iron SALE--G`z"eeri 4-tt. hardwood at bush,-also dry w.oo_d_. Price reasonable. Apply Jae. Byrne, 6th Con., Vespra, near Union Cemetery. 2;) woon FOR saw. in tour-toot length. in the hush, fnur nlh.-`ab-n n` any-H Annhr "Barrie Horticultural Society In nnnndl vnnnl-Inn -5 4.1.- 1-_ MIXED `GRAIN-oats. _ "barley and 1. Barrie. buckwheat. for sale; 31.50 a. hundred weight. Apply I-I. E..D. Perkin/s. Kg. 7 ' c MAN'S BLACK DOGSKIN COAT for sale, in good shape. Apply to J. 8. Campbell. Churchill. ' 21) `WOOD FOR SALE--'Dry or green` hardwood. in cordwood lengths, maple and beech; C. V D. ~B9.1kes, Barrie P.O. ' V l `SMALL PECIAL OAK` HEATEVRLfor sale cheap. Apply to 83 Mary St. 231 1'-wo pnrwvrm TELEPHONES. haul price; one typewriter (good). for $16.: at '1`uck's.Store. . ? _ 2n FOR SALE--Porta.ble saw mill, Vwith or without power. Apply to Box M". Barrie Examiner. . - A .- 2p CEDAR -POSTS and anchor boats for sale. Apply J. A. Mills. R.R. No 1. Mlr'Ih'nrnt_ nhnnn 199143. ltfc ,,.,, _ LOST on New Year's Day. 8. pair of horse covers. on Highway near Bar- rie. Finder notify W. E. McArthur. Edgar. or Jo. Grannv; Allnndnha o- App: .1. A. uuua awe . y Midhurst, hone ._199r18. F or Sal or Tofg: Rooms and Board Property To Let Micellaneous F anus/(F or ;Sple '. "Cerha.rd Hlgtzrnan, B In town fnw n `'31: rw. rmuer nouty W. E. Edgar. J0. Gracey; Allandale. 2c ~ For S`alo; can .lJ. .l`S1`JLV1U1).l`J14- moderate. Telephone ` j 1-6:)`. n LII-Ell-lilll a few nifvn in Ll`U_Y, 01' .50-5513! ztt 1' Ill '85 2-3c, '| ---corn` I II\Ih3rIl-T`!-I . Registered School-of Nursing, atm- . lated with Albany Medics! College. `offers a three-year course of instruc- tion in all departments ofNurs!ng. Appllcatlon should be made as soon as possible for admission to the Feb- ruary 1927 class. For `further informa- tion apply to the ` 51--3p SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSES" Albany` Hospital. - Albany. N.V. | T-----_.___.--_-_---_._._.._--'*-'---.__..______--'------------- II} In lttc i _- .._ -- -..._ nu uI\l\l{J I 0 :.THURSD_AY `WHOLESALE PRICES "No. 2 Fall Wheat $1.15-31.25 w o o o u o u -u - a a u - u o a o COVIOIO Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85c :Peas . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.25-$1.35 `Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70-7.5c Butter. pound . . . . . . . . . . 35-40c Eggs, `dos. . . . . . . . . . . .. 40-46 ,\Potatoes, bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.25 wr H ny lot. 851. Barrie. . I-IIU `UEHC V I the, news. "M HI` track la ('1:-nun W 1n UI eltl ' Alum uuuunvn I IJFII _Jan. 11-Fx'ed. Pa.)k has been spend- ing a couple of weeks In Toronto. Mrs...Abner Ball in mam... .... --. ,___v_.: 7-bit J Jan. 10--The girls attending the. Short Course at Central Church school} room are spending a very profitable .g and interesting time under the super,-,- vision of Miss Nixon and Miss Gordon. , The boys also find their classes which; are held in the hall very `lnstructivew Last Friday the boys a.nd`girls met to-`; gather in the hall for a, literary meet-" `lug; After the program was over, which was contributed by both boys and girls, a literarv society was organized.` .4 ;-:- - -4--Cm` of stove coal expected on track last of week. Phone orders to C. Grose, Lefroy. 2c Clarence Stunden of this place has! accepted a position in King. I , u, \,.,g;5:u.uu, vvux: UL JVL. vvuuser. `u 1 1 . _ 0'1"1`;}gl 3:1e}f 831:3: gfgv em."g gnesday to trespassing on the property -. _. __-a V...