Pnultry. Butter _1__ SATURDAY MVA RKET' ...u (To vl;e continued) THEM on HAND 1 I n a 00000 noun u not n - - u ouolco .:.:._:..,::.. 10. . . . . . . . . . . . 35-. 10- cod.--an--on-0.-u auu[ '.. 20c 25c` 1o-15 1o.15l 35-.40C) 10-15c` ... 15c 40c 17c ;.. 19c! 12-14c $6-$10` 43-45c| 42-45cl .24-25c 28-30c ... 30 .... 5c stomnng` on [He lV10I1U.`."rll L!'7H.I!. Clement's heart jumped. Somebody who was stopping off from the trans- continental trnin-who. could that somelmdy he? Heloise? Certainly his heart fluttered. Perhaps after all this was the end of thenchase. It was more than 1i1:aI.\' Siwrssh had received some nmessagro from Neuburg at Winnineg--A he'd know how and where to pick one up, and Hmt me:~'sr1ge had warned him to meet this train and Meduse and He- loise who came by it. He thnu.-`;`ht that quite lilmly. and then Gatineau said, But..Qvh_v that g`1`ip?"t 7 ' Veg. Hmt was a nuzzle. If he was .V_ I1. fl. UHBDWIUKE Barrister, Solicltus, Notary, J |`MONEY TO LOAN. Ross Block. R; J. EDWARDS aAebwAnbs Architects-.and Structural Engineer: ' f 18- Toronto St.. Toronto. , R. J. Edwards. G.AR. Edw_a.r11s,' B.A.Sr- 5 aovs 4'. BOYS / ' Barri`ste'x-s, Solicitors, Notaries Public ; Conveyancers, Etc.. \ . -,Money to loan at lowest rates o! in- lterest. Office-13 Owen St. in Mason- 1 1c .Temple Buihjing, Barrie. Rrunnh nffinn__.'`.lrnun1n `V GI RI ` Eu V ' . (Over Frank Dutchex-`s grocery store) Chiropractors, Drugless Therapists Spinal Adjustment and Massage Electric, Vibratory and Magnetic \ Blanket Treatment: Patho-Neurometer Service Phone _405J for appointment - nu . .|.vu1pu: .Duu.uul5, Duffie. I ' Branch Office-Elmvale. , W. A`. Bo-ys.` K.C.. M._P. J. R. Boys; ,' u----v uuu----- wvvv !Bai'rister, Soiicitor fonobtainlng pro- =bate of wills, guardianship and .ad- ministration. General suucitnr. Notary. ' nhvnvnnnnu r :9: uu1usu`a.uuu. Ltuuural nuuclfnt`. notary. Conveyance: -vs ,Office--I-Iinds Block, r Dunlap St., ;Barrie. -MONFY T4,; LOAN l nnnaxexnn, b'UL1.U.l'.l.'U.l'{., .EJ'1`U. MONEY T0 LOAN. Ross Block. Barrie ELAXTON e. PLAXTON 'BARRISTERS, .SOLICITORS. ETC. `Offices: 707-8 Kent Building '- ' Tororo, Ont; _ ;C. W. Plaxton. G. Gordon Plaxton { ' ._ James 0. Plaxton 7 "DulgQ\'u_\' luau. 5'.1'.Lp.' Yes. that was a puzzle. he meeting` some one, why carry baggage for a journey`? IKIH-h H'u lnnr1Iun1nno'ino-` hp fhn . Buy Advertised Things. . Examiner Adlets are great sa}es- men and jzhey .work for 1ittle_pay- 26 cents vaivqeek. . * . J. A. CORBET-T .NQTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer, in- cluding drawing of. wills, deeds, ar- ranging of loans, etc. Insurance of all `kinds. Executor, Administrator and iTrustee. Thornton, Ontario. 4-52c 1-fur Remodelling & Repaiaig MINNIE McKERNAN. 5a"sman st 3- 3 1O I-I Q TAILORESS av? DRESSMAKVER 2 Adelaide St. ` ' Tel. 1053W L. J. 1MPsoN. M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Residence--Co1lier.St.. cor- ner Clapperton ,St., Barrie. Phone 275. ' DR; E. G. TURNB LL Graduate McG1Il Universit , Montreal. {office and Residednce--Cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. Office Hours: _ '9-10. a..m., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 p.m. ___.._..___._______..,__._.__ \ RADENHURST &. HAMMOND jBARRISTERS, "SOLICITORS, E l}C. \ -Masonic Temple Building, Barrie - ' "MONEY TO LOAN DR. w. A. LEWIS V Surgery and Diseases of Women ,Associate Coroner County of Simcoe --`-and--- HD \Al Ll nan:-nu --Zlfi-- . DR. W. H. CARSON Graduate of Toronto University . ;Phone 61 Office-58 Collier St. ; Hours: 8-9 a.m., 1230-2 and 630-8 p.m. I ! RS. LITTLE &. LITTLE ;Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. [Office and Residence--47 Maple Ave. I Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.rn., or | by appointment. Phone 213. j A. T. Little. M.D. W. C. Little, M.B. I01` 3 JUlll`D(-`_\'. With its loudly c1a.nging bell the great train stemu-rd slowly into the station. Both men watched the half- brecd with the keenest attention. He stood there quite passively as the pas- sengxers thronged out of the cars. He watched them indolently as they pass-I ed him in a stream. Then with an air of casualness he picked up his grip and strolled towards` the: train`. HT\nun " nrnnnl-nrl I"lnv\1nv-H-, \Tr\f'1n.{nrr ` yrs. IvIuriIlIvII:I1 LYQN I 122 Bloor St. VVest, Toronto. i Will be at 91 Owen St.. Barrie, First Saturday of each month. Diseases of Eye,.Ear, Nose and -Throat Consultation hours--11 a.m. to 5 n.m. Barrie, phoneV2. Toronto, North 3326 .__._Z.__..___..___...._'._.__..._....._....