and are the i ' have found. If these are 3 zive me that gun ...u...._ -_.- | T17U-z`z_I.E- COUPON sir `DA.-saw. nan ... uccu uu.::1'cu. 111 8. Mall and Ln be a. winner. The `prizes be awarded in time to` , E, Toronto, Canada ....u. u. cnes__e the 950 points-and no ngl 50 points to j 0. Canada. 1';'wRs1'SAY, NOVEMBER Delicious and Refreshing __ 6C practice for` nearly `50 yeai-s--URA- 111'. auuuxwurms ur at once! Made from 21 special formula, suc-_ cessfully used in the Doctor's private] TABS are particularly designed to swiftly relieve the pain and misery of burning Urethral Irritations. Backach- es, Bladder Weakness and Getting-Um Nights. Safe. Pleasant. Inexpensive- and supplied by all good druggists on` ` a. guara.ntee of money back if not sat- isfied.`If you need a medicine of this kind. try URATABS today. 45 c---------------------------------- K: . W 11, 1926 lJl'llIlH. . Barrie . . Bradford Toronto .i JVJ.lul'cl0 . Penetang Orillia Dam-v`n Leave- M \Il lllld . Arrive---. Penetang Midland . `Toronto . Bradford Barrie . . IX-III".-. JJLl'I It Orillia A -_l.... Leavrg. Eu; mu mob Inn. Add `uni Dept: stonhonu. cd.,Boutroul.r:uPrleon, 50:3 25. Ointment 26 and 60. Talcum e Cntieun Shawl:-nu sn.-L. '91:. . CONVENIENT ECO TRAVIS! MET1i6}3E lmi `Til!-t BT01 .'vA|u`l ! 3H'( for thv fun Costs less per hen " 100-lb. be 25-11). bag ORDER . 1'4. W911 HH- 'Y\f..k. I n. l|Q'l'l'?l\'('H. R9\'. `V. IV`. and .'\h':~'.. P. bers of mi: s}'rnp:Lthy tPn(}<-(1 In : \l.... L` (~ ( 1 GM GHQ J 31; ?cellng. land. I. .1. 3.. ,\(>\'_ Z'v Jim. Tmn\ came as .1 The fun:-1`: }\Inn(I.'1)' W: her of frlw `L.n...... .., .1 Keep Timet Effective GOIN Egg VVIHK, illlll all r(`m::in: him fur :1 V CG-16 uur nulxnu `ton (lm-5;!` keeps ri: I" in (an 1.1.! M Travel in r-ar bussos. Express S. rnnu u FP- fnrsovg Ln. . lVI'3l. \\'h(-n Work In rt-Quin-:4 men, h. `time fn` zrnains ll 1.. ../ zbc. Ointment ind 501:. THEE $'c:" "1 Cutiqurn Shaving Stick 25.- u1;.', I ]0W~: bvst. \|'\. This Essay I ered. N is no Ii} he owns AWN Get the /1-UR5d 'L[Jl CD5 `*9 roads, mi Daily J 1.l\Ll. I . &45 ; T00 . 7.30 1 &30 2 . 930 3 .1L00 4 Phone un ll `H vol}. `II. 4 No matter what your age may be, -how long you have been troubled or `how many medicines you have tried without success---`if you are a victim of Bladder Weakness and Urethral Irritation, causing days of troublesome' annoyance and nights of broken rest-- you should try the amazing value of Dr. Southwortlfs URATABS at once!` Made from 9 Qnnninl fun-n-nun 5.... More % amt] lst A\l} linn This freely luhering Shaving Stick contains the emollient and medicinal properties of Cuticura. enabling tender-faced men to shave without the slightest irritation. It leaves the skin softened and re- fteohcd and free from anytenee, dry feeling. Cuticura s'ha&nTsEEE?\ Luxury for %TnderL/Faces Druggist Tell?` I Easy Way To End Bladder Weakness Pleasant, Inexpensive Home Treatment` Quickly Relieves Daily Irritation ,, and Getting-up-Nights The Folly of-lTa%king N Digestive Pills Warns Stomach Sufferers Neutralize Dangerous Acids Stomach with Hot Water and Manage}: PERSONAL __lN$'l'RUCTlON I rig. Two `I'heRoyal Bank 9! Canada DADDIIS n A`! _v - 3 TCTW BARBIE BRANCH - - - I. R. Diet, Manager THORNTON BRANCH - - . ` M. C. Wigle. Manager 333 acn wltn l'lO`_l and Magnesaa. uxgesuun Dy ena mg` do its work wit out . 450 , j --Buy Staunton's'--I semi-1 wallpaper -- 22 in. wide ir_u old 18-in. For sale by .W. I &- Son,,'E1izabeth St. wuu_m ne_rnougnt tor the 1 tarlo. ` ` - ` Th9 cbnvexftion closed cheers for Mr. Ross. ,-euau spuxe orieriy. Mr. Ross, in accepting the nomina- tion, declared that he would support the O.T.A. and any dry legislation which had done so much good should receive the hearty endorsation of the electorate. He reviewed the history of the 0.T.A., and declared that it had not been given a chance since the ad- vent of the Ferguson administration; He asked that the people of East Sim- coe should not form any opinions in regard .to the Act from impressions gained during the past few years. Ev- erything had. beentydone to discredit the O.T.A_.. and since it had lacked the -moral backing of the Premier. the re- spect otxthe general public for the measure could not be maintained. 