1"of 8 ;o WIN _{L _ .. vv own: an: quvuuvx, `V1.19. la. \J.l_JU- 'A. J-u"de`s Argnlvez-teary and Thanks`- giving` aervlce were held on Sunday. Nov. 7. Rev. W`! G. G. Dryer of Tat- onto preaching at both .services., He! took for his text in the morning, Psalm ' ~ 407:1. 0hz3_1_ve thanks ,unto the Lord [A `for He is good, `for His mercy enduretha forever," a.l_ao, Psalm, _ 147: 14. He lleth =1 thee with -the: finest or the wheat; " in} mm w. u. nenry as chairman. . Thanksgiving visitors incl ded: Miss Edith Green of B rlington ith Mrs. is. Maiel: Miss Nel i_e Halbert of Novar at A.. Ha1bert s: .Mr.` and Mrs. Morris Martin of Toronto` at F. E. Webster's: .-Miss Wood '-and Miss Mayme Henry of . ._Beamsville with Mrs J. W. Her_1ry:__Mr. E .and_ Mrs. E.` Grey and Mrs.,. J. Smith of Barrie, and Mr. an , Mrs. George .Wilson of Alliston at Mrs J. R. G1-ey s;'.Miss Clarice McKenzie and Master Murray Hunter of Toronto at, A. McKenzie's; R. W."Stewa;rt' of Tor"- onto with his mother. Mrs. Alex. Stew-'-T .a.rt: Wes. Corbett of Toronto with his a `mother. Mrs." P. A. Banting':":Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart . of Toronto with Mrs. Alex. Stewart:-E and `Mrs. Anderson of Crossla ; at J. D. Stew`- grtfsi Harvey Spears? 1 Toronto .with as. -,+ `l'u.I`-.0... A._..:---._...'.___ -;. .1 you, ,' .. Spears; Milton` Of'Dell` `ot,.Pe't r- ~ hard it}; his mother, Mrs. E. O?Dell. , acuu LU. U16-~-W.A.. 11.01118 in Toronto. Mrs.. T. T, George. W.C.T.U. Field` Sec'y of London, who is canvassing the County of Simcoe during the pre- sent campaign, spoke in the United Church on Monday evening. The chair was ably taken by Jas, A. Jamieson. `Mrs. George spoke on the different phases of the present `day question and showed very vividly what it\will mean if Ontario `is put under government control. At the close of the meeting a campaign committee was appointed, with W. D. Henry chairman. vilfnv InnI11.Nn'- Ilium- us UB5 uuu J.V.l.I`8. lV18.S0n'. Owing to the serlousillness ot'Mrs. J. A. Lennox, her father. Rev. Chas. Simpson of Brampton, her sister, Mrs. Nell of Toronto, her son, _Dr. C. Len- nox of New Toronto, and her `daughter `Bessie of Richmond Hill were called to her bedside~Qn Friday. At the time of writing she has somewhat improved. Nurse Henry is in attendance. The November meeting of St..Jude s W.A. was held at Mrs.: W. A. Jamie- son's on the 3rd. Arrangements were made for the annual bazaar which will be advertised later. An order will `be sent to Toronto for 12 church calend- ars -such as are received every year- The jars of fruit have been packed to send to thel.W.A. Home in Toronto. Mrs...'l`_ '1`, man.-on nrnrn-r~r 1.m..1.: ' Uftlil-1Ullo ' V . 1. Trinity Ladies Aid met. at the home of Mrs. J. R. Jamieson on Wednesday afternoon. The treasurer was ordered to pay taxes and parsonageinsurance when due and other business of minor importance was transacted. At the close of the meeting _the hostess serv-. ed tea. assisted by her sister, Mrs. S. Gross and Mrs. Mason. nwiha fn ,\n un..I.......n1........ -3.-nu... 1 community extends its sympathy. I Rev. A. E. Lunau. Mrs. Lunau and I Madeline spent the Thanksgiving sea- son in Toronto. Mrs. Lunau remained in the city with her mother, Mrs. Ken- nedy, who is undergoing a. serious op- eration. ' ' 'I'VI.