___._:_ DR._FRED A. ROSS Formerly of Drs; Ross &`Ross`, Barrie Late Surgeon Specialist with the` Imperial Army, -4% years. General Surgery and Obstetrics - .2 especially. Off_ice-140 Dunlop St., Barrie iPhone 710 x P. O. Box 1078 . MAUDE E. CLAXTON. L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano -_and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of Music examinations leading [up to and including A.T.C.M. degree. iStudio--Kir_1'g Block. Phone 424 EDMUND HARDY . ` Mus! Bacil FITIOIMI Teacher of Piano,. Organ, Vocal, and Musica-I Theory,. Organist ,a_nd ,Choi'rmaster'.of , St. Andrew s`Presbyterian Church ' Gold medalist T.oronto Conservatory of Music and Univernifv nf/Tnrnnfn ,4 `VICTORIAN onmsn or NURSES . Barrie Branch 5 Residence, 86 Worsley St. Phone 751W ` WELL BABY CLINIC ' from 2 .to 5 o'clock every Friday. ` Application for nu:-se's,services may be lmade direct or through your doctor. DR. N. W. ROGERS Physician and Surgeon. Specxl attention to Obstetrics iorrice and -Residence: 50 Mary St. = Phone 101 1 1 lffir-A hnnv-u- 9,0 on 1 0 on n 0 on I rnone Office hours: 8-9.30, I ._ BIM. SYLVESTER ` M Teacheraf Music \Bandmaster Barrie Citizens Band Formerly Director of Music Christie St.` Hospital under D.S.C.R., bandmaster of 134th O.S. Bn., bandmastqr of 76th Tnrnn fn Qnntfiah Dnnrlv iwaLcH. CAMPBELL &. ILAWLESS D Chartered` Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St.,_ Toronto H. J. VVelch. C.A. G. D. Campbe1l,_C.A `W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer T. E. Lawless. C.A. Manngnr (Inst and `mfflnimu... 13...... L. R. ORD CIVIL ENGINEER . - Ontario and Dominion Land Surveyor 133 Blake St.. Barrie. Phone 623 B[I'()ll(l LUW2|l'(1S LIIB- Ll'H.1Kl_. ' Dm'n," grunted Clement. Noth-in::;T at all. He's just going` to board thel tmin. Look. (here, we must look slippy, ton, if we are tn travel by her also." He picked up his own grip, began to move out to cross the intvierveniner `r=~i1.s. and platforms "to the train. Gat- inezm 9:-mid suddenly, Hold Mon-aln't that long scnt`ec1'0\v of a teller interest- ed in our pal? v ("l\n1nn0' chnf :1 Inn]: 'fn\x7nr-u" fhn` V- -v-u.u vuuu ugh, uaxu. Toronto Scottish Re_gt. uwu uxqugulst mzoronto conservatory and University of/Toronto. 113 Worsley St. Phone 683. . -w.vwu-nu u u IvIv\I\Ir\I\Jp I-lnl'II` Successor to Creswicke .&'Be_ll BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. `ROE-Q plnlub 129!-iv ooN/ATE: ROSS. L_L'.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITO,_ ETC. `Masonic Temple. Building, Barrie MONEY T0 LOAN . 1.. 1:4. uzgwles. U.A. Manager Cost and Ef_c1ency Dept, \ vuw--tel` I-VIVCIVIIRIV Barrister, Solicitor,` Notary, etc. - IVIONEY TO LOAN. Pnuu Tllnnlv 'Dnn..A DUNCAN F. McCUAIG. B.}\.~ J... r'1......__:_I_ \ condom LONG-MAN ).An.....:..4..._ -"_3A ` - ALEX(AZl\l(DEWl=;i COWANI` ` DR.wMORTI MER LYQN 22 Rlnnr Rt xxnmr rnn..,..... BU U1 Ulll' pzu I V Clenwen" shot :1. look Tt.own.rds' the train. He saw :1 tall man movinjg alm- lesnly :-after S?\`.':1`.h. Clement did not recos.-'niz~ this follow unti1sur1dc.n1v he cnu:~:l'xt n f1:=u of A skinny leg and arm as the fonow dOd`L .'Gd betwnen the pas-. sF.`ns.:'er`S. and 11". had an abrupt twinge of memory. VVhm"e` had he seen that s:~.1mr~v-aw h-f\fm`o ." ' ' f'~u4~nun nnnn-11+ kin nnu-u nur1 Tn:-urn-AR (H. `H. CRES`-NICKE` {afar Qnlinlnn 1\Tn+n.-u uuuuvmx '.LU LUAAV. Ross Block. Barrie CHIROPRACTIC ARCHITECTS ;.'.5.-..G9~5l.EY.. MEDICAL LEI? MUSIC LUL 1-2.30. 6-8.30. et. .~ Barrie `:`~('.H"_-'l"'ID\'\ w.'L,H'.'t.".' - `v`.inorm cnu,.rr1 xt his '1.`.`?D and lugged him behind a stack of baggage. Q7"--uuln hn uv-nllzn uh fn fhn nnv '15 -- --v ---w- - cu: j--vvu------w- Published every Thunsday afternoon at the Post Office Square. Barrie. Sub- scription Price--Canada and Great Britain 82.0.0 per year in advance (in arrears $2.50); United States. $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses shouldbe given when change of address is requested. CAN- CELLA'1`IONS-We find that most of our subscribers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. While subscriptionslwilr not be carried in arrears over an` extended period. ' yet, unless ,'..e are notified to cancel. we assum-e_t_lr'e,subscriber wishes the service continued. REMITTANCES should be made by registered letter. `money order, or cheque payable at per `in Barrie. J. A. MacLaren. Editor W. C. Walls, Manager THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1.927 If you have not plenty of Water, bet- ter see T. H. Rutledge about drilling a well. I guarantee Water and drill with gasoline-no wood or water to haul. 1 have two machines and the prices are reasonable. Write or phone me and I will call on you. 1'. H. RUTLEDGE, Shelbnirne, Ont. P.0. Box 122. - Phone 122 vuu -vs IVllI`l`II\II` .- Funeral Direptor and Embalmer Ambulanc Service - -. Phone 43 Motor and Horse Equipment Cor. Mary and Elizgbeth Sts.. Barrio vv nun uurrhlnli E; sE5'r'r's BOOK STOKE cu-no nannassanw VVILUIIAII Cdntralto Vocalist, Entertainer and 1 Elocutionist ` 1 Singing, Speaking, Public Oratoryi V and Dramatic Expression. 