Fur -Re.;nodeliLing & Repairing MINN|E"MeKERNAN- an Qmgn m. ..v_.---3 we OVVPQIII MINNIE-WILKERNAN. 58 Small \.a'l.V11.a EN Ontario and Domin 133 Blake St., ,_ I ELCH. CAMPBELL e. LAwLEssi Chartered Accountants one Main 5874. 69 Yonge St., To\ronto . . J. Welc-h. C.A. G. D. Campbell, C.A. W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer '1`. E. Lawless. C.A. ' Manager Cast and !an:..:........ n--. ------ `VICTORIAN OBLDELR of NURSES Barrie Branch Residerfce, -86 Worsleyst. Phone 751W` V WELL `BABY CLINIC from 2 to 5 o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse's sbrvices-may be made_.` direct or throu yqur doctor. _. B. M. SYLVESTER .o Teacher` of Music- Bandmaater Barrie Citizens Band Formerly Direptor of Music Christie St. Hosgital under D.S.C.R., bandmaster of 1 4th O.S. Bn., bandmaster of 76th Toronto Scottish Regt._ Asomumo HARDY Mus. Bac.. F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal, and ' Musica-1 Theory. Organist and Choix-master of . St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Gold medalist _Toronto Conselvatory of Musicoand Universitv of m~nn+n uulu xueuauls[.'1`OrOntO Cons vatory Musicand University of oronto. 113 Worsley St. ` Q Phone 683. I e MAUDE E. CLAXTON. L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Con'serva.- tory of Music examinations leading up to and including A.T.C.M. degree. Studio--King Block. ' Phone 424' ` ~ uuu, uNUU1'Welg'l} 1117516` One.` '. After slckness axul where rlckets are suspected they are especially valuable. A . Most people know that from the `livers of Hm `lnm1u...`...m..1.. ..:1......:..-- I DR. E. G. TU_RNBULL Graduate McGill University, Montreal. Officeand Residenc(~>-Cor. Elizabethi and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105.` Office hours: 3 9-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 p.m. . - ' | J. SIMPSON. M.B. _ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Residence--Collier St.. cor- ner Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone'275.. :--:-2- ' 1.`. 12;. Lawless. C.A. Mzgnager Cost and Efficiency Dept. ` _________________..._.__.._._._.... I . DR. N. w. ROGERS ` Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Obstetrics ' [Office and Residence: 60 Mary St. Phone 101` 'Office hours: 8-9.30, 1-2.30. 6-8.30.; HENRY & COWAN lpuxlsultatlon nours--11 a.m. to 5 p.m.] ;Barrie, phone 2. Toronto, North 3326' 5 DR. MORTIMER LYON. 122 Bloor St. `West, Toronto. Will be at 91 Owen St.. Barrie, First Saturday of each month. . Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nbseand Throat {Consultation hours--11 p.m. `Barrie. nhnhn 9 mm-n-ta M-~" '""' DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE I Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., 01: by appointment. Phone 212 umce nours: 1 to 3 or appointment. Phone 213. I A. T. Little, `M.D. W. C. Little. M.B. 3 _""""""""""""""""""- '1: Wu H: Graduzte of Toronn Phone 61 Office Hours: ` 8-9 a..m., 12.30-2 --- Cod Liven? Extract Sugar- Coated Tablets Puts on Flesh nd Builds Them Up. Injust a few da_vs-_-quicker than "you ever dreamed olf-'--.these wonder- ful [health-building', ` esh-creating tablets called McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract Tablets will start to help any thin, underweight little` one. ' Aftpr sxinlennu mm ...1.....;. ..:..I--L_ DR. W. A. LEWIS ' Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner County of Simcoe -and- DD \AI l..I (`Annun- .-vgrnrsx PUBLIC, Conveyancer, in-J eluding drawing of wills, deeds, ar- |x-anging of ;oans, etc, -`Insurance of all; kinds. Executor, Administrator and, Trustee. Thornton, Ontario. 4-62c] __,_______._______.___________________ ....--uvll nan. BARRISTER; SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Bui-lding, [Barrio ' MONEY T0 LOAN ---var`!!! I`: |V|CUuvAqGg B-A0` Successor to Creswick & Bell BARRISTER, SOLICI'I`OR,' ETC`. MONEY TO LOAN. Ross Block. Barrie , PLAXTON &. PLAXTON ` BARRISTERS, . SOLICITORS. ETC. Off-ices: 707-8 Kent Building Toronto. Ont. C. W. Plaxton. G. Gordon Plaxtbn Jame: O. Plaxton (J | .} ?AI.r:.