- fhtiha, H.~ Meredith. G. 0. Cameron. 3 p. Orillia--Reg. Robinson. Dolf. Woods, Brt Harris, C. Mcconkey, skip. A Thornhill--J. Fisher. A . Clapham. S. Finlay, F. H. Echlln, skip. - Chm-chill-Wilfred `Stews. ` Fred `Lucas, Ed.` Payne, W. Noble, skip. _ Barrie Thlstles-'-W. C. Walls Th- ---..--, V. .....n.., u. :Juuucu. LThe Meaford rinks and Bradeh Orillia, did not enter up the names their players in the rink book. Lucas. Ed. Payne, Noble,"ski_p'."' C. Walls. Dr. L, J. Simpson, 8. W. Moore, R. A. Stephens, skip. ' ` * Orilliafl-Iospita.l-F._ Green, D. Ball. J. Gidman, J. Thomson. skip. Clarksburg-`-S. Knibbs. W; Fawpett. ' - Brown, Car`! Walker. skip. Stroud-W. W1$e,.Murra.y Hunter, W. L. Black, R. '1`."Webb, skip. , 'Cookstown-T. Hattie. C. Fisher, L. Arnold, R_. `J.. McAfee, skip. . Cookstowr;---W. R. Potter. R. Cole- man, J. Baker, .1 . Donnell-. ' rn1... It....a._...1 _x__u,_ , - _ -1 nuun, U. .11.. 1566103 , Skip. Stroud--Wm. Smyth, Robt. Suther- J. L. Marrow, Fred Peacock, s p. 7 . Barrie Thistles--J. Belesk.v. '1`. 'Carus`o, Dr. Hart-, H. M. Lay, skip. Midland-Dalton Hudson. -Phil. Jory.` J as . Shaw, Wm . Bethune, . skip . Barrie--E. Woodman; A. Moffatt. D. Mccuaig. Geo. D". Hubbard, skip. .Bra.dford--J. A- Webb. J. Nolan. "M. Waldorf, Dennis Nolan, skip. -Barrie Thistles--Wm. Brennan. C. McDonell,-E. Hart, An. Hamlin. skip. Scarboro--A. Little. 8. Baird. J. "Underwood, D. Crawford. skip. Newma.'rket-.-John Murphy. W. Ba.s- - Mccarey, A. Binns,.skip. * Barrie-J. Monlrmnn W TI 11- Laun, zuup. Barrie-P. Love, J.` E. TI Hook, C. H. Beelby, skip. Stroud--Wm. Smvfh Pa vv . .11. neuer, map- Laurandau, skip. Barrie Thistles-C. E. Elrick. Harry. Armstrong. V. S. Hambly, R. P. Mer.- rick, skip. - Ram-in_D T.n1yn 'r 1:` rm....._.._-.- --- vv we, W. regg, SKID. Barrie Thistles-J. H. Rodgers. L. 0. Vair; A. E. A. Malcomson, R. F. Gar-.' rett, skip. Barri_e--A. `Bryson, W. A. Twiss, A. A. Smith, J. R. Dler, skip. " ` ' Midland-Robt. Rodger, F., G. Hill, H. Keller, Nap- Laurandau, E. Elrick. T-1'91-rv %lNSURANCl?:f-\__%B 0NDSl -rnos. Kissock, Dr, W. A. Lewi,skip. Midland--Capt. Robt. Wilson, Jas. .'E;{1:niop, Angus McNabb, Capt; Hudson, s p. i Ba.rrie'--W. Livingston. Rev. J. J. Blxck, W. A95.` Tu;ner. Q1`. N. Rogers, s p. _ Newmarket-`-Harry Lundy, Gordon Dunn, Fred Chantler,- J. R. Y. Brough- ton, skip. M / . ` Thornhii1---J. Breaky, M. Boyle, R. Wice, W. Pegg, skip. l Barrie '1'hismpn__r 1.1 1:-...a........ 1' l\ u.` vale, J. ti. Grant, sK1p`.. Barrie--James Cavanagh, John Scott. Thos.'Kissock, Dr, Lewi, skip. V Midla.nd-Cant. Robt. Wilson, Inn anup. - ' Midland-Capt. E. Green, F. Hill, Capt. Marsh, Capt. McLennan, skip. Claremont-D. C. Scott, F. Evans, R. E. Forsyth, R. Besse. skip. Barrie Th1st1es-H. H. Creswicke. D. Emms, B. G. Robertson, Rev. J. S. Shortt, skip. Stroud-Bert Wright, John Banks,` 0. S. `Black, Ben Webb, skip. Churchill--J. `Lewis, Harold Staph-. ens, Samuel Todd. V. Reive, skip. Barrie---J. 0. Scythes, H. E. `Jory; B. Meredith. W. H. Kennedy, skip. E1mvale-Rev. W. Stubbs. Geo. Fleming, E. Simpson, Dr. Lorne Ty-_ -rer, skip . 'Rnr1-in 'l"h{al>`lna_1 13 17-11-- ~r-rv vs nu-, snap. ' Barrie .Th1st1es---J. F. Nelles. W. R. Richardson, F. Goodfellow, W. Rain- rord,, skip. 'R'-\nvnrfnn:'l2` `ll.-.T\......1.: 1- rn-_A-4., l LUIUL auup . Beaverton-E. McDonald. L. Tdylor., C.