Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1927, p. 12

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:1s:u.un, Yeat- adv A1- .< 9 a.u HHSEY) 0] Wm. Cros: . Rheuma wit} isfnotinn or bottle is me 1'91" 9, ...--. ;uu enough poison_s from all Ynienvv A- It matters not whether you have` had ag`Qnizing pains from rheumatism for 20 yvars. or distressing twitchingjs `for 20 weeks. Rheuma while harmless.` -is full enough to dr ve the rheumatic your system mm nknn all 7 ' _Rheuma with gua and all drugists sell rantee of perfect sat- isf. 1('fir\n money refunded. A large inexpensive, and after you t."` ` *`\ls"nwl1 dns-9 as directed twice 14 for just 1 few duvs: vnn clam-M ., ____ N ,. . . full praise." Such amazing evidence e mt Seven out of `Ten Are Victims. But Writer Tells How Uratabe Bring Swift. Amazing Relief" With Renewed VitaltForco No one knows better than I. the horror of joyless days and sleepless l nights. There have been times when I felt hopeless and helpless-and when my weakness caused me the most in- tense humiliation. Only those who have gone through such tortures can possibly realize my great satisfaction tvjvhen Dr. Southworth's URATABS are truly wonderful, and ! give them .. _ . pow. er of URATABS to relieve those dis- tresslng ailments so often` a handicap to those in middle life. overworked. sluggish. Kidneys, Blad- der Weakness and Prostate Gland '1 rouble bring on so many distressing ailments which so often lea eases that every sufferer_ from _ - 4'n.'r4. yu Luuse 1n_mlddle I der P: Trouble ma so L lseases s Lameness, Pains in bat through roins, scanty urinarm Hr1..ua.... ---~ ` ' 2`0ni2huv- .rmi.~.- ` tion diets. ' W"""m'w WWW` Never hurry your meals or overeat of anything. butwithin reason most folks may eat what they like--if they. will keep their stomach sweet.Vclean and active and-free from the soaring` acids that hinder or paralyze the work of digestion. ` ' this is to follow, every meal with a small amount of pure Bisurated Mag- ` nesla--a pleasant, harmless and inex-' . ensive form of Magnesia that prompt- , y. neutralizes acidity and keeps your 1 stomach sweet and clean. -" A week's trial of Blsurated Magnesia. which may be obtained from any drug. gist. !`at a small cost." will`easily con- vince you or the great value of this old English recipe. ` i T It you are a victim of Sizomoch Tron. bles--Gas. Sourness. Pain or Bloating ---you may have quick and certain re- iief by following {his simple advice". i Don't take` strong medicines, _a.rtifi-V ciai digestantsor pull do,wn your `sys- tem by following unnecessary starva- tion N no v.----- ------~ - Simple ;Re'medy% For Badslomach Gives Quick, Reliel No Need of Strong Medlcinee er Diet-. Famous but `Simple Old English Recipe'.Keepe Stomach in Fine Condition. Benlehee After- Alina Dinnnnn _ eruptions to-dry up. scale off and -com. redness and inflammatory skin trouble. ului . , Moone's Emerald Oil is also 8. mar- velous healing agent.` One application for instance stops the itching of ecze- ma. and a few applications cause` the letely disappear. It is equally as ef- ective in barber's itch. salt rheum. People who want `to, reduce varicose veins. or get rid of eczema. ulcers. or i piles. in a few days should not hesitate `to get a bottle at once. `It is so power- ; ful that a small bottle lasts a long time. , Any_ pharmacy can supply you." Wm. - Crossland sells lots of it. . ` start today to bring the The worid progresses . V'rode.y all-I Jnente that .took.weeke to treat can now `be ended in a few days. varicose veins or ebunchsz,` you . oan ck to nor- mal size. and it you an wine you will do so. . ` fluent Anal nun -..I...l....I 1_.L._u_ ,. -- It you - have U BU: Just get an original bottle oi. Moons Emerald Oil at any dispensing pharm- acist and apply it `night and morning to the enlarged" veins. -It is very pow- "Irtul and penetrating.