-.+.. 'r...u.....o .3; _.-_. A.` .. .` J-`ISUBIW. - ' Mr.- and Mrs. W. Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Richardson of Elmvale spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Scott. ` Rey. R. B. Beynon was called to Aurora on Mondayowing to the death. of his brother. To Mr. Beynon the community extends its sympathy. Lunau. Mrs. Tmman and ,............., ...~v. .u.. u. auu` llf. Deynon. The deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. 0 Dell who has been bereaved of her brother. William McKnight of Egngert. s . or-A 1\A ... `r 1-n-L-.._1_--. 7 - L1-`ILUIIIU. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Fry spent the holiday with Mrs. Ery s mother at Rockwood. ' Mrs. Crossley is In Toronto with her daughter, Mrs. Milligan, who has been seriously 111. Mr. Drew of Toronto is acting man- ager of the Royal Bank during the ab- sence .of Mr. Wig"le. . . . Rev. E. D.'Beyno'n and Mrs. Beynon of Detroit are `vlitlng Mr. Beynon's parents, Rev. R. B. and Mrs. Beynon. Th nnnnat uvrnnoirlnu L. ..-.A......:-.-I ~Miss Jean _Boake is visiting in _Stroud. ' - For report of "Get-Together-Day held here last week. see page'.7.` ' Mrs.,Jas. A. Jamieson spent Thanks. giving day with friends in, Orillia. ' Mrs. Mary Stewart spent last week with her son Burrows at Hockley. ` Miss Janet Campbell spent the holi- ~ day `in Bradford with Miss Marion Ritchie. `Ila and `It..- vvv vv -- - -- w. . ` `_ "" VF THORNTON Nov. 9.--A few of the holiday visitors were: Miss nnie Harrison of Toron-I to at M. Co ghlin's; Thos. Riley andl family of Toronto with his brother.. Jos. Riley: Thos. Culford and family `of Toronto at Ed. Wilson's.` M M. Coughlln visited friends in Mid-I -: -` .Lul.US oz me county. Churchill Junior! Institute donated a. handsome ttedi sewing basket for the "high gir" in: the Home Planning and Furnishing[ class. This` was won by Miss Marion! Cerswell of Bond Head. A beautiful engraved silver bread tray given by Bond Head Jr. Institute for the Nutri- tion class was won` by Miss Agnes Todd of Churchill; and the silk um-1 brella. given for the good dressing class 5 by Thornton Junior Institute went to Miss Gilmore of Everett. Two Thorn-, ton boys who took part in the competi- ! tion and won cash prizes were Huberti McKenzie and Everai Patton; There; were 29 girls and 35 boys competing. -For interview and terms, apply at 32 Ross St. : BARR:lEV : Phone 249 \.....__._.__.--y[ \ Thorntonians Get Prizes At the South `Simcoe judging com- petition held at Bond Head on Wed- nesday, Nov. 3, for Junior Women's] Institutes and Junior Farmers. the trip to Chicago, prize for high girl" was Won by Miss Genevieve Jamieson of this village. The $50 for this trip as donated by-Ear} iRowe.'M.P., and ome of the Junior and Senior Insti- .tutes of the county. Churchill Junior donated a hannnrnn n++..a: theevening, 1 Thess. 5:18., In every- thing give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." From these texts he preached two eloquent sermons. The speaker concluded [his evening discourse by an earnest appeal to voters to sustain the existing laws regarding prohibition. The choir was `assisted by Miss Maude Claxton of Barrie, Mrs. N. Thompson, Mrs. S. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. W.Smith. t"..Henry and _M. Lowrie. The church the evening about a score c were unable to gain entrance. u-an aauu:uG;_VV IIBUII V i Cont!`-altq Vocalist, Entertainer and ; . Elocutioriist Singing, Speaking, Public Oratory and Dramatic Expression. .I. nnun 1. ; V ULUE PRODUCTION and SINGING (all examinations). ALSO ___ _ __ _ _u- -u u Z I Organiavtv and Choit-master`-T Collier Street United Church A11 grades of ORGAN, PIANO and ` THEORY: VOICE PRODUCTION and SINGINr: (all m.-......a....u......\ . OPEN '9 TO 6 . Evenings V by appointment Bank of` Toronto Building Oynn Strgfet : Phone 279` . ` BARBIE, ON'_l,'. ` _ ri.ir- Cutting .54 1'.nu;'ing,` Mufcclling, -. Wfter Wdvilig; avast: Invlluusg ' . V`! TIUI VV-+III" '_ Shampooingg Mauicqring __F_'.cinl aid ScIp Trentmoigh Horace Wilson? _A.R.C.O.- I.aVelma Beauty Shoppe . -For Lgdies Who Care Cos}/u3Tf1c1A'%N'% .uu.u1 Ly; 111 of people 3 as possible 5 during I - V - - w w Q o V V V V IUD 3: vval II] lly IUVIIIVUQUWV `Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett bf B"amsV-3 v1lle.~ Mr. andAMr_s. J. C, Sincla '_',oTf Collingwood, ; Miss .McEachern r and Mk: 'pn1\;nnnn Iv? Hui`-nunnw drinnf 1-`In : _ _---J -v---u- K nuxg % R.ev._J. s; Shor'tt,- M.A., Minister a; `ll!4l-un....I '3--3.. `ll'.._ 15.. can can 4. -- 1` Edmund Hardy, Mus. Bac., F.'1`.C.M. `A ,4 Organist and Choirmaster V ' Sunday, November 14, 1928 11 ~a.m`.--W.M.S. Thankoffering. `; ' Speaker`: Rev. F. G. Vese_y of "* ~ _ Korea. I ` 7 p.m.---Rev. D. G.` Hill of `Allan- ~ .d_a1e- % ' _ `Sunday School at '3 p.m. - Prayer. Meeting , Wed., 8 pan. * WELCOME - g+-, '___,, 11 a.m. Q 7 -p.m.-Pub}ic Worship. 3 p.m.---Church School. Music Selectd. ` Central United Church Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden, Minister % Harry Barron, Choirleader * Mrs. E. Richardson, Organist ` Sunday, November 14, 1926. 11 am. and 7 p.m.-The Minister. I Morning Anthem: What Are These? .. (Stainer) Solo--Selected . . Mrs. E. Wilson Evening/V Anthem : Praise Ye the Lord (Adamson) SoIo--Se1ected. , L__+ , -v- as Lvvv uuys la-st W Mrs. J. Breathwaite is month with her daughte Jones, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Binni ily were week-end visitc home of Geo. Miles, Allandz Mr. and Mrs. F. Cole 4 with friends in Barrie for {land for a few `1u'.... v - Rev. J. Joi1.nvs-tonve Black, B.A.,B.D. Minister. Horace Wilson, A.R.C.0. Organist and Choirleader. 3 and Adult Class. 7 p.m.- I`he Tenacity of Evil Habits. ` ALL WELCOME s.._;_2- UUIIIIISWUUU, 171133 .gLVlU{.`JIClll'Il- tutu I `Miss >Robi__n_sonmof `Stayner [sp er_1t the, .14: I Miss V 11` Sunday, ,__,, _--.v.--was A-I, SUED- ll a.m.--Some Prerequisites to` .. Soul-Winning. 3...... `D."L'|- nu - - `-` I 'ours _ ..__-- -wruot sauulcll _Rev. E. J. Whan, Pastor. Mrs. Edith Rowe, Organist. SR Mrwnrnf GI-.;.1..a.. IVLAI - Sunday, November 14, 1926. ,, ,,. an... n ' .n. murenuu, rats an. ' Geo.` Whitney was a'visitor in C01- Jingwood over the .vho'1idey `end at-`- -tended -the memorial service `on be- .half of the S.'O;E;..;xA splendid zat-. ytendance was given by all}. societies; `Ir. -_._1 it--- 'n-_.n-;.; L1 !5".`.."