-Vale, J. S. Grant. skip , ' Barr1e-Jamea Onlvnnno-h Inhn cam-4. _. Barrie Orilliatosnital . .W. H. Kennedy 9 J. Thomson ....7 Thomson-031 100-020 00-7 Kennedy--100 011 102 11-9 M ' Play-off for 3rd or 4tH '_ Barrie Barrie Thistles S. Meredith .11 Rev. J. S. Shortt..6 R. F`. Garrett and Dr. Lewis have- yet ot, play off for 3rd aiad 4th. The Competing Rinks Chu,rchi1l-0rvi1le Todd, Reuben Lu- 'ca's,-Jack Reive. Marshall Reive, skip. Elmvale--Dr. Harvie, J. Patterson, A. W. Harvie, C. E. Dutcher, skip. Barrle--Art. Wolfenden. Mat. `Rn- :1. w. narvle, U. 11:. Dutcher, Barrle-A1:t. Wolfenden, Mat. Ro- bertson, A. MD. Simon, `S. Meredith, skip. I van Ill IIUIIIIII Newmarket ' Orillia Hosriital G. A. Binns .12 J. Thomson ......13 Cookstown ' Barrie J. Donnell. . . 11 Dr. Lewis . . . .18 Claremont Barrie Thistles R. Besse . . . . . 7 R. F. Garrett . . . .12 Barrie Scarboro T W. H. Kennedy 11 D. Crawford . . . . .9 Semi-Final (\n T_I'An-.:d...I "` vvIuI'rlllIl Orillia Hospital . Barrie J. Thomson .14 Dr_. Lew Barrie Thistles . _Barrie R. F. Garrgtt 8 W. H. Kennedy .. Final T - Orillia. Hospital 'w_ T-T, w..mm.a.. o 1 m........_ Enquiries solicited `from those interested in ? Cookstown `J. Donnell `. .15 Barrie Dr Lewis . . ._.11 -"C_1;1vn"'c.1:il.l' M. Reive .1 Barrie Thistlesv R. A. Stephens 5 'I)-_._.)_ .... --. uuuvyuvnna U Barrie `G. D. Hubbard 14 Barrie J.` R. Dler ...6 Or1l11a' Hospital . J. Thomson. . 16 :1;}~ r;.'on't R. Besse . . . .10 Barrie Thistles W. Rainford .8 nvuuauunvn u u U Harrie ' Dr. Lewis . . .13 wvwv--w u-was--Ia . Newmarket . - ~ _J. Broughtorl 3 J. R. Diet Churchill _ T Orillia W. Noble .. . .4 J. Thomson MidI_and 4 Barrie N. Laurandau 17` H. M. "Lay Bradford , CQOkSt( D. Nolan .8 J. Donnell . Stroud .- Churc Ben. Webb._.21 V. Reive- .~ Meaford Newrr H. -Kennedy. . 4 G. A. Binns Barrie -Midland Dr_. Rogers . .12 W. Bethune Churchill ` ' Elmv M._Re;ive ...10 C. E. Dutch - _-. . v-vuoovvu 1_Barrie Lrd W. H. Kennedy 15 Fourth Round et S .12 .T, "|"hnrnunn `I0 Third R6 unc7! DAILY QUOTATIONS Newmarket G. A. Binns . . . . . Midland N. Laurandau . . . Stroud '-R `KIA!-sh JN ewmarxel: ` . . . . ../18 -Midland . . . . . . .9 Elmvale Dutcher ....4 Orillia. M. H. Braden Barrie Thistles R . A. Stephens ...1_2 . Clarksburg C. Walker ........12 - lI`0W B . Webb DILFP Dr, Rogers I f`1_._-_._-AAA _. _vvv.u - Claremont R. Besse . . . _-. -v-..-av uncooooouadl, Barrie Thistles R. F. Garreft ....16 ' ' ' ""c":h'{nFc'rli1i' . . . . . E . Thompson , H. skin . Newmarket Dina u ` Mn N E8 . Of- or ...15`] . .16. .13 Avauau sun can: uuuwtles cnargea, 50c;.rentals, 25 per day, called for and delivered. Barrie Radio & Elec- tric 00.`, phone 120. 5c 11 - DEHCIHE. . The deceased is survived by his widow who was formerly Isabella Len- no: of Ivy and one sister, Mrs . (Dr.) T. J." Henry of Detroit; also a. family or five children, namely: Elma, Frank, Ernest and Whitney at home and Mrs. Dew, wite'of Rev. '1`. J. Dew. B.D.. rector of`Ivy, Thornton and Utopia. _ --..-- no. any caaaansvunu vuulvll GI. IV]. The funeral was held on Friday. Jan. 28.` A short service in the house being conducted by the Rev. P. R. Soanes. B.A., of Aurora, and Rev. J. E. Thompson of Barrie. and in the church by Rev. P. R.eSoanea and Rev. Arch- deacon Whittaker. D.D.. of Penetan- guiehene. The pallbearers were: Wm. Goodwin, Harry Rankin, Geo. L. Dav- is, John Davis, Wells Fletcher and '1`. H. Banting. . Thh nnnnan in an-null.-..I 1.-., 1.2-. .J.R.J. eooowm In the death of John Robert J. Goodwin, which occurred at his home. Gilead Vale" farm. on Wednesday morning..Jan. 26, the community of Thornton and Ivy lost one of its most prominent citizens. The late Mr. Goodwin was the son of the late John Goodwin and Susanna -Banting` and was born` on the _farm on which he "died. Deceased was inhis 67th year and had always enjoyed the very best of . health until about five years ago when he was stricken with hearts trou- ble which was finally -the cause of his death. The late Mr. Goodwin was a staunch Conservative, and a life-long member of the Anglican church at Ivy. Vlnu On-an-nl an... 5.1.: .... I:|..I.:..