-.. -avuvnvuvnj LJl.aU.lUa OU. I WV(}eo.` Salter pleaded guilty on Wed- E Where sleepsin dreamless slumber I0f the C'-N-R- and W85 fined $5 a_Hd One weloved but could not save." lcosts. ' V2p --Husband, Frank and Charles` `Special this Wek""snki5t - ioranges, sweet and juicy, 3 doz. for - Wl3LCH-In fond and loving memory`55C-'-Jh11-S350: P h0n9 341, Barrie of our dear da,ughter, Ruth L_vdia.jFruit Market. A 2c .Welch. Wh0 departed J3.n.; __Don t miss the Literary- evening 21' 1926- lat Barrie Collegiate, under ausoices Calm! 15' W 91"lbl' as 3 i"f9't,5 Women Teachers Association, Tues- But sti.h?Jl1)1s shall wake no morehto toiiida-`,i;hJanuary 18' . V i 2 and wear . e_ annual meeting of the congre- W loved you well. but Jesus lovedT2'ation of St. Andrew s Presbyterian thee best: Church will be held next Wednesday ` Good night, good night, good night. `night, January.19_` ----Sadly missed by her Mothere -Wallpaper in `latest designs, all and Dad. W- G. and L. C&db.V. 3 prices. Exclusive agency for Stalin- 9~13 Bmther W`,- '29} on s semi-trimmed. W. A. Lowe & vv.-xuzxnn.-111 uuvzng memory DI!' E. Creighton, wife of M. Walker. Tonight the stars are leamjng On a. lonely, silent grave One we. loved _,_ , ,_ _, '_ I WALKER.-T-In loving memory of Mary: E`. Creighton` wlfn M M Wnlhnr . .,, uuupi excellent garden clay loam. Maple Avenue between Welling- ton and Dalton Streets. Price same as before. not raised to newcomers: also lots onrner Teresa and Eccles. `Price for any lot. ten dollars per foot. Box 851. Barrie. `J0 AWELCH--In fond and loving meiribry of my dear sister. Ruth Lydia Welch. I who departed this life Jan. 21, 1926. Peace, perfect peace. V ' --Sadly missed by her sister. ; `'21) T I ` May Bell, of Windsor, .a I was not there when death came To hear his last faint sigh. Or whisper just one loving word. Nor even say good-bye. I 0- Irvin- ...J '11.... LOWE-'-In fond a n&.1ov1ng mmory of ; Chas. W. `Lowe, who died in the R. V. Hospital, Jan. 13th. 1920. " 2c. per word; minimum 505. . ` mmmmmmmmmmmmmamm g&$w&%mm&%&$$$&$ g [N -MEMORIAM g n nor u1nr1l- mlnlmllm Hn HEY `IVI 'V \II \I &%w&%$i& McPHERSON~-CANNING--0n '1`hurs.. Dec. 30. 1926, at Chalmers Presbyter. ian Church. Toronto. by the Rev. J. M. MacGillivray, Ida Georgetta. daughter of Mrs Annie E. Canning ' V and the late Smith Canning. Church- ill. to Stanley McPherson, son o1'.the` gtlet Mr. and Mrs. John .McPhe1-son. R - . . SMITI-I-BOGARDIS-- On Tuesday. Jan..11. 1927, by Rev. A. B. Irwin qt the United Church. Alliston, Rita . Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. `R. Bogardis. Barrie, to Chas. Alfred Smith of Aiiiston. ALBANY HOSPITAL azlstnrnd Qnhm-.1...c ~u__.__. `FILGIAN0-V-At Cass. Marla. Hospital. Hamilton. January 6. 1927. to Mr. and Mrs.` gyrll G..Filgiano, a son (Cyril I-Quinlan.) V . e ' V - ;GRAY--At the Royal Victoria Hos- I pital, .on' Sunday, Jan, 9. 1927. to Mr. and -Mrs. Tho:-1. Gray, Barrie 12.411. 2. a daugh_ter, . - MOFFA'1`T--on -Wednesday. Jan. 5. 1927. to Mr. and -Mrs. Albert Mof1'att,- 12 Louise. St.. a. `son (Albert Victor): AMAXWELL---on Saturday. Jan. 8,; - 1927. to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maxwell, 170 Elizabeth St.. a daughter (Mary Gertrude-). T WALKEI-1-011 Thursday. Jan. 13, 1927. to Mr. and Mrs. John Walker. 12 Dunlop St.. a son. . BUY AND BUILD on the hilltop. Get Georgian Bay breezes `for your child- en. Lots fifty by one hundred and thir- ty-two deep; excellent garden clay Maple Avenue between Walling- BELLE EWART ono SHANTY LBA_Y I , II`..n;-I V5-"- H_URCHlLL .... ..