47,, For interview and terms, apply at 62 Ross 81:. : BARRIE : Phone 249 - ,__, _._-__--vw- Zorgariisti ad Choir-master Collier Street `United Church All grades of ORGAN, PIANO and ; THEORY; VOICE PRODUCTION` and SINGING (all examinations). ALSO . ' / The Barrie Examiner .Ho'ce _ Wilson, A.R5C.O. llllll H\:lll{lU H. HLEIUIQ U.L Ui1,`.;E'clF_'.U. Siwzmh hnd w;_1ked up to the cm` In whir-h his seat wara resecved .: He hand- ed his min to the black potter, and than, after pretendin_r; -to 'mnunt into" tho om-, h"-1d turned back as -though to take one last look at Vvinnipeg. In that' moment he qwept the who1e.o the pla tform with a._ searching glance- fm`t1.mnt.el_v he kept hisnyesu on his own platfnrm. that there were no` \\_'n.tChe1`s. he tuyned and stared straight at tha skinny man. The skinny man` was by his side in _ a moment. 1` _ T "l`hnvn run an urH f-rf-3112 hnfuvnnn flan HENRY & COWAN 1M`l_-'.\EAl2Y'I'l-lIN(1 IN _ FOR , Hot Water Heating and `PLUMBING .-uvuuuu nun usuucllta suay IIIGISC in any -one of SHAW S. TWELVE BUSINESS TRAIN- ING SCHOOLS. Enter any time. No vacations. Day and night sessions and home study courses. Free particulars. 1 . A. Mclntosh, M_2'r., Dent. E-4, A.` man: ' \II..-L 'r-_--l.- n. nuuuuuun, xugn, ueut. IL-4, 46 Bloor `Street West, Toronto. where we are equipped better than exfer to at9end_ to all your wants in the line of NICKY IIIIDISEIIICI BARRIE, ONT. is the keynote to success all students T11]!!! \rI:' Dltclvuuc Harry Barron Motor ntnbufance i D I BE II.` f\`Y'I` Agent for McClary s Furngces. Vvrlh H3 H1?` o`|lllL`- HIAII. IIIUIIIUIIL. I There \v:m :1. SVVIft'tE1"{ between the twain. The skinny one Iitexig at- tenti'\'0`,v. and nodding h`shead as if he understood. Then Sisvrfsh took 9. paper ft-om his poc-._ket, and the other stw=t.oh nd `out his long` and skinny arm. And at that gxeatuvse. T11(3Y1 !01`_V came to Ciemont. He x'e.'nemhe"r.-=d acutely such an arm stzretohinrr out from :1 s all window clutci1in,r:iat the pistol han of Siw-1911.. Hen.ven.~:!" he breathed. The fellow from the glue [factory-4 from the S'*nlt Algonquin at Qur.=bec.. "Another of the bonstq on the spot." TII - The e;um~ds were Vshoutin: A11" Siwash turned and sprang` into'his car. while the" skinny man strode towards the exit. Clementinlckw ` mi nn his: bag and went in the "same direntinn. Gatineau cried softly. Say. we on/n t monkey about; we'll miss. that train ." curl.-. ,.._.i...... 4.- n _-:_1'-nu_._-_-.'. -.,,.,,.u_', 52 Elizgbfth St. : Phone 952W Your READING Neetis ARE WELL SUPPLIED AT QAnn3::n.: --"___.-_._ P. c. LLOYD Funeral Director `and Embalmer OPEN DAY AND NIGHI 47_ Elizgbeth St. : Phone 218. MULCASTER ST. _1s OUR ADDRESS w. J. RICHARDS WATER! WATER! " {:E1i;I.;I"1s's79 ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS OPEN AND NIGHT REAL EsT;eIfE 117 T BRFFUBEU Magical for Headaches _ Rheumatism and similar forms of Pain almost alwhysyieldtothe T-R-C's ` ('I`empleton s Rheumatic Capsules) treatment. ,Your druggist can very likely tell you how greatly T-R-C : have helped some of his own customezfs.` To see even a few of the hundreds or L--L3_..A..I-I I-L4___- 1,, PLUMBENG AND HEATING `GIVE US A CALL PhoneT180 PERSONAL INSTRUCTIQN W.bD. ~:yn1fu;IKIN 32 TRY in connection 2 Phone 82. the rapid may make QLI A `IC HEWAHE . l}lJl}H THAT Persistent coug Ierious troub1e._ Yo Q.-:6`-. I1_..........I_.__ wvuau Uuuv Incl: tl`1::' '1`-R-C : are exuaoi-:1: `nu-y successful in the treat- LlI|l'| . I'm rminr: tn," saidlclemerit grimly. I want to find out why that fellow is_ here." A V UBt___H I ' V W I And, I don't-`like him being berg." .to creosote, other h vuuu ulutunuulun, thatis pleasant to newmedicaldisoove It soothes and hen branes and inhibits Of all known (1 coughs and colds an troubles. Creomulsi soothe and heal th and stop the irritat, while the creosote g ls absorbed into the `E LL- LJ-..LL. .__,J -1 XLIULIB lIlU|.lUlUo 1 I. with Cneomulsion, : {Lei-;n nlnocmnt 4n 4 Cneomulsion is in the treatment of colds, bronchial us other forms of respi excellent for buildir colds or flu. M cough pr cold _is no accordmg to dlrecti (`.lnnrnIIla;nn (`A I I5 &U5Ul`lRR1 llllrU DIIULI of the tiouble and c DU ULIUCU "cLeom"31` aon Co., THURSDAY, J A 0h-tha Backach Made Mi Eciema I Cuticur Eczema bro blisters on my and limbs and After the blister tiona formed an itchy. causing both day and ni any work, and water. My cloth breaking out on H T tuna M-na~nJ IJIUCQILIE LILJL kill "I was treated remedies but the Iread an ndV;(:rt cum Soap ard chased some an month I was c (Signed) Mrs. 144. Holditch St. Author `of Low 'Ceilings,< Green Ladies,'-:"`Wesfviard the ` Prince of "Wa1es, -etc; V `I ` V `. Use Cuticura Talcum to pro akin purity. ski health; the So purify. Ointment and Talcum to Depot: "Sunbeam, 1. 