} C -Barrister, Solicitor for bate of wills, iguax-_di_a_u Irnlniuo-m-.4:..... A ..v.....;.c., ouucltol` Ior obtaining- pro: ofwills, guardianship and ad- ministration; General Solicitor, Notary. . Conveyancer. etc. ~ Qffice--Hinds Blrmlr n n----- N BQYS &. BOYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Conveyancers, Etc. Money to/loan at law... ......... Is Your Chr Thin and Weak? ~ Uonveyancers, to loan at lowest rates terest. Of ice-13 Owen St.. in I ic Temple Building, Barrie. | Branch Office-ElmvaIe. y W. A. Boys, K.C.. M.P. J. R. I '} ` . R'.7&. E. BURNS" /(oxzver Fra. 'Dutcher's grocery store) Chiropractors, Drugless Therapists Spinal Adjus`tme_nt and Massage Electric, Vibratory and Magnetic A Blanket Treatments \P`a.tho-Neurometer Service Phage 406.1 for appointment _____________._ General UUNALD ROSS. LL.B. Masonic Temple `Building, B is BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, MONEY TO LOAN -' avamrmlnq IN `T REA!.. ESTATE` . vIvIIIi\lAl` I-UNI: AN Barrister, Solicitor, N_ tary, etc. __ MONEY T0 LOAN Ross Block, Barrie LRRISTFTP . chi 'I'f`1frl\t\-rs n. ..._ , DUNCAN F. McCUAlG. B.A._ ;ll('!l".F|,nnr- fn I`1......-..:-L1 Practica1=`Prescription for Sour,.Acid Stqmach ;_______? `L. R.'ORD crvn. ENGINEER and Dnmlninn `l .onA I DONALD ROSS. LL.l mnnrnrnn C".\'? ......-...- _. . 7/ v - ALEXANDER COWAN tel`, S0liCitnr fnr nktn:-8-~ cuuiopaacc V --ana-- 3!. W. H. CARSON e Toronto University "0ffi'ce-58 Collier St. a.m.. 1230-2 and n e.m_9 ..... -----.__.---.._.--._ Bsgvs a lit-Jlfnrq 1\7no- .. MEDICAL MUSIC put. > / . s The can form was supposed tohave come from the man Joe was dromned. Mr. Neuburg picked it `up with a. guide book. He read it.aHe onened the guide book, as though/.in search for some locality, `pa-nted to a page with his tat finger. a d said, "When did, you get this. Medusa?" v 1-:_ya.nc8l". etc. Block, 8 Dunlp St... MONEY TO LOAN LEGAL A :_ya..uUUl`S, 111120. lowest of in- 13 Mason- Iding. Bar-rip ue-op uouler st. -2 and 6.30-8 p.m. . .St., Barrie I P. 0. Box 1078} ` I ROSQK ,9. 'I):~.nr- n v Anus! -unay U6 N :5---:.----:_ LUJ. 6-8.30. uuvvruv obtaining. pro- .nshin and dad. uxumury {' - She went, across to Mr, Neuburz. who rose from his chair and bowed -with all affabmty of a mere acquaint- mcer. She said. In quite an ordinary. voice. as though dlacussixig thewearh-' Pr, '1' am gqlng to give you a. slip of paper. It seems 1mporta._nt.TCan you take It from me without being` seen?" M1`. Nmlhun,-:2. with all Hm n'nn1Ivy\ An ale. ` R. Boys. k." Ba'me Public --- IV-A`. If you have not plenty of water, het- tersee T. H. Rutledge about drilling a well. I guarantee water and drill with gasoline--no wood or water to haul. I have two machines and the prices are reasonable. o Write or phone me and I will} call on you. ' if u I31:-:6:-n..-._ -- -- u. u. MINNIKIN Funeral Director and Embalmer Ambulance Service - Phone 431 . Motor and Horse Equipment ' Cor. Mary and Elizabeth Sts., Barrio _ - umauuucr 11018135 are great men and they work for little i25 cents a week. an uu yu u. E.`u. nu EDGE, P.9. 122. - 1 BARRIE Ph_<;ne 547 : 48 Ellen St. .o{.e_n 5+ Co`v;;d Trucks` Lane 1:. I.l'UYIl me vutnout nexmz: seen?" Ml`. Neuburg, with all the charm of a. genial` marrof the world. and all the, ncutenesra 9. master rogue. bowed at once. led or to the magazine coun-' tax` to` the right of the `lobby. My dear Medusa. as I select a. guide book for you. lean `across a to reach those post cards, theV'1`)u can drop your paper." Thu null lawn. tun}. ...... ..-.: -- v_--`-- Motor ambulance in R A I) D I I.` nIu'r nuuulr HIIIDIHIIIC BARRlE,,, `ONT. yet, unless '..e are notified to cancel we assume the subscribgr wishes the service continued. REMITTANCES should be made by registered letter, money order, or chequd payable at par ln Barrie. ' ' 1 . up - --____..- u-nu \1'l Ul|- Britain $2.00 per flear in advance in arrears $2.50); United States, 3 .50 per year` in advance. Both old`ja.nd new addresses should be given~w en change oi.` address is requested. _C - `LATIONS-We find that most of our subscribers prefer not to have their- subscriptions interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiratibn. While subscriptions will not be carried Examiner Adlets Ipn Rh!` `Envy vIvo\cn`- .-_ .. uu: 11.11.31) A! sE51"FBooK_s'roR1-: P. C. LLOYD Funeral. Director and _ Embalmer OPEN DAY -KND NIGHT _ 47 Elizabeth St. : Phone 218. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Your READING Needs ARE WELL SUPPLIED AT ['Vf\"I"I'IV9fII\4\4-up------ - ~ Nine-tennths of rnuhln nnurnn `in Harry Barron IS OUR ADDRESS where `ve are equipped bet-ter an ever to attend to ill your wants in the line of 1118 mxaminer is desirous of having reports of meetings and activities of women's organiza- tions for `Women's Realm." Se- cretaries of Women's Institur, and other Societies are request to kindly send such reports promptly, as their news va.li1e` glefreases if these are delayed. In d er to be inserted in "Wome Realm such reports SHOUBD s REACH The Examiner by MONDAY NIGHT. Secretagies are asked to please bear thi in `mind. . 9t. ------C T T . E`s`t;>lished 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS OPEN QAY AND mam NOTICE TO SECRETARIES OF WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS \ .1-`on A ` Hot . Water Heating and , PLUMBING 52 Elizabeth St. : Phone 952W Agen} for McClary s Furnaces. k 32 M-ULCASTER ST.- Both `Heloise and the companion had. ' gone up to their rooms, a prey to emo-- tlonn. Heloise : emotion was not al-. together unpleasant. She was agitated ut the proapectrotan intim te talk` with Clement Seadon on the - ox-row: bu like all people who trample n mix, feelings in'orde'r to bolster u their pride. she felt relief that this condition 01! chilly alootneas between `them was `coming to an end. As Me- duie Smythe had told Mr . N.c-ubu-mg. '1-l'alnl'na Ah! ....+ 1......" ........n.. ...L.... 1...... The_Examiner is desirous avimz renm-ts: nf maanm... ....a `GIVE US A CALL . I Phone 180 PLUMBING AND HEATING _ L W. D. MINNIKIN ,| n:---a.-_ --- ' r. J. RICHARDS nee in connection I`. : Phone 82. A. MacLa1-en. Editor; '. C. Walgs. Manager TRY Shelburne, Ont. - Phone 122 great sales- '| 1n ...... cuuau mun uwuung to an Gnu. As J`I1e- Bmythat Mr". Nc-ubu-rg. Hetalbetdid not know exactly w at her `feelings were '.tow'az:ds Clemen`t Sad-. on. but Ihe`d!d ku'6w enough to rea- lize that 9. renewal_1of their old com- faanianship would be an extraordinar- ly pleasant, thing. Nlhmn gfhVfl\a n'a-Ihaflnn urea A an IIUH I. 3., ., vro -.r\J. \,oI.:(1\J L114 YV_l \(AV, 4 ` z ` . M. I I . /`I ` /7 V J. ' V` - ` Auth_>r _o L_bw Ceilin`gs,? L`9Grelen _{48dies," Wes_w'ard ? with the- Prince `of, yvg1as," etc. ' - v ' 3 I (Conuned trolgi lhjt wok) ,-W. DopoLAs-Neyvfrou 1'\ - ground f1o`er._,the shutters,were back from this. but as it.was filled with ' fected through a cartway. A. heavy on the left. '\ uuvereu with me iatticelike Jalousies or France, as though its- inmates were determined to _ keep. themselves - to themselves. It had one window on the trade samples backed by trade adver-` tlsements. 9. view- of the room behind was impossible. There was no door- way on to the street. Entrance was let- woodengate covered this. a with` u smaller door for humans. in it..Cle - ent surmised that. having passed through` this gate ,lnto_ t `..cartwa..v` that ran .under./_ the `(ho se. (which .ioin`ed to _nd made one 0: .9. block]. /with`a1_1 th__ `houses one that sidelone entered the house itselfiby a doorway._ V . r. Hnwhunn 41.0.. --._._____ . .- - . `on me Iett. ~. Iitowever, this chartwayi o1d hit; bne _th-*ng. In spite of the-fact that the T -.`?ff seemed to come up right behind thehqtge. there mustybe ayard a.t"the back at ..the, _gluem'aker:'s. g Glancjng along the rage ofthje houses hevoh-.. . wer; lses. The g1 tl(1`.'IllS gan g or. rufflans. ' It `was a. short street. anl.it was 88.8) tall, depress irt er, than ctxon` of keening 211 nu ma...:.-..... u_emaker's, No. 7, was a. ing -house that was.even its neighbors. It had the u, uu pressmg -nouse that _ iyeir,-tha_.n 1ts `.119 ctton kee ping all its windows with the lattinnlibn nu.-...o... uus ll_lU LLUII UK covered France. tho 'austere I-Iotel-Dieu, and in the area; of the docks._ too. From these latter- it got some of its mud. and. perhaps, some -of its low ring air. It looked a. darkling, bropdhg. sinister street. Clement round it quite easy to ima. ginev it a place` where, in the grim old Idays,_bravos quietly and expeditious- ly slit throats, or where fur h_unt_.er's had been lured to be despoiled of the geurnings .01 -long . lonely Amonths of trapping';in the virglnwilds. V - . `In this old and moody-sstreet, and 31 the grim and reticent houses that ordered it, almost -{anything might` have happened in -theearly days` of Canada-_but most, of those`. things.