=. oQ\'l uwaa uvurycnlng vour hen `lays the biggest` ow chokes on the biggest have any other items of tell em ' and see how 1 get into nrinf mu... m.., u | .39`!; v... ..._,-1 .-w1{e and Family. T FOR SALE BY".l`ENDER--L50 acres at Barrie. known as the Lount -Castle pro- perty. Tenders received until Feb. ,1. 1927. No tender necessarily acqepted. L. H. Clarke, 189 Scarborough Rd.', Toronto v 52- 23: ., . . . . .. sac .... .... 40~46c . -1----jj: mi: `aguuun-: EXAMINER |.'rheB queuing` _1;ms year. ' arrieBran_ch of the factuters `Life Insuranc_e Co Ontario-Quebec district were repre-j -..--uvs; UUWII 0 ' J. A. MacLaren represented the..i Kiwanis Club of Barrie at` the con`-; ~ Eerence of Kiwanis district trustees. held in Ottawa on Monday. Thirtyj out of the thirty-three clubs -in the; sented, trustees being present from` Sault `Ste. Marie onthe, west to Syd- ! 1ey, `Cape Breton, on the east. It was `decidedto hold the annual con- vention. on Monday and, -Tuesday,; `)ct.,3 .and_4. Lgndon is the place of g neeting this year. 9 .? l`he R'......;... n----L A -- -- uc one 1.1l'SE to Eng] Sunday morning from. -his home in Rosedale, Toronto, spoke to Bridgewater, England, and the con- versation was transmitted with gveat clearness. Mr. D man In Untario to speak; and by radio telephony. . Last A ymenit is vice-'.71'+?Si- I dent of the Canadian Marconi "Com--V Pan) -, . `Through reading Who's Who In the Barrie Council_ in last week s Examiner, W. H. `Brown, an east-end market gardener, discovered that he and AId.. Geo. C. `Coles are natives of the same place in England. Both came from Stratford, near the city of London, and some years in B bors in the ea "aware that the rtatrive town. A 1|l_,I' arrie and are neigh- other came from his while both have been -' st end, neither was". ! ...,5 ma w1Ie wltn a hammer on March i 1 16 last and attempting to commit`; "suicide by slashing "his head and 1 throat with -a` razor, will appear for.` be the first man in Ontario to speak; to Epgland telenhonv. Last . Lulc U1. VPUU U1` Entee"mOnEnS In V` While at `Sherbrooke .\over the 5 . week-end R. A. Stephens played in a 5; local curling competition and was glfortunate to 'be on the winning rink which received a set of silver spoons. Hearing of the application of W. [J]. `Holden of =Colling'wood for probate- . 1 of the will of the late Mrs. Eliza Jane 5 McQu~ain of Nottawa, which began . before Judge Vance on Dec. 3, will 5 ' be resumed on F r1day. 'Q+o1n an!` `r`'```'-`'-`' I eranea Dy 1". VanPatter. 5 The county road commission, com-' posed of ,~Couns.vIs-aac Scott of Cree- more. J. E. Coombs of Bradford and `Ed. Dutton of Victoria Harbor, met on Wednesday at the `Court House to complete a few remaining details of th%` 1926 work. mun`- l`I.'_.'I'_. , I0 A " 311 St.. and'Adelaide St., to wind up, the estate of the late David Czmanwam; Apply to Alex. Fraser. 137 Essa St.. or Donald Ross, Barrie. 2-413' j nut: .1069 WOTK. Frank Clarke of Oril1ia,'convic-ted, at the December sessions of assault-: ing `his wife with hammer March 1.6, last and n++..4.:..... 1.- --------`L ` gc_ xcaumeu on rnaay. ` Harold` Hill, Star and Durant agent, is moving his show rooms to the premises formerly occupied by? ' the C. & W. motors. The garage and `J repair shop in connection will be op- ` erated. by F. VanPatter. I Tho nnnnl-no .......1 --..