Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1927, p. 10

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_. ..... .--v..rv--.= v.. um... -v Clifford Lockhart, rent of hall, $2.00; Chas. Hindle, election expenses, Poll No. 1, $14.50; Russell Coulter. `Poll No. ,4, $14.30;Herb. Lougheed, Poll No. 7, $14.20; D'Arcy Lennox, Poll No. 8, $13.90 ; Fred. Elliott, Poll No. 9', $14.00; George Parks, Poll No. 10, $15.10; S. J. Reynolds, .Poll.No. 5, $13.60; Geo. Mar- tin, Poll No. 6, $13.70: Walter S. Reive. Poll No, 2, $14.10; Byron Grose, Poll No. 2, $14.30; W. H. Reddick, Poll No.` 11, $14.50; W. B, Sloan, rent of hall for nomination, $4.00; the Northern Ad-| vance, printing account, $77.00; H. B. `Armstrong, sheep killed by dogs, $36.; I W R. Sloan, .t-Iflpnfinn nvnnnane sun-I `Armstrong, sheep killed $36.;i W, B. Sloan, election expenses, $10; 0. P. McLennan, refund school tax.| 9:12:20 I u. 17. $13.30. Davn ' uub. I The following accounts were ordered paid: Charles Pickett. cutting brush, $15.00; A Robert Thompson, cutting brush. $31.00; Clifford Lockhart, rent. of hall, $2.00; Barrie Examiner, $8.12; tslsiztgka Hospital for Consumptives, 'DnnnnnIr__'LJ'nnoun7,','I"`|unI- 4-`I..- Dan..- Peacock-Henry--#That the Reeve and Councillor Webb interview Wm. Irwin with the purpose of entering into an agreement. with him for the plant- ing of trees on his land to protect the` road at Jobbltt s hill from drifting snow. _ I Webb-Peacock-Tha.t council ad- journ to meetat Churchill on Monday,. |FeAb. 7th. at 10.00 o'clock a.m. Yr? -1-: ':~-I-psnxo nu, - .------ n-ow----guy rvvvvuiuuc The following accounts were passed at the meeting on Jan. 10:- - IVIZX.-...J T _-I_I._..L _,_>L -1! I,_I1 AA AA allowed to cut wood and underbrus a d burn brushealong the road, lot 11,` c n. 11, from foot of hill to sideroad. .leaving a. few evergreens as pointed rout. ' l '`nt\ nllnu-I...-.. ............L... ---....- _._.1_..-.1 LIVINGSTON BROS. Dunlop St. V Barrie Pqevious Meeting : Accourits an fnnnnrlnnr nnnn1Ir\4u unx-.n Inn: --., vvv ._v.vv vuavvsn nan. ' `W. B.TSLOAN. Townzinp Clerk. Iuunai Ufa \a'UUyIlvI. luv 33.`. Jo o3'um}:}'h$u1 'og sooo.9'6 In cub print. Twcn .-one each prizes on NYAL G180 HOS. Youcunmnluthls content Or! {uclnatlng than ctou-word us- nleo and you have 1 chance to win II much as $100.00. By WINNER J THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, `I927. MA * CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. HEAD AND BEIONCHIAL COLDS, HAY FEVER Swlll.owRAZ-MAI-Icapmles. Sendscfortrinl. Templetons, Tomato. $1 at your druuisfl. -CHRON|O BRONCHITIS H BFIONCHIAL couas. I-l'AVE|'-6|-R1|='A|:ND WII u POI (nice uluuuus I inked this comment. V "I tried oevenl remedies without results. My mothet advised me to try Outicun Soup and Ointment so I Iome. After being than 3 short time the terrible itch- ing was relieved and in thxee xnantho wee healed. (Signed) Mien Mandy Siren, Rad- way Center. Aim. UM Ouenra for everyday toilet ` , 5 Bcthewith Soap, soothe Ointment. duet with Talcum. My face no covered with core plumlou that were surrounded by In hlnkehnn (hut itchy! and burn- pl "i'ou"{1si"we:e' " 6{1}oxici'e `by wh blotchu that itched and burn- -) ..__l__. 1- A- -._.a._L Q.-_s-L W III!