Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1927, p. 3

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your efforts since you have been in of-| flce. We ask you to `accept this_little gift as a. slight token of esteem from your friends of the Sixth and Seventh lines. We wish you and Mrs. Bowyer much success and happiness in your new home, (Signed) Roy N. Hickling, Lloyd Thompson. ' RECIPE Iuoermrrs ,..:b.. . lll\I- 1- -__y, 1319 BAY POINT Man I 1.. Phone Office V 1324 Protect the Home I U Educate the Children Providefor Old Age . Advance Business Credit A SUN` L}FE POLICY `IS UNEXCELLED. RI 1'15 Bayfield St. K ., __ ., _.._...vu--u-vrzo;>;o;o:o TheSun Life Assurange'C_9g1_1gaI}yof Cgnada ESTABLISHED 1865;. (3.... .'. .. ' 1865; Dividenda to Pol;cyholders Increased for %Sf_I`ELCO BRAND-There' ,is_ None Better % ALL} WEIGHED 0N TOWN SCALES Dry Hardwood, Edgings, Pine, Tamarack and THAT IS FREE FROM SLATE AND ROCK WOOD L. J. SMITH Phone 45 Box 453 CUT FLOWERS and POT PLANTS DESIGNS COAL COKE made to orcler on shortest notice `Office and Yard 5 giidellsfe ' . . 1 o ier- t. St. ` Phone l092W J. E. THOMPSON ROBERT OWEN _ ___r .. Canada : Premier FLORIST BARRIE Sixth Successive Year. ----J 1'. usIl$IlK Assuxiance Company Phone 380W Satisfaction Guaranteed w 1.` . - T " It is composed to the lee! ounce of ` wholesome on-making meterlele. Keep BLA'l'CHFORD'S Eu Mull before your IIIIII all the tiIu_e-- o THEN COLLECT THE EGGS. . soul and Recommended By GET EGGS Brown & Co. ntarto ational nus MASH` Fm) uuuu ' `V --V ---- villii an G-Ill mmmsnimsii STAN .;BANK E3} |um:| , DlII\l\II'a I-lI\rIaI\.rIK'.`a\o -so vv lulu-C ovawuuyvv ""':!'..:.;*.'.:':*:$.* .'. :'.-s'i::,'.*.*.*.':ms $':.?2:5':s..:::""- isms. uona. U'lIl-- nl-zg..- `I... 1 n 11 W jij :27: V or ` BARRIE BRANCH-.--R. R. w-hm, Manager ,. lI_-Jl-..;_I' B_._.II__-.I F_-l_L--.._|. I..I_...I.-_A- INTI!`-" always Nut" 7 GRICQLTURAL gurveys prove thatgthe `farmer who_- banks a,~.~ ' monthly milk or cream cheque soon becomes independent. of finan- 'cial -worries. The dairy cow-the mi-lk cheque--th bank account form an indestructible chain which defies hard times and business depres- sionsf `Since, 1873 the Standard Bank; of Canada has catered to: the 1 needs of the dairy farmer,`1_'endering efficientservice to his business. PROSPERITY 1-'ou.ows ma DAIRY cow x mtest 7, 1921" znuuuus -`5ll1l'UH. _ . ` 1 Mr. Haverson is busy hauling gravel ifor building purposes. . j A. Cameron shipped two fine cattle I the other day weighing 2900 lbs. `LIL! uuu HUVUPB CD103. ' ` -.'1`wo agents from the north country were here last week doing business in imining shares. Mn ttaunhunn In I-uugu In.-.uIvl'...... .......-L-I | u'u-suuu In ULIIBI` places. . V , _ [ There is considerable sickness in the gthe village `this winter. One home has had diphtheria. one measles and others l_flu and severe colds. 'l`urn unvnnha fnnvm I-Ina. .-.n..4.`I. ........a...-- bley; ,' ` - . Mr. ahd Mrs.vV. Tr-omb1e.v. Ed. Reddick. and Miss Erie Whan attended the party given by Mrs.` Loverock of I Letroy, Monday night. i. , Jan. 25-Mrs. Calhoun. who has been visiting friends in Toronto for I 1 `several weeks, has returned home. ' MY`, 911!` MY`! (` `gallon Innxyn nnnnn 'aUvI:1'tu wuuuu, nus recurneu nome. Mr. and Mrs. C. Baker have gone to spend T the winter months with Ifriends in other places. ` I 'l`hm'n In nn`nniAm2h1n cllnltnnuu In H... - Mr. Brown. student pastor of the Baptist church. who spent the Christ- mas holidays at his old home in Ken- ltucky, has, returned and preached on I LVJXIUHHCI -on IVLDIIUEY. Sunday evening.