-- 1--.. :1:-vuuuuj III &1&I\IlP\I'I Leonard William Bloxham. a well - known resldentof the Holly section. died in the Royal Victoria Hospital on } Jan. 24, following an operation. The land in 1865, a son of William Blox- ham, now of Allandale. He had lived at Holly for years and was held in high esteem in the community. He had al- * ways been an active member of Holly United Church and latterly, was secre- tary of the [official board. He was twice married, first to Miss Mary Ann Summers and later to Miss Effie M. Wigg, both of whom predeceased him. Three of his sons saw service in the Great War. Joseph P. was killed in action. Wm. L. died in France in 1919 and the third. Charles M., died in Toronto last July. Mr. Bloxham is survived by his father, one son, Reu- ben, at home. one daughter, Mrs. Roy Ferguson, Barrie; two -brothers, Jos- eph, Braaptford, and Matthew in Cali- fornia, and`- three` sisters, Mrs.: C. Burns of Innisfil, Mrs. R. Shan- non, Toronto, and Mrs. S. -Mason in Saskatchewan. The funeral took place on Jan. 27, from the home to Thornton Union cemetery, Rev. G. E. Coulter, officiating. Many oral wreaths mark- ed the esteem in which Mr. `Bloxham 1 was held. The pallbearers were Geo. ' Dyer, D. Cochrane. C. M. Srigley, Lockhart, H. Kelcey, H. Loug- hee . . < late Mr. Bloxham was born in Eng.-: J Hours: 9 to 12; 1 to 6 Satutjday till 10 pm.- Evenings by appointment Phone 80. 39 Elinlntll St. IvIIlO V8!!!` 3I"I&& I I The Township of Essa lost one of itsi pioneer residents last weekgm the pez`- son of Mrs. J. Gauley at the ripe old age of eighty-nine years. Mrs. Gauley, who was Miss Bessie Agar, was born in Ireland in 1836 in the County Down. When twenty-nine years of age she came to Canada and two years later married John Gauley of the second concession of Essa. There they lived up till eighteen years agowhen they gave up arming and moved near Al- liston W ere Mr. Gauley died some nine years ago. Then she Went to live with her daughter at Vine. About a year.~ago she returned to spend some time with her son on the old homestead where she-died Friday, Jan. 28, after a week's, illness. Three of a family are left to mourn her loss: Mrs." D. Co- chrane of Vine, W. J. Gauley of Bax- ter and Samuel Gauley on the home- stead. Rev. Mr. Irwin of Alliston Un- ited Church, conducted services at the home assisted by Rev. Mr. Adams._ Interment was made in- the family plot. Alliston cemetery. The pallbearers were two grandsons, J. and D. Coch- rane and fournephews, J. Gauley, W. T. Clarke, F. Donnelly and W. Agar. nun nu uruvnrarl [ William` A. Tanner. a native of ' Craigvale and .brother of Mrs. Anna Johnston of Allandale. died on Jan.) 22, at his home at Maryfleld, Sask., af- . ter a short illness. Mr. `Tanner had? lived in Maryfield since 1907 and for a number of years was Mayor of the vil-i lage. Born- at Craigvale in 1869, the late Mr. Tanner" went to Souris. Man.. in 1895 where he was with a. lumber company for a number of years, Later he conducted a lumber and coal bus-_l iness at Maryfield and took an active! part in building up the village and sur- rounding district. His wie and four! sons survive and, in addition to Mrs. Johnston, there are two brothers, S. W. Tanner. North Battleford. Sask., and John A. Tanner, Winnipeg. The fun- eral took place at Maryfield on.aJan. 24. -Radio and car I)` tte ` `h Oczrentnlsg 25:2 1191-8 ngleincllfgggiii D.