` IIBIICII Illil Il|J|IJ' WIIIE II ed cumin no to scratch. Scratch- ing an eruptions and my face was dicguad. For three months u ___4_-.n .'a_n_ -__..__- urrounded by Bldtches. `Suffered Three Months. % Cuticura Healed. FACE COVERED W|TH_PjJ|P|.ES % 'IlnnI,Ia..lnuu-nu." I-*nee,5c aunt! an 50. Tdeum 25. 41 ' Cuticun Shaving Stick 25. DLL. xv lin Stewznr othy Nlom Joe Lenm Dorothy Thompson Evangelin ton, 333: Coch1`z1m~, III--M2u`_\' 337; II:n` Moore. rm III-Ret:L 410: Bvrn: art, 367; Stewart. Stanley .1: en Jenm-I Yvonne .- nrrc 1 {v1 SCHOOL .l\/Ullll" 76. .1 ('1. die Flotwh pin. East: Maiel. .\I: nard, 31:11`. man I\I(mr Ric "9535 ml MADE Missew B1iuaJ`r`oTua Now on sale at all D:-uiau--81.00 5 jar.` Ewoizns "Oneontrlnl- clwnyubl `' 6 uryuue spent & pl8l:l._HH.IlE GVEHIHS. _ The curlers gave a. moccasin darice _last Wednesday night. Everybody had`; a. good time and the financialtreturnsl [were satisfactory. On nnnnnnf nf Hun nnlil uyno-son fhn . WUFE S-lBl.ULUl.'ya On account of the cold weather the ! social `for the young people and the Women's Institute meeting were both called off on Wednesday. Dar-nu _TnI-nan and niui-an` nf nuuAan n_ cuuuu U11. U11 VVGQIIBSUBY. , l Percy James and sister` of Queens-, Kine spent the week-end with friends are. T A LU!` nu Bllull`. V . ` ` The,Junior. Institute held an oyster supper eat the home of Ed. Sloan on Tuesday night and ' entertained all these who took -part in the play. Ev- _ eryone spent a p,lea_sant evening. "l"hn nnwlnre p-nvn n mnnnouin nnn HI l.'Ul'ULU. . I The Euchre Club was entertained on, `Friday evening at the home,of Mr. and ,' Mrs. Albert Toner. `A very pleasant time was spent in the! usual manner.` The first prizes were won by Miss Eva` Brant and Will Cumming; the lone hand prizes by Miss E. Thurlow and, Wm. Johnston. A very dainty lunch` was served by the hostess. - ' Mr, and Mr: `K7 Thlvvlnnr ulallrn-A (`Too late for last week) Jan, 26-Congratulations to Vlricent Reive-on getting his first-class papers for an engineer. Tho _TIn-vlnr Tnnfifnfn hnl an nu-ad-An uuyardon Strath spent a couple-of days ! at Will. Cumm1ng's. Mrs, A, Plnhnrann aha `M"laa T.nv\n. 1 day, WEE BUFVUU U) EH8 IIUBIGB3. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thurlow visited with relatives in Craighurst on Sun- llnr-Hnn El-unfit ; canard a nl\I\v\`n.4\J' Ah--ni m. vv_1u. uummznsl . ] Mrs. A. Richardson and Miss Lena. Richardon are in "Toronto at present. `ow!-I a-an-v n o nuvliv vvvvnl Jan. '26-M si.` `H. `Swan and son Albert have returned home after a. month's visit with friends and relatives in Toronto. ` Tho n`_IIlII|nn f`Ink Itlna l\I|`|u1`l\-11` A... var .... ug, o\.4uIA\to\a\A vlsvvnlvollg unuuAvo The annual sleigh-ride and concert! for the Sunday School on Monday was; very successful. Favoured with an; excellent day, everybody enjoyed the] ride and the skate in Bond Head`. The supper was held in the basement of the: church and. .the `concert. held in the` Orange Hall. was' much appreciated. I uuuwziu care. > ' The anniversary services passed offs very successfully. Rev Mr. Irwin of! Ailiston was the special speaker and preachedexcellent sermons. The choir.. assisted by Miss Webster and Herb.` Banting, rendered excellent music. HIL- . _ _ . .`.1 _-|-.l..L _.|_1- ___; ___.- IE: 5 . 