` He also sang two solos. Needless to` say. the congrega- tion were pleased to have him back again. V ` . William Grass is on the sick list. `The Ladies Aid and B.Y.P.U. are to V have a sleigh-ride followed by 8. social evening and lunch at the home of Mrs. Fischer on Friday. * P. Tmvnnk nf nllnndnv In n onnnf ab I LIEU II` i bley; Mr .uu-acne!` uu rrzuuy. P. Levack of Callendar is a guest at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dot Trom-A 3 hlnv; V Illdl 3":f`I\I ~ ' Jan. ~24-rrhe Lake Bimcoe Ice Ea. `nished their ice harvest last ' week. The Belle Ewart Ice Co. expect to nish toda.y.. The extremely cold wee.-A ther has been rather hard on the men. but idea} weather tor the Job. 4 No accidents. are reported this year. T 'A new :-dad nrohnd than nhnrd in lander- stunt. uenem to me summer toumnzs. Mr. and Mrs Laurandeau. who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. V. Trombley. returned to -their home in Midland on Monday. '- Ml`. Rrnwn fllnnlr nnafnn A? big}; uuwuent, are reportea tms yqar. : ._ newroad around the shore is under construction on what is known as the old pooner property. This will be` or great benet to the summer tourists; MI`, hf` Nfrn T.nII|~nvu'v`nn nrlnn Laura ; QUNDFES v.-um'.v_ a. at W . .v'raser's. `I Arte `the business part of the meet- mg was over. C. P.. Bowyergwho has been secretary for severalyears, was presented with a purse of gold and an address as follows:-'- V . `Dear Charlie:-- We regret to hear that you are` leaving` us in the near future to make your home. for__a. time at `least. in an- other locality. Inthe few-,-short years vou have been a resident here vou have made yourselfs, a valuablegaddltlon to A the coxrimurilty by the ac ve Interest vou have taken in its soclahllfe. You -have been. a most- efl.'1clen_t and canable secretary of our U.F.O. Club and we wish to express to you our apprecia- t-lon_,of the service you have. so faith- fully given; We feel that t_he `success .01 wthe: elub`, has. beans-Alargely `due to _ ___.. -__., 1 --:-u In`. a U.F.O. Secretary Given Purse - A well attended meeting` of the 'U.F. .0.` cm}; walsq hetlclthonhvvedneslcelay eva en ng. .an. .,a. e omeo 1-. an `Mrs. Caldwell. Roy \`H1ck1ing. delegate to the convention `in December. gave a. good report of the work of the con- vention, esipefially streelsingdthle numa erous reso u one passe an e nee M for co-operation to help make-the or-`_ eanizatlon \% success. Election of `of- e cers was Id for the- coming year. The ranlidr Of fh nvnnina tuna uuers was nem tor me coming` remainder of the evening was pleasantly spent in games and refresh. ments Were served. A hea-rt.v vote of thanks was given Mr. and Mrs, Cald- well for the us'e:ot their home. l`h'n nnvf vnnaih-in 19111` 1-... 3-11: 13-1. lweu 1:01` tne use.ot tnetr nome., The next meeting will` be held Feb-V ruarv 2. at .W. Fraser's. - Affnn `I-ha 'I~.nuI-age... ......a. ..a`u.- _---A D (Special Correspondence; Everything at the masquerade car- nival held in the skating rink at Churchill was a decided success. ex- cepting the weather which was a mis- take on the part of the weather man. Evidently he didn't know about _the big night at Churchill. The band from Stroud played selections during the evening. There were some `very origi- nal costumes. about thirty in number. which gave the Judges a very hard time deciding the winners. The ladies in the old-time` dresses were charming. as were also the old-time gentlemen. Qther. costumes worthy of `notice were Ireland." England," Canada. and China."