-. Pgaie; will giv M a. humorous lecture. t On Mdnciay Evening \ but-A `-1~ 1` `. ----- --I -"""'5 at 6 p.m., the ladies 1 of the Congregation will serve a Everyboay invited. Adan}, `sh Acenlts. _ Children, 25 cents. ~v--V supp} LEONARD w. BLOXHAM ._ ..._.1 1-1-v.n\1__-_ Ia vvavnv v I-avwo \I `III! i H0N-EV oR5lE"iisf'XNY TIME. MRS. JOHN GAULEYV n..---.__I.:__ -5 -ua_,_, OBITUARY w. A; TANNER -Radio batteries charged, 50c. `Barrie Radio &. Electric -Co., phone 120. `A I126. vv II-JVFIIJH Feb. 1--M:-s..Dors'ey had returned to her home in Innisfail. A]ta..A after ipending a month visiting relatives ere. ~ ' ` Mrs. J. T. Reynoldsjs visiting in Toronto. Mrs. -W. H. Clute event a few dayzil last week with relatives at Al1en~ woo . V M -. Iflan A-...-!. 54.1.; -rs `O A -. La vuuuug at ner nome. Miss Jean Cameron is visiting in Toronto. - I The Ladies Aid meet this week at the home of Mrs. A. Bushell. \1 \";.s_ Annie Stott, R.N_., of `Toronto is visiting at her home. WEE .1991] (`anon-v-nus 8... --.I._1L;,- _. In ROBERT H 5.1?."TH uu L118 010 place agam. Lorne oscott shipped _a ~carload of bags last week. , ' o Mrs. M. Knapp, who has been vis- iting her sons here, has returned `to Toronto. ' ` ' weens anu report It good. `The neighbors are glad to see Mr. and Mrs. John Plow:-ght and son back on the old place again. Lat-no Rnnff ahnnna .. ......1-...s -- wu.u xurs. reacocx I01` a few days. B. Tracy visited at the homeot` J. Pilkey, New Flos. Mr. Pilkey has been in very poor health since Christ- mas. . _Some who have been on the sick list are able tobe around again, al- though wlth the great change in the weather. others have taken the grippe. Mrs. H. Alford. and Enid.Knanp are among the ailing. T A` nllfflhf Fr-nnn Bonn n66;..~.'I_-A AL- anuuus ule aumg. A- number from here attended. the play Deacon Dubbs" in Minesing last week. and report it good. `The ndlflghhnrn mm clad on ...... -1.. uays Just. WEBK . Mrs. Alex. Johnston attended the wedding of her niece, Miss Hazel Pea- cock of Barrie, and intends staying with Mrs. Peacock for few days. Tracv visited at nm v.m........c` LVJJE. uyuu, 1H baffle. Miss Isabel Russell of Mighurst and Miss Florence Lynn of Barrie were in Collingwood over the Week-_end. I Jan. 31-Mrs. V. Traizey of Tod'- morden visited at B. Tracey s a few ldays last Week. Mru Alan Tn!`-`at ... ..LL-._,'I_ -u .. uxun LHS ul 'J.'0I`0I1t0 . Mrs. W. L. Russel] of Midhurst spent over Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Lynn, in Barrie. IR/rial: Tao}-:51 13--cu-n11 no `It:-.1\.__,,_,. , _ alum uau. wr some ume, 1s Improving. Mrs. Lorne Poole and baby have re- turned after spending about two months in Toronto. 'I\/I'v-c TR? 1' `D..,....-11 -5 119,11 aLa|.c1'. Aura. James UOUIIS. Arthur Finlay, who has been on t`. sick list for some time, is improving. Poole and hahv mum .- Gordon Slevens`o`nL WCUK. George Smithjs working on the ice in Barrie. * Wm. Andross, who has been on the sick list. is improving slowly. Mrs. E. Car-nentpr, who has: 1...... x... mun HSL. ls xmprovlng slowly. E. Carpenter, who has been in Barrie for some time. is visiting her sister. Mrs. James Coutts. Arf'hrn- Winlnxr nrlnn I...-... 1..--.. -.. Ax- Luuxg HK8 Lne "I111." - Mr. and Mrs. James Spence en- tertained `the U.F.0. one evening last wfk. - - CQ__LL 5., ,7 - 1 0 " accul LU us [.118 0I'(lI` OI [H8 aay. Owing to so many changes in the weather. some of the citizens are still suffering with very bad colds, some- lthmg like the ``flu. ' r nn `lhfv-n T.