_... 2 _ .. cnnnuvll uuufc Sunday, November 14, -1926, .. ..... Tstor YOU'A'RE WELCOME __. ..u.nn xuuwc, Urganlst. Margaret Sinclair, Choirleader \ x I Mrisic by Local Choir. ALL WELCOME.` -_-.. _. an wuultui or of Danforth United Church, Toronto. -Rev. J. QC` - days last week. QVfhf[7O`Ct\ 3- J-'<|~lr'B~ U55: KJUUUUIV Mr. and Mrs. _`-Tas!-M. `Seniors;-" andI Mrs. Janet Seagsrs, -Hamil%o'nh,*__an.d Miss `Margaret Marshall, Toronto, "spent ,over the week-end with Mrs. R. Marshall, -Park St. " ` - _A!\ `HQ; 1: ....uvva.u.t! IS spending a. 1er daughter, Mrs. L. n. . Binnie and fam- k-end visitors at the mes, Allandale. 3. are visiting a. few days. j '. .13 14, 1926. Page Thipteoi ` J. Coulter Snending 81'. NI?!-n 1 uuxuuu cu. - ' ' Z `IO-`tux . Mr. and Mrs. '1`..W. Horn and son Jimmy of Toronto, and T.`..W. Horn Jr., of Guel h,` spent. the week-an with Mrs. orn s, parents, Mrgjand Mrs. Jas. Cooper. . _ , Q uni` "nun `inn. do 44 uru. 9 In Mrs. Durxcari F."McCi1.8iE win re- ceive, for. the first"tim. since her; marriage, on Friday a\fterno`on, Now; :19, from 3.30 toA'6A oTc'1ak,`:at. 69" Mc-.. Donald` St. `- "" ' ` 4'5_-46: M- .....lll.... "us m u'..._. _;..1 ..-... w1\lfi:.:' Doris Philbrook,' Lioutenant an the 63rd Company got the. - Girl Guides. Toronto, "spent Thanksgiving with Mr.. and Mrs. Jas. Coopey. San`-V jford St. `II..- I\....-_.. '-n'~1r-n_ __2.. _.:u _.'_- ll DU imes, ` JVI. U11 : Miss Margaret Simpson, A who has; been` visiting` her niece, Mrs. T. S. Hounsome, for the last two months, returnejd or{ Wednesday `to *Fh:iLa- delphia. . 1 `M :..... *n....:.. l)L.'1I...-_I- ~1':-..;-..-_;. -_--`:I`};`' 3:` -'1", Y. :".V'"`f`J llisuug _ . of M3: iIg_l/`.'g`3P"`3t1;t9&`8 at the home rgagt. Howell ndaI1'\I1i';sgle\{;:-e:1:B at 1'1 ' V T1 81` Mugif.` 'Ivs Ruth Carnahamand Ross -...--_ vvr v_ ecu ovocl-`II \JI - -IJILVII F311; 0} "'A. -`B. C.a;1.'ley s grand- sons and granddaughter of Toronto` spent the` w_eek-end with `him; return`- ing to the city 9n Monday night. 5 5: "`Hnn]rahr3nn- win-nun `nvlv I-Ln `luuwrn aucuu >:n.,., uver one ween:-enu. , Misses Rhoda and `Isabel Bird -o_f Toronto and Miss C. M. Bird of Oak- ville spent the holiday with th_eir_ par- ents, Capt._ and Mrs. E. G..Bird. `l,1____ -3 ' A uuuaua -sung, ruyncz DU. ,\ ' ,M-iss Marion Partridge was the eiocutionist at the` Thanksgiving con- wcert` given in Beech Ave. United Church, Toronto, on Nov. 5. ` ` - W. G. Blain. of -Philadelphia. and Miss Kathleen Blain of Toronto vis- ibed their brother, T." W. Blain, Eliz-` abeth St., over the week-end. ' mdl aunt` `Tn-10:-` D -J -` 4-x. vv. ouuI,n.~. I fr ' V _ j Mr.` and Mrs. Wendell Graham of` Shanty-eBay are in town for the win- ter, having taken the"-home of the Misses -King, Poyntz St. Mic: Mnznll Du w`n3A:uau uuIa\- LL`. ,home of his parents, Mn. and Mrs. ucfiartotljimgaith of. tho Unifrefity ofl `Toronto spent the week-end "at the A. W. Smith.~. II..- .....!'It.._' 1l7-;.._I_'lI An;-n ` - uu I ua1'1'l\=. ' . . V . I - A. Jory and son` and Mr. and.Mrs. J; Jory and ,daug'hter,spent Sundzg `with the latter s sisten, Mrs. A R. . Lee, Orillia. . ' 'l.Im.-lA u...:u.. ...c 4.1.- `Iv__-.....'