----!A- !A~ ' u mcluaua` aUU CIIICKBYIS. I Charged with failure to provide for his wife and family, Thos. Bell `was on Wednesday found guilty by J Magistrate Jeffs and sentenced to a fine of $50 or three-months in jail. at `ghnrkwnnbn nuns 4-1-n no nun. nuzuueul `BL Cf Don't forget the Javanese tea and n l L; sale of home-made "baking and candy I-In the school room of `Collier St. ,United church on `Saturday, Jan. 15, ifrom 3 to 6 p.m. . 2 2c 1 Frank Wiseman s dog did his mas- :`ter a goo turn this week when it killed a` weasel that was found in the poultry house looking over Mr. `Wiseman s 200 chickens. . ('*1............:I --.:u. 1.-- :1'____ , nus-uh, uauuzu`y' LU. -. lprices. `,ton Son. Elizabeth St. tfc ---Special this week---Sunkist woranges. sweet and juicy, -2 doz. for .35c.--John 'Saso, phone 341, Barr- ie Fruit Market. 2c play an intermediate hockey game son Barrie rink next Monday. Ad- fmission, 35c an 25c. ' 2p I -Bu_v Staun on s semi-trimmed wallpaper - 22 in. wide instead of old 18-in. For sale by W. A. Lowe I hnnit .........a. LL- 'r__-__, N Camp Borden and Newmarket will & Son. Elizabeth St. I tfc: ` -nu ucuya 11 WEEK`. I -.-Speci~al showing of nerv stvles in spring dresses. See S. W. Moore s. .'advertisement on page 12. 2c,? ' --`-We repair Wa`hl, Waterman and `Parker pens and pencils at Cross- ;land s Drug and `Stationery Store; 2c ; I fl-.. 0-14.-.. ..1-_.!.J L '-" ' Aauu 5. 001: I60 0.0U. 20 Exammer A_dlets are great" sales-' men and they work for" ittle pay-- 1 ?25 ceonts 9 `Week-. . l _`.__,,9 H ' ' ' ` a-agunnnca Uu :.uesuay. ---Get your dictionaries for the Nyal Creophos word `contest at Cross- land's. 35c rto $6.50. 2c 5 Eraminnr Arilan. nmn .........A.. --I-- I vu u an uury 0. ---Get your Nyal Creophos contest entry sheets -at Crossland s Drug. Store. 2c . District Cup games will be played here on Friday, and the "Tankard- matches on Tuesday. --_nnf `nuns Ainl-.........:.... 2-.. -Ll-~' - --...~- .---awn:-:3 \.a\.uuo""4'l.b uruusu-ul(l 8.' ' A very enjoyable surprise party was held at the home 91` J. W. Marks on January 5. __. -n4- uvnhu \T....I l'1_.-.-_Lr TWO HOUSES FOR SALE. C Iocat.ed.V all conveniences. Adv Oaks. corner of Owen an Streets lilllllllllll or--4 65 01' ' Z33 -Laxacolds, the sui-e remed,v for fresh colds.-Crossland s Drug Store. The first round of the Barrie-01% i1lia-- Cup is being: played to-day. . . -All sizeslinoleum rugs at W. A. Lowe & Son's, Elizabeth St. tfc ---'C`reophos, the best remedy for that lingering co1d.-At `Crossland s.- A ........ -...-----n - wammwwxwwwwmwx an as 3;: LOCAL NEWS Readers. 3c word: minimum _60c. ml .1 - -1- -1 V 1 1 * Z --Crossland s, bthe Nyal Qtility Store. 2c Subscription renewal time for. most subscribers. Phone your news items to The Examiner-222 or'223. ___`V.nvnnA`J.. 1.1.- .._.-4_ '~ ` ` $14 Soc. 3 127 V JANUARY 1927 I ifich Mann--' Insuranqe Company` {just closed another very successful - year. A branch office serving the ;counties of 'Simcoe and York has . been in existence for many years and . the -Company s business has now I grown to the point where "it was :deemed advisable to enlarge the . staff. F. C. Marshall, who has been E connected with the -Saskatoon ibranch, has recently arrived in Bar- 1 rie and will assume the duties of .;'organizing manager. W. J. Walker 1 ;continues as special representative. -, Miss Edna Harris, who has been cash- M ier for the -past two years, will con- ~,tinue in this position. 