` and only a. lit- tle is required. After a. few days treatment` "the veins will begin to grow smaller and by lregular use will soon reduce to nor- ma . . ' ' uy rt 31181. `In , suug5;\1LCl( l.\V1UE a days _vou.shou,ld last you have obtained does relieve wour suf- conquer rheumnnum . Grassland and lead-` y.whero. A ' 4_c ._ uuon_. uungsnss A1 Eating DlI`08O cuuve wour suf- - rheumatism. xrs Rheuma has `mended hv HR)- Attyactions . . . , -.-_........._u.5 auuuuulis II'On l ' prevlous years . .'. . . Sundries, including Se:.1'.t2'- tary s salary, $200; asst. Secretary, $25; band, $125; accident insurance- / $40; etc.,' etc. .; . . . . . .. Caretaking V "`Cash from set .- ._- vi unit I Gate recipfqs, `fsept. (Grand Stand) .. . . . . .. Interest on Loan, Joint Stock Go. . _. 'a'r$' I I 33 Outstanding Cheque . . ._ . . l ua uc receipts, `Sept. (Concert) Gate receipts, Sept. 24. Gate receipt_s, Sept. (Grand Stamn ' Balance` . . .uaUU recelplis,` Sept. (Grand Stand) . .. Gate receipts, -Sept I (Concert) _ uuuu.'1U UOVeFnment g1 ,(F1eld _,Crop4)[ .' .`. . . . Gate recelpts, Sept. 23. Gate receipts; Sept. (Grand Stanrh. (F511 Fair). Ontario Government ag'rant A ,_(Field _.Crop)T . \ .....auuu m cam; as per 1925 Town of Barrie g'rani:'. Statement ....3 Ontario Government grant (Fall Fair) `. , 9 Mr. Hick held in the .1. shed where the The farmers ling It s baking, etc, then and wa 3 countryside. I in picnic fash l prize butter, br - together-it was _a v ' casion. * of the V Mr. Hic these two S edin the early 8 Treasur Receipts- Balance in bank Statement drove in th horses, the moth espra `Society Whi ' shows at Midhurst and h nected with the B ocieties were a as er 19250 (Continued from page 1) spoke. of the fairs. early 70's, in the old drill armoury now stands. eir cattle and ers brought in their was a one-day show a gala day for the . The families sat down ion and lived high off ead, fowl, etc. Al- . ery enjoyable oc- ; ng was a member 4 ch held its asbeen con- arrie Eair since malgamat- kli 0's,- * er s Report 5 _ n: ,n4 r 1it'.' '1'? B'6_oth, W. Wa.rd!e: (Rec-I tor's). J. Anderson, W. Catlin, H. Ham- m_ond. W. J. Little. F. Wood. Wm.` Mc- Fadden: ` auditors. /1`. C. Royce, E. Wnrdle: Vestry clerk. G. H. Eaten. [ The-Rector. Rev. A. R, I-Io1den. pre- s!1`ded,- and a hearty vote of thanks to xuugnt. '1`. Booth, W W Fadden:' ,'1 The'Re(!tnr, Pm! A if. A. Malcomson s?a_.1d theV Rec'torl s7"VVarden. Wm. -gstes to Synod. J. _ vQ\/O F`. Wouod. sidesmen ( Wood, G {E uauuulail UIUCECQ Were: Hogan: dele- 1 An opIe s). E. eo. Webb, Chas. . Booth, Wardle: , {he past. nisleep splendidly, "my appetite is good and I eat anything` without` fear of any disagreeable after A effects. " 5u.'.'u on me rector.v. ' I E. A. Little, who. has been connected with St. George's since the churcirwas, built thirty-four years ago, asked to be relieved of the office or Peonle's War-I den and V. E. Knight was appointed in his place. Other officials elected were: Rectorks `Warden. -ggteg to Wood. RF! A *r.n~n.- -_. --.....u..u, 41.. lunnlnull. IN. ME!`- - shall. W. Barron. D. W ite. J . Sinclair. W. McKinley. H. Ardeli. H. Fell, E. W... AKearns."W. Robertson. L. E. McMillin. C. Cockburn, J. Clark: congregational secretary. Mrs. E. Shear: treasurer, E.` W. Kearns; trustees.'W. Cuiross. A.. Lines. J .' Marshall; auditors, J. P. Mc-- Miilin, D. .White. ` . .1. St. George : Vestry Meeting ` The annual Vestry meeting of St. George's Church was held on Monday,< evening in the Memorial Hall with a ` good attendance. ._Reports from the) various departments showed total ;:iv-- .1 .