_u-. ,- JUlUll|IUo "Wm." Rich recently resigned -his place on the Provincial police staff at Sp. Catharines and'has returned ` to `Barrie. ? T-.... ..._.I __-,4` ----` `l " ' V I0! loll hart, II... Mrs. Crossley has returned from a. threemonths visit with relatives and friends and willspend theiwinter in` Toronto. ' * .'n1..."n_--1. _,-,,,n ' -` - -- ,-as-sq-.:v-u V4. 50 all JVLL59 LVQ 1'1-I F1108. Miss Jean Cowan and Miss Heln Allen of Toronto spent the` holiday" `with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. CoWan./ Mrs. Owens, Sr., of Donald S,t., Heft last week for a visit with her daughter, Mrs.-Robt. Smith, Bramp-_. Jton. . .WUllo ` .Mr. and Mrs; W. J. Pach and Miss Gladys Peach of _ _ ood are visitifzg Mr. `and Mrs. B-. W. Rhine- Iinrt, - uuug If. mus. Walter awmgle of Montreal. I Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Price and daughter of Welland were holiday! guests of "Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Price. I INS...-.. 1...... l'7----- --A J "" " -auu IVLl.'o D. U. 1"08Uel'._ . Miss Rose Cameron, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with `her brother, Angus Cameron, Guthrie`. - ` Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cave of` Toron- to =-visited Mr. and Mrs; Bruce `Thompson-over the holiday. Mrs. Lavina .I-Iarb,` Worsley St., `visited over the,` -holiday"with -friends ' in Collingwood and Stayner. : Mrs. S. Devlin and` daughter, Dor- othy, of Uptergrove, have returned home after a holiday in town. 'M1', and MPH `macaw- -'- parents, .Mr., and Mrs. A. Carson. Mrs. Clarence Lawrence 13 _on an extended went `to -her slster-m-l-aw, Mrs. Walter Swingle of Montreal. M1`, nnrl Mun A`nIr .a:.;.. _-.'l nome tuner a noliday in town. V `Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Free]: have re- turned home after spending two weeks with friends in Toronto. . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Emma are spending the, winter with their daughter, Mrs. R; G. Lee, Orillia. 'lI:.... YI73_...!,_,J N --I aua_y yvwu nun pul.'Il`l.:S In 1Vl.EI'y D`. _ `Harry Carson-of Toronto was a iioliday visitor at the home of -his parents, Mr.` and Mrs. A. Carson.` ` MYH n`D'l'nV\lI13 Tmslivununna -'~ Am -- :n`~u, mo` ' "V S i_r'1-r;iui"r:r'l grnith Phas, rett'u'n-V ved t Toront after spending the hol-' iday with he parents in Mary St. v. `I-Iarrv ('.m~nnn-n-F Tnrnnfn nu... .. onto St.` on Sunday.. Miss _argaret Wallace of the Tor- onto'Normal Sch ol spent the holi- day `with. her paregs. 1-Tarn: Dal-ussu-5 -1 m....-_L- ---~ `an; vr.wI_A~ ucl; putlfb. Harry Roberts of Toronto spent `Thanksgiving with his parents,` Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roberts. `~nnb I`...-.l.....' -3` ll!-~A--Lr au uuumgwooa. 7 ' F`rank- Creswicke of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs. A E. H. Creswicke. ` `Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pratt of Toron-I to visitd Mryanda Mrs. L. Pratt, Tor- onto St.` Sunday. in: nu-an`u .-L 117-1]--- -1 1.1.. no... -vuuu xuran do Thanksgiving " wit :31)?` _ Ann W. O ' Frank . Fosteg` Mrs. S. C.nFost g.__` Dans. 4 V of T01-_onto spent h his parents, Mr... an U W ulv 5.- Elmer Sherman of Toronto spent the holiday with-Miss Irene M. Pratt. of Toronto St.` ' .' J Mr. -and Mrs.- Pulford, Bradford St., . spent Thanksgiving with friends in Collingwood. mgnbu ('`_-...'