-.......... 24--..-- -.~ nay .Jc1'uu-:_y. _ Hawkestone--Centre, Will. Clark; wings, Elmer O'Brien, Lawrence Leigh: defence, Geo. Anderson, Harry Wrig- ley; goal, Len. O'Brien; subs., H. Parker, Ralph Leigh . Frinv mmnina nnvf was A 1:...` r` nulpn uelgn. Friday evening next, Feb. 4, East Oro and Hawkestone will again cross sticks at the local rink and the specu- lation at present is, can the former repeat their win of last week? Time will tell. This game should draw a._ record crowd. Feb. 1-Mrs. A. A. Garvin has re- turned after visiting her son Frank in Detroit. While awayshe also visited friends in London and Toronto. D Skfiflg and u--Aurincr rrnn{u\ .-an `ulcuus u1 Lennon and Toronto. Skating and drawing grain, etc. seem to be the order of the day .` Owing` t0 an mnnv (`banana In #11; I LIP. L116 ween-enu. Miss Chelsea Fellows of Toronto was. [home over Sunday. ) East Oro 4, Hawkes one 1 3 On Thursday evening 1 V t in one 01' `the best games of hockey seen here this season the East Oro team defeated I the locals by 4 to 1. The pace was fast right from the first face-off and though rather strenuous for the most part, was not` unduly rough only a few penalties being handed out by referee ~'Tom Crawford. Early in the first per-~ iod Elmer 'O Brien, playing right wing |for the locals, was hit in the. face by: the stick of Lloyd Scott, suffering a nasty cut on the nose which bled pro- fusely. This put Elmer out of the game for the remainder of the evening and was probably a large factor in the loss. of the game by Hawkestone as it was then necessary to send Harry Wrigley from his regular place at right de- ifence up to the 1 orw..rd line, where he ,fe't very much out, of place. In the last period he too rt:-vivcd a_cut lip fromthe same stick that had put El- mer out of the game. H. Parker re- placed Wrigley at right defence and was later` relieved by Ralph Leighs The line-up was as follows:-- Taar nv-n__rmn+..o 1 Dnu-'------ xuu uuu-up was as IOllOWS2--- . East Oro-Centre, J. Patterson: wings, W. Cameron, Lloyd Scott; de-. fence, VVes. Tudhope, F. Patterson; goal, Russ Jermey; subs., H. Hodges. Ray Jermey. T-Tnw1zn;:+nnn._r`cm`h-n vmn rw1....x.. All cheque; mu'st be marked "accepted by_ Bank. and. made payable at par. Barrie. Tdnnnnnn rnmxirnd hv mall `add Miss Pearl Joslin of Barrie was home for the week-end. "l\}l iuo Pilnnlnnn 1n..n..--... -2 m-.A---A- (- ~ M1;~;E$_1Nc; snon _HAwKEs'roNE MIDHURST Ulf the puyume EL pun`, Dl'FlBn Licenses required by mail `add postage. Rates: Within 20-mile -limit, Sc: beyond 20-mile limit. 10c. For application forms. send stamped. addressed envelope-.`~ I\l!!._. L..-" E______Q;I- 1;_I_ Phone: 31005` -4- -1010 ISSUER co..a....-:}mEi CO0GAiVZI -ih A `ohnnie Get Your Hair Cu!."V Wednesdiy - Thursday 3 A_--Q-: m-L'j-njjj ---V:--wt -v-tun--:- F:utIn'iug-a\lico Joyce, Coni_ny_ Toulo -and Clan Bow. Two shows each night. Regular prices. ' GOOD COMEDY. A MOTOR_ LICENSES ' """' C :i5AN_cIIs% M0'f"=k' - A ipictuhriuation of _ . _ Peter B. Kyno's famous utor'y. Two shows each night. _ ALSO GOOD COMEDY. n-aviation`-II-I\Q' wuss. I-r-lnlvvo so--vvpvruv Office` over Bancroft : Bin]: Hobnr; Vhouwortb,` hljuigd Bal- Iuny and Kenneth Harlan in CANADIANMINING BEN Tupm, in 0. funny. comedy, "When 3 Man : 1 Prince. Twice each night. Reg. prices. Saturday matinee at 2.30. Tsco1u=`: wAs_s%o-To o -J__I_ _.31-_I -_.. - ..