25. Ointment 26 nnd 3` Cuticurn S Sample Huh Free I? Depot: `Bunhonu, n.-nc famous 0 For sure 1' Forl ""lZaze:s; Forbes call. quite on the There _s_on of P3 Sale. Speedy Relic! I:-om Patti _ '0 umnnont DD? 8 RHIUMATIC .` vicel mam? `sou: "u v.'m1'v..' ul- mo as 10.33 7\"c'aaAr:n'5`u%"rounI' W0 I. A TEUTIMONIAL THIT CVEIKC F0" . -um. CIIMTIVK OllLI_ITIn ~ _ :--v not-oo\-II HUI VG letters in- our as ruo'Xs9i 3['i7iI3iEd5 I I, DUBLE CROSSED : ' - c-:I- 2|` `Jill `IV E81` IMONIAL THAT Ulmilll OUIIATIVE 'OIMI.l'II. Internai _a__r_1`c.l 5-(V teggngj Pains A gang 3.`: up n-`un :32 J ~ w. DCSUGLAS .NEWTO`NA (Continued n-om iui: week) . , ~ , Clement Seadon and the detective; had made their way through the`under. i. ground passage -that leads from the! great hotel to the railway station`.I "They were to catch the train west to Banff. They were emerging` into the booking ball when Gatineau `caught? hold of the Englishman's arm. , Instinctively Clement looked ahead. Seen through the glass swing-doors of the passage a youngman passed to-. wards the platform walking swiftly. V He was a slim. lithe young man with a- dark, aquiiine face. And he had his` right rm in a sling. There was, no; mistak g the curious lilting walk, as: there was no mistaking the features! of the man. ` i Qhunqh Nnki" 99.15 Clement. Sill. iecuons or your pucuue. - _ 14 '5. An hour `later Gatineau rejoined Cle-. 1 _ e ment in the lounge of the hotel. 1 '1`hat s the sort of Job that makes .8. . '%fe11er ashamed to draw his pay. he 1 grinned, as he sat down. Easy-made 1 me cry, it was so easy! - _ 1 "You've got `that paper!" . - J : No. sir; I'm not little` Xavier mir- `_ ecle worker yet. But I've got him 10- _ 1 cated. He's in a. rooming house in the: {dark areas off Portage _Avenue-room 1 .163 is his number. .And he hasn't the 1 slightest fear that-evil men like us are: . here and interested in him. Walked 4 t all the way to his diVe'_without so much . , as a look round. V I 1 `"'I"Innf u nrnnv I>InoI- running fine} Q3. 1 . l . V - s - , IJJUL)-`bunt I18 fllullil` (DEC [[18 -said" Clement. "I'm-notospins 10193/V9` whV_ha.d bWldc gm` V9 W33 `_G9t1'. ,. anybody here. to_ wait `for Miss-Reys eau. .He. saw Gatneau running along _'; unless I know theexact xvhy`. and the the passage before him. efatineau was ,! wherefore at his waiting. - . _ . `(groggy but determined. Rather groggy | Gatineau was by his side now; he_.himself.he ran after. Gatineau. _ . ',~ was sm'illnz- Yes. 1* rather want toll . e had to trust to Gatineau. He look at that paper mY8e1f- l 583 . if V011 couldn't see the lean man. but Gatineau in catch hold ot this grip" I'll trailthat `geemea toimow, Gaglneau went_1'm-_ lad. Best, be me-li`e_maY have rl' stairs instead` of down. Gatineau rush- _ lections 0! YOU!` Outline." _ 5 ed across a roof landing instead of go- ,. ing through one of three doors. and ement flung himself headlong on to` a fourth i'1`h&t makes door; That burst Wildly open under Wfeller pay. his 'charge,.1etting-in -a bewildering "E9~SV'-m9~de flash; of daylight. They.were. on the . e8-SY!" roof .' Then Gatlneau was runnig across Paper!" `the leads, and Clement after him-and. ! lfftle 11111 `yes, there was the lank man running sacle ahead, V V .icated- -The lank man`:-ushed to.the edge of the roof. started back, looked round I l t I are l '1`hat s good; that means that Si- wash don't know we're here either. He's gone off to Banff and Neuburg without a suspicion. VVe_ll, what next?" We .just go an` call on our lean riend--he calls himself Jean` Renadier.= ~ e s a French-Canadian all right. though he says he comes_from .Mon- treal not Quebec. I've got `a man there spotting for mealready, one of our 10- . cal men. an I've arranged with the police to pull him onthe lmpress of l\`\hllCI I\ Q\t&l\ .-ullnoqnn l with his_ incredibly fearful look, then :dodged at a right angle. Gatineau could not check in time to head him off. But Clement could.,He cutacross `the fellow s path. and, like a fox, the fellow tried to double again. He dodged round a stack, and found -Gatinoeau ready for him, pivoted, and ran for ,the parapet.4He scrambled on to the parapet, and stood swaying, staring about him for a loophole of escape. Be; tween him and the next roof. was a ten-foot'alley,. but the other roof was lower. and he seemed to think it was a chance. Clement did not: he yelled. sltfop that, you fool. You'll kill your-' se .' - s . TO vvrnn I-an Inbn "W1..- :BA'l1..--. I.._.'I L..__ ':u:.-rzs:.'u;,;.z;,,:, ;3a.z,~2; ment of Rheumatic and Neuritic Pain. If you read our booklet carefully you will understand why the T-R-_C s treatment is so successful. But - wouldn't it be better to_kn_ow ` how successful T-R-C's_'can' be by using them for your own Pgin? _Get 3 50 or $1 box `from your druggist. or send . 