..{..l... .9. 7"----4* IJOIDOIIIO. , ' ' V '. Mr. and. Mrs, Thos. ~Ai_kins and Harry` Glougheyd spent Thanksgiving at Utterson. . _ , 1ur.,and Mrs. v. `Cottrill of Port Elgin were holiday .vi`sito1-s at Alex. BrownIee s.. . 'Im......... c-|.-.....--- 0 - -oauuua-,y. . _' M .J.'A.~.-H` i .` --- and ,r1: Irs. Josepl:rrR? garv1!issmirr`F ppffg Colborne. `II- _...I I}..- run, . . .. . #7555. D. dM .G d%` '*-." withr andr%Hrs.Q`rWor:. :%::1]lllliee `:5; son 1 "A ,`J.`-....!.. ._`__9 .o.o- -- vaau: us zuugauuu 311.0 .- Miss Marie McKnight of: Toronto -was. with her parents over Sunday. M Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mart of Lindsay spent; the week-end in town". G. Leslie MacLaren;o "Ottawa i'shj` 3 visitinghis brother, `J. A. MacLaren. Miss Edith A._Ellis left on `Wed. gesgay for 9. short visijc m`\Loclmood, as . ' M: w ' 111-;e George pm `home for the"-7'hbliddy'. Sidney Tooke of" %4Torom;._% `home for the. 'week_-`-end. Miss Helen. Pa1ling`7j.-Zgg`. go `visit in Kin st" ` d` L * , ` Miss Marisa %1c`l(a:ioH?hE W:1'.;a.L._L_ rm ~ %. - mm%&$x$$!$&%%&ws 4. ..> x z<>x>x<>x<>x>x<% .-xoxa xi%>xoxAx;A.x;.;;g wwwwww. raw vnvxiwu PERSONAL . . .\ Manama. gv.-.v. .`v..w..v... |. THURSDVAY, NOVEMBER 1'12'6 A I W11! IOCBIVB Wlsflinz 1181'. 43-453 Last Saturday Miss Glsdys\.'Walls,. whose marria e takes place shortly, was presente .by the `staff of The Examiner with a handsome mahog- any "mantel clock. `Miss ~Walls left on Manda to_ spend a couple of weeks sue oronto and Hamilton. . Miss` "Carmen" Gordon` entertained E and 5C0 WUUR3 `$1.1 LUIUJIIOU 91] l1IILIlIl).:Ullo Miss Carmen Gordon` entertained two Msiaasmates from Mhcdonald` `In- stitute; over the week-end, Miss Mab- of ,Brky'1lfeV and Miss .Kanamori,_ Nagasaki; Japan: Miss Kanamori is taking :1 course In-Domestip Science ahdretu rns to Japan to teach in the .Y.WQ,A; ; GI VI I. Ul'UII|IUv .`Mra. Thomas Ronald Coulter `(nee Rita M. Hood) will .rece1v`e.for the first time sincerher marriage on Fri-- day,' November` 19. at` 67 High St., from three to `six ? o'clock. Mrs. William Coulter and Mrs. John "Hood will receive wilthzher. V 45-46:: -' nn& antnunincv Ilhm fling`-_ .v _11.. ' Winlo, Miss . Longman, ' Miss Laura holiday at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. A. wsinclair. T ' ; . ~' `Thanksgiving guestsfj of "Mr; -;and. Mrs, E. Longman `were: Mus Olive; Deiupis, Mr. and Mrs.- Grant Long- man; `J; _D."`Campbell and L.'- Davidge, all of-.=Toron`to. `- 4 ` V - 3 'u....- nu.-....-..` u....-.1.a 5:-n_-Lu.-_. ':_-_ . . AHami|ton--`B,3_vvn . ' On. Wednesday -afternoon, Novem- ber: 3. St. P_aul s United Church. Or- mm, was the` scene of a, wedding when ' the pastor, Rev. W. E. Pescott. _B.A.. lowing talent. with Arthur Green siding: Addresses by Rev. A. D. Cou- sun; ruuvnvu wuppur ' The 321st anniversary of the'_dicov- ery of the Gun Powder, Plot was: fit- tingly celebrated by the. members and friends of L.0.L."No.