` 712 AMa;loriy for Fin1ayson,:. 386 fy' <$r' 'FiA1;g$h, ` ' PORT McNICOLL0- , Oh MATCHEDASAI-I SUMMARY 'lF{n1 _ MIDLAND ~ V. ., ORO LIVL Fin1`a.v`son -5-.. i962 836 163 1827` 1A0 1335 5.757] "L962 1.814 11:) " 1,327 ' 1,139 (Inn LOO` 102 604 374 712 429 326 DU - 86 41 53v 117 78 .50 ac -' 153 , . V, 290 ~ 84 ' 374 'L:. 44 `r 47 V 43 36 48 1 30 33 102 46 T429 163 cmlcnls mm v \ nnuasssmnt 102 HO 122 53 ' 62 97 61 39 106 64' 604 1 39- 24 63 82 56 117 . 44. 26 AA AU .44 J 3 84 90 12' Rloss 89 72 59 86' 104 63 40 DD an stop me 1!'l'lWM0ll4 unu uumuuuuuuu, whilethe creosote goeeon to the stomach, 1 is absorbed Into the blood, attacks the seat ofthetrcuble andcheoksthegrowthofthe germs. V , ` Creomulaion is teed atiafaxvtory 4 In the treatment 0 nt co brand colds, bronchial 4 , byonc tie. and other forms of `resdpiratory diseases, and 13 V excellent for bull mg up the estmn~a.fter colds or flu. Money refun ed if guy` cough or cold is not relieved after takmg eccox-dingtoAsk our dru 't. Cmomulaion 00., Llmlted, oronto, nt. 71[ 35 135 U0 91 128 158 58 72' 91 ,77 825 117 nearest poughs an'.'c'. 1'5 a3"3'Ei`3i tz {ns 3 rZ ' . troubles. Cxeomulsioncontalnsdnaddxtion `to creosotacel, other healing elements which soothe an heal the infected membranes and st,op'the irritation, and inf|a.mmation,~ `mung I-he m-nnnnfa mes on to the` stomach. 88 470 - on! ' - Pnon ,your nbws.` items .to The Eiaminer. Phone 222 or-223. van nu : sun. 3: v- . T}v1e4`Ball'.Planirig 'ROongCQ1ipiteJ Brantsora, Ontario 1 on "\ BARRII-'2/BRANCI-I L ~ - 1. R. ma. Manager` V THORNTON BRANCH A- ' M. C. Wigle. Manager 33 Br. Stock Can -ie, Informatin Furnished and Se}vice 'on Brantford Roong rendered by Tlie Royal Bank of Canada Christmas wrapped. :.. n\`.. 0:`. .....n an-. %'u'&>""5 Z&E'3'5 ` adds the Yuletide touch ? in_p Vfnwpvnavq 1 J-l'&A\JaAAw our Q\r r--yvv -v- . .`n. I . 1 A , able ,,papers-ne1the_r 1s your office.` For a small sum you can have the, protetion of a: Safety to rnt you onje. _Deposit.'Bo5(._ ` We shall be glad I To iafognard Wills. Bonds.` Stocks, h--1. Di. -.-.'n. Dnhor LU Iulaguuru vv suog auvuuag Deeds. Plicies. `Family P o vvvvw apers Small Iemellery. etc.. etc. Jggx `VHNNEi R51);/;vL&f,\ DECEMBER 9. 1926 `T1- iU u.` C1 GAR Barrie I20 I sANr'rA.F1-: SERVICEBUREAU '- T -A ~~ . . . A : . Trnnnnnrtnolnn '30.. Audit. Mich. 565A "`IU-NII-U---I-,I|IDKIWIIQHUI-flyllflUralsliflllin-um-owl-r-I-3 : Name . _ , _ I Street No. V ' ' `A A V . ' : : City and State ..........._........=........._.._..........__.... ` -.-` 3 MINING STOCKS- BOUGHT - sou) m5URANC.E-;-2 .: .. ` BONDS-l-A ; bfllonog 1010. Box l7. Barrio. SANTA FE SERVICE BUREAU ' Transportation Bldg" Dftrolt. Mich Yhone Main 6847 7 Would l!ke_lnfd!'matlon reuuidlnt winter` trip to. includhsu any WulChWhuO uopoxgu. - There will be pi:-Ion`: in piuv. Bxpncg to behwuv about - ' ~ wgelu. "Also inaiil deocgfptlve Vtravel folders. . ~ TUBBY The,,.Santa -Fe A mairltains ,a. special Service Bureau, in charge of its,_ representative at` Detroit, `Mich. . _ ~ . x o . This Bureau is prepared to assist-in planning a winter trip to the Southwest and California. Detailed irifor- ` mation furnished 'about~railroad fares, slee crr_ar_cs and hotel accommodations, `as well as sig tseeing trips. Complete itineraries on reque.\st.,. , a You will find this service very helpful, as. ii. time- saver and money-saver, ' l . . ` ' You are invited to use it eelv." Fill in andimail coupon below and we wi do the rest. sm wou 351152 PAY \=or.