10 for booklet and gener- ' ous trial to Tem`pletons "K, . . WLLIIUUL K1: 3U1JlUlUllu VV U11; WIICLL IICAI-3 1 Just an frjend--he J ean' Renadier. = he's got "a our` police on.the Empress Prague robbery charge-in silence.-' Shall we go?" ' - "Fl-\nv uvnnf n 1-kn u7'ni7`C`.nfinnnn` 8.5 kl. IUUK ruunu.' , I that Si-T Neuburg` a. Well. next?", urn- .1-_.'..4 ..... ....v __1,i ._ ...... 1-..... auuu we guz _ _ ~ ' I! They went. On the way Gatineau'1 told his plan: I've arranged that we 1 tackle him first, so that he d'on t have` 1 any chance of destroyingany paper. '1 Then when we've got. him, We call in< the police. We'll just walk up to his. 1 room, see? I'll go in an you` stay out- !1 side. because the sight of you might 1 make him "do things to his papers._l Vvhen I've got him.yo.u can.come in. ! Is that good?" ` The spotter outside the rather dingy 1 rooming` house told them that Renadier. 1 `had not left the building, As 'the_v.1 `went into it, he drew in, ready to help 1 .etrect thelarrest. Walking in boldly.` land with a casual. Renad`ier-roon : 163, ain't he? from Gatineau, they: 1 were able to mount to the man's room ' as though they were friends of his. It ` was high up in the building. and at the V 1 1 1 J dark end of a corridor. Gatine u soft- , , ly tried the handle. found t e door! yielded, strode boldly in, shuttingthe door behind hims-for the man_ must notecatch a glimpse of Clement. "T | He went in. and there was silence. L Clement heard Gatineau say some- 1 thing, and then the silence came down. 1 It was a curious silence. intense. deep` 3 -disturbing. It seemed to draw itself out. .It became `full of significance. *1 Clement phessed close to the door. lis- .1 tened-nothing! What was happening?` ` Why did not Gatineau give some sig- I` nal? VVhy should there be this appal-_; ling quiet in that room? It was uncan- ` ny. it was unreal~--it was ugly. . 5` Fl !-`-.\Jvn in A mulnn nnvinhr 1 !, An amazing sight met his eyes. . Gatlneau was stretched full length onhis back. He was mov l.=: ne1-ve- lessly, struggling feebly. Squattlng` over him was. a tall. inexpressibly ,_:`lUl'lt man. This fellow crouched over the detective's chest W.lth -almost stollcl calm. His long, lean arms were stretched downward. His thin, knotty hands wer_e about Gatineau s neck. He was carefully and calmly hrottling the life out of the little detec Ive. ` - r`.l0YY1P1`Ill` rH:n`ID`hf nun crlivnnua nf flan I I A . ' vuL'.auL-"a LUIIHJ, _ i He put. his hand on t_he door. As he did so. two sounds came from the room, two soft sounds. . (\nn' van :3 an?! Irnnnl;__,,f4- nlnkt Inn..- ULU Uul. UL LIIB IILLIB (IEEGCUIVE. pre`occ-upied facebefore it turned upon him. The face of this calmly murder- ous man was utterly transfigured with ifear--fear that, somehow, did not in- - terfere with the efficient labors -of kill. him as he charged forward. '1`he'fear in the fellow-'s-face leaned to an ab- `solufe panic at the recognition of C19- ment---a_nd yet the fellow acted with an astounding calm. . - Clement caught one glimpse of the ing a man. Then the eyes turned to` Q In Q`V'Y|I \'.1Y Pall 911195 A nqnn vur\ nl V "But why 18 ne In wxnlupes: - That's easy." said the detective. He probably got in here [over the other railway, north of Cobalt. and has changed` onto our line for Banff. But we'd better.w_atch him." run..." ennnuma Hm hn1f-hn-and can. tempt to active resistance, he simnly fell flat upon Gatineau. '1`hen,.as Cle- me t Jumped forward,-he rolled, quick as lightning. towards him. It was un- expected. Clement in his stride could- not check. His foot caught the lank. roiling bod'y,[and he pitched forward. As he fell, the other leaped `to his feet, and jumpedtto the do'or..'C1ement had shut the door", and he caught atthe handle.aThat gave Clement time to grab at him. As; he fell. Clement` twisted as he had often done on `the football. field. He did(not try to recov- er. he...1et himselfigo. while t,ving to fall as near the dooras possible. He succeeded enough to enable him to zet -uu _ua'LUuuuuip_:` (:bl1IIl._ ' 1 He simply fell flat.. He made no at- his handtto the tall man's ankle. He grabbed and ,he!d.; He braced himself to resist. ` 'lVk'.\ nail..." nu... .....a.......I..L:...... 11.. .13.: 113/. ll. wars un1`e'cu--u. was ug1y.. 5 He bent.dbwn in ausudden anxIet.V and put his ear to the keyhole. vNoth- ing! There ;was no ,sound' from the room. The room was .apparently dead, vacant---a tom-b. s I `LL. .....+ 1.1.. 1....`...'.a .... u... .a...... A- 1... I ruuul, LWU SULL SUUIIUS. _ ., . One` was a soft knock-it might have been the heel of a boot kidkln.` against the carpeted floor. The other. was a. slow. animalv sound. low,` guttural, choking. ' - ` I 7{f`h' o unonvn n-P Fnnu ("11nvunnd- An.