---...l Monday band Tuesday Tvgo DAYS (_)_N1_.Y` 'l5~y;il} 3eiii&' ~ mam: THE? GOLDEN ..l3_- W3'I"AY1SE_ WAmVH?l< I TIL IUD A I I : 3:331: "f'i;;,;;;;b;;,* t'i:'e"<;a;t;s";r:vi3`ridayi ang gturday of next` week, Feb. 11 an .. ` ' .5c . . SARJEANT & KIN'G,'- imitd. us any .0ne- sale will 08,01 am: and _ oollen Dress Goods -g beautiful dress fabrics at a fraction of their , cost, some of -them clearin - lines, 1 some of them part of a pure use by T Mr. King in Toronto this week. Bar- gains that will "make this another real sale. . Don't miss it. There will be: Wool` "Dress Goods 87%c, Check Dress Goods `20, All Wool Tartans 89;-`$3.00 ~Serges- in many colors $1.49,. White Fancy Dress Voiles 39, Dress` Canvas 5c, Fancy Coat 59, Canton Crepe $1.39, 36-_in..Taf- feta .Silk $1.29, number one Pure Fuji Silk 85,` 3.00 Sport Flannels for J$1.`79, Allover Laces 59, an- other lot of Trimming` Braids 5c, Laces 10. dozen, Men's 75 \Ca_s- Imereand Silk Sox at 39, etc. _ - 'n-_..--_.1__.. ;I__ 2.1", , -- Linings, half price, '49c, Velveteen- There was an "unusual stir at Sar- hjeant & King's Friday and Saturday ofelast `week. The novel sale was ` an experiment but resulted -in a huge ..ci all `the. sale wan` success for everybody. We have` been asked to repeat-`-~and as our success or failure depends . on meeting the popular demand, here `goes for ANOTHER SALE,i'Friday and Satur- A d . ..February 11 and `12. Yes s:r1'e ing for `nothing, again. Pfin-' - en nn"nv& nan: l!;.....l'.. L--u.L2..I of Silk and V - --7:`:-V`, w u-saw 0 I`: U` {I'll-lldlhi Rev. R. J.A pFallis_ of Davenport Road United` Church, Toronto (form- erly of Collier St. Methodist Church, Barrie). received a surprise Tuesday night when a number of men of the congregation called on him and pre- serited` him with a book of. travellers cheques to the value of $120 on the eve of his departure for a holiday in California. The presentation -was . made by T. A. Talbo_t who, with others, eulogized the work of the pastor.` ' . ` wt"1?l:1`e:UA.F.O. mmiaes of this district held their annual meeting in the school house last Saturday afternoon. I I\n Vuunuglnuu Y.._ in 4.1.. A:_-__;_ I___:,c,,, Feb.- 1-Mrs-. G. Halght has return- edvto Detroit after spending six weeks here with` her parents. Her mother, Mrs. Ed. Garrett. accompanied Mrs. Halght to her home In Detroit .for a month's vacation. `It... `I? -I--u.'___---- .,.. - `-- - .......... ..,.,--.V.. w_.vvv usyga Luau wcuns | Miss Eleanor Hayes enjoyed a few days in Phelpston with friends last week. - -T week. TEA u-u-ronvlc -a v wvvwvlvno . Mrs. H; Johnston-left tor` vL!ndsa.,v to attend the.funera.l `of her mother. `Mrs. Noxftihgr-aves. " an . . - .--.u. aw-.u yuan uvcuo D.;F. 'Streb` of- Saskatoon. Sask.. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Muir. S:-., recently. T . `mu-.. nu--- 4-1-1- _-n_u.s - - '- um... nu. uy nvvvutny n Miss Clara Cole vllted Vtriends m` Mlneslng for a_few days last week. Tlllnu 'l."In'n.-nu. `L1 .-.---.'. -_.1__--.s _ A-_-| .7- -...- gt... -u-nu-a vonuln V159 At each service several sletlons were given by the quartette. and [solos by M17. Perry. . _._..a..- -w - gnavumwu ncuuoaaclahlvll UL UVUUB ` . I ` A church which lives on its past his- tory eventually ceases to function. so it must be not only a. memorial to the past but a testimony to the present and the fact, of God's loving kindness working through men: But a. church that contents itself with the present has lost its outlook. It must stand as a challenge to the future to proclaim Christ and the Holy Spirit and its `work in the lives 01' people. There is '-`so n. challenee;.i or the members as chritian neoplewho are part ofthe great spiritual church. ' A--1. ..__.