` 605. Craigv'aile;. last Friday evening, when a very en- Joyable oyster supper_ and, entertain- ment was held. After full justice had been done- to the deliciously cooked oysters `and other :good eatablesga choice program was given by the fol- pre- sins, and Rev. Jas. Brown. also Samuelx Reynolds, W.M. 605: readings by Irv. MacLachlan. Miss Mary Reid and Sam Houghton, stepdancing and Charleston by Kenneth Jack, and Geo. Mulhol- land: solos by Geo. Brown. Mr. Arm- strong. Eldon Wice and Irv. McLa.ch- lan; instrumental music by Fred Bir- nie. Wm. Pratt and Miss E. Pratt and John Jacks; several selections from the orchesta composed of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacks, Geo. .Mulhol1and. Arnold Reid and Kenneth Jacks. God Save the King" brought a. very pleasant ev- ening to a close. The committee in { charge are to -be heartily. congratulated I on'the success of the event. IIUI C onto `A nun I v vuuuia. _A largely attended ="1`h`a.nksgivi_ng service was held in the `United Church` last Sunday evening when Revwgalas. Brown took for his text II Cot" .16. .At the closeof the service, e'or'dina- tion took place of three", tiers, Alex. McDonald,. Wniyf - rid" J. S. Wice; . ` `-7"` '. cum; LAIIAA-u -ol -$l'd."'r..__ 1.. --._._...__' Nov. 10-- Wedding bells are ringing merrily. A ~ ` '- Mrs. John Pratt sustained two bro_k. en ribs and other painful injuries when she fell, down cellar last Friday evening. V ,. : ._ I A `Rl9'A`1I nffnnrhi - "I`I'\&v1I:ncvCIrIna 3 smoun. % xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx gawxmwwwmmxwwmxg es: Seethtantd t-billist for detail of Bargains `and visit the store V as often thfs - stirring: Sale t ` . `sngxs; um-zsscoobs, 1=LANNELE1*11-:,LINENs, COTTON N . MMILLINERY, BOYS AND MEN S CLOTHING ALL ON SALE AT SACRIFICE PRICES F0 ! Giay Fawk` .8uper `)1 -4' nnnlv-Anna`.-u Al LL- lp?vAe `great many egent h.a.ve been cominz around of late: many of them. not acceptable and not. necessp.ry.- `Q "Di-ad-+`1nm.r M nn......c...... .... :_-_.. mlvv u-vvvpw-._-.uxw uuu uu|..uUuuBu.l'ya` .` s. `Pratt at _M1nes_ing .o n bus- iness last week. = ` . M um winter.` _ | Thg "tax collector. Mr. -Brown, `has been `making hisVannua.1* visit at every h9;ne- ~ dung` unnbuuu- a....-._;I..1 I___-- I, V V Iwvvln uyuuv -vn uuv uuuucluyo ` Robrt `ma Kenneth Cafmeron or Os- goode,,'Hall,"1`or6g1to, were hbme tor Thanksgiving`. Mr, `KAI-naval? n-nni. fdwvuliup n..._..:- 1. llillS_H1Vlllo Mr. Kenwell an family `of `Barrie have. moved to M . Br1tta.ln's hous. Mr. Brittain havln` the winter. '-Gav ` an-dInn6'n_ g gone to t_'o_wn for_ IA - 'I..-_.__ I, . NOV.` _u-;-;x\q.rs.1\1c_CausIand and Mrs. cCo`nkqy`.g' _ _`v'1`o,ronto have been. visit-, lng'_.Mr._a, *7 Mrs. `Shaw last week. M1... nh. m..`..;..... ..a -._-._L-' I. _ _-` .-. I--- u .'I`an_Q. son as uanluu vv IGIDI. 1V U550 Miss Rufh) Forbes of Toronto hos" been home -`for the holidays. ` 13..L..".4 '-...`.1 ~rr...._-u. n-_L.____-,, ,- - .Du.u.`1e. . I A Our` remembrance of you. Doctor Rogers, will always "be kindly. In your profesioxial capacity you were ,cheer- ful, elpful and sympathetic; `in our community life, always ready and eager to do and give or your best.` You_ entered into all our sports and pastimes, ever showing a fair and sportsmanlike spirit. In all these things -we will miss you greatly and yyour place will be hard to fill, To give our appreciation of you a. more tang- r ible form. we would ask `you to accept this electric t or lamp and smoker set. and we h pe that they may help * -to recall to you both, very pleasant memories or your:-lfqiends in Stroud. . " --.