` Clement thought, would" have `been eviiu The street had a.n~ aroma of crime. One felt_it,~as .it_were, In the air,` Just as though oegzturies `of wick- ' edness about -its narr . greasy `ide- walks had saturated it with es- sential aura. It was a. street fit (1 `to 4 be the`headquarters of Mr. Neuburg t `andfhie gang of. ruffians. `T A i ` IRE R, nhnv-f auaa6- 'n...l IA _.__- L U: .n..` tugullqul. ' `F The street was as unnrenbssessinst as he` imaglnedlitwould be. It was a. narrow canon. in escribably gloomy and muddy, between the tall. old. straight.-_faced houses that lined it. It was ,rI'ght round beyond the splendid old seventeenth oentury hospital. the `austere Hotel-Dieu, and area docks_ tnn_ .F`rn'rn fhnan 'n+nm. As the massive Mr. Neuburt: sat in his room certain that things were sat- isfactory, Clement Seadoni. with much the same emotions. was searching for and finding thveigluemakeri in the Sault Algonquin. ` Tho cfrnnf Inn .-...`....__-..x-_-_-2_-.- ' ?"ir's'. 't'1e{E'i,I r`c"t37. isfactory. And indeed he was. |.Ir:`qu'u uer ra.Lu1~ng at the windows. ; When the tchambermaid came round the corner of the gallery to ask if it was all right now, he was at h1s_doo1-g bea.m ing-but this time.-perhaps, with a more natural good humou\'. WV!-53. that in ua'Hui onO-nun (Inns. .-.4. \r\'\"L5lll. U1. :1 nan-aouaz` `D1806. it The girl smiled.and opened. the - `door. With a polite, Tha.nk~1,enor-'.A 1 mously," Mr. Neuburg lipped mvayt: from her with this '; swlftness. He went into his own room. -1 He opened his one pf the `double doors} between his room" and Clement Sea-'4 don's h;1throom.. He listened .at the other loor.. He did not hear as well as Clement had heard. for the bathrdom was betwe-en.Bhim and the Fmzllsh-` man sl-room.` ut he heard.lI-Ie heard the movements of the Jhambgxmaid. o heard her rattling at the win we. ! VVhen thli. `nhnrnhm-rnnl nu-nap. ...-.u-.1-1' LU Luv guuery on wmcn ms room stood. i \ He went not merely to his own room but walked` `round the corner of the qgallery to the door or Clement Sea- don's room. As he stood there regard- ing it contemplatively, the chamber- maid passed by. He looked at her, or rather across her shoulder. with that smile which was quite charming. but had'not the slightest tinge of human emotion in it. and he said, "',l`hero is, I think, a blind in that room which is makingnoises `in the wind. It destroys my nap. -I have knocked on the door. but the occupant of the room is not there apparently. Would it be asking you too much togo in and pull up} that blind, so th t` I can have my beauty sleep undisturbed ?" "A hl/Ina hie annual nvlbk Ll... ucuuuy sleep un(ustuI'De(!'."' . He backed his appeal with the weight of a half-dollar piece. The '91?` nrnn and nnnnnn-I Gian puuuu hula genial DUIK. At once he rose mdolently. walked across the lobbyto the reception desk. He asked in his affable way if he could see the room bookings. He look- ed through them. He stopped when he came to.the name Clement Seadon. He ,_stopped with reason, for he saw thatyC1ement s room was next his own. He stared at that number for a moment. said Thank you" very`poli:e- 1ye- to the reception clerk. nd mounted to the gallery on which hi room stood. "A wnnf hnf rhnrvnlu I-A Inla Active nun... - her door oi. the bathroom that led to any yluq.sul|L., uung. , _' Medusa Smythe's agitation was or a ditlerent order. Therewas fear ln.it... She. had received an imnerative mes- sagelrom one of the conspirators: he wants? to_ see her in the hotel lobby.- That act in itself was disturbing. She hurried swiftly to the lob,by---and there was no Joe. Nobody was there wanting her. What did. it mean? Had Joe been frightened away? Or-'-or was it some ruse? She was puzzled. scared. She e'lt.that her own wits were-not ca able of dealing .with this matter. . e left Heloise, grappling w th the feminine complications of _ pre aring . for a walk. `in her room, passed swift- ly across. her own. She slipped ajar Mr. Neuburg's room. and scratched etealthily on the inner door. That was . `the signal. She repeated it several `times. It was not answered. Mr. Neu- burg was not in his room. She halt `expected that; that might be the rea- son Ioe had sent in toher. She closed her own of these double bathroom doors, and her anxiety was increaed. She must see