--l-- - ' ' ouvv wvvnn uasauvn Mr. Anderson spoke in. the morning on TThe Church." The building` itself. he said. but represented a stage in the progressive workingfout of the gos- pel. The churc stood as a memorial. not only to the istory back of it. but '-to God's dealings with men and the fact that Christ came 2000 years ago with the gospel message. In a more immediate sense it stands as a memor. lal to the fact that the gospel had been there for fifty years. to new life, to-- the many trials and difficulties of. the people and to hearts ' reclaimed and brought to a greater realization of God. I A nkunnh n.I..I..'I. u.._.. __ IL- _A_-L I - PRESENT!` TO `Riv; R. J- m.us I `I5--- ' Isabel ' Smith, Hazel DUI! ICU Wilt BO `JV!-lllvu` .The B.C.I. lineup was: fds., Otte- lyn Robinson, Victoria Quinlan; c., Dorothy Rumble; `s.c ., Elsie Robin- son; de., Margaret -Meeking, Gladys McBride; spares, Marae Warnica, cBrlde. ' ' Jubilee services. marking the` fittiethl anniversary of the Barrie Baptist church. were held last Sunday with splendid congregationsatall services. ` In the evening the church was over- tllled and extra seats had to be brought in. The services were conducted by the McMaster Evangelistic Band, com- posed of Messrs. Wilton. Anderson. Stafford and Perry. Mr. Anderson spoke in the morning and Mr. Wilton addressed the evening. service andalso one heldon Saturday night. Further ' celebration oi. the Jubilee is planned to be held during the first week` in May. but definite arrangements have not been made. - e ' 11.. A__,l__,__,,, BAPTISTSAMOBSEEVE { % 50TH ANNIVERSARY ' u\l -unv oaowuuavo Bdoth was re-annointd toA the Library Board fora. term of `three years. ' ' ' . ` V ' ANOTHER SALE _A_NTEN MILLS V. -v--v-tiny`-vouruliw u-Inc aauvvl 01:39:00]-0 A Thornhill ' . Clarksburg F. H. .Echlin.7 G. Walker ---__ - v_v - - vv . V--vvvsu I :Newma.rk<'ai "iulluana" . Capt. Hudson 11 G. A. Binns .....12 Oriilia. ' Churchill C. Mcconkey 18 W. Noble` _. . . . . . . .14 Orillia. Hospital ~ 1 Stroud` J. '.l`homaon..13 R. '1`. Webb . Thornhill . ; Midland Pe_gg _. . . . 8 N. Laurandau . . . .17 Barrie Thistles , . Barrie `Thistles R. P. Merrick 8 H. M". Lay . . . . . . ..9 Bradford _ Barrie Thistles . D: Nolan ....17. A.".Ha.mlin` Meaford . Vcookstown. F. Rumsey. . . ,9 J. Donnell . . . . . . .15 ` Midland - ` ' Stroud - Capt.`_McLennan 2 B. Webb . `. . . . '. .15 Churchill 7 7 ._ Elmvale T V..Reive_....16 Dr. L. Tyrer .;._...6 ` _>Bea`.verton V" ' Bar;-1e J..< McDonald. .3: Dr. Lewis . . ; . ._, . .13__ "`|I\$D\m"` > 151. .,u u ` V . I'll`! Cookatown M .- R. J. McAtee_.'.4 J. . Meatord I-I. Kennedy..10 F. Midland n-nin- ' iasmlfe" ?iiiis":i;s aa}}i" Rev. J. Shortt 13 W. H. Kennedy.. 9 Scarboro , - T Barrie D. Crawford.11: G.` 0. Cajmeron ..12. V , `Semi-Final , Barrie Barrie S. Meredith '.10 C. H. .Beelb,v ..'..,14 A Barrie V Barrie Thistles G.V0. Cameron 17 Rev. J...S.' Shortt . I` "II Barrie ' Barri; A ' C. H. Beelby '10 G`. 0. Cameron ..8 .Beelby --211 101 020 010 01-10 Cameron-000 080 191 101 10- 8 `CONSOLA'.l`ION__ T First Round 1. l"`nn'l.n|l-n'n'vn `Du ....I." -."1S`-a'x'r'1; " G. Hubbard.10 Barrie Thlstles Barrie '1`_histl<'a;" Barrie R. F. Garrett. ' C. H. Beelby . . 13......a.. ' 'n__._:- ":Z;aI~.5;'""" V G. 0. Cameron 13 ' same W" Dr.` Rogers . . . 8 Barrie ' . . C. H. Beelby .14 Barrie G. D. Hubbard 14` -Elmvale . C . E. Dutcher-. 7 Claremont - R. Besse Orillia. 'I .`l' `LI Dunn .31.... '1 Uflllln M. H.. Braden` 7 Barrie Thistles W, ' Ralnford. .5 - `aw; o 1 n u vv l_lIl| &_llI JJVLIIUIIU 5 131e. Bradford G. D. I-Iub ba.'rd 15 -D. Nolan . . . . . . . _. Barrie'\ . ' Thornhill Dr. Rogers ..14 DW. Pegg . . . . . . . .. Barrie Thises _ Midland R. F.