- Quite a few colored gentle- 2'18!) wereout for the evening and they a ll` really looked swell. Miss Betty Harrison of Churchill won first in the ladies class as Music.'~ Miss Doris -Baker of Lefroy winning second as "Summer." and Miss Olive Harrison of Churchill .third as Winter and Spring. William Franks of Lefroy c captured rst prize in the gentleman's class as Duke of Churchill." Seymour ` Kell of Lefroy- was second as ~0ld' Country Gentleman and Harry Sloan 1 of Churchill won third as Old Country Squire."- Elmer.Fountain of Churchill ; won first inethe comic class as a color- 9 ed gentleman: second, Miss Jenny Bar- : ry of Lefroy as "Jackie Coogan." third. Ralph Reive as a Dude. Let us have i another carnival. please, and don't be too long about it. \ ` ' .' Lucuus nere, Monaay. -_ As the young people were sleigh-rid- ing on the hill Monday evening, in some way Miss Erma Elliott was thrown off and rendered unconscious. remaining `in that condition for an hour. She was cut in- the face but no bones were broken. She is improving` nicely. ` ` ' ` uuuu xur nu uperauon. Mrs. G. H. Speers is confined to bed with grlppe. ` V (Thnrlns: `Rnr':Hnu- no Dogma- ....n...:: ._ w 1 Lu 5 rlpp Charles gianting of _Ba14rie cailed on friends here, Monday. . AH th vnnng nnnnh: Inna uioinn IA xua.u1u1e1`e 8, wnue longer. V Herman Jennett has gone to Toronto to take a course in' battery repairing. . Miss Edyth Arnold has gone to Tor- onto for an operation. Mrs. G. `H . Qnnmu: In nm-.n......: 4.,` km: ueuu; u1e_1ucKy winner. .- The young people of the community met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Davis last Tuesday evening for the `purpose of.o1-ganizing an educational club. ,-This is something that hasbeen long needed here. The following offic- ers were elected: Pres.. Miss Lila Dav- is; Vice-Pres.. Irene Lowrie: Sec ,v.. Elsie Speers; Treas.. Gordon Coch- rane. The next meeting will -be held at the home of Miss Lorna Jennett.- Percv who urn: Q`P'\QI\"l\l` at. me nume or wuss Lorna Jennett.- Percy Wllsion. who was expected home from t e sanltatlum. has to re- mainwthere a, hile longer. Herman .TnnnnH- hna onnn on m.-.......4- SEVEN'I'H% LINE_,_ VE_SPRA an new uoweu on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Jennett enter- tained a. number of, young people -re- cently. The evening passed very quick- ly in progressive euchre, Miss Knupp being the lucky winner. The vmingr nonnln nf nu . ...............u-- Jan. 24-.-J. T. Arnold of -Guelph is renewing old acquaintance here. . Mr- and Mrs- Bates attended the golden wedding of the former s parents at New Lowell on Monday. MT. 91111` Mrs mlxlrnn Tan`-unit 1...`-.. -uvn UIIHI Iall rlllllull The annual business meeting of Zion Prebyterian church was held on Thursday evening, Jan. 12, with a. good attendance. Rev. Walter Paterson presided. `Reports of the various de- partments showed satlsactory pro- gress. Each department repohted a, cash balance on hand to begin the new year. The officers elected for the com- ing year are: Sec y., I. J.. Carruthers; 'l`reas.. D. D. Culham: Managers, H. J. Schell. B. Petch. Gordon Brown: Ushers, Alex. McMurra,v.\Ivie Milne. Isaacl Carruthers: .Audito rs. ~Herb. Culham. Ivle Mllne. After the comple- tion of the business eats" were served by the ladies of the-church enabling all present to enjoy a social hour to- gether. rru5l.