and `speak with Mr. Neuburg. It might be a matter that did not brook or delay. Her agitation developed` steadily, until both ladies got down to the lobby again. then. `with a gasp of relief, she said, Oh. there.'s.Mr. Neuburg . . Do you mind, Loise; I do want to speak to him about something before it slips out of my memory?" Rho want any-nun fn 'mr.. '\Y.u.1......,-.. auure u.nu sumuiateyour Wits." When the two ladieshad gone out Mr. Neuburg satand smoked and con- sidered this unexpected Vhappenlng deeply. His was a. quite exceptional brain. and he had mastery over his thoughts and his memories. It was while he was going over his memories that the smoke of his cigar suddenly ceased to puff. That was the only sign exhibited by his impressive, placid and genial bulk. ~ A1` nn'nn ha Ivnun lnnlnnlu vIvn'I1ln:-I .uuUul. JUU," sum U16 _WOI!1B.Il ED118111) . - "Certainly this is your day for be- ingf triumphantly dull, my dear. /'1`h'is Englishman has bewltched you." But how could he know about Joe? Ah, my mild one, that is a thing that even 11 cannot tell you without finding out. It is to be found out. Now go back `to the girl with this guide book, tell her the -pleasant Mr. Neuburg has recommended it as the best of its kind--and remember that it your brain has turned into wool. you have the support of mine, which is particularly acute. That may re- store and stlmulateyour wits." Whh fhn turn 'InrIInn'ha a-Ann nub uuu In U18 uuung I'ODXI1'."' ' ` - No-I did not see him. -But then I did not look very keenly. Surely the `lglngolishman does not know about oe.'.' . , ; Somebody knows about Joe." said Mr. Neuburg. Somebody knows so ',much about Joe -that he recognized the name was enough toget you away from Heloise into the lobby/`at a run; Who do `you think would pull off av trick likothat. my mild Meduse? "But the Englishman cannot know about Joe," said the _woman sullenly. Certninlv fhh: In vnur dnv 17-nv ha- aucuuau U18 same." She said nothing to you--:a'bout anybody speaking to her. I mean? Nothing at all." . T ' "And the Engllshman-d1d you see him in the dining roox"n? 7' Nn--T did nnf can him -1211! {Juan T ~ `It 'was -- brought ltofme/. by at page, Just after I had sat down to lunch." "'1'-Tn_._nn um. nranf nut at Anna -`L74: ,,lI-IHIQ utter 1. nan Bat uown to lunch." Ha---and you went out at once. -I-Ie 4Joe--h_e was not there; of course. He. would notsbe there. This; is a. thing 'i}e..would-'-not do.`4r - He was not there," said Meduse. `.`And' when you; came back from this false ca-ll-how was the girl?" _ She wa`s alone--as I left her. She seemed thesame." ' ' `hn gala` ....-. -1.1.... a- ...... ..'1......4.= uaI.ul`tu gu0_C1 numour. that 1,3 satisfactory, very sat-4 'y. indeed thought it`- new condition is allowed to cozinue. the acid is very- likely to eat into the stomach walls and produce gastritis with stomach ulcers. This may render a radical surgical operation necessary even toprolong life. Therefore. an "acid stomach is really a" dangerous condition and should be treated ser-- iously. The excess. acid, or; stomach hyperacidity can easil .be neutralized by Blsurated Magnes a taken in tea- l spoonful doses-in 8, glass of waterat each meal. Largerrquantities may~ e used it necessary as nit -is absxutely harmless. Be, sure to.ask.your-d gglsta tor the pure Blsurated Magnesia es- pecially prepared. for this p_urpos_e..A1,8c| , ..-..-._.,y -urvqv- -gnu . Eggs. doz. Butter. ppund Fowl, pound Chickens (broilers), pound Ducks,~pound Geese. pound ,Cre_amf. pint Buttermilk. qr. s&m&emsms&ms&i '. SATURDAY MARKET Last Saturday's `market~was 'in many respects a repetition "011 \that'of t Week before;fCo1d weathey again kept argreat many country people from coming in and._ while thewmarket building was crowded with would be purchasers, `vendors were few and pro- duce quite scarce. Chickens and fowl were quite noticeable. every table hav- ing itsv quota. Chickens and ducks ' brought 30 cents a_ pound and geese and fowl were a few `cents cheaper. Eggswere scarce and the price "re- mained at 70 and `'15 cents. which was .I__ . \ I asked 't1_1e previous Saturday. Beets, basket 25c Carrots. basket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~.;. .` 20c Onions. basket . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Cauliower, each . . , . . . . . . . 