341:5 Ada Mrrlck is able to be ar- round again. A 1 Mr: W`:-Ad T-Tnna-I-nfnn knu I-many. any-._! "3253 ." xi'{:e;:Iae"'Is ";ZIu"{.'n&'.r""ne doctor-. s care. "`IaA nvulnluonnanvuuv It\|mIv`1\n(u -in--4.: Al`. ruunu ugzun . I . Mrs. Fred I-Ioughtoh has been con-; fined to her bed the last few days. I '11.... 11vI.ul-..1.1_ ... _;_;|u v--rov\-4\- on ovanuw navn v v V vs Ian? 17 UVl\"Vll\l n Cars are r'unning_a3'ain in this vicin- Minn `An Ilnvulnlz I`: akin {In ha an- ' (Too late for Aliast weefk-) ' Jan. 25-Congratulations to Mr. andi Mrs. H.` Brown on the arrival -of 3.` daughter. . L I Minn (II-nnn Mnlunn an-ul TI Kfolgnn UEUEIILUP. ' Miss Grace Nelson and D. Nelson visited friends here over the week-end. I 11-..- _._- _:___.--1- -_ _ -.- swan ow.-aw vv unann- - vuw cw--5. was-cw Dear Friends.--`We. the members`. of- St.Peter's Church, have met together to express to you our appreciation of your work amongst us. and our regret at your de arture to. poltom. For ten years you ave laboured faithfully in this parish in spite of difficulties, You have travelled many miles to -conduct our services, even though only afew people were present. Our Joys and sor- rows you have always shared, for you have been the life of every social gath- ering. and many~ can bear witness ,.to the spiritual help and cheer that-you have carried to` homes of _ kness. When we were disheartened w, spir-; itual or temporal affairs you were al- ways full of optimism. Like the poet. Browning your creed has been. God's: in. His Heaven. all's right withthe` world." So we have gone forward-when_ without your faith and help we should-` have faltered. Your aim has ever been.` to raise our minds` beyond all pettyl differences. to show us the higher road, and lead us to our Saviour and Master,u Jesus Christ. Mrs. Herman's work in` the Sunday School has been a lessonl to -us all. Though her pupils were few. he was always at her post, and` we trust the `good seed sown will bear fruit in due season. and that she will one day know her work was not in . vain. In the -W. A. too. she raised new. ideals of activities inmany directions` and has been of the greatest help in: the musical portionzof our church -ser-5 vices. We ask you to accept this.chair| p as a.re'membrance of the!` and lam days spentamong us. While sitting `in the chair. or reading by the light of T the lamp. we hope you will sometimes` give a thought to those in Minesingi who wish you every blessing.` both spiritual and temporal, parish. (Signed)-Lloyd Johnston.` John Graves. ' g wagon before in your. new` we-nun vouvnn vcvlusa vv uuua ary in Winnipeg. V _ ' While on her waylto church. Mrs. Thos. Gray of`Bracebridge. stepped off_ the sidewalk into the. drain and sus- tained a broken leg. . -- ' _The Casino skating rink_,. Midland, was destroyed by fire on Jan. 26, with a loss of $30,000 partly` covered by in- surance. Hugh Wilson was the owner. Ana alone 1 VI :7` '6 The Rubberset company is spending about $40,000 in extensions to its Grav- enhusst plant and will employ 50 more hands, with a payroll of $1000 weekly. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Copeland of Midland were banquetted and present- ed -with an arm chair and a. dinner leaving for `Toronto where they will live in 'the future. Orillia Presbyterian church raised $21,080.17 last year. Missions contri- butions by `envelope amounted to $3066.86. `The church has 913 members `and 659 children in the Sunday School. Lillian Johnston. sixteen-year-old daughter of John Johnston. a farmer residing near Longford, was choked into insensibility by a thief -who then gggsacked the house and stole about Fifty-three business men of New- A market have petitioned the Town Council to pass a by-law closing the stores on -Wednesday afternoon the yeatx; round, except the month of Dec- em er. The property of the Meaford Brick a Company. established in the year 1913 at a.cost of nearly a quarter million dollars. and which has been lying idle for the past ten or eleven years, has high sold for $4500 and ,will be scrap- D - , ` . A Normand Thomas and. his daughter Mildred, of Sunnidale. "were `painfully burned when a coal oil lamp exploded in his hands, Mr. Thomas was in the ant nf n`-nwing tho Hlnmina Invnn pllflll v [515 Graves . ; unwrap The Woman's `Auxiliary held their annual meetln,g'on Jan. .19. and the following officers were elected`: Pres.. Mrs. 0. Davis: Vice-Pres Mrs. Wm. Franck; 8ec'y.,~ Mrs. H". Pearson: Treas.. Mrs. S. Franck; Dorcas`. Mrs. L. Johnson. ' 8!. PiI0l"I Mobtijig The annual Vestry meeting at St. Peter's `Church, Mineslng, was. `paid on Tuesday. Jan. 25. - nun- 1tv.....1.._.. 1.... 11--..-- 1.-.! `I'1-...ll A uvwuugg van a nu The Wardens; `.'I'r1o.VGraves and Lloyd Johnson; were re-elected and H. Fra- lickwas re-elected lay delegate to the Synod. . . 'nu.- 11v.......-..I.. A....na...... I...1A n...a.. vi.'e'i3o7mE'a'; EH; a'i&2;;'$}';}n.` ed.to. Rev. and Mrs. Herman by/St. Peter's congregation last week:-.- 15--.. vn..n-_.1... my. 1.1.. ._._._.u. .___ -; Acldrou to Rev. nnl Mrs. Hadrian. _ n_Iu- __ _, NEWTJN R-OBIVNSON Buy Advertised `xings. \l` LKUUDUIV VALE; (Too late for last week) It... ' -II EERGUSONVALE - CHURCHILL TMINESING uuuusc ueacroyeu Dy nre. \ ' 3 I g West Gwi1l1mbury's officers for 1927 [3 are as follows: Clerk. Fred Ritchie; g!'1`reasurer. John ,Sutherland: As- [' sessor._ Wm. R. Baynes; Collector. . V Thos. Brown; Sheep Valuers, Geo. Jet. yufrey, J. H. Williams. Chas. Houn- lsome) Frank Kneeshaw. Thos. H. Nes. ;|bitt: 'Member of Board of Health. J. Lee; Secretary of Board of Health, ;Fred Ritchie: Auditors. Stanley Stew- ilart. G. F. Bowles: School Attendance , Officers, Harry Wilson, W. A. Neilly, Thos. Archer; Road Commissioner. W. " G. McLeilan. ,; "Dnnnlv-.fn lrug LIA- 171.`.-L 211...--- 1....) Phone .y;ur news items tov The E.xaminer--'-222 or 223. ! Mrs. 0. Todd and Miss Helen King spent the week-end in Aurora. G. 0. Allan is in Toronto this week :taking part in the Tankard games. This is the annual blue rubbon curling `event in Ontario. `Mrna "Amman .1... 1...... I.......L. ..:..u:..... event 11: untarlo. - . , v ' Mrs. Horner. who has been visiting .Mrs. S. Marshall. returned to her, [home in Keswick on Saturday evening. \_ ' - . I ' The local Company of the Slmcoel |For-esters Regiment have commenced = a course of training to include musket- ry. the training tonbe performed locally in the evenings. The training will be under the command of Major 0. R. Kendall 0.0.. and will cover "the re- 'crult s course." The Comnanv is now enlisted nearly to full strength. ` 1 _lud-n' I`! 