`u.lu uum., wuss usnute. ueo. nutm- Mr. Storey, returned . missionary from South America. delivered a most excellent"address on Sundayr He will also give an illustrated lecture on Wednesday A night . nugur uarrutners. - The Glee Club held their annual meeting and dance on Friday night. An excellent time was enjoyed by all present. The following officers were elected: ,Pres., Jos. Spicher; Sec'y.. Lillian Petch: 'I`t ~eas.. Jessie, Milne; Program Com., Miss Shute. Geo. Huth.- Nh`_ Qfnrnu rnfnvvnoil wxlnulnnnuu IIUT - ' John Watson has purchased the grist mill in Stayner from Archie Miller and gets possession March.-1st. ` ; Mina Vinfnrln `I2:-nuns A! 'r.`I'.-mu... 4... / Miss Victoria Brown of Heathc te 561.5 puaaeaawn Maren--1st. g/ A` and Miss Mabel Wheeler of Clar s- burg are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Carruthers. ' 'l`hn (Elna fnk 1...-an n...... .... -..u Wm. Bates at New Lowell on Monday. Miss Lillian` Petch snent the week- end wlth Mrs. John McLeod'1n Stay-I I19!` - N Jan.V 25--Jo`hn If-Iutt; returned . home atter`attend1ng the funeral of his brother, the. late Harry I-Iuth. at Du- luth. ' ' ' euuu: u11.u5'nl.I:r, aura. U. brown. ....Mr. _,'and Mrs. .Da.lto_n Arm-strong and `son Vernon. `Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville Bates and daughter Jean attended the golden wedding of M:-.. and Mrs. wm. Bates at New Lowell on Miss Lillian` Petr-.h nnnffhn wank- I net. you`: 1 TA`: UF U ll]! luth . `ll.- lull] Mr. and Mrs. J . ,J. Buievvlslted with their daughter, Mrs; G. Brown. . MI` and Mr: nnifnn Aoonn.n6un-- ll _SU1!N1PM-E CHURCHILL Zion Church Anhual -___-u L-.- \'l'HE BARRll-I x_:xAmN1i 40 years 101- sncmy, nervous women,`l run-d'ow,n men and weak` children. The very FIRST week-you take Vlnol,` you begin to feel stronger, eat and sleep- better. Contains .no oil- .vou ll like its pleasant taste. Wm. Crossland. . Drugglst. 0-2 | 1 \ down, nervous and irritable. Now. I feel like another person.-R. McCoy. Vino] is a. simple, strengthening iron and cod liver compound in use for over 25. years for sickly, nervous women,` pun..d'o\wln. men and urnnlr .-.m1.1..;.... Before taking Vino], I was run-!' Vinol Helps Nelvouf, .wuu1u ue more uenmte." ` Her husband; What's the difficulty. my dear? .' 7 Q "I`hIu nna luailn Ln. J... 1-..- --_ _'s_-I Luy uuuli." . _ I _This one tells how to use up old potatoes, but, i,t;`__;1 V. rot say how old. the notatoes mustqbegp I &II 2 II`3&'i!I`IIE The w'ife: Oh, I wish these recipes .wo u1d be more denite. T-Tor hnahon:1- H'IX7hn'- H... ,1:un-.'-u.__ puuatuuu, Ul,lL_ l`l.;*_,Q potatoes must uume .l.\Ul' tne present. I Percy Barnes of Barrie visited with his cousin, `Fred. Elliott, [last Sunday. _ Severe colds are quite prevalent here at present. I Allan Warnica. tell on the icy nave-I ment in Oakville last_ Thursday and broke one arm. ' ` Mrs. John Soules is visiting friends in Barrie. T Mr. and Mrs. Harold Webb are en- tertaining friends and neighbors at a. hfulsf party and dance on Tuesday 11 g . Miss Norma. Robinson of Barrie spent the week-end at her home here. Hamnn Armnfrnncr n1-` 'lVnr-nni.-. In .4. mm wuu l.l'H'.'IlllS In barrle. I spent the week-end ' Hemon Armstrong of Toronto is at home tor the present. `Pmvnv `Ray-nan nf Ram-to -nlullvn ...:n.. Jan. 25--Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Webb] entertained a. large number of neigh-{ bars and friends at a house n_a.rt,v andl dance in their new home last Friday] ` I evening. A Mica A Q Txrnnmv. .........s u..- ..-..--.- cvuuulg. Miss A. s. Waton spent the week- end with friends in Barrie. Minn K7r\.\rnn `Dnh{nann A0 `D..-...1..

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