-From-.,the;Con:mu`n4ity pttroua 'yDr. and '*"_Mrs. Rogers `both ex-r " 'r._de epi .'8`.!atitu`de' "tor the pressed. tliei . kind .wiqhes which`: had been tendered .- to; .'theni and; also >for' the" hapdsome . gifts, _1`.he "ladies then. ~ as usual.~l iii" 3'their.part.>`lby serving en- joyalplexn-_ lrLe}1rz1:_ents_._ anti "-coffee. rf ; NV5 Meajlgand and` Mrs. cGdnkd!'i:;bf7Torontn I-mun hnnn urine-L- Luwulg an-areas: _ . `To Dr.- and Mrs. Rogers: Dear Friends. we have met herethis even-- ing forrthe purpose of expressing to you .-our sincere regret that you have `seen fit to leave this community, and lalso the great pleasure we have in conveying to you our best wishes for your future life. in your new home in Barrie. . nil!` an-.nu..I_......_- -1 -. cu vvvuu r I UDUIIICIIQW A large and representative gathering of_the people of Stroud `and vicinity met in` the community hall lat Thurs- day evening in honor of Dr. and -Mrs. Rogers; who have recently moved to ` Barrie. Angus Warnica acted as chair- rrian, Short informal speeches from. many- oi. -the gentlemen present` all expressed hearty appreciation of Dr. ` and Mrs. Rogers. during their 15 years spent in Stroud, and also the hope that the friendships _which had been formed would not be\entirel,v severed. `The `speeches were interspersed with several comical graphophone pieces al- so several well rendered vocal selec- tions from a male quartette, composed of D. Barclay, Wm. Reid. Irv. Robert- son and R. Boyes. Arthur Green and Miss H. Orchard gave readings which were well received. The chairman then asked Dr. and Mrs. Rogers `(/0 theplat-, .form when Arthur Green read the 101- " lowing a'd-dress: "l`n `hr and mu... 1: .... ...' -n--L- ` . throughout D.D.. united in marriage Bertha L., daughter of Rev! James Brown. Stroudv, to Robert J. Hamilton. of Hornin s Mills, son of the lat` Mr. and Mrs. S ewart Hamilton. of ornings Mills. The church and altar were pret- ti1y' decorated,.; with autumn foliage. ferns and bronze chrysanthemums. To the strains of Mendelssohn s Wedding . - March, playedwby Miss Gertrude Lam- bert, "Orillia, wwho also .played softly . thexentire service. the bride entered the church-on-`the arm of her- tather, She was gowned in peach gear- gette with black picture hat and car- ried Sunburst roses and lily-of-.the- valley.` Miss Cora Newton. 01 Orillia, ' assisted the f bride. wearing ` orchid ggeorgette with~biack' picture hat and -carried ,.Butterul_y roses `and orchids. The bridegroom was _assisted by Mr. ' Russell Madill, of Toronto. the ushers being Mr....:Frank Brown of Orillia and there of the-. bride. -,Du ring the signing of the register Mrs. W. G. Clark. Or- illia. sang, Mr. .and Mrs. Hamilton left .by.m'otor for Toronto, Montreal and points east. thegpride traveling in rust satin crepe d1:ess..with -sand trim- Amings, V} rust needlepoint coat with sable ytrimmings and velour hat to ;ma_tch. On their return, they will `reside fat -Horning_s.`Mills.- ' ' ' of- (Mr. Fred. Brown or-..Co/ldwater. bro- .; 1 Farewell Presetgtiqn .... .._.1 _.-..___.L.-, - mi-I1-:_ BARRIE` a`x1_uu'_u`u:n '