2c I , ..v---y-u-runauvi IV \JF\\l\lG` Grate some horseradish and cover with vinegar; then mix with a. good tablespoonful of mustard and a. pint of good white sauce, season to taste. Or another way is to mix it with good whipped cream. V` w-\;Lr'il1wsl1.;c:vl}I. JW Also all kinds Fresh Vegetables at the market prices. Spiqach 2 lbs. 35. PHONE 130 fgr Service and Quality. c ' FOR SALE--0ne matched team gray! 'Pe1'c"hm-nus, weight 2800. One matched. team brown Percheron mares. weight} about 2800. Two sets of new. heavy aleisrhn. runners are made of blue oak. 21,4, inah shoeing. Apnly W. D. Coch- ' rnne. R. R. No. 2. Allandale. 49-57)); n _. -__ v--_J rnnnvv J `III VIII} XII, QJ Oranges at F. D. .CancilIa s 2 doz. for 45c and 2 (102. for Every orange is stamped Sunkist, so come to this Fruit Store and you mm o...-"A1" I... ....4:..::-,1 JANUARY SPECIAL 0ne% Car of _S_I}nkist Oranges nu 4... p--_. The gnly place you can buy Sweet .._....-_ -;E I'\ I` III 9 I Biilus DovE;,, um FRANCISXBIISHMAN % HonsERAbIsHi`sAuceA D. tiA_NF_<:nIL1.'A ./' " "A 1.`. gr" &\` A/ES :1 'LU_1-as rnfg./* l0=M//65 ` Q1-nu Direlcted Geo. Archambaud. A t h f Supervised by Earl Hudson. m' ' ` ' "` 7'15 * WITH 9.45 and from 3.30 go 11.00. uuunmnraua FUR SALE--Several 5 1 pure-bred White Leghorns from high _ record strain: also pure-bred Barred ` Rocks from Ottawa contest train. Phone 601r32, Victor Bonney, Mid- hurst. ~ 50-2n u . `I MOHAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY THURSDAY-FllllI`A]-SA_WRDAY LLOYDHUGHES MARQSTOR ._Iu1Y AND swam" ~'nue CHARLESTON f%* 5d5/kg 721/z feV/i/a/ 1. io Ez.Etla's-C' 1- FOR SALE---'1`.wo young Durham cows, . dueto freshen Jan. 12, and. Feb. 12. ' Apply. to Allen Miller, Utopia, Ont. or} phone,-Ivy-Thornton line. Itfc; it ` V A *? - , a ._ ._ - -' 'Q' `Q 'A` 'A` 'A` 'A` WILLIAM J. CARSON Dr. W. H. Carson (who is associ- ated with Dr. W. A. Lewis) was be- reaved last week by the death of his father, William J. Carson, a well- known farmer residing near Chats- worth, which occurred last Friday in Owen Sound following a shortillness. The late Mr. Carson was a member of one of the pioneer families of the district and was a successful and re- spected farmer, one who was inter- ested in the welfare of the commun- ity in which he lived. He is survived by -his wife, four children, two bro- thers and three-.sister,s. The funeral took place on Monday at Chatsworth. |~ OBITUARY ` w&m$$&m&mwmmm$m `IIIIIIAIJ I 4ug---_- gmm&&&mmw%mm&m& Buy Advertised Things. AND THE INSIDE STORY of a stage star--the secrets of her ambitions and hopes-.-her loves and her triumphs-her joys and heartaches--a_ll truthful- ly portrayed by a splendid all-star cast; REG. ADMISSION PRICES. MAT. AT 2.30, SATURDAY. COCKERELS FOR num-hv-pd mm 1 on 1.-.. Charlie cTap1in at 7.15 and 9.45. r, JANUARY I3, 1927 j.- Goderich voted $8,000 floating debt on the to u Monday. Onion water applied In RIDES that h(L\'(' lwwm. rves to revive the farm: ake onion watt-1' hnil mu- one pint of vvutm` uvni! agetable has ht-vn a-xn-:1 Id use when warm not Dish towels lmw ;u \\.. 1]` frequent replvnishin: p remnants, :L suffirm-n: 3 kept on hand at sm. nless these r(-nH1.'InI.< ney are Seldnm h`.`(>l)'_ h'. OPEN 9 'I`O t Evenings by appoin . Bank of Toronto B 0wen Street : P IDAIDDIE l'\\l'1 ST. ANDRE\ Presbyterian C Rev. J. S. Shortt. M..~\ 133--....) T1-.. LUV`. uc Kl: LJAl\IA\/I4 Edmund H.'u'd_V. ."\`[`us. Organist and Chmr Sunday, January 1 The Minister will pr a.m. and 7 p. Character study Suwi; Ja1m~.