-.1. ' L?l1'H\llI`o With a spasm of fear Clemenf dash- ed open` the door. _ | 4 TV I LU 1'6-`NEIL. ` The fellow was astonishing. He did not struggle. For a perceptible instant he stoodthere atthe half open door, stating down at the man whoheld his ankle. The look ofevastating fear on his face was appalling. Clement had n ver seen any man soafraidpln that s1h__il- urns`:-In rnnrva than n uinarln R.NeuraZqz'a`~Het1dache HEUMATISM ".-.....'l.`A _ _ ".. ...1_--g _ - "\'r:l.` 56:21! any Illttll SU axrauu. 111 [Hill Esh-!t was no more, than a single ..NeuraZqz'a`~Headache III-I Inn lT'Il`l. we'd Detter.w_atcn mm. They followed the half-breed cau- tiously, apd saw him follow. the crowd up the steps of Platform 6. There was no doubt that he was watching the westbound. Like atflash Gatineau did not go up the. steps of Platform 6. He nipped up the steps of Platform 4. They arrived on the railway level just in time to see Siwash gain the plat- form. They took cover. and across the station watched hlm. They seemed a- stonishingly close. but it was obvious that he was not suspicious: he did not throw a glance their way. Aln-unef Q1 nnma r`lnmm1f said. '[`h91'pa IIVT -qoau oow 'ulvlnvI In nonnunowqlo sauna-nun `later that, confuion.` Thelank man. wrenched `himself free and was run- ning. Clement. dazed, -triedA,to get up . to go after him. He was knocked side- .ways by some one rue ingby. It was onlywhen he manage to ,get into the dark ~passage--that somehow-F seemed- _ to be misty (but that was that. fellow : [boot)-that` he realized that the man 2 who had bowled him over was Gatin- t 1. 1 anything else."_ _ ' The only other piece` of paper--the niece that had cost the wretched man ,his= life. the` p*ece Siwash had himded him at the stati.nn--was merely a` plain `sheet containing: the address of the .room.*n2` house whnlre he had died. and ian ad`dres~=. A.. N., c/o Mrs. VVan-' devL=un. Sicnmnus." , nn17nhH " n'11n~ 11r: Lknd-"f\Tn~nI-ns{un- kn v ! `Clement Seadon and Xavier Gatineau 5 left Winnipeg by`the nextwest-bound. Gatineatu s throat was a little sore. and Clement's sbul was more than sick at `the death oftth_e man who had played g a part in his captivity in the glue- ' maker's at Quebec; but apart fromtthis they were little the worse for their ex- lpemience---and little to the good either. fl... 1.....I."..... _ 1.-.: .n._I1__- x..;._ _ ., _ quu-4. LU!` out: pL`e,=!t:uL. _} All they had found on the man vvas _".'-Lnumber of letters making it plain ;that he was Louis Penible. a glue- , manufa,ctuv'e=r of the Sault Algonquin, _ Quebec. There was also a single tele- 3 gram signed A. N. bidding him travel Hf nnr-n fn VVinnInnnr-. txrhnvn Inn xnnnl bi'eath-he tel;_{thb.1{ th` teilow vial`: theirs-'-he was` nerveless with fear. ` '1fhe_n the lank manVl;1ck_ed h!_m._ i II6'ldc1_{8dWith' his free toot cooiix and de1ib,erateiy,--`a.n astonishing kick` when Clement re` e.ile`d`the sheer fright on the i.'ellow's ta e.So unexpected was it that Clement had only time to halt- check the drive of the heavy boot with a. quick-flung hand-,--and then his` head rang and he-saw'a. million stars. AIL-.. LI._L -___A--_1_.. nI1__ .u___n_ 5511. , - It was too late. The fellow had brac- led himself, had leaped. , He went `through the air in a way thatshoyved hewas no jumper. Heseemed to hang in the air for an eternity. Then his ifeet came down on the parapet on the ;opposite "side. For a breathless mo- ' ment he hungthere, clawing _Wi1dl,V, as !though seeking to grasp support from the very air: then-his balance went. `be sagged backwards, fell, went out of sight with an uncanny abruptness. I ynnd n i2`hH rarinrl (`.1nmnn+ T-Tn mgxu wu.u an ullcanny auruptness. Good _ n i;_:ht! xcried Clement. He fe1t'physica,ll_v sick. Gatineau had no `time .for.-sentiment. He was 'ah' munning` downstairs. He wanted to get `to the man before the crowd. ` llC'l'~`Hll. Dll.3HIl|"U5o Beyond telling us/`thaf'Neubu1`;r has. gone to Sic-.'amous--`ls not stnpnirm` on at Banff-,-it senmsx a smml] thing: to have brouarht about a"man s death. said Clement. ' A T4- vvulmkd- 1...`-.- l....-.- .. `L5... .;1_:....h or the . ` _ .* _S1wash Mike!" said Clement. `S1-`I wash here--why?" V , ". ``1\Tnf frnilino` nu anvhow. I zuess. \\'Ut`1`t' \'VH'l1l""-. K . But they did not know very much. They know nothimz about the where- `nbouts of-Heloise Rays and her com- nsminn: thev. had no inkling concern- ing the mot Neu'buIt9:. the master-mind. had devised--smve t.11a.t it was concern- ed with a great deal of money. and with the luring bf the [victim into the wilds --h'st as it hndbeen in Roberts case. Thai! nnuun 4.