'He would accept` the nomination purely for the opportunity -to back up the temperance cause in Ontario and maintain . the O.T.A.. -which. had wrought much good since it came into force ten years` ago.- `The Premier's policy had all~the.earmarks of being backed by the brewers and distiiiers. would receive `a great set-back. He was confident that the electors .0! East Simcoe, irrespective of party, who were in favour at strong temperance legis- lation. would back_him up. Should he be elected the temperance cause would comeflrst and then theother policies` zvhich hethought for good of..On- ar 0. ` The province under such a. fneasure wusaxoie. saw Mr. urury in closing. George McLean. chairman of. the convention. in declining the nomina- tion . stated that.he would _not be able to stand owing to press of business, al- ;though nothing would be more to his [liking as a Liberal than to oppose and defeat Premier Ferguson -and his liquor - lpolicy. There was no such thing as government control. The government could not control liquor after it was sold. The temperance question could never be ettled` by football politicians ` of Mr. Ferguson's stamp. The Premier ' had made'it'impossible for the electors to see the real merits of the Act. Messrs. Thompson, Powell and Mercer also spoke briefly. Mr. `Ross, In nnmannnn 41.... ......s-.- auupurt. "- ' The Hon. E. C. Drury stated in op- ?` ening that he would not accept-" the ' nomination, .on the same grounds as Mr.` Grant. )t was the mdst fateful 5 I election before the electors in the his- hftory of Ontario. Four years agohe fl had told the electors that the O.T.A. 9; was at stake. and he had been borne H ` out by the recent `developments. Pre- --Fmier Ferguson andjhis followers had 'Jset out to discredit the Act from the F , very outset. During the last plebiscite 5' he charged that the Ferguson govern- I` ment had been in connivancewith -" i men in the north who voted as often as -"they liked. Four-four beer had beenxa ';breach of faith and now we had an - 5 issue which we,thought had been with- 5.drawn from party politics.` The only lfreason why the liquor question had "been injected into party politics is the steadfast and unchangeable purpose in life of the Hon. G. Howard Ferguson `to keep the" Hon. G. Howard Ferguson in power as long as he thinks it is " possible, said Mr. Drury in closing. 4 McLean. chairman mt '1-kn L_ t . Fred Grantcdeclared that he had ' had enough of political fights for one - season and that he would not consider ']his name going befor the convention. 5 He thought that Pr mier Ferguson's Titactics had been typical -of him and ii promised ` the candi:.da,te chosen his` _ ' support; 1 I . rphn nn 1;! {'1 1-\.,......-- .._;..__,1 1,, LUU UUII van (.1011. J. C. Miller stated that he wae` glad to see `that the invitation had been ex- tended to all who were in sympathy nounced Premier Ferguson's poIicy,in- dealing with the O.T.A. I don't think that ever before in the history of any political party a. leader enunciated a policy and then ten days after dropped i llwith the tqmperancegause. He de-l I it"? nu`. muss 1s I-avourably known: [throughout the rural part of the rid-A ing as well as in the towns. He was Progressive `Federal Member in the} House of Commons from 1921 to 1925, and has always been a strong support-` | er of the O.T.A. andthe cause of tem- leperance in general. Tdnnh nnn-Hung amour- In 0.... ......_'I,, A~ pcrauuu 111 general. - ` Each nominee spoke a. few Words to ` the convention. I 1 T (` Rillnu nl-.-.L,..! `LA; 1-, 7,, - - - U1. uu-: .vu1'gusUn ' government and` in favour of the O.T.A.- Wednesday. ,afternoon, Nov`. 3, in the Orillia Opera, House. The convention, which was re- .presentative' of this riding, was en-, [thus`lastic, Mr. Ross receiving the un-' animous endorsation. Others who were nominated but -who later withdrew. were Messrs. Georg'e.