<." The anhual m(wtinL" gregation will be h(-M =day evening, Jun. liv. hm\DAY, J{muAaY unumn run aA1.19-.--N1ce bay driv- inq mare. 7 years old. Apply 24 Main St.. Allandale. after 5.30 'p.m. 2p. ' Meting for Px`u_\'<':` Study, W'edne.-`.(Ia_\' ow-z V\'EI.(`.();\I} . _ Hair Cutting and Tri attening, Water gPnciaI and Scalp Tr4 Rev. A. J. Harry 'Mrs. E. Sunday, January ' '11 a.m. -The {rat 3 p.m.--BihlL- S 7 p.m.--Thuu Music St-1<~I`I< Breuking uf 1&1--.1 Acts `_'0-i Sunday School nml I 3 p.m. 2 Timothy SL1 Gospel NI(-('Ii.'1'_: Romans 1- All seats f;:e<~. .\'< ALL W'EI.(f<', `Prayer Meeting W:-(In ' Acts: JG-I3! K Central United . Barrie Baptist Rev. E. J. Vvhzm Mrs. Edith Rowe, Miss Margaret Sinviui all G-llI."" [LIA um... tive. 3 p.m.--Bib]<: S('}lu Class. ? DRIVER FOR SALE--Nlce int! .mmw:.A 7 vnm-u nm` A.....u. '11 `'7`_ Pelgy . I dress. Anniversary Servic i A_on unday. - Special preacher, R ` Pxesjdqnt 0f`Tox'or C The Ladies Aid xx fa`-3uppaz:,|on Monda'y H Pedley, will give (L l""di-3:ss. V Collier St. Unit. Rev. Shampooing, M3n'.cl 3 P.M.--SL)11u1::)` partnwnts. Mid-week rmwti Praise and Bibi in Book of Ann Anthem-Ax Pnnl: Cooling SL1-v.nn.~ Soloist-1\Iis< . S010--"Com(~ Untn H RUSS Muht-I (` TC\'I'}.\'I.` Anthem--"S0l(liers 0| 0 .`ftt9~"Dn.yli;:ht Sulo--"Oh Jesus, Th: (1 ; 1 wr,wJ'1'1 MARKED ROCK ELS far sale. bred-to-lay st to 10 Essa St.. Allandale. `% LaVelm Eeauty Sim COSMETICIJ MISS IRELAI` ORDER ( )1" Sunday, January a.m.--An Umm VVORSHIP WIT % Ladies Who DIVINE SE Sunday, January v l`I.... 37 Mary Street, PJH *- 1 Hr Pl`iI_i(.`ip]._ oft WEL(U.\ ------------------------ " J TI-IOROUGHBREDIT WHITE WYAN- ( J DOTTE ROOSTERS for sale. Apply 5}- Gowan St.. Allandale. . 2ci ! I \ J. Johnstone Bl vMini. `Horace \Vil.<(n. Organist and ('1 (lAl-2ZRlE; 0&1 GOSPEL H4 in-rs: ._`- -'j`@he JrTh,.-l G. Cz1r.<<,-mld Barron, Ch! ` RiCha1`r1. V vs. .. Mrs. E. ( SPECIAL .`~\I(>I{.\'l `Lor-d'sV VD.-Ml ----------------------: TWENTY BARRED ROCK COCKER-.3 :0!` sale. bred-tn-Lav ah-gin AvnnIuy' ; anmw uuuu 11111511 name. Phone 725W. J. Blake St. THREE GOOD AYRSI-IIRE COWS for! 725W. J. W Nana-= 994 DRIVING HORSE for sale. cheap. ply to A. Glover, Shanty Bay. r T ou: REFINED, respectable middle-a,ge wid- g ow wishes position has housekeeper or, general servant in home oi profession-' in gentleman or any other home of re- spectable people where there are no; small children. Good cook and .man-; age1',.clean. reliable. quite capable, of__, doing everything: good plain sewer!` and mender. Some business ability and experience. Please reply__to Box W",l Examiner, Barrie. 2-31) I A , -_ -- YOUNG BUSINESS WOMAN requir- es warm room with board hv Wnhrllnru uuuu WA_,.N'1`l'JD. Elm.` Birch, Maple._| and Basswood. We are also In the. market` tor standing timber. Write the Gkvnl BBSKGC C0. Ltd.) ' OERVHIC. Ont, " . '2-n ..uuuu uuu11VJ:4aD WULVLAN requ1r- with board by February in private home in Barrie. near Allan- dale road. State rate. Box "X", Bar- rie" Examiner. A 213 at-- sun I In &'UU1J'J.'l'5 I " WAN'1'.I9D.` 1113110!` n:21cee_pa!d.Call morning: or evenings. Phone or leave orders for M. Alexander at Y,M. C . A.. Allandale. Itrc i FARM "HORSE WANTED. Apply Henry Packard. Shanty Bay. Oro Tele- phone. or call at Clarkson House, 89.1-- ns, on Saturday. ' ' V ` 29% um POULTRY wAN'rm'n.=% ' . _D!*!d. Call morning: or TON WANTED to do housework d `, winter. with two or three even. ings free weekly. Apply Box Q", Ex- aminer Office. T 20 v REPORTER to, send news of new building. res. new businesses and business removals. Stationery and postage supplied. Interesting work for s time. rite no .t particulars.