'n...:.....-- tr-r...:..---__.u_ ___:| N%O.t\`% % . cross-words % but cash` %prizes>in -1 null ups uug but a } Lieuts; C. Rodney Wadsworth and ,Campbe1l Ralkes have been granted Icommissions, and Lieut. Hal. Cres- wlcke has been transferred from the Queen's Own Rifles. Lieut. Wadsworth -will attend a. course at. the Royal I School of Infantry during the spring. ;u. 1VJ.(.'J.l8l.lRIl. _ - `Receipts for the East. Slmcoe Agri- cultural Soclety amounted to $4689.45 and the Society had. a balance of $483; 80. H. R. J. Holmes was re-elected President: Thos. Wyer and N. J. Mc-; Donald. Vice-Presidents. and Alfred Bard. W. H. Plowman. Wm. Gowanlock,_' Fred Glover, J. S. Drlnkwater. Wilbur Reed. M, T. Mulcahy, Percy Bacon. R. `H. Starr. Rnv Hewitt 'T.nnlu T-Tinlrnv nccu. W1, .1`. muncany, rercy bacon. 11.. `H. Starr, Roy Hewitt. Louis Hickey, , Wm. Anderson, W. McPhee, W. E. Ed- ,'wa;rds, Mrs. Jas. Strachan, Mrs. Wm.` Anderson. Mrs. G. N. Campbell. Mrs.` `J, P. Wells. Mrs. A. M. Dunn and Miss! `Helen Beaten. Dlrgctors. . . I : JIA CO-V.` UUUFB WIIUH IE exploueu. ,ot Penetang, on_ the 12th ult.. a motion was passed to petition the Legislature ; for a liquor store in that town. the mo. 'tion readings in accordance with the announced policy of the/Government 'at the last provincial general election." Frozen water pipes caused an `ex- losion in the kitchen range at the I ome of Roy Stewart, Midland. on Jan. '16 and his little girl who was sitting lnear the stove d a narrow escape ;from death `when it exploded. The stove was wrecked and the house wasl I almost destroyed by fire. Want (3\xr"'Ih'r|hIn-v : nfflnnu-as cm. 1000` At a meeting of the town council` " WIIUFE L118] Will IIVB lIl'I.nB IULUTB. 1; , ; -lland Lillian Jnhnnfnn nlYfAn-vnnr-nI i 0:311 aulu {or $9000 and ))Vul ne scrap- . , Norman his `burned hands, act of throwing the Blazing lamp, which he had wrapped in a rug. out- doors when it exploded. At A manflnnr nf Hm 1-nun-1 nnnnnn. iwwmw&w&w&w&m$im & " & vvnvno um rs-ugov-n V- y vvv vuvu--go ied `wagon - ' rillin `Droahvfa:-Inn nhnrnh nnlcuail DISTRICT NEW '5 w$w$$%%&w$&&h& '<>L.u1-:1Tv-T.-"r`1.`. $5.; coahg. `food. for tired` and run-down pooplo. It `will "I-utord your vitality. which is your most pro- ciouu nut. [ ' ` Iull/IHULI UFUISUII IUK. Vfrhe Easino - surance, Hugh Wilson owner. NIL- I..I_I.-.._-A. _A.....-_-- 1... _...__Al.._. nun Irvuuv u saunas: vv aowvan vv ulna vnav v vv any: n `ltiubbez-set Grav- will more payroll` Weekly.` 1 mr.. .. .. A 11.... A ' Th growth (5: gambmag in Alliston `ls a.la.rmlng`-the better class of cm-. Vzens. says the Herald. Mlrlinn has an Innhfonnna nf H6118. auya (J13 nerulu. Midland has an indebtedness of $893,000. but is planning , additional _strieet-paving this year. nlllngwnn fan` had rnnnfntu nf _l.l'UUL'[JVlIl EH13 yCll.l'c Collingwood tail` had receipts of $5261.25 in 1926 and finished the year with a balance at $569.63. After several attempts Meaford has at last succeeded in getting enough men to fill its town council. ~\ Geo. Hammill, a. former Principal of the Colllngwood Collegiate Institute, died recently in Victoria, B.C. ` A, midnight fl)-A nn Jan 17 nnfrniyb UUIIIIIIIHBIUD 1U!