`Garrett.13 N. Laurandau Barrie Thftl s 1 - Barrie R. P. Merrick 14 C. H. Beelby Barrie Thlstles ` . Stroud Rev'J. Shortt 23 Ben. Webb . . . . . .. Orillla. Churchill M. H. Braden 12 V. Relve . . . . . .. Barrie - . `A Elmvale W. H. Kennedy 11 Dr. L. Tyrer . . . . Barrie Thistles Beaverton W. Rainfrd. 20 J. S. Grant Barrie ' - Scarboro Dr.,W. Lewis 8 D. Crawford Barrie ' Thornhill G. O.`Cameron 12 F. H. `Echlin .. . . Barrie Thlstles Clarksburg R. A. Stephens 9 C. Walker . . . . . . . "'.i51.{v";i;"" ' 7" "5' ` Me'ao'a ' ' C; E. Dutcher.-9 Ma Rumsey . . . . . . . . Barrie M _ _ Cookstown S. Meredith..13 J. Donnell . . . . . . .. Midland Claremont Capt_.McLenn_an 11 vR. Besse . . . . . . 1 Barrie Thlstles Midland ~H. M. Lay ...7 -William Bethune . Barrie` . (1 D T-Tuhhnv-A 13 .`l`\ `Mnhan 1 . _-. --- uvwyrngvanu av Clarksburg ' I Carl Walker. . 12 WUFU pluytml u.H:'l't'. - . - Fifteen Barrie rinks .entered`Va.nd , seven of them reached the semi-finals. which speaks well for the skill of the local. curlers. Beelby and Cameron of the 'Barrie s fought it out in the Prim- ; ary final, the former winningyby 2 ' shots , Cameron played his-regularclub qrink. exceptethat H. Meredith replac- ed J. McMartin. Last year Rev. `J. S. Shortt put Hunter- Kennedy out of the ' Primary and he repeated the trick this year, scoring 6 shots on the eleventh end. S. Meredithbeat Mr. Shortt in the play-off and so got third prize. Dr. Lewis and R. F. Garrett have yet to play off to settle their prizes in the Donsolation. Primary prizes were club bags." blankets, `motor gloves and scarfs: For the Consolation they were bath robes. motor rugs, thermos bottles _ and flashlights. 151511: A 1-n-up l3.C.I. girls piled up.;a record /score against Collingwood girls in a basket- ball game heijelast Saturday, the fin- al ~score cbeingV50-0.7 Ottelyn Robin- son led: with 28 points a " ml... 1: n 1" 14-..... mane KM. nu..- no. so vvsaagjhlu Q1 Barrie J. R. Dier....6. Barrie Thlstles R. P. Merrick 10 Barrie. "c. H. Beexby. .16. Barrie` Dr. W. Lewis 12 Saxboro D. Crawtbrd. . .'14 Barrie G. 0. Cameron 10' Thornhill F. H. Ech11n.12 Barrie Thistles R. A. Stephens 10 l'1'I___I__I...____ " Barrie 'rh1st1'es" Alf. Hamlin. . . 8 Brrie Thlstles Dr. Rogers 11 Barrie Thlstles R. F. Garrett 14 brhnnipu .5 nvaacatli L Preliminary Round ru_x..n-_ -n-_-- Second I-'(oun`d ` uuurcnul .rd 14 M. Reive . . . . . . . . 4 Barrie her-.7 S. Meredith . . . . . .13 t [ Barrie Thfstles V ' Barrie - [en W. H. Kennedy ..13 stles Scarboro .'d..5 D. Crawford ....13 .Ba.rrie Thistles 01113 R. A, Stephens .. .5 -Third Round ...9 `Rev. J. s. Shortt 17' .. --.1 PIEIMARY R. Webbu First Round any v 'Final v . - _ - --v~-.1, Barrie ,' .S. Meredith .. 71-... -- --vv--. Ehurchll M. Reive ' - ' I "I'3';rrle Thistles R; F. Garrett . .16 Midland V Wm . Bethune . . . .6 Churchill M DAHIA A nun VUl'LUI_l J.Vs. . . . . . `Echlln .....,, , vwlii-e'vvmarket J. R. Y._Br-oughton 9 Cookstown R. J. McAfee ..6 Midland KT T.n1-nnnvuan 1'] Mlunana N. Laurandau. . Matord 1-T VQPIVIQI! AV]. 65.1.01` (1 H. Ken_nedy...,., 3 Stroud ' T W. Peacock.. 6 Midland Capt. .H_udsbn. .. 11 ' Newmarket A . `Diana `ill ' "6}iI1:A'z&'o's';$:}ai J. Thomson . . . . ..9' AV UW lllul'K A.`B1r;ns ` 1 Orilua C. Mcconkey .. Churchill TIT \Tn}-dn - - arrte` R. Diet _ Stroud . W. (Pe'acock .. 7 'I'4-..._- _ _I, _ Guaranteed highest iarlces paid. "Phone 384 or write H. LEVIT, Barrio l Will be at home - all day Satur- day; Wednesday till 1 p.m.; "other days before 9 sun. and after" 8 pm. 1')`[]'f\\Y'IZ1 I\DT\'IB`DG ARV`? fI\`I"II'I:`