-ings of almost $4,000, of which $244?` was paid to missions. Receipts in the general fund were $2,794.80 and other 4 outstandingitems were: W. A. game` era! account. $323.38: .W. A. rectory fund. $235.84: Wardens rectory i.'und.:` $127.34: Sunday school, $245.65'.= The { -church and lands. rectory and memo`:-: ial hall are valued at close to 320.000 and the only liability is an $1800 mort- gage on the rectory. . -11 E_ A_ 1'.m1. .1..- 1...- L- - A ......o-:.uo was raxaea tor currnt exp: es. and $519 was raised for missh The membership of the church is- wlth 118 families. . Managers. for 1927 are: George I lie. A. Kinsella. A.` Mazishall. N. $93.11. White. Slncl `I-`I Anainll 17 15.11 - _ Pnubyterians Good-Progress `Very, satisfactory reports showing; congregation of Essa" St. Presbyterian church on Tuesday night. All the or-, ganizations of the report showed a verv successful year. The sum of` $3584.68 was raised for current expens- 9 we missionsm isA195, " w1_t_h families. 1 parents in isrock St. 7 ' J The morning train from '1`orontowas- an hour late on Wednesday. `A car off . the track. near Newmarket delayed the. passenger treintor some time and am: other stopwes made in Allandale while repairs were made to a coach that had frozen up in the extreme cold. ' I 'i&'i. a_nd";Mrs.. J. H. Wliton of Mimico-' spent a short holiday with the.latter's parents in Brock St. he mm-nlna frnln 0...... m-..--L- yr axon. Mn - $4689;50 .....:.a.$ 27g_31 r1 Denm-tmnma '2' ' 4:-ueccs." ' I - For sale by'W__m. CI-ossla ing clruggists ever-y_where. ___________j_7 IQ .,7$_234.21 500.00 ani- .$13o.73 148.f000 80.00 53.50 455.10 442.02 ' .231.43 Tss9.51 OK OE 'UUiloUJ. 85.25 35I.96T 522.00 V _ u pdul; 100.00` 1769,80 22.25 414.65 419.65 8.50 .'72.oo 963.25 9.00 .449.bo ._-.v -n-Q muu 1JUulLl'y I01` Mr. Page thought, the_ agricultural societies too narrow. in their work. He believed that-(each society should hold. at least four wir'1ter`meetlngs at which the business of the society cpuld be dis-` ccussed and practical addresses given on dairying, hogs, marketing and other questions of live interestto_ the farm- er. ` " ` .. FieId'Crop Corrfbetitions The directors were requested to ar- ' range for field crop competitions in . oats.and' potatoes. ` It was dnnmm: an-.4 c~ ----- . . A - ` 0 after taking HERB JUICE. my trou- ut------n There `has ce'rtain1,VvL been nothing like HERB JUICE before. said Mrs, Leonen.~139 Wood. E.. Hamilton. I suf- `bies began to disa `pear. Constipatiun and that terriblevid zzyfeeling are now a thing of the past. Isleep sp,1end_idly,L 3 `U13 armetite in rrnnr` 0"` ' ` ` ` ,_ '-.-.qly_--,wvlInII-76` uuurllnment` _in [the most _pa'.latable fbrm knqwn t9 `the iqiedical world. ' %Now on gale stall, `} Druggists--$1.00 a.jar.' ......;us to get back to -L}K'n'~.;m.1e.e1 fake OLAJEN. `It Ilfpplie, perfect nourishment` _jn. fhe nun! nn l.5.l.l- .t.'-m- _ illness: . ..-.-.. ._~...__. 7 I .- puusizea we need of repairs to the roof ge if the" exhibits in the main building `were to be maintained in the same de- gree as in the past. Mr. Love said if the flower and vegetable exhibits kept growing some of the side spaces that are now rented would have-to be used. Classes for Junior Farmers _ Discussing the question of children's .exhibits, Stewart L.. Page said that while the children were enthusiastic at the school fairs,'they did not seem very keen on further exhibiting. At Ancast- A `er in Wentworth County, there is held f Page doubted if theichildren's section as he had seen it at the local fair was worth the trou- ble. .He was not .ln favour of combin- forreaching the children. As a means of keeping up the interest `of young lpdeople betweenthe ages of 15 and 25, one for junior farmers with prizes for A baby beef, -calves. colts, lambs and potatoes for boys, and clothing, baking, E sewing and poultry for girls. a Mr. plum +~..m-nu L - jcoNvfALEsc_E_N1-: An`... :n_.... 