- mgmn` Bumdlng Rzpgz-is, Ltd., . 845 Addalde St. W.. Toronto. Out. _e 2e uununp--.UUM. U8 KITCHEN WORK tor `parties. Terms reasonable. Apply 38 Peuetang-st. - _ 2-7c ' ' LII: KINDS OF` FOWL WANTED. hislj`. rlcea aid. Phone 384 or ggrlsto ' - 9 I. Lezvlt. Barr 9. V ___-L_- g&&&&&&&&&m$&g' `A'I\`l 1501- `run: inn`! .1. >'WAN 1`ED-Good general, `Ban-1e .m' the `summer. Toronto In the winter. Appfjr Box 86, or phone 208. * 2o ` 'WAN'I'ED-- Electric Weeher akent. LI.rzeet.comm!saion. Most popular ma- chine. Give references. Box No. G. elnr Offinn ~ `I-10- ' . .. To hear` from owner'ta.rm ' sale.` price. D. 13`. Bush. lrgealpolla, Minn. . }:.1.-3c ' Lost and `Found Property For Sale. rcu vvuue uegnorns from high . 5'_21. T I Live Stock for Sal`e% COLUWFJ El . WANTED. Elm.` Birch, Maple. Basswood. are alga In thaw UIVU F6181 ! nor ottice, 3--REM OR KITCHEN WORK] 1:188. Term: rnnnnnahln A nnln j ! centrally noes. Annlv `hrv :.rl.1.l.`u.`J UUWS I0!" T. F. Nelles. 224 ' --v glucose ,3 Dwham com ; won SALE on REN'1`-Frame house [2, F b. 12_;a,nd.1ot. with water. lights and plumb. SM 0,; lug. No. 256 west side Bradford st, ,,e_ um: Also lot 21. 66 ft.x120 ft.. on west side Bradford St. Very cheap on easv SALE--S - Harms Apply A. Longhu t. L r , norm: frnme`;.eI!:g.1lE8t8n & Esten. Barrie. e rsn"::g mun. nuply D; 2c` T0 RENT--A small, cosy apartment .l.of living-room, sitting-room, bedroom, 3K COOKER- kitchenette `and bathroom. Steam ' strain. Applyi heated and water supplied. S. W. e. 52-5p ` Moore. , - T Ztfcg u Ruuflcruly D V l'-` ndp Collier! K_9v|l bay \.' 9.4 Main punter! 52-20 DUX 1-3c .asV.1uu. `52-20 Tuner 16:: the Hln Plano Co. will be in town for weeks. Don't miss this opportgm `have V0!!!` hlnnn fungi - I... - I -- v on Ir`-IVVII LU! ll. IGW weeit. '2l5bn"t'5r1!'s this opportunity to tuner. Leave prders at American .1-Iotel_.;". `pw [ ; %r%+;.:w;.eua1*H4%% Notice is hereby given that the an- nual general meeting of the share- holders ot the Barrie Union Cemetery will he held in Police Courtechembers. Collier 8t.. Barrie. on Monday. Janu- ar,v 17. 1927. a 8 p.m.. for the purpose of receiving t annual reports. for the [election of dl ctors and such other A business as may come before the meet- ing. ncludlng revision or the by-laws. All owners of lots are shareholders.` ` A , OS. NAB!-I..`P.r_esldeni_:}, s`rRouo TELEPHONE col 1 Annual meeting or the shareholders of the Stroud Telephone .Co. Limited. 1 will be held in the Orange Hall. Stroud. I : E on Wednesday. Jan. 19, at 2 o'clock pm. for the election of Directors and other business. * w. Lennox Black. .. Edi Guest; Secretory , V ._ ` President.` I-s_uI aw nuruculxurll aoclety The annual meeting of the Rarrief Horticultural and Town Imnrovement `Society will be held in the Police Court! Chambers. Friday, January 14th, at; 1 7.30 pan. . ` 2c= C. R. KENDALL. G. VICKERS. President. b ` Secretary i ivlz-'20 I ,,% ' ANNUAL MEE'1`ING---'l`he .torty-sec- . and annual meeting of the shat-ehold-. era of the West Riding Simcoe Agri-_' cultural Joint Stock Co. Ltd. will be held in the Police Court Chambers. Town of Barrie, Wednesday, Jan. 26th,_ 1927. at 1 pm. R. A. Stephens, Prei-; dent: .A. F. A.. Maicomson. Secretary. Barrie. Jan. 10, 1927. ,_ 2-3c { THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Bar-! vie Agricultural Society wilibe held` in the Police Court Chambers on Fri-! day, Jan 21. at 1 p.m., for the election 0. M. Hickling G. -0. Cameron. or officers and general` business.