-rum wuupow, YOU BQOKEVESERDAY wnu -run-r snow emu. ORTHAT OI.` CHNAMAM WHO. ENES -THERE` LL unuw wm Dmm-\Fn IHU uvca u'H:I Ll- -\AVE .\(oU pmcaeo `-"-u---- " .__F`t;1l inforitiafioh ,iir1;ished, on any of _ `the operating mines. ` , Hollinger : _McIhtyro : Cut!` -Donn 1 _Capitn|_ : Tgclr-Hughoo Songg 0;! bst ;:o'mp.an!es1,1' epresenWted.' Yielding from 4% % tows.` GORDON STEVENSON were Toronto... men,` ; . , The late .M_r.r` Beattyg had `lived at .Kilworthy.tor ainumber or years. con- ductingxa. gene ` 4119 post office. He is-surv1ve_d_ b'y,his lwlte. thyee daughters and a son.-'15 4 . A. `F a! store business`, `and AT CRos$Nc% BB5` VJUU HUI 551.3 Vlasu uwnanyuuaanuu The `Minister called upon ,all loyal citizens to observe the O.'1`.A. until such time as it should be amended by "the Government and r ulated sale takes its place. He referre to the part taken.by some opponents in 'bec}pud- mg the i_ssge'a.ndftrust`ed that now the people had declared their wishes these same people would assist in` uphold- ing the law. One thing. he assured them; the bootlegger would get short I-Ion. Wm. Flnlayson, Minister 0!! Lands "and Forests in Premier"_Eer- guson s. Cabinet. was given a it 'rty welcome by. his constituents in- ril- lia last Thursday evening, when we . 1200 citizens assembled in the Opera. House to congratulate the -newi;v-'ei- ected Minister. Mr. -Finlayson was in- troduced to the audience by Mrs. Maud. McPhee, who-as president of t e wo- men's organization has done et ective [service during the campaign. _ `r1_.1..L___ -..II...I -.-.1`... all Inuvnl 7* ` x ' ' , ` uu-------- ' 1 ` ` T John %Bea;tt'y.', megchant and` post-_ master at =K_1lworthy- about sh:jt~zn11es.. j.south of. Gzfavenhurst. was fatally Lin-. jurecfon Nov. 25 when he we.s;su:uck- by a C.N.R. trel_ght,tra.In at a. crossing on > the . Kllworchy-Gra._venhurst_. T .4-oa :: A-He sustained injuries to`-`ms head,', as ' fractured hip and oxther 1njuries`an;l `died agout three `hours after, the ac--.' cldent. \ . , . An lnnlinslt was he1da.t.`Graven-I uyuul, I ehzlft; .An inquest was held a.`t.:fGI-aven-j .hurst_a.'nd'-the. Jury returned .9. verdict ot accidental death. with 3; recommen- idatlon that the'_C'.N'.B. remove a.- hurl: {board fence that the , crossing tor the ' better proteotlon of travellers Oh`: the Iroad. Mr. Beatty had left his store. lln his automobile, to deliver grocer- ies and onhis return from the errarqdl drove his car on _to the track In_ front; c1dent'.' ' ~ * V g or the approaching. freight train. Evi- dence at the inquest showedthathe was slightly deaf and probably did Lnothear the train. The train crew were Toronto, men.` mt... Inn. Mn Nnanttv had lived at Italy says she is not planning an at- tack on. Turkey. In that event she will never know the real joys ofthe .Yu1etide..--Cha.t',ham_. News. cmzansv ' wa _ TO HON. Aw. FINLAYSON n' ` we-L-' -up--`.-on wJ~7 H'oum%\ %t>Av_ FoI2 H`? u: Yo'uHN>NTA Hgxi |-.\|T THE WINDOW, \ Guess % DUCKED \ wouLou"'r_` .----_--.