10-15c Vegetable rnarrow . . . 3:. . . . . . . . . _10-15c` Potatoes,;_ba1g 2-. .' . . . . . . . . . $1.75- 2.00 Cabbage, each A. ._-. . . . . . . . . . . . . .s 1 -15c I I I 0 5 is 04 e : 0'. 9 0 up no 0 'Cucumb_ers. basket .. . . . . . . . . . . . '35-50c -'l`omatoes .. basket . ._t . . . . . . . . . . #06 ....'--Ba-..'..oo.'...o Ag......4o`g..-o-fa.-r9... Eggs plant. each. . '. . . . . . . . .` . . '15c -Apples, basket .. . . . I. . . , . . . .30-35c ' 4 P ultrjy, Butter and Eggs. V ~ " _ 53 K4 THE MARKETS mmsvnvamm mm mmmmmm 1"vincial Police Constable F. Simpson l'UUIVlJ`DllI,.ls` IN OPERATION [ .Inspector Wright of Midland. Pro-' and County Constable James John- stone paiid Ia hurried visit to Sunni- dale Township on` Tuesday, Nov. 30, and searched the premises of Ruth Mason, situated near New Lowell. They found a. fine copper `still infull operation and a quantitybf mash of good quality. Ruthlwas taken to Co]- lingwood, and before the Police Mag- istrate pleaded guilty` to having in l her possession a still, worm and a. quantity Itof mash suitable for the manufacture of spirits without having a license as required by the `Inland Revenue `Act. A fine of $200 and one month in the County Jail was imposed and in default of payment of the fine six months in the County Castle. `Ruth left forABarrie by motor.-Col1ingwood _Enterprise. . j-2- 5u.xu uuupceu ms casual air . He wuss to all appearances an occupant of the] glue factor:/_ taking an airing on the; roof. He dawdled about. hands `Ina pockets. looklng-about him, up to the| cliff. along the-backs of ,the other` houses. Then he strolled towards the. house, poised himself on the edge of} Ithe roof just by the flre escape over J the cartway. He jumped, caught it, V scrambled on to the landing. Then, very calmly. he walked up the iron: 3 stalrway until he came to the fourth` floor. The wlndoweof the fourth floor 3,was shuttered but. apparently. not - rbolted, for the slim ~ma'n opened the lfshutters without effort. slid through; 7,them into the hous_e. pulled them to .1-after ..him and disappeared. l I !; \Vaitln2- fnr n Vnlnnfn nv -Mun (Vin... I snelter or his scrap-heap, and made! his Way out'of the builder's ,var.d. He: `had discovered two very important: things. The first, that Siwash Mike had returned to the gluemaker s to `report the whereabouts of Henry Gun- gningr. The second discovery was that there was; a` way into the .gluema.ker s from the back. . . ~" g He hurried back to the Chateau `Frontenac. He was anxious to know What the massive Mr. Neuburg made` ,of the flrsttfact. And how far his own -knowledge of the second fact was go- ing to help him discover Mr. Neu- burg`s future plans. 1 run. 1.- '-_,-4-' V -- {mun-..zuzn ana cusappeared. i 3 Waiting for a minute or two Clem-! 'ent presently backed away `from the}. shelter of his scrap-heap, made; way out of the builder's: vnm-1 T-To! wuureauuuts or nenry Gunning." There could be little doubt about it. 2.` The newcomer was making: his way, m e] such a fashion as to escape detection. 3.1 to the gl`ucmake1"s of Algonquin,` the; lace where he was to report.` Fmmij his hiding place, Clement followed his"- movements. They were sinuous and ! swift, .v_eritabiy an Indian's. _He `wz-i.;:l~ I} gledadown the cliff by known foot-l. holds. reached the back yard. of tho. gluema.ker'.~ poised` for a moment. ' just above it, and then spra`ng lightly] on to the flat roof of the buildin='.- -'1 then that was possible. Clement saw that there was a ledge along the cI'l l'.',t that made the take-off for the jumplil easy. V a Once on the roof. the slim man a-tit gain -adopted his casual air He `wasa 8. annearnnrms: an nnnnnonf A41 '1...-.I Nine-tenths of all cases of stomach! trouble nowadays are caused by~too much-ac1d.'In the beginning`the stom- ach itseltis not diseased. `V but I: this acid condition is allowed the dcid very- likely to eat lnfn n... LHAJU U1. '1 L- . Clement sta.red- and chuckled. And` he muttered. "Sjw-ash Mike, By an] that s_lucky, it's Slwash Mike come to: Quebec to report on the doings and} whereabouts of Henry Gunning." 5 There could be little. annm nhnnf u . Clement tlngled as he thought that. And even as he thought it, the slim man moved-abruptly and swiftly to the cliff, glanced along it, and in .11 moment was cfpcendlng the sloplngg face of it. - - f`Inrv\nvuI- ad-n'..4.A .....! _I_._'_I I, q s -l Lcu.Lun-:5 uxey were--uKe an 1ncua.n's.