` [[18 uuru time. .,'1`he President of the Owen Sound Board of Trade advocates} railway to link ,Meaford with the City of the `Greys. ' I Mr. . and Mrs. W. J. Leatherdale. formerly oi. Coldwater; recently .cele- brated their golden wedding annivers- WUHHQ nn -hnr nrnv`H>n nhnrr-In Mr: uwu ruueluly In vxctorla, J5.Uo l_ A A midnight tire on Jan. 17 destroyed McDowall s -shoe store in Colllngwood; causing a. loss ofabout $25,000. N. K. `X79119 has hnnn glnntn niacin- uuuauls a. tuna UL auuut. $10,000. . N. K. Wagg has been elected chair- man of the Midland Public Utilities Commission for thethlrd time. mhn Duonnlrhan A0 GHA (`I-nu. aauccnni ddfy Ill VV llllplin While wayto the TBA (`Janina nlnaflvuav v-Inlr Midland co.` SIMCOE FoaE_s7rEas HAVE commaucen TRAINING! ` TUBBY LEFROY fan nnuitz nxulvnnznx I UUIIIIHILLUUS. ,_ The following motion by Councillor` Webb and Deputy-Reeve Reynolds-was passed: That we change the time of assessing the township from February to April 30th to May 1st to Sept. 30th, -a by-law to be prepared making-this change effective. * .1`... .,,sn v\, I Reeve _G. 0. Allan and ' Deputy- Reeve Reynolds. were instructed to `arrange with A. G. Ardagh, P. L. S.,' to prepare a. map of the township, the different sub-divisions and intervenlnz . nrnnnrtlna In detail I ,Illl.I.Ul'UllI. 5IIU'IllVlUlUl properties in detail. ` T-`l'nmrv_.Pna nnr-Ir... -.--vv.~- --.. -auvonnuvnn why-swan: _Communications and accounts were `received from J. '1`. Simpson, Co nty Clerk, W.. A. Boys. 'K.C., M.P.,l&n- `tario Forestry Branch, `Ontario Good `Roads Association, Ontario Municipal .Association, S. L. Squire, Dep. Minis- -ter of Highways and The Examiner; also applications for the position of Assesor from R. A. Sutherland and S. J. Reynolds. On motion these docu- ments were referred to their respective I committees. Plnn Onilnu--Inn nu.-.Ll..... k-- t..--._-.n-I-.. I The second meeting oflnnlsfil Town- ; ship Council for 1927 was held on Mon- `day, Jan. 24, 1927, In the Orange Hall, Stroud. All members nresent. 4--.-, __, Il'U]_JUl`LlUB Ill uebuu. I-Ienry--Peacock-That Fred Wice be . INNISFIL councu. `Haw mrin [words any 0 mmm cnapm um`. ;.11rniQthe% .~~% 1., Re-S ale Prices for 2%eT1`uth Danae-{ 13.29-mesas % nun-ran mas Itis` common knowledge that Dodge Brothers Motor Cars command _ex_cep- tionally high prices at re-sale. ` As re-sale prices are established by the public.--not by. the manufacturer-they may be accepted as an accurate reection of public experience. i `Could there be .a more eloquent tribute to the stamina` and enduring worth of Dodge Brothers product? A t Patronize `Your Nearest Dodge" Brothers Dealer Read local `and 4 ,_, ____, _.__ Examiner Adlets are great sales- h_e E_xaminer and get all the men and they work for 1ittle,pay- dlstrlct news-$2.00 a year. '25 cents .a week. I . I .~ ..,. -. ~---.. W. J. Bates, $21.50; R. W. Henderson. grant. $6.00; Ed. Guest. pay list. $268: Geo. Leslie, gravel, $63.00; Ernest Carr, gravel, $7.40; F. Clarkson. pay list, $6.00: John Lennox, pay list, 37.50;` Mrs. D. Wice, gravel, $2.00. I 15ay}nent was authorized of the :51- lowing accounts submitted by Road Supt. Sinclair:-- * ' v-rv r 1-; . AA` .. _ ___ __ - I Touring Car . . . . . $1122.50 Coupe. . .- . . . . . . .. $1189.75 Special Sedan; .... $1376.00 Delivered with Spare Tire egd Tube

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