- " Lma VON \`\ wA$%' My FAUlJ'.!A AN"1 0U BETTEER EA`? Pg`: -`T . ` `n-\ T -" .V ' guulmj .'s |.J*`*" Y" III`. I An . |I\l'fI.I" \'Y'|H\ll'\|'vlI"'\l'V-U `.'f_ ' ' " ' : FOR `-rbu, ANRW L . nu_;u1y_ Ull I-llU' llU}1l_'U.V ClllUll,L UL UlllU ` road in the township, ` I It is too `bad that anyone would take the results of the recent election so much to heart that they nroposed `to sell out and leave ;the country, where they could have` a. chance of tlndlng more associates of their own following in politics. But should they- be so. lnc}ln.et1.to,teel any more badly than the person who sat all day in a polling booth and forgot to cast his vote? 4. Election results have '`'never `` ,tutnd out yet `to suiteverybody and *- providing they did there 'W'ould hard- ly be any necessity of holding any more. ~ - " Thorn mam-no tn ha 9 mm; dlsmusmlnn _l_'QpOI}_C9C Qn86l'0ll8ly1'ill'.' l_ - `fj-Accordlng `to ,peport's,_ J. P. Hall `h_a._s `accepted ,3. _ pqsition in Colllngwood Whither e intends journeygng at once. . " When does, thaf.`joui'ney` to Florida V us: in m I-not-I-Irxxr m W G '1' '1.` (N 'A`__(A`. '4` vm 'A` 'A* av -gr --- wxax&w&iwxaa*mm cuxupwwu. tun uvvu. ;a. _vvuauu=L /1355- mits. , L ' The `tlmemI`a- rapidly approaching when the rpunicipal election will be due. Is there any necessity of holding an election? The candid onlnlon of tybur.corresppndent~-ls that the ma.,1qr- ~lty of the ratepayers are in favor of retaining the presents counil by ac- clan'gat1on.. The amount saved would go 31ic`ely_ on the improvement of some rnn' in Han fnwnnhln_ ` ' `Kean;-.na 1s 9n 'th'e`_V q1ck.liaf. V ;Mrs. Mulroy_`=and M1333. ,Ke1ly are repented dangerously -`ill-. 2 _ ."~;Am'-nwune "to renorts J. `whither. mtenua Jqurneygng at once. jqoep, t*hat"Journey` star 0.!` those young farmers` sons who were dolngvso. much talking ;re- cently abouttaklng. yhe tripby motor? u|........1.....-. 1- a....o.`.Inna n \.v;`uo,1 O9'lvI'_$V-, tuna-ouug` Y-av -- .I._ ~_, --.v-v, . Jerbme Shanaht-tn` is installing a7 'wat'er w6rk= system at` his place of residence and. wi1la`lso do the same |.u.~' AIknMf' ("nna'hHn .11 : unhv: 9: ha ' PUSH for` (M1711 [IlUl'Uo ' There seems to be a_little discussion _lately"i regarding? the possibility of connecting Flos teie hone `system -up "with the Vespra, syn em. There seems noreason why it `should not be ar- ranged andcarried out. A. large num- ber on the Flos .line wanting to do business with those in Anten Mills ar\d'Minesing are prevented from doing so on account of no telephone connec- tion. While Flos subscribers have Me- done and most other outsidevconnec- tionsrthey would be much pleased to have this donnection and `sincerely hope suchwill develop in the very near future. . ' ~~ ' In speaking about those Arctic owls mentioned `in last week's correspond- ence, and entioned in the press from several ?`a'i;;1`ts.in Ontario,, I might also advise uxaminer readers that Harry -Mccarnen, residing` close to this vil-` lage. shot one recently" that rrieasured 58 inches across. At-present ,it is in possessi n of a local citizen who con-. templat having `it mounted. There is no. use arguing the point, since these owls have made their aonearance in -this part of Ontario the weather has proven very wintry and it` sure has all the ear-marks of a severe, winter in store for us. Saturday morning last themercury dropped to 8.~be`iow em and did not rise above the zero rk all day. followed on Sunday by a cold north`-caste ly blizzard that seexned to penetrate al parts of the house. What snow fell was mostly blown off the roadsjand whirled into drifts wherever it was caught. ` ` gw&&a&w&&m&&%$w| %IfII\II IVI-IVY ? * >74 , V Ontario county roads this year. `I"l'YIII-..... (`Gun-an- us wwwwvgww ww w_wwrx,-gwww DISTRICT NEWS .mms;fm.u.v.m mm mmsvlmmmm I Uclun |-lll J was a Wilbur Cramxi was e1e'cted'A`Orillia s representative 0 the sixth Ontario Older Boys Parliament. ~* V `, 11-v-14-.. `L1 :II..I_I.l... .4 P\` unuun oovgu . nu. Qnintnllurlovu , Reeve Walter N. Shields` of Not-' tawasaga recently suffered a slight etroke, but 1s'reported' to be recover- g. l ' . V`\ 4 nnm; A. "R `Mr-(`!n1lum, fnvmar m:-ntnr IRS. of St. Andrew's Church. Alliston. 