` burn. Hi ya: LU_ sue. ' ' . ' f The second thing-about _him was} the color and the-outline of his fea- tures, as well -as thellithe slimness 0;` his build. Hi.fa;ct had a. curious cop- per browness that might have been] sunburmsqn y4 it was deeper than sun-: features `had a definite a-I quiline clear-cutness. rather indivdual: features they were-1ike India.n's. Clement finaind 9:: `ho M-.mm1..+ fkn `U1. El ueuxauung. While Clement` was: slut`/udving ` house} he became conscious that some: one else had en ered ,_the builder's yard where` he ha hidden himseli. A young. slim man cameicasuallyi into (view, strolling with hands in pockets; towards the edge of the cliff. Clement r '-mm round the pile of scraped rubbish sheltering him. - ' crouched `closer in his jsheltr. and" prayed that this wox-k'man-for (hat? was what the` young man. seemecz--} had no business which would bring; I Than no he rlinuuoht Ha. ha. nu.-....:~ `BILUILUFIIIE -KIIIIL _ I Then, as he thpughth this. he noticed; two peculiarities aboutthe man. Thei -first was, that in spite of his `casual- nesa. the young man had nompre right? to be there thanhimself. He` was throwing keen, swift glances about; him, as though he were doing some! thing tha.t`he did not warit otherpeu-` ple to see. ' I The nnnnnn-I Iv}-uh-no nknvi` kl... nu...- FOUND STILL` IN OPERATION. Tnnnohtnu: n7..':...|.a -0 '|t:_1I____1 ithin. exhaxt pipe--in it, undoubtedly, of gluemaking. / l.'l-IUUJBIL I . 1 ' ` No. 7 was easy to find. It was under thexcliff where it slopedzdown rather less steeply. Clement noted; that, At a. pinch an active man,migh-it find 9. w_a,y down there. The yard was a. fairly large `one, littered with the rubbish of! manufactory, ,a'ndA partly filled by a! single-storied building. of very much; later construction than the house it-1 self. This had a flat roof and.square walls, a jet of steam came out of a gyere carrri on the mysticalprocesses r`_1DVYIQl'I`f' tuna` +I`t`47"`l1Q' 4-hr. were mto ~wmcn '~peop1e could escape. gGetting round to the `back was not easy. .He `found _he had to climb through distant streets to watch the cliff-top`..a.nd when he arrived on top he had to` .trespp.ss into a. builder's yard in order to look down on to the -backs of the houses in the Sault Al-` gonquin. `As he did not yvishto be dis-- turbed. he hid behind a pile of scraped . rubbish. RTA '7 virus Anna; in lieu: 1'4. _-.... ...._1-.- aket . basket . Iver, Le .. ,5ba.\g .each .. 1-15c -vtosuoaocoo-ufnou grs. 35-50c S. 18 ....`..--.;.......'...o yvnvuodoxeon-03:16:-yous 11:. .30-35c] "AA." c - and 37- ld oikunnv-$0-`auto-0-no 24' broilers), . . . . .28- ndv.{ou-..:'..'... .u7.....v. >a(Q`IlII0oorI o - - u o a - It` 4,.\` gcuuuu 14 puunas In seven months. Ask any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablts--as easy to take as candy--arid 60 tablets, 60` ,____________________ ..-.-. V ynuun. I ( To be continued) "..., . I ....... Icv:o"oo` ..... .. 25cl- .... ...._10-15c` .... . . 10c cg": ru 9 0 .oo 3 I ....;.. 15c ... 30-35c] :70.-75c 37-40c 24-26c \ .28-30c ... 30c ' . . ,24c. 300.? I v-- v~--v -v-~-9--a-*~0 . Rheumatism is a. dangerous disease. ` It. often affects the heart and causes. audden; death. If you have it in the! slightest degree `get asbottle of Rheuma from Wm. Crossland or any _druggist -roday and drive it: from your system at vnce. T ` E - 4tfc ` , I ,--.. _.. -.-.v-aa_auwa-.unA auwa uul It matter `not whether you are tor- ? ed wit pain, crippled with swollen `Joints or distressed with occasiona :wlnges,\Rhe_uma is guaranteed to en ` smur rheumatic trouble or money back. .I3`k.un...`.. I... 4..-; -.. 4--A..I_'A . H... . ..... uuuv uuu-unv UL uJ.UuI:,Y ULIUK. =Rheum'a., is just as effective in cases `)f lumbagg, ~ sciatica... arthritis and" :hronic neuralgia. rI:n....-.._-4..r__._ 3- _ L- -- The first day ypu take R euma, the \ 1octor's remedy that is sell ng_so-ra.p- 'dly, yo'u ll~realize that when Rheuma goes in Rheumatism goes out. ` T6 vuu-\'L6n.... ~...-.4. _.I__LI_ _,, QUICKLY D mas our ALL % RHEUMATIC mson - _ \ 1 Notice is hereby given that a By- Law was passed `by the Council of gthe *Corp`orat'pn of the County of :.:Simcoe, on the 26th day of Novem- Tiber, 1926, providing for the guaran-I gtteeing of payment by the County of ;' Simcoe, of the debentures of the ;JTown of Midland to the amount of if$160, 500.00 `for the" construction of Pavement~in the Town of Midland ;.