- M ` 2-3c President . V . Secretary I & LLIU ` V MAKE MONEY AT HOME--Men and ;}'i,`,`t women can earn $1 to -$2 an hour mo, it spare-[time writing show cards. Nomuher` oanvasslngor soliciting; We instruct ` you and supply you with w rk. Write! in" ;today. The Menhenltt Co. imited. 45_the n Dominion Building. Toronto. -tlmcttol -- -5. i HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTI;}IG- Prompt service, work V guaranteed. I Give us a. trial and save transportation ;to ,other points. Prices` reasonabks. [Singer Sewing Machine Co.,' Barri-2. I-.'n_o . [NOTICE--Fat pigs killed on co`mm1s-` sion _ and dressed. prices reasonable. 'For full particulars apply to R. Leslie &' on, Thornton. Ont. 60-3;)` I .-_---_-_ ----- H :BROCK BROS. have .a. sewing ma- chine and are ready for business. Ap- ply 39 Collier St. Phone 1048W. 61-4c l-Is` % ANNUAL of the Barrie Union Cemetery` T I Ir DRESSMAKING AND REMODEL- . LING. Charzes mndmmm rt-.:.1...n....... I-' .unr4r5a'1VJ.A1S11\'(.i' Charges _ 475. ' wrms. Apply _A. Longhu Eaten Esten. Barrie. ( Eu .._._.._........_.._._.__.__..___._. TO LE'.I`--Foureromed apartment and electric stove. Wllrninhn nun nu, . `I FOR` RENT--Steam-heated apartment _-and from offices. central. Immediate -possession. Apply VHampton E. Jory, Barrie. - 61-4c --: ---- ;HOUSE TO LE'P--73 Tiffln St.. six `rooms. newly decorated. reasonable irental. Apply on premises. . 2p ' luunnunqnb` un STUDENTS wanted. nice comfortable home. every conven- I lance. Apply 89 Bayfield St. 52-213 ! : I --_----------------------.--- '.I`0 RENT-.--Room. with- board. . central `location. Phone 855.1. ._ 0 2n UU v EBOARDER-S WANTED at 41 Worsle.v ist. Very central; conveniences. 2p l STRAYED -onto the premises of M. Shanacy. lot 1. con, 4. Vespre. about the 12th of October. one red steer. 2 yrs. old. Anyone proving property and paying expenses may have the sameby -applying to p above. 1-8p _ _ W. `BOARDERS OR STUDENTS wanted. `tnice oomfor-tahin hnmn nvnnu nnnIvAn_x uuwsu; uauuc Darn; plenty or water. E. H. Reid, Box. 561. Barrie, phone 895M.- V . . 50-3c '-1- L%;P'N9%TUNING FARM FOR SALE-53 acres.,wlthin `thirty minutes walk of Barrie: brick house: bank barn: plenty of water. H. Reid. BOY. Ram-In nhnnn --*- M FOR SALE--One set single ha.rn`W`s. steel hames. with 1% inch tugs `(ne ). wooden homes; light. with 1% inch tugs. light leather` horse collar (new). goatskin robe,- empty oil barrels, lady's selected coon coat. size torty. R. W Burton. 190 Owen St. - 2:5 . SLEIGHS FOR: - SALE--Set `hea.*VY sleighs, new. 2% inch runners. cheap; also set new light deltverynaleighs and second `hand delivery sleighs. Paddl- son's blacksmith shop."A1landale. 2830` -L -u FOR SALE-A number of Rood dron- head Singer sewing machines. slight- ly used; fully guaranteed. for sale chea.p."S1r'xger Sewing Machine Co.. 45 Elizabeth St. - 2-70 SPAR'1'ON.RADIO RECEIVERS are still Increasing In favour. Have your demonstration arranged at once. Phone or write Roy Slack. Cra.!gljmrst.,49-54p VVUUU EU. 5111.119. In `I0lll"I00,l IEIIEUI. in the bush. tour dollars a`. cord; Apply Wm. Seaton. Churchill P.O.. and Q8 Lanxrlnv Ava Tnrnntn -9 . VVHI. SBEEOII. unurcnzu Langley Ave.. Toronto. . ,LOST---Carpet'slipper. man's, size 10. between Toronto Street and Wellington Street.`-Finder please leave at J.` G. Scott's. 2n . ' \