'was inducted last week {ntb his new charge at York Mills. .TKYI1I`n muuunncr Hin hhnh-an rm` his: Rev. A. `B. Mccollum, o1'mr rectox" lat xonc LVUUS. I H _ 'While.ad3usting the chains on his car, Sandy McLean of Wasaga Beach was struck by a. runaway team and painfully injured. . The new Sundav School of Knox _8.lI1IUlIy 1IlJul`Bu. ` The new Sunday School Presbyterian church. Midland. recent- ly built at a cost dfabout $50,000. was used-for the first time `on Nov.- 28}. Jumps: .Tnhn.s'xtnn. who" resigned the US$11-I0!` EH8 IIFBL E11116 UH 1Vl)V.lao`. James Johnston, who resigned the posfitlon of. Chief of Police in Co11ing- wood two years ago after `fourteen years service, has joined the Provin- cial Police. Tnn1:`DnnI;nn nf (`Iv-Ha nnufninn QIIVQ Clal 1.-'0uce. Jack `Parker of Orillia sustained sev-' ere injuries when his car skidded. on gthe ice on` `the Muskoka highway and turned over three times. pinning him underneath. _ . 1:V..1nrTam! Q `I -Tnurlzin: nnmn nnnhrin-n rlgnt temple. . James Roberts. an elderly inmate of York `County House` of Refuge, was found dead lna pond near ewmarket on Nov. 27." He had w dered away from the home. ' 4 \ A nnull-nu hnnun at Qfnvnnr nwnn unaern_eam. I Edward S. Hawkins. camp superin- tendent at the Dome mines. Timmins. formerly of Severn; dommitted suicide at the mine by shooting himself in the right temple. .'I'nrnp,c: `Rnhnrtst an hlderlv inmate OH rrom me name. A poultry house at ,St_ayner owned by _J. C._ Hende`rson- was recently de- stroyed `by fire.`~ together with three pens of Barred Rocks [and two pens of Leghorns. ~250. birds ` in all. tn-..` In-.|_I.....I 1|: n...........1. urn UL Lfllvl LID. 'uuv, us: uw I-II guano Capt. Michael Mkcormick. wen known` lake captain. has been given a. medal by the Royal Canadian Humane Asociation for his rescue of a".woman from drowning at Toronto last sum- mer.` -r - \ ' ' Vnuurn 191-nil-`In ' 'V|nr;Ahf`17 d mer. ~e - Two youths who Irecently escaped from the detention school at Bowman- vllle brokeeinto three places of busi- nessin Staynerllast week and stole in all about $50. They were captured and` sent to Mimico. 1 \ . Favorable consideration from the provincial government has been given for an Orangeville to Newmarket pro-. vincial highway, by a large deputation frgm all the municipalities interested W ieh recently waited on the minisgar of highways. _ ` 1+ is`: mmm-rm! that wolves are more; qr mgnways. ' . It is reported that wolves are more plentiful 1n`Ma.tc_hed_ash than at [any %a' 68_%'Ei&'A 4 \ ME on Accoum Q NEAR wax,-zrae ~AGA|N` FOR A OF (WONT GO W|'\OLE;`1 EAQ vb, T wen, \'BEt(HA\ .A_ ..;-...4 ---opA\ 7 _ span}; $32,097 _on 'l_:!E I;Al\!AIil.E zxamlnzn M578 MMoRn*YJL% I FOR w;_1:1NLA,YsoN Revised Figures shw 668 1 I_n Midland. and 148 % ~ J In ~_Ori11ia \ i Returning omcr` `Church maelus official ,dcc,1aration of the result in East Simcoe yesterday. The official figures give the Hon. W. Finlayson a. majority of`1578. Thelchief di ference from last week's figures is. due to complete figures from Tay. which raise Mr. F_in1ayson's majority in that Township to 386 Hisimajority in Or- illia was reduced to 148. a. duplication havingbeen found in one polling sub- division. On the other hand his Mid- land majority was increased to 688. _ `I`._ 4.1.... ._,S..._..