'r a.L5 ~ur1u potatoes . It wasdecided hot` to_ hold a _______.__.,__..____..__ r0 get l;a-ck to F 1.1.`.-~.n1 A Innv _ V"Fu' ......_y use st youg )f t the school replaced by th nrimau `Pru- spring ..... -.. _,m.-;s nneuma; has been sold and'recommended by the best druggints in America.` Itjhas re- leased thousands from `agony, pain and despair and should do the` -same for you. A` 7 _ ' 1 '2c -l-A1l reprint fiction on sale at 50c, _1-egular up to $2.00. Crossland s Driig and Stationery Stgre. 4 ruuwrs, A. Grah Wiggins; Treasur ,it.ors. J. A. McLucas and B am", J. Horn,M"J1-n er, A. A. `Bell; Aud- ert Craw- I I LULLI; awxgcnnoard Man tary, V Irwin McMahon. .. .,,,.......uu Wlul tne directors -during the past year and referred to the loss which the company suffered in `the sudden death of the manager. the late James Mitchell. ` . A committee composed of T. E. Ross, '1'.` H. McMahon and S. V. Jones drafted the following resolution which was adopted: VVe, the `shareholders of the Oro Telephone Company Ltd. here assembled at the annual. meeting of the Company, desire to place `on the records of the_.'Company, the sad loss we have sustained in thedeath of our former manager and secretary. the late` James Mitchell. He was always - prompt'and efficient in the discharge of his duties, as wellas kindly and courteous in his manner and his .ab- sence isgreatly felt. not only at our meetings but byfall those who knew_ him and associated` with him. `We ex- tend to his aged mother andmembers 0.f_his family our sincere andheartfelt ; sympathy in this hour of sorrow and "bereavement . ` switchboard for_ma_n ,v years. . -Officers for; .1927 are: President. Wm. ly[cArthur; Vice-Pres..AD; Smith; Di- ~ actors, A, Graham, Horne, `John `Wiggins; Treasurer. A. -Rpm Am: The Oro Telephone Company` has I completed a. prosperous year" according to `reports presented at the annual ' meetingheld on Jan. 17 -at.-the Town Hall. Oro. The tre'z1surqr s statements showed a `balance of $252.83_ on the _vear s.operations. The President, John Wiggins, thanked the shareholders for their co-operation with the directors past the t_he . i late Jamcs`Mitc11ell . `A ....__.w A GOOD YEAR REP BY ORO TELEPHO ORTEB I NE co.; V-.uvuAu.u, ,.LV1.uJUl' 18.1. Ins, W. H. Martin. gs. E. Carr, Burton 1 , T. G. Scythes, VS Auditors, G. M. S | fred Meekums. un, use b'Ul'8l'.aI'y 8.] re-appointed. Those soc1ety s ' affairs for lows: ' Hon. Pr s., E. A. 1-"res.. R; A. Steph 1st Vice-Pres., A. 2nd Vice-Pres.. R. 'Sec y., G. O. Came Treas., J. W. Ne: Directors, C. M Cuff, P. Love, .1`. A'. Coleman, .Ma:]or Knc i m n - - uuu. n. A. Stephens was madeii)'`Ea_s'i.-.' dent in place of C. M. Hickling, who was then elected a. director in place of know that at lastyo .uVu1cA[Jt:'S,lV8, and afte t.~`~ *-`W S",11!`H as: few you. u 0}: a. remedy that doe relieve _wou tering and will rheumati: Wngv nfvnn -94-- K 1:4. A. .Lal1'.'x Stephens. a.` A 1:` A ran. It. A. 3 `Cameron. V. Ness. `A/|' `I'_'l' 8-` . :1 . J.V.I.8.CLa Knowles, Pf`?! T Jnuvpi . vvauuua, J. 168 W. G. Kennedy. Stevenson and A u;a.uuau.'t-:11, .IJ. 1'1 . owlnes, John Wig-, Lloyd Livingston, Warnica, .1 Va-=4--` Little. Ana I. unsung, acLaren, vlnau Tn}... ' ickling, 9 OT .1: ran IL Malcomson. Sutherland. I _ u.-mug an_a Wlll conquer rhc For over fifteen years been sold and'recomme1 best` dl`llD'D'iui-s 1- `-` '

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