-nnvnaa fl-no ~nn`lHvu-r unnnn, UIIU. - The Chief had been good at his word. He had sent Word along the line. and the C.P.R. people at the hotel were readv for Gatineau. They had a.'thick hundle or telegrams and. reports wait- ing for h1m--a- bewildering `bundle. for it included all. Neuburg"s wires to his umlerlings. Nimmo Bates (that is Joe ewnndersunl, at the Place Viger Hotel. Montreal. Where` (thanks to the cun- ning of The Chief) he was. suonosed to be staying with Siwash `Mike. and* others. It contained the wires Neuburg had received. and it contained reports from The Chief himself. from the agent . at Slcamous, and others.`A truly awe- some ma of paper. `'1' thin T I1.lnl- -vnn i::nn+nv-u-rln H-an L1l)ll.llUUl|"-ll l'U[JU"L'_UI.lL UL ll. .I.UI.l KU n` WV 9 din !n`the swimming pool, Mr. Seadon. a_n' leave it to me." He was running l,Ie:htlv.throueh the duplicates: f of the tlem-a-ms. "Huiln!" yone mo,- ment, Mr,_Seadon; -here's one to Me- x _s;xu.xu augguuu A. DJ. Uluulllg nun [l`H.VCl at once to Winn.i.peg.- where he would ,be met by some one. '1`histe1egram` was sent off from North Bay. Before we caught Joe," said -Ga tineau. It; 10ok_s as though Neuburg was summon- ` ing:,a1l his forces to hand rather than anything else." ' Thu nnlv nil-`Lin v\'r.\(\4-\` AP -`nu ... 61-.-.I smrt Luement. ` , It misrht lmve been :1 bis: thingr." said Gatinen.u.- It mipfht prove to be :1 big _thin_*:': now. Neuburgr hZ'~.s one mnvn 14,539. that ma._v be useful to us. It is useful, too. because. so` far as we qan see. we have the whole Gang under our eyea noW--two arrested. the stew- ard and Joe. one dead and thn rest at S!cqm'ou. or traveling to it. We know where \v=.Tar4=,." ' . 13:14` What: AIR v.nI- `rnnavvr an... ........`I.. rwvn -..,..v.., ea...-4 uuayux. uu \.nAu auvu vnuuxcx . The .iankdma n had fallen `into a nai*- toxv yard between` the houses, and `his fai1"had not been notified. Gatineau had got to him before anybody else. He had secured all the naners on the ;poor dead body. and had then seen to it that 'not'oniy were the police inform- `ed. but that the matter was to be kept `quiet for the present. i All fhnv hail fnnnfl nn Han rnon turns '-"|'Hl. 113 ll. uwu. UEBII LI] IVUDE`-Y`ES' case. They passed across the rolling` mon- oton_v of the prairies `thinkinxr the mat; ter out. They `passed through Calsagv. n` vivid. gold-[washed town amid fo - "hills that seeined to cut) the sunlight. '.l.`he,v heard news ofNeubu1'~g and Gun- ning` going on before them. but no other news.: 'I';`nna-n fVnInnnu-- Jdapxuu .-.1l.~.k...J L... L`... Il,U\Vo- From Calgary thev climbed to the fa*vv ramnarts of -the Rocky, Moun- tains. austere, snow-cowled, promising immensities and mysteries beyond. '.I`he,v mounted. step by step, the hem x'~hos on the foothills. hesides the hveathlosw azure of the shining Bow River. .'.l`hen`z1bruptl_v the gate of the mountains was aboive them. sileint. stark. sheer brnodinsr as their train roared throuzrh The Gap,`and then they were at Banff. - "Vin:-Riv nrnnt kc; l\'fIIi"l\ Linn u-vp.-.!-..0..1 fl ueI.Ltu' aL'.LI.ulp:. Lne exuuxsxte ueauty of the surroundings called to the,_emo- ;tions--_and ,vet Neuburg had rjected `this snot and had gone on to Sicamous after but the shortest stay! Why? Cle- ment thought the answer to that un- ,spoken'quest1on' _must be an ominous I one. . . '1`!-u. (V1-.l4' `hail luv... rrt\l-up` -4. 1.3.. ........u zsome mass or paper. `. "I thipk I ll~let Tvqu disentamrle the :=tor,v,"A grinned Clemnt. The very bulk of it frightens me. and I guess `you are more` used to it than I am. '.n1~o '9 nvnd (`.134-fmnnn WT) an wash here-wny'."' g Not trailing us anyhow, I guess." said Gatineau. 7 Ho,_w can you say that?" . He hasn't the air---'a.nd then. .he_'s got a. grip in his hand. He is going to catch the westb&und to join brother Neuburg at Banff." 13ny-honc" unid lament. remrber- you PIPE IFIUFE U880 EU It 118.11 1 8., . "`.Sure," smiled Gatfmeau. I711 go thy-oughLthis-and` knock -some sort of connected report-jout of it. You go an +1-v cr din in Han nwlmmlno nnnl `Mn WUFU Iii. Ddllllu They went by car to thevwonderful hotel /perched like Aladdin's palace on a. spur amid mighty spurs. -It was a peerless place. For the staging of a lov scene one might have go e to the end Lof the earth and not ha e found a. better setting. The exquisite beauty nf the smrrnnndingsa r-Alina fn 1-ho m-run- in: nasal: EXAMINER 5 g&&$$a&a$w&&i! -E % MARKETS j 21.3 r;}{.a';57v;'}..;i12i.1'.'.'.1.;..;.et... attended than, to:-_ some weeks or -' viously and there `was 'a..larger.of _1'-- ing of produce for sale. Chickens were fairly numerous and` of good quality and the demand for them was! good. '_They~br_o,ught 28and- 30 cents a`pound.. Eggs showed,a` drop of .a few cents and could be purchased `for 43 and 45 cents a dozen. Butter was 43 cents a pound. ' More a beef, was noticed than ,on any previous occasion this y r. 12 cents a pound was the go've ing price.for hind. quarters and baby beef brought 14 cents." Potatoes were 35 and 40 centsrf a. basket -and apples 40 cents a basket. ; `There was several loads of wood. dr.v; and green, long and short, which sold . at varying prices. . " Beets. basket 25c: `Carrots. basket . . 