-- McLean, Arthur; B. Thompson, Walter Powell and J. 63.3 Miller, Orillia; James Mercer, presi- dent of East Simcoe Progressives-: F. W. Grant, Midland; Hon. E. C. Drury, Oro. C. H. Hale was z/a.1so_nominated. but was not present, being out of town. NIX`. ROSS is: 1 -,1vnnm~a} 1zn.-un.-. ! ~ Thomas E. .Ross; of Guthrie. was chosencas prohibition candidate at an` open convention of Liberals, Progres-g sives and Prohibitionists and all op-; ,posed to the proposed liquor policy of the Ferguson "government and` favour of 1-hp nm A _ nrnA...m.:.... [To -Have Support of Libera1s, Progressives and ` Prohibitionists ' QPROHIBITION FORCES? f UNITE ON T. E. Ross, ..u was no: presenrt, nemg out of town.: Mr. Ross is favourably known: hrousrhout the rum! nnrf nf` mm mm. D " VlllI'Wl'l!! instea by W. `A. 1 with I-trimmed ` nalbnnnl `J three Laauli, was won Dy D`.-J. .l"lSl`lel`. [ _ Apple Week is an advertising cam_-I paign for apples, said the speaker. Farmers~:re alizeV the need of adv_er-I tising when they see foreign goods on the markets. Apple growing is really a Canadian industry, but. th' I country imports $12,000,000 worth} of apples annually that are, or could` be, grown here. . . Keeps the Doctor Away -The old saw, An apple a'day- keeps the doctor away, is not a supersti- tion, he stated, but is founded on fact. In ancient literature the apple ' is described as a life-givin`g-'fruit. The birthplace of the apple tree isi Sam`? HR A` FHA .(" n I 1 n n I--'-`-- Canadiani Apple Week" was ob- served by the "Kiwanis -Club last Fri- day at their luncheon, thevspeaker be- . _ secretary of the `Beaver Valley Co- ing Claude `Running of -Clarksburg," I operative Apple Club. At each mem- ber s plate was a splendid specimen of "Snow apple, grown by Mr. Run`- ning and provided by him for thei occasion. `I. C. Marritt was chairman for the day. The booster was Geo. Mc'Conkeye and "his prize, a safety - razor, was won by S. J. Fisher. I AHHIQ Wan]: :5 on at`:-n_L2_.'.... _---- I` Spak`e rA Tells'Tliw1nians "and i Shows Why;'$`12',O00,000` of 0 TApples Imported V I BUY Am) EAT MORE I CANADLAN APPLES! THE, BARRIE EXAMINER 1 Me HL()ma( hindrance. V ,, _- -- --...... ..-mu ma.-laser. Get; started vf )r theVB Puzzle MgI`., Room 207, THE MAIL AND EMPIRE, _ , , ,,,--- -.. \A~sul pllllc u1a.y\ De W011 ..... .... uucxcauug puzzle contest. and will be ' awarded promptly after December 11th. the golden "opportunity, $2,000 IN CASH. In the event of ties for any prize. duplicate prizes will be awarded. _l,000 ppidts wine First Prize. We will give you 950 points for nding the Twins. Im- mediately upon receipt of your correct ans 9 ill d ' ulars f, rd- building contest, in -which, if siuccessful we we W sen you part; ` 0 8 W0 th ii 31 50 ' require d` ' ' 82,000.00 First Prize. or one of the 49 ,() th e`I _' uCl:;nPri:es.n mum` to Wm a -II II Dug--1 There will be 50 winners and the First Prize. Won't that be a wonderful Christmas Gift? Nqw. nd the Twins. Write the address. and mail it to the .Puzz1e This is one of the greatest array of Cash Pri zes that has even 1 Empire Puzzle Contest. That's whateit is, folks---and you( can , range from $2 to $50 and from $50 to $2,000. All prizes will be the Winners by Christmas Day. V Think of it! You can win as much as $2,000. in this interesting puzzle contest. Prize. the ammo- 117-__n. 4-: - - as-\....._ `the Contest rm...+-.. ...` At first glance al`l of the pictures look alike. But uv almost every one differs in some way from all the 0th In the light or dark band on the brim of the hat or collar. Or, some may wear necklaces, or ear-rings, or No, it's not as .easy as it looks. You must search care: Just look c1osely---make sure that you have the twins, body who nds the rigHt\twins is going to win a, big YOU. , No, they are not all twins! Two and only you are asked to nd. Can you? To be 1 but look" closer. How about their hats? ' Read the clues. Only two girls are exact you nd them? a.1\] lllfnnaf u.....