\;_ __11__ vs, 1 Iuuu luvu.,|uru.y was xncreusea (_0 658. T In` three advanie polls, Finlayson re- ceived I02 vbtes to 21 for Ros . The Port McNiVco1l' poll "was the one most used but. the Orillia; advance poll con- venienced 39 electors. Following are the offfcial,t_1gures:-~ Orillia. Town Orillia Township` Cdldwater .. .. ' t -. 1- u o g_ -_Matchedash . . Medbnte .. .. .. Po_rt- McNicolI . . Thy .. .. .. Oro . . . Victoria . - unions a with Cnoomuls1on,~a.n _ A "ilaatiapleaaant-ttalce. Creomulaiouis vC'.IIl pj:I!~_V ,`r`unu-I--`- ` %ana.Too1d'.1eaa to. on can 3 creosote i a ` medioaldisoo ._ wlthtwo-f ld ' mm. 1...", x... ...:...n.., "W braaesandinhibltsgexm growth. Ofallkn wu-dmgmeoaoeeis by high mgdigakautiloritis as $29 of " ,e greatest be twice for.pe ` t A9oug_}}g and coldsan other fozm_s'of"t}1roat 1 - n_--...--I..:__ --..;...'..-. .. .'o:,... `Peraieteiat ox} trouble, A menu Total .'.. .. .. .'.m1.96 A. Majqrity for; Finla.yson,A 148 dR1LLIA TOWNSHIP 1 Pine Grove .. .. J. . " 2 Forest Home .. .. .. .` 3 Marchmont .. _ .. .. .'. `4TArdtrea.'.. .. .-r6"Washago ,. .. .. .. ' 6 Uhthoff .. .~`. .-: 7\ Hampshire ..T L. .. ., 8 Foxmead :. .. .. .. . 9 Carlycm school .. 10 Mt. Slzwen grotal .. Majority 'l`Uu -L I avanc P'6n' \ 4 COLDWATER Coldwater Village .. .. 1 J.` Denese's' .. .. la Comb's House .. 2 Ebenezer Hall .. 3 Moore's Cor. .. 4 Chris. Shaw's .. 5 Waubaushene 6 Fesserton . . `Ta Laws '9. .. .. 7b Gouett . 8 School House. l'\I`o.' | 9 Beckett's .. time in twenty-five years. The" last time a wolf was trapped in the dis- trict was twenty years ago, but now, attracted by the large number of deer. they are becoming a. menace to sheep. __-_.x _ . . . _ .....I.:....o ...-nu-..n'.-m-1 In AA- Crown Hill . S18. No. 15 Edgar .. .` Town Rugby .. Jar att O1'o_ Hawkestone Shanty Bay Hall. . Statibn I uley ewe ucuuuuus a. Illvlxuuu vv u..\....,.. A serious accident occurred in Ad- jala on Wednesday 01: last Week. While Leohard Baxter was motoring up Dunn's hill the rear axle broke, put- ting his car out of control and it com- menced to back down the hill. s. Baxter, with her baby in her ar s. jumped and fell backwards on the frozen ground. sustaining very serious scalp Wounds, and did not regain con- sciousness ifor some time. A fracture of the ,base of the skdll-was feared? Mr. B_axter miraculously succeeded in keeping the car on the roaduntil it reached the bottom of the hill. "and the other occupants escaped uninjur- 1 `Cha.. Lover1r;g's 2 Power Plant . . 2.. K ed. LIIU Ch'a.-1'-ls `King, 27, of Chicago, died from infection which\developed in a. broken ankle. \ ` mm.-. am`-m1-u nhnriffn of Kenosha. Vin" W111 uuuc lvncome taxs. AVLIEJJJLILV J. I-Illlsdale .. .. .. . Gibson's I-,Iouse.,. M. Beard's House . .\Warminster .. Moonstone .. F. 0rr's House .. I. School House .. .. Mrs. Shaw's House ankle. 0 -Two deputy sheriffs of Kenosha. ;Wls.. will cbllect $80,000 in delinquent ` \ F lnr-nnnn I`nY. Mtij. for Finlayson, 1578 3 ORILLIA TOWN I ` I 836 Majority for Finlayson. 1244 A Majoriw for" Finlayson, 27? Ma,1.ority for Ross, 396- MhJorit3' for Finlayson, 73" MEDONTE 1 `_T`:IAI\11\ 19 U`2 Majority for Finlayson, 61 TOVVNSHIP OF TAY A -- nn