4 . -. . . . . . . . . . Onions; basket 26c Cauliower, each 1o-15c` Vegetable marrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15c ! -Potatoes,` basket . .7 . . Cabbage, each . . . .- . . . . . . . Egg plant, each Apples, basket . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Pork, fronts . . .> . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . 17c; Pork_,hinds..... . . . . . . . . . . ........19c! Beef : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wood, load . . . . . . . . ..- . . . . . . . . .. $6-$>10.l uexp nuuuxuauuu, uuuuuagu, uxa betes, Lame Back, Heart -Disease and Urinary troubles because all of these are either Kidney` diseases, or are caused by the kidneys failing` to do their work. . K , \ Obtained from all druggists, or The Dodd s Medicine Co., Ltd., Tor- An`-A Butter, pound . . . . . . . . . . . . Fowl, pound Chickens (broilers), pound Cream, pint; Buttermilk, qt. .1. .. ... . . . . be to await her corning."- ' What does it say? . It tellsher. to come on here and a-* `wait oz-days; 1; It `initialed A.N." lduse Smythe at VVinnipeg-tha.t fnust Neuburg at Lsanu." . . Perhaps,', said Clement, remember- ing how they had been tricked before. T But {vhy is he in` Winnipeg? 'l`lnof'a noun " unl tho: detective. He `-`I-Iere?" said Clement. _ I .."Yes, sir. said the hotel manager, who was_with tghem. Miss Smythe and Miss Heloise Reys are coming to stay here. There is a suite booked for. them. _.a.l\5 1- onto. n-3:3-'r'1d yg Neuburg and Gunning have! gone "on to` Sicamous, said Clement.` What does that mean? What is be- hind that` move? ~ - .-- .. q. lVmll)`\`odd s `Kidney Pllls act directly on the kidneys. They -have become a family remedy all over the world be- `cause people have tried` them and found them good. `They are purely and simply. a Kidney remedy. They help 'Rheum9'.tism, Lumbago, Dia-' Inn!-nu T.unnn `Rat-It T-Tani-+ Tannan hurl `Old Mr. Carter Helped l ` by Simple Mixture] ma ALWAYS KEEPS After taking Adlerika I feel` better! than for years. At my age (60) it is; Ldea1-so different from other med-`| lcines. (Signed) VV. VV. Carter. Ad- eerika is a simple mixture of buck-! thorn bark, glycerine, etc... which re-i rnoves'GAS in ten minutes and often: orings surprising relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Brings` out old waste-matter you never thought l; was in your system. Excellent tor chronic constipation. Wm. Crossland ll'11E,`21St. - 18 1 Ontario Man Satisfied wiuii Results Obtained by Using: nioaqm Kidney Pills I ;ONE \THlN WOMAN ; GAINED 10 POUNDS ' IN. n_v_NTY nus; Velgllla pcupxc arc uuulg ucxycu. A box of 60 tablets for `Q0 cents, md `if any skinny man or`woman loesn t gain at least ve pounds in, hirty `days--money -back. Ask any good druggi`st_ anywhere in America. 12,-. 51111!) and n-43+ '|M'io(".n11 e +1-In nr'3a'.. nrow glance men` way. Almost at once Clement said. The1'e' is something" more in this than merely catching the westbound. vGatineau. He's waiting` near the exit-fo1` some reason." { ```Ll'n'a uyoH'ln'r Fnv` crnnnhnv Y $!lIl3.QQ, Skinx:1y Men Can Do the Same} {OUR uruggisn. auywucu-: lll n.uu:1..u;a. Be sure and get McCoy s, the orig- nal and genuine, and don t forget -here is nothing on earth so good_to nake backward, listless, underweight -hildren grow strong and robust. 6tf 1 All weak men and women- All nervous men and women- ` All skinny men and women- Can groin stronger, healthier and `(tore vigorous and take on solid needed esh in thirty days just by. aking McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Fablets four times a day - sugar- -oated and easy to take as candy. I II, V ,_-J--- rlpxeu [US 511185 H1 UHU WUCA. . I Everybody knows that from the ivers of the humble codfishcomes at irst class vitamine that is a wonder- ul vitalizer, esh producer and wealth creator. 11:11:--- -5 'u..n....9.. rI...: 'r :....... 1.1.,_ R___.._._____? 'I'~ -- J"`D- no-uggnoucc vvuuvu. V... gun... .. ----' -----...,. I . And what ahit these e~sh-produc- ng tablets have made. One druggist ripled his sales in one week; mivnvivknlllf `nanny: +119!` '`I'!\`l VI lealll creubur. Millions of McCoy s Cod Liver Ex- ract Tablets are sold every week and housandseof frail, run-down, under- veight people are being helped". A I-anv rd R0 4-nlqlnfa `Fn1'~Rn nnnfs. jvj j "T V-u-- :1 CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, HEAD AND BRONCI-IIALnnLne._ I-IAV rt.-urn CHRONIC BRONCHIALCOLDS, HAY FEVER Swallow RAZ-MAI-I capsulla. Send Sc for trial. Tcmp1etcna,`Toro'nto. $1 at your druggist a. reason ' us He's waiting for somebody. I guess. said `Ga.tlne:1u. Some-bod_v who is stopping off the Montreal train." l (.h:nvsnf'.c: ham`? iumned. Somebodv