`and such By-Law was registered in !the Registry Office for the Registry 7 . Division of the County of Simcoe, on -ithe 2nd day of December, 1926:` Ann nan`-31; in .........L -.. _-L -~-- - QIJVIIGJ uaun. `A very Vsixlzkl child, aged nine, gained 12 poun s in seven months.- Ask anv Arno-m`u+ 49.... 1|/r..n....o.. n-.I - It I " lame A'(ractaf('odliveM Er-I : For COUGHS.COLDS : . and BRONCHITIS . : I - { A ueur \ve1_2,`mng um pounds was] `shot in the mountains near Clarks-' iburg. W. Va. ` uuuluu l.t:u?1.llL.`5. 11115 xanalora. 8. mas- on 'by trade, let his house to working ipeoeple with whom he did not get on `well, and whom he `vainly tried to; {evict.- I~`ina lly, th tenants returning` xhome one evening?` found that a kit-I Lchen wall had he-e demolished. "A no-, .tice was posted upon the wreckage; fstating that this was only the be-` 3 ginning of operations. This act of evic- |tion_, it is said. proved effective. I 1 J There are old sayings about scutt-N `ling a ship or burning a barn to get} lrid of rats. but it has been reserved, for 9.-~land1ord at Liverat. in France, to tear down his house to get rid of human tenants. This landlord. mas-l on 'hv fl-ado lnt hie hnvlan fn .......:..-...... % Break the-Gri of that-Cold! \ `D_;L .1- 4| , . me znu day or December, 1926. ' Any motion to quash or set aside {the same, or any -part thereof, must ibe made within three months after gthe first publication of this notice! sand cannot be madevthereafter. ' !DA/TED 3rd day of December, 1926. 549-_51c J. T. SIMPSON, In (V......L.. nI-._1_ n-___,L gvuc auu uay U1. uecemDel`,_ 1926. ' Any motion to quash or ,set aside` the same, or any part thereof, must be made within, three months, after, `the first publication of this notice :and cannot be m/ade thereaftei`. T {DATED 3rd day of December,` 1926. 49-51:; J. T. SIMPSON, County Clerk, County of Simcoe. 14.. _._- e- {NOTICE or REGISTRATION on-' I BY-LAW, NO. 1609 - I. . . ~ 1 Notice is hereby given that a By- 5 Law was passed by the Council of :the Corporation of the County of |Simcoe, on the 26th day of _Novem- i' ber_, 1926, providing for the guaran- Ite_e_mg' of payment by the County of ,S1mcoe, of the debentures of the 5Town of Midland to the amount of _$_24,000.00 for the construction of }Sewers in the Town iof_,Midland and such By-Law. was registered in the 1 Registry Office for the Registry Di- `vision of the County of Simcoe on _!the 2nd day of December, 1926. Anv mntinn fn mans}. M. ....4. ....:.1-n and suspected mey especially from '_ livers of the lowlyevicodsh vitamines of the first class are extracted--the kind that help all feeble, underweight men, women and children. my f'Knco'u1nnA......l L..L'I-L_ A, AA A bear. weighing 510 poudg wa\S hot the mniinfninq nan r*1m~1n._.~ Ntmc1-: `OF REGISTRATION or I BY-LAW NQ., mos ~ , None:-:` or E`<;1srrnAi9ioN _:o'1.= BYgLAW- NO. 1607' . Nbti is hereby given" that 5, By; Law has ep`ased'T*by-the `Council of the (Corporation. . of the `County `of her, 1926, providing for the "guaran- teeing of payment by" the County-of. Simcde, of the debentures of the of '$5;0 0.00 for` the purpose of Townshi of Inni-sfil to the amount` erecting a School House insschool Section No. 4 and for the purchase of furniture and equipment and such By-Law was registered in the Regis- try Office ,for ,the Registry Division of "the County of Simcoe on the 2nd `day of December, 1926. -`- . Ah`! 1vIn+:nn n' nlansk A-n nnJ- nail- Sxmcog on the 26th `day of Novem- I 'uuy U1 JJECBIIIDCT? 1.350. ` . Any motion to quash or set. as1de ,the1ame, or any -part thereof, mu s_t ibe made within three months after {the first publication of this~notice :'and cannot be made thereafter. [ . I I DA'7I`E.DV3rd day of "December, 1926. `.49-51c . J. T. SIMPSON, County Clerk, County of Sirncoe. on IJLAVLJ. LJUAV, >r 'C'o-u'nty Cl;r.k, County of Simcoe. ob - : B5??? 3 STRENUOUS EVICTION . Rub thefchesf V and throat with u_u:u, wuule ana cnuaren. Try_ thesewonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail, puny child doesn't greatly bnet--get your moz1eyback.`. ` ` V Ivnntv `n:a`.1.. -L!1j . `