-. ._.._ A Can Yea: Find me Twins? . v:u--I M is the lceyno to the raoid auccen all at dents may make in any one of SHAW '8 TWELVE BUSINESS TRAlN- 4` ING SCHOOLS. Enter any` line. No vacations. Day and. In night session; and Whom study. S courses? . Free parties`! ya, 1 , ant. 3-4; A. Mclntoah, M31, 48 _Bloor Street West, Toronto. S 50 CASH 1-mjztas led, think that they can get the ._big, showy apples only from. ,Br1t1s.h 1-. Columbia and California. Th_at__1s D true, but these `apples lack` the Juice, crispness and f1_avor- that are found is in eastern apples. Much is heard`o_f_ they applesfrom the Okanagan Valley in British -Columbia and the Annapol- is Valley in,Nova Scotia, ibuthe de- . clared that the Beaver Valley pro- . duces betterapples than the others.- _ At Liverpool, the biggest fruit-mark- _ etin the world, the first car of ap-\ _ ples shipped by his_club brought one iand a half - shillings a barrel `more f `than the next highest and they again _,topped the` market last year. 1 Poor `Samples Displayed - Mr. Running noted with regret the > number of poor apples displayed in . shop windows in` Barrie. Some mer- Ichants, he stated, claim that people ' will not pay the price asked for good [apples and for ~.that reason they [handle a poorer quality. This action was driving the trade to the Italians, who are experts in the fruit business }and who do handle good apples. While admitting that a certain amount of rubbish, as he called it, iistgrown in the Georgian Bay dis- `trict, Mr. Running stated that the year is the best in five seasons. quality is steadily improving and this \ Firs* P1:it'.z,e.% $22000-90`? \aI-all MAIL Y0UR*'Av1_VSW}5-`E5: TO-DA Y wins. the numhm-u -Iv`. n..- the maxnminu upriza `can win- two are id nt' 1 ' ' nd. can vnn? Tn In: an... 4!... 1: _l=c_'Lnd `gr? .1 a.Puzz1e Manager. ' l\n- muuuuu -_ _ __ uwnuuul u'Uln pzun. If UIOSB \Vh0 RPS? subject to indigestion, `bloating, gas sour stomach. belching. heartburn, etc.,| after eating would get a little pure Bi- j surzzted Magnesia (either powder or, tablets) from any reliable druggistv and take a te:-zspoonful of the powder or two of the tablets in a little wateri aft.'er meals. there vould be no further. necessity for drugs or medicines be-; cause the Bisurated Mlaxx sia instant.z 1y neutralizes stomach acid y, stops: food fermentation and thu insures- normal, painless digestion by ing` the stomach to hhlrannn "` 1' "T CFUES - - - '- ,,,_ ___--- .,- ....-.. um. us 111 L116 unmmlng ( both. Only two ks. carefully. thgn send` in you: nu in an:..-.... 4- ---'-- "iI'iW HI 961!!! 8100 $100 `$100 $100` 8100 810 ' ' . 11 TW . 0 ":::, 933. !::::::.` 5:: orV":` wow you earn the nal pqinls l'0Ii1'd\ W "i" her Cash Prizes. :e. upon examination you will see that others. In some the difference may be the in the brimming on the hat or the ar-rings. are exactly alike.- carefully. Pdstomce. . . ,_ , ___.:.._._....---. Never force the digestion of fer- -mentlng food from your stomach sim- ply to.get temporary relief from indi- gestion," says a well known authority. The habit of taking` di,:;'estive pills af- ter meals makes chronic dyspeptics of many thousands of men and women" because artificial ' digestents, drugs! and medicines have practically no in-' fluence upon the excessively acid con- dition of the stomach contents which is the cause of most forms of_ indiges- tion and dyspepsia. T [ n The after dinner pill merely lessens, the sonsitiveness of the stomach: nerves and thus gives a. false sense of e freedom from pain. If those a1'e5~ il1diE(`Stl0n.`hlnnHna- Gnu? L . 1. vv 11.1 l.U_lJbl4I!a UUUP` :Puzzle Manager, Room 207 ~ THE MAIL & EMPIRE. Toronto. I II-II, ovvtr IIIC lllCIlll.Uu.l, sure, the 18 pictures all look alike; ? There urn noln... .l:u' ..... -- n-- Yes, sii-, $5,000 in cash prizes may\ be won awarded "promptly golden `nnnnrhnfv Q0 nnn 1-1;-r nun-rr AWARD then your answer. Some- prize. Make that somebody" be rnuuusuu all IUUIL aunts; TlIei',eV-2;r;vother differences, too. duplicates. They are .Twins-can nn below, ll in your name and for the Big Fifat Prize. IOIIUOOIO-O... - 1 been offered in a. Mafl and 1 can ha 2 minnow "PI... .....:...-.. o[u--Ia--II--uu-`-cI--In--u:--n--u--5n---n--u--,1 I